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book jacket
Jesus beyond Christianity : the classic texts / edited by Gregory A. Barker, Stephen E. Gregg.

xvii, 302 p. ;
ISBN/ISSN: 9780199553457 (hbk.)

book jacket
Sources of Indian tradition.

2 v. :
ISBN/ISSN: 0231066503 (v. 1)

book jacket
The new era; or, The coming kingdom, by Rev. Josiah Strong.
Strong, Josiah,
v-xx, 374 pages ;
ISBN/ISSN: 0882710117

book jacket
Keshub Chunder Sen : a search for cultural synthesis / Meredith Borthwick.
Borthwick, Meredith.
ix, 243 p. ;
ISBN/ISSN: 0883869047

The life and teachings of Keshub Chunder Sen.
Mozoomdar, P. C.
xvi, 359 p.

Biographical essays, by F. Max Müller.
Müller, F. Max
3 p. l., 282 p.

book jacket
Modern Hindu thought : the essential texts / Arvind Sharma.
Sharma, Arvind.
383 pages ;
ISBN/ISSN: 0195653157

The Hindu tradition / edited by Ainslie T. Embree.

xv, 363 pages ;

book jacket
Anormaux. English
Foucault, Michel,
xxvi, 374 pages ;
ISBN/ISSN: 0312203349
Expert psychiatric opinion in penal cases -- What kind of discourse is the discourse of expert psychiatric opinion? -- Discourses of truth and discourses that make one laugh -- Legal proof in eighteenth-century criminal law -- The reformers -- The principle of profound conviction -- Extenuating circumstances -- The relationship between truth and justice -- The grotesque in the mechanism of power -- The psychological-moral double of the offense -- Expert opinion shows how the individual already resembles his crime before he has committed it -- The emergence of the power of normalization -- Madness and crime -- Perversity and puerility -- The dangerous individual -- The psychiatric expert can only have the character of Ubu -- The epistemological level of psychiatry and its regression in expert medico-legal opinion -- End of the antagonistic relationship between medical power and judicial power -- Expert opinion and abnormal individuals (les anormaux) -- Criticism of the notion of repression -- Exclusion of lepers and inclusion of plague victims -- Invention of positive technologies of power -- The normal and the pathological -- Three figures that constitute the domain of abnormality: the human monster, the individual to be corrected, the masturbating child -- The sexual monster brings together the monstrous individual and the sexual deviant -- Historical review of the three figures -- Reversal of their historical importance -- Sacred embryology and the juridico-biological theory of the monster -- Siamese twins -- Hermaphrodites: minor cases -- The Marie Lemarcis case -- The Anne Grandjean case -- The moral monster -- Crime in classical law -- The spectacle of public torture and execution (la supplice) -- Transformation of the mechanisms of power -- Disappearance of the ritual expenditure of punitive power -- The pathological nature of criminality -- The political monster: Louis XVI and Marie-Antoinette -- The monster in Jacobin literature (the tyrant) and anti-Jacobin literature (the rebellious people) -- Incest and cannibalism -- 5 February 1975 In the land of the orges -- Transition from the monster to the abnormal (l'anormal) -- The three great founding monsters of criminal psychiatry -- Medical power and judicial power with regard to the notion of the absence of interest -- The institutionalization of psychiatry as a specialized branch of public hygiene and a particular domain of social protection -- Codification of madness as social danger -- The motiveless crime (crime sans raison) and the tests of the enthronement of psychiatry -- The Henriette Cornier case -- The discovery of the instincts -- Instinct as grid of intelligibility of motiveless crime and of crime that cannot be punished -- Extension of psychiatric knowledge and power on the basis of the problematization of instinct -- The 1838 law and the role claimed by psychiatry in public security -- Psychiatry and administrative regulation, the demand for psychiatry by the family, and the constitution of a psychiatric-political discrimination between individuals -- The voluntary-involuntary axis, the instinctive and the automatic -- The explosion of the symptomatological field -- Psychiatry becomes science and technique of abnormal individuals -- The abnormal: a huge domain of intervention -- The problem of sexuality runs through the field of abnormality -- The old Christian rituals of confession -- From the confession according to a tariff to the sacrament of penance -- Development of the pastoral -- Louis Habert's Pratique du sacrament de penitence and Charles Borromee's (Carlo Borromeo) Instructions aux confesseurs -- From the confession to spiritual direction -- The double discursive filter of life in the confession -- Confession after the Council of Trent -- The sixth commandment: models of questioning according to Pierre Milhard and Louis Habert -- Appearance of the body of pleasure and desire in penitential and spiritual practices -- A new procedure of examination: the body discredited as flesh and the body blamed through the flesh -- Spiritual direction, the development of Catholic mysticism, and the phenomenon of possession -- Distinction between possession and witchcraft -- The possessions of Loudon -- Convulsion as the plastic and visible form of the struggle in the body of the possessed -- The problem of the possessed and their convulsions does not belong to the history of illness -- The anti-convulsives: stylistic modulation of the confession and spiritual direction; appeal to medicine; recourse to disciplinary and educational systems of the seventeenth century -- Convulsion as neurological model of mental illness -- 5 March 1975 The problem of masturbation between the Christian discourse of the flesh and sexual psychopathology -- Three forms of the somatization of masturbation -- The pathological responsibility of childhood -- Prepubescent masturbation and adult seduction; the offense comes from outside -- A new organization of family space and control: the elimination of intermediaries and the direct application of the parent's body to the child's body -- Cultural involution of the family -- The medicalization of the new family and the child's confession to the doctor, heir to the Christian techniques of the confession -- The medical persecution of childhood by means of the restraint of masturbation -- The constitution of the cellular family that takes responsibility for the body and life of the child -- Natural education and State education -- What makes the psychoanalytic theory of incest acceptable to the bourgeois family (danger comes from the child's desire) -- Normalization of the urban proletariat and the optimal distribution of the working-class family (danger comes from fathers and brothers) -- Two theories of incest -- The antecedents of the abnormal: psychiatric-judicial mesh and psychiatric-familial mesh -- The problematic of sexuality and the analysis of its irregularities -- The twin theory of instinct and sexuality as epistemologico-political task of psychiatry -- The origins of sexual psychopathology (Heinrich Kaan) -- Etiology of madness on the basis of the history of the sexual instinct and imagination -- The case of the soldier Bertrand -- A mixed figure: the monster, the masturbator, and the individual who cannot be integrated within the normative system of education -- The Charles Jouy case and a family plugged into the new system of control and power -- Childhood as the historical condition of the generalization of psychiatric knowledge and power -- Psychiatrization of infantilism and constitution of a science of normal and abnormal conduct -- The major theoretical constructions of psychiatry in the second half of the nineteenth century -- Psychiatry and racism: psychiatry and social defense.

book jacket
Courage de la vérité : cours au Collège de France, 1983-1984. English
Foucault, Michel,
xvi, 364 p. ;
ISBN/ISSN: 9781403986689 (hardback)

book jacket
The economics book : from Xenophon to cryptocurrency, 250 milestones in the history of economics / S
Medema, Steven G.,
528 pages :
ISBN/ISSN: 9781454930082
C. 700 bce Hesiod's Work and Days -- C. 530 BCE Pythagoras and Ordering Society -- C. 380 bce Plato, Aristotle, and the Golden Mean -- C. 370 bck Xenophon's Oeconomicus -- C. 340 bck Justice in Exchange -- C. 1100 Scholasticism -- 1265 The Just Price -- 1265 Aquinas on Usury -- C. 1360 Debasement and Oresme's De Moneta -- 1377 Ibn Khaldun's AI-Muqaddimah -- 1517 The Protestant Reformation -- 1539 Mercantile Policies -- 1544 The School of Salamanca -- 1558 Gresham's Law -- 1568 The Quantity Theory of Money -- 1620 Empiricism and Science -- 1621 The Balance-of-Trade Controversy -- 1636 Tulipmania -- 1651 Hobbes's Leviathan -- 1662 Rent and the Theory of Surplus -- 1662 The Equalization of Returns -- C. 1665 The Invention of Calculus -- 1668 The Velocity of Money -- 1690 Locke's Theory of Property -- 1695 Laissez-Faire -- 1705 John Law and Paper Money -- 1705 Mandeville's Fable of the Bees -- 1717 The Gold Standard -- 1718 The Scottish Enlightenment -- 1738 Bernoulli on Expected Utility -- 1751 Galiani's Delia Moneta -- 1752 The Price-Specie Flow Mechanism -- 1755 Cantillon's Essay on the Nature of Trade -- 1755 Rousseau's "Political Economy" -- 1756 The Physiocrats -- 1758 The Tableau Economique -- 1760 The Industrial Revolution -- 1766 Turgot's Reflections -- 1767 Supply and Demand -- 1776 Smith's Wealth of Nations -- 1776 The Division of Labor -- 1776 The Competitive Process -- 1776 The Invisible Hand -- 1776 Productive and Unproductive Labor -- 1789 Utilitarianism -- C. 1790 Classical Political Economy -- 1798 The Malthusian Population Theory -- 1802 Thornton's Paper Credit -- 1803 Say's Law -- 1804 Underconsumption -- 1810 The Bullionist Controversy -- 1813 Utopian Socialism -- 1815 Diminishing Returns -- 1815 The Stationary State -- 1816 Conversations on Political Economy -- 1817 The Machinery Question -- 1817 Ricardo's Principles of Political Economy and Taxation -- 1817 The Theory of Comparative Advantage -- 1820 The Law of Demand -- 1821 The Political Economy Club -- 1821 The Labor Theory of Value -- 1826 Thunen's Isolated State -- 1830 The French Engineering Tradition -- 1832 Illustrations of Political Economy -- 1836 The Abstinence Theory of Interest -- 1836 Homo Economicus -- 1836 The Positive-Normative Distinction -- 1838 Cournot's Researches -- 1843 The German Historical School -- 1844 Consumer Surplus -- 1848 The Communist Manifesto -- 1848 Mill's Principles of Political Economy -- 1849 The Dismal Science -- 1854 Gossen's Two Laws -- 1857 The Falling Rate of Profit -- 1862 The Iron Law of Wages -- 1863 Index Numbers -- 1866 The Wages Fund Controversy -- 1867 Marx's Das Kapital -- 1867 The Labor Theory of Value and the Theory of Exploitation -- 1867 The Theory of Crisis -- 1871 The Marginal Revolution -- 1871 Jevons's Theory of Political Economy -- 1871 Menger's Principles of Economics -- 1871 The Austrian School -- 1874 Walras's Elements of Pure Economics -- 1879 The Single Tax -- 1881 Edgeworth's Mathematical Psychics -- 1883 La Scienza della Finanze -- 1883 The Bertrand Model -- 1883 The Methodenstreit -- 1884 Lectures on the Industrial Revolution -- 1884 Fabian Socialism -- 1884 Bohm-Bawerk's Capital and Interest -- 1885 The Professionalization of Economics -- 1886 Economics Journals -- 1889 Opportunity Cost -- 1890 Marshall's Principles of Economics -- 1890 The Demand-Supply Model212 -- 1890 Ceteris Paribus -- 1890 Elasticity -- 1890 The Time Horizon -- 1890 Antitrust Laws -- 1893 Ordinal Utility -- 1894 Tugan-Baranovsky and the Trade Cycle -- 1896 The Benefit Principle of Taxation -- 1896 Unemployment -- 1896 The Real Rate of Interest -- 1898 Wicksell's Cumulative Process -- 1899 Veblen's Theory of the Leisure Class -- 1899 Clark's Distribution of Wealth -- 1903 The Economics Tripos at Cambridge -- 1906 Pareto Optimality and Efficiency -- 1906 Indifference Curves -- 1912 Pigou's Wealth and Welfare -- 1912 External Economies and Diseconomies -- 1913 Mitchell's Business Cycles -- 1913 The Federal Reserve System -- 1913 Luxemburg's Accumulation of Capital -- 1914 The Oxford Approach to Welfare -- 1915 Income and Substitution Effects -- 1919 Institutional Economics -- 1920 The National Bureau of Economic Research -- 1920 The Socialist Calculation Debate -- 1921 Knight's Risk, Uncertainty, and Profit -- 1924 Legal Foundations of Capitalism -- 1925 Kondratiev Waves -- 1928 The Cobb-Douglas Function -- 1929 The Hotelling Model of Locational Choice -- 1929 The Great Depression -- 1930 The Econometric Society -- 1931 The Multiplier -- 1932 Scarcity and Choice -- 1932 The Cowles Commission -- 1932 The Modern Corporation and Private Property -- 1933 The Circular Flow Diagram -- 1933 Emigre Economists -- 1933 The Theory of Monopolistic Competition -- 1933 The Heckscher-Ohlin Model -- 1933 The Economics of Imperfect Competition -- 1933 Mathematical Dynamics -- 1934 The Stackelberg Model -- 1934 National Income Accounting -- 1934 The Hicks-Allen Consumer Theory -- 1936 Keynes's General Theory -- 1936 Liquidity Preference and the Liquidity Trap -- 1936 The Tinbergen Model -- 1937 The IS-LM Model -- 1937 Coase's "Nature of the Firm" -- 1938 Logical Positivism -- 1938 The Bergson Social Welfare Function -- 1938 Revealed Preference Theory -- 1939 Hicks's Value and Capital -- 1939 The Harrod-Domar Growth Model -- 1939 World War II -- 1939 The Multiplier-Accelerator Model -- 1939 The Kaldor-Hicks Efficiency Criterion -- 1941 The Stolper-Samuelson Theorem -- 1941 Input-Output Analysis -- 1942 Creative Destruction -- 1943 The Fundamental Theorems of Welfare Economics -- 1944 Hayek's Road to Serfdom -- 1944 Game Theory Enters Economics -- 1944 Haavelmo's "Probability Approach" -- 1944 The Bretton Woods Agreement -- 1945 Hayek's "Use of Knowledge in Society" -- 1946 The Council of Economic Advisers -- 1946 The Chicago School -- 1946 The Consumer Price Index -- 1947 The Keynesian Revolution -- 1947 Foundations of Economic Analysis -- 1947 Linear Programming -- 1948 Samuelson's Economics -- 1948 The Factor-Price Equalization Theorem -- 1948 The Median Voter Theorem -- 1948 RAND and the Cold War -- 1948 Computation: The Orcutt Regression Analyzer and the Phillips Machine -- 1950 Non-Cooperative Games and Nash Equilibrium -- 1950 The Prisoner's Dilemma -- 1951 Arrow's Impossibility Theorem -- 1952 Resources for the Future and Environmental Economics -- 1952 The Theory of Portfolio Selection -- 1953 The Shapley Value -- 1953 "The Methodology of Positive Economics" -- 1954 Proving the Existence of a General Equilibrium -- 1954 Public Goods -- 1954 Development Economics -- 1954 The Common Pool Problem -- 1955 Bounded Rationality -- 1955 Large-Scale Macroeconometric Models -- 1956 The Theory of Second Best -- 1956 The Tiebout Model -- 1956 The Solow-Swan Growth Model -- 1957 The Economics of Discrimination -- 1957 The Permanent Income Hypothesis -- 1957 The Rational Voter Model and the Paradox of Voting -- 1958 Human Capital Analysis -- 1958 Externalities and Market Failure -- 1958 Cost-Benefit Analysis -- 1958 The Modigliani-Miller Theorem -- 1958 The Phillips Curve -- 1958 Galbraith's The Affluent Society -- 1959 Debreu's The Theory of Value -- 1960 The Coase Theorem -- 1961 Cliometrics: The, New Economic History -- 1961 The Economics of Information -- 1961 The Theory of Auctions -- 1961 The Rational Expectations Hypothesis -- 1962 The Capital Asset Pricing Model -- 1962 Public Choice Analysis -- 1963 A Monetary History of the United States -- 1965 The Free-Rider Problem -- 1965 The Efficient Markets Hypothesis -- 1966 Emissions Trading -- 1967 Rent Seeking -- 1967 The Natural Rate of Unemployment -- 1968 The Economics of Crime and Punishment -- 1969 The "Nobel Prize" in Economics -- 1970 Economics Becomes Applied -- 1970 The Market for "Lemons" -- 1970 Collective Choice and Social Welfare456 -- 1970 The Atkinson Inequality Index -- 1971 Regulatory Capture -- 1971 Flexible Exchange Rates: The End of Bretton Woods -- 1971 Optimal Taxation -- 1972 The New Classical Macroeconomics -- 1972 Mechanism Design -- 1973 The Economic Analysis of Law -- 1973 Agency Theory -- 1973 The Black-Scholes Model -- 1973 Signaling -- 1973 OPEC and the Arab Oil Embargo -- 1974 Supply-Side Economics -- 1975 The Policy Ineffectiveness Proposition -- 1976 Screening--or Pooling and Separating Equilibria -- 1976 The Lucas Critique -- 1977 The New Keynesian Economics -- 1979 The New Trade Theory -- 1979 Behavioral Economics -- 1981 The Personal Computer -- 1982 Real Business Cycle Models -- 1986 The Experimental Turn -- 1986 Endogenous Growth Theory -- 1990 Governance of the Commons -- 1990 Natural Experiments -- 1997 The New Institutional Economics -- 1999 The Euro -- 2003 Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium Models -- 2007 The Great Recession -- 2009 Cryptocurrency

book jacket
Transatlantic Anglophone literatures, 1776-1920 : an anthology / edited by Linda K. Hughes, Sarah Ru

xxiii, 777 pages :
ISBN/ISSN: 9781474429832

book jacket
Vorlesungen über die Theorie der elliptischen Modulfunctionen. English
Klein, Felix,
2 volumes :
ISBN/ISSN: 9787040478372

This record is not available


book jacket
Keshab : Bengal's forgotten prophet / John A. Stevens.
Stevens, John A.
xiii, 309 pages :
ISBN/ISSN: 1849049017

book jacket
Keshab : Bengal's forgotten prophet / John A. Stevens.
Stevens, John A.,
xiii, 309 pages :
ISBN/ISSN: 9780190901752
Introduction -- Keshab in the Context of Nineteenth-Century Britain and Bengal -- 'Truth is not European': Keshab on History, Empire, Other, Self -- Spectacle, Difference, Fear and Fantasy: Representations of Keshab in Victorian England -- Tensions and Transitions: 1870-77 -- Cuch Bihar Crisis and the Search for Universal Religion -- Conclusion: Universalism in an Imperial World.

book jacket
Emerson in his own time : a biographical chronicle of his life, drawn from recollections, interviews

1 online resource (xl, 262 pages, [16] pages of plates) :
ISBN/ISSN: 158729432X

book jacket
Emerson in his own time : a biographical chronicle of his life, drawn from recollections, interviews

1 online resource (xl, 262 pages, [16] pages of plates) :
ISBN/ISSN: 158729432X

Poetical works
Wordsworth, William,
xlii, 937 p.

book jacket
At home in nineteenth-century America : a documentary history / Amy G. Richter.

xvi, 251 pages :
ISBN/ISSN: 9780814769133

book jacket
Works. Selections
Lincoln, Abraham,
xxxii, 604 pages :
ISBN/ISSN: 9780674504837

The wild tribes of India / Shosee Chunder Dutt.
Dutt, Shoshee Chunder,
194 p. ;

book jacket
Emerson and Thoreau : the contemporary reviews / edited by Joel Myerson.

xxvii, 450 p. ;
ISBN/ISSN: 0521383366

book jacket
Le tract en RDA (1949-1990) : instrument de résistance, d'opposition et de conquête de l'espace publ
Camarade, Hélène,
417 pages, 48 unnumbered pages of plates :
ISBN/ISSN: 9791030005882
Introduction : L'espace public oppositionnel -- Les tracts comme sources de l'opposition : définitions et présentation du corpus -- Censure et liberté d'expression -- Impression et diffusion clandestines -- Archives des tracts de la RDA : problèmes et méthodes -- État de la recherche et réflexions conceptuelles : résistance, dissidence, opposition -- Périodisation -- Les tracts dans la phase de mise en place et de stabilisation de la dictature (1946-1961) -- Répercussions de la Guerre froide sur l'opposition intérieure -- La guerre psychologique entre les États : RIAS et tracts de contre-propagande -- Les Ostbüros du SPD, de la CDU et du FDP à l'Ouest -- "Kampfgruppe gegen Unmenschlichkeit" (KgU) -- Tracts et répression -- Tribunaux militaires soviétiques (1945-1955) -- Tribunaux est-allemands (1949-1961) -- Le phénomène des groupes de jeunes (1948-1959) -- Sociologie des groupes -- Présentation de quinze groupes de jeunes ayant distribué des tracts (1948-1959) -- Le Cercle d'Eisenberg (1953-1958) -- L'Union des étudiants nationaux-communistes (1957-1959) -- Le KgU et les groupes de jeunes : soutien logistique et influences -- L'expérience de la liberté en 1945 comme préalable à l'action -- Sentiments antirusses et anticommunisme en héritage ? -- Les cas de répression politique comme motivation vers l'action -- La mise au pas de la représentation étudiante dans les universités (1946-1949) -- Mesurer l'écart entre la parole et les actes -- Idéalisme et sens du défi -- La Rose blanche et la résistance au national-socialisme, modèles pour les jeunes -- Appels à la résistance : SPD et milieu ouvrier (1946-1947) -- Tracts de protestation contre la fusion forcée du KPD et du SPD -- La résistance ouvrière : l'exemple de la Saxe en 1947 -- Appels à des manifestations contre la faim -- Appels à la grève -- Protester et agir contre le système et la pratique électorale -- Élections aux Conseils des étudiants : appels au boycott et au bulletin nul (Halle, 1947 et 1950) -- Appels au boycott lors du référendum sur l'unité allemande (Saxe, 1948) -- Appel à voter "non" au référendum pour l'élection du troisième Congrès du peuple (1949) -- Premières élections à la Chambre du peuple (15 octobre 1950) : dénoncer le vote à liste unique et appeler à voter "non" -- Protestations et revendications électorales lors des deuxièmes élections à la Chambre (17 octobre 1954) -- Tendances à partir de 1958 -- Tracts de protestation contre la répression politique -- Exclusion d'Otto Hess, Otto Stolz et Joachim Schwarz de l'Université de Berlin (mai 1948) -- Arrestation de l'étudiant Wolfgang Natonek (novembre 1948) -- Condamnation à mort de Hermann Flade (janvier 1951) -- Répression des lycéens de Werdau (octobre 1951) -- Les tracts pendant et après le soulèvement du 17 juin 1953 -- Une révolte sans tracts -- Une date anniversaire prétexte à des appels à la révolte et au sabotage (1954-1968) -- L'année 1956 : révoltes, réformisme et solidarité avec la Hongrie -- Le courant réformiste -- Appels à la révolte et à la solidarité avec la Hongrie -- Revendications territoriales à l'est de l'Oder et de la Neisse (1948-1954) -- Protester contre les réformes agraires (1957) -- Protester contre la construction du Mur (1961) -- Principaux outils de la critique contre le SED -- La comparaison avec le Troisième Reid -- L'accusation d'exploitation et de privilèges -- Tracts misant sur l'humour et la parodie (1946-1947) -- Bilan sur les années 1940 et 1950 -- Les tracts de l'opposition entre 1961 et 1989 -- Une nouvelle génération d'opposants : die Hineingeborenen -- Printemps de Prague (1968) et affaire Biermann (1976) -- Présentation des principaux groupes d'opposants dans les années 1980 -- Évolutions du contexte international et impact sur la répression -- L'arsenal juridique : le code pénal de 1968 -- Une reconnaissance internationale à double tranchant pour le SED à partir de 1972 -- Surveillance et contrôle : la Stasi et la Zersetzung -- Exemples de pénalisation des tracts entre 1968 et 1989 -- Une nouvelle culture du tract -- Longueur des textes et tract pour donner rendez-vous -- La fin de l'utilisation du tract au service de la guerre psychologique en 1972 -- Les médias ouest-allemands comme sphère publique de substitution -- Radio, télévision et le soutien de journalistes de République fédérale -- Publier en République fédérale -- - Les évolutions dans l'espace public oppositionnel de RDA -- La signature dans les pétitions, tracts et lettres ouvertes : sortir de l'anonymat et de la clandestinité à partir de 1976 -- Nouvelles formes d'expression : l'exemple du Mail Art et des montages photos (1979) -- Pancartes et banderoles (1983) -- Lieux de rencontres et de diffusion de documents (1985-1989) : l'exemple de la Umwelt-Bibliothek -- L'extension de la presse senti-clandestine : les samizdats (1985-1986) -- Définitions, origines et diversité des samizdats -- Proximité avec la presse périodique -- Échec de la répression -- Interférences et frontières fluctuantes entre tracts et samizdats -- Continuités et innovations dans les comparaisons historiques -- Le national-socialisme et l'héritage de la résistance sous le Troisième Reich -- Le stalinisme -- Prague et le Vietnam (1968) -- La dictature au Chili -- Privilèges et bureaucratie -- La parole des pères ou : à qui appartient le socialisme ? -- Bernd Eisenfeld : citation de Lénine contre l'intervention soviétique à Prague (1968) -- Lettre de protestation des écrivains et intellectuels dans l'affaire Biermann (1976) : citation de Marx -- Rosa Luxemburg et l'héritage du socialisme démocratique -- Controverses autour de l'héritage communiste -- — Revendications et stratégies argumentatives -- La liberté, et notamment la liberté d'expression -- Les droits garantis par les textes internationaux et nationaux -- Déclaration des droits humains de l'ONU et Actes de la Conférence d'Helsinki (1975) -- Les droits garantis dans la Constitution -- La Loi électorale -- La paix et le désarmement -- Le mouvement écologique : "Rien ne pousse du haut vers le bas" -- Gorbi ou : "L'Union soviétique, c'est l'école de la victoire" (1985-1989) -- Tracts de solidarité avec la population d'un pays frère en rébellion -- Protestations contre l'intervention soviétique en Tchécoslovaquie (1968) -- La Pologne et Solidainoé (1980-1981) -- La répression de la place Tian'anmen en Chine (juin 1989) -- Tracts contre la répression des opposants politiques -- Protestations contre les mesures à l'encontre de Robert Havemann à partir de 1964 -- Protestations en soutien à Wolf Biermann (1976) -- Le Cercle de Heinrich Saar et les protestations en faveur de Rudolf Bahro (1978) -- Protestations contre la mort de Matthias Domaschk en prison (1981) -- Les arrestations de militants des droits civiques (1987-1989) -- Le rôle des tracts dans la révolution pacifique 1989-1990 : conquête de l'espace public et libération de la parole Chapitre 1 - Les élections communales du 7 mai 1989 -- Appels au boycott ou modes d'emploi électoraux à l'usage des citoyens : "s'émanciper" ("mündig werden") -- Protestations contre la fraude électorale (7 mai-7 novembre 1989) --

The economic history of India.
Dutt, Romesh Chunder,
2 v.

book jacket
A new literary history of America / edited by Greil Marcus and Werner Sollors.

xxvii, 1095 p. :
ISBN/ISSN: 0674035941 ;

book jacket
Selections. 1997
Browning, Robert,
xxxii, 828 p. ;
ISBN/ISSN: 9780199554690 (pbk.)

book jacket
Operetta : A Sourcebook, Volume I / Robert Ignatius Letellier
Letellier, Robert Ignatius
1 online resource (710 pages)
ISBN/ISSN: 9781443884259

book jacket
Concept and judgment in Brentano's logic lectures : analysis and materials / by Robin D. Rollinger.
Rollinger, R. D.,
viii, 388 pages ;
ISBN/ISSN: 9789004443020
Analysis -- The Neo-Scholastic Background -- The Tasks of Logic -- Concept -- Judgment -- Syllogism -- Definition and Value of Logic -- The Relevant Manuscripts -- Logic as the Art of Judging -- Logic, Psychology, and Philosophy -- The Value of Logic -- Psychologism -- Language -- Dialectic -- Concept -- Presentations and Names -- Distinctions among Concepts -- Distinctions among Modes of Presentation -- Distinctions among Names -- Relations among Presentations -- Definition -- Judgment -- Critique of Kant's Table -- Complexity and Simplicity -- Form -- Form and Matter -- Intensity -- Motive -- Modality -- Expression of Judgments -- Relations between Judgments -- Evidence -- Syllogism -- Materials -- Preparatory Note to Materials -- Franz Hillebrand, Die elementare Logik und die in ihr nötigen Reformen nach den Vorlesungen des Dr. Franz Brentano (Wintersemester 1884/85, Wien) -- Franz Hillebrand, Elementary Logic and the Reforms Necessary in It according to the Lectures of Dr. Franz Brentano (Winter Semester 1884/85, Vienna) -- Franz Hillebrand, The New Theories of Categorical Inferences (1891) --

The years and hours of Emily Dickinson / by Jay Leyda.
Leyda, Jay,
2 volumes :

book jacket
Works. Selections
Emerson, Ralph Waldo,
407 pages :
ISBN/ISSN: 9781554812691

book jacket
The Reformation to the modern church : a reader in Christian theology / edited by Keith D. Stanglin

xvii, 472 pages :
ISBN/ISSN: 1451465513

book jacket
Coronation : from the 8th to the 21st century / Roy Strong.
Strong, Roy C.
xxxvii, 556 p. :
ISBN/ISSN: 0007160550 (pbk.)

book jacket
The merchant of Venice / edited and with an introduction by Harold Bloom ; volume editor, Neil Heims

xiv, 261 p. ;
ISBN/ISSN: 9780791095768 (acid-free paper)
Series introduction -- Introduction / Biography of William Shakespeare -- Summary of The Merchant of Venice -- Key passages in The Merchant of Venice -- List of characters in The Merchant of Venice -- Criticism through the ages -- Merchant of Venice in the seventeenth century -- On the stage appearance of Shylock / Merchant of Venice in the eighteenth century -- From The Jew of Venice / "Life of the author," Works of Mr. William Shakespear / From "Remarks on the plays of Shakespeare" / Merchant of Venice (notes), Plays of William Shakespear / From Letters from England /

book jacket
The Major works / Alfred Tennyson ; edited with an introduction and notes by Adam Roberts.
Tennyson, Alfred Tennyson,
xxiv, 626 pages ;
ISBN/ISSN: 9780199572762

book jacket
Lucretia Mott speaks: the essential speeches and sermons / edited by Christopher Densmore, Carol Fau
Mott, Lucretia,
xxxii, 224 pages :
ISBN/ISSN: 0252040791

book jacket
Proust contre la déchéance English.
Czapski, Józef,
xxxiv, 90 pages, 8 unnumbered pages of plates :
ISBN/ISSN: 9781681372587

book jacket
Lectures to my students / by C.H. Spurgeon.
Spurgeon, C. H.
4 v. in 1 :
ISBN/ISSN: 1561861006

book jacket
Art since 1900 : modernism, antimodernism, postmodernism / Hal Foster, Rosalind Krauss, Yve-alain Bo

2 volumes :
ISBN/ISSN: 0500289522

Memoirs of Hector Berlioz : from 1803 to 1865, comprising his travels in Germany, Italy, Russia, and
Berlioz, Hector,
xxi, 533 pages :

book jacket
On economic inequality / Amartya Sen.
Sen, Amartya,
xii, 260 pages :
ISBN/ISSN: 019829297X
Welfare economics, utilitarianism, and equity -- Measures of inequality -- Inequality as a quasi-ordering -- Work, needs, and inequality.

book jacket
The discipline : new and selected poems, 1980-1992 / David Citino.
Citino, David,
xv, 255 pages :
ISBN/ISSN: 0814205852
Acknowledgments -- The Discipline: New Poems -- Salt In Praise of Chicken Beating the Olive Trees Homage to the Corn Eating the Placenta The Discipline Reading the Graves An Argument against the Aluminum Bat Returning to the Field The Field: For Woody Hayes Meditation on Godel's Second Incompleteness Theorem Magnetic Resonating Imager, University Hospitals The Fracture Giovanni De'Dondi, Master John of the Clock The Death of Valentino Air Raid over Bari Charms against Writer's Block Sister Mary Appassionata's Homage to St. Einstein Sister Mary Appassionata, on Hearing that Kant Disregarded the Sense of Smell Purely on Aesthetic Grounds In a Clearing Hacked Out of the Rain Forest, Sister Mary Appassionata Lectures the Young Cannibals Sister Mary Appassionata Delivers an Impromptu Speech at the Local Ponderosa Sister Mary Appassionata Addresses the Marion County Writers' Guild Sister Mary Appassionata to the Human Awareness Class: Notes toward the Perfection of Sex The History of Facial Expressions Legless Boy Somersaults Two Miles to Save His Father A Prayer for Our Lady of the Strays Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles The Line Just before Dawn I Greet the Paperboy, Who Brings News of the World On the Whiteness of Cocaine Winter From The House of Memory, 1990 -- The Singer St. Cassian of Imola, Writing Teacher and Martyr Homage to Hildegarde of Bingen Watching Nightly News with the Sound Turned Down Developers Announce Plans for Largest Shopping Mall in the Nation Basic Writing, Marion Correctional Another Mexico Ballad of the Northland Mall Reviews Charcoal Sketch of Aged Couple in Peasant Dress, Circa 1880 Journey to Calabria Hiding the Skeleton One Hundred Percent Chance of Snow, Accumulating Six to Eight Inches by Morning In the Kitchen, He Recalls a Passage from Suetonius The First Poem The News The Fathers The Muscle of God Familiar as Home The House of Memory A Letter of Columbus, 1989 From The Gift of Fire, 1986 -- Dust, Ash, Pine, and Dust Again The Gift of Fire The Dead Forever Dead He Shows the People What to Do with the Dead Cleveland, Angels, Ogres, Trolls Volare Sitting in the Sixth Grade at Ascension of Our Lord School in Cleveland, Ohio, Reading a Pamphlet Entitled Possession in Iowa The Date Guadalcanal, Feldspar, Sleeping With My Wife The Funeral My Son's Violin Learning to Fly The Signature Flying into Billings to Read My Poetry On the Photograph in Paris Match of Anna and Maria, Siamese Twins Nightly News and Summer Drive Changing the World Christina the Astonishing, Virgin Besarian The Last Words of Juan de la Cruz Father Coughlin The Pastor's Creed Man Offers to Take Messages to Dead The Observer Alters the Observed by the Act of Observation Lecture to the Bioscience Class: Pine and Lightning, Cataclysm and Stone On the Nature of the Beast Einstein, Placenta, the Caves of Lascaux The Bird Graveyard From The Appassionata Doctrines, 1983, 1986 -- Sister Mary Appassionata Lectures the Eighth Grade Boys and Girls: Every Day Another Snake Sister Mary Appassionata Lectures the Eighth Grade Boys and Girls: The Second Day Sister Mary Appassionata Lectures the Eighth Grade Boys and Girls: The Family Jewels Sister Mary Appassionata Lectures the Bible Study Class: Noah Sister Mary Appassionata Lectures the Human Behavior Class: One Mouth, Love and Ache Sister Mary Appassionata Lectures the Science Class: Fossils, Physics, Apple, Heart Sister Mary Appassionata Lectures the Sex Education Class: Doctrines of the Kiss Sister Mary Appassionata Lectures the Sex Education Class: Historia Sexualis Sister Mary Appassionata Lectures the Eighth Grade Boys and Girls on the Nature of Eloquence Sister Mary Appassionata Lectures the Creative Writing Class: Naming Everything Again Letter to Sister Mary Appassionata, America's Adviser to the Lovelorn Sister Mary Appassionata Lectures the Religion and Mythology Classes: Frogs and Foreskins, Heart and Tongue Sister Mary Appassionata Lectures the Theology Class on the Life and Death of St. Teresa Sister Mary Appassionata Lectures the Theology Class on The Resourcefulness of Demons Sister Mary Appassionata Recounts a Folktale Sister Mary Appassionata Lectures the Eighth Grade Boys and Girls on the Things of This World, the Things of the Other Sister Mary Appassionata Lectures the Pre-Med Class Sister Mary Appassionata Lectures the Neurology Class Sister Mary Appassionata to the Paleontology Class: Before the Invention of Bone Sister Mary Appassionata to the Music Theory Class Sister Mary Appassionata Lectures the Health Class: To Keep the Blood from Running Cold Sister Mary Appassionata Responds to Questions from the Floor Sister Mary Appassionata Addresses the V.F.W. Sister Mary Appassionata Addresses the Psychic Research Guild of Marion, Ohio Sister Mary Appassionata to the Home Ec Class Sister Mary Appassionata Lectures the Mortuary Science Class: Feeding the Dead From The Appassionata Lectures, 1984 -- Sister Mary Appassionata Lectures the Anatomy Class: Doctrines of the Nose Sister Mary Appassionata Lectures the Pre-Med Class: Doctrines of Sweat Sister Mary Appassionata Lectures the Eighth Grade Boys and Girls on the Nature of Symmetry Sister Mary Appassionata Lectures the Parents of the Eighth Grade Boys and Girls Sister Mary Appassionata Lectures the Eighth Grade Boys and Girls: To Punish the Cities From Last Rites and Other Poems, 1980 -- Mary's Second Child Plague

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