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George Washington Cable.
Webb, Bernice Larson
Book Book | Critical Survey of Long Fiction, Fourth Edition. Jan2010, p1-6. 6p. Please log in to see more details
A biographical essay about George Washington Cable, with brief critical analysis of ma... more
George Washington Cable.
Critical Survey of Long Fiction, Fourth Edition. Jan2010, p1-6. 6p.
A biographical essay about George Washington Cable, with brief critical analysis of major works. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

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Literary Reference Source

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George Washington Cable
Frazier, Kathy Ruth;Merrill, Ann A.;;;Frazier, Kathy Ruth;Merrill, Ann A.
Biography Biography | Critical Survey of Short Fiction: American Writers; January 2012, p1-2 Please log in to see more details
A biographical essay about George Washington Cable, with brief critical analysis of ma... more
George Washington Cable
Critical Survey of Short Fiction: American Writers; January 2012, p1-2
A biographical essay about George Washington Cable, with brief critical analysis of major short fiction works.

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Poetry & Short Story Reference Source

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George Washington Cable.
Smith, Rebecca Godwin
Book Book | Cyclopedia of World Authors, Fourth Revised Edition. Jan2003, p1-1. 1p. Please log in to see more details
A biographical essay about George Washington Cable. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] more
George Washington Cable.
Cyclopedia of World Authors, Fourth Revised Edition. Jan2003, p1-1. 1p.
A biographical essay about George Washington Cable. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

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Literary Reference Source

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George Washington Cable.
Shuman, R. Baird
Book Book | Identities & Issues in Literature. Sep1997, p1-1. 1p. Please log in to see more details
Cable examined slavery and racial discrimination from a psychological base, refusing t... more
George Washington Cable.
Identities & Issues in Literature. Sep1997, p1-1. 1p.
Cable examined slavery and racial discrimination from a psychological base, refusing to be an apologist for whites. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

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Literary Reference Source

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United States.
Report Report | United States Country Review. 2024, p1-2608. 2610p. Please log in to see more details
A country report for the U.S. is presented from publisher Country Watch Inc., with top... more
United States.
United States Country Review. 2024, p1-2608. 2610p.
A country report for the U.S. is presented from publisher Country Watch Inc., with topics including government strategy, economic growth, and national security.

Subject terms:

ECONOMIC development - NATIONAL security - ECONOMIC policy - GOVERNMENT policy - ECONOMIC indicators - UNITED States

Content provider:

MAS Complete

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American Umpire
Elizabeth Cobbs Hoffman;Elizabeth Cobbs Hoffman
Commentators frequently call the United States an empire: occasionally a benign empire... more
American Umpire
Commentators frequently call the United States an empire: occasionally a benign empire, sometimes an empire in denial, and often a destructive empire. Elizabeth Cobbs Hoffman asserts instead that, because of its unusual federal structure, America has performed the role of umpire since 1776, compelling adherence to rules that gradually earned collective approval.This provocative reinterpretation traces America's role in the world from the days of George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and Franklin D. Roosevelt to the present. Cobbs Hoffman argues that the United States has been the pivot of a transformation that began outside its borders and before its founding, in which nation-states replaced the empires that had dominated history. The “Western” values that America is often accused of imposing were, in fact, the result of this global shift. American Umpire explores the rise of three values—access to opportunity, arbitration of disputes, and transparency in government and business—and finds that the United States is distinctive not in its embrace of these practices but in its willingness to persuade and even coerce others to comply. But America's leadership is problematic as well as potent. The nation has both upheld and violated the rules. Taking sides in explosive disputes imposes significant financial and psychic costs. By definition, umpires cannot win.American Umpire offers a powerful new framework for reassessing the country's role over the past 250 years. Amid urgent questions about future choices, this book asks who, if not the United States, might enforce these new rules of world order?

Subject terms:

World politics - International organization - International relations

Content provider:

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

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Pacific Missionary George Brown 1835-1917 : Wesleyan Methodist Church
George Brown (1835-1917) was many things during his long life; leader in the Wesleyan ... more
Pacific Missionary George Brown 1835-1917 : Wesleyan Methodist Church
George Brown (1835-1917) was many things during his long life; leader in the Wesleyan Methodist Church in Australasia, explorer, linguist, political activist, apologist for the missionary enterprise, amateur anthropologist, writer, constant traveller, collector of artefacts, photographer and stirrer. He saw himself, at heart, as a missionary. The islands of the Pacific Ocean were the scene of his endeavours, with extended periods lived in Samoa and the New Britain region of today's Papua New Guinea, followed by repeated visits to Tonga, Fiji, the Milne Bay region of Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands. It could be argued that while he was a missionary in the Pacific region he was not a pacific missionary. Brown gained unwanted notoriety for involvement in a violent confrontation at one point in his career, and lived through conflict in many contexts but he also frequently worked as a peace maker. Policies he helped shape on issues such as church union, indigenous leadership, representation by lay people and a wider role for women continue to influence Uniting Church in Australia and churches in the Pacific region. His name is still remembered with honour in several parts of the Pacific. Brown's marriage to Sarah Lydia Wallis, daughter of pioneer missionaries to New Zealand, was long and rich. Each strengthened the other and they stand side by side in this account.

Subject terms:

Missionaries--England--Biography - Missionaries--Oceania--Biography

Content provider:

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

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The Materiality of the Archive : Creative Practice in Context
Sue Breakell;Wendy Russell;Sue Breakell;Wendy Russell
The Materiality of the Archive is the first volume to bring together a range of method... more
The Materiality of the Archive : Creative Practice in Context
The Materiality of the Archive is the first volume to bring together a range of methodological approaches to the materiality of archives, as a framework for their engagement, analysis and interpretation. Focusing on the archives of creative practices, the book reaches between and across existing bodies of knowledge in this field, including material culture, art history and literary studies, unified by an interest in archives as material deposits and aggregations, in both analogue and digital forms, as well as the material encounter. Connecting a breadth of disciplinary interests in the archive with expanding discourses in materiality, contributors address the potential of a material engagement to animate archival content. Analysing the systems, processes and actions that constitute the shapes, forms and structures in which individual archival objects accumulate, and the underpinnings which may hold them in place as an archival body, the book considers ways in which the inexorable move to the digital affects traditional theories of the physical archival object. It also considers how stewardship practices such as description and metadata creation can accommodate these changes. The Materiality of the Archive unifies theory and practice and brings together professional and academic perspectives. The book is essential reading for academics, researchers and postgraduate students working in the fields of archive studies, museology, art history and material culture.

Subject terms:

Archives--Philosophy - Archival materials - Material culture

Content provider:

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

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The Routledge History of Fashion and Dress, 1800 to the Present
Veronique Pouillard;Vincent Dubé-Senécal;Veronique Pouillard;Vincent Dubé-S...
The time span covered by The Routledge History of Fashion and Dress starts in the nine... more
The Routledge History of Fashion and Dress, 1800 to the Present
The time span covered by The Routledge History of Fashion and Dress starts in the nineteenth century, with the aftermath of the consumers'revolution, and reaches all the way to the present. The fashion and garment industries have been international from the beginning and, as such, this volume looks at the history of fashion and dress through the lenses of both international and global history. Because fashion is also a multifaceted subject with humanagency at its core, at the confluence of thematerial (fabrics, clothing, dyes, tools, and machines) and the immaterial (savoir-faire, identities, images, and brands), this volume adopts a transdisciplinary perspective, opening its pages to researchers from a variety of complementary fields. The chapters in this volume are organized based on their relationship to five fields of study: economics and commerce, politics, business, identities, and historical sources. Paying particular attention to change, the book goes beyond the great fashion capitals and well-known fashion centers and points to the broader geographies of fashion. Particular geographical areas focus on the emergence of new fashion systems and business models, whether they be in Sweden, Bangladesh, or Spain, or on the African continent, considered to be the “new frontier” of the industry. Covering myriad aspects of the subject this is the perfect companion for all those interested in history of dress and fashion in the modern world.

Subject terms:

Fashion--History - Clothing and dress--History

Content provider:

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

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Comradely Objects : Design and Material Culture in Soviet Russia, 1960s–80s
Yulia Karpova;Yulia Karpova
This electronic version has been made available under a Creative Commons (BY-NC-ND) op... more
Comradely Objects : Design and Material Culture in Soviet Russia, 1960s–80s
This electronic version has been made available under a Creative Commons (BY-NC-ND) open access license. The Russian avant-garde of the 1920s is broadly recognised to have been Russia's first truly original contribution to world culture. In contrast, Soviet design of the post-war period is often dismissed as hack-work and plagiarism that resulted in a shabby world of commodities. This book offers a new perspective on the history of Soviet design by focusing on the notion of the comradely object as an agent of progressive social relations that state-sponsored Soviet design inherited from the avant-garde. It introduces a shared history of domestic objects, hand-made as well as machine made, mass-produced as well as unique, utilitarian as well as challenging the conventional notion of utility. This is a study of post-avant-garde Russian productivism at the intersection of intellectual history, social history and material culture studies, an account attentive to the complexities and contradictions of Soviet design.

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eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

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Nuevas tecnologías y aproximaciones a estudios sobre lengua, lingüística y traducción.
Flores Borjabad, Salud Adelaida (Coordinador);Ortega Martín, José Luís (Coo...
La Real Academia Española de la Lengua define el término como “un sistema de comunicac... more
Nuevas tecnologías y aproximaciones a estudios sobre lengua, lingüística y traducción.
La Real Academia Española de la Lengua define el término como “un sistema de comunicación verbal propio de una comunidad humana y que cuenta generalmente con escritura”. Por otro lado, el término es definido como “la facultad del ser humano de expresarse y comunicarse con los demás a través del sonido articulado o de otros sistemas de signos”. Teniendo en cuenta estas dos definiciones, la lengua puede ser considerada como el conjunto de signos orales y escritos que sirven para la comunicación entre las personas de una misma comunidad lingüística, mientras que lenguaje se entiende como el medio de comunicación de los seres humanos, utilizando signos orales y escritos, sonidos y gestos que poseen un significado atribuido previamente.

Subject terms:

Linguistics - Language and languages

Content provider:

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

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Educar para transformar: Innovación pedagógica, calidad y TIC en contextos formativos.
López-Meneses, Eloy;Martín-Padilla, Antonio-Hilario;Molina-García, Laura;Ja...
Educar para transformar: Innovación pedagógica, calidad y TIC en contextos formativos.

Subject terms:

Educational innovations

Content provider:

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

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La mujer y el texto: nuevas propuestas críticas literarias.
Candón Ríos, Fernando (Editor);Torres López, Nuria (Editor);Paz De Dios, Le...
eBook eBook | 2023; Vol. 00002 Please log in to see more details
La mujer y el texto: nuevas propuestas críticas literarias.
2023; Vol. 00002

Subject terms:

Women in literature - Women authors - Feminism and literature

Content provider:

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

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Educación, tecnología, innovación y transferencia del conocimiento.
López Meneses, Eloy (Editor);Bernal Bravo, César (Editor);López Meneses, El...
La presente obra es el resultado de las valiosas contribuciones científicas presentada... more
Educación, tecnología, innovación y transferencia del conocimiento.
La presente obra es el resultado de las valiosas contribuciones científicas presentadas en el I Congreso Internacional de Educación, Tecnología, Innovación y Transferencia del Conocimiento EduEmer 2023 los días 25 y 26 de mayo de 23, Congreso Internacional organizado por la Cátedra institucional de Educación y Tecnologías Emergentes, Gamificación e Inteligencia Artificial en colaboración con AFOE Formación, bajo el título “Educación, Tecnología, Innovación y Transferencia de Conocimiento”, Esta publicación recopila doscientos dieciocho aportaciones científicas que representan una miscelánea de innovaciones y reflexiones docentes en distintas áreas del currículo y de las diversas etapas educativas, Estas contribuciones suponen un abanico de buenas prácticas para el desarrollo profesional, El trabajo agrupa tres conceptos clave para el desarrollo económico y social de cualquier país: innovación, educación y transferencia tecnológica, Sin embargo, no siempre se les presta la debida atención ni se les asigna los recursos necesarios para impulsarlos, La obra pretende ofrecer una visión integral y actualizada de estos temas, analizando sus fundamentos teóricos, sus experiencias prácticas y sus desafíos futuros, A lo largo de sus capítulos, se abordan aspectos como el papel de la investigación, la creatividad, el emprendimiento, la cooperación, la aplicabilidad de las tecnologías emergentes, la evaluación o el proceso de transferencia de conocimiento, Asimismo, se presentan casos de éxito y buenas prácticas de diferentes profesionales, que ilustran cómo la innovación, la educación y la transferencia de conocimiento pueden contribuir al bienestar colectivo y al progreso sostenible formativo, Esperamos que esta publicación socio-educativa contribuya al desarrollo de buenas prácticas profesionales y futuras experiencias que fomenten el desarrollo sostenible de la calidad docente y la innovación en las estructuras curriculares,

Subject terms:

Technological innovations - Educational innovations

Content provider:

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

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Archaeology on the Apulian – Lucanian Border
Alastair Small;Carola Small;Alastair Small;Carola Small
The broad valley of the Bradano river and its tributary the Basentello separates the A... more
Archaeology on the Apulian – Lucanian Border
The broad valley of the Bradano river and its tributary the Basentello separates the Apennine mountains in Lucania from the limestone plateau of the Murge in Apulia in South East Italy. For millennia the valley has functioned both as a cultural and political divide between the two regions, and as a channel for new ideas transmitted from South to North or vice versa depending on the political and economic conditions of the time. Archaeology on the Apulian – Lucanian Border aims to explain how the pattern of settlement and land use changed in the valley over the whole period from Neolithic to Late Medieval, taking account of changing environmental conditions, and setting the changes in a broader political, social and cultural context. There are three levels of focus. The first is on the results of a field survey (1996-2006) in the Basentello valley by teams from the Universities of Alberta, Edinburgh, and Bari, directed by the authors. The second concerns the discoveries of earlier field surveys in the late 1960s and early 1970s undertaken in connection with excavations on Botromagno near Gravina in Puglia. The third is a much broader synthesis of the results of recent scholarship using archaeological, epigraphic and literary sources to reconstruct an archaeological history of the valley and the surrounding area. The creation of a vast imperial estate at Vagnari around the end of the 1st century BC and its long-lasting impact on the pattern of settlement in the area is a significant theme in the later chapters of the book.

Subject terms:

Excavations (Archaeology)--Italy--Basilicata - Excavations (Archaeology)--Italy--Puglia

Content provider:

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

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Play Among Books : A Symposium on Architecture and Information Spelt in Atom-Letters
Miro Roman;Alice _ch3n81;Ludger Hovestadt;Vera Bühlmann;Miro Roman;Alice _c...
eBook eBook | 2022; Vol. 00017 Please log in to see more details
Wie verändert Codierung unser Denken über Architektur? Eine Frage, die in der Forschun... more
Play Among Books : A Symposium on Architecture and Information Spelt in Atom-Letters
2022; Vol. 00017
Wie verändert Codierung unser Denken über Architektur? Eine Frage, die in der Forschung eine wichtige Perspektive eröffnet. Miro Roman und seine KI Alice_ch3n81 entfalten in diesem Buch ein wahrhaft spielerisches Szenario, in dem sie Codierung als neue Alphabetisierung für Informationen vorschlagen. Erkenntnis vermittelt es in Form eines Projektmodells, das die Bereiche Architektur und Information durch zwei verflochtene Erzählstränge in einem „unendlichen Fluss'realer Bücher miteinander verknüpft. Mit dem Fokus auf der Schnittmenge von Informationstechnologie und architektonischer Formulierung entsteht so eine immer weiterführende intellektuelle Reflexion zu digitaler Architektur und Computerwissenschaft.

Subject terms:

Computer-aided design - Architecture--Data processing - Computer architecture

Content provider:

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

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Locating the Mediterranean: Connections and Separations Across Space and Time
Carl Rommel;Joseph John Viscomi;Carl Rommel;Joseph John Viscomi
Until today, anthropological studies of locality have taken primary interest in local ... more
Locating the Mediterranean: Connections and Separations Across Space and Time
Until today, anthropological studies of locality have taken primary interest in local subjects leading local lives in local communities. Through a shift of conceptual emphasis from locality to location, the present volume departs from previous preoccupations with identity and belonging. Instead, Locating the Mediterranean brings together ethnographic examinations of processes that make locations and render them meaningful. In doing so, it stimulates debates on the interplay between location and region-making in history as well as anthropology. The volume's deeply empirical contributions illustrate how historical, material, legal, religious, economic, political, and social connections and separations shape the experience of being located in the geographical space commonly known as the Mediterranean region. Drawing from research in Melilla, Lampedusa, Istanbul, Nefpaktos/Lepanto, Tunisia, Beirut, Marseille, and elsewhere, the volume articulates location through the overlapping and incorporation of multiple social and historical processes. Individual contributions are linked by the pursuit to rethink the conceptual frames deployed to study the Mediterranean region. Together, the volume's chapters challenge strict geopolitical renderings of Europe, the Middle East, and North Africa and suggest how the ‘Mediterranean'can function as a meaningful anthropological and historical category if the notion of ‘location'is reinvigorated and conceptualised anew.

Subject terms:

Ethnology--Mediterranean Region - Anthropology--Mediterranean Region

Content provider:

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

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The Diaries of Anthony Hewitson, Provincial Journalist, Volume 1 : 1865–1887
Andrew Hobbs;Andrew Hobbs
eBook eBook | 2022; Vol. 00001 Please log in to see more details
Anthony Hewitson (1836-1912) was a typical Victorian journalist, working in one of the... more
The Diaries of Anthony Hewitson, Provincial Journalist, Volume 1 : 1865–1887
2022; Vol. 00001
Anthony Hewitson (1836-1912) was a typical Victorian journalist, working in one of the largest sectors of the periodical press, provincial newspapers. His diaries, written between 1862 and 1912, lift the veil of anonymity hiding the people, processes and networks involved in the creation of Victorian newspapers. They also tell us about Victorian fatherhood, family life, and the culture of a Victorian town. Diaries of nineteenth-century provincial journalists are extremely rare. Anthony Hewitson went from printer's apprentice to newspaper reporter and eventually editor of his own paper. Every night he jotted down the day's doings, his thoughts and feelings. The diaries are a lively account of the reporter's daily round, covering meetings and court cases, hunting for gossip or attending public executions and variety shows, in and around Preston, Lancashire. Andrew Hobbs's introduction and footnotes provide background and analysis of these valuable documents. This full scholarly edition offers a wealth of new information about reporting, freelancing, sub-editing, newspaper ownership and publishing, and illuminates aspects of Victorian periodicals and culture extending far beyond provincial newspapers. The Diaries of Anthony Hewitson, Provincial Journalist are an indispensable research tool for local and regional historians, as well as social and political historians with an interest in Victorian studies and the media. They are also illuminating for anyone interested in nineteenth-century social and cultural history. Open Book Publishers gratefully acknowledge funding for this book from the Marc Fitch Fund, the Historic Society of Lancashire & Cheshire, and the University of Central Lancashire.

Subject terms:

Journalists--Great Britain--Diaries

Content provider:

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

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Precarity in European Film : Depictions and Discourses
Elisa Cuter;Guido Kirsten;Hanna Prenzel;Elisa Cuter;Guido Kirsten;Hanna Pre...
eBook eBook | 2022; Vol. 00001 Please log in to see more details
This volume brings together renowned scholars and early career-researchers in mapping ... more
Precarity in European Film : Depictions and Discourses
2022; Vol. 00001
This volume brings together renowned scholars and early career-researchers in mapping the ways in which European cinema —whether arthouse or mainstream, fictional or documentary, working with traditional or new media— engages with phenomena of precarity, poverty, and social exclusion. It compares how the filmic traditions of different countries reflect the socioeconomic conditions associated with precarity, and illuminates similarities in the iconography of precarious lives across cultures. While some of the contributions deal with the representations of marginalized minorities, others focus on work-related precarity or the depictions of downward mobility. Among other topics, the volume looks at how films grapple with gender inequality, intersectional struggle, discriminatory housing policies, and the specific problems of precarious youth. With its comparative approach to filmic representations of European precarity, this volume makes a major contribution to scholarship on precarity and the representation of social class in contemporary visual culture. Watch our talk with the editors Elisa Cuter, Guido Kirsten and Hanna Prenzel here:

Subject terms:

Motion pictures--Europe--History

Content provider:

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

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Not Exactly Lying : Fake News and Fake Journalism in American History
Andie Tucher;Andie Tucher
Winner, 2023 Columbia University Press Distinguished Book AwardWinner, 2023 Frank Luth... more
Not Exactly Lying : Fake News and Fake Journalism in American History
Winner, 2023 Columbia University Press Distinguished Book AwardWinner, 2023 Frank Luther Mott / Kappa Tau Alpha Research AwardWinner, 2023 Journalism Studies Division Book Award, International Communication AssociationWinner, 2023 History Book Award, Association for Education in Journalism and Mass CommunicationLong before the current preoccupation with “fake news,” American newspapers routinely ran stories that were not quite, strictly speaking, true. Today, a firm boundary between fact and fakery is a hallmark of journalistic practice, yet for many readers and publishers across more than three centuries, this distinction has seemed slippery or even irrelevant. From fibs about royal incest in America's first newspaper to social-media-driven conspiracy theories surrounding Barack Obama's birthplace, Andie Tucher explores how American audiences have argued over what's real and what's not—and why that matters for democracy.Early American journalism was characterized by a hodgepodge of straightforward reporting, partisan broadsides, humbug, tall tales, and embellishment. Around the start of the twentieth century, journalists who were determined to improve the reputation of their craft established professional norms and the goal of objectivity. However, Tucher argues, the creation of outward forms of factuality unleashed new opportunities for falsehood: News doesn't have to be true as long as it looks true. Propaganda, disinformation, and advocacy—whether in print, on the radio, on television, or online—could be crafted to resemble the real thing. Dressed up in legitimate journalistic conventions, this “fake journalism” became inextricably bound up with right-wing politics, to the point where it has become an essential driver of political polarization. Shedding light on the long history of today's disputes over disinformation, Not Exactly Lying is a timely consideration of what happens to public life when news is not exactly true.

Subject terms:

Journalism--Objectivity--United States--History - Fake news--United States--History - Disinformation--United States--History - Press and politics--United States--History - Journalism--Corrupt practices--United States--History

Content provider:

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

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Suva Stories : A History of the Capital of Fiji
Nicholas Halter;Nicholas Halter
Suva Stories explores a fascinating tapestry of histories in one of the Pacific's olde... more
Suva Stories : A History of the Capital of Fiji
Suva Stories explores a fascinating tapestry of histories in one of the Pacific's oldest and most culturally diverse urban centres, the capital of Fiji. Charting the trajectory of Suva from indigenous village to colonial hub to contemporary Pacific metropolis, it draws on a rich colonial archive and moving personal memoirs that bear witness to their time. The diverse contributions in this volume form a complex mosaic of urban lives and histories that contribute fresh insights into historical and ongoing debates about race, place and belonging. Suva Stories is a valuable companion to those seeking to engage with the city's pasts and present, and will prompt new conversations about history and memory in Fiji.

Content provider:

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

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A Short Media History of English Literature
Ingo Berensmeyer;Ingo Berensmeyer
This book explores the history of literature as a history of changing media and modes ... more
A Short Media History of English Literature
This book explores the history of literature as a history of changing media and modes of communication, from manuscript to print, from the codex to the computer, and from paper to digital platforms. It argues that literature has evolved, and continues to evolve, in sync with material forms and formats that engage our senses in multiple ways. Because literary experiences are embedded in, and enabled by, media, the book focuses on literature as a changing combination of material and immaterial features. The principal agents of this history are no longer genres, authors, and texts but configurations of media and technologies. In telling the story of these combinations from prehistory to the present, Ingo Berensmeyer distinguishes between three successive dominants of media usage that have shaped literary history: performance, representation, and connection. Using English literature as a test case for a long view of media history, this book combines an unusual bird's eye view across periods with illuminating readings of key texts. It will prove an invaluable resource for teaching and for independent study in English or comparative literature and media studies.

Subject terms:

Communication--History - Books--Great Britain--History

Content provider:

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

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