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Play Among Books : A Symposium on Architecture and Information Spelt in Atom-Letters
Miro Roman;Alice _ch3n81;Ludger Hovestadt;Vera Bühlmann;Miro Roman;Alice _c...
eBook eBook | 2022; Vol. 00017 Please log in to see more details
Wie verändert Codierung unser Denken über Architektur? Eine Frage, die in der Forschun... more
Play Among Books : A Symposium on Architecture and Information Spelt in Atom-Letters
2022; Vol. 00017
Wie verändert Codierung unser Denken über Architektur? Eine Frage, die in der Forschung eine wichtige Perspektive eröffnet. Miro Roman und seine KI Alice_ch3n81 entfalten in diesem Buch ein wahrhaft spielerisches Szenario, in dem sie Codierung als neue Alphabetisierung für Informationen vorschlagen. Erkenntnis vermittelt es in Form eines Projektmodells, das die Bereiche Architektur und Information durch zwei verflochtene Erzählstränge in einem „unendlichen Fluss'realer Bücher miteinander verknüpft. Mit dem Fokus auf der Schnittmenge von Informationstechnologie und architektonischer Formulierung entsteht so eine immer weiterführende intellektuelle Reflexion zu digitaler Architektur und Computerwissenschaft.

Subject terms:

Computer-aided design - Architecture--Data processing - Computer architecture

Content provider:

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

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On Capitalism and Inequality : Progress and Poverty Revisited
Robert U. Ayres;Robert U. Ayres
Capitalism is under attack. Defenders say that capitalism has raised billions of peopl... more
On Capitalism and Inequality : Progress and Poverty Revisited
Capitalism is under attack. Defenders say that capitalism has raised billions of people from poverty. But a central activity of capitalism today, Wall Street style, is speculation (gambling), using other people's money, and privatizing the profits while socializing the debts. Skeptics argue that capitalism has redistributed the wealth of the planet in favor of a very few, meanwhile leaving the planet in bad shape and leaving billions of people out in the cold. Wealth is now extremely mal-distributed, opportunity is far from equal, and upward social mobility has declined significantly in recent decades. This book reviews the evidence and arguments pro and con in considerable detail.The evidence is mixed. The main virtue of capitalism is its emphasis on competition as a driver of innovation and, thus, of economic growth. It is true that economic growth has accelerated in recent centuries, and it is true that billions of people have been lifted from poverty. But it is not necessarily true that intense “winner take all” competition in the marketplace is the explanation for growth. Neoclassical economic theory posits that self-interest is the primary motive for all economic decisions, leaving little room for cooperation and even less for altruism. The theory applies to an unrealistic “model” of human behavior, known as Homo economicus or “economic man”, whose characteristic activity is buying or selling.The reason for using the adjective word “social” – as in socialism” or “social service” or “social democracy” -- is, essentially, to deny those postulates of standard economic theory. Real humans are not rational utility maximizers (whatever that is) and very often do things that are not in their own personal best interests. This can happen because other interests, such as family loyalty, professional, religious, or patriotic duty, may take precedence. Real people rarely behave like Homo economicus, who has rivals but no friends. He (or she) does not trust anyone, hence cannot cooperate with others, and can never create, or live in, a viable social system (or marriage). Yet social systems, ranging from families and tribes to firms, cities, and nations do (and must) exist or civilization cannot exist. A viable social system must not allow “winner takes all”. It must reallocate some of the societal wealth being created by competitive activities to support the young, the old and the weak, because all of those people have equal rights, if not the same luck or the same skills.Both competition and cooperation have important roles to play. A hybrid capitalism involving both is the only viable solution. The book ends with a specific suggestion, namely Universal Basic Income, or UBI.

Subject terms:

Natural resources - Income distribution - Capitalism - Thermodynamics - Economics

Content provider:

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

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Dialogues Between Media
Paul Ferstl;Paul Ferstl
eBook eBook | 2021; Vol. 00021 Please log in to see more details
Comparative Literature is changing fast with methodologies, topics, and research inter... more
Dialogues Between Media
2021; Vol. 00021
Comparative Literature is changing fast with methodologies, topics, and research interests emerging and remerging. The fifth volume of ICLA 2016 proceedings, Dialogues between Media, focuses on the current interest in inter-arts studies, as well as papers on comics studies, further testimony to the fact that comics have truly arrived in mainstream academic discourse.'Adaptation'is a key term for the studies presented in this volume; various articles discuss the adaptation of literary source texts in different target media - cinematic versions, comics adaptations, TV series, theatre, and opera. Essays on the interplay of media beyond adaptation further show many of the strands that are woven into dialogues between media, and thus the expanding range of comparative literature.

Subject terms:

Art and literature--Congresses - Comparative literature--Congresses - Literature--Adaptations--Congresses - Comic books, strips, etc.--History and criticism--Congresses

Content provider:

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

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Empire of Liberty : Die Vereinigten Staaten von der Reconstruction zum Spanisch-Amerikanischen Krieg
Michaela Hampf;Michaela Hampf
Wie erklärt man den Aufstieg der USA von einer britischen Kolonie zur globalen Hegemon... more
Empire of Liberty : Die Vereinigten Staaten von der Reconstruction zum Spanisch-Amerikanischen Krieg
Wie erklärt man den Aufstieg der USA von einer britischen Kolonie zur globalen Hegemonialmacht in einem Zeitraum von knapp 140 Jahren von der Revolution bis zum Ersten Weltkrieg? Welche Bedeutung hat dabei die nach dem Bürgerkrieg einsetzende forcierte „Nationsbildung“, die im Kontext der Besiedelung des Westens, der Etablierung eines kapitalistischen Systems à l'Américaine, der Ausbildung eines sich von Europa deutlich unterscheidenden Systems der Regulierung von Arbeit und Kapital, der nicht Durchsetzbarkeit sozialistischer Ideen und der Politik des „small government“ und „laissez-faire“ stattfand? Kurz: Welche Bedeutung hatte die spezifisch amerikanische Entwicklung mit ihrem Fokus auf den innenpolitischen und innergesellschaftlichen Problemkontext für die Entstehung bzw. Entwicklung der diskursiven Formation des „Empire for Liberty“, das sich spätestens mit dem Spanisch-Amerikanischen Krieg in eine außenpolitische Maxime übersetzte und handlungsleitend für die offensive amerikanische Hegemonialpolitik nach dem Weltkrieg wurde, ja das Empire zu einem „Way of Life“ machte? Obwohl der Erste Weltkrieg gemeinhin als Beginn einer amerikanischen Dominanz in der Weltpolitik gesehen wird, argumentiert M. Michaela Hampf, dass der Aufstieg der Vereinigten Staaten zu einer imperialen Macht bereits nach 1865 erfolgte. Methodisch geht die Untersuchung insofern neue Wege als zur Erklärung des „amerikanischen Sonderwegs“ die sozialwissenschaftliche Theorie der Pfadabhängigkeit herangezogen wird. Erklärt werden soll nicht die expansive amerikanische Außenpolitik als konsequente Anwendung amerikanischer Prinzipien, sondern die Pfade, die dazu führten, dass die amerikanische Politik bereit war, einen Weg zu beschreiten, der eine Abkehr von eben jenen Grundsätzen darstellte.

Subject terms:

America - History (General) - Political science - Modern history, 1453-

Content provider:

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

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Encyclopedia of Bullying (7 Volume Set)
Silje C. Vestergaard;Silje C. Vestergaard
This 7-volume set is a compilation of important research on bullying. Some of the topi... more
Encyclopedia of Bullying (7 Volume Set)
This 7-volume set is a compilation of important research on bullying. Some of the topics addressed include: cyberbullying, a form of bullying carried out using electronic communication; violent behavior; homophobia and its role in bullying; bullying prevention programs; predictors of school bullying; coping strategies and efforts to counter bullying behavior.

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eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

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Weird American Music : Case Studies of Underground Resistance, BarlowGirl, Jackalope, Charles Ives, and Waffle House Music
Gail, Dorothea;Gail, Dorothea
eBook eBook | 2018; Vol. 00299 Please log in to see more details
The author takes Greil Marcus's capacious category of “weirdness” in new directions to... more
Weird American Music : Case Studies of Underground Resistance, BarlowGirl, Jackalope, Charles Ives, and Waffle House Music
2018; Vol. 00299
The author takes Greil Marcus's capacious category of “weirdness” in new directions to examine a tension in certain expressions of American music and music communities since the 1980s. It locates this tension in the space between the artists'striving for authenticity in the values they want to communicate on the one hand, and the demands of the marketplace on the other. The results are “weird” in both the economic and artistic sense. The book follows five different case studies: Underground Resistance, BarlowGirl, Jackalope, the latter-day reception of Charles Ives, and Waffle House Music. All have struggled against co-optation, and arguably faced defeat in their efforts to stay authentic during an era in which lifestyle and ethnicity have become commodified, and both religious and humanistic values have become products.

Subject terms:

Folk music--United States--History and criticism - Music--United States--20th century--History and criticism - Popular music--United States--History and criticism

Content provider:

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

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The 1930s: The Reality and the Promise
J.B. Bennington, Editor;Zenia Sacks DaSilva, Editor;J.B. Bennington, Editor...
In 2010, Hofstra University celebrated its 75th anniversary, inviting scholars to the ... more
The 1930s: The Reality and the Promise
In 2010, Hofstra University celebrated its 75th anniversary, inviting scholars to the campus to discuss the world as it was in the year Hofstra was founded. The conference “1935: The Reality and the Promise” provided a wide-ranging exploration of the 1930s with presentations, discussions, and events highlighting the arts, entertainment, society, politics, literature, and science in that momentous decade. This volume encompasses a selection of the most interesting and enlightening papers from this conference, providing both depth and breadth of coverage. By any measure, the 1930s was a pivotal decade in modern history – a time when the reality of current events and the foreshadowing of events to come tempered all promise. The tension between reality and promise is a recurrent theme in the chapters brought together here, as well as in the personalities and faces that came to define this decade.

Subject terms:

Nineteen thirties--Congresses

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eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

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Periodical Periodical | American Theatre. Jan/Feb2020, Vol. 37 Issue 1, p90-104. 11p. 7 Color Photographs. Please log in to see more details
American Theatre. Jan/Feb2020, Vol. 37 Issue 1, p90-104. 11p. 7 Color Photographs.

Subject terms:

Performing arts festivals - Theater - Performing arts

Content provider:

Literary Reference Source

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Periodical Periodical | American Theatre. Oct2019, Vol. 36 Issue 8, p40-78. 32p. 8 Color Photographs. Please log in to see more details
American Theatre. Oct2019, Vol. 36 Issue 8, p40-78. 32p. 8 Color Photographs.

Subject terms:

Drama festivals - Hamlet (Play : Shakespeare) - Million Dollar Quartet (Theatrical production)

Content provider:

Literary Reference Source

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North American Cornucopia : Top 100 Indigenous Food Plants
Ernest Small;Ernest Small
Many North American plants have characteristics that are especially promising as candi... more
North American Cornucopia : Top 100 Indigenous Food Plants
Many North American plants have characteristics that are especially promising as candidates for expanding our food supply and generating new economically competitive crops. This book is an informative analysis of the top 100 indigenous food plants of North America, focusing on those species that have achieved commercial success or have substantial market potential. The book's user-friendly format provides concise information on each plant. It examines the geography and ecology, history, economic and social importance, food and industrial uses, and the economic future of each crop.

Subject terms:

Endemic plants--North America - Plants, Edible--North America

Content provider:

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

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Historical Dictionary of Children's Literature
Emer O'Sullivan;Emer O'Sullivan
eBook eBook | 2010; Vol. 00046 Please log in to see more details
Children's literature comes from a number of different sources-folklore (folk- and fai... more
Historical Dictionary of Children's Literature
2010; Vol. 00046
Children's literature comes from a number of different sources-folklore (folk- and fairy tales), books originally for adults and subsequently adapted for children, and material authored specifically for them-and its audience ranges from infants through middle graders to young adults (readers from about 12 to 18 years old). Its forms include picturebooks, pop-up books, anthologies, novels, merchandising tie-ins, novelizations, and multimedia texts, and its genres include adventure stories, drama, science fiction, poetry, and information books. The Historical Dictionary of Children's Literature relates the history of children's literature through a chronology, an introductory essay, appendixes, a bibliography, and over 500 cross-referenced dictionary entries on authors, books, and genres. Some of the most legendary names in all of literature are covered in this important reference, including Hans Christian Anderson, L. Frank Baum, Lewis Carroll, Roald Dahl, Charles Dickens, C.S. Lewis, Beatrix Potter, J.K. Rowling, Robert Louis Stevenson, Mark Twain, J.R.R. Tolkien, Jules Verne, and E.B. White.

Subject terms:

Children's literature--Bio-bibliography--Dictionaries - Children's literature--History and criticism--Dictionaries

Content provider:

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

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Executive Name Index. (English)
Periodical Periodical | Associations Canada; 2024, Issue 45, p1723-1852, 130p Please log in to see more details

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Canadian Associations. (English)
Periodical Periodical | Associations Canada; 2024, Issue 45, p1-1462, 1462p Please log in to see more details

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Sharia Incorporated : A Comparative Overview of the Legal Systems of Twelve Muslim Countries in Past and Present
Jan Michiel Otto;Jan Michiel Otto
The aim of Sharia Incorporated is to provide unbiased and contextual information about... more
Sharia Incorporated : A Comparative Overview of the Legal Systems of Twelve Muslim Countries in Past and Present
The aim of Sharia Incorporated is to provide unbiased and contextual information about a topic that has of late been hijacked by politics in the Muslim world as well as in the West. Sharia Incorporated, written by laudable international scholars, is an ambitious study of the incorporation of Islamic law traditions into national legal systems. The book also explores the sensitive topic of ‘Western'human rights and other rule of law standards in a Muslim world. It provides an in-depth analysis of the role of sharia in the historical and legal formation of twelve representative Muslim states, with a unique comparison of key issues raised by the ‘Islamic awakening'of recent decades. In the preface Jan Michiel Otto goes to the heart of the prevailing environment in which Western discourses tend to oversimplify the substance and effect of Islam and sharia.

Subject terms:

Islamic law

Content provider:

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

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Reflections of Eminent Economists
Michael Szenberg;Lall Ramrattan;Michael Szenberg;Lall Ramrattan
In this collection of autobiographical essays, 26 prominent scholars detail their prof... more
Reflections of Eminent Economists
In this collection of autobiographical essays, 26 prominent scholars detail their profes sional development, while offering insight into their lives and philosophies. With candor and humor they relate how they came to the field of economics, as well as how their views have evolved over the years.Highlights of the collection include discussions by: Irma Adelman on how World War II shaped her life; Mark Blaug on how Marxism, involvement with the Communist Party, and McCarthyism influenced his scholarship; Victor Fuchs on economic perspective and its applicability to many disciplines; Allan Meltzer on his development as a researcher; and Julian Simon on his eclectic career and untraditional path to economics. Examining the essayists'reflections affords us the opportunity to explore the question of what makes distinctive and exciting scholarship while allowing us to probe the criteria for excellence. These thoughtful essays will be of great value to students of economics and to all those interested in personal recollections of wise and accomplished scholars.

Subject terms:

Economists--Biography - Economics--Philosophy

Content provider:

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

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Who’s Who in Economics, Fourth Edition
Mark Blaug;Howard R. Vane;Mark Blaug;Howard R. Vane
This major reference work, now in its fourth edition, is an extensive and authoritativ... more
Who’s Who in Economics, Fourth Edition
This major reference work, now in its fourth edition, is an extensive and authoritative guide to the most frequently cited academic economists throughout the world.As with the previous editions, each of the entries is written by the entrants themselves and gives pertinent biographical data, principal fields of interest, chief publications and a statement of their principal contributions to economics as they - and not the editors - perceive them. This edition includes only living economists whose articles, published in the period 1990-2000, have been most frequently cited and as such it is the most up-to-date biographical dictionary of the leading players in the economics profession.a thoroughly revised, updated and extended fourth edition containing the most cited economists from 1990-2000the only biographical dictionary of major economists to appear in any languageprovides critical information on over 700 living economistsfive appendices, including indices of principal fields of interest, country of residence, year of birth, current affiliation, and first degree and doctorate.

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Content provider:

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

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Magill's Encyclopedia of Science : Plant Life
Ness, Bryan D.;Ness, Bryan D.
Magill's Encyclopedia of Science : Plant Life

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Content provider:

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

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Executive Name Index.
Periodical Periodical | Associations Canada; 2023, Issue 44, p1733-1864, 132p Please log in to see more details

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Arboriculture : History and Development in North America
Campana, Richard J.;Campana, Richard J.
Arboriculture : History and Development in North America

Subject terms:

Arboriculture--United States--History - Arboriculture--Canada--History

Content provider:

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

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The Transformation of Rural Life : Southern Illinois, 1890-1990
Jane Adams;Jane Adams
Jane Adams focuses on the transformation of rural life in Union County, Illinois, as s... more
The Transformation of Rural Life : Southern Illinois, 1890-1990
Jane Adams focuses on the transformation of rural life in Union County, Illinois, as she explores the ways in which American farming has been experienced and understood in the twentieth century. Reconstructing the histories of seven farms, she places the details of daily life within the context of political and economic change. Adams identifies contradictions that, on a personal level, influenced relations between children and parents, men and women, and bosses and laborers, and that, more generally, changed structures of power within the larger rural community. In this historical ethnography, Adams traces two contradictory narratives: one stresses plenitude--rich networks of neighbors and kin, the ability to supply families from the farm, the generosity shown to those in need--while the other stresses the acute hardships and oppressive class, gender, and age inequities that characterized farm life. The New Deal and World War II disrupted both patterns, as the increased capital necessary for successful farming forced many to move from agriculture to higher-paid nonfarm work. This shift also changed the structure of the farm household, as homes modernized and women found work off the farm. Adams concludes that large-scale bureaucracies leveled existing class distinctions and that community networks eroded as farmers came to realize an improved standard of living.

Content provider:

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

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Encyclopedia of Banking & Finance
Woelfel, Charles J.;Woelfel, Charles J.
Encyclopedia of Banking & Finance

Subject terms:

Banks and banking--Encyclopedias - Finance--Encyclopedias - Banks and banking--United States--Encyclopedias

Content provider:

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

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EGU General Assembly 2016.
Academic Journal Academic Journal | Geophysical Research Abstracts. 2016, Vol. 18, p1-16028. 16028p. Please log in to see more details

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EGU General Assembly 2014.
Academic Journal Academic Journal | Geophysical Research Abstracts. 2014, Vol. 16, p1-15054. 15054p. Please log in to see more details

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Abstract Supplement ACR Convergence 2020.
Academic Journal Academic Journal | Arthritis Oct2020 Supplement S10, Vol. 72, p1-4231, 4231p Please log in to see more details
For a searchable version of these abstracts, please visit [ABSTR... more
Abstract Supplement ACR Convergence 2020.
Arthritis Oct2020 Supplement S10, Vol. 72, p1-4231, 4231p
For a searchable version of these abstracts, please visit [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

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Content provider:

Complementary Index

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