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A guide to culture in the classroom
Saville-Troike, Muriel, 1936;National Clearinghouse for Bilingual Education...
Book Book | A guide to culture in the classroom; 01/01/1984 Please log in to see more details

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El devenir de la lingüística y la cultura: un estudio interdisciplinar sobre lengua, literatura y traducción.
Garcés Manzanera, Aitor;Ould García, Omar Salem;Flores Borjabad, Salud Adel...
Todo ser vivo necesita interactuar con el medio que lo rodea, generando un tipo de inf... more
El devenir de la lingüística y la cultura: un estudio interdisciplinar sobre lengua, literatura y traducción.
Todo ser vivo necesita interactuar con el medio que lo rodea, generando un tipo de información que lo lleva a crear un acto de comunicación. Así, se desarrollan una serie de lenguajes que los llevan a comunicarse con la comunidad. Por ejemplo, en el caso de los animales se puede observar cómo emiten diferentes sonidos para realizar cualquier tipo de acción o, incluso, para advertir de cualquier peligro a su alrededor.En el caso de los seres humanos, desde nuestros orígenes, hemos generado gestos y expresiones que varían de un lugar a otro, así como también hemos elaborado sistemas de comunicación basados en señales para poder comunicarnos. No obstante, en el caso de los seres huma-nos, todo esto va más allá, en tanto que hemos sido capaces de desarrollar un sistema de comunicación verbal y escrito, otorgándole convenciones que varían de un lugar a otro. Siguiendo esta línea, nuestra forma de comunicación ha ido más allá de la simbología, hasta tal punto de elaborar un sistema de símbolos sonoros y gráficos que se articulan de diferentes formas con el fin de elaborar un sistema complejo de estructuras que nos llevan a comentar nuestro presente, pasado y futuro, lo que se ha denominado lengua. Además de todo esto, hay que tener en cuenta el factor geográfico, puesto que no se puede hablar en exclusiva de una única lengua. En este contexto, la lengua o las lenguas va-rían en función de los fenómenos socioculturales que la rodean, es decir, existe una relación intrínseca entre lengua, lenguaje y sociedad, teniendo en cuenta sus usos y el contexto en el que se desenvuelven.

Subject terms:

Romanies--Education (Higher)

Content provider:

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

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Die Macht des Kontextes: Sprache(n) und Kommunikation
Anastasija Kostiučenko;Martha Kuhnhenn;Anastasija Kostiučenko;Martha Kuhnhe...
eBook eBook | 2022; Vol. 00016 Please log in to see more details
Der interdisziplinäre Band postuliert eine Macht des Kontextes und erklärt, was darunt... more
Die Macht des Kontextes: Sprache(n) und Kommunikation
2022; Vol. 00016
Der interdisziplinäre Band postuliert eine Macht des Kontextes und erklärt, was darunter verstanden wird. Die Beiträge beleuchten und hinterfragen die Macht des Kontextes in dessen Relationen zu Sprache(n), Gesellschaft(en) und Medien. Dies geschieht teils aus philologischem, teils aus sozialwissenschaftlich-kommunikationswissenschaftlichem Blickwinkel und schließt jeweils mit Thesen zur Macht des Kontextes. Der Fokus in den Beiträgen lässt sich entlang der sozialwissenschaftlichen Ebenen (Mikroebene, Mesoebene, Makroebene) differenzieren. Mit Blick auf die gewonnenen Erkenntnisse eröffnet sich die Perspektive einer breit verstandenen Kontextlinguistik, und es werden Impulse und Anknüpfungspunkte für weitere Forschung in den Einzeldisziplinen sowie für disziplinenverbindende Forschung geboten.

Subject terms:

Context (Linguistics) - Semantics

Content provider:

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

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A guide to culture in the classroom / by Muriel Saville-Troike.
Government Document | 1978
Available at Available Merrill-Cazier Government Documents (Lower Level) (Call number: ED 1.308:C 89)

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Oportunidades y retos para la enseñanza de las artes, la educación mediática y la ética en la era postdigital.
Castro León, Elke;Castro León, Elke
eBook eBook | 2021; Vol. 00030 Please log in to see more details
El origen de esta obra, Oportunidades y retos para la enseñanza de las artes, la educa... more
Oportunidades y retos para la enseñanza de las artes, la educación mediática y la ética en la era postdigital.
2021; Vol. 00030
El origen de esta obra, Oportunidades y retos para la enseñanza de las artes, la educación mediática y la ética en la era postdigital nace del deseo de significar la transformación de las prácticas pedagógicas que se están llevando a cabo hoy en día en diferentes niveles del sistema educativo, desde las escuelas hasta las enseñanzas superiores, dentro del contexto inestable y lleno de incertidumbre que es este en el cual nos encontramos.La educación y la enseñanza del siglo XXI están atravesando por un momento de adecuación a los profundos cambios sociales, políticos, económicos y culturales que vienen desarrollándose desde las últimas décadas del siglo XX. Al tiempo que, estas tratan de adaptarse a la construcción de significados y el desarrollo de criterios interpretativos sobre el mundo que se producen en este ambiente dominado por las tecnologías digitales y los medios de comunicación masiva. Así pues, mientras que el fuerte desarrollo y la superación de lo tecnológico dan lugar al surgimiento de la era postdigital, el acceso inmediato a la información y el conocimiento favorecido por el uso de Internet y las redes sociales determinan cambios importantes en la evolución de los individuos que constituyen la sociedad red.

Subject terms:

Media literacy - Art--Study and teaching

Content provider:

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

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Encyclopedia of Linguistics
Philipp Strazny;Philipp Strazny
Utilizing a historical and international approach, this valuable two-volume resource m... more
Encyclopedia of Linguistics
Utilizing a historical and international approach, this valuable two-volume resource makes even the more complex linguistic issues understandable for the non-specialized reader. Containing over 500 alphabetically arranged entries and an expansive glossary by a team of international scholars, the Encyclopedia of Linguisticsexplores the varied perspectives, figures, and methodologies that make up the field.

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Content provider:

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

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Communicating Gender
Suzanne Romaine;Suzanne Romaine
Taking a cross-disciplinary approach, Suzanne Romaine's main concern is to show how la... more
Communicating Gender
Taking a cross-disciplinary approach, Suzanne Romaine's main concern is to show how language and discourse play key roles in understanding and communicating gender and culture. In addition to linguistics--which provides the starting point and central focus of the book--she draws on the fields of anthropology, biology, communication, education, economics, history, literary criticism, philosophy, psychology, and sociology. The text covers the'core'areas in the study of language and gender, including how and where gender is indexed in language, how men and women speak, how children acquire gender differentiated language, and sexism in language and language reform. Although most of the examples are drawn primarily from English, other European languages and non-European languages, such as Japanese are considered. The text is written in an accessible way so that no prior knowledge of linguistics is necessary to understand the chapters containing linguistic analysis. Each chapter is followed by exercises and discussion questions to facilitate the book's use as a classroom text. The author reviews scholarly treatments of gender, and then uses her own data material from the corpora of spoken and written English usage. Special features include an examination of contemporary media sources such as newspapers, advertising, and television; a discussion of women's speculative fiction; a study of gender and advertising, with special attention paid to the role played by language in these domains; and a review of French feminist thought, particularly as it relates to the issue of language reform.

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Content provider:

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

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Saville-Troike, Muriel
Book Book | Ethnography of Communication; 2003, p285-316, 32p Please log in to see more details

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Arabic Instruction in France.
Morrow, John A.
Academic Journal Academic Journal | International Journal of the Humanities. Jun2007, Vol. 4 Issue 6, p17-23. 7p. Please log in to see more details

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Pidgin and Creole Languages : Essays in Memory of John E. Reinecke
Glenn Gilbert;Glenn Gilbert
This book is for the memory of John E. Reinecke, a man whose humanistic activism and s... more
Pidgin and Creole Languages : Essays in Memory of John E. Reinecke
This book is for the memory of John E. Reinecke, a man whose humanistic activism and sharp-hewn scholarship helped to shape the scientific study of pidgin and creole languages throughout much of the twentieth century. Reinecke was both a social reformer and a leading sociolinguistic researcher working with creole languages and societies that derive from diverse groups of people thrown into close social contact. Most notably, Reinecke's keen sense of social justice has had a telling effect on the social history of Hawaii. Along with his persistent efforts to obtain a fair and equal share for wage earners in sharply stratified societies, his attention early became focused on their language. By encouraging others to study what he called'marginal languages,'he was able to bring to them (and to the extraordinary issues—theoretical and practical—which they raise) a measure of prestige, both in the eyes of their speakers and in the increased attention accorded them by students of language and society.The book presents a description of Reinecke's life and work, the text of his own last paper on creolistics, and seventeen papers which reflect the range and vitality of the field that he did so much to open. Some of the papers reflect the issue which has come to dominate creole studies—the debate over the role of universals and of specific substrata as competing explanations of the amazing similarities that creoles, and perhaps pidgins also, exhibit across the world. Many describe the intense language contact within which language contraction and expansion occur (they do this either directly, or by supplying new data which will eventually feed such descriptions), and and some are our belated response to calls which Reinecke made in the 1930s. Fifty years ago, he saw the need for the kind of comparative studies which are only now under way—in, for example, Hazel Carter's paper, which represents a pioneering attempt to compare the suprasegmentals of English-based Creoles on both sides of the Atlantic. In his last years, Reinecke strongly supported research on contact languages with non-European lexical bases. He thought this was the area from which future creole studies would derive the greatest theoretical and practical gain, and in this volume six papers answer his call by analyzing such pidgins and creoles.

Subject terms:

Creole dialects - Pidgin languages

Content provider:

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

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American Folklore : An Encyclopedia
Brunvand, Jan Harold;Brunvand, Jan Harold
eBook eBook | 1998; Vol. 01551 Please log in to see more details
American Folklore : An Encyclopedia
1998; Vol. 01551

Subject terms:

Folklore--North America--Encyclopedias

Content provider:

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

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Handbook of semiotics
Nöth, Winfried;Nöth, Winfried
Enlarged translation of: Handbuch der Semiotik. more
Handbook of semiotics
Enlarged translation of: Handbuch der Semiotik.

Subject terms:

Semiotics--Handbooks, manuals, etc - Communication--Handbooks, manuals, etc

Content provider:

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

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Male/female Language : With a Comprehensive Bibliography
Key, Mary Ritchie;Key, Mary Ritchie
Expansion of a paper delivered by the author at the American Dialect Society in New Yo... more
Male/female Language : With a Comprehensive Bibliography
Expansion of a paper delivered by the author at the American Dialect Society in New York in 1970.

Subject terms:

Language and languages--Sex differences - Sex (Psychology)

Content provider:

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

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The Women and Language Debate : A Sourcebook
Roman, Camille;Juhasz, Suzanne;Miller, Cristanne;Roman, Camille;Juhasz, Suz...
The Women and Language Debate : A Sourcebook

Subject terms:

Women--Language - Language and languages--Sex differences - Feminism

Content provider:

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

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Attitudes toward Communicative Performance.
Saville-Troike, Muriel
Book Book | Ethnography of Communication; 2003, p183-213, 31p Please log in to see more details

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Handbook of Ethnography
Paul Atkinson;Amanda Coffey;Sara Delamont;John Lofland;Lyn Lofland

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The SAGE Handbook of Sociolinguistics.
Wodak, Ruth;Johnstone, Barbara;Kerswill, Paul
Book Book | SAGE Handbook of Sociolinguistics; 2011, p1-611, 611p Please log in to see more details

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The Directory.
Book Book | Writers Directory 1980-82; 1979, p1-1389, 1389p Please log in to see more details

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