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Los poemas de 86*RL, criterios de selección y relación con otros incunables poéticos: variación y variantes
Maria Mercè López Casas
Academic Journal Academic Journal | Criticón, Vol 141, Pp 133-156 (2021) Please log in to see more details
Study of the Cancionero de Ramón de Llavia (86*RL), one of the first collective incuna... more
Los poemas de 86*RL, criterios de selección y relación con otros incunables poéticos: variación y variantes
Criticón, Vol 141, Pp 133-156 (2021)
Study of the Cancionero de Ramón de Llavia (86*RL), one of the first collective incunabula cancioneros. We analyse the factors which Ramón de Llavia, compiler and publisher, took into an account in order to select the texts of the anthology: addressee, subject, and relation to the poems of other incunabula cancioneros. We also present variants and variations of texts regarding the incunabulum printed tradition.

Subject terms:

incunabula - Cancionero poetry - Hurus Pablo - Centenera Antón de - textual criticism - French literature - Italian literature - Spanish literature - Portuguese literature - PQ1-3999

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Directory of Open Access Journals
La caracterización lingüística del Cancionero de Llavia: versiones y textos únicos
Matteo De Beni
Academic Journal Academic Journal | Criticón, Vol 141, Pp 109-132 (2021) Please log in to see more details
The Cancionero de Llavia was published by the Hurus printing press in Saragossa betwee... more
La caracterización lingüística del Cancionero de Llavia: versiones y textos únicos
Criticón, Vol 141, Pp 109-132 (2021)
The Cancionero de Llavia was published by the Hurus printing press in Saragossa between 1484 and 1488. The fame of this songbook is due, above all, to its reputation as a trailblazer of the dawn of the printing press in Spain and to its status as a testimony of the Coplas por la muerte de su padre by Jorge Manrique. After presenting a general introduction to the incidence of songbooks in the historiography of the Spanish language, this article provides a linguistic characterization of a corpus of poems from the incunabulum under consideration: the analysis involves graphic, syntactic, morphological, lexical aspects, and, finally, formulas, quotations as well as other elements of “repeated discourse” that can be identified in the studied texts.

Subject terms:

incunabula period - Hurus - history of the Spanish language - 15th century Castilian - French literature - Italian literature - Spanish literature - Portuguese literature - PQ1-3999

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Directory of Open Access Journals
Una supuesta edición (post)incunable desenmascarada: análisis tipográfico y motivaciones procesales de la impresión de los Privilegios colombinos capitulados en Santa Fe
Mercedes Fernández Valladares
Academic Journal Academic Journal | Janus: Estudios sobre el Siglo de Oro, Vol 3, Pp 1-26 (2014) Please log in to see more details
From typographical, documentary and historical points of departure, this article deals... more
Una supuesta edición (post)incunable desenmascarada: análisis tipográfico y motivaciones procesales de la impresión de los Privilegios colombinos capitulados en Santa Fe
Janus: Estudios sobre el Siglo de Oro, Vol 3, Pp 1-26 (2014)
From typographical, documentary and historical points of departure, this article deals with a printed pamphlet in the archives of the House of Alba which contains the transcription of the letter confirming the privileges accorded to Christopher Columbus by the Catholic Monarchs in the Capitulations of Santa Fe. Whilst the text and the historical event that it derives from are both well known, here for the first time the attempt is made to identify the typography of this document, which hitherto has only rarely been referred to. As a result, its status as an incunable or post-incunable is rejected and its publication is related to the progress of the so-called Columbus lawsuits, which were to play such an important role in the history and development of legal proceedings.

Subject terms:

Columbus’s privileges - Capitulations of Santa Fe - Columbus’s lawsuits - Incunabula - Post-incunabula - Printing in Valladolid - Legal pleas - Analytical bibliography - Reports of events. - Language and Literature - French literature - Italian literature - Spanish literature - Portuguese literature - PQ1-3999

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Directory of Open Access Journals
Algunos apuntes sobre las ilustraciones de los incunables tolosanos hispánicos
Jean-Michel Mendiboure
Academic Journal Academic Journal | Atalaya, Vol 13 (2013) Please log in to see more details
Five books printed in Toulouse at the end of the fifteenth century are illustrated wit... more
Algunos apuntes sobre las ilustraciones de los incunables tolosanos hispánicos
Atalaya, Vol 13 (2013)
Five books printed in Toulouse at the end of the fifteenth century are illustrated with woodcuts. This note seeks to present their iconographic program and suggests a number of hypotheses as regards the nature of these images

Subject terms:

Incunabula - Esopete ystoriado - Visión deleytable - Historia de la linda Melusina - Pelegrino de la vida humana - Libro de las propiedades de las cosas - French literature - Italian literature - Spanish literature - Portuguese literature - PQ1-3999

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Musée Condé. Bibliothèque.;Delisle, Léopold, 1826-1910.;Aumale, Henri d'Orl...
Book Book | Chantilly.; 01/01/1905 Please log in to see more details

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La France littéraire au XVe siècle; ou, Catalogue raisonné des ouvrages en tout genre imprimés en langue française jusqu'à l'an 1500
Brunet, Gustave, 1807-1896.;Brunet, Gustave, 1807-1896.
Book Book | La France littéraire au XVe siècle; ou, Catalogue raisonné des ouvrages en tout genre imprimés en langue française jusqu'à l'an 1500; 01/01/1865 Please log in to see more details

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La France littéraire au XVe siècle : ou, Catalogue raisonné des ouvrages en tout genre imprimés en langue fran̨caise jusqu'à l'an 1500.
Brunet, Gustave, 1807-1896.;Brunet, Gustave, 1807-1896.
Book Book | La France littéraire au XVe siècle : ou, Catalogue raisonné des ouvrages en tout genre imprimés en langue fran̨caise jusqu'à l'an 1500.; 01/01/1967 Please log in to see more details

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Ma bibliothèque poétique. Éditions des 15e et 16e siècles des principaux poètes français.
Barbier, Jean-Paul, 1948;Barbier, Jean-Paul, 1948
Book Book | Ma bibliothèque poétique. Éditions des 15e et 16e siècles des principaux poètes français.; 01/01/1973 Please log in to see more details

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Catalogue des livres composant la bibliothèque de feu m. le baron James de Rothschild ...
Rothschild, James, baron de, 1844-1881.;Picot, Emile, 1844-1918.;Rothschild...
Book Book | Catalogue des livres composant la bibliothèque de feu m. le baron James de Rothschild ...; 01/01/1884 Please log in to see more details

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