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Tourism marketing in the metaverse: A systematic literature review, building blocks, and future research directions.
Sánchez-Amboage, Eva;Crespo-Pereira, Verónica;Membiela-Pollán, Matías;Jesús...
Academic Journal Academic Journal | PLoS ONE. 5/10/2024, Vol. 19 Issue 5, p1-22. 22p. Please log in to see more details

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Role of Information Technology in Food Tourism Marketing; A Critical Review of Social Media Channels
Gupta, Sonal;Sajnani, Manohar;Gowreesunker, Vanessa GB
Conference Conference | 2022 10th International Conference on Reliability, Infocom Technologies and Optimization (Trends and Future Directions) (ICRITO) Reliability, Infocom Technologies and Optimization (Trends and Future Directions) (ICRITO), 2022 10th International Conference. :1-6 Oct, 2022 Please log in to see more details

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Influencer Marketing in Travel and Tourism: Literature Review
Sesar, Vesna;Hunjet, Anica;Kozina, Goran
Thumbnail | Sesar, Vesna; Hunjet, Anica; Kozina, Goran / 73 Economic and Social Development, International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social Development 182 (2021) / Economic and Social Development, International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social Development, Vol. 73, pp. 182-192 Please log in to see more details

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Resonating with the consumer desires behind the screen – consumer-centric tourism advertising and new technology applications.
Chen, Yu
Academic Journal Academic Journal | Journal of Business 2024, Vol. 39 Issue 1, p99-115, 17p Please log in to see more details
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to conceptually integrate business to consumer (... more
Resonating with the consumer desires behind the screen – consumer-centric tourism advertising and new technology applications.
Journal of Business 2024, Vol. 39 Issue 1, p99-115, 17p
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to conceptually integrate business to consumer (B2C) into business to business (B2B), with a holistic consumer-centric, technology-reinforced, long-term vision for tourism industries and companies to survive and succeed in the era of new technologies 4.0. The research suggests that the tourism-marketing-new technologies decision-making involves customers as the center of the design and decision process. Design/methodology/approach: The research design includes a qualitative study with 94 in-depth interviews, a literature analysis and a conceptual proposition. The qualitative study follows the tourism consumer desire data analysis, from categorization to integration. The literature analysis applies a systematic literature review approach based on the 29 most up-to-date new-tech papers from peer-reviewed journals. The analysis compares qualitative research findings and literature analysis results and matches the new technology applications with consumer desire understanding. The conceptual framework of tourism marketing/advertising is proposed based on qualitative research and literature analysis. Findings: The qualitative research deciphers that consumers, based on their imagination and memorization, desire therapy and sceneries and connect such desires to the empathetic and resonating advertising messages. The literature analysis synthesizes the new tech applications in tourism and matches the qualitative research findings with the deciphered desires in tourism. The conceptual model proposes that B2C should be integrated into B2B to provide value for both consumers and businesses and opens avenues of research on this topic. Research limitations/implications: This research has made the following theoretical contributions: it offers an in-depth understanding of consumer desire, often hidden or subconscious, in the field of tourism. Consumer desires regarding tourism are mostly subconscious and exist long before consumers are exposed to advertising messages. These desires reflect the search for therapy and sceneries and become "embodied" – they exist on multisensorial levels and become part of the body and life and will lead consumers into positive perceptions when marketing communications/advertisements resonate with them. In the latter case, they will subjectively judge advertising as "good," regardless of the advertising design quality. The research also connects consumer research with a new technologies research review and proposes a conceptual framework to integrate business to consumer (B2C) with business to business (B2B). As such, the research makes theoretical contributions to the integration or the "boundary blurring" between B2C and B2B research and practical suggestions that involved industries and consumers may all benefit from such integration. Conceptually, there is a lack of discussions of the pitfalls of new technologies, a dearth of empirical verification of the applications of new technologies in the proposed fields and a shortage of discussions about ethical issues. Qualitative methods, offering an efficient tool for understanding consumer desires in the tourism industry, have their own limits, as discussed in previous research. The sample is limited to the state of New York population and may be influenced by geographic, demographic and psychological characteristics related to the region. Practical implications: This research provides advertising practitioners, new technology innovators and tourism industries with a framework to face the combined challenges of understanding hidden consumer desires and applying adequate technologies that resonate with consumer desires to tackle relevant issues. The conceptual proposition of this research fills the gap between qualitative consumer research without concrete practical resolution and new technologies applications without in-depth consumer understanding. Through the conceptual framework, the author provides insights into how industries may benefit from consumer understanding. The business relationships among the industries of marketing, tourism and new technologies should be centered around consumers. Thus, B2C and B2B should be naturally integrated into business practices. Social implications: Social implications of this research include three major points: first, the understanding of consumer desire for therapeutic power in tourism, which invites more attention to tourism as part of social well-being design instead of a purely for-profit business. Second, a profound comprehension of what consumers need and desire, without which the applications of new technologies may cause severe societal problems. Third, a way to tailor to consumers' individuality and desires for advertising/marketing that may be considered abusive, stressful and socially destructive if applied in a nonpersonal manner. Originality/value: Conceptually, this research adds consumer desire, an originally B2C concept, to the B2B context regarding the new technology applications in tourism marketing/advertising. It contributes to the B2B literature by proposing a strong consumer-centric approach, especially the consumer desire understanding, that is not yet investigated in the B2B literature; and a combination of empirical study and literature analysis and the matching of the two for better practice of advertising/marketing, tourism and new technologies applications. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

Subject terms:

NEW York (State) - TECHNOLOGICAL innovations - CONSUMERS - LITERATURE reviews - TOURISM advertising - EVIDENCE gaps - MARKETING - TOURISM marketing - BUSINESS tourism - BUSINESS-to-business transactions

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Complementary Index

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Big Data in Tourism Destination Image Measurement: A Review between 2013 and 2022
Wang, Zuo;Udomwong, Piyachat;Fu, Jing;Onpium, Pintusorn
Conference Conference | 2023 International Conference on Computer Applications Technology (CCAT) CCAT Computer Applications Technology (CCAT), 2023 International Conference on. :155-162 Sep, 2023 Please log in to see more details

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Sustainable Development Research in Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education: A Systematic Literature Review
Husamah, H.;Suwono, Hadi;Nur, Hadi;Dharmawan, Agus
Academic Journal Academic Journal | EURASIA Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education. 2022 18(5). Please log in to see more details
Sustainable development is development that aims to improve the quality of life for al... more
Sustainable Development Research in Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education: A Systematic Literature Review
EURASIA Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education. 2022 18(5).
Sustainable development is development that aims to improve the quality of life for all people around the world, both current and future generations. The focus and alignment of researchers on the theme of sustainable development is highly expected, as evidenced by publications in reputable journals, included in educational journals such as Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education (EJMSTE). The purpose of this Systematic Literature Review (SLR) was to review and compare investigations of researches on articles published by EJMSTE so that they are expected to have significant contributions to the topic of sustainable development. This SLR adopts five-step guidelines. The study standards that meet the requirements are, as follows: (i) the data used are from the 2005-2021 publication year; (ii) articles published in English; (iii) full paper can be accessed; and (iv) related to the theme of "sustainable" theme; and (v) only the type of research report articles. It can be concluded that EJMSTE is a pro-sustainable development journal. EJMSTE publishes 22 articles related to the theme of "sustainable". The most frequently used keywords are sustainable development and sustainability. Dominant authors were from Taiwan and China. We succeeded in formulating four important contributions made by articles published in EJMSTE related to sustainable themes, namely: (i) the urgency of science education in supporting sustainability, ESD, and SDGs funds; (ii) the need for curriculum reform and strengthening the competence of teachers in educational institutions, which are oriented towards sustainability and environmental literacy; (iii) the urgency of using technology that supports sustainability and ESD; and (iv) the urgency of energy efficiency, green marketing, green life cycle, and sustainable tourism to support sustainability. In addition, there are 22 useful educational resources that can be used as references/best practices, which can be implemented at the primary school to higher education levels.

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Digital Management for Sustainable Tourism: A Bibliometric Review
Kartikasari, Dwi;Almunawar, Mohammad Nabil;Anshari, Muhammad;Sumardi, Warda...
Conference Conference | 2023 International Conference on Sustaining Heritage: Innovative and Digital Approaches (ICSH) Sustaining Heritage: Innovative and Digital Approaches (ICSH), 2023 International Conference on. :83-89 Jun, 2023 Please log in to see more details

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An empirical study on marketing strategy of Shenzhen coastal tourism resort based on SWOT and ROST CM6 text analysis
Liu, Yanhong;Yang, Qianlin;Yuan, Jun
Conference Conference | 2021 International Conference on Education, Information Management and Service Science (EIMSS) EIMSS Education, Information Management and Service Science (EIMSS), 2021 International Conference on. :483-489 Jul, 2021 Please log in to see more details

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Enhancing the Hospitality Experience for Foreign Guests in South Korean Hotels: Insights from Online Reviews
Shafi, Khushboo;Jin, Seohoon
Conference Conference | 2023 19th International Conference on Natural Computation, Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery (ICNC-FSKD) Natural Computation, Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery (ICNC-FSKD), 2023 19th International Conference on. :1-6 Jul, 2023 Please log in to see more details

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Brand Experience Research in Hospitality and Tourism - Review and Future Directions.
Vlahovic-Mlakar, Tea Silvia;Ozretic-Dosen, Durdana
Academic Journal Academic Journal | Tourism (13327461); 2022, Vol. 70 Issue 4, p674-693, 20p Please log in to see more details
This article aims to present a critical review of brand experience (BE) research in ho... more
Brand Experience Research in Hospitality and Tourism - Review and Future Directions.
Tourism (13327461); 2022, Vol. 70 Issue 4, p674-693, 20p
This article aims to present a critical review of brand experience (BE) research in hospitality and tourism brand management literature based on a systematic literature and content analysis of 40 articles published in 25 peer-reviewed journals. The concept of BE is discussed by identifying leading journals, research methodologies, research contexts, country of research distribution, dimensionality approaches, and theoretical perspectives. Quantitative research was applied in most reviewed papers, and structural equation modeling (SEM), together with factor analysis (FA) emerged as preferred data analysis techniques. A steady increase in research papers exploring the construct of BE in an online context has been observed. The study suggests that BE is a critical and substantial ingredient of successful hotel, place, destination, restaurant, coffeehouse, cruise, and casino brand management. Additionally, key insights from previous empirical research were discussed from the perspective of antecedents and consequences of BE to provide a comprehensive conceptual framework. Drawing on the findings, potential themes for future research within six important areas of BE in hospitality and tourism were identified. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

Subject terms:

TOURISM research - BRANDING (Marketing) - STRUCTURAL equation modeling - PRODUCT management - QUANTITATIVE research - CASINO management - COFFEEHOUSES

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Supplemental Index

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Zúñiga Espinosa, Norma Arely;Zamora Ramos, Moisés Rubén
Academic Journal Academic Journal | Revista FACE. 2022, Vol. 22 Issue 4, p56-70. 15p. Please log in to see more details
This research aimed to discover how the concept of sustainable marketing from the pers... more
Revista FACE. 2022, Vol. 22 Issue 4, p56-70. 15p.
This research aimed to discover how the concept of sustainable marketing from the perspective of Service-Dominant logic (SDL) and value co-creation in economic ecosystems has been developed. Concurrently, this review aimed to analyze the main premises of the SDL, as an exchange strategy based on service, value co-creation in business, and the actors of the economic ecosystem, under a sustainability approach. To achieve these objectives, a systematic literature review was proposed following the PRISMA methodology, based on articles published between 2018 and 2022. From an initial set of 34 articles extracted from WoS and database in the analyzed period, 14 were indeed analyzed. The results reveal 4 central themes that represent the main research topics in the fields of Marketing, Tourism, Health services, Innovation in Service Ecosystems, Bottom of the Pyramid Markets, and Virtual Communities. Key findings suggest that the following research topics appear to be under-explored. This paper provides information to academics, practitioners, policymakers, entrepreneurs, and other actors in the economic ecosystem to engage with sustainability. It may also help the latter to develop strategies to enhance value co-creation in sustainable business practices, contributing to broadening the knowledge in this field of research. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

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Fuente Académica

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