Project Gutenberg Titles by

Dante Alighieri

(Dante Alighieri, 1265-1321)

Die Göttliche Komödie (in German)
Divina Commedia (in Italian)
Divina Commedia (in Italian; second version)
Divina Commedia: Inferno (in Italian)
Divina Commedia: Paradiso (in Italian)
Divina Commedia: Paradiso (in Italian; second version)
Divina Commedia: Purgatorio (in Italian)
Divina Commedia: Purgatorio (in Italian; second version)
The Divine Comedy (English)
The Divine Comedy (Norton translation, volume 1)
The Divine Comedy (Norton translation, volume 2)
The Divine Comedy (Norton translation, volume 3)
The Divine Comedy: Inferno (English)
The Divine Comedy: Paradiso (English)
The Divine Comedy: Purgatorio (English)
Jumalainen Näytelmä: Helvetti (in Finnish)
Purgatory and Paradise (Paradise)
Purgatory and Paradise (Paradise, Cantos I-XIV)
Purgatory and Paradise (Paradise, Cantos XV-XXI)
Purgatory and Paradise (Paradise, Cantos XXII-XXXIII)
Purgatory and Paradise (Purgatory)
Purgatory and Paradise (Purgatory, Cantos I-IV)
Purgatory and Paradise (Purgatory, Cantos V-X)
Purgatory and Paradise (Purgatory, Cantos XI-XVIII)
Purgatory and Paradise (Purgatory, Cantos XIX-XXV)
Purgatory and Paradise (Purgatory, Cantos XXVI-XXXIII)
Stories From the Italian Poets, With Lives of the Writers (Volume I: Dante; Pulci)
The Vision of Hell
The Vision of Hell (Cantos I and II)
The Vision of Hell (Cantos III and IV)
The Vision of Hell (Cantos IX-XII)
The Vision of Hell (Cantos V and VI)
The Vision of Hell (Cantos VII and VIII)
The Vision of Hell (Cantos XIII-XVII)
The Vision of Hell (Cantos XVIII-XXII)
The Vision of Hell (Cantos XXIII-XXVIII)
The Vision of Hell (Cantos XXIX-XXXI)
The Vision of Hell (Cantos XXXII-XXXIV)
The Vision of Hell, Purgatory and Paradise
The Vision: Hell (English)
The Vision: Paradise (English)
The Vision: Purgatory (English)
The Vision: or, Hell, Purgatory, and Paradise (English)

The Online Books Page hasn't yet cataloged the following titles:

The Banquet (Il Convito)
Dante's Hel: In proza overgebracht en met een inleiding voorzien
Dante's Louteringsberg: in proza overgebracht
Dante. An essay. To which is added a translation of De Monarchia.
The Divine Comedy of Dante Alighieri: The Inferno
Het Nieuwe Leven (La Vita Nuova)
Jumalainen näytelmä
Jumalainen näytelmä: Kiirastuli
Jumalainen näytelmä: Paratiisi
L'enfer (1 of 2): La Divine Comédie - Traduit par Rivarol
L'enfer (2 of 2): La Divine Comédie - Traduit par Rivarol
La Divina Comèdia: Complete: English title is Dante's Divine Comedy, Complete
La Divina Comèdia: Infièr: (Dante's Inferno)
La Divina Comèdia: Paradìs: English title is Dante's Paradise
La Divina Comèdia: Purgatòri: English title is Dante's Purgatorio
La Divina Comedia
La Vita Nuova (La Vie Nouvelle)
La vita nuova
The New Life (La Vita Nuova)
The Vision of Dante: A story for little children and a talk to their mothers: (Second Edition)
Vita nuova (Uusi elämä)

You can also look up this author on The Online Books Page, which may list additional titles from other sites.

This catalog page is provided by The Online Books Page, and the literature by Project Gutenberg.