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The Edinburgh Encyclopaedia

edited by David Brewster

The Edinburgh Encyclopaedia was an early 19th century encyclopedia edited by Sir David Brewster and published in Edinburgh. The original Edinburgh edition was completed in 1830, and ran to 18 volumes. Two American editions, with revisions and additions for American readers, were also published around the same time. Below we link to online copies of these editions.

1830 Edinburgh edition

Except where noted, all volumes linked here are dated 1830. Earlier editions of some of the volumes had been published prior to the encyclopedia's completion.

1832 Philadelphia edition

This was published by Joseph and Edward Parker, and billed as the "first American edition, corrected and improved by the addition of numerous articles relative to the institutions of the American continent, its geography, biography, civil and national history and to various discoveries in science and the arts." Except were noted, all volumes are dated 1832.

The Parkers also published two plate supplements. Two volumes we have found with most of them: Most plates below #242 -- Most plates above #242. Some plates are missing or out of order.

Whiting edition

This was another American edition, again billed with enhancements for American readers, published by Whiting, Watson, and others in New York. (The exact imprint varies between volumes.) Some volumes are published as the "American edition" and some as the "second American edition". The dates of these volumes are unclear, but some of them may predate the Philadelphia edition above, or even the 1830 complete Edinburgh edition.

This is a "meta-book", which stitches together separate files elsewhere on the Web as they appeared in a previously published book. It is subject to removal if someone produces an integrated edition. If that happens, The Online Books Page will point to the integrated version.