The Online Books Page


The Works of Mrs. Sherwood

by Mrs. Sherwood

The Works of Mrs. Sherwood is a 16-volume uniform American edition of Mary Martha Sherwood's works, published by Harper and Brothers in the 19th century. The first set was published beginning in 1834 as a 15-volume edition. The original 15 volumes did not include The History of John Marten, but this apparently was published as volume 16 in some later editions of the set. There are also some other works by Sherwood that do not appear in this set; see this Wikipedia article for information on further works.

Below, we describe and link to the free online volumes of this set, from scans served by Google Books.

This is a "meta-book", which stitches together separate files elsewhere on the Web as they appeared in a previously published book. It is subject to removal if someone produces an integrated edition. If that happens, The Online Books Page will point to the integrated version.