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Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "HX1 .N6" to "HX1 .U6" (Overview; Exclude extended shelves)

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Call number Item
H Social Sciences (Go to start of category)
HX Socialism, Communism, Utopias, Anarchism (Go to start of category)
HX1 .N6 [Info] The New Review (socialist magazine published in New York, 1913-1916) (full serial archives)
HX1 .N65 [Info] The New York Communist, ed. by John Reed (full serial archives)
HX1 .N685 [Info] News and Letters (full serial archives)
HX1 .O5 [Info] The Ohio Socialist (partial serial archives)
HX1 .P3 [Info] Partisan Review (full serial archives)
HX1 .P462 [Info] People's World (partial serial archives)
HX1 .P57 [Info] The Communist (successor of Workers Monthly and predecessor of Political Affairs; 1927-1944) (partial serial archives)
HX1 .P57 [Info] The Labor Herald (Chicago: Trade Union Educational League, 1922-1924), by Trade Union Educational League (U.S.) (full serial archives)
HX1 .P57 [Info] Political Affairs (ca. 2004-present; issue browsing appears no longer available but articles can be found via search) (partial serial archives)
HX1 .P57 [Info] The Workers Monthly (full serial archives)
HX1 .P96 [Info] Problems of Communism (US government-issued periodical) (partial serial archives)
HX1 .R483 [Info] Revolutionary Marxist Caucus Newsletter (full serial archives)
HX1 .R484 [Info] Revolutionary Communist Youth Newsletter (full serial archives)
HX1 .R55 [Info] Revolutionary Age (Socialist Party Left Wing publication, 1918-1919)
HX1 .R5614 [Info] Revolutionary Age (partial serial archives)
HX1 .R562 [Info] Workers Age (partial serial archives)
HX1 .S165 [Info] Socialism and Liberation (partial serial archives)
HX1 .S23 [Info] The Socialist (partial serial archives)
HX1 .S4 [Info] The Socialist Spirit (1901-1903) (partial serial archives)
HX1 .S6 [Info] Socialist Worker, by International Socialist Organization (U.S.) (partial serial archives)
HX1 .S64 [Info] Spartacist (partial serial archives)
HX1 .S6673 [Info] Socialist Clarity (first and only known issue of a New York-based periodical, March 1937) (multiple formats at
HX1 .S67 [Info] Socialist Call (partial serial archives)
HX1 .T6 [Info] The Toiler (full serial archives)
HX1 .U6 [Info] Upton Sinclair's: A Monthly Magazine, For a Clean Peace and the Internation (published 1 volume of 10 issues, 1918-1919), ed. by Upton Sinclair (full serial archives)

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