Book People Archive

Re: Free mathematics textbook, TeX source with GFDL license

Rob Beezer wrote:
> This is an announcement of Version 1.0 of
> A First Course in Linear Algebra
> [...]

Thanks for this!  I'm seeing increasing interest in free online textbooks,
and not just from teachers and students either. I'm starting to hear
interest from people in local governments that are considering
textbook policies.

I've just added a new heading in the Archives and Indexes section
of The Online Books Page for "Textbooks and Instructional Materials".
Currently I have a link to Textbook Revolution (which includes your
book in its index) and to OpenCourseWare Finder (which links to free
class materials from MIT and a few other universities).

If there are other good free textbook indexes out there, that don't simply
duplicate the ones above, I'd be very interested in hearing about them.

I'll also be happy to add individual listings for textbooks that have
made it into major libraries, or that are assigned as course reading
in classes at appropriate institutions that *aren't* the author's.
If anyone knows of some such titles that I don't already list, please
send me details.  I realize that there is lots of useful informal, draft, or
low-profile material that these criteria won't cover, but hopefully the
most significant online textbooks will meet these criteria, and
sites like and others can cover the broader
spectrum of course materials more thoroughly than I can in my titles index.

Thanks to you, and to all teachers who are sharing their knowledge
and writing beyond their classrooms and into the world!
