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Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "DS93 .S3" to "DS104 .S6 1901" (Overview; Include extended shelves)

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Call number Item
D History: General, and Regions Outside the Americas (Go to start of category)
DS Asia (Go to start of category)
DS93 .S3 [Info] La Syrie (in French; Paris: Bossard, 1920), by Georges Samné, contrib. by Chekri Ganem (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
DS93 .S953 [Info] Syria: A Country Study (third edition, 1988), ed. by Thomas Collelo
DS93 .U6 1943 [Info] A Short Guide to Syria (1943), by United States Army Service Forces Special Service Division
DS94 .B42 [Info] Syria: the Desert and the Sown (new and cheaper edition; London: W. Heinemann, 1919), by Gertrude Lowthian Bell (multiple formats at
DS94 .B96 [Info] The Inner Life of Syria, Palestine, and the Holy Land: From My Private Journal (2 volumes; London: H. S. King and Co., 1875), by Isabel Burton
DS94 .B97 [Info] Unexplored Syria: Visits to the Libanus, the Tulul el Safa, the Anti-Libanus, the Northern Libanus, and the 'Alah (2 volumes; London: Tinsley Bros., 1872), by Richard Francis Burton and Charles F. Tyrwhitt Drake
DS94 .C74 1883 [Info] Heth and Moab: Explorations in Syria in 1881 and 1882 (London: R. Bentley and Son, 1883), by C. R. Conder (page images at HathiTrust)
DS94 .C74 1889 [Info] Heth and Moab: Explorations in Syria in 1881 and 1882 (new edition; London: A. P. Watt, 1889), by C. R. Conder
DS94 .J47 1874 [Info] Syrian Home-Life (New York: Dodd and Mead, c1874), by Henry Harris Jessup, ed. by Isaac Riley (page images at HathiTrust)
DS94 .O47 1881 [Info] The Land of Gilead, With Excursions in the Lebanon (New York: D. Appleton and Co., 1881), by Laurence Oliphant (page images at HathiTrust)
DS94 .R59 [Info] The Thistle and the Cedar of Lebanon (London: J. Madden, 1853), by Habeeb Risk Allah (page images at HathiTrust)
DS94.5 .A75 [Info] Les Annales Archéologiques Arabes Syriennes (partial serial archives)
DS94.8 .D8 H5 [Info] The Origins of the Druze People and Religion (New York: Columbia University Press, 1928), by Philip K. Hitti (illustrated HTML with commentary at
DS94.8 .K8 S97 2005 [Info] Syria: Kurds in the Syrian Arab Republic One Year After the March 2004 Events (2005), by Amnesty International (PDF at
DS98 .R5 [Info] America Save the Near East (Boston: The Beacon Press, c1918), by Abraham Mitrie Rihbany
DS99 .F3 M3 [Info] Soundings at Tell Fakhariyah (University of Chicago Oriental Institute Publications, v79; c1958), by Calvin W. McEwan, Linda S. Braidwood, Henri Frankfort, Hans Gustav Güterbock, Richard C. Haines, Helene J. Kantor, and Carl H. Kraeling (page images at HathiTrust)
DS99 .Q228 [Info] Preliminary Excavation Reports and Other Archaeological Investigations: Tell Qarqur, Iron I Sites in the North-Central Highlands of Palestine (published as v. 56 of Annual of the American Schools of Oriental Research; 2003), ed. by Nancy L. Lapp (page images at HathiTrust)
DS101 .A45 [Info] The Annual of the American Schools of Oriental Research (partial serial archives)
DS101 .A6 [Info] Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research (partial serial archives)
DS101 .A75 [Info] Aufbau (partial serial archives)
DS101 .J5 [Info] The Jewish Quarterly Review (partial serial archives)
DS101 .P15 [Info] Palestine Exploration Fund Quarterly Statement (partial serial archives)
DS102.95 .C64 1978 [Info] Israel: The Facts (New York: Youth Institute for Peace in the Middle East, ca. 1978), by Jack S. Cohen, illust. by Avrum I. Ashery (multiple formats at
DS103 .M98 1868 [Info] A Handbook for Travellers in Syria and Palestine (uncredited, but originally written by Porter; new and revised edition in 2 volumes; London: J. Murray; et al., 1868), contrib. by J. L. Porter (page images at HathiTrust)
DS104 .S6 1901 [Info] The Historical Geography of the Holy Land, Especially in Relation to the History of Israel and of the Early Church (7th edition, 1901), by George Adam Smith (PDF at ETANA)

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