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Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "JV8259.C33 A681" to "JZ1314 .H4" (Overview; Include extended shelves)

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Call number Item
J Political Science (Go to start of category)
JV Colonies, Colonization, Migration (Go to start of category)
JV8259.C33 A681 [Info] Emigrants and Society: Extremadura and America in the Sixteenth Century, by Ida Altman (PDF files at Libro)
JV8748 .K53 2001 [Info] Inventing Home: Emigration, Gender, and the Middle Class in Lebanon, 1870-1920, by Akram Fouad Khater (HTML at UC Press)
JV9124 .H6 [Info] The Irish in Australia (1887), by James Francis Hogan (text at Gutenberg Australia)
JV9133 .C74 2009 [Info] Creating White Australia (Sydney: Sydney University Press, 2009), ed. by Jane Carey and Claire McLisky (HTML and PDF with commentary in Australia)
JV9300 .H3 A4 [Info] Report of the Board of Immigration to the Governor of the Territory of Hawaii, by Hawaii Board of Immigration (full serial archives)
JV9300 .H5 1896 [Info] The Laws and Regulations Restricting Chinese Immigration to the Hawaiian Islands (Honolulu: Hawaiian Gazette Company's Print, 1896), by Hawaii (page images at Google; US access only)
JZ International Relations (Go to start of category)
JZ6.5 [Info] Perspectives on Global Issues (academic journal of New York University's Center for Global Affairs; selected content online 2008-) (partial serial archives)
JZ6.5 .A374 [Info] Advocate of Peace (partial serial archives)
JZ6.5 .A374 [Info] The Calumet (full serial archives)
JZ6.5 .A375 [Info] World Affairs (partial serial archives)
JZ6.5 .A53 [Info] The American Foreign Service Journal (full serial archives)
JZ6.5 .A53 [Info] The Foreign Service Journal (full serial archives)
JZ6.5 .J685 [Info] The Journal of International Relations (full serial archives)
JZ6.5 .J685 [Info] The Journal of Race Development (full serial archives)
JZ6.5 .J69 1922 [Info] Journal of the British Institute of International Affairs (partial serial archives)
JZ9 .C665 [Info] Conjuntura Austral: Journal of the Global South (in Portuguese, English, and Spanish; 2010-) (full serial archives)
JZ631 .B75 [Info] British and Foreign State Papers (partial serial archives)
JZ1242 .N44 1999 [Info] Human Security and Mutual Vulnerability: The Global Political Economy of Development and Underdevelopment (second edition, 1999), by Jorge Nef (PDF and HTML with commentary at
JZ1254 .A77 [Info] The Emergence of Noopolitik: Towards an American Information Strategy (1999), by John Arquilla and David Ronfeldt (PDF files at
JZ1305 .C654 1995 [Info] Our Global Neighbourhood, by Commission on Global Governance (HTML at
JZ1305 .R5 [Info] History of International Relations: A Non-European Perspective (Cambridge, UK: Open Book Publishers, c2019), by Erik Ringmar (multiple formats with commentary at Open Book Publishers)
JZ1305 .S668 2013 [Info] International Relations: A Self-Study Guide to Theory (Opladen et al.: B. Budrich, 2013), by Manuela Spindler (PDF with commentary at
JZ1308 .B63 2005 [Info] Defensive Internationalism: Providing Public Goods in an Uncertain World (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, c2005), by Davis B. Bobrow and Mark A. Boyer (page images at HathiTrust)
JZ1308 .L67 2020 [Info] Global Governance and the Emergence of Global Institutions for the 21st Century (Cambridge, UK et al.: Cambridge University Press, 2020), by Augusto López-Claros, Arthur L. Dahl, and Maja Groff (PDF and HTML with commentary at Cambridge University Press)
JZ1314 .H4 [Info] Reliability and Alliance Interdependence: The United States and its Allies in Asia, 1949-1969 (Ithaca, NY and London: Cornell University Press, c2022), by Iain D. Henry (PDF and Epub with commentary at Cornell Open)

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