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Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "AP20 .E78" to "AP63 .C5277" (Overview; Include extended shelves)

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Call number Item
A General Works (Go to start of category)
AP General Periodicals (Go to start of category)
AP20 .E78 [Info] Esprit (in French) (partial serial archives)
AP20 .F5 [Info] Foi et Vie (in French) (partial serial archives)
AP20 .I3 [Info] L'Illustration (French illustrated periodical) (partial serial archives)
AP20 .J4 [Info] La Jeune France (partial serial archives)
AP20 .N852 [Info] La Nouvelle Revue Française (in French) (partial serial archives)
AP20 .R39 [Info] Revue des Deux Mondes (in French) (partial serial archives)
AP21 .C52 [Info] Le Chercheur (Quebec-based periodical in French; 1888-1889) (partial serial archives)
AP21 .V4 [Info] La Vérité (in French) (partial serial archives)
AP24 .B5 [Info] Bibliothèque Universelle et Revue de Genève (in French) (partial serial archives)
AP30 .A2361 [Info] Die Aktion (partial serial archives)
AP30 .F15 [Info] Die Fackel (in German), ed. by Karl Kraus (partial serial archives)
AP30 .H67 [Info] Hochland (partial serial archives)
AP30 .S8 [Info] Süddeutsche Monatshefte (in German) (partial serial archives)
AP37 .C5 [Info] La Civiltà Cattolica (in Italian and other languages) (partial serial archives)
AP37 .C96 [Info] La Cultura (in Italian) (partial serial archives)
AP40 .E3 [Info] Eimreiðin (in Icelandic) (full serial archives)
AP48 .O6 [Info] Ord och Bild (in Swedish) (partial serial archives)
AP50 .N683 [Info] Novyĭ Mir (partial serial archives)
AP50 .Z93 [Info] Zvezda (in Russian) (partial serial archives)
AP54 .K85 [Info] Kultura (partial serial archives)
AP60 .A6 [Info] Arbor (in Spanish) (partial serial archives)
AP60 .D4 [Info] Destino (full serial archives)
AP61 .P53 [Info] Patnubay Ng̃ Bayan (partial serial archives)
AP63 .B7 [Info] Bohemia (Cuban magazine, in Spanish; issues online 1910-2013) (partial serial archives)
AP63 .C5277 [Info] El Corno Emplumado (in Spanish and English) (full serial archives)

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