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Truth cleared of scandals, or truth lifting up its head above scandals, &c.: Occasioned by the meeting of those people called Baptists, and those whom the world scornfully calleth Quakers, at Harlington in stafforthshire, upon the 27. day of the 7 month, in the year 1654. Shewing the difference betwixt the ordinances of Christ and of Antichrist, and the true worship and the false, with a discovery of the two seeds, and the New Covenant, the doctrine of baptismes, laying on of hands, the ressurectio, and eternal judgement, Heb. 6. 1, 2, 3, and Heb. 12.22, and 23. Also, the unprofitable servant and the talents, and of being caught up into paradise, the thorn in the flesh, and what it is to take pleasure in infirmities, and what those infirmities are, that is to be gloried in; also, something of perfection, and imperfection, and the glorying in the crosse largely proved, according to scripture, &c. / By one known to the world by the name of Rich. Fanrworth.

Title:Truth cleared of scandals, or truth lifting up its head above scandals, &c.: Occasioned by the meeting of those people called Baptists, and those whom the world scornfully calleth Quakers, at Harlington in stafforthshire, upon the 27. day of the 7 month, in the year 1654. Shewing the difference betwixt the ordinances of Christ and of Antichrist, and the true worship and the false, with a discovery of the two seeds, and the New Covenant, the doctrine of baptismes, laying on of hands, the ressurectio, and eternal judgement, Heb. 6. 1, 2, 3, and Heb. 12.22, and 23. Also, the unprofitable servant and the talents, and of being caught up into paradise, the thorn in the flesh, and what it is to take pleasure in infirmities, and what those infirmities are, that is to be gloried in; also, something of perfection, and imperfection, and the glorying in the crosse largely proved, according to scripture, &c. / By one known to the world by the name of Rich. Fanrworth.
Note:London : [s.n.], Printed, Anno Dom. 1654
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Subject:Baptists -- England
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