Book People Archive

Archaic Medical Terms

This site covers

Archaic medical terminology
Terms that can be difficult to understand from a brief entry in a modern
Descriptions for the more common causes of death in the past
A few terms that I thought would be easy to find a definition for, but
someone sent a query, so maybe they are difficult after all?
Some folk and slang terms
Symbols, Abbreviations & Qualifications
Some terms that have become everyday language, but have a different
meaning or slant when used by doctors or had a different meaning in the
e.g. Abortion, which has come to mean induced termination of pregnancy,
but doctors retain the meaning of a natural but premature ending to
pregnancy (miscarriage)
Some terms in common use, that many non-medical people do not understand
precisely what they mean e.g. Heart Attack, prognosis
Terms I have been unable to define, in the hope that someone out there
does know

Text in square brackets and bold red type e.g. [ty'sis] is a guide to


[Moderator: If anyone knows of any other good glossaries or dictionaries
 of archaic terms, please send them along-- they can be very useful
 in helping readers understand many of the older texts now available
 online! - JMO]