Captain America Comics

Copyright information

Title:Captain America Comics
Also known as:Captain America's Weird Tales
First issue:March 1941 (no. 1)
First renewed issue:March 1941 (no. 1); see 1968 January-June
First renewed contribution in:April 1941 (no. 2); see 1968 January-June

Additional notes

A note in the 1969 CCE Periodicals volume says to 'consult copyright office' for full issue renewal information. The first cataloged renewal, mentioned in the January-Jun 1968 CCE Books volume, is for the March 1941 issue. Renewals for this issue and later issues also appear in the 1977 July-December CCE Periodicals volume. For some reason, the issues are specified there as in 'volume 2', but as far as I know the March 1941 issue is the first appearance of Captain America.

The series was retitled Captain America's Weird Tales for the October 1949 and February 1950 issues. Publication was then suspended, briefly revived in 1954, and then, like the title character, put in suspended animation until the 1960s.

Page information

Page responsibility:John Mark Ockerbloom (ockerblo (at) pobox (dot) upenn (dot) edu)
Last updated:January 18, 2018
Machine-readable format:JSON

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Copyright registration and renewal records -- First periodical renewals -- Deep backfile knowledge base

Edited by John Mark Ockerbloom (
Data on this copyright information page is CC0. See OBP copyrights and licenses.