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Crocodiles -- Fiction

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Filed under: Crocodiles -- Juvenile fictionFiled under: Crocodiles, Fossil
  • [Info] Mémoires sur les Téléosauriens de l'Époque Jurassique du Département de Calvados: Premier Mémoire, Contenant l'Exposé des Caractères Généraux des Téléosauriens Comparés à Ceux des Crocodiliens et la Description Particulière des Espèces du Lias Supérieur (in French; Caen: A. Hardel, 1863), by M. Eud. Deslongchamps
Filed under: Fiction Filed under: Fiction -- Authorship Filed under: Fiction -- Bibliography Filed under: Fiction -- Collections Filed under: Fiction -- Dictionaries Filed under: Fiction -- History and criticism Filed under: Fiction -- Indexes Filed under: Fiction -- Periodicals Filed under: Fiction -- Psychological aspects Filed under: Fiction -- Stories, plots, etc. Filed under: Fiction -- Technique

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