The American Boy
Copyright information
Renewed contributions
This includes all active contribution renewals.
- February 1930, © January 25, 1930: "Haunted Airways" (part 4 of 4), by Thomson Burtis
- June 1931: "Part of the Picture", by Thomson Burtis
- July 1931: "Straight Shooting", by Thomson Burtis
- August 1931: "Double Exposure", by Thomson Burtis
- December 1931: "Even-Steven", by Emma-Lindsay Squier (Issue and title designation as per FictionMags. The CCE renewal record instead has this story in the January 1932 issue. We have not examined the issues in question.)
- January 1932: "Even Steven", by Emma-Lindsay Squier (Issue and title designation as per CCE renewal record. FictionMags instead has this story in the December 1931 issue. We have not examined the issues in question.)
- March 1932: "The Spell of the Ghost" (part 1 of 4), by Thomson Burtis
- April 1932: "The Spell of the Ghost" (part 2 of 4), by Thomson Burtis
- May 1932: "The Spell of the Ghost" (part 3 of 4), by Thomson Burtis
- June 1932: "The Spell of the Ghost" (part 4 of 4), by Thomson Burtis
- August 1933: "At the Sacred Rock" (part 1 of 2), by James Willard Schultz
- September 1933: "The Ship Without a Crew" (part 1 of 5), by Howard Pease
- September 1933: "At the Sacred Rock" (part 2 of 2), by James Willard Schultz
- October 1933: "Larry Marsh, Packer" (part 1 of 6), by William Heyliger
- October 1933: "The Ship Without a Crew" (part 2 of 5), by Howard Pease
- November 1933: "The Ship Without a Crew" (part 3 of 5), by Howard Pease
- November 1933: "Larry Marsh, Packer" (part 2 of 6), by William Heyliger
- December 1933: "The Ship Without a Crew" (part 4 of 5), by Howard Pease
- December 1933: "Larry Marsh, Packer" (part 3 of 6), by William Heyliger
- January 1934: "The Ship Without a Crew" (part 5 of 5), by Howard Pease
- January 1934: "Larry Marsh, Packer" (part 4 of 6), by William Heyliger
- February 1934: "Larry Marsh, Packer" (part 5 of 6), by William Heyliger
- March 1934: "Larry Marsh, Packer" (part 6 of 6), by William Heyliger
- March 1935: "Wind in the Rigging" (part 1 of 5), by Howard Pease
- April 1935: "Wind in the Rigging" (part 2 of 5), by Howard Pease
- May 1935: "Wind in the Rigging" (part 3 of 5), by Howard Pease
- June 1935: "Wind in the Rigging" (part 4 of 5), by Howard Pease
- July 1935: "Wind in the Rigging" (part 5 of 5), by Howard Pease
- May 1936: "Hurricane Weather" (part 1 of 6), by Howard Pease
- June 1936: "Hurricane Weather" (part 2 of 6), by Howard Pease
- July 1936: "Hurricane Weather" (part 3 of 6), by Howard Pease
- August 1936: "Hurricane Weather" (part 4 of 6), by Howard Pease
- September 1936: "Hurricane Weather" (part 5 of 6), by Howard Pease
- October 1936: "Hurricane Weather" (part 6 of 6), by Howard Pease
- April 1937: "Night Boat", by Howard Pease
- August 1937: "Passengers for Panama", by Howard Pease
- September 1937: "Foghorns" (part 1 of 4), by Howard Pease
- October 1937: "Foghorns" (part 2 of 4), by Howard Pease
- November 1937: "Foghorns" (part 3 of 4), by Howard Pease
- December 1937: "Foghorns" (part 4 of 4), by Howard Pease
- February 1938: "The Missing MacAndrew", by Thomson Burtis and Frank J. Ellis
- March 1938: "Flushed From Cover", by Thomson Burtis and Frank J. Ellis
- April 1938: "The Mallards Come Home to Roost", by Thomson Burtis and Frank J. Ellis
- June 1938: "Too Much Money", by Thomson Burtis and Frank J. Ellis
- August 1938: "The Night Ride", by Thomson Burtis and Frank J. Ellis
- September 1938: "Finished Business", by Thomson Burtis and Frank J. Ellis
- November 1939: "Son of the Apple Valley" (part 1 of 4), by William Heyliger
- December 1939: "Son of the Apple Valley" (part 2 of 4), by William Heyliger
- January 1940: "Son of the Apple Valley" (part 3 of 4), by William Heyliger
- February 1940: "Son of the Apple Valley" (part 4 of 4), by William Heyliger
- December 1940: "The Black Tanker" (part 1 of 5), by Howard Pease
- January 1941: "The Black Tanker" (part 2 of 5), by Howard Pease
- February 1941: "The Black Tanker" (part 3 of 5), by Howard Pease
- March 1941: "The Black Tanker" (part 4 of 5), by Howard Pease
- April 1941: "The Black Tanker" (part 4 of 5), by Howard Pease
- May 1941: "Flaming Forest" (installment), by Montgomery M. Atwater (Mentioned in a 1969 renewal for a 1941 book of the same title.)
- June 1941: "Flaming Forest" (installment), by Montgomery M. Atwater (Not mentioned in a 1969 renewal for a 1941 book of the same title, but serializations in this magazine usually do not skip months. We have not examined the issue in question, however.)
- July 1941: "Flaming Forest" (installment), by Montgomery M. Atwater (Mentioned in a 1969 renewal for a 1941 book of the same title.)
- August 1941: "Flaming Forest" (installment), by Montgomery M. Atwater (Mentioned in a 1969 renewal for a 1941 book of the same title.)
Page information
Page responsibility: | John Mark Ockerbloom (ockerblo (at) pobox (dot) upenn (dot) edu) |
Last updated: | January 1, 2025 |
Machine-readable format: | JSON |
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Copyright registration and renewal records -- First periodical renewals -- Deep backfile knowledge base
Edited by John Mark Ockerbloom (
Data on this copyright information page is CC0. See OBP copyrights and licenses.