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Penn Libraries deep backfiles

Serials in Penn Libraries' holdings that have free online and/or potentially public domain content. Publications without a reported ISSN are not included in this table. Some serial subtitles do not yet appear in this table. Select the title link of any serial to see its full title (and more details about what we have) in Penn's Franklin catalog.

Table generated October 4, 2024 using provider data downloaded May 22, 2020. A table key follows. (Download as a spreadsheet.)

ISSNTitleCoverageWikidataFirst renewalFree issuesMore info?
0094-3320 13th moon. Q95584323 All 1973-2003 Contact us
1054-7193 291 1915-1916 Q372444 N/A 1915-1916 Contact us
0365-6152 L'Aʹeronautique. 1919-1940 Q95981116 None* 1919-1940 Contact us
0567-3356 AACTE study series / 1953-1965 Q96000171 None* 1954-||-1963 Contact us
0001-0197 AARN news letter. 1948- Q27708670 None* None known Contact us
0045-852X Aarsskrift / 1917-1980 Q96196743 None* 1917-1924 Contact us
2325-7695 The AATSEEL journal. 1954-1956 Q96179388 None* None known Contact us
0002-7596 ABA journal. 1915- Q4650020 All* 1984-2003+ Contact us
2375-0081 The Abbeville messenger 1884- Q96211902 N/A 1884-1887 Contact us
2373-3535 Abbeville press 1860-1869 N/A None known Contact us
2372-6768 The Abbeville press and banner 1869- Q96240247 N/A* 1869-||-1922+ Contact us
0001-0359 ABC [electronic resource]. 1905- Q3600477 None* None known Contact us
1145-7910 ABCD; archives, bibliothèques, collections, documentation. 1951- Q96240440 None* None known Contact us
1074-7117 Aberdeen American-news. 1940-1999 Q7713524 None None known Contact us
2475-2940 The Aberdeen Democrat -1909 Q96240686 N/A None known Contact us
0001-320X Aberdeen university review. 1913- Q27715482 None* 1913-1928 Contact us
0005-6995 Abhandlungen / Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Klasse. 1830- Q31830931 None* 1829-1928 Contact us
0365-7000 Abhandlungen / herausgegeben von der Senckenbergischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft. 1854- Q5655070 None* 1854-1921 Contact us
0025-5858 Abhandlungen aus dem Mathematischen Seminar der Hamburgischen Universität. 1921- Q4667320 None* 1922-1928 Contact us
0065-5090 Abhandlungen der Deutschen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, Klasse für Chemie, Geologie und Biologie. 1955- Q96243651 None* None known Contact us
0065-5112 Abhandlungen der Deutschen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, Klasse für Mathematik, Physik und Technik. 1955- Q96758570 None* None known Contact us
0417-2442 Abhandlungen der Deutschen Orient-Gesellschaft. 1956- Q96243863 None* None known Contact us
0002-2977 Abhandlungen der Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaftlichen Klasse / 1950- Q97051719 None* None known Contact us
0017-9574 Abhandlungen der Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften, Philosophisch-Historische Klasse. 1913-1995 Q96243963 None* 1913-1922 Contact us
0002-2985 Abhandlungen der Klasse der Literatur / 1950- Q96244195 None* None known Contact us
0233-2728 Abhandlungen der Königlich Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften / 1908- Q97362594 N/A* 1908-||-1917+ Contact us
0233-2779 Abhandlungen der Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften / 1918-1944 Q96245778 None* 1918-1926+ Contact us
0080-5297 Abhandlungen der Sächsischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig, Philologisch-historische Klasse. 1850- Q96245905 None* 1850-||-1928 Contact us
0418-971X Abhandlungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts Kairo. 1958- Q96245934 None* None known Contact us
0012-1339 Abhandlungen und Berichte / 1929- Q27716535 None* None known Contact us
0070-7295 Abhandlungen und Berichte des Staatlichen Museums für Völkerkunde Dresden. 1962-2000 Q27715728 None* None known Contact us
0176-0815 Abhandlungen zur Theorie der organischen Entwicklung. 1926-1931 Q96245965 None* None known Contact us
0002-3973 al-Abḥāth. 1948- Q15761032 None* None known Contact us
0001-3218 Abitare. 1960- Q2821644 None* None known Contact us
2154-5146 The Abolitionist. 1833- Q96246076 N/A 1833 Contact us
0094-0933 Abortion surveillance. 1970-1979 All 1971-1981+ Contact us
0065-0382 Abr-Nahrain : an annual under the auspices of the Department of Semitic Studies, University of Melbourne. 1961-1999 Q27715471 None* None known Contact us
0097-5761 Abridged scientific publications from Kodak Laboratories. 1914-1964 Q96657628 None* 1913-1926 Contact us
0001-3382 Ábside. 1937- Q96657709 None* None known Contact us
2327-6266 Abstract of sanitary reports. 1890- Q96679643 N/A* 1890-1895+ Contact us
1041-8431 Abstract of the proceedings of the Linnaean Society of New York City, for the official year ... 1889-1932 Q51437218 None 1888-1932 Contact us
1077-6494 Abstracts of dissertations for the degree of doctor of philosophy, with the titles of theses acccepted for masters' degrees / 1938-1939 Q96694364 None None known Contact us
0001-3560 Abstracts of English studies. 1958- Q96035237 None None known Contact us
0001-3587 Abstracts of folklore studies. 1963- Q96184800 None 1963-1975 Contact us
0365-0855 Abstracts of the papers communicated to the Royal Society of London. 1851-1854 Q51437222 N/A None known Contact us
0365-5695 Abstracts of the papers printed in the Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London. 1832-1843 Q51437224 N/A None known Contact us
0269-3305 Abstracts of the proceedings of the Chemical Society Q104797604 N/A* 1885-1889+ Contact us
0540-3847 Abstracts of theses / Mississippi State University. 1958-1972 Q96184832 None None known Contact us
0893-4061 Abstracts of theses. 1925-1934 Q96184891 None 1922-1928 Contact us
0190-2946 Academe. 1979- Q15763074 All 2009-present+ Contact us
0269-3321 The academy and literature 1902-1905 Q7712177 N/A 1869-1916+ Contact us
0001-4451 Accademie e biblioteche d'Italia. 1927- Q27715472 None* None known Contact us
1050-6276 Accent : a quarterly of new literature. 1940-1960 Q96184329 1940 None known Contact us
0732-2062 Acceptance bulletin of the American Acceptance Council. 1919- Q96728580 None 1919-||-1936 Contact us
0197-5773 Accepted dental remedies. 1934-1967 Q96313638 None* None known Contact us
0041-7734 Accessions list, India. 1962- Q96731965 None* 1962-||-1970 Contact us
0041-7769 Accessions list, Middle East. 1963- Q96734837 None* None known Contact us
0148-6039 Accident facts. 1921-1998 Q96587352 None* None known Contact us
0001-4664 Accountancy. 1889- Q70091105 None* Predecessor Contact us
0001-4737 The Accountants digest. 1935-1988 Q96621780 1935 None known Contact us
0748-7975 Accountants' index. 1923-1992 Q96737102 None 1921-1927 Contact us
0001-4826 The accounting review. 1926- Q4068884 None 1926-1928 Contact us
0567-6959 Accounting terminology bulletins. 1953- Q96737779 None None known Contact us
0440-3800 Acquisitions / 1963-1971 Q96738683 None None known Contact us
0066-9520 ACRL monograph. 1952-1970 Q96738732 None* 1952-||-1961 Contact us
0370-2138 Acta / 1937- Q96738777 None* None known Contact us
0001-5105 Acta Academiae Aboensis. 1921- Q51437432 None* 1921-||-2007 Contact us
0001-5113 Acta adriatica. 1932- Q15737208 None* None known Contact us
0065-0951 Acta agrobotanica. 1953- Q15830681 None* 1953-present Contact us
0044-5959 Acta agronómica. 1950- Q27715632 None* 1950-present Contact us
0515-2712 Acta Albertina Ratisbonensia / 1952- Q15830680 None* None known Contact us
0001-5172 Acta anaesthesiologica Scandinavica. 1957- Q59829 None* None known Contact us
0001-5180 Acta anatomica. 1945-1998 Q27708678 None* None known Contact us
0044-5975 Acta antiqua Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae. 1951- Q15765779 None* None known Contact us
0065-101X Acta archaeologica. 1930- Q4676717 None* None known Contact us
0001-5210 Acta archaeologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae. 1951- Q15762951 None* None known Contact us
0065-1028 Acta arctica. 1943-1978 Q95612601 None* None known Contact us
0001-5237 Acta astronomica. 1956- Q343143 None* None known Contact us
0567-7289 Acta Baltica. 1962-1997 Q27715494 None* None known Contact us
2228-2009 Acta Baltica historiae et philosophiae scientiarum / 2013- Q20529522 All 2013-present Contact us
0065-1060 Acta Bibliothecae Regiae Stockholmiensis. 1961- Q96742040 None* None known Contact us
0001-527X Acta biochimica Polonica. 1954- Q15746400 None* None known Contact us
0001-5288 Acta biologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae. 1950-1982 Q27708683 None* None known Contact us
0001-5296 Acta biologica cracoviensia. 1959- Q15766615 None* 2003-||-present Contact us
0001-5318 Acta biologica et medica Germanica. 1959- Q27708689 None* None known Contact us
0001-5342 Acta biotheoretica. 1935- Q4676720 None* None known Contact us
0065-1109 Acta borealia. 1951-1975 Q96742069 None* None known Contact us
0065-1117 Acta borealia. 1952- Q96742167 None* None known Contact us
0365-0588 Acta botanica Croatica. 1957- Q15777540 None* 2009-present Contact us
0001-5369 Acta botanica Fennica. 1925- Q15756567 None* None known Contact us
0001-5393 Acta chemica Scandinavica. 1947-1999 Q2823530 None* None known Contact us
0001-5407 Acta chimica. 1951-1982 Q96324519 None* None known Contact us
1318-0207 Acta chimica Slovenica. 1993- Q1024883 All* 1998-present Contact us
0001-5482 Acta chirurgica Scandinavica. 1919-1990 Q10400526 None* 1919-1927+ Contact us
0301-1860 Acta chirurgica Scandinavica. 1922-1991 Q27708699 None* 1922-1924+ Contact us
0001-5504 Acta científica venezolana. 1950- Q3235912 None* None known Contact us
0365-110X Acta crystallographica. 1948- Q343155 None* None known Contact us
0001-5547 Acta cytologica. 1957- Q15755265 None None known Contact us
0001-5555 Acta dermato-venereologica. 1920- Q18326503 None* 1920-||-present+ Contact us
0365-8341 Acta dermato-venereologica. 1929- Q27708705 None* 1962-||-present+ Contact us
0524-2363 Acta Facultatis rerum naturalium Universitatis Comenianae. 1956-1991 Q99461892 None* None known Contact us
0001-5636 Acta forestalia Fennica. 1913- Q52012182 None* 1913-1927 Contact us
0365-2785 Acta genetica et statistica medica. 1948- Q96696230 None* None known Contact us
0356-729X Acta geographica / Societas Geographica Fenniae. 1927- Q96746732 None* None known Contact us
0065-1249 Acta geographica Lodziensia. 1963- Q96324575 None* None known Contact us
0065-1281 Acta histochemica. 1954- Q2690684 None* None known Contact us
0567-7556 Acta histochemica. 1958- Q27712912 None* None known Contact us
0001-5830 Acta historiae artium. 1953- Q482022 None* None known Contact us
0065-1303 Acta historica / Societas Academica Dacoromana. 1959- Q96747689 None* None known Contact us
0324-6965 Acta historica. 1963- Q96749167 None* None known Contact us
0001-5857 Acta historica Leopoldina. 1963- Q27715350 None* None known Contact us
0001-592X Acta juridica / Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae. 1959-1990 Q96749468 None* None known Contact us
0065-1346 Acta juridica. 1958- Q15766986 None* None known Contact us
0065-1354 Acta Jutlandica : aarsskrift for universitetsundervisningen i Jylland. 1929- Q96759120 None* None known Contact us
0001-5946 Acta linguistica. 1951- Q96604613 None* None known Contact us
0105-001X Acta linguistica. 1939-1960 Q96604133 None* None known Contact us
0567-7661 Acta litteraria Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae. 1957- Q482023 None* None known Contact us
0001-5962 Acta mathematica. 1882- Q343171 None* 1882-||-present Contact us
0001-6012 Acta medica costarricense. 1957- Q27717948 None* None known Contact us
0044-6025 Acta medica iranica. 1956- Q15754482 None* 1956-||-present Contact us
0001-6160 Acta metallurgica. 1953-1989 Q29043653 None None known Contact us
0001-6187 Acta microbiologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae. 1954-1982 Q27708737 None* None known Contact us
0001-6225 Acta morphologica neerlando-scandinavica. 1956-1989 Q27708744 None* None known Contact us
0001-6233 Acta Mozartiana. 1954- Q15750046 None* None known Contact us
0001-6241 Acta musicologica. 1928- Q15761333 None* None known Contact us
0065-1400 Acta neurobiologiae experimentalis. 1970- Q15753705 All 1970-present Contact us
0001-6268 Acta neurochirurgica. 1950- Q15749688 None* None known Contact us
0065-1427 Acta neurologica Scandinavica. 1962- Q27020379 None* None known Contact us
0001-6322 Acta neuropathologica. 1961- Q343168 None* None known Contact us
0065-1443 Acta nuntiaturae Gallicae. 1961- Q96759159 None* None known Contact us
0001-6365 Acta odontológica venezolana. 1963- Q27708759 None* None known Contact us
0001-6438 Acta orientalia. 1923- Q15753395 None* 1923-||-present Contact us
0001-6446 Acta orientalia Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae. 1950- Q15762576 None* None known Contact us
0001-6454 Acta ornithologica. 1960- Q2823536 None None known Contact us
0001-6462 Acta orthopaedica belgica. 1946- Q27708763 None* None known Contact us
1017-995X Acta orthopaedica et traumatologica turcica. 1962- Q4676738 None* 1962-present Contact us
0300-8827 Acta orthopaedica Scandinavica. 1934-2004 Q27708764 None* None known Contact us
0803-5253 Acta pædiatrica. 1992- Q4676739 None* 1921-1928 Contact us
0567-7920 Acta palaeontologica Polonica. 1956- Q210185 None* 1956-present Contact us
0567-7939 Acta parasitologica Lithuanica. 1958-1993 Q96759265 None* None known Contact us
0365-5555 Acta pathologica et microbiologica Scandinavica. 1924- Q27708778 None* 1924-1928 Contact us
0001-6632 Acta pathologica Japonica. 1951-1993 Q27708777 None* None known Contact us
0001-6683 Acta pharmacologica et toxicologica. 1945-1986 Q27708789 None* None known Contact us
0065-1516 Acta philologica. 1958- Q98071533 None* None known Contact us
0001-6691 Acta philologica scandinavica. 1926-1988 Q55010682 None* None known Contact us
0355-1792 Acta philosophica fennica. 1935- Q1938839 None* None known Contact us
0001-6705 Acta physica. 1951- Q52017780 None* None known Contact us
0001-6713 Acta physica Austriaca / 1947- Q98145944 None* None known Contact us
0001-673X Acta physica Polonica. 1932-1969 Q2059373 None* None known Contact us
0044-6033 Acta physiologica Polonica : bimonthly of the Polish Physiological Society / 1962-1973 Q27708795 None* None known Contact us
0302-2994 Acta physiologica Scandinavica. 1940- Q27708796 None* None known Contact us
0084-5914 Acta phytogeographica suecica. 1929- Q50399158 None* None known Contact us
0001-6829 Acta Poloniae historica. 1958- Q9138986 None* None known Contact us
0001-6853 Acta polytechnica Scandinavica. 1958-1983 Q96324716 None* None known Contact us
0355-2705 Acta polytechnica Scandinavica. 1958- Q15755354 None* None known Contact us
0001-6845 Acta polytechnica Scandinavica. 1958- Q96324720 None* None known Contact us
0001-6861 Acta polytechnica Scandinavica. 1958-1974 Q105412477 None* None known Contact us
0001-687X Acta polytechnica Scandinavica. 1958- Q96324727 None* None known Contact us
0065-1583 Acta protozoologica. 1963- Q15753071 None* 1963-||-present Contact us
0365-5598 Acta psychiatrica et neurologica Scandinavica. 1951-1960 Q27718102 None* None known Contact us
0001-690X Acta psychiatrica Scandinavica. 1961- Q4033348 None* None known Contact us
0065-1591 Acta psychiatrica Scandinavica. 1961- Q26842026 None* None known Contact us
0365-5679 Acta psychotherapeutica, psychosomatica et orthopaedagogica. 1953- Q27720312 None* None known Contact us
0567-8056 Acta radiologica: 1963-1986 Q27708799 None* None known Contact us
0365-6446 Acta Salmanticensia. 1954- Q98356001 None* None known Contact us
0001-6977 Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae. 1923- Q4676744 None* 1923-present Contact us
0001-7035 Acta technica / 1950- Q98355326 None* None known Contact us
0323-0562 Acta Universitatis Carolinae. 1960- Q27721518 None* None known Contact us
0001-7140 Acta universitatis Carolinae. 1962- Q70330100 None* None known Contact us
0567-8250 Acta Universitatis Carolinae. 1954- Q15757524 None* None known Contact us
0567-8269 Acta Universitatis Carolinae. 1958- Q50478634 None* None known Contact us
0567-8293 Acta Universitatis Carolinae. 1958- Q15746384 None* None known Contact us
0567-8307 Acta Universitatis Carolinae. 1962- Q105559070 None* None known Contact us
0585-3532 Acta Universitatis Stockholmiensis. 1957- Q79000708 None* None known Contact us
0562-1062 Acta Universitatis Stockholmiensis. 1961- Q105666625 None* None known Contact us
0491-2764 Acta Universitatis Stockholmiensis. 1956- Q105666659 None* None known Contact us
0081-6744 Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis. 1952- Q101421717 None* None known Contact us
0081-6809 Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis. 1961- Q105748428 None* None known Contact us
0435-5865 Acta Universitatis Wratislaviensis. 1957- Q96703765 None* None known Contact us
0567-8315 Acta veterinaria. 1951- Q15752002 None* None known Contact us
0001-7221 Acta veterinaria Japonica. 1956- Q98354806 None* None known Contact us
0044-605X Acta veterinaria scandinavica. 1959- Q15763576 None* 2001-present Contact us
0001-723X Acta virologica. 1957- Q15753073 None* None known Contact us
0065-1729 Acta zoologica Lilloana. 1943- Q21386029 None* 2008-present Contact us
0065-1737 Acta zoológica mexicana. 1955- Q3618784 None* None known Contact us
0001-7310 Actas dermo-sifiliográficas. 1909- Q15746074 None* 2020-present Contact us
0242-6978 Actes de l'Académie nationale des sciences, belles-lettres et artsde Bordeaux. 1838- Q51437586 None* None known Contact us
0071-8440 Actes du ... Congrès national des sociétés savantes ... 1951- Q105872223 None* None known Contact us
0538-6675 Actes = Proceedings. 1958- Q105872248 None* None known Contact us
0072-0615 The activities of GATT. 1960- Q99979246 None* None known Contact us
0709-1419 The acts of the General Assembly of Prince Edward Island. 1790- Q99347240 None* 1835-||-1922 Contact us
0704-464X Acts of the Legislature of New Brunswick : passed during the session of ... 1902-1974 None* 1786-||-present Contact us
0318-8108 Acts of the Legislature of the province of Manitoba. 1890-1992 Q27717289 None* 1891-||-present Contact us
0398-8120 L'actualité de l'histoire. 1953-1960 Q96723801 None* 1953-1960+ Contact us
0001-771X L'Actualité économique. 1925- Q3201455 None* 1925-1927 Contact us
0515-3646 Actualités biologiques. 1954-1956 Q27719988 None None known Contact us
0001-7817 Actualités odonto-stomatologiques. 1947- Q27708830 None* None known Contact us
0258-3925 al-Ādāb. 1953- Q86547607 None* None known Contact us
0007-2842 ADAC Motorwelt. 1925- Q290026 None* None known Contact us
1940-7432 The Adair County news. 1897-1987 Q4678468 None 1900-1922 Contact us
2331-9410 Adams County news 1898-1906 N/A 1898-1906 Contact us
0732-1678 Addisonia : colored illustrations and popular descriptions of plants. 1916-1964 Q13548520 None 1916-1964 Contact us
0077-4243 Addresses and proceedings - National Education Association of the United States. 1857-1972 Q105675997 N/A* 1857-1928 Contact us
0065-1915 The Adelaide law review. 1960- Q4681740 None* 1960-||-present Contact us
0567-932X Adelphi papers. 1961- Q16001786 None* None known Contact us
0001-8325 Administration. 1953- Q50817651 None* 2015-present Contact us
0895-2558 Administrative decisions under immigration & nationality laws / 1947- Q104776803 N/A* 1940-2000 Contact us
2157-1147 Administrative law bulletin. 1949-1960 Q26849156 None* None known Contact us
0001-8368 Administrative law review. 1949- Q4683470 None* None known Contact us
0001-8392 Administrative science quarterly. 1956- Q358810 None None known Contact us
0271-6526 Admission requirements of American medical colleges. 1951-1957 Q106117017 None None known Contact us
0096-0500 Adrenal cortex. 1949- Q99522240 None None known Contact us
0001-8481 Adult education. 1950-1983 Q27708837 None* None known Contact us
0733-0766 Adult education bulletin. 1936-1950 Q99522355 None* 1936-1938 Contact us
0888-5060 Adult education journal. 1942-1950 Q99522365 None* None known Contact us
0001-8554 Adult leadership. 1952- Q106117020 1963 None known Contact us
1754-4890 The adult : the journal of sex / 1897-1899 N/A None known Contact us
0515-4529 Advance. 1961- Q106306420 None None known Contact us
2577-3380 The advance [electronic resource]. -1890 N/A None known Contact us
2637-8205 The advance [electronic resource]. 1899- Q100293599 N/A 1900 Contact us
0567-977X Advanced management-office executive. 1962-1963 Q106115389 None None known Contact us
0001-866X The Advancement of science. 1939-1971 Q27708879 None* None known Contact us
0065-2113 Advances in agronomy. 1949- Q2496124 1949* None known Contact us
0065-2148 Advances in analytical chemistry and instrumentation. 1960-1973 Q97461105 1963 None known Contact us
0196-8858 Advances in applied mathematics. Q11074284 All 1980-recent Contact us
0065-2156 Advances in applied mechanics. 1948- Q96324998 1948* None known Contact us
0065-2164 Advances in applied microbiology. 1959- Q15753069 1959 None known Contact us
0065-2180 Advances in astronomy and astrophysics. 1962-1972 Q97461179 1962 None known Contact us
0065-2245 Advances in biological and medical physics. 1948-1980 Q27708840 1948* None known Contact us
0065-2253 Advances in biology of skin. 1960- Q27708842 1960* None known Contact us
0065-230X Advances in cancer research. 1953- Q3113522 1953 None known Contact us
0096-5332 Advances in carbohydrate chemistry. 1945-1968 Q27720127 1945* None known Contact us
0065-2342 Advances in catalysis. 1948- Q15763583 1948* None known Contact us
0065-2377 Advances in chemical engineering. 1956- Q15765151 1956 None known Contact us
0065-2385 Advances in chemical physics. 1958- Q2686137 1971 None known Contact us
0065-2393 Advances in chemistry series. 1950- Q27718903 None* None known Contact us
0065-2407 Advances in child development and behavior. 1963- Q15762726 1965 None known Contact us
0065-2423 Advances in clinical chemistry. 1958- Q15757020 1958 None known Contact us
0065-244X Advances in comparative physiology and biochemistry. 1962- Q27708850 1962 None known Contact us
0065-2458 Advances in computers. 1960- Q96325088 1960 None known Contact us
0065-2482 Advances in cryogenic engineering. 1960- Q27714969 None None known Contact us
0567-9907 Advances in electrochemistry and electrochemical engineering. 1961-1984 Q97462716 1961 None known Contact us
0736-4776 Advances in electronic circuit packaging : proceedings of the ... International Electronic Circuit Packaging Symposium. 1960-1965 Q106117021 None None known Contact us
0065-2539 Advances in electronics and electron physics. 1948-1994 Q97463148 1956* None known Contact us
0065-2547 Advances in electronics and electron physics. 1963- Q97463293 1963* None known Contact us
0065-2571 Advances in enzyme regulation. 1963-2011 Q15756443 None None known Contact us
0065-258X Advances in enzymology and related subjects. 1941- Q15759701 1945* 1941-1942 Contact us
0567-9931 Advances in fluorine chemistry. 1960-1973 Q106327387 None* None known Contact us
0065-261X Advances in fluorine research and dental caries prevention. 1962-1966 Q27708854 None* None known Contact us
0065-2628 Advances in food research. 1948-1988 Q27708855 1948* None known Contact us
0065-2660 Advances in genetics. 1947- Q26842228 1947* None known Contact us
0065-2687 Advances in geophysics. 1952- Q15765870 1952 None known Contact us
0065-2725 Advances in heterocyclic chemistry. 1963- Q15758637 1963 None known Contact us
0065-2776 Advances in immunology. 1961- Q15752932 1961 None known Contact us
0065-2822 Advances in internal medicine. 1942- Q27708860 None 1947-||-1960 Contact us
0065-2849 Advances in lipid research. 1963- Q27708861 1964 None known Contact us
0065-2881 Advances in marine biology. 1963- Q15749542 None* None known Contact us
0568-000X Advances in mass spectrometry. 1959-1980 Q3605870 None* None known Contact us
0001-8708 Advances in mathematics. Q4686387 1964 1961-recent Contact us
1896-1126 Advances in medical sciences. 2006- Q15756321 All 2003-2013 Contact us
0065-3047 Advances in organic chemistry. 1960-1979 Q106595973 1963* None known Contact us
0065-308X Advances in parasitology. 1963- Q15764504 None* None known Contact us
0065-3101 Advances in pediatrics. 1942- Q26842246 None None known Contact us
0568-0115 Advances in petroleum chemistry and refining. 1958-1965 Q101095828 1963* None known Contact us
0065-3152 Advances in photochemistry. 1963- Q97465881 1963 None known Contact us
0365-8287 Advances in physical sciences. 1957-1958 Q106650911 None* None known Contact us
0361-5952 Advances in prostaglandin and thromboxane research. 1876-1980 Q27708870 All None known Contact us
0065-3233 Advances in protein chemistry. 1944-2007 Q15756442 1944* None known Contact us
1934-5984 Advances in sex research : a publication of the Society for the Scientific Study of Sex. 1963- Q26849158 1963* None known Contact us
0065-3349 Advances in small animal practice : proceedings of the British Small Animal Veterinary Association. 1961-1964 Q106721019 None* None known Contact us
0276-4628 Advances in space science. 1959-1960 Q97466016 1959* None known Contact us
0065-3365 Advances in space science and technology. 1961-1972 Q97466024 1961* None known Contact us
0065-3373 Advances in space science and technology. 1963-1965 Q97466050 1963* None known Contact us
0568-0174 Advances in spectroscopy. 1959-1961 Q95592008 None* None known Contact us
0065-3438 Advances in the astronautical sciences. 1958- Q96325443 None None known Contact us
0065-3497 Advances in tracer methodology. 1963-1968 Q27708882 None None known Contact us
0096-7653 Advances in veterinary science. 1953- Q27709816 1953 None known Contact us
0065-3527 Advances in virus research. 1953- Q15753074 1953 None known Contact us
0065-3535 Advances in water pollution research. 1962-1973 Q106115391 None* None known Contact us
1039-4192 The Advertiser. 1931- Q106877043 None* 1931-1954 Contact us
2637-8221 The advertiser [electronic resource]. 1879- Q106806580 N/A 1879+ Contact us
2637-8248 The advertiser [electronic resource]. 1879- Q100276955 N/A 1879-1880+ Contact us
0001-8899 Advertising age. 1930- Q27709754 1955 None known Contact us
0001-8937 Advertising & sales promotion. 1961-1973 Q106806822 None* None known Contact us
2154-7564 The Adviser, or Vermont evangelical magazine. 1809-1815 N/A None known Contact us
2380-9043 Advisory Council bulletin / 1936-1937 Q27925226 None* None known Contact us
2329-2520 The advocate [electronic resource]. 1894-1897 N/A None known Contact us
0044-6416 The advocate. 1943- Q106877045 None* None known Contact us
2329-2547 The advocate and news 1897-1899 N/A None known Contact us
2329-2474 The advocate and Topeka tribune 1892-1894 N/A None known Contact us
2154-8382 The advocate of peace. 1837-1920 Q29698481 None* 1834-||-1932+ Contact us
2154-8412 The Advocate of peace and Christian patriot. 1828-1829 N/A None known Contact us
2154-8447 The Advocate of science. 1833-1834 N/A* 1833-1834+ Contact us
2154-8439 The Advocate of science, and annals of natural history. 1835- Q106115392 N/A* 1834-1835+ Contact us
2475-0700 The aegis & intelligencer 1864- Q48976708 N/A 1864-||-1922 Contact us
0001-9046 Aegyptus. 1920- Q15760043 None* 1920-1928 Contact us
0304-257X Aequatoria. 1937-1962 Q45319909 None* None known Contact us
0733-2866 The Aerend : a Kansas quarterly. 1930- Q100145352 None None known Contact us
2154-8471 The aeronaut. 1816-1822 N/A None known Contact us
0001-9240 The Aeronautical journal. 1897- Q15767122 None* 1897-1928+ Contact us
0730-9961 Aeronautical statutes and related materials. 1940- Q106989778 None* 1940-||-1981 Contact us
2154-848X Æsculapian register. 1824- Q106115394 N/A 1824 Contact us
1053-5233 The aetna 1868- Q106877047 N/A None known Contact us
0001-9593 Aevum. 1927- Q15750390 None* 1927-1928 Contact us
0001-9682 Afghanistan. 1946- Q27715795 None* None known Contact us
0001-1185 AFL-CIO news. 1955- Q96315219 None 1955-1996 Contact us
0001-9720 Africa. 1928- Q4689536 None* None known Contact us
0258-4913 Africa media review. 1986- Q4689573 All 1986-||-2013 Contact us
0001-9828 Africa quarterly. 1961- Q27718907 None* None known Contact us
0001-9836 Africa report. 1960- Q27718430 None None known Contact us
0001-9747 Africa; rivista trimestrale di studi e documentazione. 1946- Q27721519 None* None known Contact us
0376-4397 Africa south. 1956-1960 Q96657849 None* None known Contact us
0001-9879 Africa-Tervuren. 1955-1990 Q96774864 None* None known Contact us
0001-9887 Africa today. 1954- Q4689597 None None known Contact us
0001-9909 African affairs. 1944- Q4689657 None* Predecessor Contact us
0001-9976 The African communist. 1960- Q4689730 None* 1959-||-present Contact us
2154-8501 The African intelligencer. 1820- Q97062166 N/A None known Contact us
1017-4974 African journal of political economy = Revue africain d'économie politique. 1986- All 1986-1990+ Contact us
1027-0353 African journal of political science = Revue africaine de science politique. 1996- Q59239890 All 1997-2003+ Contact us
0065-4019 African music. 1954- Q15756686 None* 1954-recent Contact us
0002-0087 African notes : bulletin of the Institute of African Studies, University of Ibadan. 1963- Q27715639 None* 2015 Contact us
2154-851X The African repository. 1825-1892 Q86752294 N/A 1825-1892 Contact us
0083-0003 African series. 1960- None* 1960-||-1978 Contact us
0002-0184 African studies. 1942- Q4689921 None* None known Contact us
0568-1537 African studies bulletin. 1958-1969 Q27941580 None* None known Contact us
0065-4124 Africana linguistica. 1962- Q15817944 None* None known Contact us
0568-160X Africana newsletter = Bulletin d'informations Africana. 1962-1964 Q74215833 None None known Contact us
0516-0987 Afrikanskiĭ ėtnograficheskiĭ sbornik. 1956-1963 Q98312341 None* None known Contact us
0002-0478 Afrique contemporaine. 1962- Q2826203 None* None known Contact us
2473-5922 The Afro-American. 1915- Q2826234 1940* 1902-2003 Contact us
2043-1074 After work : a magazine for workmen's homes. 1874-1887 N/A None known Contact us
0002-0796 Agenda. 1959- Q4692031 None* None known Contact us
0002-0966 Aging / Federal Security Agency. 1951- Q27708894 None 1951-1996 Contact us
0002-1024 Agra Europe. 1963- Q98821293 None* None known Contact us
0568-2339 Agra University journal of research. 1952- Q98821481 None* None known Contact us
0002-1032 Agra University journal of research. 1952- Q98821531 None* None known Contact us
0303-1853 Agrekon. 1962- Q2139568 None* None known Contact us
0002-1148 Agressologie. 1960- Q27708898 None* None known Contact us
0365-2807 Agricultura técnica. 1944- Q124382539 Unknown None known Contact us
0002-1369 Agricultural and biological chemistry. 1961-1991 Q27709610 None* 1961-1991+ Contact us
0083-0445 Agricultural economic report. 1961- Q99534243 None* 1961-2005+ Contact us
0093-8181 Agricultural economics pamphlet 1942-1964 Q99871953 None* 1941-1991 Contact us
0002-1423 Agricultural economics research. 1949-1987 Q27718722 None* 1949-1987 Contact us
0065-4469 The Agricultural economist. 1958-1959 Q100347442 None* None known Contact us
0002-1466 Agricultural finance review. 1938- Q15751325 None* 1938-1982 Contact us
0002-1482 Agricultural history. 1927- Q2403870 1964 1927-1965 Contact us
0002-1490 The agricultural history review. 1953- Q15709999 None* None known Contact us
0070-8143 Agricultural marketing series. 1957- Q100709350 None* None known Contact us
2154-8536 The Agricultural museum. 1810-1812 N/A None known Contact us
0002-1601 Agricultural prices. 1942- None* 1943-||-present Contact us
0002-161X Agricultural research. 1953- Q97120058 None* 1953-2018 Contact us
0082-9714 Agricultural statistics / 1936- Q101174749 None* 1936-||-present Contact us
0065-4612 Agriculture handbook / 1950- Q61036688 None* 1949-||-2008+ Contact us
0890-6556 Agriculture in the Americas. 1941- Q102292684 None* 1941-1947+ Contact us
0065-4639 Agriculture information bulletin. 1949- Q103572435 None* 1949-2004+ Contact us
1933-4311 Agriculture yearbook / 1924-1926 Q104069297 None* 1923-1925 Contact us
0002-192X Agronomía tropical. 1951- Q104193707 None* 2002-2014 Contact us
0002-1962 Agronomy journal. 1949- Q1852096 None* Predecessor Contact us
0001-1479 AIA journal. Q27708926 1961 1913-||-2006+ Contact us
0096-7645 AIBS bulletin. 1951-1963 Q96698818 None None known Contact us
0001-1541 AIChE journal. 1955- Q15753322 1961 None known Contact us
0514-9533 AID : auto-instructional devices. 1961-1963 Q104439861 None None known Contact us
0002-208X Aidai. 1944-1991 Q4696660 None* 1944-1991 Contact us
2161-5403 A.I.H.P. notes. 1955-1957 Q94997594 None* None known Contact us
0002-2144 Ain Shams medical journal. 1950- Q27718004 None* None known Contact us
0266-6871 Air conditioning and refrigeration news. 1936- Q104778435 All* None known Contact us
0002-2276 Air conditioning, heating & refrigeration news. 1958- Q104778510 None* None known Contact us
0002-2403 Air Force times. 1940- Q4697970 None None known Contact us
2380-4777 Air law review. 1930-1941 Q105074878 None None known Contact us
0065-4825 The Air officer's guide. 1948- None 1948-||-1951 Contact us
0277-9048 The air power historian. 1954-1965 Q55174542 None* None known Contact us
1044-016X Air power history. 1989- Q101423846 All* 2000-recent Contact us
0002-2586 Air University Library index to military periodicals. 1963- Q4698239 None* 1949-2004 Contact us
0002-2594 Air University review / 1963-1987 Q27719566 None 1947-1987 Contact us
0065-4892 Aircraft engines of the world / 1941- Q105412897 None None known Contact us
0501-8072 Airport activity statistics of certificated air carriers. 1962- Q105530898 None* 1955-||-2000 Contact us
1546-2846 Ajo copper news. 1927- Q4699925 None 1971-||-recent Contact us
0002-3485 Akhboroti Akademii︠a︡i fanḣoi RSS Tojikiston. Izvestii︠a︡ Akademii nauk Tadzhikskoĭ SSR. Otdelenie fiziko-matematicheskikh, khimicheskikh i geologicheskikh nauk. 1959- Q105652901 None* None known Contact us
0516-334X Die Aktion. 1911- Q1210979 None* 1911-1925 Contact us
0002-3949 Akwesasne notes. 1969-1996 Q9143820 All 1969-||-1997 Contact us
0304-4335 Al-Andalus. 1933-1978 Q26451503 None* None known Contact us
0211-3589 Al-Qanṭara. 1980- Q15759353 All* 1996-present Contact us
0364-4006 ALA bulletin. 1939-1969 Q106160495 1956* 1939-1961+ Contact us
0738-7741 The Alabama Baptist. Q7712959 None 1843-1914 Contact us
0516-3870 Alabama birdlife : journal of the Alabama Ornithological Society. 1953- Q105979938 None 1953-||-2015 Contact us
0002-4279 Alabama law review. 1948- Q15762822 None 1997-present Contact us
0002-4287 The Alabama lawyer : official organ State Bar of Alabama. 1940- Q104200611 None 1983-present Contact us
0196-4569 Alabama official and statistical register. 1903- Q105980050 None* 1903-1979 Contact us
0002-4333 Alabama retail trade. 1955-1973 Q105980128 None* None known Contact us
0002-4341 The Alabama review. 1948- Q15767219 None None known Contact us
0356-1003 Åländsk odling : årsbok ... 1940- Q10726499 None* None known Contact us
2576-9227 The Alaska daily empire 1912- Q6312479 None 1912-1927 Contact us
0002-4546 The Alaska nurse. 1951- Q27708916 None 2004-2015 Contact us
2578-1049 The Alaska prospector -1908 N/A None known Contact us
0002-4554 Alaska review. 1963-1973 Q106382390 None* None known Contact us
0002-4619 Alauda. 1929- Q15752262 None* None known Contact us
0324-542X Alba Regia. 1960- Q106382446 None* None known Contact us
2154-8544 Albany bouquet and literary spectator. 1835- Q106115404 N/A None known Contact us
2154-8552 Albany Law Journal; A Weekly Record of the Law and the Lawyers (1870-1908) Q107652882 N/A 1870-1908 Contact us
0002-4678 Albany law review. 1948- Q4709335 None 2005-present Contact us
2472-4327 The Albany register 1868- Q100287975 N/A 1868-||-1880 Contact us
0701-466X Alberta folklore quarterly. 1945-1946 Q106117024 None* None known Contact us
0002-4805 Alberta journal of educational research. 1955- Q15750319 None* 1955-||-recent Contact us
0700-687X The Alberta law quarterly. 1934- Q106117025 None* None known Contact us
0002-4821 Alberta law review. 1955- Q4711756 None* 1955-present Contact us
0376-0200 Albrecht von Graefes Archiv für Ophthalmologie. 1871-1938 Q27714233 None* 1871-1928 Contact us
2154-8609 The Album, and ladies' weekly gazette. 1826-1827 N/A None known Contact us
2327-123X Albuquerque evening herald 1911-1914 N/A None known Contact us
1097-2048 The Albuquerque tribune. 1933- Q7713037 None None known Contact us
2327-1167 Albuquerque weekly citizen 1891- Q100288007 N/A 1891-||-1909 Contact us
0210-9859 Alcántara. 1945- Q106627933 None* 1945-2017 Contact us
2151-4186 The Aldine. 1871-1879 Q15864031 N/A 1868-1879 Contact us
2154-8617 The Aldine press. -1870 N/A None known Contact us
0568-9457 Alemania Franciscana antiqua. 1956-1973 Q106627981 None* None known Contact us
0002-5151 Alergía; revista iberoamericana de alergología. 1953- Q27708918 None* 2014-present Contact us
1946-6153 Alexandria gazette. 1834-1974 Q4720967 None 1834-1923 Contact us
0002-5216 Alfa : revista de linguística. 1962- Q15764771 None* 1962-||-present Contact us
0002-5224 Alfred Hitchcock's mystery magazine. 1956- Q2835184 1956 None known Contact us
0084-6198 ALGOL bulletin. 1959-1988 Q4652370 None* 1959-1988 Contact us
0099-9598 The Alkaloids. 1950-1981 Q96325797 1950* None known Contact us
0002-5577 All hands. 1945-2011 Q3495164 None 1922-||-2015 Contact us
2009-2415 All Ireland review 1900-1907 Q26849192 N/A None known Contact us
2043-1104 All the year round a weekly journal 1859-1895 Q2237117 N/A 1859-1895+ Contact us
0898-7238 Allan Hancock Atlantic expedition / 1945-1964 Q51439215 None* 1942-||-1964 Contact us
0002-5658 Állattani közlemények : a Magyar Biológiai Társaság Állattani Szakosztályának folyóirata. 1902- Q64797456 None* 1902-||-recent Contact us
0002-5836 Allgemeine deutsche Lehrerzeitung. 1852-1914 N/A None known Contact us
0002-5925 Allgemeine schweizerische Militärzeitschrift. 1948- Q1516138 None* 1948-recent Contact us
0935-0063 Allgemeine Zeitung. 1835- Q19430789 None* None known Contact us
0002-6018 Allgemeines statistisches Archiv. 1890- Q106978891 None* 1890-1928 Contact us
0002-6093 The Alliance review. 1924- Q106979008 None* 1905-1925 Contact us
0096-6010 Allis-Chalmers electrical review. 1936- Q106117027 None None known Contact us
0039-7253 Allmän månadsstatistik. = Monthly digest of Swedish statistics. 1963- Q79005242 None* 1963-1984 Contact us
0002-614X Alloy digest. 1952- Q15749431 None None known Contact us
0401-4839 Almanacco musicale italiano. 1955-1956 Q106117028 None* None known Contact us
0378-8644 Almanach / 1948- Q106875561 None* 1851-1928 Contact us
0401-4855 Almanach de la musique. 1949- Q106117030 None* None known Contact us
0765-8788 Almanach des gourmands, ou, Calendrier nutritif : servant de guide dans les moyens de faire excellente chère : suivi de l'Itenaire d'un gourmand dans divers quartiers des Paris, et de quelques variétés morales, nutritives, anecdotes gourmandes, etc. / 1803-1812 N/A None known Contact us
1638-8755 Almanach des traditions populaires. 1882-1884 N/A None known Contact us
0516-7701 Almanach fotografiki polskiej = Almanach de photographie artistique polonaise = Polish photography almanac = Jahrbuch der polnischen Fotografik. 1959- Q106115406 None* None known Contact us
0065-6526 Almanach sceny polskiej. 1960-1993 Q106117031 None* None known Contact us
0083-9256 An almanack for the year of our Lord ... / 1869-1991 Q1127455 None* 1869-||-1928 Contact us
0569-1109 Almanaque de literatura. 1951- Q106117032 None* None known Contact us
2375-3420 Alpena weekly argus 1871-1893 Q100289360 N/A 1871-1894 Contact us
0065-6542 Alpha annual. 1963- Q106115407 None* None known Contact us
0002-6425 Alphabet. 1960-1971 Q106875563 None* None known Contact us
0065-6569 The alpine journal. 1863- Q4262672 None* 1863-2020 Contact us
0569-1273 Also. 1950- Q106875565 None None known Contact us
0002-6557 Alta frequenza : rivista di radiotecnica, telefonia e acustica applicata. 1932- Q96325854 None* None known Contact us
0002-6646 Das Altertum. 1955- Q15759356 None* None known Contact us
0002-6670 Der Altsprachliche Unterricht. 1951- Q27715645 None* None known Contact us
0069-634X The Alumnae magazine / 1906- Q27708932 None None known Contact us
0195-8798 The Alumni bulletin of the University of Virginia. 1894-1924 N/A None known Contact us
0333-743X ʻAm ṿa-sefer. -1936 Q100980069 None* None known Contact us
0096-5359 A.M.A. archives of dermatology. 1955-1960 Q27720313 1960* Predecessor Contact us
0096-5979 A.M.A. archives of dermatology and syphilology. 1950-1954 Q27720003 None* Predecessor Contact us
0375-8532 A.M.A. archives of general psychiatry. 1959-1960 Q27724003 1960* Predecessor Contact us
0375-8540 A.M.A. archives of neurology. 1959-1960 Q27720430 1960* Predecessor Contact us
0096-6886 A.M.A. archives of neurology and psychiatry. 1950-1959 Q27720005 None* Predecessor Contact us
0096-6894 A.M.A. archives of otolaryngology. 1950-1960 Q27720213 1960* Predecessor Contact us
0096-6908 A.M.A. archives of surgery. 1950-1960 Q27720007 1960* Predecessor Contact us
2154-8781 The Amaranth, or, Token of remembrance. 1847-1855 N/A None known Contact us
0002-6840 Amateur photographer. 1945- Q4740534 None* 1890-||-1922 Contact us
0002-6891 Amazing stories. 1926-2000 Q991271 1932* 1926-||-1962+ Contact us
0002-6772 Ambit. 1959- Q4741504 None* 1975-||-2002 Contact us
0002-6980 Ambix : the journal of the Society for the Study of Alchemy and Early Chemistry. 1937- Q4741520 None* None known Contact us
0002-7014 Ameghiniana. 1957- Q460745 None* 1990-1999 Contact us
0002-7049 America. Q2842807 None 1909-1961 Contact us
0185-1179 América indígena. 1941- Q15762643 None* None known Contact us
0003-1607 America's textile reporter. 1951-1971 Q96097462 None None known Contact us
2471-5239 The American [electronic resource]. 1857- Q96097572 N/A 1857-1858 Contact us
2152-8551 American academy notes. 1881- Q96145901 N/A* 1881+ Contact us
2155-1286 The American almanac and repository of useful knowledge for the year ... 1830-1861 N/A None known Contact us
0065-6925 The American alpine journal. 1929- Q4742976 None None known Contact us
2155-3076 American annals of education. 1830-1839 N/A 1831-1839+ Contact us
0002-726X American annals of the deaf. 1886- Q15709939 None* 1886-1961+ Contact us
0093-1284 American annals of the deaf and dumb. 1847-1886 Q96210858 N/A* 1847-1886+ Contact us
0002-7294 American anthropologist. Q4579783 1953* 1888-1952+ Contact us
2155-3351 American anti-slavery reporter. 1834- Q85741203 N/A* 1834 Contact us
2155-3408 The American antiquarian. 1878-1880 N/A None known Contact us
1068-3321 The American antiquarian and oriental journal. 1881-1914 N/A None known Contact us
0002-7316 American antiquity. 1935- Q4742995 None 1935-1961 Contact us
2155-3971 The American architect. 1909-1921 N/A None known Contact us
2155-3955 American architect and building news. 1876-1908 Q84509245 None 1876-1938 Contact us
2155-398X The American architect [and] the architectural review. 1921-1924 N/A None known Contact us
0360-9081 The American archivist. 1938- Q4743000 1964 1938-recent Contact us
0065-6968 American art directory. 1952- Q4743008 None* Predecessor Contact us
1944-0227 American art news. 1904-1923 Q99537739 N/A* 1904-1923+ Contact us
2151-8890 The American art review. 1880-1881 Q96734962 N/A None known Contact us
0002-7375 American artist. 1940- Q69416260 1946* None known Contact us
0098-6097 American Association of Industrial Nurses journal. 1953- Q27708937 None* None known Contact us
2155-4315 The American athenæum, or, Repository of the arts, sciences, and belles lettres. 1825- Q96312280 N/A None known Contact us
0096-4913 American aviation. 1963-1969 Q96250809 None None known Contact us
0002-7561 The American banker. 1887- Q4743130 None None known Contact us
2155-5257 The American Baptist magazine. 1825-1835 N/A None known Contact us
2155-4331 The American Baptist magazine, and missionary intelligencer. 1817-1824 N/A None known Contact us
0002-7596 The American Bar Association journal. 1915-1983 Q27716942 1964* 1915-1983+ Contact us
0002-760X American bar news : a monthly news bulletin of the American Bar Association. 1956-1976 Q96397967 None None known Contact us
0002-7626 American bee journal. Q5672420 None 1861-||-1957 Contact us
0002-7642 The American behavioral scientist. 1960- Q4743162 None* 1960-1961 Contact us
0002-7650 The American Benedictine review. Q109381023 1950* 1950-2018+ Contact us
2155-5265 The American biblical repository. 1837-1844 N/A None known Contact us
0002-7685 The American biology teacher. 1938- Q1889034 1964 None known Contact us
0002-7693 The American book collector. 1950-1976 Q96398221 1958 None known Contact us
0002-7707 American book publishing record. 1960- Q96608335 None* None known Contact us
0733-1401 The American bookman. 1944- Q96608783 None None known Contact us
1054-1101 The American botanist. 1901- Q51439502 None 1901-1928 Contact us
2324-6758 American builder. 1917- Q96634328 None* 1917-1961+ Contact us
0733-1800 American business education. 1945-1962 Q96634236 None None known Contact us
0002-7766 American business law journal. 1963- Q15757421 None None known Contact us
0016-3104 American cabinet maker, upholsterer, and furniture reporter 1875-1876 N/A None known Contact us
2155-5273 The American Catholic historical researches. 1887- Q54877380 N/A 1887-1912+ Contact us
0271-5767 The American Catholic quarterly review. 1876-1924 Q19881254 N/A 1876-1924 Contact us
0362-515X The American Catholic sociological review. 1940-1963 Q96734963 None 1940-||-1960 Contact us
0002-7812 American Ceramic Society bulletin. 1946- Q26839488 1946* Predecessor Contact us
0096-4085 American chemical journal. 1879- Q108118244 N/A 1879-1913+ Contact us
0096-8889 The American chemist. 1870-1877 N/A None known Contact us
1050-2017 The American child. 1919-1967 Q106877048 None 1919-1961+ Contact us
0002-7898 American choral review. 1961- Q106875567 None None known Contact us
0742-2997 The American Christian review. 1940-1965 Q106877049 None None known Contact us
0002-7928 American cinematographer. 1920- Q4743396 None 1921-1963 Contact us
2373-4663 American citizen [electronic resource]. 1863- Q100292186 N/A 1863-1867+ Contact us
0002-7936 The American city. 1909- Q96325892 None 1909-||-1939 Contact us
0362-5265 American civil law journal. 1873- Q106115408 N/A 1873 Contact us
2163-7652 The American college bulletin. 1917-1919 Q124343163 N/A* 1917-1919+ Contact us
0191-2658 American cookery. 1914- Q107065341 None 1914-1928 Contact us
0065-793X American cooperation. 1925-1998 Q106875569 None 1925-1928 Contact us
0002-8118 American criminal law quarterly. 1963- Q106117034 None* None known Contact us
2155-5303 The American critic and general review. 1820- Q106115409 N/A None known Contact us
1057-0470 The American dental surgeon. 1925- Q106877050 None* 1925-1926+ Contact us
0096-946X American documentation. 1950- Q53952379 1950 1950-1955+ Contact us
2155-5311 The American eagle magazine : a journal, dedicated to science, art, and literature / 1847- Q106877052 N/A None known Contact us
2155-532X The American eclectic. 1841-1842 Q108449930 N/A 1841-1842 Contact us
1532-5059 American Economic Association quarterly. 1908-1910 Q26212615 N/A 1908-1910+ Contact us
0002-8282 The American economic review. 1911- Q1740221 None 1911-1928+ Contact us
0569-4345 The American economist. 1960- Q15766515 None* None known Contact us
2155-5346 American educational monthly. 1864-1867 Q106115410 N/A 1864-1875 Contact us
0065-8189 The American ephemeris and nautical almanac. 1855-1980 Q106877053 None* 1855-1980+ Contact us
2155-8752 American farmers' magazine. 1858-1859 N/A None known Contact us
0002-8428 The American federationist. 1894- Q96314933 None 1894-1982 Contact us
0002-8444 American fern journal. 1910- Q5672427 None 1910-2014 Contact us
0501-9877 American foreign policy, current documents. 1959-1969 Q106875570 None* 1956-||-1991 Contact us
0360-8425 The American foreign service journal. 1924-1951 Q106877054 None* 1924-1951+ Contact us
0002-8541 American forests. 1931- Q51439651 1950* 2011-present+ Contact us
1087-9978 The American gardener. 1996- Q106889088 All* 1996-2017+ Contact us
0096-4387 American gas engineering journal. 1917-1921 N/A None known Contact us
0096-4409 American gas journal. 1921-1970 Q116187414 1964 1921-1961 Contact us
0096-4395 The American gas light journal. 1879-1916 N/A None known Contact us
0190-518X The American geologist. 1888-1905 Q51414570 N/A None known Contact us
0002-8649 American glass review. 1926- Q108615573 None 1926-1928 Contact us
0569-4930 American government annual. 1958- Q106117036 1958 None known Contact us
0002-8703 The American heart journal. Q2227156 1964 1928-||-1963 Contact us
0002-8738 American heritage. 1947- Q4743985 1949* 1949-present Contact us
8756-7296 American heritage of invention & technology. 1985- Q4743990 All 1985-present Contact us
0002-8746 American highways. 1922- Q106875571 None 1922-1930 Contact us
2333-8970 American historical magazine. 1896-1902 N/A* 1896-1902+ Contact us
2155-9333 The American historical magazine. 1836- Q106877056 N/A 1836+ Contact us
2333-8997 The American historical magazine and Tennessee Historical Society quarterly. 1902- Q55174694 N/A* 1902-1904+ Contact us
2155-935X The American historical record. 1872-1874 N/A None known Contact us
0002-8762 The American historical review. 1895- Q389936 1931* 1895-1928 Contact us
0002-8789 American home. 1928- Q7713489 1932* 1928-1931+ Contact us
0002-8800 The American horticultural magazine. 1960-1971 Q99191972 None* 1960-1971+ Contact us
0096-4417 American horticulturist. 1972-1996 All* 1972-1996+ Contact us
2156-0064 American illustrated magazine. 1905-1906 N/A None known Contact us
0065-860X American imago. 1939- Q3656266 1964 None known Contact us
2574-8106 American intelligencer. 1795- Q96031412 N/A* None known Contact us
0002-9068 American Jewish historical quarterly. 1961- Q26849772 1964* Predecessor Contact us
0002-9076 The American Jewish times outlook. 1962-2001 Q96194361 None* 1950-1988+ Contact us
0065-8987 American Jewish year book. Q4744222 1937* 1899-2008 Contact us
2155-238X American journal, and annals of education and instruction. 1826- Q96211276 N/A 1826-1830+ Contact us
0002-9092 American journal of agricultural economics. 1968- Q26166 1974* 1968-1999+ Contact us
0002-9106 The American journal of anatomy. 1901-1991 Q23928792 None 1901-1928 Contact us
1540-5079 The American journal of archaeology and of the history of the fine arts. 1885-1896 Q53952310 N/A None known Contact us
0002-9114 American journal of archaeology the journal of the Archaeological Institute of America. 1885- Q465332 None 1885-1928 Contact us
0002-9122 American journal of botany. 1914- Q2664693 None 1914-1928 Contact us
0099-7374 The American journal of cancer. 1931-1940 Q27718267 None* 1931-1940+ Contact us
0002-9149 The American journal of cardiology. 1958- Q2208417 None None known Contact us
0002-9165 The American journal of clinical nutrition. 1954- Q7713500 None* None known Contact us
0002-9173 American journal of clinical pathology. 1931- Q15750224 1940 None known Contact us
0002-919X The American journal of comparative law. 1952- Q4744238 None None known Contact us
0002-9203 American journal of correction. 1954- Q27716818 None* None known Contact us
0002-922X American journal of diseases of children. 1911-1993 Q26839871 1960* 1911-||-1961 Contact us
0002-9246 The American journal of economics and sociology. 1941- Q4064224 1950 1941-||-1960 Contact us
1077-7032 The American journal of education. 1856-1902 N/A None known Contact us
2156-0048 The American journal of homeopathy. 1838-1839 N/A None known Contact us
2156-003X The American journal of homœopathia. 1835- Q97584591 N/A 1835 Contact us
2156-0021 The American journal of homœopathy. 1847-1854 N/A None known Contact us
0002-9289 American journal of hospital pharmacy. Q26839747 1964* 1958-1961+ Contact us
0002-9297 The American journal of human genetics Q4744249 1962 1997-recent Contact us
0096-5294 American journal of hygiene. Q26842247 1964* 1921-||-1945 Contact us
1044-4815 The American journal of insanity. 1844-1921 N/A 1844-1921+ Contact us
0002-9300 The American journal of international law. 1907- Q2646273 1929* 1907-1928 Contact us
0002-9319 The American journal of legal history. 1957- Q4744251 1957 None known Contact us
0002-9327 American journal of mathematics. 1878- Q2584927 None 1878-1928 Contact us
0740-641X American journal of medical jurisprudence. 1938-1939 Q97858259 None None known Contact us
0002-9343 The American journal of medicine. 1946- Q2842959 1964 None known Contact us
2155-4536 The American journal of music, and musical visitor. 1844-1846 N/A None known Contact us
1053-8356 American journal of numismatics. 1866-1924 Q15749884 None* 1866-||-2008+ Contact us
0002-936X The American journal of nursing. 1900- Q15716742 1929 1900-1928 Contact us
0894-5543 The American journal of obstetrics and diseases of women and children. 1868-1919 Q27717872 N/A None known Contact us
0002-9378 American journal of obstetrics and gynecology. 1920- Q4744256 1964 1920-1949+ Contact us
0002-9394 American journal of ophthalmology. 1884- Q4744258 1964 1884-1928+ Contact us
2451-9936 American journal of ophthalmology case reports. 2016- Q27727337 All 2016-present+ Contact us
0271-4469 American journal of optometry. 1925-1940 Q97655470 None* None known Contact us
0002-9408 American journal of optometry and archives of American Academy of Optometry. 1941-1973 Q27708949 None* None known Contact us
0002-9416 American journal of orthodontics. 1948- Q27708951 None* Predecessor Contact us
0096-6347 American journal of orthodontics and oral surgery. 1938- Q27722219 None* Predecessor Contact us
0002-9459 American journal of pharmaceutical education. 1937- Q15708868 None 2006-2023 Contact us
0093-4712 The American journal of pharmacy. 1835- Q27717906 None* 1829-1927 Contact us
0002-9475 American journal of philology. 1996- Q465359 None 1880-1928 Contact us
0002-9483 American journal of physical anthropology. 1918- Q125993118 None 1918-1928 Contact us
0002-9491 American journal of physical medicine. 1952-1987 Q27708954 1952* Predecessor Contact us
0002-9505 American journal of physics. 1933- Q465346 1955* None known Contact us
0002-9513 American journal of physiology. 1898- Q2160146 1945 1898-||-1961 Contact us
1938-0399 American journal of play. 2008- Q4744263 All 2008-present Contact us
1547-6154 The American journal of police science. 1930-1932 Q96734980 None* None known Contact us
2155-2363 The American journal of politics. 1892-1894 N/A None known Contact us
0002-9521 American journal of proctology : official publication of the International Academy of Proctology. 1950-1977 Q27708956 None None known Contact us
0002-953X The American journal of psychiatry. 1921- Q1935368 None 1921-||-1963+ Contact us
0002-9548 The American journal of psychoanalysis. 1941- Q7713505 None None known Contact us
0002-9556 The American journal of psychology. 1887- Q4744269 1941 1887-1940 Contact us
0002-9564 American journal of psychotherapy. 1947- Q1951743 1948* None known Contact us
0002-9572 American journal of public health. 1912-1927 Q26842374 1964* 1912-recent+ Contact us
0272-2313 American journal of public hygiene. 1907-1910 N/A None known Contact us
0002-9599 The American journal of science. 1880- Q465355 None 1818-||-present Contact us
0099-5363 The American journal of science and arts. 1820-1879 Q22305255 N/A None known Contact us
0271-681X The American journal of science, & c. 1818-1819 Q51439778 N/A None known Contact us
1062-0516 The American journal of Semitic languages and literatures. 1895-1941 Q28807278 None* 1895-||-1941+ Contact us
0002-9602 The American journal of sociology. Q465376 1951 1895-1951 Contact us
0002-9610 The American journal of surgery. 1905- Q15762745 None 1905-1928 Contact us
0002-9629 The American journal of the medical sciences. 1827- Q7713509 None* 1827-1961+ Contact us
1550-3283 The American journal of theology. 1897-1920 Q53952881 N/A 1897-1920+ Contact us
0002-9645 American journal of veterinary research. 1940- Q15754518 None None known Contact us
0065-9029 American junior colleges. 1940-1971 Q106875572 None 1940-||-1952 Contact us
2152-7911 The American labor legislation review. 1911-1942 Q106117037 None 1911-1927 Contact us
2155-2525 American ladies' magazine. 1834-1836 N/A None known Contact us
2155-255X The American law journal and miscellaneous repertory. 1808-1810 N/A None known Contact us
2155-2657 American law magazine. 1843-1846 N/A None known Contact us
1558-3538 The American law register. 1852-1891 Q96734987 N/A 1852-1907+ Contact us
8755-481X The American law review. 1866-1929 Q106877057 None* 1866-1923+ Contact us
0002-9769 American libraries. 1970- Q4744356 All* 2008-present+ Contact us
0271-7441 American library annual and book trade almanac / 1959-1961 Q106117039 None* None known Contact us
0747-9972 American library annual for ... / 1956-1958 Q107017797 None* None known Contact us
0065-9118 The American life collectors' annual. 1962- Q106226048 None None known Contact us
2155-2703 American literary gazette and publishers' circular. 1863- N/A 1863-1872+ Contact us
2155-272X The American literary magazine. 1847-1849 N/A None known Contact us
0065-9142 American literary scholarship. 1963- Q57267857 None None known Contact us
0002-9831 American literature; a journal of literary history, criticism and bibliography. 1929- Q4744368 1943 None known Contact us
0002-9858 American machinist. 1877- Q107017798 None 1877-1961 Contact us
1936-8941 The American magazine. 1896- Unknown None known Contact us
2155-7225 American Magazine (1906-1906) Q3985643 1929* 1905-1928+ Contact us
2155-479X The American magazine, and monthly chronicle for the British colonies. 1757-1758 N/A None known Contact us
2151-254X The American magazine of art. 1915- Q106330460 None* 1916-1928+ Contact us
2155-4994 The American magazine of civics. 1895-1897 N/A None known Contact us
2155-5001 The American magazine of useful and entertaining knowledge. 1835-1837 N/A None known Contact us
2155-8353 The American magazine, or, A monthly view of the political state of the British colonies. 1741- Q107019355 Unknown None known Contact us
2155-8361 The American magazine, or, General repository. 1769- Q107019356 Unknown None known Contact us
0193-1806 The American marketing journal. 1934-1936 Q28152172 None* None known Contact us
2155-840X American masonic register. 1840-1847 N/A None known Contact us
2155-8418 The American masonic register, and Ladies' and gentlemen's magazine. 1820-1823 N/A None known Contact us
2155-837X American masonic register and literary companion. 1839-1840 N/A None known Contact us
0002-9890 The American mathematical monthly. 1894- Q2707818 1964 1894-1928 Contact us
0065-9290 American Mathematical Society translations. 1949- Unknown None known Contact us
2155-8760 American mechanics' magazine. 1825-1826 N/A None known Contact us
2155-8779 The American medical and philosophical register. 1810-1814 N/A None known Contact us
0065-9339 American medical directory. 1906-1990 Unknown None known Contact us
2155-8787 The American medical intelligencer. 1838-1842 N/A None known Contact us
0001-1843 American medical news. 1969- Q4744419 1960* 2005-2013 Contact us
2155-692X The American medical recorder. 1818-1823 N/A None known Contact us
2155-8795 The American medical review, and journal of original and selected papers in medicine and surgery. 1825-1826 N/A None known Contact us
1060-765X The American medical weekly. 1882-1883 N/A None known Contact us
0192-7647 American men of science; a biographical directory. 1906-1968 Q93938981 Unknown None known Contact us
0002-998X The American mercury. 1951-1980 Q7713514 1929* 1924-1928+ Contact us
0002-9998 American metal market. 1926- Q26839926 Unknown None known Contact us
2155-8426 American metropolitan magazine. 1849- Q107017800 Unknown None known Contact us
0096-5642 American miller. -1943 Unknown None known Contact us
0096-2643 The American mineralogical journal: being a collection of facts and observations tending to eludicate the mineralogy and geology of the United States of America ... 1814- Unknown None known Contact us
0003-004X The American mineralogist. 1916- Q957294 Unknown None known Contact us
1079-9044 The American missionary. 1846- Q90681267 None 1857-||-1928 Contact us
2155-9430 The American monitor, or, the Republican magazine. 1785- Unknown None known Contact us
2155-997X The American monthly. 1865- Q107019358 Unknown None known Contact us
2155-8809 The American monthly Knickerbocker. 1864- Q107019359 Unknown None known Contact us
2155-9449 The American monthly magazine and critical review. 1817-1819 N/A None known Contact us
0898-963X The American monthly microscopical journal. 1880-1902 Q51422679 N/A None known Contact us
0736-1351 The American monthly review. 1832-1833 N/A None known Contact us
1049-1112 The American Museum journal. 1900-1918 Q51395073 N/A 1900-1918+ Contact us
0003-0082 American Museum novitates. 1921- Q4744472 Unknown None known Contact us
2156-0005 The American museum of science, literature and the arts. 1838- Q107019360 Unknown None known Contact us
2156-0730 The American museum, or, Repository of ancient and modern fugitive pieces &c. prose and poetical. 1787-1789 N/A None known Contact us
2156-0722 The American museum, or, Universal magazine. 1790-1792 N/A None known Contact us
2156-0757 The American musical journal. 1834-1835 N/A None known Contact us
2156-129X The American national preacher. 1831-1857 N/A None known Contact us
0003-0147 The American naturalist. 1867- Q3085258 1933* 1867-1928 Contact us
0003-0155 The American Neptune. Q27716621 1944 1941-2002 Contact us
0003-0171 American notes & queries. 1962- Q19595868 None* 1966-1968+ Contact us
0003-0198 American nurseryman. 1940- Q106117041 None None known Contact us
0003-0236 American opinion. 1958-1985 Q106875574 None None known Contact us
2381-3997 The American patriot 1854- Q100292211 N/A 1854-1856 Contact us
0003-0473 The American philatelist. 1887- Q4050934 None 1887-||-1929 Contact us
0097-577X American photography. 1907-1953 Q105628670 None 1907-1928+ Contact us
2156-1311 The American phrenological journal and miscellany. 1839-1850 N/A None known Contact us
0096-0322 The American physics teacher. 1933-1939 Q98543372 None* None known Contact us
2156-1354 American pioneer : a monthly periodical, devoted to the objects of the Logan historical society ; or, to collecting and publishing sketches relative to the early settlement and successive improvement of the country. 1842-1843 N/A None known Contact us
0003-0554 The American political science review. 1906- Q4744701 1936 1906-1935 Contact us
0097-658X American practitioner and digest of treatment. 1950-1962 Q27720450 1951* Predecessor Contact us
2156-1362 The American Presbyterian and theological review. 1863-1868 N/A* 1863-1868+ Contact us
2156-1370 The American Presbyterian review. 1869-1871 N/A None known Contact us
0003-0600 American press. 1882- Q108807062 None None known Contact us
0020-1502 American printer. 1982- Q110278679 1957 1884-1928+ Contact us
0569-7085 American prints today. 1959-1962 Q106117043 None None known Contact us
0003-066X The American psychologist. 1946- Q4744759 1963 1946-1961 Contact us
2156-1389 American publishers' circular and literary gazette. 1855-1863 N/A None known Contact us
0003-0678 American quarterly. 1949- Q4744777 1949 None known Contact us
2156-1591 American quarterly observer. 1833-1834 N/A None known Contact us
2156-1621 The American quarterly register. 1838-1844 N/A None known Contact us
2156-1613 The American quarterly register and magazine. 1848-1849 N/A None known Contact us
1041-8962 American quarterly review. 1827-1837 N/A None known Contact us
0741-790X The American quarterly review of freemasonry and its kindred sciences. 1858-1859 N/A None known Contact us
2156-1648 American railway times. -1859 N/A None known Contact us
0735-6153 The American register, or general repository of history, politics and science. 1807-1811 Q68486641 N/A 1806-1811+ Contact us
2156-1699 The American register, or, Summary review of history, politics, and literature. 1817- Q106115411 N/A 1817+ Contact us
2156-1850 The American repertory of arts, sciences and manufactures. 1840-1842 N/A None known Contact us
2156-1869 The American repertory of arts, sciences, and useful literature. 1831-1832 N/A None known Contact us
2375-3390 American Republican and Baltimore daily clipper 1844- Q18154893 N/A 1844-1846 Contact us
0517-4724 The American review. 1960-1964 Q106877058 None* None known Contact us
2156-1885 The American review, and literary journal. 1801- Q75761592 N/A* 1801+ Contact us
2156-1877 The American review of history and politics, and general repository of literature and state papers. 1811-1812 N/A None known Contact us
0003-0805 The American review of respiratory disease. 1959-1993 Q26839505 1964* 1959-1963 Contact us
0096-0381 The American review of tuberculosis. -1954 Q27720416 None* 1917-1954+ Contact us
0096-039X The American review of tuberculosis and pulmonary diseases. 1955- Q96701261 None* 1955-1959+ Contact us
0003-083X American rifleman. Q4744835 1943 1923-1941+ Contact us
0003-0902 The American salesman. 1955- Q108278875 1962 None known Contact us
0003-0910 The American-Scandinavian review. 1913- Q106117044 None 1913-1928 Contact us
0003-0937 The American scholar. 1932- Q2911917 1932 None known Contact us
0003-0953 The American school board journal. Q16827937 1947 1891-1961 Contact us
0003-0945 American school & university. 1929- Q30593874 None None known Contact us
0066-0043 American science manpower. 1955- Q106117045 None* 1954-1970 Contact us
0003-0996 American scientist. 1942- Q2493243 1942* Predecessor Contact us
0066-0051 American series of foreign penal codes. 1960- Q106875575 None* None known Contact us
1049-7544 The American Slavic and East European review. 1945-1961 Q29043825 1945* None known Contact us
0003-1097 The American Society Legion of Honor magazine. 1930-1980 Q27716615 None None known Contact us
0003-1224 American sociological review. Q3359818 1940 1936-1961 Contact us
0003-1283 American speech. 1925- Q4745138 1944* 1925-1928 Contact us
1080-899X American standard. 1924-1925 N/A 1924-1925+ Contact us
2576-7496 The American star, or, historical, political, critical, and moral journal = L'Étoile Américaine, ou, journal historique, politique, critique et moral. 1794- Q106877060 N/A None known Contact us
2334-3907 American Statistical Association bulletin. 1938- Q24640870 None* None known Contact us
0003-1305 The American statistician. 1947- Q12212581 None* None known Contact us
0003-1313 American string teacher 1951- Q15759498 None None known Contact us
0026-3079 American studies. 1971- Q4745197 All* 1971-recent+ Contact us
2156-194X The American Sunday school magazine. 1824-1830 N/A None known Contact us
2156-1931 The American Sunday school teachers' magazine, and Journal of education. 1823-1824 N/A None known Contact us
0748-2191 American-Swedish handbook : a publication of the Augustana Institute of Swedish Culture, Rock Island, Illinois. 1943- Q106117047 None 1948 Contact us
2381-0157 American telegraph 1851- Q107084962 N/A* 1851+ Contact us
2576-7461 American telegraphe. 1795- Q106115414 N/A None known Contact us
2156-1958 The American theological review. 1859-1862 Q107084979 N/A* 1859-1862+ Contact us
0517-564X American trade schools directory. 1953- Q106115415 None None known Contact us
2156-1966 American turf register and sporting magazine. 1829-1844 Q115211611 N/A None known Contact us
2374-2135 American union. 1855-1859 N/A None known Contact us
2471-2116 The American union [electronic resource]. 1861- Q100252220 N/A 1861 Contact us
2156-1974 The American universal magazine. 1797-1798 N/A None known Contact us
0066-0922 American universities and colleges. 1928- Q106875576 None None known Contact us
0275-1674 American University intramural law review. 1952-1956 Q106115416 None* None known Contact us
0003-1453 The American University law review. 1957- Q15755338 None* None known Contact us
2576-7437 American watchman. 1814-1822 N/A None known Contact us
2576-7445 American watchman and Delaware advertiser. 1822-1828 N/A None known Contact us
2576-7429 American watchman and Delaware Republican. 1809-1813 N/A None known Contact us
2156-1907 The American Whig review. 1850-1852 N/A None known Contact us
0732-5908 The American year book. 1910- Q106877062 None 1910-1928 Contact us
0003-1550 The American Zionist. 1951- Q100994168 None None known Contact us
0003-1569 American zoologist. 1961- Q43099674 1964* None known Contact us
0734-5356 Americana. 1925-1926 N/A* 1925-1926+ Contact us
0379-0940 Américas. 1949- Q27719421 1949* None known Contact us
0003-1615 The Americas. 1944- Q15749777 None* None known Contact us
0569-924X Amerindia. 1962-1965 Q107671169 None* None known Contact us
2578-1227 Ameryka echo 1902- Q28671950 None* 1902-1906+ Contact us
2577-9826 Ameryka w Toledo i kuryer Clevelandski 1889- Q106875577 N/A* 1889-1902+ Contact us
1095-9432 The Amherst bee. 1879- Q55668241 None None known Contact us
0569-9541 Amor di libro. 1953-1963 Q106875579 None* None known Contact us
0212-0909 Ampurias / 1939-1982 Q68186322 None* None known Contact us
0569-9584 Amrita Bazar patrikā 1868- Q203382 None* None known Contact us
1144-4975 Les Amys du vieux Dieppe : [bulletin]. 1912- Q106115417 None* None known Contact us
0517-6654 Anadolu. 1951- Q106875581 None* None known Contact us
0569-9738 Anadolu 1952- Q106875580 None* None known Contact us
0569-9746 Anadolu araştirmalari. 1955- Q96701388 None* 1976-||-present Contact us
2149-5254 Anadolu kliniği : tıp bilimleri dergisi. 1933- Q50817713 None* 1933-||-present Contact us
0003-2409 Anaesthesia. 1946- Q59768 None* None known Contact us
0003-2417 Der Anaesthesist. 1952- Q1192168 None* None known Contact us
0870-077X Anais - Academia Portuguesa da História. 1940- Q106117048 None* None known Contact us
0365-0596 Anais brasileiros de dermatología. 1961- Q15750855 None* None known Contact us
0001-3765 Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências. 1941- Q2491743 None* None known Contact us
0071-1276 Anais da Escola Superior de Agricultura "Luiz de Queiroz" / 1944-1991 Q96701431 None* None known Contact us
0101-4714 Anais do Museu Paulista. 1922- Q50426299 None* 1922-||-present Contact us
0392-2855 Analecta Augustiniana. 1934- Q15757054 None* 1905-1922 Contact us
0003-2476 Analecta Cisterciensia. Q484655 All* 1965-||-2005+ Contact us
0791-6167 Analecta Hibernica. 1930- Q4751015 None* None known Contact us
0213-263X Analecta montserratensia. 1918- Q66906536 None* 1917-1928 Contact us
0517-6735 Analecta Praemonstratensia / 1925- Q102424073 None* 1925-1928 Contact us
0066-1392 Analecta Romana Instituti Danici. 1960- Q101150651 None* None known Contact us
0304-4300 Analecta sacra Tarraconensia. 1925- Q27715669 None* 1925-recent Contact us
0393-1870 Analecta Sacri Ordinis Cisterciensis. Q129942936 None* 1945-1964+ Contact us
0066-1422 Analecta Vaticano-Belgica. 1956- Q106875584 None* None known Contact us
0066-1430 Analecta Vaticano-Belgica. 1956- Q106875583 None* None known Contact us
2156-1982 The Analectic magazine. 1813-1815 N/A None known Contact us
0374-5317 Anales. 1940- Q27715590 None* None known Contact us
0325-5441 Anales. 1948-1971 Q106875585 None* None known Contact us
0569-9878 Anales cervantinos. 1951- Q27919651 None* 1990-present Contact us
0325-0288 Anales de arqueología y etnología / 1940- Q106117050 None* None known Contact us
0325-1721 Anales de filología clásica. 1949- Q62083841 None* None known Contact us
0365-2351 Anales de física y química : órgano oficial de los Institutos Nacionales "Alonso Barba", "Alonso de Santa Cruz" y de la "Real Sociedad Española de Física y Química". 1940-1947 Q108554384 None* None known Contact us
0008-7750 Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez. 1961- Q15760038 None* 1975-present Contact us
0075-7411 Anales de la Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales de la Universidad de la Plata. 1926- Q96701485 None* None known Contact us
0365-2424 Anales de la Facultad de Veterinária del Uruguay. 1937- Q106115418 None* None known Contact us
0034-0634 Anales de la Real Academia Nacional de Medicina. 1879- Q15759872 None* 1881-||-present Contact us
0034-0871 Anales de la Real Sociedad Española de Física y Química. órgano de los institutos de física del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas. 1948-1967 Q108756102 None* None known Contact us
0034-088X Anales de la Real Sociedad Española de Física y Química. órgano de los institutos de química del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas. 1948-1967 Q108756107 None* None known Contact us
0365-6675 Anales de la Sociedad Española de Física y Química. 1903-1928 Q108756094 None* 1907-||-1922 Contact us
0365-7779 Anales de la Universidad de Chile. 1846- Q5674332 None* 1843-||-present Contact us
0003-2506 Anales de mecánica y electricidad. 1951- Q90253753 None* None known Contact us
0374-5546 Anales del Museo Nacional "David J. Guzmán." 1950- Q106117051 None* None known Contact us
0522-8468 Anali. 1961- Q96085781 None* 2015-present Contact us
0003-2565 Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu. 1953- Q50424714 None* 2001-present Contact us
0003-2573 Análise social. 1963- Q4778488 None* 1963-present Contact us
0161-2328 Analog science fiction/science fact. 1960- Q27716988 1960* Predecessor Contact us
0003-2638 Analysis. 1933- Q485155 None* None known Contact us
0577-5183 Analysis of workmen's compensation laws / 1954-1975 Q96657894 None* 1954-1973 Contact us
0066-152X The Analyst. 1953-1971 Q96774956 None None known Contact us
0741-7918 The analyst. 1874-1883 Q28464927 N/A 1874-1883+ Contact us
2043-1112 The analyst : a quarterly journal of science, literature, natural history, and the fine arts 1834-1840 N/A None known Contact us
0003-2654 The analyst online / 1876- Q969812 None* 1876-1928+ Contact us
2156-1990 The Analyst, or, Mathematical museum. 1808-1808 N/A None known Contact us
1940-882X The analysts journal. -1959 Q97063599 None* None known Contact us
0003-2697 Analytical biochemistry. 1960- Q485215 1960 None known Contact us
0003-2700 Analytical chemistry. 1947- Q485223 1948* None known Contact us
0570-0116 Anatolia. Anadolu. 1956- Q96701385 None* 1956-recent Contact us
0066-1546 Anatolian studies. 1951- Q15749144 None* None known Contact us
0003-276X The anatomical record. 1906-2002 Q51440428 None 1906-1928 Contact us
0570-0175 The Anchor review. 1955-1957 Q98533761 1955 None known Contact us
0194-6870 Anchorage daily news. 1948- Q489214 None None known Contact us
0066-1589 Anciens pays et assemblées d'états. Staden en landen. 1950- Q98822274 None* None known Contact us
0570-0248 And. 1954- Q98822342 None* None known Contact us
0003-2972 Andover Newton quarterly. 1960- Q27717004 None None known Contact us
2156-2369 The Andover review. 1884-1893 Q4754628 N/A 1884-1893 Contact us
1123-5772 Angelicum. 1925- Q15754950 None* None known Contact us
1433-7851 Angewandte Chemie. 1962- Q62023953 All* None known Contact us
0044-8249 Angewandte Chemie. 1949- Q538683 None* None known Contact us
0932-2140 Angewandte Chemie. -1941 Q99554928 None* None known Contact us
0170-9046 Angewandte Chemie. -1948 Q99554354 None* None known Contact us
0570-0833 Angewandte Chemie : international edition in English. 1962- Q29043732 None* None known Contact us
0003-3170 Angiología. 1949- Q27708994 None* None known Contact us
0003-3219 The Angle orthodontist. 1931- Q15762884 None 1931-present Contact us
0179-1389 Anglistische Forschungen. 1901- Q100316088 None* 1901-1928 Contact us
0382-4187 The Anglo-American magazine. 1852- Q100397030 N/A 1852-1855 Contact us
0570-0949 Anglo-German and American-German crosscurrents. 1957- Q100397039 1957* None known Contact us
0066-183X Anglo-Norman texts. 1939- Q100732658 None* None known Contact us
0266-1071 The Anglo-Saxon review. 1899-1901 N/A None known Contact us
0003-3405 The Anglo-Welsh review. 1958-1988 Q18162230 None* None known Contact us
0570-0973 Angol filológiai tanulmányok = Hungarian studies in English. 1963-1990 Q61942623 None* None known Contact us
0003-3472 Animal behaviour. 1958- Q2849996 None* None known Contact us
0378-2905 Ankara Üniversitesi Dil ve Tarih-Coğrafya Fakültesi Dergisi Q96701856 None* 1942-present Contact us
1423-7083 Annalas della Societad Rhaeto-Romanscha. 1886- Q71432534 None* 1886-recent Contact us
1866-6167 Annalen der Philosophie mit besonderer Rücksicht auf die Probleme der Als-Ob-Betrachtung. 1919- Q103834283 N/A* 1919-1923+ Contact us
1866-6175 Annalen der Philosophie und philosophischen Kritik. 1924-1930 Q26849817 None* 1924-1928+ Contact us
0003-3804 Annalen der Physik. 1824- Q275655 None* 1799-||-1943 Contact us
0083-6133 Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien. 1886-1979 Q5696312 None* 1886-1927 Contact us
0066-1953 Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae. 1961-1975 Q4767820 None* 1962-present Contact us
0066-197X Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae. 1942-1995 Q27717519 None* None known Contact us
2018-5618 Annales archéologiques. 1844-1881 N/A None known Contact us
0570-1554 Les Annales archéologiques de Syrie. 1951-1965 Q123438098 All* 2004-2009 Contact us
0365-0499 Annales d'astrophysique. 1926-1968 Q105087161 None* None known Contact us
0003-4266 Annales d'endocrinologie. 1939- Q15753551 None* None known Contact us
0066-2127 Annales d'Éthiopie 1955- Q27991273 None* None known Contact us
0003-4371 Annales d'oculistique. 1857-1977 Q27709036 None* 1838-||-1928 Contact us
0003-3901 Annales de Bourgogne; revue historique. 1929- Q15758052 None* None known Contact us
0365-1444 Annales de chimie et de physique. 1816- Q564386 N/A 1816-1913+ Contact us
0003-3936 Annales de chimie, ou, Recueil de mémoires concernant la chimie et les arts qui en dépendent. 1789-1815 N/A None known Contact us
0003-4010 Annales de géographie. 1891- Q2850670 None* 1891-recent Contact us
1144-1496 Annales de l'Ecole libre des sciences politiques. 1886-1898 N/A None known Contact us
0373-0956 Annales de l'Institut Fourier. 1950- Q2850679 None* 1949-present+ Contact us
0365-320X Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré 1930-1964 Q105531861 None* 1930-1964+ Contact us
0294-1449 Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré. Analyse non linéaire. Q13429695 All* 1984-||-recent+ Contact us
0765-8834 Annales de l'Université de Grenoble. 1945- Q105666798 None* 1945-1948+ Contact us
0365-7892 Annales de l'Université de Lyon. 1936-1964 Q105667074 None* None known Contact us
0365-7906 Annales de l'Université de Lyon. 1936-1960 Q105667062 None* None known Contact us
0041-9176 Annales de l'Université de Paris / 1926- Q105750302 None* 1926-1950 Contact us
0994-6004 Annales de la Faculté de droit d'Aix. -1957 Q105750312 None* 1907-||-1957 Contact us
0003-4037 Annales de la nutrition et de l'alimentation. 1947- Q27709035 None* None known Contact us
0003-4045 Annales de la propagation de la foi. 1834-1948 Q2850680 None* 1822-||-1933 Contact us
0702-3790 Annales de la propagation de la foi pour le diocèse de Montréal. 1874- Q105872454 N/A 1874-1876 Contact us
0770-2175 Les Annales de la régie directe. 1908-1924 N/A None known Contact us
0766-7736 Annales de la Société d'ethnographie française. 1950- Q26849857 None* None known Contact us
0037-9271 Annales de la Société entomologique de France. 1832- Q4767825 None* 1832-||-2002 Contact us
0767-7367 Annales de la Société géologique du Nord. 1873- Q106117057 None* 1870-2018 Contact us
0049-1136 Annales de la Société royale zoologique de Belgique. 1922-1989 None* 1922-1926+ Contact us
0003-4134 Annales de Normandie. 1951- Q15745226 None* 1951-||-recent Contact us
0003-4150 Annales de parasitologie humaine et comparée. 1923-1993 Q21384994 None* 1923-1993+ Contact us
0003-4169 Annales de physique. 1914- Q1955358 None* 1914-1928+ Contact us
0365-5008 Annales de radioélectricité. 1945- Q106117058 None* None known Contact us
0150-9306 Annales des sciences naturelles. 1824- Q5696347 N/A* 1824-1833+ Contact us
0150-9314 Annales des sciences naturelles. 1834-1937 Q17621119 None* 1834-1937+ Contact us
0150-9322 Annales des sciences naturelles. Zoologie (1834) Q37917187 None* 1834-1923+ Contact us
1144-1488 Annales des sciences politiques. 1899-1910 Q108485792 N/A None known Contact us
0003-4347 Annales des télécommunications. 1946- Q1906522 None* None known Contact us
0399-0389 Annales du Centre universitaire méditerranéen. 1948-1973 Q106117060 None* None known Contact us
0003-4398 Annales du Midi. 1889- Q15762238 None* 1889-2014 Contact us
1687-1510 Annales du Service des antiquités de l'Egypte / 1900-1987 Q2850685 None* 1900-1928 Contact us
0003-4428 Annales entomologici Fennici = Suomen hyönteistieteellinen aikakauskirja. 1960-1989 Q21384999 None* None known Contact us
0003-4436 Annales historiques de la Révolution française. 1924- Q2850699 None* 1924-||-recent Contact us
0003-4452 Annales internationales de criminologie = International annals of criminology = Anales internacionales de criminología. 1962- Q63871832 None* None known Contact us
0570-1716 Annales islamologiques. 1954- Q47456350 None* 1954-||-recent Contact us
0523-0535 Annales littéraires de l'Université de Besançon. 1950-1996 Q22570299 None* None known Contact us
0003-4487 Annales médico-psychologiques. 1843- Q564390 None* 1843-1943 Contact us
0583-8363 Annales musicologiques, Moyen-Age et Renaissance. 1953- Q106117061 None* None known Contact us
0373-2940 Annales odonto-stomatologiques. 1944- Q27709037 None* None known Contact us
2156-2555 Annales philosophiques, politiques et littéraires. 1807- Q106115419 N/A None known Contact us
0012-9593 Annales scientifiques de l'École normale supérieure. 1864- Q4767821 None* 1864-2013 Contact us
0365-6764 Annales scientifiques de l'Université de Besançon. 1946-1954 Q106694333 None* None known Contact us
0365-6535 Annales scientifiques de l'Université de Besançon. 1950-1976 Q106693246 None* None known Contact us
0523-0551 Annales scientifiques de l'Université de Besançon. 1955- Q106693310 None* None known Contact us
0523-0578 Annales scientifiques de l'Université de Besançon. 1959-1987 Q106693445 None* None known Contact us
0523-0586 Annales scientifiques de l'Université de Besançon. 1957- Q106693664 None* None known Contact us
0365-6543 Annales scientifiques de l'Université de Besançon. 1955- Q106693822 None* None known Contact us
0150-6773 Annales scientifiques de l'Université de Besançon. Zoologie. 1962-1963 Q106693937 None* None known Contact us
0365-656X Annales scientifiques de l'Université de Besançon. Zoologie et physiologie. 1954-1961 Q106694071 None* None known Contact us
0066-2224 Annales Silesiae / 1960- Q106117063 None* None known Contact us
0245-906X Annales sociologiques. 1934-1941 Q106241576 None* None known Contact us
0245-9078 Annales sociologiques. 1939-1940 Q106241539 None* None known Contact us
0245-9086 Annales sociologiques. 1935-1938 Q106241492 None* None known Contact us
0245-9094 Annales sociologiques. 1934-1940 Q55174710 None* None known Contact us
0245-9108 Annales sociologiques. 1935-1942 Q106241465 None* None known Contact us
0365-1118 Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska, Lublin-Polonia. 1946-2007 Q50478533 None* 2009-2012 Contact us
0365-1029 Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska. 1946- Q15752314 None* None known Contact us
0301-7737 Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska. 1950-2007 Q15751058 None* None known Contact us
0860-8288 Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska. 1946-1975 Q106811927 None* None known Contact us
0003-4533 Annales universitatis saraviensis. 1952-1962 Q27709060 None* None known Contact us
0524-899X Annales Universitatis Scientiarum Budapestinensis de Rolando Eötvös Nominatae. 1959- Q106731135 None* None known Contact us
0003-4541 Annales zoologici 1954- Q15761023 None* None known Contact us
0544-1374 Annali / Istituto Giangiacomo Feltrinelli. 1958-1974 Q27716609 None* None known Contact us
1720-1721 Annali. 1940-2002 Q15756414 None* None known Contact us
0430-3202 Annali dell'Università di Ferrara. 1950- Q15767390 None* None known Contact us
0390-5837 Annali della Facoltà di lingue e letterature straniere di Ca' Foscari. 1962-1984 Q106115420 None* None known Contact us
0393-8565 Annali della R. Scuola normale superiore di Pisa. 1929-1930 Q107987216 None* None known Contact us
0393-8549 Annali della R. Scuola normale superiore di Pisa. 1873-1915 N/A None known Contact us
0393-8573 Annali della R. Scuola normale superiore di Pisa. -1943 Q106115422 None* None known Contact us
0036-990X Annali della Scuola normale superiore di Pisa. 1943-1970 Q107987522 None* None known Contact us
0036-9918 Annali della Scuola normale superiore di Pisa. 1943-1973 Q107987820 None* None known Contact us
1125-9957 Annali delle Università Toscane 1926-1931 Q110621740 None* None known Contact us
0365-0812 Annali di botanica. 1903- Q13548526 None* 1903-||-present Contact us
0391-4674 Annali di economia 1925-1939 Q106875595 None* None known Contact us
0373-3114 Annali di matematica pura ed applicata. 1858- Q15727048 None* 1858-1927 Contact us
0391-4682 Annali di scienze politiche 1928-1941 Q26849197 None* None known Contact us
1824-0852 Annali di stomatologia. 1959- Q26842375 None* 2010-2017 Contact us
0071-4542 Annali. 1959- Q106875594 None* None known Contact us
0547-2121 Annali. 1959- Q106875591 None* None known Contact us
0077-2771 Annali. 1958- Q106875593 None* None known Contact us
0570-1783 Annals of agricultural science. 1956- Q27720917 None* 2011-present Contact us
0003-4738 Annals of allergy. 1943- Q26839740 None 1944-1953 Contact us
0003-2786 Annals of anatomy Q51390311 None* 1886-1928 Contact us
0305-7364 Annals of botany. 1887- Q1821243 None* 1887-1928 Contact us
0770-8491 Annals of collective economy. 1925-1963 Q106117064 None* 1925-1928 Contact us
0003-4770 Annals of dentistry. 1936-2003 Q27709014 None None known Contact us
2050-1420 Annals of eugenics. 1925-1954 Q27717870 None* 1925-1953 Contact us
1475-2832 Annals of general psychiatry. 2002- Q15764563 All 2002-||-present Contact us
1590-1815 Annals of geophysics. 2002- Q15758021 None* 1948-present Contact us
0003-4800 Annals of human genetics. 1954- Q4767852 None* Predecessor Contact us
0003-4819 Annals of internal medicine. 1927- Q564416 1964* 1927-1961+ Contact us
0003-4843 Annals of mathematical logic. Q53952426 All 1970-1982+ Contact us
0003-4851 The annals of mathematical statistics. 1930-1972 Q564411 None 1930-1972 Contact us
0003-486X Annals of mathematics. 1884- Q564426 1945 1884-1928+ Contact us
0743-3131 Annals of medical history. Q27717871 1937 1917-1928 Contact us
1069-8353 Annals of medical practice. 1887-1910 N/A None known Contact us
0003-4878 The annals of occupational hygiene. 1958- Q15263655 None* None known Contact us
0923-7534 Annals of oncology. 1990- Q326122 All 1990-recent Contact us
0003-4894 The Annals of otology, rhinology & laryngology. 1897- Q2646761 None 1897-1928 Contact us
0168-0072 Annals of pure and applied logic. Q15762450 All 1983-recent+ Contact us
0003-3790 Annals of science. 1936- Q282682 None None known Contact us
0003-4932 Annals of surgery. Q4767866 1949* 1885-2007 Contact us
0002-7162 Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science. 1890- Q15708639 1931 1890-||-1963 Contact us
0004-5608 Annals of the Association of American Geographers. 1911- Q114152166 None 1911-1928 Contact us
1059-5600 Annals of the Astrophysical Observatory of the Smithsonian Institution. 1900- Q106117066 None 1900-1954 Contact us
0378-1143 Annals of the Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, Poona. 1928- Q15757465 None* 1918-1928 Contact us
0570-1880 Annals of the Cape provincial museums. 1961- Q39599305 All* 1970-1997+ Contact us
0073-0750 Annals of the Computation Laboratory of Harvard University. 1946-1967 Q28048668 None* None known Contact us
1061-6853 Annals of the Dearborn Observatory of Northwestern University. 1915- Q106117067 None* 1915-1925 Contact us
0013-8746 Annals of the Entomological Society of America. 1908- Q4034061 None 1908-1950 Contact us
0439-2841 The annals of the Hitotsubashi Academy 1950-1959 Q27924025 None* None known Contact us
0020-3157 Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics. 1949- Q15765613 None* 1949-recent Contact us
0003-4959 Annals of the International Geophysical Year. 1959-1970 Q106117069 None* None known Contact us
0453-0691 Annals of the Japan Association for Philosophy of Science. 1956- Q15762690 None* None known Contact us
0890-6564 Annals of the Lyceum of Natural History of New-York. 1824-1877 Q2887592 N/A None known Contact us
0304-0798 Annals of the Natal Museum. 1910-2000 Q22115423 None* 1916-||-1928 Contact us
0077-8923 Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 1877- Q2431664 1965* 1877-recent+ Contact us
0702-3596 Annals of the propagation of the faith. 1944- Q106117070 None* None known Contact us
0003-4967 Annals of the rheumatic diseases. 1939- Q4767876 None* None known Contact us
0085-2570 The annals of the School of Business Administration, Kobe University. 1957-1999 Q106117072 None* None known Contact us
0082-4704 Annals of the Tokyo Astronomical Observatory. 1937-1988 Q106115424 None* Predecessor Contact us
0041-1752 Annals of the Transvaal Museum. 1911-2009 Q5696394 None* 1908-1927 Contact us
0003-4983 Annals of tropical medicine and parasitology. 1907- Q22115494 None* 1907-1928 Contact us
0084-6473 L'Année balzacienne. 1960- Q3202084 None* None known Contact us
0003-5017 L'année biologique. 1895- Q27709062 None* 1895-1928 Contact us
0066-2348 L'année épigraphique : revue des publications épigraphiques relatives a l'antiquité romaine. 1889- Q1399128 None* 1888-1927 Contact us
2015-819X L'année littéraire. 1885- Q110936770 N/A None known Contact us
0066-2356 L'Année politique. 1875- Q106876613 N/A None known Contact us
0003-5025 L'Année politique et économique. 1925-1975 Q106117073 None* None known Contact us
1149-0152 L'Année politique française et etrangère. 1925-1940 Q106115425 None* None known Contact us
0003-5033 L'année psychologique. 1894- Q3202111 None* 1894-1928 Contact us
0066-2380 L'Année sociale / 1960- Q27718932 None* None known Contact us
0066-2399 L'année sociologique. 1898- Q1638544 None* 1896-1925 Contact us
0003-5076 Annotated bibliography of economic geology : prepared under the auspices of the National Research Council. 1929- Q106875596 None None known Contact us
0748-2175 Annotated legal forms magazine. 1927-1930 Q106115426 None None known Contact us
0481-4606 Annotated list of publications of the Department of Mines in the Province of Quebec. 1949-1960 Q106117075 None* None known Contact us
0003-5092 Annotationes zoologicae Japonenses / 1897-1983 Q21385019 None* 1897-1928 Contact us
0772-4136 Annuaire administratif et judiciaire de Belgique et de la capitale du royaume. 1932- Q106115427 None* None known Contact us
0399-1350 Annuaire-bulletin de la Société de l'histoire de France. 1863- Q55452283 None* 1863-1946 Contact us
0373-0778 Annuaire de l'Académie royale de Belgique = Jaarboek van Koninklijke Belgische Academie. 1933- Q111154850 None* 1835-1927 Contact us
1153-852X Annuaire de l'Association pour l'encouragement des études grecques en France. 1868-1887 N/A None known Contact us
1420-4215 Annuaire de l'Association suisse de science politique. 1961- Q106875597 None* 1961-1964 Contact us
0773-5812 Annuaire de l'Institut de philologie et d'histoire orientales et slaves / 1936-1985 Q18423170 None* None known Contact us
0373-4900 Annuaire de l'Observatoire royal de Belgique. 1913- Q106875599 None* 1836-||-present Contact us
0497-9877 Annuaire de la Commission du droit international : comptes rendus analytiques de la ... session. 1956- Q106875600 None None known Contact us
0755-2254 Annuaire de la Martinique / Institut national de la statistique et des études économiques pour la métropole et la France d'outre-mer. -1961 Q106875601 None* 1884-||-1908 Contact us
1243-2377 Annuaire de la presse française. 1880-1891 N/A None known Contact us
0066-2658 Annuaire de législation française et étrangère / 1956- Q106117076 None* None known Contact us
0071-8211 Annuaire de statistique industrielle. 1947- Q106117078 None* None known Contact us
0069-5580 Annuaire du Collège de France. 1901- Q96726191 None* 1901-||-present Contact us
0071-3139 Annuaire européen = European yearbook. 1955- Q106875602 None* None known Contact us
0066-3085 Annuaire français de droit international. 1956- Q15762328 None* 1955-recent Contact us
0399-1342 Annuaire historique pour l'année ... 1836-1863 N/A None known Contact us
0067-5423 Annuaire statistique de l'enseignement / 1957- Q106117080 None* None known Contact us
0066-3646 Annuaire statistique de la Belgique. 1960- Q106117081 None* 1870-||-1926 Contact us
0066-3654 Annuaire statistique de la France / 1953- Q106117083 None* 1878-||-2007+ Contact us
0384-9538 Annual / Art and Archaeology Division, Royal Ontario Museum. 1960- Q104099373 None* Predecessor Contact us
0072-5730 Annual abstract of statistics / Office for National Statistics. 1948- Q96702604 None* 2002-2011+ Contact us
0078-0626 Annual abstract of statistics / Federation of Nigeria. 1961- Q111418341 None* None known Contact us
1040-1792 The Annual American catalogue. 1886-1900 N/A None known Contact us
0557-5273 Annual bibliographical index. 1961- Q106115428 None None known Contact us
0066-3786 Annual bibliography of English language and literature / 1924- Q16975066 None* 1920-1927 Contact us
0899-8744 Annual bulletin - Honolulu Academy of Arts. 1939- Q101242976 None None known Contact us
0066-3816 Annual bulletin of electric energy statistics for Europe. Bulletin annuel de statistiques de l'énergie électrique pour l'Europe. Ezhegodnyĭ bi︠u︡lleten' Evropeĭskoĭ statistiki ėlektroėnergii. 1956- Q106115429 None None known Contact us
0066-3824 Annual bulletin of gas statistics for Europe. Bulletin annuel de statistiques du gaz pour l'Europe. Ezhegodnyĭ bi︠u︡lleten evropeĭskoĭ statistiki gaza. 1957-1993 Q106115431 None None known Contact us
0066-3832 Annual bulletin of historical literature. 1911- Q29043988 None* 1911-1928 Contact us
0066-3859 Annual bulletin of transport statistics for Europe / Bulletin annuel de statistiques de transports européens / Commission economique pour l'Europe, Division des transports. 1955-1994 Q106115432 None* None known Contact us
2474-9745 Annual Conference for Protective Relay Engineers : [proceedings] / 1948- Q106117084 None None known Contact us
0428-7436 Annual conference proceedings - Florida Planning and Zoning Association. 1951- Q106117085 None None known Contact us
0474-6058 Annual economic review / OEEC. 1959-1961 Q106117087 None* None known Contact us
2156-2598 Annual law register of the United States. 1821-1822 N/A None known Contact us
0073-0793 Annual legal bibliography 1961-1981 Q106875604 None None known Contact us
0275-1615 The Annual literary index. 1892- Q106117088 N/A* 1892-1904+ Contact us
0570-2534 Annual of architecture, structure & townplanning. 1960- Q106115433 None* None known Contact us
1933-2505 The annual of the American School of Oriental Research in Jerusalem. 1920-1923 Q96735013 N/A None known Contact us
0066-0035 The annual of the American Schools of Oriental Research. 1923- Q53952792 None 1919-||-2008 Contact us
0068-2454 The annual of the British school at Athens. 1894- Q1679951 None* 1895-1928 Contact us
0082-0423 Annual of the Swedish Theological Institute. 1962-1983 Q106117090 None* None known Contact us
0742-9991 Annual of the universal medical sciences. 1888- Q106875605 N/A 1888-1896 Contact us
0734-5348 Annual of Urdu studies Sālnāmah-i dirāsāt-i Urdū. 1981- Q121300769 All 1981-||-2014 Contact us
0884-9161 Annual proceedings / Pennsylvania Society of Sons of the Revolution. 1899- Q111594852 None 1899-1921 Contact us
2158-7485 Annual proceedings / Section of International and Comparative Law. 1944- Q111594863 None None known Contact us
0253-7982 Annual public health report for the year ... 1963- Q106875606 None* None known Contact us
0734-5240 Annual register / American Mathematical Society. 1904-1913 N/A None known Contact us
0026-6493 Annual report / Missouri Botanical Garden. 1890-1912 Q2530335 None 1914-2011 Contact us
2398-6638 Annual report / Association for the Improvement of Geometrical Teaching. 1871-1875 N/A None known Contact us
0164-0798 Annual report / Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond. 1916- None* 1915-2019 Contact us
0362-7632 Annual report / American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. 1862-1960 Q100145642 None 1810-||-1929 Contact us
0065-7972 Annual report / American Council of Learned Societies. 1958- Q100319348 None 2015-present Contact us
0066-6955 Annual report / Arctic Institute of North America. 1959- None* 2000-2017 Contact us
0435-2009 Annual report / Atomic Bomb Casualty Commission. 1958-1974 Q111154789 None* None known Contact us
0067-365X Annual report / Bank of Israel. 1956-2000 None* 1955-present Contact us
0498-6520 Annual report / Brookhaven National Laboratory. 1950- None* 1948-1967 Contact us
0069-0635 Annual report / Carnegie Corporation of New York. 1954- Q100733164 None 1921-||-present Contact us
0069-1585 Annual report / Central Bank of the Philippines. 1949-1992 Q100998988 None* None known Contact us
0149-4457 Annual report / Commonwealth Fund. 1919-1980 Q101534988 None* 1918-||-present Contact us
0737-2426 Annual report / Conference on Electrical Insulaton, Division of Engineering and Industrial Research, National Research Council. 1939-1965 Q102123022 None None known Contact us
0576-1387 Annual report / Dept. of Northern Affairs and National Resources. 1954-1966 Q103995947 None* 1954-||-1966 Contact us
0252-2047 Annual report / Economic Commission for Africa. 1960- Q103997137 None* 1960-||-2014+ Contact us
0251-0197 Annual report / Economic Commission for Europe. 1950-2009 Unknown None known Contact us
0071-2868 Annual report / European Investment Bank. 1959-2000 Unknown None known Contact us
0196-9927 Annual report / Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service. 1950- Unknown None known Contact us
0363-3292 Annual report / Henry E. Huntington Library and Art Gallery. 1929- Unknown None known Contact us
0074-6061 Annual report / International Finance Corporation. 1957- Unknown None known Contact us
0365-9356 Annual report / Minister of Mines and Petroleum Resources, Province of British Columbia. 1960-1975 Unknown None known Contact us
0545-7564 Annual report / New Zealand Council for Educational Research. 1935- Unknown None known Contact us
0078-6284 Annual report / OECD Halden Reactor Project. 1962- Unknown None known Contact us
0080-3391 Annual report / Rockefeller Foundation. 1915-1966 Unknown None known Contact us
0887-9281 Annual report / Section of Public Utility Law. 1963-1990 Unknown None known Contact us
0361-462X Annual report / Social Science Research Council. 1927-1996 Unknown None known Contact us
0084-8123 Annual report / State of Brunei. 1954- Unknown None known Contact us
1554-8554 Annual report / TRI. 1956-2003 Unknown None known Contact us
0067-3706 Annual report / The Bank of Korea. 1951- Unknown None known Contact us
0509-9080 Annual report / The Waterfront Commission of New York Harbor. 1954- Unknown None known Contact us
0743-1937 Annual report / United States Public Health Service. 1941- Unknown None known Contact us
8756-1913 Annual report / the Governor of American Samoa to the Secretary of the Interior. 1952-1981 Unknown None known Contact us
1049-1597 Annual report / the Rockefeller Sanitary Commission for the Eradication of Hookworm Disease. 1911-1915 N/A None known Contact us
0099-3808 Annual report / the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. 1960- Unknown None known Contact us
0272-8052 Annual report. 1917-1932 Unknown None known Contact us
0068-6182 Annual report. 1959- Unknown None known Contact us
0068-9815 Annual report. 1946- Unknown None known Contact us
0070-1181 Annual report. 1957-1995 Unknown None known Contact us
0078-6276 Annual report. 1960- Unknown None known Contact us
0083-8721 Annual report. 1960- Unknown None known Contact us
0196-1217 Annual report. 1950- Unknown None known Contact us
0196-5557 Annual report. 1946- Unknown None known Contact us
0271-3624 Annual report. 1934- Unknown None known Contact us
0360-6651 Annual report. 1882- Unknown None known Contact us
0362-3335 Annual report. 1948-1974 Unknown None known Contact us
0458-208X Annual report. 1937- Unknown None known Contact us
0486-5561 Annual report. 1954- Unknown None known Contact us
0564-9137 Annual report. 1963- Unknown None known Contact us
0710-6823 Annual report. 1906-1983 Unknown None known Contact us
1071-1058 Annual report. 1929- Unknown None known Contact us
0576-4300 Annual report/ Canada Council. 1958- Unknown None known Contact us
0066-8133 Annual report and accounts. 1946- Unknown None known Contact us
0503-079X Annual report and accounts/ Uganda Development Corporation. 1952- Unknown None known Contact us
0476-5044 Annual report - Commission on Human Relations, City of Philadelphia. 1951- Unknown None known Contact us
0073-1072 Annual report - Department of Planning and Economic Development, State of Hawaii. 1963- Unknown None known Contact us
0083-0585 Annual report : Federal Communications Commission. 1935- Unknown None known Contact us
0379-8283 Annual report for ... / International Committee of the Red Cross. [electronic resource] 1955- Q113049070 None* None known Contact us
0362-1049 Annual report for ... / Union Carbide. 1958- Q113049353 None None known Contact us
0889-7956 Annual report for ... / W.K. Kellogg Foundation. 1962- Q113049593 None None known Contact us
0083-2332 Annual report for fiscal year ... / 1951- Q113138171 None* 1950-recent Contact us
0190-9797 Annual report for the fiscal year ended June 30 ... / 1940- Q113138189 None* 1883-1978 Contact us
0161-4487 The ... annual report for the year ... 1873-1899 N/A None known Contact us
0537-0647 Annual report - Government of India, Tarriff Commission. 1953- Q106117091 None* None known Contact us
0072-7296 Annual report - Great Lakes Fishery Commission. 1956- Q113138194 None None known Contact us
0047-0570 Annual report - International Bank for Reconstruction and Development. 1946- Q98549276 None None known Contact us
0074-4506 Annual report - International Development Association. 1961- Q106117121 None 1960-||-1968 Contact us
0096-6649 Annual report - National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics. 1916- Q113293317 None* 1915-||-1958 Contact us
0067-1517 Annual report - National Capital Development Commission. 1958- Q106117122 None* None known Contact us
0095-9359 Annual report of Ohio Conference on Water Purification. 1922- Q106117123 None 1921-||-1940 Contact us
0319-8227 Annual report of statistics of criminal and other offences. Rapport annuel sur la statistique de la criminalité. 1926-1968 Q106115434 None* 1925-1943+ Contact us
0498-9866 Annual report of the activities of the Joint Committee on Defense Production / 1950- Q106117124 None* 1950-1974 Contact us
0589-9478 Annual report of the Administrative Board / 1960-1962 Q106115435 None* None known Contact us
0149-0494 Annual report of the Administrative Director of the Courts of New Jersey. 1949-1979 Q106117125 None None known Contact us
0740-6401 Annual report of the American Bible Society. 1828-1995 Q106115436 None 1816-1929 Contact us
0065-8561 Annual report of the American Historical Association. 1890- Q107003392 None 1889-present+ Contact us
0148-5229 Annual report of the Attorney General of the United States. 1873- Q113377938 None* 1871-||-1997 Contact us
0097-269X Annual report of the Bureau of American Ethnology to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution. 1897-1965 Q51442326 None 1881-1933 Contact us
0708-9392 Annual report of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. 1937- Q106115439 None* None known Contact us
0161-5017 Annual report of the Carnegie Museum. 1926-1973 Q106115440 None 1898-1927 Contact us
0740-655X Annual report of the chairman / 1926-1927 Q113471932 None None known Contact us
0192-4761 Annual report of the Chief of the National Guard Bureau. 1933- Q106117126 None* 1933-1975 Contact us
0735-097X Annual report of the Colored Home and Hospital. 1880- Q106115442 N/A* 1898-1901+ Contact us
1040-3795 Annual report of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue for the fiscal year ended June 30 ... 1954-1955 Q106117127 None* 1862-||-1991 Contact us
0083-3002 Annual report of the Commissioner of Patents. 1840-1965 Q96334671 None* 1838-||-1974 Contact us
1948-1594 Annual report of the Dante Society. 1882- 1951* 1882-1928 Contact us
0704-4348 Annual report of the Department of Education of the Province of Alberta. 1906-1968 Q106117128 None* 1906-1943 Contact us
0511-6406 Annual report of the Department of Mines for the year ending ... / 1908- Q106115444 None* 1904-||-1968 Contact us
0095-7836 Annual report of the Director of the Administrative Office of the United States Courts. 1940- Q106115445 None* 1941-||-present Contact us
0258-3844 Annual report of the European Free Trade Association. 1961- Q106117129 None* None known Contact us
0304-2901 Annual report of the European Organization for Nuclear Research. 1956- Q106115448 None* None known Contact us
0547-4132 Annual report of the executive vice president, National Association of Mutual Savings Banks. 1958- Q106115449 None None known Contact us
0083-0763 Annual report of the Federal Maritime Commission. 1962- Q113813435 None* 1962-||-present+ Contact us
0083-078X Annual report of the Federal Power Commission 1921-1977 Q113813470 None* 1921-||-1977+ Contact us
0361-7971 Annual report of the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta. 1918- Q106117130 None 1915-2018 Contact us
0067-3587 Annual report of the Governor to the Minister of Finance and statement of accounts. 1955- Q106115451 None* None known Contact us
0479-0863 Annual report of the High Commissioner of the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands to the Secretary of the Interior, fiscal year ended ... 1952-1965 Q106117131 None 1951-1975 Contact us
0894-007X Annual report of the Historical and Philosophical Society of Ohio. 1874-1941 Q106115452 None 1874-||-1941 Contact us
0075-7357 Annual report of the Institute for Virus Research, Kyoto University. 1958- Q106117132 None* None known Contact us
0083-1514 Annual report of the Interstate Commerce Commission. 1887- Q113956293 None* 1887-1994 Contact us
0075-7748 Annual report of the Lake Carriers' Association. 1885- Q106115453 None 1907-||-present Contact us
0083-1670 Annual report of the Maritime Administration. 1962-1968 Q106117134 None* 1962-2013+ Contact us
0383-3313 Annual report of the Minister of Mines for the year ending ... / 1874-1897 N/A None known Contact us
0160-1415 Annual report of the Mississippi Department of Archives and History. 1902- Q106117135 None 1902-||-2018 Contact us
2380-534X Annual report of the Museum of Fine Arts Boston. 1876- Q101243025 None 1876-1937 Contact us
0083-2200 Annual report of the National Labor Relations Board for the fiscal year ended ... 1936-2009 Q114079251 None* 1935-2009 Contact us
0083-2286 Annual report of the National Mediation Board. 1935-1998 Q109552256 None* 1934-1998+ Contact us
1060-345X Annual report of the Naval Observatory for the fiscal year ... 1912- Q106117136 None* 1912-1932 Contact us
0275-8806 Annual report of the New York State Commission of Correction. 1927- Q106115454 None 1927-||-present Contact us
0077-9512 Annual report of the New York Zoological Society. 1897- Q51399772 None 1896-1991 Contact us
1080-8337 Annual report of the officers of the retreat for the insane at Hartford, Conn. 1842-1904 N/A None known Contact us
0197-615X Annual report of the Ohio Department of Public Welfare. 1939-1969 Q106115456 None 1921-||-1976 Contact us
1047-448X Annual report of the Ohio State Board of Agriculture. 1847- Q51442415 N/A* 1847-1913 Contact us
0471-6345 Annual report of the Ontario Department of Mines. 1920-1967 Q106115464 None* 1891-1928 Contact us
0160-0052 Annual report of the president / Institute of International Education. 1920- Q113655639 None 1920-present Contact us
0190-8154 Annual report of the president and directors of the Northern Central Railway Company to the stockholders. 1855-1898 N/A None known Contact us
0891-8066 Annual report of the Railroad Retirement Board. 1938- Q106115465 None* 1935-||-2021 Contact us
0090-2845 Annual report of the Register of Copyrights for the fiscal year ending ... / 1929- Q113527630 None* 1911-||-present Contact us
0382-3725 Annual report of the Saskatchewan Hospital Services Plan / 1950- Q106117138 None* None known Contact us
0083-3215 Annual report of the Securities and Exchange Commission. 1935-2004 Q108923483 None* 1935-||-present Contact us
0735-0988 Annual report of the Society for the Support of the Colored Home. 1844-1851 N/A None known Contact us
0361-994X Annual report of the South Carolina Tax Commission to the Governor and General Assembly. 1915- Q106115466 None* 1915-1977 Contact us
0731-3942 Annual report of the State Board of Assessors of the State of New Jersey. 1884- Q106117140 N/A 1884-1914 Contact us
0747-8062 Annual report of the State Board of Health and Vital Statistics of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. 1886-1906 N/A None known Contact us
0500-3970 Annual report of the Subversive Activities Control Board. 1951-1973 Q106115467 None* 1951-1972 Contact us
0275-2336 Annual report of the Superintendent of Insurance to the New York Legislature. 1860- Q106117141 None 1859-||-2010 Contact us
0270-4897 Annual report of the Surgeon General, U.S. Navy, Chief of the Bureau of Medicine and Surgery, concerning statistics of diseases and injuries in the United States Navy for the calendar year ... / 1933-1959 Q27723290 None* 1933-1958 Contact us
0497-1043 Annual report of the Tehuacan Archaeological-Botanical Project / 1961- Q101095894 None None known Contact us
0740-7661 Annual report of the Trustees of the Metropolitan Museum of Art. None 1871-||-present Contact us
8755-0652 Annual report of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations. 1892- Q106115579 None 1878-||-1955 Contact us
0275-0643 Annual report of the United States Board of Mediation. 1927- Q106117142 None* 1926-1934+ Contact us
0083-3428 Annual report of the United States Tariff Commission for the fiscal year ended ... 1917-1975 Q109264441 None* 1917-1974+ Contact us
0499-1249 Annual report of the U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare. 1954-1971 Q109264475 None* 1952-1970 Contact us
0258-9400 Annual report on administration of Chosen. -1938 Q106115580 None* 1907-1928 Contact us
0970-0617 Annual report on Indian epigraphy. 1951- Q109480129 None* 1887-||-1921 Contact us
0501-5316 Annual report on the Area Redevelopment Administration of the U.S. Department of Commerce. 1963-1965 Q106115582 None* 1962-1965 Contact us
0743-0086 Annual report on the statistics of railways in the United States, the Interstate Commerce Commission for the year ending ... 1889-1954 Q106115584 None* 1888-1953 Contact us
0747-5314 Annual report on tobacco statistics. 1936- Q51381463 None* 1938-||-1998 Contact us
0826-7804 Annual report on wage rates and hours of labour in Canada. 1949-1952 Q106117143 None* None known Contact us
0442-6916 Annual report ... presented to the annual meeting of the general body. 1954- Q106117144 None* None known Contact us
0499-0447 Annual report submitted to the Committees on Armed Services of the Senate and of the House of Representatives and to the Secretary of Defense and the Secretaries of the Departments of the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Treasury pursuant to the Uniform Code of Military Justice, for the period ... 1952- Q106115585 None* 1951-||-present Contact us
0147-5568 Annual report - United States, International Trade Commission. N/A* 1975-1999+ Contact us
0083-7032 Annual reports / National Museum of Wales. 1909-1994 Q106170650 None* 1910-1929 Contact us
0559-8680 Annual reports of Shionogi Research Laboratory = Shionogi Kenkyūjō nenpō. 1951- Q96326404 None* None known Contact us
0889-8774 Annual reports of the Department of Agriculture. Report of the Secretary of Agriculture. 1895-1924 N/A None known Contact us
0083-0321 Annual reports of the Department of the Interior. 1849- Q106117145 None* 1850-||-1963 Contact us
0365-6217 Annual reports on the progress of chemistry. 1904-1966 Q96326409 None* 1904-1925 Contact us
0196-7746 Annual research review / 1962-1976 Q109676395 None 1971-1975 Contact us
2043-1147 The annual review and history of literature. 1803-1809 N/A None known Contact us
0066-4138 Annual review in automatic programming. 1960- Q68171675 1960* None known Contact us
1936-1327 Annual review of analytical chemistry. Q4769664 All 2023 Contact us
2165-8102 Annual review of animal biosciences. 2013- Q26853826 All 2023 Contact us
0084-6570 Annual review of anthropology. 1972- Q4769665 All* 2023 Contact us
0066-4146 Annual review of astronomy and astrophysics. Q2390413 None 2023 Contact us
0066-4154 Annual review of biochemistry. 1932- Q567356 None 1932-||-2023 Contact us
2574-3414 Annual review of biomedical data science. 2018- Q96320962 All 2023 Contact us
1523-9829 Annual review of biomedical engineering. 1999- Q4769667 All 2021-2023 Contact us
1936-122X Annual review of biophysics. 2008- Q4034062 All 2023 Contact us
2472-3428 Annual review of cancer biology. 2017- Q96320109 All 2020-2023 Contact us
1081-0706 Annual review of cell and developmental biology. 1995- Q4497277 All 2023 Contact us
1947-5438 Annual review of chemical and biomolecular engineering. 2010- Q4769670 All 2023 Contact us
1548-5943 Annual review of clinical psychology. 2005- Q15750423 All 2023 Contact us
1947-5454 Annual review of condensed matter physics. 2010- Q5126422 All 2023 Contact us
2573-5144 Annual review of control, robotics, and autonomous systems. 2018- Q96320655 All 2023 Contact us
2572-4568 Annual review of criminology. 2018- Q96320223 All 2023 Contact us
2640-7922 Annual review of developmental psychology. 2019- Q96319262 All 2023 Contact us
0084-6597 Annual review of earth and planetary sciences. Q2448759 All 2023 Contact us
0066-4162 Annual review of ecology, evolution, and systematics. 2003- Q4034066 All 2023 Contact us
1941-1383 Annual review of economics. 2009- Q1619169 All 2023 Contact us
0362-1626 Annual review of energy. 1976-1990 Q28807349 All* 1976-1990+ Contact us
1056-3466 Annual review of energy and the environment. 1991-2002 Q104426068 All* 1991-2002+ Contact us
0066-4170 Annual review of entomology. 1956- Q15756317 None 1956-||-2023 Contact us
1543-5938 Annual review of environment and resources. 2003- Q15716736 All* 2020-2023+ Contact us
1941-1367 Annual review of financial economics. Q28089660 All 2023 Contact us
0066-4189 Annual review of fluid mechanics. Q15750016 All 2023 Contact us
1941-1413 Annual review of food science and technology. 2010- Q26841961 All 2023 Contact us
0066-4197 Annual review of genetics. 1967- Q567358 All 2023 Contact us
1527-8204 Annual review of genomics and human genetics. 2000- Q567360 All 2023 Contact us
0732-0582 Annual review of immunology. 1983- Q567362 All 2023 Contact us
0066-4200 Annual review of information science and technology. Q4769672 All 1966-2011 Contact us
1550-3585 Annual review of law and social science. 2005- Q15758831 All 2023 Contact us
2333-9683 Annual review of linguistics. 2015- Q29043886 All 2023-2024 Contact us
1941-0611 Annual review of marine science. 2009- Q18712759 All 2023-2024 Contact us
1531-7331 Annual review of materials research. 2001- Q15752164 All 2023 Contact us
0066-4219 Annual review of medicine. 1950- Q567363 1964 1950-||-2023 Contact us
0066-4227 Annual review of microbiology. 1947- Q15762942 None 1947-||-2023 Contact us
0147-006X Annual review of neuroscience. 1978- Q15753632 All 2023 Contact us
0163-8998 Annual review of nuclear and particle science. Q2576517 All* 2020-2023 Contact us
0066-4243 Annual review of nuclear science. 1952-1977 Q93769014 None* 1952-1961+ Contact us
0199-9885 Annual review of nutrition. 1981- Q4769675 All 2023 Contact us
2327-0608 Annual review of organizational psychology and organizational behavior. 2014- Q29043982 All 2023 Contact us
1553-4006 Annual review of pathology. 2006- Q15263665 All 2023 Contact us
0066-4251 Annual review of pharmacology. 1961-1975 Q23928875 None* 1961+ Contact us
0362-1642 Annual review of pharmacology and toxicology. 1976- Q567365 All* 2023+ Contact us
0066-426X Annual review of physical chemistry. 1950- Q2680214 None 1950-||-2023 Contact us
0066-4278 Annual review of physiology. 1939- Q567364 None 1939-||-2023 Contact us
0066-4286 Annual review of phytopathology. Q15750453 None 2023 Contact us
1543-5008 Annual review of plant biology. 2002- Q567367 All* 2023+ Contact us
0066-4294 Annual review of plant physiology. Q27714937 None* 1950-1961+ Contact us
1094-2939 Annual review of political science. 1998- Q15758213 All 2020-2023 Contact us
0066-4308 Annual review of psychology. 1950- Q15762820 None 1950-||-2024 Contact us
0163-7525 Annual review of public health. 1980- Q15751557 All 2020-2023 Contact us
1941-1340 Annual review of resource economics. 2009- Q4769673 All 2023 Contact us
0360-0572 Annual review of sociology. 1975- Q4769674 All 2023 Contact us
2326-8298 Annual review of statistics and its application. 2014- Q27725307 All 2023 Contact us
0066-4340 Annual review of United Nations affairs. 1949- Q105482008 None 1959 Contact us
2327-056X Annual review of virology. 2014- Q19962702 All 2021-2023 Contact us
2374-4642 Annual review of vision science. 2015- Q27726601 All 2023 Contact us
0066-4359 Annual safety education review. 1962-1973 Q106117146 None 1970-1973 Contact us
0732-247X Annual salary study and survey of selected personnel issues. 1960-1986 Q106115587 None None known Contact us
0083-3177 Annual statistical report. 1953-1970 Q106875607 None* 1943-||-1980 Contact us
0066-4413 Annual survey of American law. 1942- Q6956113 None 1953-||-recent Contact us
2688-173X Annual survey of California law. 1949-1954 Q106875608 None None known Contact us
0082-9307 Annual survey of manufactures : ASM. 1950- Q106875609 None* 1949-||-1996 Contact us
0570-2674 Annual survey of Massachusetts law / 1955-1988 Q106115589 1954 None known Contact us
0376-4605 Annual survey of South African law. 1948- Q15756244 None* None known Contact us
0066-4456 Annuale mediaevale. 1960-1982 Q27715459 None None known Contact us
0578-9982 Annuario bibliografico di archeologia. 1952- Q106117147 None* None known Contact us
0402-5318 Annuario dei centenari. 1950- Q106117148 None* None known Contact us
0391-7010 Annuario dell'Istituto storico italiano per l'età moderna e contemporanea. 1935- Q106115591 None* None known Contact us
0067-0081 Annuario della Scuola archeologica di Atene e delle missioni italiane in Oriente. 1941- Q15746693 None* 1941-present+ Contact us
0423-2399 El año literario. 1953-1954 Q106117149 None* None known Contact us
0570-2771 Antaios. 1959-1971 Q2852544 None* None known Contact us
0744-5830 Antelope Valley press. 1956- Q4771204 None None known Contact us
0066-4642 Antemurale / 1954-1986 Q16484802 None* None known Contact us
0074-0160 Anthologica annua. 1953- Q96658133 None* None known Contact us
0270-3882 Anthology of magazine verse for ... and yearbook of American poetry. 1913-1942 None* 1913-1928 Contact us
0003-5424 Anthos; Vierteljahres-Zeitschrift für Garten- und Landschaftsgestaltung. 1962- Q574276 None* None known Contact us
0003-5459 Anthropologica. 1955- Q15764760 None* None known Contact us
0066-4677 Anthropological forum. 1963- Q15754097 None* None known Contact us
0003-5475 Anthropological journal of Canada. 1963- Q97581794 None* None known Contact us
0960-0604 Anthropological journal on European cultures. 1990-2004 Q4773889 All 2020-present Contact us
0003-5483 Anthropological linguistics. 1959- Q15759972 None None known Contact us
0083-4947 Anthropological papers / Department of Anthropology, University of Utah. 1939- Q97854674 None* 1954-||-1963 Contact us
0076-8367 Anthropological papers / Museum of Anthropology, University of Michigan. 1949- Q98313519 None* 1949-||-1975 Contact us
0077-7897 Anthropological papers. 1959- Q98687704 None* 1960-1963 Contact us
1066-0828 Anthropological papers. 1938-1966 Q100359226 None* 1938-||-1966+ Contact us
0065-9452 Anthropological papers of the American Museum of Natural History. 1907- Q27718151 None* 1907-recent Contact us
0041-9354 Anthropological papers of the University of Alaska. 1952- Q4773893 None* 1952-1972 Contact us
0066-7501 Anthropological papers of the University of Arizona. 1959- Q101243108 None* 1959-||-2008 Contact us
0003-5491 Anthropological quarterly. 1953- Q4773895 None* None known Contact us
0068-6336 Anthropological records. 1937-1973 Q102121701 None* 1937-||-1973 Contact us
1368-0382 The anthropological review. 1863-1870 Q96702723 N/A 1862-1870+ Contact us
0003-5521 L'Anthropologie. 1890- Q15754102 None* 1890-1928 Contact us
0323-1119 Anthropologie. 1923- Q96326438 None* 1923-||-2018 Contact us
0003-5548 Anthropologischer Anzeiger. 1924- Q15765997 None* 1924-1928+ Contact us
0003-5556 The Anthropologist. 1954- Q17049955 None* None known Contact us
0544-8824 Anthropology and sociology papers / 1950- Q104097834 None* None known Contact us
2169-0588 Anthropology design series. 1924-1931 Q26849206 None 1924-1931 Contact us
0066-4707 Anthropology in British Columbia. 1953- Q104214665 None* None known Contact us
2169-0618 Anthropology, memoirs. 1925- Q51442609 None* 1925-1937 Contact us
1746-0719 Anthropology of the Middle East. 2006- Q4773912 All 2020-present Contact us
0066-4715 Anthropology of the North: Translations from Russian sources. 1961-1974 Q105234132 None* None known Contact us
0068-7936 Anthropology papers. 1961-1969 Q105234278 None* None known Contact us
0570-3069 Anthropology tomorrow. 1952- Q99873341 None None known Contact us
0257-9774 Anthropos. 1906- Q4181909 None* 1906-2012 Contact us
0518-004X Anthropos. 1959- Q105300953 None* None known Contact us
0402-5830 Anthropozoikum. 1951-1961 Q105413367 None* None known Contact us
2043-1155 The anti-Gallican, or, Standard of British loyalty, religion, and liberty : including a collection of the principal papers, tracts, speeches, poems, and songs, that have been published on the threatened invasion, together with many original pieces on the same subject. 1804- Q105413417 N/A None known Contact us
2043-1163 The anti-infidel. 1831- Q98821852 N/A None known Contact us
2043-1201 The anti-jacobin ; or, weekly examiner. 1797- Q3519796 N/A None known Contact us
2043-1171 The Anti-Jacobin review and magazine. 1798-1810 Q2853107 N/A* 1798-1810+ Contact us
2166-1863 Anti-slavery bugle. 1845-1861 N/A None known Contact us
2156-2628 The anti-slavery examiner 1836-1845 N/A None known Contact us
1356-1804 Anti-slavery monthly reporter. 1825-1830 N/A None known Contact us
2156-261X The Anti-slavery record. 1835-1837 N/A None known Contact us
2156-2865 The Anti-slavery reporter [electronic resource] . 1833- Q105666473 N/A* None known Contact us
1362-0258 The anti-slavery reporter. 1830- Q4774272 N/A* None known Contact us
2043-1228 The Anti-slavery reporter and aborigines' friend / 1909-1980 Q105665724 None* 1909-1924 Contact us
2043-1236 The anti-teapot review. 1864-1869 N/A None known Contact us
2009-1672 The anti-union. 1798-1799 Q55174643 N/A 1798-1799 Contact us
0570-3131 Antibiotics annual. 1954- Q27719968 None None known Contact us
0570-3123 Antibiotics & chemotherapy. 1951- Q27724146 None None known Contact us
0003-5645 Antichità viva. 1962- Q105747771 None* None known Contact us
0003-5688 Antike Kunst. 1958- Q576034 None* None known Contact us
0083-6737 Antikvariskt arkiv. 1954- Q105747962 None* None known Contact us
0066-4804 Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy. 1961- Q578004 None None known Contact us
0003-5769 The Antioch review. 1941- Q7713944 1941 None known Contact us
0003-5815 The antiquaries journal. 1921- Q15755623 None* 1921-1928 Contact us
2043-1244 The Antiquary. 1880-1915 N/A None known Contact us
0570-3557 Antiquitates musicae in Polonia / 1963-1973 Q105980832 None* None known Contact us
0770-2817 L'Antiquité classique. 1932- Q15757440 None* 1932-recent Contact us
0570-3573 Antiquity and survival. 1955-1962 Q106160921 None* None known Contact us
0003-598X Antiquity. Q4775205 None* 1927-1928 Contact us
0003-603X Antitrust bulletin. 1955- Q15745501 None None known Contact us
0066-4901 Antitrust law symposium. 1949-1970 Q106115592 None None known Contact us
1359-6535 Antiviral therapy. Q4775353 All 1999-recent Contact us
0003-6064 Antonianum; periodicum trimestre. 1926- Q15751445 None* None known Contact us
0003-6072 Antonie van Leeuwenhoek. 1934- Q15762938 None* None known Contact us
0716-3339 Antropología. 1963- Q106265477 None* None known Contact us
0003-6102 Antropología e historia de Guatemala / 1949- Q106265623 None* None known Contact us
0716-3355 Antropología física chilena / 1960- Q106117154 None* None known Contact us
0003-6110 Antropológica. 1956- Q106395009 None* None known Contact us
0378-2891 Antropoloji. 1963- Q96702785 None* None known Contact us
0304-8861 Anuario bibliográfico uruguayo. 1946- Q106117155 None* None known Contact us
0378-1828 Anuario bibliográfico venezolano. 1942- Q106115594 None* None known Contact us
1130-7625 Anuario brigantino. 1948- Q20546994 None* 1948-recent Contact us
0120-2456 Anuario colombiano de historia social y de la cultura. 1963- Q4777701 None* None known Contact us
0210-5810 Anuario de estudios americanos. 1944- Q15751392 None* 1994-present Contact us
0185-884X Anuario de historia / 1962-1985 Q106489703 None* None known Contact us
0185-1373 Anuario de letras : revista de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. 1961-2008 Q15765472 None* None known Contact us
0373-5125 Anuario del Observatorio Astronómico de Madrid. 1927- Q106117157 None* 2009-recent+ Contact us
0252-8487 Anuario estadístico de Costa Rica / 1958-1979 Q106115595 None* None known Contact us
0574-6132 Anuario estadístico de Cuba. 1952-1988 Q106117159 None* None known Contact us
0185-7126 Anuario estadístico de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos. 1941- Q106115596 None* None known Contact us
0304-2596 Anuario indigenista. 1962- Q96319434 None* None known Contact us
0211-3538 Anuario musical / 1946- Q15760734 None* 1995-present Contact us
0065-535X Anzeiger / Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Klasse. 1947- Q16483695 None* 1864-1929 Contact us
0257-4470 Anzeiger / Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Philosophisch-Historische Klasse. 1948-2012 Q27715797 None* 1864-1925 Contact us
0003-6293 Anzeiger für die Altertumswissenschaft. 1948- Q614337 None* None known Contact us
1421-0061 Anzeiger für schweizerische Altertumskunde = Indicateur d'antiquités suisses. -1938 Q19130967 None* None known Contact us
0001-2092 AORN journal. 1963- Q4653156 1964 None known Contact us
0094-2189 The AP world. 1945- Q106783724 None None known Contact us
0727-8926 APAIS, Australian public affairs information service; a subject index to current literature. 1945- Q106783807 None* None known Contact us
0003-6420 Aperture. 1952- Q4779390 1952* None known Contact us
0003-6536 Apollo. 1925- Q15109445 None* 1925-1928 Contact us
1943-474X Apollo, or, Chestertown spy. 1793- Q106875616 N/A None known Contact us
0570-4715 Apophoreta slavica. 1957- Q106117160 None* None known Contact us
2156-2873 The Apostolic advocate. 1834-1836 Q106963123 N/A None known Contact us
0003-6587 Appalachia. 1876- Q106875617 None 1876-||-present Contact us
0174-254X Apparent places of fundamental stars. 1940- Q296128 None* None known Contact us
1010-4585 Appenzellische Jahrbücher. 1854- Q106875619 None* 1854-present Contact us
2156-2903 Appletons' journal. 1869-1881 Q29637193 N/A 1869-1881+ Contact us
0093-2914 Applied anthropology. 1941-1948 Q27721936 None None known Contact us
0570-4839 Applied economic papers. 1961- Q107017803 Unknown None known Contact us
0003-6900 Applied mechanics reviews. 1948- Q4781553 None None known Contact us
0003-6919 Applied microbiology. 1953-1975 Q23928889 1963 None known Contact us
0003-6935 Applied optics. 1962- Q4781557 1964 None known Contact us
0003-6951 Applied physics letters. 1962- Q621615 None None known Contact us
0003-7176 Après-demain / 1957- Q27718424 None* 1957-2018 Contact us
0271-3519 Arab studies quarterly. Q4783253 All 2008-present Contact us
0736-5373 The Arabian stud book. 1918- Q51443189 None None known Contact us
0570-5398 Arabica. 1954- Q15761039 None* None known Contact us
0003-7583 Ararat. 1960- Q106875620 1961 None known Contact us
0003-7648 Arbeit + Recht. 1953- Q15724350 None* None known Contact us
0563-1491 Arbeiten aus dem Geographischen Institut der Universität des Saarlandes. 1956- Q106117161 None* None known Contact us
0438-4415 Arbeiten aus der Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Sahcsen-Anhalt in Halle a.d. Saale. 1952- Q106117162 None* None known Contact us
0518-2123 Arbeiten zur Landeskunde Hohenzollerns. 1941- Q104068021 None* None known Contact us
0003-7893 The Arbitration journal. 1937- Q104068576 None None known Contact us
0518-262X Arbitration news. 1951- Q106875621 None None known Contact us
0522-9170 Årbok for Universitetet i Bergen. Acta Universitatis Bergensis. Series humaniorum litterarum. 1960- Q106115598 None* None known Contact us
0256-8462 Árbók hins Íslenzka fornleifafélags. 1881- Q101112708 None* 1880-recent Contact us
0409-1027 Årbok. 1950-1959 Q106875622 None* None known Contact us
0210-1963 Arbor. 1944- Q8203208 None* 1997-present Contact us
0066-5878 Arboretum Kórnickie. 1955- Q9158890 None* None known Contact us
0003-7990 Arcadie revue littéraire et scientifique. 1954-1982 Q27516782 None* None known Contact us
0003-8008 Archaeologia austriaca. 1948- Q15750772 None* None known Contact us
0570-6025 Archaeologia austriaca. 1957- Q108028852 None* None known Contact us
0306-6924 Archaeologia Cambrensis : a record of the antiquities of Wales and its Marches and the journal of the Cambrian Archaeological Association. 1846- Q4785374 None* 1846-recent Contact us
0066-5894 Archaeologia cantiana. 1858- Q27715486 None* 1858-recent Contact us
0066-5908 Archaeologia geographica. 1950-1963 Q106117163 None* None known Contact us
0350-2600 Archaeologia Iugoslavica. 1954- Q104904415 None* None known Contact us
0261-3409 Archaeologia, or, Miscellaneous tracts relating to antiquity / 1770- Q15767406 None* 1770-1928 Contact us
0066-5924 Archaeologia Polona / 1958- Q2859983 None* 2015-present Contact us
0003-8032 Archæologiai értesítő. 1868- Q776367 None* 1868-2001 Contact us
0066-5983 The Archaeological journal. 1844- Q7714165 None* 1844-1964 Contact us
0003-8040 Archaeological news letter. 1948- Q95473351 None* None known Contact us
0563-9239 Archaeological newsletter. 1956- Q106875623 None* None known Contact us
1754-3983 Archæological report / 1893-1912 N/A None known Contact us
0950-9909 The archaeological review. 1888-1890 Q18327298 N/A* 1888-1890+ Contact us
0361-431X Archaeological studies: circular. 1948- Q106117164 None* 1949-||-1959 Contact us
0066-6033 Archaeologische Mitteilungen aus Iran. 1929- Q108330319 None* None known Contact us
0003-8113 Archaeology : a magazine dealing with the antiquity of the world. 1948- Q4353832 None None known Contact us
0003-813X Archaeometry. 1958- Q15767621 None* None known Contact us
1105-0950 Archaiologikē ephēmeris. 1910- Q15755204 None* 1837-||-1928 Contact us
0570-622X Archaiologikon deltion. 1962- Q64625613 None* 1915-1928 Contact us
0341-8308 Archäologische Bibliographie. 1932-1993 Q106117165 None* None known Contact us
0003-8105 Archäologischer Anzeiger. 1849-1918 Q636752 N/A None known Contact us
0066-6041 Archeion. 1927- Q9158960 None* None known Contact us
1230-5391 Archeologia Śląska. 1957-1959 Q101113083 None* None known Contact us
0554-2138 Archeological newsletter. 1950- Q106117166 None None known Contact us
0083-2308 Archeological research series. 1951-1966 Q106875624 None* None known Contact us
0003-8237 The Archer. 1951- Q106877066 None None known Contact us
0003-8326 Archief voor de geschiedenis van de Katholieke Kerk in Nederland. 1959- Q101112999 None* None known Contact us
0921-9951 Archief voor kerkelijke geschiedenis, inzonderheid van Nederland. 1829-1840 N/A None known Contact us
0166-9427 Archief voor Nederlandsche kerkgeschiedenis. 1885-1899 N/A None known Contact us
1379-8456 Archief voor volkenkunde. 1960-1971 Q101013606 None* None known Contact us
0409-5448 L'Archiginnasio : bullettino della Biblioteca comunale di Bologna. 1906- Q27715489 None* 1906-2019 Contact us
0003-8466 The Architects' journal. 1919- Q621952 None* None known Contact us
0570-6459 Architects' working details. 1953-1973 Q96034741 None* None known Contact us
0003-8539 The Architectural forum. Q2860271 1932 1917-1974+ Contact us
0066-622X Architectural history. 1958- Q4787029 None* None known Contact us
2043-1260 Architectural magazine, and journal of improvement in architecture, building, and furnishing, and in the various arts and trades connected therewith Q124318022 N/A 1834-1839 Contact us
0003-858X Architectural record. 1891- Q4787034 1949 1891-2017 Contact us
0003-8628 Architectural science review. 1958- Q15760491 None* None known Contact us
0003-8636 Architecture. 1952-1970 Q96147344 None* None known Contact us
0066-6238 Architecture at Rice University. 1961- Q96147591 None* 1961-||-2007 Contact us
0003-8695 L'Architecture d'aujourd'hui. 1930- Q3202290 None* None known Contact us
0003-8458 Architektonikē. 1957-1967 Q96313800 None* None known Contact us
0003-8830 L'Architettura. 1955- Q3818709 None* None known Contact us
0003-8881 Archiv der Julius Klaus-Stiftung für Vererbungsforschung, Sozialanthropologie und Rassenhygiene. 1925- Q27709144 None* None known Contact us
0003-892X Archiv des Völkerrechts. 1948- Q635588 None* None known Contact us
0003-8946 Archiv für Begriffsgeschichte. 1955- Q635611 None* None known Contact us
0256-6346 Archiv für das schweizerische Unterrichtswesen. 1915- Q96406352 None* 1915-1971+ Contact us
0003-8970 Archiv für das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen Q635659 None* 1846-1928 Contact us
0003-8997 Archiv für die civilistische Praxis. 1818- Q635656 None* 1818-1925 Contact us
0003-9012 Archiv für die gesamte Virusforschung. 1939- Q26839498 None* None known Contact us
0003-9055 Archiv für experimentelle Veterinärmedizin. 1950-1991 Q27709110 None* None known Contact us
2191-3870 Archiv für Geschichte der Medizin. 1907-1928 Q26849251 None* 1907-1928 Contact us
0003-9101 Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie. 1931- Q4787234 None* 1888-1928 Contact us
0066-6335 Archiv für Geschichte von Oberfranken. 1838- Q27715475 None* 1838-1914 Contact us
0003-9160 Archiv für katholisches Kirchenrecht. 1857- Q635666 None* 1857-||-1928 Contact us
2194-7449 Archiv für Keilschriftforschung. 1923-1925 Q28038659 None* None known Contact us
0003-9209 Archiv für Kommunalwissenschaften. 1962-2000 Q97737942 None* None known Contact us
0003-9225 Archiv für kriminologie. 1916- Q635621 None* 1916-1927+ Contact us
0066-6386 Archiv für Liturgiewissenschaft. 1950- Q15756349 None* None known Contact us
0003-9268 Archiv für mathematische Logik und Grundlagenforschung. 1950-1987 Q96326860 None* 1950-1987 Contact us
0066-6432 Archiv für mittelrheinische Kirchengeschichte. 1949- Q98446781 None* None known Contact us
0003-9306 Archiv für Naturschutz und Landschaftsforschung / 1961- Q15753834 None* None known Contact us
0003-8911 Archiv für öffentliches Recht. 1886- Q635596 None* 1886-1928 Contact us
0066-6440 Archiv für Orientforschung. 1926- Q635631 None* None known Contact us
0066-6459 Archiv für Papyrusforschung und verwandte Gebiete. 1901- Q15759811 None* 1901-1924 Contact us
0001-2343 Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie. 1933- Q15710036 None* Predecessor Contact us
0177-1108 Archiv für Rechts- und Wirtschaftsphilosophie. 1907-1933 Q98801326 None* 1907-1928 Contact us
0084-6724 Archiv für Religionspsychologie. 1914-1921 Q15752089 None* 1914-1921 Contact us
0066-6505 Archiv für Sozialgeschichte. 1961- Q635646 None* 1961-recent Contact us
0003-942X Archiv für Tierernährung. Archives of animal nutrition. 1950- Q27709187 None* None known Contact us
0003-9462 Archiv für vaterländische Geschichte und Topographie / 1849- Q99531567 None* 1849-1921 Contact us
0066-6513 Archiv für Völkerkunde. 1946- Q96326874 None* None known Contact us
0044-8699 Archiv orientální : journal of the Czechoslovak Oriental Institute, Prague. 1946- Q15759967 None* 1929-2010 Contact us
1067-4993 Archival issues : journal of the Midwest Archives Conference. 1992- Q15754137 All 1992-present+ Contact us
0003-9497 Archivalische Zeitschrift. 1876- Q635692 None* 1876-1926 Contact us
0068-824X Archivaria. 1975- Q4787244 All* 1975-recent Contact us
0003-9519 Archive for history of exact sciences. 1960- Q4787264 None* None known Contact us
0003-9527 Archive for rational mechanics and analysis. 1957- Q954619 None None known Contact us
0003-9535 Archives. 1949- Q15749549 None* None known Contact us
1160-4379 Archives alsaciennes d'histoire de l'art. 1922- None* 1922-1928 Contact us
0066-6548 Archives Bakounine; = Bakunin-Archiv. 1961-1981 Q100951229 None* None known Contact us
0003-9586 Archives d'anatomie, d'histologie & d'embryologie. 1922- Q100952025 None* 1922-1928 Contact us
0003-9594 Archives d'anatomie microscopique et de morphologie expérimentale. 1947- Q27709088 None* Predecessor Contact us
0373-5478 Archives d'histoire doctrinale et littéraire du moyen âge. 1927- None* 1926-1946 Contact us
0085-5243 Les Archives de folklore. 1946- Q101012763 None* None known Contact us
0301-4134 Archives de l'art français. 1851-1862 Q102291637 None* 1851-||-1928 Contact us
0373-6180 Archives de l'Institut de paléontologie humaine. 1927- Q103586648 None* 1928-||-1934 Contact us
0020-2460 Archives de l'Institut Pasteur d'Algérie. 1923- Q27709127 None* 1923-1942 Contact us
0365-3439 Archives de l'Institute Razi. 1963-1998 None* 1939-present Contact us
0365-4745 Archives de médecine expérimentale et d'anatomie pathologique. 1889-1920 Q104093801 N/A 1889-1919 Contact us
0003-9632 Archives de philosophie. 1923- Q2860449 None* 1923-||-recent Contact us
0335-5985 Archives de sciences sociales des religions. 1973- Q2860453 All* 1973-recent+ Contact us
0003-9659 Archives de sociologie des religions / 1956-1972 Q26849246 None* 1956-1972+ Contact us
0003-9667 Archives de zoologie expérimentale et générale. 1872- Q33112749 None* 1872-||-1939 Contact us
0003-9675 Archives des lettres modernes. 1957- Q101012394 None* None known Contact us
0003-9683 Archives des maladies du coeur et des vaisseaux. 1939- Q60100948 None* Predecessor Contact us
0003-9705 Archives des sciences. 1948- Q15762472 None* 1948-recent+ Contact us
0365-7116 Archives des sciences physiques et naturelles. 1846-1947 Q5702873 None* 1846-1947+ Contact us
0365-5164 Archives néerlandaises de zoologie. 1934-1967 Q96703619 None* None known Contact us
0570-6963 Archives of biochemistry and biophysics. 1962- Q105395937 1962* None known Contact us
0003-987X Archives of dermatology. 1960-2012 Q15749524 1960* Predecessor Contact us
0096-6029 Archives of dermatology and syphilology. 1920-1950 Q27720869 None* 1920-1928 Contact us
0003-9888 Archives of disease in childhood. 1926- Q4787296 None* 1926-2007+ Contact us
1743-0585 Archives of disease in childhood. 2004- Q15752272 All* 2004-2005+ Contact us
1359-2998 Archives of disease in childhood. the journal of the royal college of paediatrics and child health 1988- Q15752271 All* 1994-2007+ Contact us
0003-990X Archives of general psychiatry. 1960-2012 Q105737481 1960* Predecessor Contact us
0003-9926 The archives of internal medicine. 1908-1950 Q105633655 1960 1908-1959 Contact us
0066-6645 Archives of Maryland. 1883- Q105635099 None 1883-recent Contact us
0003-9942 Archives of neurology. 1960-2012 Q15766672 1960* Predecessor Contact us
0096-6754 Archives of neurology and psychiatry. 1919-1950 Q27720891 None* 1919-||-1947 Contact us
2331-3064 Archives of occupational therapy. 1922-1924 N/A* 1922-1924 Contact us
0003-9969 Archives of oral biology. 1959- Q15716723 None* None known Contact us
0003-9977 Archives of otolaryngology. 1960-1985 Q26839427 1960* Predecessor Contact us
0276-0673 Archives of otolaryngology. 1925-1950 Q27717536 None* 1925-1950 Contact us
0096-6630 Archives of pediatrics. Q27720434 None 1884-||-1961 Contact us
0096-6622 Archives of physical medicine. 1945- Q27720275 None* Predecessor Contact us
0003-9993 Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation. 1953- Q4787307 1964* 1985-2014 Contact us
0272-6653 Archives of psychology. 1906-1945 Q106161396 None* 1906-1945 Contact us
0004-0010 Archives of surgery. 1960-2012 Q15764793 1960* Predecessor Contact us
0272-5533 Archives of surgery. 1920-1950 Q27720838 None* 1920-||-1950 Contact us
1945-2926 Archives of the Chinese Art Society of America. 1945-1965 Q26849248 None None known Contact us
0340-5761 Archives of toxicology. 1930- Q635837 None* None known Contact us
2156-2970 Archives of useful knowledge / 1810-1813 Q106395545 N/A 1810-1813 Contact us
0575-4976 Archives series report / 1959-1973 Q106115599 None* 1958-||-1969 Contact us
0066-6653 Archives suisses d'anthropologie générale. 1914- Q91761685 None* 1914-1922 Contact us
0391-6952 Archivio della Società romana di storia patria. 1877-1884 None* 1877-1934 Contact us
0004-0088 Archivio di filosofia. 1931- Q3621650 None* None known Contact us
0518-3499 Archivio economico dell'unificazione italiana. 1956- Q106117167 None* None known Contact us
0004-0207 Archivio glottologico italiano. 1873- Q2860575 None* 1863-||-1922 Contact us
0518-3529 Archivio internazionale di etnografia e preistoria. 1958- Q106117169 None* None known Contact us
1128-6768 Archivio italiano per la storia della pietà. 1951- Q96327012 None* None known Contact us
0392-1050 Archivio per l'Alto Adige. 1906- Q104904475 None* 1906-1945 Contact us
0373-3009 Archivio per l'antropologia e la etnologia. 1871- Q15752101 None* 1871-||-1928 Contact us
0391-7770 Archivio storico italiano. 1842- Q635850 None* 1842-1928 Contact us
1120-0707 Archivio storico per la Sicilia / 1937-1943 Q106649389 None* 1935-1943+ Contact us
1122-6838 Archivio storico per la Sicilia orientale / 1949- Q96704018 None* 1904-1926+ Contact us
1120-0715 Archivio storico siciliano. 1947- Q27715485 None* 1873-||-1946+ Contact us
0365-8562 Archivio zoologico italiano : pubblicato sotto gli auspicii della unione zoologica. 1912- Q51443465 None* 1903-||-1942 Contact us
0044-8745 Archivium hibernicum : or, Irish historical records. 1912- Q4787315 None* 1912-1921 Contact us
0210-5624 Archivo de filología aragonesa. 1946- Q15760052 None* 1945-||-present Contact us
0066-6742 Archivo español de arqueología. 1940- Q76998312 None* 1991-||-present+ Contact us
0004-0428 Archivo español de arte. 1940- Q15756692 None* 1996-||-present+ Contact us
0004-0452 Archivo ibero-americano. 1914- Q27715476 None* 1914-||-recent Contact us
0325-0075 Archivos argentinos de pediatría. 1930- Q15765072 None* 1930-present+ Contact us
0004-0584 Archivos de pediatría del Uruguay. 1930- Q27709174 None* 2001-present Contact us
0004-0592 Archivos de zootecnia. 1952- Q15753881 None* 2009-present Contact us
0378-2956 Archivos del Instituto de Estudios Africanos. 1947- Q101011610 None* None known Contact us
0004-0614 Archivos españoles de urología. 1944- Q15763772 None* 2005-2010 Contact us
0004-0649 Archivos venezolanos de puericultura y pediatría. 1939- Q27717945 None* 2003-present Contact us
0066-6793 Archivum. 1951-2000 Q106917055 None* None known Contact us
0570-7242 Archivum bibliographicum Carmelitanum. 1956-1982 Q97460922 None* None known Contact us
0004-0665 Archivum franciscanum historicum : periodica publicatio trimestris cura pp. Collegii D. Bonaventurae. 1908- Q15756606 None* 1908-1928 Contact us
0066-6785 Archivum historiae pontificiae. 1963- Q15756356 None* None known Contact us
0394-7734 Archivum historicum Carmelitanum. 1961- Q101010939 None* None known Contact us
0037-8887 Archivum historicum Societatis Iesu. 1932- Q64027485 None* 1932-2013 Contact us
0004-069X Archivum immunologiae et therapiae experimentalis. 1953- Q15760838 None* None known Contact us
0004-0703 Archivum linguisticum. 1949- Q106117170 None* None known Contact us
0570-7218 Archivum : revista de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. 1951- Q13146728 None* None known Contact us
0518-3766 Archiwa biblioteki i muzea kościelne. 1959- Q96704037 None* 1959-||-present Contact us
0004-0738 Archiwum budowy maszyn. Archive of mechanical engineering. 1954- Q50816644 None* 2007-present Contact us
0066-6866 Archiwum filologiczne. 1952- Q99979899 None* 1917-1921 Contact us
0066-6912 Archiwum mineralogiczne / 1954- Q99980200 None* None known Contact us
0004-0843 Arctic. 1948- Q4787488 None* 1948-recent Contact us
0066-6939 Arctic anthropology. 1962- Q4787493 None None known Contact us
0066-6947 Arctic bibliography. 1953-1975 None* 1953-||-1971 Contact us
0373-2266 Ardea. 1912- Q2860711 None* 1912-1927 Contact us
0570-7358 Ardeola. 1954- Q3668410 None* None known Contact us
0004-0959 Arena. 1946- Q106875626 None* None known Contact us
1069-8272 The Arena. 1889-1909 Q16970971 N/A 1889-1909+ Contact us
0570-7501 The Arensberg lectures. 1956-1962 Q106115600 None* 1962 Contact us
0570-7544 Areshet. 1958- Q106115602 None* None known Contact us
0518-4088 Argensola : revista del Instituto de Estudios Oscenses. 1950- Q27925349 None* 1950-||-present Contact us
2043-1295 The argosy. 1865-1901 N/A None known Contact us
2235-5359 Argovia. Jahresschrift der Historischen Gesellschaft des Kantons Aargau. 1860- Q106875627 None* 1860-recent Contact us
2377-7044 The Argus [electronic resource]. 1885-1886 N/A None known Contact us
2375-169X The argus [electronic resource]. 1895-1900 N/A None known Contact us
0066-7358 Arheologia Moldovei / 1961- Q15757182 None* None known Contact us
0320-9415 Arheolog̓̓ija un etnogrāfija. 1957- Q102157982 None* None known Contact us
0570-8966 Arheološki vestnik; Acta archaeologica. 1950- Q12785080 None* None known Contact us
0004-1238 Arhitektura, urbanizam. 1960- Q106875628 None* None known Contact us
0004-1254 Arhiv za higijenu rada i toksikologiju. 1956- Q15724434 None* 1956-present Contact us
2156-3160 The Aristidean / 1846- Q106115604 N/A None known Contact us
0004-136X The arithmetic teacher. 1954-1994 Q55003048 None None known Contact us
0004-1408 Arizona and the West. 1959-1986 Q26849237 None None known Contact us
2165-8862 Arizona citizen. 1870-1880 N/A None known Contact us
1054-9536 Arizona daily sun. 1946- Q4791285 None None known Contact us
0004-153X Arizona law review. 1959- Q15749900 None None known Contact us
2165-9206 Arizona miner. 1864-1868 N/A None known Contact us
0004-1599 Arizona nurse. 1947- Q27709196 None None known Contact us
0004-1610 The Arizona quarterly. 1945- Q15766265 1945 None known Contact us
0892-8711 Arizona republican 1890-1930 Q1514991 None* None known Contact us
2166-9783 Arizona sentinel Yuma southwest 1915-1916 Q100295278 N/A None known Contact us
2166-5877 Arizona weekly journal-miner -1903 N/A None known Contact us
2165-9052 Arizona weekly miner. 1874-1877 N/A None known Contact us
2331-9801 Arizona weekly republican 1892- Q100295282 N/A* 1892-1893 Contact us
0883-346X Arizoniana. 1960-1964 Q26849236 None None known Contact us
0004-1823 The Arkansas historical quarterly. 1942- Q7714256 None None known Contact us
0571-0626 Arkheograficheskiĭ ezhegodnik / 1958- Q106117172 None* None known Contact us
0324-1203 Arkheologii︠a︡. 1959- Q106117175 None* None known Contact us
0004-2021 Arkitektur. 1959- Q79005916 None* None known Contact us
0004-2048 Arkiv för astronomi. 1950-1974 Q102158751 None* Predecessor Contact us
0365-2440 Arkiv för fysik. 1949-1974 Q10418042 None* Predecessor Contact us
0004-2064 Arkiv för geofysik. 1950-1974 Q80449606 None* Predecessor Contact us
0004-2080 Arkiv för matematik / 1949- Q4792010 None* 1949-||-present+ Contact us
0365-4133 Arkiv för matematik, astronomi och fysik / 1903-1949 Q4792009 None* 1903-1928+ Contact us
0004-2110 Arkiv för zoologi. 1950- Q10418043 None* 1903-1928 Contact us
0185-9811 Armas y letras. 1944- Q106117177 None* None known Contact us
0748-4232 Armenian quarterly. 1946- Q108867827 None None known Contact us
2156-3233 The Arminian magazine 1789-1790 N/A None known Contact us
0004-2420 Armor. 1950- Q4793689 1950* 1975-present+ Contact us
2043-1309 The armoury. 1873-1884 N/A None known Contact us
0004-2455 Army. 1956- Q103805841 1956* None known Contact us
2156-3268 Army and Navy chronicle. 1835-1842 N/A None known Contact us
0275-2360 Army and Navy journal. Q113516491 None 1863-1950 Contact us
0571-1037 The Army blue book. 1961- Q106117179 None None known Contact us
0271-7336 The Army combat forces journal. 1954-1955 Q106117180 None* None known Contact us
0097-4064 The Army medical bulletin. 1922- Q106877067 None* 1925-||-1943+ Contact us
0744-0707 Army/Navy store & outdoor merchandiser. 1948- Q106115607 None None known Contact us
0004-2595 Army times. 1940- Q689778 None None known Contact us
0004-2633 Arnoldia. Q15751952 None* 1941-recent+ Contact us
0066-7803 Arqueológicas. 1957- Q106875629 None* None known Contact us
0870-9726 Arquivo de bibliografia portuguesa. 1955-1974 Q102160108 None* None known Contact us
0066-782X Arquivos brasileiros de cardiologia. 1948- Q2669813 None* 1997-||-present Contact us
0004-2749 Arquivos brasileiros de oftalmologia. 1938- Q15751183 None* 1938-||-present Contact us
0004-282X Arquivos de neuro-psiquiatria. 1943- Q15750263 None* 1943-present Contact us
0365-2998 Arquivos do Instituto Bacteriológico Câmara Pestana. 1906- Q106117181 None* 1906-1912 Contact us
0020-3653 Arquivos do Instituto Biológico. 1938- Q27709209 None* 2000-present Contact us
1939-6406 Ars islamica. 1934-1951 None* 1934-1951+ Contact us
0571-1371 Ars orientalis. 1954- Q15755557 None* 1954-2011+ Contact us
0004-2927 Ars pharmaceutica; revista de la Facultad de Farmacia de la Universidad de Granada. 1960- Q15765726 None* 1960-present Contact us
0078-3358 Årsbok. 1937- Q27712413 None* None known Contact us
2151-8246 The art amateur. 1879-1903 Q4796677 N/A 1879-1903 Contact us
0420-7149 Art and archaeology papers. 1952- Q104099453 None* None known Contact us
0004-2994 Art and archaeology technical abstracts. 1955- Q104099633 None None known Contact us
0004-301X Art and Australia. 1963- Q15753838 None* None known Contact us
2151-2531 Art and progress. 1909-1915 N/A 1909-1915+ Contact us
0004-3079 The art bulletin. 1919- Q15766110 None* 1919-1928+ Contact us
2474-4549 The art collector : a journal devoted to the arts and the crafts. -1899 N/A None known Contact us
2150-315X The art critic. 1893- Q96735049 N/A 1893-1894 Contact us
0571-1517 Art de France : revue annuelle de l'art ancien et moderne. 1961- Q104178888 None* None known Contact us
0277-9021 Art digest. 1926- Q101426525 None* None known Contact us
0004-3125 Art education. 1948- Q15755544 None None known Contact us
0004-3168 Art et décoration. 1897- Q2864507 None* 1897-||-1938 Contact us
0004-3184 The Art gallery. 1957- Q104178950 None None known Contact us
0004-3214 Art in America. 1913- Q1504304 1954 1913-1928 Contact us
0004-3222 Art index. 1932- Q104179003 None None known Contact us
0094-3312 The Art Institute of Chicago quarterly. 1907- Q28006351 None 1907-1930 Contact us
0004-3230 Art international. 1958- Q4796895 None* None known Contact us
0526-8540 Art islamique. 1953- Q104179079 None* None known Contact us
0004-3249 Art journal. 1960- Q4796916 None* None known Contact us
2152-243X The art journal. 1875- Q96735054 N/A 1875-1884+ Contact us
2043-1325 Art journal, 1839-1912 Q7714403 N/A* 1839-1911+ Contact us
2150-3192 The art news. 1897- Q96735053 N/A 1897 Contact us
0004-3303 The Art quarterly. 1938- Q104782142 None None known Contact us
1948-0709 The art union. Q96735062 N/A* 1884-1885+ Contact us
0741-2797 Art voices from around the world. 1962-1964 Q104782267 None None known Contact us
2151-2752 The Art world. 1917-1918 Q53952741 N/A None known Contact us
0571-1762 Arte antica e moderna. 1958- Q103830932 None* None known Contact us
0004-3443 Arte lombarda. 1955- Q56876916 None* None known Contact us
0392-5234 Arte veneta : rivista di storia dell'arte. 1947- Q106875630 None* None known Contact us
0300-4953 Artes de México. 1953- Q5706878 None* None known Contact us
0004-3532 Artforum. 1962- Q386599 None None known Contact us
0004-3559 Artha vijñāna : journal of the Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics, Poona (India) = Artha vijñāna : Gokhale Artha Śāstra Samsthā Dvārā Prakāśita Traimēsika Pātrikā. 1959- Q27718222 None* None known Contact us
0004-3591 Arthritis and rheumatism. 1958- Q23929027 1958 None known Contact us
0736-7899 Arthropod-borne virus information exchange. 1960- Q106875631 None 1960-||-1998 Contact us
2156-3705 Arthur's Home Magazine (1861-1870) N/A* 1861-1871+ Contact us
2156-3772 Arthur's Home Magazine (1880-1897) N/A* 1880-1897+ Contact us
2156-3764 Arthur's illustrated home magazine. 1873- Q106115608 N/A* 1873-1879+ Contact us
2156-3713 Arthur's lady's home magazine. 1871-1872 Q12053052 N/A* 1871-1872+ Contact us
2156-3829 Arthur's magazine. 1844-1846 N/A None known Contact us
0004-3648 Artibus Asiae. 1925- Q15710129 None* None known Contact us
1423-0526 Artibus Asiae. 1937- Q29044004 None* None known Contact us
0571-2041 Artificial earth satellites. 1960-1964 Q106875632 None None known Contact us
2151-4879 The artist : an illustrated monthly record of arts, crafts and industries. 1898- Q7714581 N/A 1898-1902 Contact us
0571-2149 Artist's proof. 1961- Q101426083 None None known Contact us
0277-6227 Artlover. 1927-1945 Q106115610 None None known Contact us
0004-3273 ARTnews. 1923- Q705816 1944* 1923-1924+ Contact us
0733-5466 Arts. 1955- Q101426220 1955* None known Contact us
0730-9481 Arts + architecture. 1944- Q713894 None None known Contact us
0004-3958 Arts asiatiques. 1954- Q15756240 None* 1962-recent+ Contact us
2472-6052 Arts & decoration. 1910-1918 Q65554994 None 1910-1942+ Contact us
0277-9013 Arts digest. 1954- Q101426329 1954* None known Contact us
1278-1452 Arts et métiers graphiques. 1927- Q98779784 None* None known Contact us
0571-2211 Arts et traditions populaires. 1953-1970 Q26849221 None* None known Contact us
0004-4024 Arts in society. 1958- Q101579032 None 1958-||-1976 Contact us
0004-4032 Arts in Virginia. 1960-1992 Q101578985 None None known Contact us
0004-4059 Arts magazine. 1961-1992 Q4801477 1962* None known Contact us
0571-2246 Arts yearbook. 1957-1967 Q102035971 None None known Contact us
0066-8176 Arv. 1945- Q15752098 None* None known Contact us
1136-5927 Arxius d'odontologia. 1933-1936 Q106117193 None* None known Contact us
0004-4156 The Aryan path. 1930- Q7714630 None* None known Contact us
0004-4164 Āryānā. 1942- Q110937077 None* None known Contact us
0518-8423 The Asa Gray bulletin. 1893-1900 Q51401011 None* 1893-||-1961+ Contact us
0571-2378 Asahi jānaru. 1959-1992 Q106115611 None* None known Contact us
0001-2475 Asha : a journal of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. 1959-1999 Q27709214 None None known Contact us
2374-9792 Asheville daily citizen 1890- Q106875633 N/A None known Contact us
2333-1437 Ashland daily tidings 1919- Q4805242 None* 1919+ Contact us
2330-734X Ashland tidings -1919 Q110681180 N/A* 1912-1919+ Contact us
2372-1472 The Ashland union 1854- Q106877135 N/A* 1854-||-1867+ Contact us
2333-1453 Ashland weekly tidings 1919- Q110990690 N/A* 1919-1922+ Contact us
2327-140X Ashtabula weekly telegraph Q100299837 N/A 1858-1880 Contact us
0258-9427 Asia. 1951-1955 Q108047447 None* None known Contact us
0004-4415 Asia & Africa review. 1961-1974 Q106117194 None* None known Contact us
0004-4431 Asia calling. 1947- Q106117195 None None known Contact us
0891-3536 Asia : journal of the American Asiatic Association. 1917-1942 Q4806335 1931* 1917-1928+ Contact us
0004-4482 Asia major. 1924- Q2866599 None* 1923-present Contact us
0497-9400 Asian bibliography / 1952-1998 Q106875638 None* None known Contact us
0571-2831 The Asian economist. 1962- Q106117196 None* None known Contact us
1882-6865 Asian ethnology. 2008- Q15716271 All* 2008-present+ Contact us
0385-2342 Asian folklore studies. 1963-2007 Q27715505 None* 1963-2007+ Contact us
0004-4601 Asian labour. 1963-1985 Q106117197 None* None known Contact us
0066-8435 Asian perspectives. 1957- Q4806718 None 1957-2017 Contact us
0004-4687 Asian survey. 1961- Q4806750 None* None known Contact us
0195-2056 Asianweek. Q4806549 N/A 1979-2009 Contact us
0004-4717 Asiatische Studien. 1947- Q15755123 None* 1947-recent+ Contact us
0004-4733 Asien-Bibliographie. 1951-1986 Q106117198 None* None known Contact us
0569-8197 ASLE transactions. 1958- Q96327657 1964 None known Contact us
0004-4903 Asomante / 1945- Q101575137 None None known Contact us
0304-8691 Assam Legislative Assembly who's who. 1963-1986 Q106117200 None* None known Contact us
0571-4818 Assembly of Captive European Nations 1955-1963 Q101577770 None None known Contact us
0004-5578 Association management. 1963-2005 Q27709175 None None known Contact us
2041-9996 Association medical journal. 1853-1856 Q27719508 N/A None known Contact us
1153-8538 Association pour l'encouragement des études grecques en France. 1867- Q111334929 N/A* None known Contact us
0020-2681 The assurance magazine. 1850-1852 Q112206685 None* 1851-1928 Contact us
0066-9903 Assyriological studies. 1931- Q111335260 1931* 1931-present Contact us
0571-5695 AST research bulletin. 1957-1961 Q106117201 None None known Contact us
0099-264X Astronautics. 1932-1944 Q96705545 None* None known Contact us
0278-856X Astronautics and aerospace engineering. 1963- Q106875640 None None known Contact us
1061-3110 Astronomical and meteorological observations made during the year ... at the United States Naval Observatory. 1862-1883 N/A None known Contact us
0505-446X Astronomical contributions from the University of Manchester. 1952- Q106115613 None* None known Contact us
0004-6256 The astronomical journal 1849- Q669166 None 1849-1998 Contact us
1061-3137 Astronomical, magnetic and meteorological observations made during the year ... at the United States Naval Observatory. 1895-1899 N/A None known Contact us
1061-2742 Astronomical observations made ... / 1846-1867 N/A None known Contact us
0273-0723 Astronomical papers. 1939- Q106875641 None* None known Contact us
0097-7055 Astronomical papers prepared for the use of the American ephemeris and nautical almanac. 1879- Q106117202 None* 1882-1986+ Contact us
0083-2421 Astronomical phenomena for the year ... / 1950- Q106117203 None* 1951-2015 Contact us
0373-191X Astronomicheskiĭ t︠s︡irkuli︠a︡r = Astronomical circulars. 1940- Q106115614 None* None known Contact us
0004-6302 L'Astronomie. 1911- Q3202492 None* 1882-||-1945+ Contact us
0004-6337 Astronomische Nachrichten. 1821- Q697945 None* 1821-1928 Contact us
1067-8603 Astronomy and astro-physics / 1892-1894 N/A None known Contact us
0004-6361 Astronomy and astrophysics. Q752075 All* 2022-2024 Contact us
0004-6299 Astronomy reports. 1928- Q3027134 None* 1924-1927 Contact us
0067-0030 Astrophysica norvegica. 1934- Q101576772 None* None known Contact us
0004-637X The Astrophysical journal. 1895- Q598789 1953* 1895-||-2022 Contact us
0067-0049 The Astrophysical journal. 1954- Q2984591 1954* None known Contact us
0533-7283 Asupot / 1945- Q106115616 None* None known Contact us
2514-9903 The asylum journal of mental science. 1855- Q84346395 N/A* 1853-1858+ Contact us
0004-6493 Atene e Roma. 1898- Q15756358 None* 1898-||-2010 Contact us
0716-1840 Atenea. 1924- Q5710549 None* 1924-||-present Contact us
0885-6079 Atenea. 1960- Q27716565 None* None known Contact us
0115-6136 Ateneo law journal. 1951- Q4813073 None* None known Contact us
0403-810X Ateneo : revista de los Ateneos de España. 1952- Q106875643 None* None known Contact us
0004-6574 Athenaeum. 1913- Q15756365 None* 1913-1928 Contact us
1747-3594 The athenaeum. 1830-1921 Q755237 N/A 1828-1921+ Contact us
2043-1368 The Athenaeum a magazine of literary and miscellaneous information 1807-1809 N/A None known Contact us
1558-8610 The Athenian Agora. 1953- Q96735090 None* 1953-||-1997 Contact us
0004-6655 Athletic journal. 1921-1987 Q106875644 None 1921-1961 Contact us
2156-454X Atkinson's casket. 1831-1839 N/A None known Contact us
2156-5988 Atkinson's Saturday evening post. 1831-1832 N/A None known Contact us
2473-151X The Atlanta daily constitution. 1869- Q106877136 1940* 1887-||-1903 Contact us
1528-6142 Atlanta daily world. 1932- Q4816055 None None known Contact us
0004-671X Atlanta economic review. 1951- Q106875645 None None known Contact us
2473-1625 The Atlanta journal. 1889-2001 Q112117141 None* None known Contact us
0160-6506 The Atlantic. 1932-1971 Q1542536 1929* 1857-1937+ Contact us
2156-6046 Atlantic journal, and friend of knowledge. 1832-1833 Q17362820 N/A None known Contact us
2156-6054 The Atlantic magazine. 1824- Q97958820 N/A None known Contact us
8756-6400 Atlantic news-telegraph. 1912- Q55666237 None None known Contact us
2156-6062 The Atlantic souvenir : a Christmas and New Year's offering. 1826-1832 N/A None known Contact us
0403-8657 Atlántico; revista de cultura contemporánea. 1956- Q106875646 None* None known Contact us
0951-242X The Atlantis. 1858-1870 N/A None known Contact us
0004-6930 Atlas. 1961-1972 Q106875648 1961 None known Contact us
0160-6344 Atlas of tumor pathology. 1949-1990 Q106875649 None* 1949-||-1999 Contact us
0077-5630 Atoll research bulletin. 1951- Q15749909 None* 1951-||-2021 Contact us
0501-6355 Atomic Energy Commission reports; opinions and decisions of the Atomic Energy Commission with selected orders. 1962- Q106875650 None* 1956-1975 Contact us
0004-7163 Atomnai︠a︡ ėnergii︠a︡. 1956- Q96327807 None* None known Contact us
0571-8198 Atompraxis : internationale Zeitschrift für Wissenschaft und Technik. 1955-1970 Q27719948 None* None known Contact us
0004-721X Die Atomwirtschaft. 1956-1964 Q96327812 None* None known Contact us
2381-6708 Attala register 1843- Q100301508 N/A 1843 Contact us
0373-255X Atti. 1950-1978 Q109910349 None* None known Contact us
0393-1056 Atti del ... Congresso internazionale di studi sull'alto Medioevo / 1953- Q106117204 None* None known Contact us
0365-236X Atti della Fondazione Giorgio Ronchi e contributi dell' Istituto nazionale di ottica. 1953-1975 Q106115618 None* None known Contact us
1122-6501 Atti della Società di scienze e lettere di Genova. 1936-1940 Q106117206 None* None known Contact us
0037-8860 Atti della Società peloritana di scienze fisiche, matematiche e naturali. 1955-1982 Q106117207 None* None known Contact us
0365-4710 Atti e memorie / Accademia virgiliana di Mantova. 1949- Q106875651 None* 1863-||-present Contact us
0392-0321 Atti e memorie della Società istriana di archeologia e storia patria. 1884- Q106115620 None* 1884-||-1921 Contact us
0519-4091 Audience. 1955-1963 Q4819757 1955 None known Contact us
0004-752X Audio. 1917- Q4819813 1954* Predecessor Contact us
0885-727X Audio visual communication review. 1953-1963 Q96327834 None None known Contact us
1085-505X Audits of savings and loan associations by independent certified public accountants : a bulletin by the Committee on Auditing Procedure. 1951- Q106117208 None None known Contact us
0004-7694 Audubon. 1961- Q15766004 1947* Predecessor Contact us
0004-7805 Der Aufbau. 1946-1988 Q106875968 None* None known Contact us
0004-7813 Aufbau : Nachrichtenblatt des German-Jewish Club, Inc. 1934- Q354555 1942* 1934-2004 Contact us
0519-4342 Augenblick; Zeitschrift für aktuelle Philosophie, Ästhetik, Polemik. 1955- Q760255 None* None known Contact us
0747-1343 The Augusta chronicle. 1885- Q2065751 None None known Contact us
0894-0053 Augustana Library publications / 1898-1981 Q51444823 None* 1898-||-1929 Contact us
0004-8003 Augustiniana. 1951- Q15757251 None* None known Contact us
0383-2074 Aujourd'hui. 1939- Q106875653 None* None known Contact us
1638-8887 Aujourd'hui, art et architecture. 1955- Q104782352 None* None known Contact us
0004-8038 The auk. 1884- Q2300649 None 1884-2001 Contact us
0254-7597 Die Aula 1953- Q96705999 All* None known Contact us
0004-8062 Aurea Parma. 1912- Q106115623 None* None known Contact us
1041-1275 The Aurora advertiser. 1914- Q55667641 None None known Contact us
0210-5853 Ausa. 1952- Q50434820 None* None known Contact us
0004-8216 Aussenwirtschaft : Zeitschrift für internationale Wirtschaftsbeziehungen / 1946- Q27718960 None* None known Contact us
0418-9485 Ausstellung : [Katalog] 1951- Q106875654 None* None known Contact us
0746-9713 The Austin daily herald. 1891- Q4823052 None None known Contact us
0191-8613 Austin Seminary bulletin. 1934- Q106115624 None None known Contact us
2331-6519 The Austin weekly statesman 1883- Q100303654 N/A None known Contact us
0571-9283 The Australasian annals of medicine. 1952- Q27709239 None* None known Contact us
0004-8402 Australasian journal of philosophy. 1947- Q2196617 None* Predecessor Contact us
0301-018X Australasian nurses' journal. 1902- Q27709240 None* None known Contact us
0004-8666 The Australian and New Zealand journal of obstetrics and gynaecology. 1961- Q15764794 None* None known Contact us
0067-1738 Australian books / 1950- Q106875655 None* None known Contact us
0045-0421 Australian dental journal. 1956- Q15762874 None* None known Contact us
0004-900X Australian economic papers. 1962- Q15754552 None* None known Contact us
0404-2018 The Australian financial review. 1951- Q1809545 None* None known Contact us
0004-9182 Australian geographer. 1928-1929 Q15761196 None* None known Contact us
0067-1878 Australian government publications. 1962- Q106875656 None* None known Contact us
0004-9360 Australian Jewish Historical Society / 1939-1985 Q110638969 None* None known Contact us
0004-9387 Australian journal of adult education. 1961-1989 Q106115627 None* None known Contact us
0004-9395 The Australian journal of agricultural economics. 1957- Q96327889 None* None known Contact us
0004-9409 Australian journal of agricultural research. 1950- Q45120081 None* None known Contact us
0025-2328 The Australian journal of anthropology. 1931- Q7714929 All* None known Contact us
0004-9417 Australian journal of biological sciences. 1953-1988 Q27709232 None* None known Contact us
0004-9514 The Australian journal of physiotherapy. 1954- Q15756369 None* None known Contact us
0004-9522 The Australian journal of politics and history. 1956- Q4824354 None* None known Contact us
0365-3676 Australian journal of scientific research. 1948-1952 Q106875657 None* None known Contact us
0157-6321 The Australian journal of social issues. 1961-1967 Q15755083 None* None known Contact us
0004-9581 Australian journal of statistics. 1959-1997 Q27718105 None* None known Contact us
0004-959X Australian journal of zoology. 1953- Q3619222 None* None known Contact us
0004-9670 The Australian library journal. 1951- Q15767010 None* None known Contact us
0004-9697 Australian literary studies. 1963- Q4824395 None* None known Contact us
0045-0685 The Australian mathematics teacher. 1945- Q15759067 None* None known Contact us
0004-9816 Australian national bibliography. 1961- Q106875658 None* None known Contact us
0045-0766 Australian occupational therapy journal. 1963- Q15755897 None* None known Contact us
0004-9913 The Australian outlook. 1947-1989 Q27718742 None* None known Contact us
0005-0091 The Australian quarterly. 1929-1997 Q4824590 None* None known Contact us
0005-0415 The Australian university. 1963-1976 Q106877140 None* None known Contact us
0005-0423 Australian veterinary journal. 1927- Q15754509 None* None known Contact us
0005-0458 The Australian women's weekly. Q4824813 1957* 1933-1982 Contact us
0005-0601 Aut aut. 1951- Q15751037 None* None known Contact us
0005-0628 The Author. 1949- Q106877141 None* 1890-||-1911+ Contact us
0005-092X The Autocar. Q2537177 None* 1895-||-1914 Contact us
0567-1914 Automated teaching bulletin. 1959-1961 Q106117209 None None known Contact us
0005-1098 Automatica. 1963- Q2373562 None* None known Contact us
0005-1144 Automatika : Journal for control, measurement, electronics, computing and communications / 1960- Q63871579 None* None known Contact us
0005-1160 Automation. 1954-1976 Q106875660 None None known Contact us
0005-1179 Automation and remote control. 1956- Q4056305 None* None known Contact us
0005-1306 Automobil Industrie. 1956- Q77564275 None* None known Contact us
0067-253X Automobile facts & figures. 1934-1975 Q106117210 None 1934-1964 Contact us
0097-7071 Automotive and aviation industries. 1942-1947 Q106117211 None* Predecessor Contact us
0005-1527 Automotive industries, the automobile. 1917-1942 Q106875662 None* 1918-1928 Contact us
0005-1551 Automotive news. 1938- Q787918 None None known Contact us
2372-9945 The avant courier 1871-1872 Q100284843 N/A 1871-1879 Contact us
0005-1918 Avant garde. 1968- Q4827672 All 1968-1971+ Contact us
1278-7787 L'avant-garde. 1920- Q106876615 None* 1939-1944+ Contact us
2428-2790 L'avant-garde. 1893- Q106876614 N/A* 1893+ Contact us
0045-1169 L'Avant-scène [du] théâtre. 1949- Q106115630 1954* None known Contact us
0572-2489 he-ʻAvar. 1952- Q106876412 None* None known Contact us
0197-5544 Ave Maria [electronic resource]. Q112775497 1955* 1865-||-1922 Contact us
0746-3499 Ave Maria. 1909- Q106875663 None* None known Contact us
0005-2086 Avian diseases. 1957- Q15763142 1964 None known Contact us
0097-7098 Aviation. 1922-1947 Q106875664 None* 1922-1947+ Contact us
0001-2920 AWA technical review. 1935- Q106117212 None* None known Contact us
1071-1384 AWI quarterly 1951-2001 Q108170333 None 1951-||-present Contact us
1301-9325 Ayın tarihi. 1934- Q106117213 None* None known Contact us
0041-4336 Aylik Bülten. Bulletin mensuel. 1953- Q106115632 None* None known Contact us
0521-9574 B G R; business and government review. 1960- Q100909508 None None known Contact us
0006-5277 B'nai B'rith messenger. 1898- Q101095635 None 1927-||-1950 Contact us
0005-7371 Baʻad ṿe-neged. 1963- Q101095766 None* None known Contact us
0005-3635 Back stage. 1960- Q14874192 None None known Contact us
0361-5448 Background. 1962-1966 Q96706622 None* None known Contact us
1533-6689 Background on world politics. 1957-1962 Q96706625 None* None known Contact us
0005-3678 Bacteriological reviews. 1937-1977 Q26842859 1940 None known Contact us
2470-4547 The Bad Lands cow boy 1884-1886 Q100305700 N/A None known Contact us
2043-1406 The Badminton magazine of sports and pastimes. 1895-1923 Q7715323 N/A 1895-1923 Contact us
0005-3856 Baessler-Archiv. 1910- Q15761137 None* 1910-1928 Contact us
0418-9698 Baghdader Mitteilungen. 1960-2007 Q96324873 None* None known Contact us
0067-2912 Bahamas handbook and businessman's annual. 1960- Q103282596 None* None known Contact us
0005-4070 The Baker Street journal. 1946- Q60786538 None 1947-||-2011 Contact us
0276-5837 The Bakersfield Californian. 1908- Q7715364 None None known Contact us
2156-4736 The Balance, and Columbian repository. 1801-1807 N/A None known Contact us
0252-3035 Balance of payments statistics. 1981-2018 Q96706702 All* 2017-2018 Contact us
0378-2662 Balance of payments yearbook. 1947-1980 Q104179305 None* None known Contact us
0005-4313 Balkan studies. Q15756850 Unknown 1960-2004 Contact us
0075-9678 Balkansko ezikoznanie / 1959- Q96331467 None* None known Contact us
0731-6437 Ballou's dollar monthly magazine. 1855-1863 N/A None known Contact us
0730-9449 Ballou's monthly magazine. 1866-1893 N/A None known Contact us
2156-6127 Ballou's pictorial. 1855-1859 N/A None known Contact us
0067-3064 Baltica. 1963- Q15753503 None* 2002-present Contact us
0005-447X Baltimore bulletin of education. 1923-1971 Q104778615 None 1923-1929 Contact us
2378-0444 Baltimore daily commercial 1865- Q100305728 N/A 1865-1866 Contact us
0005-450X Baltimore Jewish times. 1962- Q4852884 None None known Contact us
2156-6151 Baltimore literary monument. 1839- Q98390406 N/A 1838-1839 Contact us
2156-6313 The Baltimore medical and philosophical lycæum 1811- Q105074289 N/A None known Contact us
2156-6348 Baltimore medical and physical recorder. 1808-1809 N/A None known Contact us
2156-6372 The Baltimore monthly journal of medicine and surgery. 1830-1831 N/A None known Contact us
2156-6380 The Baltimore monthly visiter. 1842- Q105074312 N/A None known Contact us
2156-6690 The Baltimore philosophical journal and review. 1823- Q105074348 N/A None known Contact us
2156-7212 The Baltimore weekly magazine. 1800-1801 N/A None known Contact us
0067-3099 Baltische Studien. 1832- Q805782 None* 1832-2002 Contact us
0045-138X Bamah. 1959- Q6583866 None* None known Contact us
0733-0308 Bamboo ridge : the Hawaii writers quarterly. Q4853411 All 1978-||-1992 Contact us
1735-8787 Banach journal of mathematical analysis. 2007- Q15133635 All 2007-2014 Contact us
0005-4968 The bandwagon. 1957- Q4854752 None 1942-recent Contact us
0125-0337 The Bangkok post. 1946- Q806491 None* None known Contact us
0892-8738 The Bangor daily news. 1889- Q4855555 None None known Contact us
0005-5395 The Banker. 1926- Q2066252 None* None known Contact us
0005-5441 The Bankers' magazine. 1952- Q105516034 None* None known Contact us
0730-4080 Bankers' Magazine (1896-1943) None* 1896-1943+ Contact us
0730-4420 The Bankers' magazine, and state financial register. 1846-1849 N/A None known Contact us
0730-4390 The Bankers' magazine, and statistical register. 1849-1894 N/A None known Contact us
0005-5492 Banking. 1934- Q105515917 None None known Contact us
0005-5506 The Banking law journal 1889- Q15756971 None 1889-1928 Contact us
2373-1338 The banner [electronic resource]. -1847 Q96197143 N/A* 1846-||-1869+ Contact us
2576-6902 The banner-enterprise 1883- Q100307916 N/A 1883-1884 Contact us
0067-4044 Bantu treasury. 1935- Q105632864 None* None known Contact us
2156-9371 The Baptist quarterly review. 1882-1892 N/A None known Contact us
2156-9398 The Baptist review. 1879-1881 N/A None known Contact us
0067-4109 Bar-Ilan : sefer ha-shanah le-madaʻe ha-Yahadut ṿeha-ruaḥ shel Universiṭat Bar-Ilan. -1963 Q105633128 None* None known Contact us
2156-9436 The barber's shop. 1807- Q105725461 N/A None known Contact us
2376-8150 Barre evening enterprise -1898 Q100276993 N/A None known Contact us
2376-8177 Barre evening telegram 1898- Q100276994 N/A 1898-1902 Contact us
1086-8216 Barrington courier-review. 1941- Q56236495 None None known Contact us
0005-6073 Barron's national business and financial weekly. 1942-1994 Q27709244 1941 None known Contact us
2332-4589 Barton County democrat -1915 Q100277016 N/A None known Contact us
0132-5930 Barvinok : z͡hurnal T͡SK LKSMU dli͡a diteĭ. 1945- Q4078076 None* None known Contact us
0005-609X Baseball digest. Q2886673 None 1946 Contact us
0408-6279 Basic democracies manual. 1959- Q105825924 None* None known Contact us
0512-3003 Basic documents / 1956- Q105825941 None* None known Contact us
0067-4419 Basic facts about the United Nations / Department of Public Information. 1947- Q105979777 None 1950-||-2017 Contact us
0503-4159 Basic facts and figures. 1952- Q105979815 None* None known Contact us
0072-0623 Basic instruments and selected documents. 1953- Q105979850 None* None known Contact us
0083-2383 Basic research, applied research, and development in industry. 1962- Q106117214 None* 1957-||-2007 Contact us
0067-4508 Basler Studien zur deutschen Sprache und Literatur. 1944- Q106117215 None* None known Contact us
0067-4540 Basler Zeitschrift für Geschichte und Altertumskunde / 1901- Q19135108 None* 1901-2016 Contact us
2472-6869 The Batesburg advocate 1901- Q106117216 N/A 1901-1911 Contact us
2377-7141 Baton Rouge tri-weekly gazette & comet 1865- Q100277027 N/A 1865-1869 Contact us
0522-4829 Battelle technical review. 1952-1968 Q106117217 None None known Contact us
0340-5044 Bautechnik. 1923- Q15763588 None* None known Contact us
0005-6855 Bauwelt. 1952- Q811945 None* None known Contact us
2154-624X The Bay State monthly. 1884-1885 Q19079465 N/A 1884-1885+ Contact us
0408-7046 Bayerische Archivinventare. 1952- Q106117218 None* None known Contact us
0005-724X Baylor business studies. 1949-1983 Q106117219 None None known Contact us
0005-7274 Baylor law review. 1948- Q15756161 None None known Contact us
0272-9431 Baylor University contributions to folk-lore. 1929- Q106115633 None* None known Contact us
2156-9509 Beadle's monthly. 1866-1867 N/A None known Contact us
0332-270X Béaloideas : the journal of the Folklore of Ireland Society. 1927- Q29043975 None* None known Contact us
2156-9541 The Beauties of the Evangelical magazine. 1803- N/A 1803+ Contact us
0005-7517 The Beaver. 1920- Q27715544 None* 1920-2010+ Contact us
2376-273X Bedford inquirer 1857-1884 N/A None known Contact us
2376-2705 Bedford inquirer and chronicle -1857 N/A None known Contact us
2637-7381 The bee [electronic resource]. 1877- Q55665924 None 1877-||-1909 Contact us
2157-3298 The bee [electronic resource]. 1882-1884 N/A None known Contact us
0737-9870 The Bee-keeper's magazine 1872-1882 N/A None known Contact us
2043-1449 The bee, or, literary weekly intelligencer : consisting of original pieces and selections from performances of merit, foreign and domestic. 1791-1794 N/A None known Contact us
2043-1430 The Bee Revived: or, the Universal Weekly Pamphlet 1733- Q97011520 N/A None known Contact us
0522-5949 Beethoven-Jahrbuch. 1954-1981 Q97011594 None* None known Contact us
0348-9094 Befolkningsrörelsen. 1911- Q97011653 None* 1911-1929 Contact us
0005-7959 Behaviour. 1947- Q15763174 None* None known Contact us
0005-7967 Behaviour research and therapy. 1963- Q15759952 None* None known Contact us
0169-7544 Behaviour. 1950-1977 Q97559877 None* None known Contact us
0005-7983 Behind the headlines. 1940- Q97728407 None* None known Contact us
0405-1734 Beḥinot be-viḳoret ha-sifrut. 1952-1957 Q97729137 None* None known Contact us
0519-3257 Beiheft zum Atlas der Urgeschichte. 1953-1969 Q97772067 None* None known Contact us
0514-6518 Beiheft ... zur Zeitschrift für Tierpsychologie. 1953-1971 Q97772083 None* None known Contact us
0934-2575 Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft. 1896- Q97930204 None* 1896-1927+ Contact us
0084-5396 Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für romanische Philologie. 1905- Q97930317 None* 1905-1925+ Contact us
0408-8107 Beiträge zum Buch- und Bibliothekswesen. 1954- Q97932803 None* None known Contact us
2192-3132 Beiträge zur biblischen Landes- und Altertumskunde 1951- Q97932808 None* None known Contact us
0005-8041 Beiträge zur Biologie der Pflanzen. 1875- Q14914936 None* 1870-1927 Contact us
0408-8220 Beiträge zur deutschen Volks- und Altertumskunde. 1954- Q98222632 None* None known Contact us
0005-805X Beiträge zur Entomologie / 1951-1997 Q21385041 None* 1951-present Contact us
0408-8263 Beiträge zur Freiburger Wissenschafts- und Universitätsgeschichte. 1952- Q98446286 None* None known Contact us
0408-8298 Beiträge zur Geschichte der Biblischen Exegese. 1959- Q98446310 None* None known Contact us
0005-8076 Beiträge zur Geschichte der deutschen Sprache und Literatur. 1955- Q15755985 None* 1874-1928 Contact us
0067-5024 Beiträge zur Geschichte der Philosophie und Theologie des Mittelalters. 1891- Q98605587 None* 1891-1926 Contact us
0522-6554 Beiträge zur Geschichte der Städte Mitteleuropas. 1963- Q98605706 None* None known Contact us
0408-8379 Beiträge zur Geschichte der Universität Mainz. 1955- Q98798201 None* None known Contact us
0405-2021 Beiträge zur Geschichte Dortmunds und der Grafschaft Mark. 1875- Q98799079 None* 1875-||-1908 Contact us
0405-2072 Beiträge zur Heimatgeschichte von Karl-Marx-Stadt. 1952- Q23786520 None* None known Contact us
0067-5091 Beiträge zur Inkunabelkunde. 1907-1996 Q98817920 None* None known Contact us
0258-1671 Beiträge zur Kryptogamenflora der Schweiz. 1898-1977 Q51446460 None* 1898-1977+ Contact us
0005-8092 Beiträge zur Literaturkunde; Bibliographie ausgewählter Zeitungs- und Zeitschriftenbeiträge. 1952- Q98818258 None* None known Contact us
0366-1369 Beiträge zur Mineralogie und Petrographie. 1957- Q96328224 None* None known Contact us
0005-8106 Beiträge zur Musikwissenschaft. 1959-1992 Q98843071 None* None known Contact us
0522-697X Beiträge zur Ökonomie von Haushalt und Verbrauch. 1963- Q98843089 None* None known Contact us
0522-7038 Beiträge zur regionalen Geologie der Erde. 1961- Q98843114 None* None known Contact us
1422-786X Beiträge zur vaterländischen Geschichte / herausgegeben von der Historischen Gesellschaft zu Basel. [electronic resource] 1843-1901 N/A None known Contact us
0937-2687 Beiträge zur vergleichenden Sprachforschung auf dem Gebiete der arischen, celtischen und slawischen Sprachen. 1858-1876 N/A None known Contact us
0253-1666 Belas-artes. 1948- Q98971825 None None known Contact us
2475-0077 The Belding banner-news 1918- Q98971879 None 1918-1922 Contact us
0005-8351 Belfagor. 1946-2012 Q3637564 None* None known Contact us
1757-045X The Belfast magazine and literary journal 1825- Q96735103 N/A 1825 Contact us
1758-1605 The Belfast monthly magazine. 1808-1814 Q63684444 N/A None known Contact us
0307-5664 Belfast telegraph. 1918- Q3985843 None* None known Contact us
2156-9568 Belford's magazine. 1888-1891 N/A None known Contact us
2156-9576 Belford's monthly. 1892-1893 N/A None known Contact us
2156-9584 Belford's monthly and democratic review 1891-1892 N/A None known Contact us
0824-4278 Belford's monthly magazine. 1876- Q99521923 N/A 1876-1878+ Contact us
0049-1136 Belgian journal of zoology. 1990- Q15763165 None* 1999-present+ Contact us
2043-1457 Belgravia. 1866-1899 N/A None known Contact us
0005-8564 Bell Laboratories record. 1925-1983 Q4883201 None 1925-1961 Contact us
0005-8580 The Bell System technical journal. 1922-1983 Q4883266 1964 1922-||-1957 Contact us
0270-5869 Bell telephone quarterly. 1922-1940 Q99764656 None 1922-1928 Contact us
2043-1465 La belle assemblée, or, Bell's court and fashionable magazine addressed particularly to the ladies. 1806-1832 N/A None known Contact us
0735-3529 The Belles-lettres repository. 1819- Q68618682 N/A 1819-1820 Contact us
0041-4255 Belleten / 1937- Q6041301 None* 1937-present Contact us
2329-6763 Bellevue gazette 1856- Q100278773 N/A 1856-1858 Contact us
0405-3923 Bellmansstudier / 1924- Q100328289 None* None known Contact us
2333-0074 The Belmont chronicle, and farmers, mechanics and manufacturers advocate Q100279360 None 1853-1895 Contact us
0005-8661 The Beloit poetry journal. 1950- Q15766654 1951 2011-recent Contact us
0522-8743 Belorussian review / 1955-1960 Q100605653 None* None known Contact us
0737-9951 Benham's musical review. 1870- N/A 1873-||-1875 Contact us
2577-4077 Bent County register -1889 Q100279928 N/A* 1886-1889+ Contact us
1751-8466 Bentley's miscellany. 1837-1868 N/A None known Contact us
2043-1481 Bentley's quarterly review Q122960481 N/A 1859-1860 Contact us
2472-436X The Benton democrat 1871- Q100279934 N/A 1872-1873 Contact us
1089-9537 The Benton evening news. 1922- Q7716535 None None known Contact us
2373-1028 The Benton weekly record 1875- Q100279938 N/A 1875-1884 Contact us
0210-8550 Berceo : boletín del Instituto de Estudios Riojanos. 1946- Q15765257 None* 1946-2017 Contact us
0005-8912 Berg- und hüttenmännische Monatshefte. 1963- Q15754994 None* None known Contact us
0405-4512 Bergin Hall review. 1951- Q104038105 None None known Contact us
0005-8955 Bergomum. 1926- Q104038305 None* 1926-2004+ Contact us
0418-8411 Bericht der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft. 1952-1969 Q104093467 None* None known Contact us
0417-2124 Bericht über das Geschäftsjahr ... / 1960- Q104412918 None* None known Contact us
0418-9655 Bericht über die Ausgrabungen in Olympia. 1937- Q104412943 None* None known Contact us
0373-7640 Berichte der Bayerischen Botanischen Gesellschaft zur Erforschung der heimischen Flora. 1891- Q30222030 None* 1891-recent Contact us
0365-9631 Berichte der Deutschen Botanischen Gesellschaft. 1883-1987 Q5726357 None* None known Contact us
0365-9496 Berichte der Deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft 1868- Q29043999 1940* 1868-1928 Contact us
0080-7281 Berichte der Schweizerischen Botanischen Gesellschaft = Bulletin de la Société botanique suisse. 1891-1980 Q5726360 None* 1891-1980 Contact us
0072-4130 Berichte des Deutschen Wetterdienstes. 1953- Q96328242 None* 1953-present Contact us
0373-7896 Berichte des Geobotanischen Institutes der Eidg. Techn. Hochschule, Stiftung Rübel. 1960-1995 Q105072295 None* None known Contact us
0366-001X Berichte über die Verhandlungen der Sächsischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig. 1943-1961 Q105072337 None* Predecessor Contact us
0072-4483 Berichte und Arbeiten aus der Universitätsbibliothek Giessen. 1962-1987 Q105072354 None* 1962-1987+ Contact us
0935-3410 Berichte und Arbeiten aus der Universitätsbibliothek und dem Universitätsarchiv Giessen. 1988- Q105754863 All* 1988-||-2015+ Contact us
0005-9099 Berichte zur deutschen Landeskunde. 1941- Q27718574 None* 1990-recent Contact us
0167-5443 Berichten van de Rijksdienst voor het Oudheidkundig Bodemonderzoek. Proceedings of the State Service for Archaeological Investigations in the Netherlands. 1951-2006 Q104344708 None* None known Contact us
0067-5830 Berkeley journal of sociology. 1959- Q26849306 None* None known Contact us
1073-0060 Berkeley publications in society and institutions. 1955-1958 Q105200922 None* None known Contact us
8750-3379 Berks County law journal. 1908- Q105392039 None 1908-1928 Contact us
2469-3243 The Berkshire chronicle. 1788- Q105392525 N/A* None known Contact us
2469-3235 The Berkshire chronicle and the Massachusetts intelligencer. 1788- Q105392618 N/A* None known Contact us
0895-8793 The Berkshire eagle. 1956- Q7716555 None None known Contact us
0523-0195 Berliner Jahrbuch für Vor- und Frühgeschichte. 1961- Q105514861 None* None known Contact us
0005-9315 Berliner Museen : Berichte aus den preuszischen Kunstsammlungen. 1880-1973 Q26849303 None* 1880-1924 Contact us
0523-025X Berliner Studien zur Musikwissenschaft. 1959- Q105514979 None* None known Contact us
0323-5793 Berliner Zeitung. 1945- Q10185 None* None known Contact us
1663-7941 Berner Zeitschrift für Geschichte. All* 2009-recent+ Contact us
0005-9420 Berner Zeitschrift für Geschichte und Heimatkunde. 1939- Q105632507 None* 1939-2008+ Contact us
0005-9439 Bernice P. Bishop Museum bulletin. 1922- Q5727044 None* 1922-||-1959 Contact us
0067-6105 Berytus. 1934- Q15754320 None* None known Contact us
0067-6233 The best American short stories. 1942- Unknown None known Contact us
0740-6568 The Best continental short stories of ... and the yearbook of the continental short story. 1924-1927 Q106115635 None* 1923-1927 Contact us
0731-5570 The Best one-act plays of ... 1938-1952 Q105825739 1937* None known Contact us
0276-8003 Best's insurance guide with key ratings ... of all licensed joint-stock fire, marine, casualty, surety and miscellaneous insurance companies (domestic and foreign) operating in the United States ... and a complete list of American mutual insurance companies ... 1922- Q106117220 None 1910-||-1928 Contact us
0275-0988 Best's insurance news. 1920-1968 Q106144318 None* 1920-1922+ Contact us
0276-122X Best's insurance news. 1938-1968 Q106117221 None* Predecessor Contact us
0740-6274 Best sermons. 1924-1927 Q106117222 1946* 1924-1926 Contact us
0067-6284 The Best short plays. 1937-1989 Q106258759 1952* None known Contact us
0067-6292 Best sports stories. 1944- Q106117224 1944* None known Contact us
0405-6299 Best television plays. 1950- Q106115638 1956* None known Contact us
0737-8580 Best world short stories. 1947- Q106259285 1947* None known Contact us
0005-979X Bet Miḳra ketav-ʻet shel ha-Ḥevrah le-ḥeḳer ha-Miḳra be-Yiśraʾel. 1956- Q22906700 None* None known Contact us
0005-9900 Beton- und Stahlbetonbau. 1943- Q56510126 None* None known Contact us
0005-9935 Der Betrieb : Wochenschrift für Betriebswirtschaft, Steuerrecht, Wirtschaftsrecht, Arbeitsrecht. 1948- Q1192500 None* None known Contact us
0553-5689 Better building report. 1959-1966 Q106115640 None None known Contact us
0006-0151 Better homes and gardens. 1924- Q3639151 1941 1940-||-1963 Contact us
0006-0208 Better roads. 1931- Q96328275 None None known Contact us
0006-0224 Better times. 1920-1980 Q106474065 None 1920-1921 Contact us
0523-1116 Between worlds. 1960- Q106474153 1960 None known Contact us
0072-1867 Bevölkerungsstruktur und Wirtschaftskraft der Bundesländer / 1962- Q106117226 None* None known Contact us
0749-002X Bi-monthly law review of the Law Department of the University of Detroit. 1919-1921 N/A None known Contact us
0006-0836 The Bible today. 1962- Q15746447 None None known Contact us
0006-0887 Biblica. 1920- Q4903257 None* 1920-1928 Contact us
0006-0895 The Biblical archaeologist. 1938-1997 Q28152794 None None known Contact us
2156-9894 The Biblical repertory and Princeton review. 1838-1871 N/A None known Contact us
2156-9908 The Biblical repository. 1831-1834 N/A None known Contact us
2156-9924 The Biblical repository and classical review. -1850 N/A None known Contact us
2156-9916 The Biblical repository and quarterly observer. 1835-1836 N/A None known Contact us
0067-6535 Biblical research. 1956- Q15753996 None None known Contact us
0190-3578 The Biblical world. 1893-1920 Q29043781 N/A 1897-1920+ Contact us
0006-0941 La Bibliofilia. 1899- Q15755863 None* 1899-1928 Contact us
0067-6543 Bibliografi over Danmarks offentlige publikationer. 1948-1998 Q106117227 None* None known Contact us
0409-3259 Bibliografi over dansk folkekultur. 1957- Q106117228 None* None known Contact us
0474-8050 Bibliografi over Norges offentlige publikasjoner. 1956- Q106117229 None* None known Contact us
0067-6578 Bibliografía boliviana. 1962-1974 Q106702441 None* None known Contact us
0067-6608 Bibliografia brasileira de ciências sociais / 1954-1979 Q106117231 None* None known Contact us
0523-1752 Bibliografia e periodikut të Republikës Popullore të Shqipërisë / 1961-1964 Q106117232 None* None known Contact us
0563-5705 Bibliografia e Republikës Popullore të Shqipërise. 1958- Q106117233 None* None known Contact us
0006-100X La Bibliografía económica de México. 1955- Q106117234 None* None known Contact us
0523-1760 Bibliografía española. 1959-1992 Q106702531 None* None known Contact us
0409-3372 Bibliografia filosofica italiana. 1949- Q106117235 None* None known Contact us
0409-3380 Bibliografia geologica d'Italia / 1956- Q106117236 None* None known Contact us
0523-1841 Bibliografia kombëtare e Republikës Popullore të Shqipërisë. Bibliographie nationale de la RPA. Les livres albanais. National bibliography of the PRA. The Albanian book. 1960-1976 Q106115642 None* None known Contact us
0409-3402 Bibliografia matematica italiana. 1950-1972 Q106117238 None* None known Contact us
1123-6205 Bibliografia nazionale italiana. 1961-2000 Q106782061 None* None known Contact us
0254-6027 Bibliografia Republicii Populare Romîne. 1957-1965 Q106115643 None* None known Contact us
0067-6764 Bibliografia sobre a economia portuguesa. 1958- Q106117239 None* None known Contact us
0085-2317 Bibliografia storica nazionale / 1942- Q106117240 None* None known Contact us
0523-1981 Bibliografías corrientes de la América Latina. 1962-1969 Q106117241 None None known Contact us
1210-9398 Bibliografický katalog ČSR. 1955-1960 Q106115646 None* None known Contact us
0862-3848 Bibliografie československé historie. 1955-1965 Q106117242 None* None known Contact us
0234-4343 Bibliografii︠a︡ izdaniĭ Akademii nauk SSSR : ezhegodnik. 1957-1991 Q106115647 None* None known Contact us
0523-2147 Bibliografii︠a︡ na slavi︠a︡nskoto literaturoznanie i folklor v Bulgarii︠a︡. 1956- Q106117243 None* None known Contact us
0201-6346 Bibliografii︠a︡ sovetskoĭ bibliografii za ... g. / 1941-1994 Q106115649 None* None known Contact us
0523-2201 Bibliografija Jugoslavije. Bibliografii︠a︡ I︠U︡goslavii. Knigi, broshi︠u︡ri i noty = Bibliography of Yugoslavia. Books, pamphlets, and music. 1950-2003 Q106115651 None* None known Contact us
0378-2794 Bibliographia Belgica. 1953-1981 Q106117244 None* None known Contact us
0523-2252 Bibliographia patristica = Internationale patristische Bibliographie. 1956-1990 Q106115653 None* None known Contact us
0067-6829 Bibliographia scientiae naturalis Helvetica. 1948- Q106117245 None* 1948-2004 Contact us
0073-9480 Bibliographic series / Institute of Paper Chemistry. 1936- Q107084448 None* None known Contact us
0523-2368 Bibliographie annuelle de l'âge de la pierre taillée (paléolithique et mésolithique). 1956- Q106117247 None* None known Contact us
0067-6918 Bibliographie annuelle de l'histoire de France du cinquième siècle à 1958. 1954- Q97949892 None* None known Contact us
0067-6934 Bibliographie cartographique internationale. 1936- Q106117248 None* None known Contact us
0006-1336 Bibliographie de Belgique. 1875-1997 Q107084567 None* 1875-||-present Contact us
0523-2406 Bibliographie de la documentation et de la bibliothéconomie / 1951- Q106117267 None* None known Contact us
0006-1344 Bibliographie de la France. 1811- Q27978422 None* 1811-||-1928 Contact us
0523-2414 Bibliographie de la littérature franc̜aise moderne (16.-20. siècles). 1962-1965 Q106117268 None* None known Contact us
0006-1352 Bibliographie de la philosophie. Bibliography of philosophy. 1954- Q107140346 None* None known Contact us
0006-1360 Bibliographie der deutschen Bibliographien. 1957-1971 Q106875668 None* None known Contact us
0523-2465 Bibliographie der französischen Literaturwissenschaft. 1960- Q856340 None* None known Contact us
0378-4584 Bibliographie der Schweizergeschichte. Bibliographie de l'histoire suisse. 1913- Q16830642 None* 1913-present Contact us
0523-2503 Bibliographie der sowjetischen Philosophie. Bibliography of soviet philosophy. 1959- Q106115655 None* None known Contact us
0006-145X Bibliographie fremdsprachiger Werke über Deutschland und deutsche Persönlichkeiten. 1963-1970 Q106115659 None* None known Contact us
0067-6993 Bibliographie géographique internationale = International geographical bibliography. 1931-1990 Q106115661 None* None known Contact us
0892-273X Bibliographie hispanique. 1905-1917 N/A None known Contact us
0045-1894 Bibliographie sélective des publications officielles françaises. 1952- Q106117269 None* None known Contact us
0006-1476 Bibliographie universelle de sécurité sociale. World bibliography of social security. 1963- Q106115663 None* None known Contact us
0072-4149 Bibliographien des Deutschen Wetterdienstes. 1955- Q106117271 None* None known Contact us
0409-1353 Bibliographische Mitteilungen. 1953- Q106117272 None* None known Contact us
0138-1903 Bibliographische Mitteilungen der Universitätsbibliothek Jena. 1962- Q106117273 None* None known Contact us
0748-7118 Bibliography. 1895-1915 N/A None known Contact us
0376-1673 Bibliography and index of geology exclusive of North America. 1933-1968 Q106117274 None None known Contact us
0523-2821 Bibliography, documentation, terminology. 1961- Q106115664 None* None known Contact us
0067-7140 Bibliography in Britain. 1962- Q106875669 None* None known Contact us
0006-1530 Bibliography of agriculture / 1943-1975 Q108742720 None* 1942-||-1998 Contact us
0147-250X Bibliography of books for children : bulletin of the Association for Childhood Education. 1945-1971 Q108742795 None None known Contact us
0540-5440 Bibliography of contemporary Spanish literature / 1954-1958 Q106117275 None None known Contact us
0897-6090 Bibliography of critical and biographical references for the study of contemporary French literature. 1949-1953 Q106117276 None None known Contact us
0067-7205 Bibliography of interlingual scientific and technical dictionaries = Bibliographie de dictionnaires scientifiques et techniques multilingues. 1951- Q106875686 None* None known Contact us
0523-2929 Bibliography of medical translations / 1962- Q106875687 None* 1962-1966 Contact us
0067-7213 Bibliography of Old Norse-Icelandic studies. 1963-1983 Q106117278 None* None known Contact us
0577-0599 Bibliography of recent Soviet source material on Soviet Central Asia and its borderlands (including the Middle East) 1957-1962 Q106117279 None* None known Contact us
0006-1565 Bibliography of reproduction. 1963- Q27718116 None* None known Contact us
0067-7299 Bibliography of the humanistic studies and social relations. 1955- Q106117280 None* None known Contact us
0502-2274 Bibliography of translations from Russian scientific and technical literature / 1953-1956 Q106115666 None* 1953-1956 Contact us
0067-7329 A bibliography on foreign and comparative law / 1955-1989 Q106875553 None None known Contact us
0776-538X Le bibliophile belge. 1845-1850 Q127256385 N/A None known Contact us
0073-2516 Biblioteca / "Historiae Musicae Cultores." 1952- Q106875688 None* None known Contact us
1132-225X La biblioteca. 1896- Q106876618 All* None known Contact us
0409-5308 Biblioteca de estudios madrileños. 1952- Q106117281 None* None known Contact us
0066-6815 Biblioteca dell'"Archivum Romanicum." 1921- Q106117282 None* 1921-1925 Contact us
0067-7442 Biblioteca di storia toscana. 1963- Q106875689 None* None known Contact us
0067-7450 Biblioteca di "Studi etruschi". 1963- Q108869173 None* None known Contact us
0006-176X Bibliotecas : órgano oficial de la Dirección General de Bibliotecas del Consejo Nacional de Cultura. 1963- Q50424724 None* None known Contact us
0523-462X Bibliotekininkystė ir bibliografija = Bibliotekovedenie i bibliografii︠a︡. 1961-1966 Q106115764 None* None known Contact us
1651-5447 Biblioteksbladet. 1916- Q27721746 None* 1916-1940 Contact us
0067-7817 Bibliotheca Aegyptiaca. 1931- Q56293434 None* None known Contact us
0067-7841 Bibliotheca Arnamagnæana. 1941- Q106875690 None* None known Contact us
0067-7892 Bibliotheca botanica. 1886- Q5728101 None* 1886-1921 Contact us
0067-7914 Bibliotheca celtica / 1910-1984 Q106117283 None* 1909-1918 Contact us
0346-7163 Bibliotheca Ekmaniana. 1951- Q106117284 None* None known Contact us
0067-8058 Bibliotheca microbiologica. 1960-1972 Q27709279 None* None known Contact us
0067-8155 Bibliotheca radiologica. 1959- Q27709286 None* None known Contact us
0006-1921 The Bibliotheca sacra. 1844- Q856431 None 1843-1961 Contact us
0006-193X The bibliotheck : a journal of bibliographical notes and queries mainly of Scottish interest. 1956- Q27716603 None* None known Contact us
0070-4156 Bibliothek des Deutschen Historischen Instituts in Rom. 1905- Q106117285 None* None known Contact us
0373-6237 Bibliothèque de l'Ecole des chartes. 1840- Q856645 None* 1840-2013 Contact us
0761-148X Bibliothèque de l'Ecole des hautes études. Sciences historiques et philologiques. 1901-1961 Q106115765 None* None known Contact us
0768-5475 Bibliothèque de la Faculté de philosophie et lettres de l'Université de Liège. 1897- Q106875691 None* 1897-||-2009 Contact us
0067-8406 Bibliothèque historique vaudoise. 1940- Q16626891 None* None known Contact us
0366-418X Bibliothèque universelle et revue de Genève. 1924-1930 Q106875692 None* 1924-1929 Contact us
0366-452X Bibliothèque universelle et revue suisse. 1862-1924 Q16626897 N/A None known Contact us
1011-825X Bibliothèques et musées de la ville de Neuchâtel. -1961 Q106117286 None* None known Contact us
0430-8417 Biblis. 1957- Q106875693 None* None known Contact us
0006-2014 Biblische Zeitschrift. 1903-1957 Q15755741 None* 1903-1921 Contact us
0006-2162 La Biennale di Venezia. 1950- Q106876620 None* None known Contact us
0190-4388 Biennial report of the State Geologist. 1904- Q106117287 None None known Contact us
0361-8285 The biennial report of the State Geologist. 1913- Q106115769 None None known Contact us
0067-8503 Biennial review of anthropology. 1959-1972 Q106875694 1959* None known Contact us
2053-9517 Big data & society. 2014- Q27726175 All 2014-present Contact us
0523-5286 Big table. 1959-1960 Q106875696 1959 None known Contact us
0169-6068 Bijdragen en mededelingen van het Historisch Genootschap. 1962-1968 Q106117289 None* 1877-1927 Contact us
0067-8546 Bijdragen tot de dierkunde. 1848-1995 Q36611747 None* 1848-1994+ Contact us
0006-2294 Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en volkenkunde. 1852- Q2218162 None* 1853-present Contact us
0169-457X Bijdragen voor de geschiedenis der Nederlanden. 1946- Q106117292 None* 1946-1968 Contact us
0021-907X Bijutsu Kenkyū. The journal of art studies. 1932- Q4907291 None* None known Contact us
0006-2391 Bildende Kunst. 1947-1991 Q860648 None* None known Contact us
0438-5845 Bildkataloge des Kestner-Museums Hannover. 1955- Q106117293 None* None known Contact us
0006-2510 Billboard. 1963- Q485240 1939 1894-||-2011 Contact us
2372-868X The Billings gazette. 1896- Q4911948 None None known Contact us
2470-3257 The Billings herald 1882-1885 N/A None known Contact us
0558-633X Bilten Instituta za proučavanje folklora u Sarajevu = Bulletin of Institute for Folklore Studies Sarajevo. 1951-1955 Q106115771 None* None known Contact us
0006-2766 Bim. 1942- Q4835687 None* None known Contact us
0006-291X Biochemical and biophysical research communications. 1959- Q864228 1959 None known Contact us
0264-6021 The biochemical journal. 1906- Q864221 None* 1906-2007 Contact us
0006-2952 Biochemical pharmacology. 1958- Q864229 None* None known Contact us
0067-8686 Biochemical preparations. 1949-1971 Q106875698 1961 1949 Contact us
0067-8694 Biochemical Society symposia. 1948- Q15766207 None* None known Contact us
0006-2960 Biochemistry. 1962- Q764876 1962 None known Contact us
0006-3002 Biochimica et biophysica acta. 1947-1963 Q864239 None* None known Contact us
0926-6569 Biochimica et biophysica acta. 1963-1964 Q53952315 None* None known Contact us
0926-6542 Biochimica et biophysica acta. 1963-1964 Q96328350 None* None known Contact us
0926-6550 Biochimica et biophysica acta. 1962-1964 Q96328358 None* None known Contact us
0006-3010 Biodynamica : a scientific journal for the elaboration and the experimental study of working hypotheses on the nature of life. 1934- Q27709305 None None known Contact us
0065-9827 Biographical directory of fellows & members of the American Psychiatric Association. 1941- Q106115773 None 1950-||-1963 Contact us
0077-2933 Biographical memoirs. 1877- Q17397738 1961 1877-present Contact us
0080-4606 Biographical memoirs of fellows of the Royal Society. 1955- Q4914871 None* 1932-recent+ Contact us
0006-2979 Biokhimii︠a︡. 1936- Q4086944 None* None known Contact us
0006-3134 Biologia plantarum. 1959- Q15760764 None* 1959-present Contact us
0006-3169 Biological abstracts/RRM. 1926- Q4035121 None None known Contact us
0520-1810 Biological journal of Okayama University. 1952-1976 Q106117294 None* None known Contact us
0301-7699 Biological reviews and biological proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society. 1926-1934 Q105763926 None* 1926-1928+ Contact us
0006-3231 Biological reviews of the Cambridge Philosophical Society. 1935- Q122697018 Unknown None known Contact us
0373-093X Biologiske meddelelser / 1917- Q51447496 None* 1917-1928 Contact us
0366-3612 Biologiske skrifter/ 1939- Q6396535 None* None known Contact us
0099-4987 Biometrics bulletin. 1945-1946 Q96473318 None* None known Contact us
0006-3444 Biometrika. 1901- Q864602 None* 1901-1928 Contact us
0006-3452 Biometrische Zeitschrift. 1959-1976 Q27709368 None* None known Contact us
0006-3495 Biophysical journal. 1960- Q2032955 1961 1960-recent Contact us
0006-3029 Biophysics. 1957- Q15751782 None* None known Contact us
0005-3155 Bios. 1930- Q27719942 None None known Contact us
0916-8451 Bioscience, biotechnology, and biochemistry. Q11192374 All* 1992-2013+ Contact us
0006-3592 Biotechnology and bioengineering. 1962- Q4915339 None* None known Contact us
0006-3630 Bird-banding 1930-1979 Q27983911 None* None known Contact us
0006-3657 Bird study. 1954- Q2904414 None* None known Contact us
0899-0050 The Birmingham news. 1894- Q7718111 None 1909 Contact us
0963-7915 The Birmingham post. 1921-1950 Q4916779 None* None known Contact us
0520-2183 Birth. 1958- Q106875699 None 1958-1960 Contact us
0190-3594 Birth statistics for the birth registration area of the United States; annual report. 1917-1923 N/A None known Contact us
2330-5800 The Bismarck tribune [electronic resource]. 1873-1875 Q2904709 None 1873-||-1937 Contact us
0006-3932 Bitsaron. 1939-1992 Q106115774 None None known Contact us
0258-7327 Biuleteni / 1937- Q106875700 None* None known Contact us
0067-8996 Biuletyn fonograficzny = Bulletin phonographique. 1953-1975 Q106115776 None* None known Contact us
0020-4498 Biuletyn - Instytut Urbanistyki i Architektury 1958- Q106117295 None* None known Contact us
0032-3802 Biuletyn Polskiego Towarzystwa Językoznawczego = Bulletin de la Société polonaise de linguistique. 1927- Q9173876 None* None known Contact us
0006-4033 Biuletyn Żydowskiego Instytutu Historycznego. 1951-2000 Q27715561 None* None known Contact us
0002-3302 Bi︠u︡lletenʹ Instituta teoreticheskoĭ astronomii / 1947- Q106115778 None* None known Contact us
0366-1318 Bi︠u︡lletenʹ Moskovskogo obshchestva ispytateleĭ prirody. Bulletin de la Société des naturalistes de Moscou. Section géologique. 1922- Q97303186 None* None known Contact us
0027-1403 Bi︠u︡lletenʹ Moskovskogo obshchestva ispytateleĭ prirody. 1947- Q5729456 None* None known Contact us
0321-4885 Bi︠u︡lletenʹ Stalinabadskoĭ astronomicheskoĭ observatorii. 1952-1957 Q110795868 None* None known Contact us
1246-9254 Bizarre. 1953-1968 Q106875701 None* None known Contact us
0523-7165 The Black art. 1962-1965 Q105581795 None* None known Contact us
0006-4149 The Black diamond. 1885- Q105581967 None* 1897-1926 Contact us
2475-1758 The Black Hills union 1889- Q100281059 N/A* 1889-||-1904+ Contact us
2475-1774 The Black Hills union and western stock review N/A* 1904-1911+ Contact us
0523-7211 The Black Mountain review. 1954-1957 Q105674826 None* None known Contact us
0067-9100 Black orpheus; a journal of African and Afro-American literature. 1957- Q69560432 None* None known Contact us
2574-7088 The Blackfoot news 1891-1902 N/A None known Contact us
1754-2014 Blackfriars. 1920-1964 Q108042017 None* 1920-1928 Contact us
2398-0222 Blackfriars 1944-1946 Q108041903 None* None known Contact us
1747-3551 Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine. 1817-1905 N/A None known Contact us
0006-436X Blackwood's magazine. 1906-1980 Q1529971 1940* 1817-1928 Contact us
2578-9953 The blade. 1960- Unknown None known Contact us
0523-7378 Blätter & Bilder. 1959-1961 Q107017809 Unknown None known Contact us
0082-4186 Blätter der Thomas Mann Gesellschaft. 1958- Q107017810 Unknown None known Contact us
0067-9127 Blätter für Technikgeschichte. 1939- Q15746418 Unknown None known Contact us
0341-9479 Blätter für württembergische Kirchengeschichte. 1886- Q27715564 Unknown None known Contact us
0829-2310 Blewointmentpress. 1963-1973 Q107017811 Unknown None known Contact us
0006-4971 Blood. Q885070 1951 1946-recent Contact us
2330-8567 Bloomsburg democrat Q100281616 N/A* 1867-1868+ Contact us
2637-8337 Blue hen's chicken 1848- Q107017812 Unknown None known Contact us
2637-8302 Blue hens chicken & Delaware Democratic Whig 1845- Q107017814 Unknown None known Contact us
0527-4834 Boatbuilding and repair. 1963-1982 Q107017815 Unknown None known Contact us
0006-5404 The boating industry. 1929- Unknown None known Contact us
0523-8013 Bodenaltertümer Westfalens. 1929- Q107017816 Unknown None known Contact us
0520-3384 Bōei nenkan. 1955- Q107017817 Unknown None known Contact us
0006-5749 Bogvennen. 1913- Q51844655 Unknown None known Contact us
0096-3550 Boiler maker and plate fabricator. 1934- Q107017819 Unknown None known Contact us
2377-5920 Boise news. 1863-1864 N/A None known Contact us
0006-5846 Bokvännen. 1946- Q78898579 Unknown None known Contact us
0523-9613 Bol'shai︠a︡ sovetskai︠a︡ entsiklopedii︠a︡. 1957-1990 Q107017820 Unknown None known Contact us
0253-0635 Boletim. 1940- Unknown None known Contact us
0068-0362 Boletim 1937-1969 Q96696792 Unknown None known Contact us
0870-1466 Boletim da Direcção Geral dos Edifícios e Monumentos Nacionais. 1935- Q107017821 Unknown None known Contact us
0303-9773 Boletim da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Coimbra. 1914- Q107017822 Unknown None known Contact us
0037-8712 Boletim da Sociedade Paranaense de Matemática. 1958- Q50426255 Unknown None known Contact us
0374-6518 Boletim da Sociedade Portuguesa de Ciências Naturais. 1907- Q47153535 Unknown None known Contact us
0006-5897 Boletim de bibliografia portuguesa. 1937-1980 Q107017823 Unknown None known Contact us
0870-4260 Boletim de ciências económicas. 1952- Q96696800 Unknown None known Contact us
0067-9615 Boletim de indústria animal. 1941- Q50432753 Unknown None known Contact us
0373-5524 Boletim do Instituto Oceanográfico. 1952-1995 Q89659465 Unknown None known Contact us
0100-4239 Boletim do Instituto Paulista de Oceanografia. 1950-1951 Q96696827 Unknown None known Contact us
0523-8773 Boletim internacional de bibliografia Luso-Brasileira. 1960-1973 Q107017824 Unknown None known Contact us
0522-7291 Boletim. 1957- Unknown None known Contact us
0870-4651 Boletim trimestral / Banco de Angola, Gabinete de estudios económicos. 1958- Q107017825 Unknown None known Contact us
0020-4102 Boletín. 1960- Q101814128 Unknown None known Contact us
0049-1004 Boletín. 1839- Unknown None known Contact us
0583-7618 Boletín. 1962- Unknown None known Contact us
0366-2128 Boletín / Sociedad Botánica de México. 1944- Q5731494 Unknown None known Contact us
0520-4100 Boletín americanista. 1960- Q50403023 Unknown None known Contact us
0373-7101 Boletín astronómico del Observatorio de Madrid. 1932- Q107017826 Unknown None known Contact us
0067-9658 Boletín bibliográfico de antropología americana / Instituto Panamericano de Geografía e Historia. 1937-1979 Q107017827 Unknown None known Contact us
0186-064X Boletín bibliográfico de antropología americana / Instituto Panamericano de Geografía e Historia. 1937-1979 Unknown None known Contact us
0186-0658 Boletín bibliográfico de antropología americana BBAA = Bibliographical bulletin of American antropology = Boletim bibliográphico de antropologia americana 1937-1979 Unknown None known Contact us
0185-2027 Boletín bibliográfico mexicano. 1940- Q107017828 Unknown None known Contact us
0365-9402 Boletín chileno de parasitología : publicación trimestral del Departamento de Parasitología de la Universidad de Chile y de la Asesoría de Parasitología del Servicio Nacional de Salud. 1954- Q27709460 Unknown None known Contact us
0006-6184 Boletín cultural y bibliográfico. 1958- Q27715572 Unknown None known Contact us
0553-0571 Boletín de artes visuales. 1957-1973 Q107017829 Unknown None known Contact us
0374-6186 Boletín de estudios geográficos / 1948- Q107017830 Unknown None known Contact us
0067-9674 Boletín de filología. 1949- Q96328655 Unknown None known Contact us
0120-0283 Boletín de geología / 1958- Q50432900 Unknown None known Contact us
0211-4267 Boletín de información del Ministerio de Justicia. 1947- Unknown None known Contact us
0006-6311 Boletin de información dental. 1954-1983 Q27709494 Unknown None known Contact us
0716-5439 Boletín de la Academia Chilena de la Historia. 1933- Q102423903 Unknown None known Contact us
0366-1652 Boletin de la Academia de Ciencias Físicas Matemáticas y Naturales. 1934- Q107017831 Unknown None known Contact us
0325-2051 Boletin de la Academia Nacional de Ciencias. 1874- Q5731488 Unknown None known Contact us
0254-7325 Boletín de la Academia Nacional de la Historia. 1912- Q27715602 Unknown None known Contact us
0006-1646 Boletín de la Biblioteca de Menéndez Pelayo / 1919- Q27715529 Unknown None known Contact us
0031-6067 Boletín de la Biblioteca Nacional. 1919- Q107017832 Unknown None known Contact us
0214-1302 Boletín de la Institución Libre de Enseñanza. 1877- Q28492282 Unknown None known Contact us
0479-3420 Boletín de la Oficina Sanitaria Panamericana. 1953- Q107017833 Unknown None known Contact us
0034-0626 Boletín de la Real Academia de la Historia. 1877- Q2843397 Unknown None known Contact us
0211-111X Boletín de la Real Sociedad Vascongada de los Amigos del País. 1945- Q72953376 Unknown None known Contact us
0373-580X Boletín de la Sociedad Argentina de Botánica. 1945- Q6397451 Unknown None known Contact us
0210-8577 Boletín de la Sociedad Geográfica de Madrid. 1876-1900 Q19428141 N/A None known Contact us
0366-1784 Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana. 1904- Q50515498 Unknown None known Contact us
0210-5454 Boletín de la Universidad de Granada. 1929-1976 Q27715580 Unknown None known Contact us
0553-0458 Boletín de música y artes visuales. 1953-1956 Q107017838 Unknown None known Contact us
0006-6354 Boletín de noticias 1847- Q107017839 Unknown None known Contact us
0026-1734 Boletín del Archivo General de la Nación. 1930- Q107017834 Unknown None known Contact us
0042-3378 Boletín del Archivo General de la Nación. 1923- Unknown None known Contact us
1012-9472 Boletín del Archivo General de la Nación. 1938- Unknown None known Contact us
0528-5364 Boletin del Centro de Investigaciones Antropológicas de México. 1956- Q107017835 Unknown None known Contact us
0041-8323 Boletín del Instituto de Antropología. 1953-1967 Q107017836 Unknown None known Contact us
0020-384X Boletín del Instituto de Estudios Asturianos. 1947-1991 Q27715800 Unknown None known Contact us
2575-8616 Boletín del Instituto de las Españas en los Estados Unidos. 1931-1934 Q107017837 Unknown None known Contact us
0027-3910 Boletín del Museo Nacional de Historia Natural. 1937- Q19946882 Unknown None known Contact us
0210-9573 Boletín del Seminario de Estudios de Arte y Arqueología / 1957- Q43012588 Unknown None known Contact us
0005-4674 Boletín estadístico / Banco Central de la República Argentina. 1958-1979 Q107017840 Unknown None known Contact us
0005-4798 Boletín estadístico / Banco de España. 1960- Unknown None known Contact us
0522-0955 Boletín estadístico mensual. 1950- Q107017841 Unknown None known Contact us
1012-9499 Boletín indigenista / 1941-1961 Q107017842 Unknown None known Contact us
0523-9133 Boletín indigenista venezolano. 1953- Unknown None known Contact us
0006-6400 Boletín interamericano de música. 1957-1973 Q107017843 Unknown None known Contact us
0005-4682 Boletín mensual / Banco Central de la República Dominicana. 1948-1992 Q107017844 Unknown None known Contact us
2327-879X The Bolivar bulletin [electronic resource]. -1888 N/A None known Contact us
2374-734X The Bolivar bulletin [electronic resource]. 1888- Q107019361 Unknown None known Contact us
0577-3008 Bolletino del Centro internazionale di studi di architettura "Andrea Palladio." 1959-1988 Q15763825 Unknown None known Contact us
0391-9854 Bollettino d'arte / 1931- Q107017845 Unknown None known Contact us
0394-4557 Bollettino d'arte del Ministero della pubblica istruzione. -1931 Q107017851 Unknown None known Contact us
0067-9879 Bollettino dell'Atlante linguistico mediterraneo. 1959- Q107017852 Unknown None known Contact us
0433-3837 Bollettino dell'Istituto di lingue estere. 1951- Q107017854 Unknown None known Contact us
0037-8739 Bollettino della Società di studi valdesi. 1935- Q102423840 Unknown None known Contact us
0037-8755 Bollettino della Società geografica italiana. 1868- Q108300677 Unknown None known Contact us
0524-0174 Bombay geographical magazine. 1953- Q97933175 None* None known Contact us
0006-6990 Bon appétit. 1956- Q4940946 1969* None known Contact us
0502-3742 Bond sales for public school purposes. 1960-1965 Q106875702 None* 1960-1976 Contact us
0373-0468 Bonner geographische Abhandlungen. 1947- Q96328730 None* None known Contact us
1064-9298 Bonners Ferry herald. 1904- Q55666374 None None known Contact us
0524-0476 Bonplandia. 1960- Q5732018 None* None known Contact us
0068-0125 The Book of the States. 1935- Q106877142 1952 None known Contact us
0006-7326 Book review digest. 1906- Q104591164 None* 1905-1928 Contact us
0524-059X Book week. 1963-1967 Q106875704 1964* None known Contact us
0006-7377 Bookbird. 1963- Q4943160 None* None known Contact us
0006-7385 The booklist / 1969- Q4943246 1964 1905-1928 Contact us
2043-1503 The bookman. 1891-1934 Q7719347 None 1891-1926+ Contact us
2156-9932 Bookman; a Review of Books and Life (1895-1933) Q7719348 1929 1895-1928+ Contact us
0006-7431 Books abroad. 1927-1976 Q28840771 1942 None known Contact us
0006-744X Books and bookmen. 1955-1986 Q106322074 None* None known Contact us
0006-7539 The bookseller. 1858- Q7719356 None* 1861-||-1928+ Contact us
2043-1511 The bookworm : an illustrated treasury of old-time literature. 1888-1894 N/A None known Contact us
2326-7933 Boon's Lick times 1840-1848 Q100283351 N/A None known Contact us
1050-4087 Boone news-Republican. 1924- Q4943647 None None known Contact us
1053-3206 The Border news. 1916- Q106877143 None None known Contact us
0210-5934 Bordón. 1949- Q54911718 None* None known Contact us
1563-9320 The Borneo bulletin. 1953- Q4946070 None* None known Contact us
1554-6985 Borrowers and lenders : the journal of Shakespeare and appropriation. 2005- Q15756462 All 2005-present Contact us
0940-0044 Börsenblatt für den deutschen Buchhandel. 1945- Q1019995 None* None known Contact us
2381-5116 The Bossier banner 1859- Q106877145 None 1859-||-1922 Contact us
0006-4989 Boston. 1962- Q27717011 None None known Contact us
0524-1111 Boston bar journal. 1957- Q27717155 None None known Contact us
0006-7954 Boston College industrial and commercial law review. 1959- Q27717010 None None known Contact us
0039-4270 Boston College stylus. 1883- Q7767136 None* 1883-||-1977 Contact us
2157-2798 Boston cultivator. -1839 N/A None known Contact us
0276-4571 Boston journal of chemistry and popular science review. 1881-1883 N/A None known Contact us
2157-0337 The Boston literary magazine. 1833- Q106877146 N/A None known Contact us
2157-040X The Boston lyceum. 1827- Q107066024 N/A None known Contact us
2157-0469 The Boston magazine. 1805- Q106877147 N/A None known Contact us
2157-0507 Boston masonic mirror. 1830-1834 N/A None known Contact us
2157-0523 Boston mechanic, and Journal of the useful arts and sciences. 1835-1836 N/A None known Contact us
2157-0582 Boston medical intelligencer. 1823-1828 N/A None known Contact us
2157-0639 Boston monthly magazine. 1825-1826 N/A None known Contact us
2157-0655 Boston musical gazette. 1838-1839 N/A None known Contact us
2157-2879 The Boston musical review. 1845- Q106877148 N/A 1845 Contact us
2157-0906 Boston musical visitor. 1842-1844 N/A None known Contact us
2575-0240 Boston patriot. 1809-1816 N/A None known Contact us
2575-0259 Boston patriot and morning advertiser. 1816-1817 N/A None known Contact us
2157-1031 The Boston pearl. 1835-1836 N/A None known Contact us
2157-1015 The Boston pearl and literary gazette. 1834-1835 N/A None known Contact us
2157-104X The Boston quarterly review. 1838-1842 N/A None known Contact us
2157-1104 Boston recorder and religious telegraph. 1828-1830 N/A None known Contact us
2157-152X The Boston satirist, or Weekly museum. 1812- Q106170709 N/A 1812 Contact us
0006-8047 Boston University law review. 1921- Q15756861 None None known Contact us
0524-1340 Boston University studies in English. 1955- Q106875705 None None known Contact us
2157-1961 Boston weekly magazine 1802-1803 N/A None known Contact us
0096-526X Botanical abstracts; a monthly serial furnishing abstracts and citations of publications in the international field of botany in its broadest sense. 1918- Q51449522 N/A None known Contact us
1529-4560 Botanical bulletin. 1875-1876 Q96697047 N/A None known Contact us
0006-8071 Botanical gazette. 1875-1991 Q894627 1953 1875-1928 Contact us
0006-808X The Botanical magazine. 1887- Q13548534 None* None known Contact us
0951-2446 The botanical magazine, or, Flower-garden displayed : in which the most ornamental foreign plants, cultivated in the open ground, the green-house, and the stove, are accurately represented in their natural colours ... 1787-1800 N/A None known Contact us
0006-8098 Botanical Museum leaflets, Harvard University. 1932-1986 Q5732619 None 1932-1984+ Contact us
0006-8101 The botanical review. Q1888806 None 1935-||-1961 Contact us
0096-2759 Botanical series. 1895-1947 Q6090663 None* 1895-1971+ Contact us
0006-8136 Botanicheskiĭ zhurnal. 1948- Q2504738 None* 1948-present+ Contact us
0006-8152 Botanische Jahrbücher für Systematik, Pflanzengeschichte und Pflanzengeographie. 1881- Q5732642 None* None known Contact us
0006-8241 Bothalia : African biodiversity & conservation 1921- Q5732717 None* None known Contact us
0068-0494 Bottin international. International business register. Anuario del comercio internacional. Internationales Handels-Register. 1947-1983 Q122170363 None* None known Contact us
2157-5746 The Bourbon news [electronic resource]. 1881-1883 N/A None known Contact us
0366-2330 Bouw. 1946-2006 Q115570785 None* None known Contact us
1571-9529 Bouwsteenen. 1869-1881 Q26849342 N/A None known Contact us
2043-152X Bow bells : a magazine of general literature and art for family reading. 1862-1897 N/A None known Contact us
2157-247X Bowen's Boston News - Letter, and City Record (1825-1827) Q112944321 N/A* 1825-1826+ Contact us
0068-0540 The Bowker annual of library and book trade information / 1961-2008 Q106877149 None* None known Contact us
0006-8527 Boxoffice. 2016- Q4923577 None* 1937-||-2019+ Contact us
2157-2488 The Boys' and girls' magazine, and fireside companion. 1848-1850 N/A None known Contact us
0006-8608 Boys' life. 1911- Q2923043 1929* 1911-2012+ Contact us
0773-1426 De Brabantse folklore. 1923- None* 1923-1928+ Contact us
1943-8818 Bradford County telegraph. 1888- Q55666066 None 1895-||-1910 Contact us
2376-8193 Bradford opinion 1874- Q106875708 N/A* 1874-1881+ Contact us
2043-1538 Bradshaw's journal 1841-1843 N/A None known Contact us
0006-8772 The Braille forum. 1962- Q106877150 None 1990-present Contact us
0006-8950 Brain. 1878- Q897386 None* 1878-1928 Contact us
0589-0799 Brain and behavior; Proceedings of the conference. 1961- Q106875709 None None known Contact us
0524-188X Brain function. 1963- Q106875711 None None known Contact us
1945-5909 Brainard's musical world. 1869- Q106875710 N/A 1865-||-1891+ Contact us
0149-306X Brand book. 1947- Q106875712 None* 1948-1996+ Contact us
0068-0702 Brassey's annual; the armed forces year-book. 1886- Q106875713 1943* 1886-1928 Contact us
2473-425X The Brattleboro reformer 1907- Q100285349 None 1907-||-1922 Contact us
1519-6984 Brazilian journal of biology = Revista brasileira de biologia. 2000- Q5681601 All 1998-2006 Contact us
1517-8382 Brazilian journal of microbiology : publication of the Sociedade Brasileira de Microbiologia. 2001- Q15758019 All 1959-2018 Contact us
1943-8893 The Breckenridge news. -1955 Q100285358 None 1878-||-1921 Contact us
0006-9620 Brennstoff-Chemie. 1920-1969 Q96328800 None* 1920-1928 Contact us
0006-9698 Breviora. 1952- Q21385091 None* 1952-present Contact us
0384-2827 The brewing industry / 1949-1960 Q123370708 None* None known Contact us
0096-4468 Brick. 1894- Q106875715 N/A* 1894-1910+ Contact us
2381-0033 The Bridgeport evening farmer Q110588974 N/A* 1909-1917+ Contact us
0006-9892 Bridgeport news. 1939- Q106875716 None None known Contact us
2381-0068 The Bridgeport times and evening farmer 1918- Q100285882 N/A* 1918-1922+ Contact us
0006-9922 Brief. 1958- Q106875717 None* None known Contact us
0007-0106 Brigham Young University studies. 1959-2011 Q27715605 None* 1959-present+ Contact us
0165-2613 Brinkman's catalogus van boeken en tijdschriften. 1790- Q106875718 None* 1833-1925+ Contact us
0524-496X British affairs. 1957- Q106875719 None 1957-||-1961 Contact us
0844-5206 The British-American register. 1803- Q106877151 N/A None known Contact us
2043-1643 The British and foreign review, or, European quarterly journal. 1835-1844 Q89810523 N/A 1835-1844 Contact us
0068-1245 British and foreign state papers. 1815-1977 Q123371464 None* 1812-1934 Contact us
2043-1554 The British Apollo, or, curious amusements for the ingenious to which are added the most material occurrences foreign and domestick 1708-1711 N/A None known Contact us
0007-0343 British book news. 1941- Q27715110 None* None known Contact us
0365-9259 British chemical abstracts. 1926-1936 Q106875720 None* None known Contact us
0706-7666 The British Columbia historical quarterly. 1937-1958 Q106877152 None* None known Contact us
0308-3853 British critic Q2925719 N/A* 1793-1826+ Contact us
2043-2437 The British critic, and quarterly theological review N/A* 1838-1843+ Contact us
0007-0610 British dental journal. 1903- Q4969882 None* 1903-1922+ Contact us
0007-0637 British education index / 1961- Q106875721 None* None known Contact us
0007-0769 British heart journal. 1939-1995 Q26842435 None* None known Contact us
0007-0882 The British journal for the philosophy of science. 1950- Q4970183 None* None known Contact us
0007-0904 The British journal of aesthetics. 1960- Q4970185 None* None known Contact us
0007-0912 British journal of anaesthesia BJA. Q72466 None* 1923-recent Contact us
0950-5601 The British journal of animal behaviour : official journal of the Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. 1953-1957 Q96334358 None* None known Contact us
0508-3443 British journal of applied physics. 1950-1969 Q53952560 None* None known Contact us
0007-0955 The British journal of criminology. 1960- Q15767423 None* None known Contact us
0524-6369 The British journal of delinquency : the official organ of the Institute for the Study and Treatment of Delinquency. 1950-1960 Q112130538 None* None known Contact us
0007-0963 British journal of dermatology. 1951- Q27721617 None* 1888-1923 Contact us
0007-0971 British journal of diseases of the chest. 1959-1988 Q23929970 None* Predecessor Contact us
0007-1005 British journal of educational studies. 1952- Q4970197 None* None known Contact us
0007-1048 British journal of haematology. 1955- Q4970200 None* None known Contact us
0007-1072 British journal of industrial medicine. 1944-1993 Q23929971 None* None known Contact us
0007-1080 British journal of industrial relations. 1963- Q15758628 None* None known Contact us
0366-0796 The British journal of inebriety (alcoholism and drug addiction). -1946 Q106441367 None* 1904-||-1928 Contact us
0007-1129 British journal of medical psychology. -2001 Q60177023 None* 1923-1928 Contact us
0007-1145 The British journal of nutrition. 1947- Q4970206 None* None known Contact us
0007-1161 British journal of ophthalmology. 1917- Q13443571 None* 1917-1928 Contact us
0007-117X British journal of oral surgery. 1963- Q107105396 None* None known Contact us
0007-1188 British journal of pharmacology. 1968- Q919631 All* 1968-2020+ Contact us
0366-0826 British journal of pharmacology and chemotherapy. 1946- Q54951991 None* 1946-1968+ Contact us
0007-1196 The British journal of photography. 1854- Q3497647 None* 1860-||-1928 Contact us
0007-1242 British journal of preventive & social medicine. 1953-1977 Q26841991 None* 1953-1977+ Contact us
2055-7191 The British journal of psychiatric social work 1947-1970 Q27721297 None* None known Contact us
0007-1250 The British journal of psychiatry. 1963- Q4035428 None* Predecessor Contact us
0007-1269 The British journal of psychology. 1904- Q15762551 None* Predecessor Contact us
0950-5652 The British journal of psychology. 1904- Q96697446 N/A* 1904-1920+ Contact us
0373-2460 The British journal of psychology. 1920-1952 Q27721385 None* 1920-1928+ Contact us
0373-2479 The British journal of psychology. 1911- Q108180921 None* 1911-1919+ Contact us
0007-1293 British journal of social and clinical psychology. 1962-1980 Q27709788 None* None known Contact us
0366-0842 British journal of social medicine. 1947- Q26842391 None* 1947-1952+ Contact us
0007-1315 The British journal of sociology. 1950- Q919628 None* None known Contact us
0366-0850 The British journal of tuberculosis. 1907-1942 Q96697464 None* 1907-1928+ Contact us
0366-0869 The British journal of tuberculosis and diseases of the chest. 1943-1958 Q27720555 None* Predecessor Contact us
0007-134X British journal of venereal diseases. 1925-1984 Q26853878 None* 1925-1984+ Contact us
0007-1420 British medical bulletin. 1943- Q15750363 None* None known Contact us
0007-1447 British medical journal. 1981-1988 Q546003 All* 1988-present+ Contact us
0007-1447 British medical journal. 1857-1980 None* 1857-1988+ Contact us
0007-151X The British museum quarterly. 1926-1973 Q4970373 None* 1926-1928 Contact us
0007-1552 The British national film catalogue. 1963-1983 Q106877153 None* None known Contact us
0143-8956 The British numismatic journal : including the Proceedings of the British Numismatic Society. 1903- Q97499776 None* 1903-recent Contact us
0007-1668 British poultry science. 1960- Q2353815 None* None known Contact us
0007-1684 The British printer. 1888- Q96329020 None* 1888-||-1909 Contact us
0958-8876 The British quarterly review. Q4970649 N/A 1845-1886 Contact us
0366-3442 British science news. 1947- Q27720862 None* None known Contact us
2043-1635 The British stage and literary cabinet. 1817-1822 N/A None known Contact us
0007-1870 British tax review. 1956- Q15751384 None* None known Contact us
0007-1889 British technology index. 1963-1981 Q106875722 None* None known Contact us
0524-6792 British universities annual. 1962- Q106875723 None* None known Contact us
0068-2691 The British year book of international law. 1920- Q15756975 None* 1920-||-1963 Contact us
0007-196X Brittonia. 1931- Q2392068 None None known Contact us
0524-6881 Brno studies in English. 1959- Q96329038 None* None known Contact us
0007-1994 Broadcast engineering. 1959- Q106875724 None None known Contact us
0007-2028 Broadcasting. 1957-1993 Q106875725 None None known Contact us
0740-7955 Broadside. 1962- Q4972295 1962* None known Contact us
2470-3273 The Broadus independent -1919 N/A None known Contact us
2157-2631 The Broadway journal. 1845-1846 N/A None known Contact us
0007-215X Brodogradnja / 1950- Q50426187 None* None known Contact us
0309-7765 Brontë Society transactions. 1950-2001 Q105609424 None* 1895-1925 Contact us
0096-5251 Brooklyn Botanic Garden record. 1912-1944 Q51377292 None 1912-1944 Contact us
0007-2362 Brooklyn law review. 1932- Q15758921 None None known Contact us
0068-2837 The Brooklyn Museum annual. 1960-1971 Q106399416 None* 1960-1973+ Contact us
2578-7640 Brooklyn Museum bulletin. 1939- Q106399399 None* 1939-1960+ Contact us
2578-7632 The Brooklyn Museum quarterly / 1914- Q106117296 None* 1914-1939+ Contact us
0007-2486 The Brown Boveri review. 1922- Q96329047 None* 1922-1929 Contact us
2157-2747 Brown's literary omnibus. 1838- Q106875726 N/A None known Contact us
2165-8609 Brownlow's Knoxville Whig 1855-1861 Q100287014 N/A* 1856-||-1861+ Contact us
2331-2858 Brownlow's Knoxville Whig and independent journal 1849- Q106115782 N/A* 1855+ Contact us
2165-8625 Brownlow's Knoxville Whig, and rebel ventilator. 1863-1866 N/A None known Contact us
2165-8617 Brownlow's weekly Whig 1861- Q106875727 N/A* 1861+ Contact us
2157-2755 Brownson's quarterly review. 1844- Q106875728 N/A 1844-1875 Contact us
0894-2064 Brownsville herald. 1910- Q7720412 None None known Contact us
1090-3895 The Brunswick news. 1906- Q7720427 None None known Contact us
1932-7080 Brush and pencil. 1897- Q55174747 N/A 1897-1907 Contact us
2333-6234 The Bryan eagle Q100287053 None 1892-||-1922 Contact us
0007-2745 The bryologist. 1898- Q7720447 1964 1898-1929 Contact us
0067-5679 BTL talks and papers. 1962-1968 Q106117298 None None known Contact us
0068-3051 Buch und Buchhandel in Zahlen. 1952- Q106117299 None* None known Contact us
2578-286X The Buchanan County guardian 1858-1864 Q100287056 N/A None known Contact us
0007-2869 The Bucknell review. 1954-2004 Q106875729 None None known Contact us
0524-904X A Budapesti Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem Állam és Jogtudományi Karának actái / 1959-1995 Q106115786 None* None known Contact us
0501-3534 Budget estimates for the financial year ... / 1946-1951 Q106115787 None* None known Contact us
0524-9953 Buenos Aires literaria. 1952- Q106115789 None* None known Contact us
0023-9356 Buffalo law review. 1951- Q15750156 1951 1951-present Contact us
1040-3825 Buffalo medical and surgical journal and reporter. 1861-1895 Q130299382 N/A None known Contact us
1040-3817 Buffalo medical journal. Q94578300 Unknown 1845-1918 Contact us
0072-5870 Building bulletin. 1949-1992 Q106875730 None* None known Contact us
0007-3431 The Building economist. 1962-2019 Q106877155 None* None known Contact us
0525-0226 The Buildings of England. 1951- Q63998130 1957* None known Contact us
1220-384X Buletinul de științe matematice pure și aplicate = Bulletin des sciences mathématiques pures et appliquées 1923-1926 Q106117300 N/A None known Contact us
1220-3815 Buletinul Societății de Sciințe Fizice (Fizica, Chimica si Mineralogia) din Bucuresci-România 1892-1896 N/A None known Contact us
1220-3823 Buletinul Societății de Științe din București-România = Bulletin de la Société des Sciences de Bucarest-Roumanie 1897-1911 N/A None known Contact us
1220-3831 Buletinul Societății Române de Științe = Bulletin de la Société Roumaine des Sciences 1911-1922 N/A None known Contact us
0204-8884 Bulgarian films. 1960-1992 Q106117301 None* None known Contact us
0886-4950 Bulletin [electronic resource] . 1901-1950 Q111831996 None* 1901-1915 Contact us
1936-9697 Bulletin. 1909- Q111832018 N/A 1909-1913 Contact us
0569-2210 Bulletin / American Anthropological Association. 1953- Q111832159 None None known Contact us
1937-1314 Bulletin / American Interplanetary Society. 1930-1932 Q96698190 None* None known Contact us
0893-2743 Bulletin / American Petroleum Institute. -1930 Q111952849 None None known Contact us
0884-674X Bulletin / Archives of American Art. 1960-1962 Q96697699 None None known Contact us
1051-0842 Bulletin / Association of Concerned Africa Scholars. 1987- All 1978-||-2015 Contact us
0256-5323 Bulletin / Bank Markazi Iran. 1962-1982 Q111953095 None* None known Contact us
0524-5001 Bulletin / British Association for American Studies. 1956- Q96698223 None* None known Contact us
1189-5586 Bulletin / Canada, Department of Mines, Mines Branch. 1909- Q111953203 N/A None known Contact us
0008-6371 Bulletin / Cardiovascular Research Center. 1962-1983 Q27710301 None None known Contact us
0096-6045 Bulletin / Division of Mines and Geology. 1945-1972 Q112122400 None* 1945-||-1972 Contact us
0419-8158 Bulletin / Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection, Harvard University. 1950- Q112122406 None None known Contact us
0083-0550 Bulletin / Farm Credit Administration. 1935- None* 1935-1953 Contact us
0068-7626 Bulletin / Geological Survey of Canada. 1950- Q96329354 None* 1945-present Contact us
0891-3943 Bulletin / Harvard College Observatory. 1898- Q72318067 None 1898-1927 Contact us
0073-4918 Bulletin / Illinois Natural History Survey. 1918- Q21384946 None 1876-present Contact us
0161-3375 Bulletin / Illinois State Geological Survey. 1906-1996 Q106875758 None* 1906-||-present Contact us
0085-1892 Bulletin / Institut Royal du Patrimoine Artistique. 1958- Q102036040 None* None known Contact us
0073-8204 Bulletin / Institut de recherche et d'histoire des textes. 1952-1968 Q96697716 None* None known Contact us
0020-6032 Bulletin / International Association of Universities. 1953-1987 Q110998050 None* None known Contact us
0096-5545 Bulletin / Mississippi Geological Survey. Q111051450 None* 1960-1962+ Contact us
0735-3987 Bulletin / Mississippi Geological, Economic and Topographical Survey. 1963- Q111051454 None* 1963-1977+ Contact us
0885-0402 Bulletin / Mississippi State Geological Survey. 1907-1960 Q111051446 None* 1907-||-1960+ Contact us
0433-678X Bulletin / Musikrat der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik, Sektion DDR des Internationalen Musikrates. 1963- Q111182272 None* None known Contact us
0027-9749 Bulletin / National Music Council Incorporated. 1940-1980 Q111182286 None None known Contact us
0740-6312 Bulletin / National Society for the Promotion of Industrial Education. 1907- Q111182299 N/A 1907-1917 Contact us
0147-7773 Bulletin / New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, Division of Water Resources, Bureau of Geology and Topography. 1960- Q111182307 None None known Contact us
0096-4581 Bulletin / New Mexico School of Mines, State Bureau of Mines & Mineral Resources. 1928- Q111182320 None None known Contact us
0096-6932 Bulletin / North Dakota Geological Survey. 1920- Q111182332 None 1920-1985 Contact us
0078-3994 Bulletin / Ohio Biological Survey. 1913- Q111343328 None* 1913-1973 Contact us
0078-4389 Bulletin / Oklahoma Geological Survey. 1908- Q107718398 None* 1908-present Contact us
0031-7314 Bulletin / Philadelphia Museum. 1956- Q27986927 None* Predecessor Contact us
0523-9702 Bulletin / Prince of Wales Museum. 1951- Q106588466 None* None known Contact us
2156-8928 Bulletin / Shaw Society of America. 1951-1958 Q111607330 None* None known Contact us
0096-8706 Bulletin / Society for Applied Spectroscopy. 1946- Q96697706 None* None known Contact us
0560-6683 Bulletin / Socio-economic Research Institute. 1960- Q111607451 None* None known Contact us
0770-1918 Bulletin / Société belge de géographie. 1877-1882 Q117041759 N/A None known Contact us
0085-6479 Bulletin / South Dakota Geological Survey. 1894- Q111678089 None* 1894-||-1977 Contact us
0097-4471 Bulletin / State Geological Survey of Kansas. 1913- Q111678099 None* None known Contact us
0095-8638 Bulletin. 1904- Q51450919 None* 1904-||-1974 Contact us
0070-3273 Bulletin / State of Delaware, Delaware Geological Survey. 1953- Q111738848 None None known Contact us
0077-1090 Bulletin / State of Montana, Bureau of Mines and Geology. 1931- Q111738887 None* 1831-||-present Contact us
0096-6053 Bulletin / State of Wyoming, Geological Survey of Wyoming. 1934- Q111738914 None* 1911-2005 Contact us
0081-5691 Bulletin / the Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities (Östasiatiska museet) Stockholm. 1960- Q15752726 None* None known Contact us
0083-3606 Bulletin / U.S. Department of Labor, Women's Bureau. 1919- Q111843937 None* None known Contact us
0073-5272 Bulletin / University of Illinois, Engineering Experiment Station. 1904-1939 Q111843958 None* 1904-1973 Contact us
0076-9169 Bulletin / University of Minnesota, Minnesota Geological Survey, in co-operation with the United States Geological Survey. 1914- Q111263694 1932* None known Contact us
0571-5725 Bulletin / the Association for Tropical Biology Inc. 1962- Q111987349 None* None known Contact us
2638-9479 Bulletin / the New York Musicological Society. 1931-1934 Q111987369 None None known Contact us
0002-5739 Bulletin. 1944- Q111987386 None None known Contact us
0005-5611 Bulletin. 1926- Q111987398 None* None known Contact us
0027-8688 Bulletin. 1943-1985 Q112224621 None None known Contact us
0033-8842 Bulletin. 1921-1972 Q112224640 None 1921-1961 Contact us
0075-5540 Bulletin. 1928-1974 Q112224658 None None known Contact us
0082-8882 Bulletin. 1887-1971 Q100360182 None* 1887-||-1971+ Contact us
0082-9129 Bulletin. 1910- Q112678532 None* 1910-||-1995 Contact us
0095-6023 Bulletin. 1949-1964 Q112678543 None None known Contact us
0096-9508 Bulletin. 1944-1963 Q112678554 None* 1944-1963 Contact us
0097-2592 Bulletin. 1912-1970 Q112678562 None* 1912-2007 Contact us
0097-191X Bulletin. 1957-1970 Q62470875 None* 1957-||-1973+ Contact us
0097-5478 Bulletin. 1903- Q112601647 None* 1903-||-1998 Contact us
0160-3191 Bulletin. 1943-1972 Q112601474 None* 1894-||-1972 Contact us
0193-449X Bulletin. 1945- Q112601411 1948* None known Contact us
0196-2825 Bulletin. 1920-1957 Q111355942 1940* None known Contact us
0375-8265 Bulletin. 1898- Q112306257 None* 1898-2017 Contact us
0537-8575 Bulletin. 1954-1971 Q112306200 None* None known Contact us
0544-7631 Bulletin. 1954- Q106486018 None* None known Contact us
0891-4362 Bulletin. 1908-1954 Q112306151 None* 1908-||-1945 Contact us
0893-1690 Bulletin. 1929-1966 Q112306127 None* 1889-||-1966 Contact us
1015-115X Bulletin. [electronic resource] 1887- Q112823086 None* None known Contact us
0560-5466 Bulletin. 1920- Q112822986 None* None known Contact us
0999-3819 Bulletin. 1882- Q112128205 N/A None known Contact us
0032-7794 The bulletin / issued by the Press and Information Office of the Germany Federal Government. 1953-1985 Q106877156 None* None known Contact us
0374-0781 Bulletin - Académie serbe des sciences et des arts. 1962- Q106875731 None* None known Contact us
0007-4071 Bulletin analytique de documentation politique, économique et sociale contemporaine / 1946-1998 Q106117302 None* None known Contact us
0398-8147 Bulletin annuel de l'Institut français d'histoire sociale. 1951-1952 Q96697712 None* None known Contact us
0245-9787 Bulletin astronomique. 1884- Q106875732 None* 1884-||-1968 Contact us
0700-6756 Bulletin bibliographique de la Société des ecrivains canadiens. 1937- Q106117303 None* None known Contact us
0074-1388 Bulletin bibliographique de la Société internationale arthurienne. Bibliographical bulletin of the International Arthurian Society. 1949- Q106115792 None* None known Contact us
0316-6058 Bulletin - Canadian Library Association. 1946- Q100348899 None* None known Contact us
0375-6157 Bulletin - Colorado Geological Survey. 1910- Q106117304 None* 1910-1925 Contact us
0007-4209 Bulletin critique du livre français. 1945- Q102314958 None* None known Contact us
0253-1623 Bulletin d'études orientales / 1931- Q27715919 None* None known Contact us
0068-4058 Bulletin d'histoire économique et sociale de la Révolution française / 1960-1983 Q106117305 None* None known Contact us
0443-711X Bulletin d'information / 1952- Q106875733 None* None known Contact us
0007-4217 Bulletin de correspondance hellénique. 1877- Q1004380 None* 1877-||-recent Contact us
0001-4079 Bulletin de l'Académie nationale de médecine. 1947- Q27709809 None* 1836-recent Contact us
0554-5897 Bulletin de l'Académie polonaise des sciences. 1953-1957 Q106875734 None* None known Contact us
0001-4087 Bulletin de l'Académie polonaise des sciences. 1957-1982 Q21384938 None* None known Contact us
0001-4095 Bulletin de l'Académie polonaise des sciences. 1960-1982 Q106875735 None* None known Contact us
0366-2594 Bulletin de l'Académie polonaise des sciences. 1958-1959 Q114381671 None* None known Contact us
0366-2497 Bulletin de l'Académie polonaise des sciences. 1960-1970 Q13649679 None* None known Contact us
0001-4125 Bulletin de l'Académie polonaise des Sciences. 1958-1982 Q96329215 None* None known Contact us
0561-7332 Bulletin de l'Académie serbe des sciences, Classe des sciences mathématiques et naturelles. 1952- Q15756386 None* None known Contact us
0001-4192 Bulletin de l'Académie vétérinaire de France. 1928- Q27709819 None* None known Contact us
0007-4306 Bulletin de l'administration pénitentiaire. 1956- Q106115793 None* None known Contact us
2033-642X Bulletin de l'Institut de recherches économiques / 1937-1940 Q96697795 None* None known Contact us
1373-9719 Bulletin de l'Institut de recherches économiques et sociales / 1946-1960 Q96697798 None* None known Contact us
2033-6411 Bulletin de l'Institut des sciences économiques / 1929-1937 Q96697735 None* None known Contact us
0378-3871 Bulletin de l'Institut français d'Afrique noire. 1954-1965 Q114630422 None* None known Contact us
0255-0962 Bulletin de l'Institut français d'archéologie orientale. 1901- Q2928051 None* 1901-||-present Contact us
0073-8530 Bulletin de l'Institut historique belge de Rome. 1919- Q106117307 None* 1919-1928 Contact us
0074-8609 Bulletin de l'Institut international de statistique. 1886- Q25304787 None* 1886-||-1951 Contact us
0020-2452 Bulletin de l'Institut Pasteur. 1903- Q27714199 None* 1903-1928 Contact us
0373-3734 Bulletin de l'Observatoire astronomique de Beograd. 1936-1991 Q106115795 None* None known Contact us
0378-0716 Bulletin de la Classe des beaux-arts / 1919-2007 Q102257995 None* 1919-1926+ Contact us
0001-4133 Bulletin de la Classe des lettres et des sciences morales et politiques. 1899- Q96697741 None* 1919-1928+ Contact us
0365-9283 Bulletin de la Commission géologique de la Finlande. 1895-1971 Q106115797 None* 1895-1928 Contact us
2025-3362 Bulletin de la Librairie Morgand et Fatout. 1876- Q106115799 N/A* 1876-1881+ Contact us
0495-7725 Bulletin de la Maison franco-japonaise. 1927- Q106117308 None* None known Contact us
0399-9734 Bulletin de la Section d'histoire moderne et contemporaine. 1961-1977 Q27715650 None* None known Contact us
0037-8968 Bulletin de la Société chimique de Paris. 1863-1906 Q2928056 None* 1858-||-1928 Contact us
1160-6428 Bulletin de la Société d'anthropologie et de biologie de Lyon. 1918- Q106117309 N/A* 1913-1922+ Contact us
0996-0996 Bulletin de la Société d'études philosophiques du sud-est. 1926-1927 Q106875736 None* None known Contact us
0374-0706 Bulletin de la Société d'histoire naturelle de Colmar. 1860- Q51407092 None* 1860-1956 Contact us
0758-4113 Bulletin de la Société d'histoire naturelle de Toulouse. 1920- Q5735500 None* 1866-2019 Contact us
0373-8442 Bulletin de la Société d'histoire naturelle des Ardennes. 1894- Q25651670 None* 1894-2006 Contact us
0337-0267 Bulletin de la Société de Borda. 1957- Q27715616 None* 1876-1945 Contact us
0037-9042 Bulletin de la Société de chimie biologique. 1941-1971 Q27710181 None* 1914-1928 Contact us
0319-3241 Bulletin de la Société de géographie de Québec. 1880- Q106875750 None* 1881-||-1928 Contact us
0399-1334 Bulletin de la Société de l'histoire de France. 1834-1863 Q55452276 N/A None known Contact us
1141-054X Bulletin de la Société de l'histoire du protestantisme français. 1853-1865 Q15753359 N/A None known Contact us
0037-9069 Bulletin de la Société de linguistique de Paris. 1869- Q2928065 None* 1869-1953 Contact us
1250-1646 Bulletin de la Société de médecine et de chirurgie de La Rochelle / 1873- Q106117311 None* 1899-||-1914 Contact us
0037-9085 Bulletin de la Société de pathologie exotique et de ses filiales. 1937-1989 Q26841921 None* 1908-2020+ Contact us
0583-8452 Bulletin de la Société des amis de Marcel Proust et des amis de Combray. 1950-1989 Q115325650 None* 1950-1989+ Contact us
0037-9182 Bulletin de la Société des amis de Montaigne. 1913- Q106117312 None* 1913-1921 Contact us
0037-9190 Bulletin de la Société des antiquaires de l'Ouest et des musées de Poitiers. 1834-2001 Q106117313 None* 1834-||-1999 Contact us
1967-4546 Bulletin de la Société des historiens du théâtre. 1933- Q106117314 None* 1933-1946 Contact us
0373-3025 Bulletin de la Société des sciences naturelles de l'Ouest de la France. 1891- Q27722974 None* 1891-1928 Contact us
0037-928X Bulletin de la Société entomologique de France. 1896- Q21385878 None* 1896-recent Contact us
0366-3248 Bulletin de la Société française de minéralogie. 1886-1948 Q96697760 None* 1886-1948 Contact us
1155-8571 Bulletin de la Société française de photographie. 1855-1928 Q106115800 None* 1855-1930 Contact us
0366-3256 Bulletin de la Société fribourgeoise des sciences naturelles : compte-rendu. 1880- Q51451195 None* 1879-recent Contact us
0037-9409 Bulletin de la Société géologique de France. 1830- Q4035500 None* 1830-||-present Contact us
1153-8082 Bulletin de la Société historique et archéologique de Corbeil, d'Etampes et du Hurepoix. 1895-1987 Q106117315 None* 1895-1914 Contact us
1141-135X Bulletin de la Société historique et archéologique du Périgord. 1874- Q27715618 None* 1874-recent Contact us
0366-3388 Bulletin de la Société linnéenne de Normandie. 1855- Q5735491 None* 1855-1939 Contact us
0037-9484 Bulletin de la Société mathématique de France. 1873- Q4996832 None* 1872-2013 Contact us
1245-8104 Bulletin de la Société nationale d'acclimatation de France. 1896- Q5735475 None* 1882-||-1945+ Contact us
0081-1181 Bulletin de la Société nationale des antiquaires de France. 1871- Q27715622 None* 1857-||-2013 Contact us
0366-3469 Bulletin de la Société Neuchâteloise des Sciences Naturelles. 1898- Q22107668 None* 1843-recent Contact us
0037-9506 Bulletin de la Société Paul Claudel. 1958- Q98843331 None* None known Contact us
0767-9882 Bulletin de la Société polymathique du Morbihan. 1861-1959 Q106117316 None* 1860-||-1996 Contact us
1160-4387 Bulletin de la Société pour la conservation des monuments historiques d'Alsace. 1856- Q98682493 None* 1856-1926 Contact us
0037-9514 Bulletin de la Société préhistorique française. Etudes et travaux. 1904- Q2928058 Unknown None known Contact us
0037-9557 Bulletin de la Société royale de botanique de Belgique. 1866-1989 Q2030601 All* Predecessor Contact us
0037-9565 Bulletin de la Société royale des sciences de Liège. 1932- Q96329207 None* None known Contact us
0037-9581 Bulletin de la Société scientifique de Bretagne. 1924- Q106117317 None* None known Contact us
1420-3391 Bulletin de la Société vaudoise des ingénieurs et des architectes 1875-1899 N/A None known Contact us
0037-9603 Bulletin de la Société vaudoise des sciences naturelles. 1864- Q15756427 None* 1842-present Contact us
1245-8082 Bulletin de la Société zoologique d'acclimatation. 1854- Q106875751 N/A* 1854-1870+ Contact us
0037-962X Bulletin de la Société zoologique de France. 1876- Q15753870 None* 1876-||-present Contact us
1157-0318 Bulletin de la statistique générale de la France. 1911-1949 Q115681482 None* 1911-1949+ Contact us
0007-4322 Bulletin de littérature ecclésiastique. 1899- Q96329241 None* 1898-||-1986 Contact us
0251-0464 Bulletin de nouvelles de l'UGI = The IGU newsletter. 1950-1968 Q106115801 None* None known Contact us
0045-1703 Bulletin de statistique / 1946- Q106875752 None* None known Contact us
1293-8815 Bulletin de statistique et de législation comparée. 1877-1940 Q106117319 None* 1877-1916 Contact us
0036-7494 Bulletin der Schweizerischen Akademie der Medizinischen Wissenschaften. 1944-1988 Q27710158 None* 1944-||-present Contact us
1245-6608 Bulletin des arrêts de la Cour de cassation rendus en matière civile. 1805- Q106117320 None* 1793-||-1923 Contact us
1240-8409 Bulletin des commissions. 1946- Q115768156 None* None known Contact us
0379-2579 Bulletin des études portugaises. 1937-1971 Q27715802 None* None known Contact us
0024-0915 Bulletin des Leo Baeck Instituts. 1957- Q27715640 None* 1957-1991 Contact us
1144-1186 Bulletin des musées de France. 1908-1950 Q16534438 None* 1908-||-1947 Contact us
0380-7517 Bulletin des relations industrielles. 1945-1950 Q28052143 None* None known Contact us
1155-8431 Bulletin des sciences mathématiques et astronomiques. 1870-1884 N/A None known Contact us
0037-9646 Bulletin des sociétés chimiques belges. 1945- Q124635930 None* 1908-1928+ Contact us
0152-0571 Bulletin du bibliophile et du bibliothécaire. 1917-1962 Q15790223 None* 1858-1936 Contact us
0994-8090 Bulletin Du Cange / 1924- Q59424261 None* 1924-||-recent Contact us
0577-3415 Bulletin du Cercle juif. 1954- Q106115803 None* None known Contact us
0399-0818 Bulletin du Comité d'études historiques et scientifiques de l'Afrique occidentale française. 1918-1938 Q51953152 None* 1918-1938 Contact us
0994-8333 Bulletin du Comité des travaux historiques et scientifiques. 1883-1884 N/A None known Contact us
1250-1662 Bulletin du Comité international permanent pour l'exécution photographique de la carte du ciel. 1888- Q106117337 N/A 1888-1915 Contact us
0533-3288 Bulletin du Groupement international pour la recherche scientifique en stomatologie. 1958-1973 Q27709954 None* None known Contact us
0374-6313 Bulletin du Jardin botanique de l'Etat, Bruxelles. 1902-1966 Q5735521 None* 1902-1923 Contact us
1148-8387 Bulletin du Musée Carnavalet. 1948- Q106117338 None* None known Contact us
0027-3791 Bulletin du Musée national de Varsovie. 1960- Q9181967 None* None known Contact us
0027-4070 Bulletin du Muséum d'histoire naturelle / 1895-1907 Q5735526 N/A None known Contact us
0160-3523 Bulletin - Eastern States Archeological Federation. 1941- Q106115805 None None known Contact us
0007-4586 Bulletin économique et social du Maroc. 1933-1987 Q27719002 None* 1933-||-1987 Contact us
0037-9050 Bulletin... 1852- Q15746448 None* 1852-||-1950 Contact us
0007-4624 Bulletin for international fiscal documentation : official organ of the Int. Fiscal Association, I.F.A. = bulletin de documentation fiscale internationale : organe officiel de l'I.F.A. 1947- Q116342804 None* None known Contact us
0888-725X Bulletin from the laboratories of natural history of the State University of Iowa. 1888-1918 Q51421416 N/A None known Contact us
0097-3262 Bulletin - Geological Survey of Alabama. 1886- Q106117339 None* 1886-||-1983 Contact us
0007-4640 Bulletin hispanique. 1899- Q23739791 None* 1899-recent Contact us
0068-2306 Bulletin. 1953- Q27715611 None* None known Contact us
1141-0558 Bulletin historique et littéraire / 1866-1902 Q29053868 N/A None known Contact us
0994-8341 Bulletin historique et philologique du Comité des travaux historiques et scientifiques. 1885-1912 N/A* 1885-1912+ Contact us
1153-2580 Bulletin historique et scientifique de l'Auvergne. 1881-1925 Q27715955 None* 1881-1928 Contact us
0536-4787 Bulletin - Illinois Archaeological Survey, Inc. 1959- Q106117340 None* None known Contact us
0363-8502 Bulletin index-digest system. 1953-1995 Q106115806 None* 1953-1994+ Contact us
1816-9686 Bulletin international des sociétés de la Croix-rouge. 1886- Q96697834 N/A* 1869-1918+ Contact us
0020-6660 Bulletin - International Federation for Housing and Planning. 1961- Q106115807 None* None known Contact us
0755-2424 Bulletin législatif Dalloz. 1962-1982 Q106117341 None* 1918-1938 Contact us
0095-6031 Bulletin - Linguistic Society of America. 1926- Q106117342 None None known Contact us
0024-6557 Bulletin - Los Angeles County Museum of Art. 1947- Q106117343 None None known Contact us
1249-674X Bulletin Marcel-Proust Q15754257 All* 1990-||-2017+ Contact us
1245-8090 Bulletin mensuel de la Société d'acclimatation. 1871- Q51451029 N/A* 1871-1881+ Contact us
0007-4713 Bulletin mensuel de statistique. 1911- Q106875753 None* 1950-2000+ Contact us
0027-0156 Bulletin - Montgomery-Bucks Dental Society. 1957- Q27710059 None None known Contact us
0007-473X Bulletin monumental. 1834- Q15762594 None* 1834-2019 Contact us
0027-3856 Bulletin - Musées royaux des beaux-arts de Belgique. 1952- Q27715637 None* None known Contact us
0548-5819 Bulletin - New Jersey Society of Dentistry for Children. 1953- Q27710067 None None known Contact us
0077-961X Bulletin - New Zealand Department of Scientific and Industrial Research. 1927- Q21385005 None* 1927-||-1989 Contact us
0525-1370 Bulletin of African studies in Canada = Bulletin des études africaines au Canada. 1963-1966 Q30224295 None* None known Contact us
0096-610X The Bulletin of basic science research. 1928-1933 Q106115811 None 1926-1933 Contact us
0007-4780 Bulletin of bibliography. 1897-2002 Q106115814 None* 1897-||-1959+ Contact us
0007-4810 Bulletin of concerned Asian scholars. 1968-2000 Q100750908 All* 1968-2000 Contact us
0007-4837 Bulletin of dental education. 1959- Q106117344 None None known Contact us
0007-4853 Bulletin of entomological research. 1910- Q15763806 None* 1910-1928 Contact us
0007-4888 Bulletin of experimental biology and medicine. Bi︠u︡lleten' ėksperimental'noĭ biologii i medit︠s︡iny. 1956- Q15750365 None* None known Contact us
0361-1957 The Bulletin of Friends' Historical Association. 1924-1961 Q26849348 None* 1924-1928+ Contact us
2330-8079 Bulletin of Friends' Historical Society of Philadelphia. 1906-1923 Q27975543 N/A* 1906-1923+ Contact us
2044-3986 Bulletin of international news. 1925-1945 Q106115819 None* None known Contact us
0366-4457 Bulletin of miscellaneous information / 1900- Q5735532 None* 1887-1928 Contact us
0196-6057 Bulletin of popular information - Arnold Arboretum, Harvard University. 1911- Q51401503 None* 1911-1940+ Contact us
0084-8174 Bulletin of statistics on world trade in engineering products / 1963- Q106115821 None None known Contact us
0568-5249 Bulletin of the Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R. Izvestii︠a︡. Serii︠a︡ geofizicheskai︠a︡. 1957- Q106875754 None* None known Contact us
0001-432X Bulletin of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. 1954-1991 Q96329328 None* None known Contact us
0375-8397 Bulletin of the Agricultural Chemical Society of Japan. 1926-1960 Q96329563 None* 1924-1960+ Contact us
2152-6125 Bulletin of the American Art Union. Q96698177 N/A 1848-1853+ Contact us
0883-9247 Bulletin of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists. 1918-1966 Q129796603 1929 1917-1928 Contact us
1539-8692 Bulletin of the American Association of Teachers of Italian. 1924-1925 Q96698179 N/A* 1924-1925+ Contact us
2325-7709 Bulletin of the American Association of Teachers of Slavic and East European Languages. 1947-1953 Q96180159 None* None known Contact us
2325-7717 Bulletin of the American Association of Teachers of Slavonic and East European Languages. 1945-1946 Q96180232 None* None known Contact us
0001-026X Bulletin of the American Association of University Professors. 1915-1955 Q26849753 1964 1915-||-present+ Contact us
0098-3721 Bulletin of the American College of Nurse-Midwifery. 1955- Q27709836 None None known Contact us
0190-5929 Bulletin of the American Geographical Society of New York. 1901-1915 Q96698186 N/A 1901-1915+ Contact us
0535-0867 Bulletin of the American Group. 1960- Q96331972 None None known Contact us
2573-6159 Bulletin of the American Institute for Persian Art and Archaeology. 1931-1936 Q104782542 None* None known Contact us
0364-4049 Bulletin of the American Library Association. 1907-1938 Q106160562 None* 1907-1938+ Contact us
0002-9904 Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society. 1891-1978 Q104782463 1945 1891-present Contact us
0003-0007 Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. 1920- Q2928091 None 1920-recent Contact us
0003-0090 Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History. 1881- Q3619498 None 1881-present Contact us
1544-4708 Bulletin of the American Musicological Society. 1936-1948 Q96698192 None* None known Contact us
0003-0503 Bulletin of the American Physical Society. 1925-2006 Q102493114 None 1900-||-1932 Contact us
0276-7732 Bulletin of the American School of Oriental Research in Jerusalem. 1919-1921 Q96698195 N/A None known Contact us
0003-097X Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research. 1921- Q589209 None* 1919-1932 Contact us
0145-3661 Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research. 1945-1991 Q96698198 None* None known Contact us
0003-8067 Bulletin of the Archaeological Society of Delaware. 1933- Q106117345 None None known Contact us
0898-1922 Bulletin of the Associates in Fine Arts at Yale University. 1926-1957 Q99047022 None None known Contact us
0730-899X Bulletin of the Association of American Colleges. 1931-1939 Q106875639 None* 1915-1958+ Contact us
0004-6248 Bulletin of the astronomical institutes of Czechoslovakia. 1949- Q106117346 None* None known Contact us
0365-8910 Bulletin of the astronomical institutes of the Netherlands. 1921-1969 Q106117347 None* 1921-1928 Contact us
0096-3402 Bulletin of the atomic scientists. Q1004412 1953 1945-1998 Contact us
1836-5264 Bulletin of the Australian Society for the Study of Labour History 1962- Q96706310 None* None known Contact us
0067-5776 The Bulletin of the Bergen County Dental Society. 1934-1973 Q27709862 None None known Contact us
2379-6634 The Bulletin of the Bibliographical Society of America. 1909-1913 Q96698220 N/A* 1907-1912+ Contact us
0097-1375 Bulletin of the Bingham Oceanographic Collection. 1927-1967 Q64494852 None None known Contact us
0097-0298 Bulletin of the Biological Society of Washington. 1918- Q27721031 None* 1918 Contact us
0142-3363 The bulletin of the Board of Celtic Studies / 1921-1993 None* 1921-1927 Contact us
0007-1471 Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). 1949-1992 Q21385101 None* None known Contact us
0007-1595 Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club. 1892- Q4170994 None* 1892-||-present Contact us
0950-5636 Bulletin of the British Society for the History of Science. 1949- Q96698226 None* None known Contact us
0096-4131 Bulletin of the Buffalo Society of Natural Sciences. 1873- Q21385334 None 1873-1934 Contact us
1065-9048 Bulletin of the Business Historical Society. 1926-1953 Q29044008 None* None known Contact us
0008-9036 The bulletin of the Center for Children's Books. 1958- Q7720583 1960 1958-1997 Contact us
0441-5175 Bulletin of the Central Institute of English. 1961- Q106117349 None* None known Contact us
0009-2673 Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan. 1926- Q899253 None* None known Contact us
0009-3491 Bulletin of the Chicago Academy of Sciences. 1883- Q71385081 None* 1883-1989 Contact us
0578-221X Bulletin of the Chunilal Gandhi Vidyabhavan. 1954- Q106117350 None* None known Contact us
0740-6584 Bulletin of the Cincinnati Art Museum. 1930- Q104904436 None None known Contact us
0364-8141 Bulletin of the City Art Museum of St. Louis. 1914-1971 None 1914-1928 Contact us
0009-8841 The bulletin of the Cleveland Museum of Art. 1914-1994 Q60894955 1964 1914-1928 Contact us
0895-0571 The bulletin of the College Art Association. 1913- Q96735178 N/A* 1913+ Contact us
0272-8192 The bulletin of the College Art Association of America. 1917-1918 Q96735182 N/A* 1917-1918+ Contact us
1553-1031 Bulletin of the Cooper Ornithological Club. 1899- Q51399405 N/A* 1899+ Contact us
0011-2895 Bulletin of the Cultural Research Institute. 1962- Q106117351 None* None known Contact us
0045-9801 Bulletin of the Deccan College Research Institute. 1939- Q106875756 None* None known Contact us
0011-8591 Bulletin of the Dental Guidance Council for Cerebral Palsy. 1961-1974 Q27709911 None None known Contact us
0499-1370 Bulletin of the Department of Labor. 1895-1903 N/A* 1895-1903+ Contact us
2471-3309 Bulletin of the Department of Secondary-School Principals of the National Education Association. 1928-1939 Q96698264 None* Predecessor Contact us
0700-7205 Bulletin of the Departments of History and Political and Economic Science in Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada. 1911-1930 Q106117352 None* 1911-1930 Contact us
0011-9636 Bulletin of the Detroit Institute of Arts. 1919- Q15759768 None 1919-1960+ Contact us
2330-6432 Bulletin of the Detroit Museum of Art. 1904-1919 Q90922567 N/A 1904-1919+ Contact us
0511-5221 A Bulletin of the Directorate of Archaeology, West Bengal. 1963- Q89575623 None* None known Contact us
0700-866X Bulletin of the Division of Art & Archaeology / 1956- Q100904316 None* 1956-1958 Contact us
0012-9623 Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America. 1917- Q29043986 None 1917-present Contact us
0361-5138 Bulletin of the Evangelical Theological Society. 1958-1968 Q106117353 None None known Contact us
1110-0931 Bulletin of the Faculty of Pharmacy, Cairo University. 1962- Q50497734 None* 2011-present Contact us
1110-0966 Bulletin of the Faculty of Science / 1934- Q106875757 None* None known Contact us
1939-0394 Bulletin of the Fogg Art Museum. 1931-1950 Q100977875 None None known Contact us
0378-2832 Bulletin of the Government Oriental Manuscripts Library, Madras. 1948- Q106115822 None* None known Contact us
2470-5977 Bulletin of the Gray Memorial Botanical Chapter of the Agassiz Association. 1893- Q106117354 N/A* 1893+ Contact us
0888-2576 Bulletin of the Harvard International Law Club. 1959-1960 Q99436439 None* None known Contact us
0007-5140 Bulletin of the history of medicine. 1939- Q4996846 None* None known Contact us
0023-6071 Bulletin of the Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University. 1950-1995 Q27714198 None* None known Contact us
0076-0722 Bulletin of the Institute of Archaeology / 1958-1994 Q64705240 None* None known Contact us
0020-2894 Bulletin of the Institute of Historical Research. 1925-1986 Q27715647 None* None known Contact us
0076-082X Bulletin of the Institute of Historical Research. 1932-1995 Q106875759 None* None known Contact us
2576-4810 Bulletin of the Institute of the History of Medicine. -1938 Q106875761 None* None known Contact us
0541-7562 Bulletin of the Institute of Traditional Cultures, Madras. 1957-1987 Q106117355 None* None known Contact us
0001-3943 Bulletin of the Institute of Zoology, Academia Sinica. 1962-1993 Q21384935 None* None known Contact us
0096-5235 Bulletin of the International Association of Medical Museums. 1907-1925 Q27722788 None* 1907-1925 Contact us
0020-6024 Bulletin of the International Association of Scientific Hydrology = Bulletin de l'Association internationale d'hydrologie scientifique. 1958- Q96331870 None* None known Contact us
0258-4506 Bulletin of the International Committee of Historical Sciences. 1926- Q106117357 None* None known Contact us
0538-5865 Bulletin of the International Committee on Urgent Anthropological and Ethnological Research. 1958- Q27719007 None* None known Contact us
0443-9597 Bulletin of the International Federation of Building and Woodworkers. 1950-1969 Q106117359 None* None known Contact us
0921-254X Bulletin of the International Institute for Social History, Amsterdam. 1937-1955 Q96698302 None* None known Contact us
1013-7858 Bulletin of the International Social Security Association. 1950-1966 Q106117360 None* None known Contact us
0277-7339 Bulletin of the Iranian Institute. 1941- Q106875762 None* None known Contact us
2312-007X Bulletin of the Israel Exploration Society / ידיעות החברה לחקירת ארץ-ישראל ועתיקותיה 1952-1961 Q106117361 None* None known Contact us
2312-0096 Bulletin of the Jewish Palestine Exploration Society / ידיעות החברה העברית לחקירת ארץ-ישראל ועתיקותיה 1933-1951 Q106117362 None* None known Contact us
0454-8221 Bulletin of the Kyushu Institute of Technology. 1955-1997 Q106875764 None* None known Contact us
0884-6499 Bulletin of the Louisiana Geological Survey. 1905-1909 N/A None known Contact us
0898-8293 Bulletin of the Lying-in Hospital of the City of New York. 1904-1932 Q106115823 None 1904-1924 Contact us
0148-1886 Bulletin of the Massachusetts Archaeological Society. 1939- Q106117363 None None known Contact us
0025-7338 Bulletin of the Medical Library Association. 1911-2001 Q113279278 None* 1911-2001+ Contact us
0025-9284 Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic. 1936- Q15754027 1941 None known Contact us
0026-1521 The bulletin of the Metropolitan Museum of Art. 1905- Q15767062 1940* 1905-||-present Contact us
0737-5050 Bulletin of the Mineral Industries Experiment Station. 1929-1963 Q106117364 None* 1922-||-1938 Contact us
0027-4100 Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology. 1863- Q21385585 None* 1863-2021 Contact us
1938-6761 The bulletin of the Museum of Modern Art. 1933- Q96735194 1940* 1936-||-1961 Contact us
2380-9051 Bulletin of the Music Teachers National Association. 1938-1950 Q27925224 None* None known Contact us
2334-4024 Bulletin of the National Association for Nursery Education. -1956 Q26849362 None* None known Contact us
2471-3317 Bulletin of the National Association of Secondary-School Principals. 1926-1928 Q96735195 N/A* 1926-1928+ Contact us
0077-3484 Bulletin of the National Association of Wool Manufactures. 1869-1969 Q106117365 None 1869-1928 Contact us
0096-5227 Bulletin of the National Research Council. 1919-1951 Q106875766 None* 1919-||-1950 Contact us
2327-8706 The bulletin of the National Tax Association. 1916-1947 Q26849361 None* 1916-1928+ Contact us
0383-9214 Bulletin of the Natural History Society of New Brunswick. 1882-1914 Q51451451 N/A None known Contact us
0273-0197 The bulletin of the Needle and Bobbin Club. 1916- Q106877157 None 1916-1927 Contact us
8755-4801 Bulletin of the New York Botanical Garden. 1900-1932 Q6398990 None 1896-1932 Contact us
0028-7466 Bulletin of the New York Public Library. 1897- Q27722833 None None known Contact us
0736-5543 Bulletin of the New York State Historical Association. 1939- Q106115824 None None known Contact us
2327-1299 Bulletin of the Northeastern Bird-Banding Association. 1925-1929 Q26849363 None* None known Contact us
2474-0144 Bulletin of the Nuttall Ornithological Club. 1876-1883 Q51451462 N/A None known Contact us
0474-7534 Bulletin of the Orton Society. 1951- Q26849364 None 1973-1975 Contact us
0140-5543 Bulletin of the Oxford University Institute of Economics & Statistics. 1963-1972 Q96698478 None* None known Contact us
2332-9424 Bulletin of the Pan American Union. 1893-1948 Q106875767 None 1893-||-1948 Contact us
0079-0125 Bulletin of the Passaic County Dental Society. 1938-1978 Q27710103 None None known Contact us
0079-032X Bulletin of the Peabody Museum of Natural History. 1926- Q21385116 None* 1926-2001 Contact us
0891-3609 Bulletin of the Pennsylvania Museum. 1903-1938 Q26849366 None* 1903-1928 Contact us
0376-2327 Bulletin of the Polish Institute of Arts and Sciences in America. 1942-1945 Q28671940 None None known Contact us
0578-8994 Bulletin of the Research Council of Israel. 1951-1955 Q27718175 None* None known Contact us
0366-2780 Bulletin of the Research Council of Israel. 1957-1963 Q106875770 None* None known Contact us
0366-2829 Bulletin of the Research Council of Israel. 1955-1957 Q117327131 None* None known Contact us
0578-9036 Bulletin of the Research Council of Israel. 1955- Q106875769 None* None known Contact us
0035-7226 The bulletin of the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association. 1963-1974 Q26849367 None None known Contact us
0700-8651 Bulletin of the Royal Ontario Museum of Archaeology. 1923- Q106588544 None* 1923-||-1955+ Contact us
0025-438X Bulletin of the School of Medicine official publication of the University of Maryland 1921-1978 Q27720219 None 1916-1928 Contact us
0041-977X Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London. 1940- Q15755778 None* Predecessor Contact us
1356-1898 Bulletin of the School of Oriental Studies, London Institution. 1917-1935 Q100875841 None* 1917-1928 Contact us
0893-2018 Bulletin of the scientific laboratories of Denison University. 1885- Q51451470 N/A 1885-1919 Contact us
0080-8318 Bulletin of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography of the University of California. 1927- Q21385197 None 1916-2000 Contact us
2162-044X Bulletin of the Section of Taxation, American Bar Association. 1962- Q100154146 None* None known Contact us
0037-1106 The bulletin of the Seismological Society of America BSSA. 1911- Q15716527 None 1911-1929 Contact us
0275-5998 Bulletin of the Taylor Society. 1916-1934 Q106117366 None 1914-1927 Contact us
1080-8345 Bulletin of the Tenth District Dental Society of the State of New York. 1949-1981 Q27710198 None None known Contact us
0082-3074 Bulletin of the Texas Memorial Museum. 1960-1970 Q21385227 None* 1960-||-1994 Contact us
0040-9618 Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club. 1870-1996 Q13548538 None 1870-1961+ Contact us
0082-9021 Bulletin of the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics / 1913- Q106875771 None* 1913-||-2007+ Contact us
0096-7882 Bulletin of the United States Institute for Textile Research, Inc. 1931-1982 Q96698568 None* None known Contact us
0096-2961 Bulletin of the United States National Museum / 1875-1905 Q21385133 None 1875-||-1973 Contact us
1047-4471 Bulletin of the University of Minnesota. 1913-1920 N/A None known Contact us
0366-3353 Bulletin of the University of Osaka Prefecture. 1955-1992 Q117230123 None* None known Contact us
0892-4384 Bulletin of the University of Texas. 1904-1914 N/A None known Contact us
0096-9443 The Bulletin of the U.S. Army Medical Department. Q27720879 None* 1943-1949+ Contact us
0042-4870 Bulletin of the Veterinary Institute in Puławy. Biuletyn Instytutu Weterynarii w Puławach. 1957- Q27724690 None* 2002-2015+ Contact us
0096-6959 Bulletin of the Wagner Free Institute of Science of Philadelphia. 1926-1958 Q101425377 None None known Contact us
0510-8659 Bulletin of the World Health Organization. 1948-1953 Q27720467 None* None known Contact us
0040-8891 The Bulletin of Tokyo Dental College. 1960- Q27710199 None* None known Contact us
0007-5167 The Bulletin of zoological nomenclature. 1943- Q15759939 None* 1943-present Contact us
0536-8502 Bulletin on food statistics. 1951-1980 Q106117367 None* None known Contact us
0007-523X Bulletin on narcotics. 1949- Q27710060 None None known Contact us
0071-8408 Bulletin philologique et historique (jusqu'à 1610) du Comité des travaux historiques et scientifiques. 1960-1986 Q27715796 None* Predecessor Contact us
0034-5539 Bulletin - Reserve Bank of New Zealand. 1938- Q106117368 None* None known Contact us
0039-0011 Bulletin - State Bank of Pakistan. 1951-1993 Q106117369 None* None known Contact us
2398-8770 Bulletin supplement. 1957-1995 Q106875776 None* None known Contact us
0007-5744 Bulletin technique de la Suisse romande : organe en langue française de la Société suisse des ingénieurs et des architectes. 1900- Q106875777 None* 1900-1978 Contact us
0395-7527 Bulletin trimestriel de la Société mycologique de France. 1924-1999 Q27720934 None* 1885-||-1990 Contact us
0076-8391 Bulletin - University of Michigan, Museum of Art. 1950- Q106875778 None None known Contact us
0097-6342 Bulletin - University of Washington, Engineering Experiment Station. 1917- Q106875779 None* 1917-1932 Contact us
0166-0470 Bulletin van de Koninklijke Nederlandse Oudheidkundige Bond. 1948- Q96330662 None* 1899-||-present Contact us
0165-9510 Bulletin van het Rijksmuseum. 1953- Q23889082 None* None known Contact us
0301-8644 Bulletins de la Société d'anthropologie de Paris. 1860-1899 Q96698627 N/A* 1859-1899+ Contact us
0037-9557 Bulletins de la Société de botanique de Belgique. 1862- Q5735479 None* 1862-1927 Contact us
0223-260X Bulletins et mémoires de la Société anatomique de Paris. 1899-1925 Q118220533 N/A* 1899-1925 Contact us
0037-8984 Bulletins et mémoires de la Société d'anthropologie de Paris. 1860- Q2928102 None* 1900-present+ Contact us
0536-8782 Bulletins of the Geological Survey of India. 1950- Q118220601 None* None known Contact us
0445-622X Bulletins of the Geological Survey of India : 1950-1982 Q106875774 None* None known Contact us
0372-5898 Bulletins of the Geological Survey of Victoria. 1903-1959 Q106875775 None* 1903-1988 Contact us
0518-3545 Bullettino dell'Archivio paleografico italiano. 1908-1964 Q106117370 None* 1908-||-1919 Contact us
1125-9728 Bullettino della R. Società toscana di orticultura. 1876- Q106875780 None* 1876-||-present Contact us
0391-7568 Bullettino senese di storia patria. 1894- Q106115826 None* 1894-1927 Contact us
1420-2476 Bundesblatt der Schweizerischen eidgenossenschaft ... 1848- Q1005854 None* 1849-||-1906 Contact us
0524-9287 Bündner Jahrbuch. 1945- Q106117371 None* None known Contact us
1011-6885 Bündner Monatsblatt. 1914- Q1020804 None* 1850-recent Contact us
0389-4029 Bungaku. 1933-2016 Q106875781 None* None known Contact us
0525-1850 Bungaku gogaku / 1956- Q106115831 None* None known Contact us
0287-5829 Bungei kenkyū. 1949- Q106117373 None* None known Contact us
0525-1885 Bungei : The bungei quartely 1962- Q1009466 None* None known Contact us
0385-4841 Bunka. 1934- Q106875782 None* None known Contact us
0521-7938 Bunkashigaku. 1950- Q106115834 None* None known Contact us
0007-6007 The Bur. 1896- Q27710209 None 1896-1931 Contact us
0287-7740 Buraku. 1949-2002 Q106875783 None* None known Contact us
0091-1801 Bureau of Standards journal of research / 1928- Q53953274 None* 1928-1934+ Contact us
2475-0778 The Burke County news 1899- Q106877158 N/A 1899-1900 Contact us
0894-8844 The Burlington free press. 1923- Q3520162 None 1836-||-1920 Contact us
0007-6287 The Burlington magazine. 1903- Q1016639 None* 1903-1923 Contact us
0197-6427 The Burns Mantle best plays of ... and the year book of the drama in America. 1899-1950 Q105977212 1928* 1894-||-1928 Contact us
2157-2763 Burton's gentleman's magazine and American monthly review. 1839-1840 N/A None known Contact us
0190-6275 Business America. -1999 Q125283546 N/A* 1978-1998+ Contact us
0007-6465 Business and economic review / 1954- Q27719010 None None known Contact us
0146-7735 Business conditions digest : BCD. 1968-1990 N/A* 1968-1990+ Contact us
0093-6804 Business cycle developments : BCD. 1961-1968 Q106115839 None* 1961-1968+ Contact us
0521-8853 Business digest of India. 1953- Q106117374 None* None known Contact us
0007-6678 Business education forum / 1949- Q106875784 None None known Contact us
0068-4414 Business education index. 1940- Q106875785 None None known Contact us
0007-6724 Business Europe. 1960- Q106875786 None* None known Contact us
0007-6791 Business history. 1958- Q15764557 None* None known Contact us
0007-6805 The business history review 1954- Q15765276 None* None known Contact us
0007-6813 Business horizons. 1958- Q15757895 None None known Contact us
2637-8418 Business index 1876- Q100287920 N/A 1876 Contact us
0007-6872 Business international. 1954-1993 Q106875787 None None known Contact us
0007-6899 The business lawyer. 1946- Q15756972 None None known Contact us
0007-6910 Business management. 1961- Q106875788 None None known Contact us
0002-4171 Business news. 1949-1955 None* None known Contact us
0273-0510 Business' plans for new plants and equipment. 1950- Q106117375 None None known Contact us
0007-6996 The business quarterly. 1950-1997 Q106877159 None* None known Contact us
0005-531X Business review / Bank of Montreal. 1948- Q118590914 None* None known Contact us
0525-2903 Business review. 1960-1965 Q106875789 None None known Contact us
0083-2545 Business statistics. 1951-1977 Q106875790 None* 1932-||-1991 Contact us
0744-401X Butler eagle. 1904- Q5002606 None None known Contact us
0096-4336 Butler University botanical studies. 1929-1964 Q26849398 None None known Contact us
2378-5004 The Butler weekly times 1881-1918 N/A None known Contact us
2378-4989 The Butler weekly times and the Bates County record 1918- Q100287942 None 1918-1922 Contact us
0213-6791 Butlletí de la Societat Catalana d'Estudis Històrics. 1953- Q27995068 None* 1952-recent Contact us
2372-2916 The Butte daily bulletin -1921 Q96626961 N/A None known Contact us
2472-0283 The Butte daily post 1913- Q100287943 None None known Contact us
2332-7502 The Butte inter mountain -1912 N/A None known Contact us
0007-7658 Byplan. 1948- Q106875792 None* None known Contact us
2332-4554 The bystander 1916- Q100288013 N/A None known Contact us
0899-8604 Byzantina-metabyzantina : a journal of Byzantine and modern Greek studies. 1946-1949 Q106115840 None None known Contact us
0007-7712 Byzantinoslavica. 1929- Q9182835 None* None known Contact us
2043-1708 The Cabinet [electronic resource]. 1811- Q106877160 N/A None known Contact us
0007-9367 Cactus and succulent journal. 1931- Q6400102 None* None known Contact us
0007-9375 The Cactus and succulent journal of Great Britain. 1946-1982 Q5738826 None* None known Contact us
0950-7949 The Cactus journal. 1932-1939 Q13548540 None* None known Contact us
2379-1330 The Cadiz Democratic sentinel 1854-1864 N/A None known Contact us
2379-1438 The Cadiz sentinel [electronic resource]. -1851 Q100288030 N/A None known Contact us
0007-9502 Caesaraugusta : publicaciones del Seminario de Arqueología y Numismática Aragonesas. 1954- Q15753008 None* None known Contact us
0008-9885 Cahier du Centre technique du bois. 1954- Q106117377 None* None known Contact us
0575-0385 Cahiers alsaciens d'archéologie, d'art et d'histoire. 1957- Q27715634 None* None known Contact us
0068-4945 Cahiers archéologiques : fin de l'antiquité et Moyen âge. 1945- Q81849192 None* None known Contact us
0007-9626 Cahiers bruxellois. 1956- Q27716549 None* None known Contact us
0575-0466 Cahiers d'analyse textuelle. 1959- Q106117378 None* None known Contact us
0995-8274 Cahiers d'art. 1926- Q404601 None* None known Contact us
1245-8325 Les Cahiers d'aujourd'hui. 1912-1924 Q17359364 N/A None known Contact us
0008-0055 Cahiers d'études africaines. 1960- Q2933118 None* None known Contact us
1245-9151 Cahiers d'histoire de la guerre. 1949-1950 Q26849395 None* None known Contact us
0526-7773 Les Cahiers d'information musicale. 1952-1954 Q106117380 None* None known Contact us
0373-5834 Les cahiers d'outre-mer. 1948- Q2933109 None* None known Contact us
0575-058X Cahiers de Byrsa. 1950-1961 Q106117381 None* None known Contact us
0007-9731 Cahiers de civilisation médiévale. 1958- Q15757374 None* None known Contact us
0007-974X Les cahiers de droit. 1954- Q15752030 None* None known Contact us
0007-9766 Cahiers de géographie de Québec. 1956- Q15817696 None* None known Contact us
0002-6050 Les Cahiers de l'Alliance israélite universelle. 1947- Q27715820 None* None known Contact us
0571-5865 Cahiers de l'Association internationale des études françaises. 1951- Q58463623 None* None known Contact us
0008-0470 Cahiers de la Compagnie Madeleine Renaud-Jean Louis Barrault. 1953-1972 Q106875793 None* None known Contact us
1245-6039 Cahiers de la quinzaine / 1900-1936 Q2933126 None* 1897-1934 Contact us
1250-7431 Les Cahiers de la République. 1956-1963 Q106117382 None* None known Contact us
0007-9871 Cahiers de lexicologie. 1959- Q59424615 None* None known Contact us
0007-988X Cahiers de linguistique théorique et appliquée. 1962- Q15766803 None* None known Contact us
0575-0881 Cahiers des arts et techniques d'Afrique du nord. 1952- Q106117383 None* None known Contact us
0575-089X Les Cahiers des Dix. 1936- Q22811529 None* None known Contact us
2030-4986 Cahiers du Centre mathématique et de statistique appliquées aux sciences sociales de l'Institute de sociologie Solvay. 1959- Q106117384 None* None known Contact us
0008-0160 Cahiers du monde russe et soviétique. 1959-1993 Q27715672 None* None known Contact us
0071-8343 Cahiers du Séminaire d'économétrie. 1951-1985 Q96699049 None* None known Contact us
0184-752X Cahiers du Sud. 1925- Q3231237 None* 1925-1953+ Contact us
0008-0209 Cahiers économiques et sociaux. 1962- Q27719014 None* None known Contact us
0068-516X Cahiers Ferdinand de Saussure / 1941- Q26849390 None* None known Contact us
0008-0217 Les Cahiers français. 1956- Q29025416 None* None known Contact us
0575-1039 Cahiers français d'anthropologie / Publiés par les Professeurs de l'École d'Anthropologie de Paris. 1963- Q106117385 None* None known Contact us
1150-0832 Les Cahiers Idealistes Français. 1917-1920 N/A None known Contact us
0008-0276 Cahiers internationaux de sociologie. 1946- Q2933148 None* None known Contact us
0399-1415 Cahiers Léopold Delisle. 1947- Q2933102 None* None known Contact us
0575-108X Cahiers ligures de préhistoire et d'archéologie. 1952-1977 Q106117386 None* None known Contact us
1169-0119 Cahiers Paul Claudel. 1959- Q106117387 1961* None known Contact us
0008-0454 Cahiers raciniens / 1957-1973 Q119440852 None* None known Contact us
0526-8486 Cahiers Sextil Puşcariu. 1952- Q106117388 None* None known Contact us
0048-8046 Cahiers Vilfredo Pareto. 1963- Q25383499 All* None known Contact us
1322-8587 Cairns post. 1883- Q3520178 None* None known Contact us
0007-778X Cal. 1938- Q27710241 None None known Contact us
0045-3846 Calcutta review. Q5018953 None* 1844-||-2011 Contact us
0008-0683 Calcutta Statistical Association bulletin. 1947- Q15759619 None* None known Contact us
0366-5232 Caldasia. 1940- Q5739840 None* 1940-present Contact us
1054-3716 The Caledonian-record 1920- Q7720961 None 1920-1922 Contact us
0008-0845 California agriculture. 1946- Q2861059 None 1946-present Contact us
0093-4038 California and western medicine. 1924-1946 Q26842474 None* 1924-1946+ Contact us
0008-1078 California fish and game. 1914- Q21385129 None 1914-||-2019 Contact us
1556-1283 California folklore quarterly. 1942-1946 Q26849384 1942* None known Contact us
0575-5700 The California geographer. 1960- Q15817907 None 1960-present Contact us
0008-1175 California Historical Society quarterly. 1922-1970 Q27715677 1950 1922-||-1963 Contact us
0097-5508 California Horticultural Society journal. 1963-1967 Q107017856 Unknown None known Contact us
0008-1213 California journal of educational research. 1950-1975 Q107017857 None None known Contact us
0008-1221 California law review. 1912- Q5020657 1938 1912-||-present Contact us
0008-1264 California medicine. Q26842029 None* 1946-1973+ Contact us
0068-5798 California slavic studies. 1960- Q107017858 Unknown None known Contact us
0093-402X California state journal of medicine. 1902-1924 Q26853916 N/A* 1902-1924+ Contact us
0008-1574 California state publications. 1947- Q107017859 Unknown None known Contact us
0575-6200 California statistical abstract. 1958- Q107017860 Unknown None known Contact us
0008-1612 The California veterinarian. 1947- Q15751343 Unknown None known Contact us
0008-1671 California Youth Authority quarterly. 1948-1965 Q107017861 Unknown None known Contact us
2157-3816 The Californian and overland monthly. 1882- Q107019362 Unknown None known Contact us
0045-4036 Call and post. 1962-1982 Q5021600 Unknown None known Contact us
1941-2371 The Call-chronicle-examiner. 1906- Unknown None known Contact us
2381-0831 Camas Prairie chronicle 1901- Q107017862 N/A* 1901-1917+ Contact us
2043-1724 The Cambrian and Caledonian quarterly magazine and Celtic repertory. 1833- Unknown None known Contact us
0305-7674 Cambridge anthropology. Q96735216 All* 2020-present Contact us
0068-6735 The Cambridge classical journal : proceedings of the Cambridge Philological Society. 1882- Q15762044 Unknown None known Contact us
1474-6913 The Cambridge historical journal. 1923-1957 Q96699169 None* 1923-1928 Contact us
0008-1973 The Cambridge law journal. 1921- Q5025467 None* None known Contact us
1757-9953 The Cambro-Briton 1819-1822 Q96735217 N/A 1819-1822 Contact us
2472-7857 Camden commercial courier 1837- Q107017863 Unknown None known Contact us
2379-500X Camden Confederate 1861- Q107017864 Unknown None known Contact us
2379-5999 Camden journal [electronic resource]. 1852- Q107017865 Unknown None known Contact us
2379-6030 The Camden journal [electronic resource]. 1836-1851 Q5025795 N/A None known Contact us
2379-6057 The Camden weekly journal [electronic resource]. 1865- Q107019363 Unknown None known Contact us
2169-8198 Camera notes 1897-1903 N/A None known Contact us
1059-8669 Camera work a photographic quarterly. 1903-1917 N/A None known Contact us
2157-4065 Campbell's foreign semi-monthly magazine. 1843-1844 N/A None known Contact us
0008-2376 The Camping magazine. 1930- Q107019364 Unknown None known Contact us
0576-0275 Canada Court Martial Appeal reports. 1957- Q107017866 Unknown None known Contact us
0702-5726 The Canada evangelist. 1851- Unknown None known Contact us
0068-7685 Canada in world affairs. 1939- Q107017867 Unknown None known Contact us
0008-2791 Canada's mental health. 1953- Q27710208 Unknown None known Contact us
0318-9015 Canada ...the official handbook of present conditions and recent progress. 1931- Q107017868 Unknown None known Contact us
0068-8142 The Canada year book. 1906- Q107019365 Unknown None known Contact us
0316-277X The Canadian almanac and legal and court directory. 1927-1947 Q107019367 Unknown None known Contact us
0319-1222 The Canadian almanac and miscellaneous directory. 1895-1926 Q107019368 N/A None known Contact us
0068-8193 Canadian almanac & directory. 1948- Q107017869 Unknown None known Contact us
0008-2856 The Canadian Anaesthetists' Society journal. Journal de la Société canadienne des anesthésistes. 1954-1986 Q27710244 Unknown None known Contact us
0068-8215 Canadian annual review. 1960-1970 Q107017870 Unknown None known Contact us
0384-9511 The Canadian annual review of public affairs. 1902-1940 Q107019369 Unknown None known Contact us
0828-8577 The Canadian antiquarian and numismatic journal / 1872- Q107019371 Unknown None known Contact us
0008-2872 The Canadian architect. 1955- Q107019372 Unknown None known Contact us
0317-011X Canadian art. 1943- Q107017871 Unknown None known Contact us
0008-3003 The Canadian bar review. 1923- Q15762630 None* 1923-present Contact us
0008-3097 Canadian building digest. 1960-1990 Q96759290 None* None known Contact us
0008-3100 Canadian business. 1928- Q5029795 None* None known Contact us
0008-316X The Canadian chartered accountant : CA = Comptable agréé canadien : CA. 1911-1971 Q97052032 None* 1918-1922 Contact us
0008-3275 Canadian consumer. 1963- Q97364751 None* None known Contact us
0824-393X Canadian criminal cases annotated 1898-1962 Q97572696 None* 1898-1928 Contact us
0008-3402 Canadian dimension. 1963- Q5029949 None* None known Contact us
0382-8581 Canadian education. 1945-1960 Q97838778 None* None known Contact us
0315-1514 Canadian education and research digest. 1961-1968 Q97838866 None* None known Contact us
0008-347X The Canadian entomologist. Q4035802 None* 1868-1928 Contact us
0008-3550 The Canadian field-naturalist. 1919- Q2935783 None* 1919-recent Contact us
0008-3631 The Canadian forum. 1920-2000 Q27717013 None* 1920-1928 Contact us
0382-5809 The Canadian gem and family visitor. 1848-1849 N/A None known Contact us
0315-1824 Canadian geographical journal. 1930- Q98273134 None* None known Contact us
0068-8819 Canadian geophysical bulletin = Bulletin canadien de géophysique. 1947- Q98273157 None* 1975-||-1991 Contact us
0008-3704 Canadian grocer. 1904- Q98459670 None* 1889-||-1922 Contact us
0382-5795 The Canadian Hackney stud book. 1905- Q98639261 None* None known Contact us
0008-3755 The Canadian historical review. 1920- Q1032140 None* 1920-1928 Contact us
0008-3798 Canadian hospital. 1924- Q27710250 None* None known Contact us
0068-8932 Canadian hospital directory. Annuaire des hôpitaux du Canada. 1953- Q98819781 None* None known Contact us
0068-8940 Canadian housing statistics = Statistique du logement au Canada. 1955- Q99871291 None* None known Contact us
0383-0322 Canadian illustrated news 1869- Q2935790 N/A 1869-1883 Contact us
0527-9259 Canadian index to periodicals and documentary films. 1948-1963 Q100346244 None* None known Contact us
0588-6562 Canadian insurance law reporter. 1951- Q100346393 None* None known Contact us
0008-3917 Canadian jeweller. 1960- Q100346910 None* None known Contact us
0008-3941 The Canadian Jewish news. Q2935792 None* 1960-||-present Contact us
0008-3976 Canadian journal of agricultural economics 1952- Q2184627 None* None known Contact us
0008-3984 Canadian journal of animal science. 1957- Q13452864 None* Predecessor Contact us
0576-5544 Canadian journal of biochemistry and physiology. 1954-1963 Q28807474 None* None known Contact us
0008-4050 Canadian journal of comparative medicine. 1968-1985 Q26842497 All* 1968-1985+ Contact us
0846-8389 Canadian journal of comparative medicine. 1937-1939 Q27721177 None* 1937-1939+ Contact us
0316-5957 Canadian journal of comparative medicine and veterinary science. Q26842541 None* 1940-1968+ Contact us
0008-4069 Canadian journal of corrections = Revue canadienne de criminologie. 1958- Q96699327 None* None known Contact us
0315-4890 The Canadian journal of economics and political science. 1935-1967 Q7721145 None* None known Contact us
0008-4093 Canadian journal of genetics and cytology. 1959-1986 Q118954396 None* None known Contact us
0381-8616 The Canadian journal of industry, science and art. 1856- Q51452456 N/A* 1856-1867+ Contact us
0008-4131 Canadian journal of linguistics. La revue canadienne de linguistique. 1961- Q5030244 None* None known Contact us
0008-414X Canadian journal of mathematics. 1949- Q2780987 None* 1949-1996 Contact us
0008-4174 Canadian journal of occupational therapy and physiotherapy. 1937- Q15749644 None* None known Contact us
0008-4220 Canadian journal of plant science. 1957- Q2714071 None* Predecessor Contact us
0008-4263 Canadian journal of public health. 1943- Q15752348 None* 1997-recent+ Contact us
0366-7391 Canadian journal of research. 1935-1950 Q100310256 None* None known Contact us
0381-8624 The Canadian journal of science, literature and history. 1868- Q51452458 N/A* 1868-1878+ Contact us
0008-4271 Canadian journal of soil science. 1957- Q15756314 None* Predecessor Contact us
0830-9000 Canadian journal of veterinary research = Revue canadienne de recherche vétérinaire. 1986- Q15761321 All 1968-recent+ Contact us
0381-1271 The Canadian law times. 1881-1922 Q108218577 N/A None known Contact us
0008-4352 Canadian library. 1960- Q100348831 None* None known Contact us
0382-604X The Canadian magazine and literary repository. 1823-1825 Q100349100 N/A 1823-1825 Contact us
0008-4395 Canadian mathematical bulletin. 1958- Q5030309 None* 1958-1996 Contact us
0008-4409 Canadian Medical Association journal. 1911- Q5030320 None* 1911-||-present Contact us
0068-9203 Canadian medical directory. 1955- None* 1918-||-1920 Contact us
0008-4433 Canadian metallurgical quarterly. 1962- Q15757086 None* None known Contact us
0382-6422 The Canadian Methodist magazine 1875- N/A* 1875-||-1888+ Contact us
0382-2443 The Canadian mineral industry in ... / -1963 Q102076870 None* 1934-||-1961 Contact us
0008-4476 The Canadian mineralogist. 1957- Q2401996 None* None known Contact us
0382-6481 The Canadian monthly and national review 1872-1878 Q102294498 N/A* 1872-1878+ Contact us
0008-4549 The Canadian music educator. 1959- Q15766343 None* None known Contact us
0576-5773 The Canadian music journal. 1956-1962 Q98804940 None* None known Contact us
0700-7647 The Canadian naturalist and geologist. 1856-1868 Q17623990 N/A 1856-1868+ Contact us
0700-7655 Canadian naturalist and quarterly journal of science. 1869-1883 Q51452469 N/A 1869-1883+ Contact us
0008-4581 The Canadian nurse. 1905- Q27710269 None* 1905-||-1980 Contact us
0008-4654 Canadian packaging. 1948- Q96329723 None* None known Contact us
0315-6168 The Canadian parliamentary guide = Guide parlementaire canadien. 1909- Q5030447 None* 1901-||-1928+ Contact us
0008-4824 Canadian Psychiatric Association journal. Revue de l'Association des psychiatres du Canada. 1956- Q26839654 None* None known Contact us
0008-4840 Canadian public administration. Administration publique du Canada. 1958- Q15749977 None* None known Contact us
0319-2652 Canadian public health journal. 1929- Q27909999 None* Predecessor Contact us
0383-0373 The Canadian record of science. 1884-1916 Q13548543 N/A 1884-1916+ Contact us
0384-8809 Canadian reports appeal cases. 1910-1916 N/A None known Contact us
0008-5006 Canadian Slavonic papers. 1956- Q15754742 None* None known Contact us
0008-509X Canadian statistical review. 1948-1988 Q27718541 None* 1948-1987+ Contact us
0068-9874 Canadian theses. Thèses canadiennes. 1952-1980 Q105409074 None* None known Contact us
0068-9904 Canadian trade index. 1900- Q105409207 None* 1916-||-1921 Contact us
0008-5251 Canadian underwriter. 1934- Q105516454 None* None known Contact us
0308-7697 Canadian war pictorial. 1916- Q64677807 N/A None known Contact us
0008-5332 Canadian welfare. 1940- Q27717015 None* None known Contact us
0822-1731 The Canadian year book for ... 1898- Q105516656 None* 1898-1907 Contact us
0069-0058 The Canadian yearbook of international law. : Annuaire canadien de droit international. 1963- Q15759228 None* None known Contact us
0705-7679 Le Canadien 1806- Q2743644 N/A None known Contact us
0008-5405 Le canard enchaîné. 1915- Q13709 None* None known Contact us
0008-543X Cancer. 1948- Q326041 1948 None known Contact us
0069-0112 Cancer chemotherapy reports. 1959- Q27710278 None* 1959-||-1975 Contact us
0069-0147 Cancer facts and figures. 1963- Q105888939 None None known Contact us
0008-5464 Cancer news. 1947- Q27721306 None None known Contact us
0008-5472 Cancer research. 1941- Q326097 1954* 1941-recent+ Contact us
2157-409X The Candid examiner. -1827 N/A None known Contact us
1255-9911 Candide (Paris. 1924) Q106259324 None* 1924-1944 Contact us
0373-2967 Candollea. 1922- Q5747392 None* 1922-2010 Contact us
0262-995X Canterbury and York Society. 1957- Q105747155 None* None known Contact us
2376-3736 The Canton advocate 1877- Q100288139 N/A* 1877-1888+ Contact us
2376-3779 Canton daily leader 1896- Q100288141 N/A 1896+ Contact us
2378-1513 Canton herald -1839 N/A None known Contact us
0008-5758 Canyon cinemanews. 1963-1976 Q106019383 None None known Contact us
2333-6137 Canyon City news 1903-1908 Q100288163 N/A None known Contact us
2326-926X The Cape Girardeau Democrat 1876- Q100288171 N/A 1891-1901 Contact us
1016-3948 Cape times. 1876- Q2937255 None* None known Contact us
2326-8875 The Cape weekly tribune -1914 Q106191772 N/A 1914 Contact us
0095-5825 Capital improvement program. 1950- Q106191806 None None known Contact us
0749-4068 The capital times. 1917- Q7721244 1954 None known Contact us
0008-6002 Car and driver. 1955- Q858319 1964* 1961+ Contact us
0008-6010 Car craft. 1953- Q5037211 None None known Contact us
0184-7694 Caravelle. 1963- Q15757315 None* 2009-present Contact us
0746-3510 Carbondale news. 1961- Q106397518 None None known Contact us
2157-4146 Carey's library of choice literature. 1835-1836 N/A None known Contact us
0008-6452 Caribbean journal of science. 1961- Q5039389 None None known Contact us
0008-6495 Caribbean quarterly. 1949- Q15817410 None* None known Contact us
0008-6533 Caribbean studies. 1961- Q27715697 None 2005-||-2016 Contact us
2638-9436 The Carleton drama bulletin. 1949- Q106117454 None* None known Contact us
0161-3936 The Carleton drama review., 1955-1957 Q96735235 None* None known Contact us
0008-6649 The Carleton miscellany. 1960- Q106117455 1960 None known Contact us
2330-3557 The Carlsbad current 1908- Q106595882 None 1899-||-1922 Contact us
0008-6673 Carmelus. 1954- Q102290543 None* None known Contact us
0099-4936 Carnegie Institution of Washington publication. 1902-1994 Q13548594 1947* 1902-||-1977+ Contact us
2157-4170 The Carolina journal of medicine, science and agriculture. 1825-1826 N/A None known Contact us
2157-4537 The Carolina law journal. -1831 N/A None known Contact us
2157-4545 The Carolina law repository. 1813-1816 N/A None known Contact us
0008-6797 Carolina quarterly. 1948- Q15758420 1955 None known Contact us
0008-6878 Le Carré bleu. 1959- Q16571402 None* None known Contact us
0008-6894 The Carrell. 1960- Q106650676 None None known Contact us
0746-7494 Carroll County times. 1956- Q5046549 None None known Contact us
2474-6304 Carson City daily appeal 1907- Q106101607 None* 1907-1922+ Contact us
2472-0461 Carson daily appeal [electronic resource]. 1873-1877 Q106101519 N/A None known Contact us
0373-7713 Cartes synoptiques de la chromosphère solaire et catalogue des filaments de la couche supérieure / 1934-1960 Q106117456 None* None known Contact us
0889-8715 Carthage Republican-tribune. 1923- Q106115844 None None known Contact us
0008-7114 Caryologia. 1948- Q3661018 None* None known Contact us
0008-7157 Casa de las Américas. 1960- Q95472108 None* None known Contact us
0008-7238 Case & comment. 1894-1990 Q27716684 1954 1894-1929 Contact us
0576-8624 Case studies in childhood emotional disabilities. 1953- Q106117457 None None known Contact us
0037-282X Cases decided in the Court of Session, and also in the Court of Justiciary and House of Lords 1907- Q106875795 None* 1821-1928 Contact us
0008-7289 The Cash box. Q656903 None 1942-||-1969 Contact us
2157-4561 The Casket, or, Flowers of literature, wit & sentiment. -1829 N/A None known Contact us
0323-052X Časopis Matice moravské. 1869-1959 Q11169709 None* 1869-||-recent Contact us
0008-7386 Časopis pro moderní filologii / 1946- Q11169738 None* 1911-||-present Contact us
0528-2195 Časopis pro pěstování matematiky / 1951-1990 Q106966538 None* 1951-1990+ Contact us
1802-114X Časopis pro pěstování matematiky a fysiky 1872-1950 Q55973825 None* 1872-1950+ Contact us
0091-0333 Catalog of the ... National Exhibition of Prints Made during the Current Year, held ... at the Library of Congress. 1943-1959 Q106117458 None* 1943-||-1977+ Contact us
0421-6881 Catalogue analytique du fonds Plan Schuman-CECA. 1955- Q106117459 None* None known Contact us
0429-372X Catalogue des thèses de doctorat soutenues devant les universités françaises / 1960-1980 Q106115847 None* None known Contact us
0249-5937 Catalogue illustré des ouvrages de peinture, sculpture et gravure / 1890-1892 N/A None known Contact us
0277-5425 Catalogue of publications issued by the Government of the United States during the month of ... / 1895- Q106115849 N/A* 1895+ Contact us
0278-2561 Catalogue of United States public documents / 1895-1907 Q107084715 N/A* 1895-1907+ Contact us
0069-116X Catalogus musicus / 1963- Q106117460 None* None known Contact us
0008-767X Catalyst. 1916- None 1916-present Contact us
1045-9871 Cather studies. 1990- All 1990-present Contact us
0008-7912 The Catholic Biblical quarterly. 1939- Q5053078 1946 None known Contact us
0008-7963 The Catholic charities review. Q106453758 None 1917-1928 Contact us
0008-7998 Catholic digest. 1937- Q926502 1958* None known Contact us
2157-4634 Catholic historical researches. 1885-1886 N/A None known Contact us
0008-8080 The Catholic historical review. 1915- Q7721734 1961 1915-1961 Contact us
0008-8137 The Catholic lawyer. 1955-2004 Q107149864 None None known Contact us
0791-5640 The Catholic layman 1852-1858 Q96735253 N/A 1852-1858 Contact us
0008-820X The Catholic library world. 1929- Q106115853 None 1929-1961 Contact us
0008-8242 The Catholic mind. 1903- Q27716960 None 1903-1961 Contact us
0576-9485 The Catholic nurse. 1952- Q27710309 None None known Contact us
0008-8307 Catholic press directory. 1923- Q106117461 None 1923 Contact us
1073-6689 Catholic telegraph. 1962- Q7721741 None 1831-1885 Contact us
0008-848X The Catholic world. 1865-1996 Q27719027 1930* 1865-1961 Contact us
2471-8874 Catoctin clarion 1871- Q24060895 None 1871-1923 Contact us
2329-4329 The Caucasian [electronic resource]. 1905- Q100288333 None 1900-||-1920 Contact us
0733-9909 The Cause. 1895-1899 N/A None known Contact us
2475-8671 Cavalier County farmers press 1920-1921 Q120967521 N/A 1920-1921+ Contact us
0950-7604 Cayman Islands, report reformatted from the original and including, Annual report on the social and economic progress of the people of the Cayman Islands (Dependency of Jamaica) ... 1933- Q107664300 None* None known Contact us
2159-5569 Cayton's monthly 1921- Q73274352 N/A 1921+ Contact us
0007-7976 CCAR journal. 1953-1978 Q107783616 None None known Contact us
0007-8069 CEA critic. 1948- Q15760510 1953 None known Contact us
2577-7785 The Cedar Co. news-letter 1853- Q105203407 N/A* 1853+ Contact us
2577-7874 The Cedar County advertiser 1853-1856 Q105203487 N/A* 1853-1856+ Contact us
2577-7599 Cedar Falls gazette 1860- Q100288351 N/A* 1860-1871 Contact us
2043-1740 The Celtic magazine. 1875-1888 N/A None known Contact us
0069-1399 Celtica. 1950- Q4035956 None* None known Contact us
0576-9841 Celticum. 1961- Q106875799 None* None known Contact us
0097-3998 Cement age. 1904- Q106117463 N/A* 1904-1912+ Contact us
1422-0717 Cementbulletin. 1933- Q106117465 None* None known Contact us
0886-7941 The censor [electronic resource]. 1771-1772 N/A None known Contact us
0162-0177 The centennial review : CR. 1961-2000 Q27715702 None* None known Contact us
0008-901X The centennial review of arts & science. 1957-1960 Q104097841 None* None known Contact us
0577-0165 Center diary. 1963- Q106117466 None None known Contact us
0577-0394 Central African Airways guide to the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland. 1957- Q106115855 None* None known Contact us
0528-404X Central Bantu historical texts. 1961- Q106117468 None* None known Contact us
2454-034X Central European Forestry Journal Q50817695 All* 2017-present+ Contact us
2157-5096 The Central law journal. 1874-1927 Q106877163 None 1874-1923 Contact us
2381-6880 Central register 1839- Q100288407 N/A* 1839-1840+ Contact us
0008-9559 Central States archaeological journal. 1954- Q104535816 None* None known Contact us
1010-1586 Centralblatt für Anthropologie, Ethnologie und Urgeschichte. 1896- Q106117469 N/A* 1896-1901+ Contact us
0745-483X Centre daily times. 1934- Q5062255 None None known Contact us
2379-3325 Centre Hall reporter -1871 Q108273320 N/A* None known Contact us
2379-3384 The Centre reporter 1871- Q100288427 None* None known Contact us
1044-176X The Century Association year-book. 1939-1977 Q106117470 None 1940-||-1965+ Contact us
0095-9960 Ceramic abstracts. 1946* 1922-1928+ Contact us
0009-0220 Ceramic industry. 1923- Q26839886 None None known Contact us
0366-6913 Cerâmica. 1955- Q50478531 None* 1997-present Contact us
0577-3334 Ceramica de cultura Maya et al. 1961- Q106117472 None None known Contact us
0009-0328 Ceramics monthly. 1953- Q26829046 None None known Contact us
0373-1545 Cercetări de lingvistică. 1956- Q106115856 None* None known Contact us
0009-0352 Cereal chemistry. 1924- Q15760388 None 1924-||-1961 Contact us
0069-2255 Cerebral vascular diseases. 1954- Q106875800 1958 None known Contact us
0304-288X CERN courier. 1959- Q5010356 None* 1959-present Contact us
0577-3490 Česká bibliografie : sborník statí a materiálů. 1959- Q106875801 None* None known Contact us
0009-0468 Česká literatura. 1953- Q15758428 None* None known Contact us
0323-1569 České hudebniny a gramofonové desky. 1955-1988 Q106115858 None* None known Contact us
0009-0557 Československa fysiologie. 1952- Q27710337 None* None known Contact us
0009-0654 Československá stomatologie. 1936-1993 Q27710349 None* None known Contact us
0045-6187 Československý časopis historický. 1953-1989 Q27715704 None* None known Contact us
0009-0794 Český lid. 1892- Q11293719 None* 1892-1928 Contact us
0009-0883 The Ceylon national bibliography. Ilaṅkait tēcīya nūrp̲aṭṭiyal. Laṅkā jātika grantha nāmāvaliya. 1963- Q106115859 None* None known Contact us
0009-0891 Ceylon veterinary journal : the official journal of the Ceylon Veterinary Association. 1953-1981 Q106117473 None* None known Contact us
1087-0601 Chain store age. Q26839441 1929 1926-||-1941 Contact us
0532-8292 Chairman's report. 1955- Q106875802 None* None known Contact us
0528-7928 The Challenge. 1957- Q106877164 None None known Contact us
0950-4702 Chambers's journal 1861-1865 N/A None known Contact us
2043-1775 The Champion [electronic resource]. 1836- Q106877165 N/A 1739-1740 Contact us
0092-9999 The Champion magazine. 1916- Q106877166 N/A 1916-1917 Contact us
0009-143X Changing times. 1949-1991 Q27710348 1950 None known Contact us
2373-1400 The Chanute times 1887-1913 Q100288489 N/A 1897-1913 Contact us
2157-5142 The chap-book. 1894-1898 Q3520244 N/A None known Contact us
0730-6407 Character and personality. 1932-1945 Q27723157 1943* None known Contact us
0577-5574 The charioteer. 1960- Q106877167 None None known Contact us
1932-7072 The Charities review. 1891- Q106877168 N/A 1891-1901 Contact us
2398-4880 Charity organisation quarterly a journal of case-work and social effort 1922-1939 Q106117474 None* Predecessor Contact us
2577-9559 Charles City intelligencer 1864-1866 Q100288513 N/A* 1864-1866+ Contact us
1049-7242 Charles City press. 1951- Q55666254 None None known Contact us
2577-9524 Charles City Republican intelligencer 1861-1864 Q108759188 N/A* 1861-1864+ Contact us
2157-5169 The Charleston gospel messenger, and Protestant Episcopal register. 1836-1853 N/A None known Contact us
0742-8553 The Charleston medical journal and review 1848-1877 N/A None known Contact us
2157-5193 The Charleston spectator and ladies' literary port folio. 1806- Q106115894 N/A None known Contact us
2372-3181 The Charlotte Democrat 1870- Q100288577 N/A 1870-1897 Contact us
2474-4409 The Charlotte journal -1851 N/A None known Contact us
0547-7190 Chartbook of weekly business indicators / 1953- Q106117475 None None known Contact us
0950-1142 The Chartist circular 1841- Q100288584 N/A 1839-1842 Contact us
0009-1944 Chartotheca translationum alphabetica. Internationale Bibliographie der Übersetzungen. International bibliography of translations. Jahreszusammenfassung. 1961-1972 Q106115895 None* None known Contact us
1555-5208 The Chase economic bulletin / 1920-1937 Q106117476 None 1920-1930 Contact us
0577-5728 Chases' calendar of annual events: special days, weeks and months. 1957-1983 Q106115897 None None known Contact us
0009-1995 Chatelaine. 1928- Q15846513 1956* None known Contact us
0317-2635 Châtelaine. 1960- Q2971964 None* None known Contact us
2157-5207 Chautauquan; A Weekly Newsmagazine (1880-1914) Q129771596 Unknown 1880-1914+ Contact us
2157-5266 Cheap repository. 1800- Q106875803 N/A 1800+ Contact us
0462-7334 Check list of Minnesota public documents issued during ... 1923-1952 Q106115898 None None known Contact us
0884-1950 Checklist of Kentucky state publications. 1963- Q106117477 None* 1962-||-1974 Contact us
0196-1608 Checklist of official Pennsylvania publications. 1963- Q106117478 None None known Contact us
0077-9296 A checklist of official publications of the State of New York. 1947- Q106115900 None None known Contact us
0009-2185 Chelsea. 1960-2007 Q5090035 1958* None known Contact us
0009-2258 Chemical abstracts. Q15707087 1940* 1907-||-1936 Contact us
0095-8867 Chemical age. 1904-1925 N/A 1919-1925+ Contact us
0009-2479 Chemical engineering education. 1960- Q15753156 None None known Contact us
0360-7275 Chemical engineering progress. 1947- Q15765536 1961* Predecessor Contact us
0577-6090 Chemical engineering progress monograph series. 1951-1969 Q106117479 None* None known Contact us
0096-4603 Chemical engineering report. 1942- Q106117480 None* 1942-1965 Contact us
0095-8883 Chemical industries. 1933-1950 Q106875805 None None known Contact us
0577-6120 The Chemical industry facts book. 1953-1962 Q106115901 None None known Contact us
0095-8476 Chemical & metallurgical engineering. 1918- Q106875804 None* 1918-1946+ Contact us
0009-2363 Chemical & pharmaceutical bulletin. 1958- Q13557315 None* 1958-present+ Contact us
0009-2665 Chemical reviews. 1924- Q900502 1941 1927-||-1940 Contact us
0009-2770 Chemické listy 1907- Q15751646 None* None known Contact us
0366-6352 Chemické zvesti. 1947-1984 Q15751644 None* None known Contact us
0009-2789 Chemický průmysl. 1951- Q106875815 None* None known Contact us
0009-2819 Chemie der Erde. 1914- Q15765478 None* 1914-1928 Contact us
0009-286X Chemie-Ingenieur-Technik. 1949- Q1069208 None* None known Contact us
0942-7678 Chemiker-Zeitung. -1958 Q908405 None* 1879-||-1928 Contact us
0375-8710 Chemiker-Zeitung, chemische Apparatur. 1959-1968 Q106115902 None* Predecessor Contact us
0009-2932 Chemisch weekblad. 1903-1975 Q2199306 None* 1903-1928 Contact us
0009-2940 Chemische Berichte. 1947- Q902474 1947* Predecessor Contact us
0009-2959 Chemische industrie; Zeitschrift für die deutsche Chemiewirtschaft. 1949- Q106875816 None* None known Contact us
0366-8320 Chemische Umschau auf dem Gebiete der Fette, Öle, Wachse und Harze. 1916-1932 Q106115903 None* None known Contact us
0009-3025 Chemist. 1923- Q96330257 None None known Contact us
0009-3068 Chemistry and industry. 1932- Q2962571 None* None known Contact us
0069-3154 Chemistry of heterocyclic compounds. 1950- Q15752371 1951* None known Contact us
0009-3165 Chemotherapy 1953- Q110157196 None* None known Contact us
0700-7493 Chen zhong 1955- Q106875817 None* None known Contact us
2472-7946 Cheraw gazette and Pee Dee farmer 1838- Q106875818 N/A 1838-1839 Contact us
0746-3987 Cherokee scout Q5092199 None 1923-1943 Contact us
0954-9641 Cheshire farmer. 1838-1840 N/A None known Contact us
0009-3300 The Chesopiean. 1963- Q27715731 None None known Contact us
0197-260X Chess life. 1980- Q3667265 None* 1933-1969+ Contact us
0009-3394 The Chestnut Hill local. 1958- Q106877170 None None known Contact us
2578-1332 Cheyenne record 1913- Q102121861 None* 1913-1921+ Contact us
2158-2718 Chicago eagle 1889- Q18387226 Unknown None known Contact us
0884-0792 The Chicago Jewish forum. 1942-1969 Q107019373 None 1938-1962 Contact us
0009-3599 Chicago-Kent law review. 1938- Q15758555 Unknown None known Contact us
0009-3602 Chicago magazine the West as it was 1857-1857 N/A None known Contact us
2157-5290 The Chicago medical examiner. 1860-1871 N/A None known Contact us
0009-3696 Chicago review. 1946- Q5095765 1946 None known Contact us
0739-5124 The Chicago Theological Seminary register. 1908- Q98608602 Unknown None known Contact us
1085-6706 Chicago tribune. 1864- Q19112796 1929* 1860-1881 Contact us
0577-7372 The Chichester papers. 1955- Q107019374 Unknown None known Contact us
0069-3391 Chigiana. 1939- Q107017872 Unknown None known Contact us
0009-3882 Child and family. 1962- Q27717867 Unknown None known Contact us
0009-3920 Child development. 1930- Q5097720 1962 1930-1963 Contact us
0009-3939 Child development abstracts and bibliography. 1961- Q107017873 Unknown None known Contact us
0009-3971 Child life. 1921- Q124079957 1929 1922-1928 Contact us
2157-5355 Child of Pallas. 1800-1801 N/A None known Contact us
2157-5436 The child's friend. 1843-1858 N/A None known Contact us
2157-5444 The child's newspaper. 1834- Q107019375 Unknown None known Contact us
0009-4056 Childhood education. Q15757164 None 1924-1928 Contact us
2640-1487 Children's Museum bulletin / 1902- Q107017874 Unknown None known Contact us
2640-1495 Children's Museum news / 1904-1905 N/A None known Contact us
2473-2656 The Chilhowee echo 1899- Q107019376 Unknown None known Contact us
0009-4315 La Chimica e l'industria. 1935- Q17635057 Unknown None known Contact us
0009-4331 Chimie analytique. 1896-1972 Q107017875 Unknown None known Contact us
0577-8611 Chimor. 1953-1961 Q107017876 Unknown None known Contact us
0009-4404 China news analysis. 1953- Q5099818 None* None known Contact us
0009-4420 China pictorial. 1951- Q10883572 None* None known Contact us
1607-4343 The China post 1952- Q699007 None* None known Contact us
0305-7410 The China quarterly. 1960- Q7722548 None* None known Contact us
0009-4447 China reconstructs. 1952-1989 Q27718211 None* None known Contact us
0009-4501 Chinatown news. 1956- Q119702124 None* None known Contact us
1013-4719 Chindan hakpo. 1934- Q96735290 None* None known Contact us
0009-4544 Chinese culture. 1957-1999 Q27715707 None* None known Contact us
0577-9073 Chinese journal of physics. [electronic resource] 1963- Q2689742 None* None known Contact us
0009-4617 Chinese literature. 1951-2000 Q25205389 None* None known Contact us
0577-909X Chinese mathematics. 1962-1967 Q106875819 None* None known Contact us
0009-4722 Der Chirurg : Zeitschrift fur alle Gebiete der operativen Medizen 1928- Q1119421 None* None known Contact us
0009-4781 Chirurgia maxillofacialis & plastica. 1956- Q27710374 None* None known Contact us
0009-4838 Le Chirurgien - dentiste de France. 1962- Q27710373 None* None known Contact us
0009-4889 Chitty's law journal. 1950-1987 Q27716967 None* None known Contact us
0009-4978 Q1766173 1966* 1964-1965 Contact us
0577-9715 Chopin. 1956- Q119703035 None* None known Contact us
0009-5028 The Choral journal. 1959- Q15751057 None None known Contact us
0069-3758 Chord and discord. 1932-1998 Q106117481 None None known Contact us
0577-9766 Chōsen gakuhō. 1951- Q15708855 None* None known Contact us
2157-5673 Christian advocate and journal, and Zion's herald. 1828-1833 N/A None known Contact us
2157-6343 The Christian cabinet, or, Treasury of divine knowledge 1802- Q106115904 N/A None known Contact us
0009-5281 The Christian century. 1902- Q1825683 1940* 1900-1959 Contact us
2157-6351 Christian chronicle 1818- Q106875820 N/A* 1818 Contact us
0009-5311 Christian cynosure. 1868- Q28457267 None 1868-1924+ Contact us
1946-1364 The Christian disciple. 1813-1818 N/A None known Contact us
0733-9933 Christian doctrinal advocate and spiritual monitor. 1837- Q106875821 N/A 1839-1842 Contact us
1550-574X Christian education. 1919-1952 None* 1919-1952+ Contact us
2157-636X The Christian examiner. 1857-1869 N/A None known Contact us
2157-6378 The Christian examiner and general review. 1829-1842 N/A None known Contact us
2157-6386 The Christian examiner and religious miscellany. 1844-1857 N/A None known Contact us
0383-0780 Christian guardian. 1829- Q18111268 N/A None known Contact us
0009-5354 Christian herald. Q30715907 1929* 1878-||-1921 Contact us
0734-1296 Christian inquirer. 1846- Q106117482 N/A None known Contact us
2157-8338 The Christian journal, and literary register. 1817-1830 N/A None known Contact us
2157-8346 The Christian magazine. 1824-1827 N/A None known Contact us
0009-5478 The Christian messenger 1817-1819 N/A None known Contact us
2157-8877 The Christian mirror. 1814- Q106877171 N/A None known Contact us
2157-9792 The Christian monitor, and religious intelligencer 1812- Q106115905 N/A None known Contact us
0009-5532 Christian news from Israel / 1949- Q106117483 None* None known Contact us
0009-5540 Christian nurse. 1933- Q27710384 None* None known Contact us
0197-0933 The Christian observatory: a religious and literary magazine. / 1847-1850 N/A None known Contact us
2158-0863 The Christian parlor magazine. 1845-1855 N/A None known Contact us
0045-6829 The Christian patriot. 1945-1975 Q106877172 None None known Contact us
0529-4630 Christian perspectives series. 1960-1971 Q106875823 None* None known Contact us
2158-1150 Christian philanthropist. 1822-1823 N/A None known Contact us
1064-9239 The Christian reader. 1963- Q106877173 None* None known Contact us
2158-1444 The Christian reformer, or, Evangelical miscellany 1828-1829 N/A None known Contact us
2158-1614 Christian register and Boston observer. 1835-1843 N/A None known Contact us
2158-0162 The Christian's magazine. 1806- Q68943211 N/A 1806-1811 Contact us
2158-0588 The Christian's magazine, reviewer, and religious intelligencer. 1805- Q106115906 N/A None known Contact us
2158-0596 The Christian's monitor, &c. -1799 N/A None known Contact us
0361-8234 The Christian scholar. 1953- Q106877174 None* 1953-1961+ Contact us
0145-8027 The Christian Science monitor. 1908- Q284947 1937* None known Contact us
2158-2173 Christian secretary. 1822- Q106875824 N/A None known Contact us
2158-2211 The Christian spectator. 1819- Q106117484 N/A 1819-1828 Contact us
0009-5664 Christian statesman. 1867- Q106875825 None 1907-||-1923 Contact us
2157-9202 The Christian union. 1870-1893 N/A None known Contact us
2157-9237 The Christian visitant. 1815-1816 N/A None known Contact us
0733-995X Christian warrior. 1842- Q106875826 N/A None known Contact us
2157-9253 Christian watchman. 1819- Q106875828 N/A None known Contact us
1079-9532 The Christian world : the magazine of the American and Foreign Christian Union. 1861- Q106877175 N/A* 1861-1884+ Contact us
0009-5745 Christianity and crisis. 1941-1993 Q27716917 1958 None known Contact us
0009-5753 Christianity today. 1956- Q680794 1964 1956-1961 Contact us
0529-4843 Christoffel algemeen sociaal-cultureel maandblad voor de Nederlandse Antillen 1955-1958 Q106875829 None* None known Contact us
0009-5915 Chromosoma. 1947- Q15765851 None* None known Contact us
0578-039X Chronica horticulturae. 1961- Q27714940 None* None known Contact us
0828-1807 The Chronicle-Herald. 1949- Q3520275 None* None known Contact us
0012-8147 The chronicle of the Early American Industries Association, Inc. 1951- Q96610392 None None known Contact us
0009-6024 Chronicles of Oklahoma. Q7722824 None 1921-2019 Contact us
2158-2467 Chronicles of the North American savages : containing sketches of their ancient and modern history, religion, traditions, customs and manners, laws and regulations, language and dialects, medicine, biography, etc; together with topographical sketches of the country west of the Mississippi and north of the Missouri rivers / conducted by I. Galland, M.D. 1835- Q96642911 N/A None known Contact us
0495-9396 Chronique 1951-2000 Q96748566 None* None known Contact us
0009-6067 Chronique d'Égypte; bulletin périodique de la Fondation égyptologique reine Élisabeth. 1925- Q15761399 None* None known Contact us
0009-6059 Chronique de politique étrangère. 1948-1974 Q97015028 None* None known Contact us
0529-4975 Chroniques de Port-Royal. 1959- Q16539518 None* 1950-1998 Contact us
0009-6156 Chroniques internationales de police = International police chronicles. 1959-1974 Q97557282 None* None known Contact us
0888-370X A Chronology and fact book of the United Nations. 1961- Q97557658 None None known Contact us
2044-1533 Chronology of international events. 1954-1956 Q97559737 None* None known Contact us
0959-5376 Chronology of international events and documents. 1945-1953 Q97557707 None* None known Contact us
0196-9498 Chrysalis review. 1961-1962 Q97578917 1961 None known Contact us
1735-0670 Chughundar-i qand 1360-1981 Q97578992 All* 1982-recent Contact us
0578-0934 Chūgoku bungakuhō. 1954- Q113475045 Unknown None known Contact us
0578-0942 Chūgoku chūsei bungaku kenkyū. 1961- Q113477061 Unknown None known Contact us
0910-4348 Chūgoku kenkyū geppō. 1960- Q97609887 None* None known Contact us
0009-627X Chung chi journal 1961-1976 Q97736852 None* 1961-1976 Contact us
0529-6838 Chūō kōron. 1887- Q2972186 None* 1901-||-1928 Contact us
0009-6334 Church and state. 1947- Q97831373 None* 1948-||-present Contact us
0009-6407 Church history. 1932- Q20081140 None 1932-1961 Contact us
0009-6431 Church management. 1924- Q97834437 1958 None known Contact us
2043-1805 The Church musician: a monthly journal of the Church Choir Guild. 1891-1895 N/A None known Contact us
0269-4034 The Church quarterly review. 1875-1968 Q7722857 None* 1875-1928 Contact us
2158-2823 Church record. 1822- Q97836041 N/A None known Contact us
0363-7093 The Church review. 1940-1972 Q97924467 None None known Contact us
2155-5281 The Church review and ecclesiastical register. 1863- Q7722858 N/A 1848-1891 Contact us
2158-3048 Church's musical visitor. 1871-1883 N/A None known Contact us
0009-6628 The Churchman 1867- 1943* 1877-||-1922+ Contact us
2158-3005 The Churchman's magazine. 1806-1827 N/A None known Contact us
2158-2998 The Churchman's monthly magazine. 1804-1805 N/A None known Contact us
2158-3013 The Churchman's repository for the eastern diocese. 1820- Q97925335 N/A None known Contact us
0095-9367 Chymia. 1948-1967 Q27922877 1950* None known Contact us
0529-715X Ciba Foundation colloquia on ageing. 1955- Q51456459 None 1955-1959 Contact us
0009-6687 Ciceroniana. 1959- Q50425426 None* 1959-present Contact us
0009-6709 Ciel et terre. 1880- Q27715715 None* 1880-||-1928 Contact us
0009-6725 Ciência e cultura. 1949- Q5124809 None* None known Contact us
0412-4936 Ciencia nueva; revista de etnología y arqueología. 1950- Q98604666 None* None known Contact us
0210-0398 Ciencia tomista. 1910- Q57584964 None* 1910-1922 Contact us
0009-6784 Ciencias administrativas. 1963- Q50426193 None* 2013-present Contact us
0045-6896 El Ciervo. 1951- Q15402337 None* None known Contact us
0590-3068 CIF reports. 1962- Q98636413 None* None known Contact us
0009-6830 Cimaise. 1953- Q18610992 None* None known Contact us
2375-5954 The Cimarron citizen 1908- Q98648594 N/A 1908 Contact us
2375-6012 The Cimarron news and press 1907- Q98648877 N/A 1907 Contact us
0529-7451 Cina. 1956- Q98636394 None* None known Contact us
0069-4061 The Cincinnati Art Museum bulletin. 1950- Q98686772 None None known Contact us
2327-1442 Cincinnati daily press 1860- Q98686785 N/A 1860-1862 Contact us
2376-0397 The Cincinnati daily star 1875-1880 N/A None known Contact us
2575-5706 The Cincinnati enquirer. 1872- Q1265728 None* None known Contact us
0194-2883 The Cincinnati Historical Society bulletin. 1953- Q27715716 All* None known Contact us
1053-5136 The Cincinnati lancet and clinic. 1878-1885 N/A None known Contact us
2158-3080 The Cincinnati literary gazette. 1824-1825 N/A None known Contact us
2158-3331 The Cincinnati mirror, and western gazette of literature, science, and the arts. 1836- Q98686846 N/A None known Contact us
2158-3358 Cincinnati weekly herald and philanthropist. 1843- Q98686852 N/A None known Contact us
0045-6926 Cinéma. 1954- Q2973101 None* None known Contact us
0578-2929 The Cinema. 1950-1952 Q105990079 None* None known Contact us
0009-7071 Cinema Canada. 1967- All 1972-1989 Contact us
2577-1809 The CIO news 1942- Q106877176 None None known Contact us
1057-4352 Circle. 1944- Q106875830 None None known Contact us
0891-3560 Circular / Harvard College Observatory. 1895- Q112288564 None* 1895-1951 Contact us
0466-2342 Circular / National Education Association of the United States. 1927- Q112288686 None None known Contact us
0096-4948 Circular / New Mexico School of Mines, State Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources. 1930-1987 Q112288784 None None known Contact us
0271-4213 Circular / New York State Museum and Science Service. 1955- Q107065392 None None known Contact us
0078-4397 Circular / Oklahoma Geological Survey. 1908- Q112583745 None* 1908-present Contact us
0096-073X Circular / United States Department of Agriculture. 1927- Q109674707 None* 1927-1956+ Contact us
0097-2924 Circular / Utah Geological and Mineralogical Survey. 1950-1973 Q112669561 None* 1942-||-present Contact us
1071-1171 Circular of information of the Bureau of Education, for ... 1870-1903 N/A None known Contact us
2470-8615 Circular of the Executive Committee of the Michigan State Grange 1875- Q106117485 N/A* 1875+ Contact us
0569-6704 Circulation. 1962- Q106875831 None* None known Contact us
0009-7330 Circulation research Q2599020 1953 1954-1961 Contact us
0009-7411 Cirugia y cirujanos. 1933- Q26842152 None* 2000-present Contact us
0009-7527 Cithara. 1961- Q96330770 1964* None known Contact us
1941-2932 The citizen. 1899-1958 Q100289012 None None known Contact us
2166-7705 The citizen. 1908-1914 N/A None known Contact us
2043-1813 The city jackdaw 1875-1880 N/A None known Contact us
0578-3607 City lights journal. 1963- Q106117486 1963 None known Contact us
1016-3964 City press. 1866- Q1093990 All* None known Contact us
2158-3692 The City record, and Boston news-letter. 1825- Q106115908 N/A* 1825+ Contact us
0529-8385 CIV/n. 1953-1955 Q106875835 None* None known Contact us
0009-7845 The civil engineer in South Africa. Die siviele ingenieur in Suid-Afrika. 1959- Q96330780 None* None known Contact us
0578-3747 Civil engineering in Japan. 1961-1994 Q106875833 None* None known Contact us
0190-4159 The Civil service record. 1881- Q106877178 N/A 1881-1892 Contact us
0009-8078 Civil War history. 1955- Q15762783 None None known Contact us
0578-3852 Civil War index. 1956-1968 Q106875834 None None known Contact us
0009-8140 Civilisations. 1951- Q2974890 None* None known Contact us
0009-8167 La Civiltà cattolica. 1850- Q2066344 None* 1850-||-1928 Contact us
0007-8549 CLA journal. 1957- Q15761383 1964* None known Contact us
0744-9526 The Clarion-ledger, Jackson daily news. 1941- Q7723273 None* Predecessor Contact us
0106-5815 Classica et mediaevalia / 1938- Q12306444 None* 2010-||-present Contact us
0009-8337 The Classical bulletin. Q15752949 None 1925-1928 Contact us
0009-8353 The classical journal. 1905- Q7723309 1964 1905-1928 Contact us
2043-1821 The classical museum : a journal of philology, and of ancient history and literature. 1844-1850 Q105686595 N/A None known Contact us
0009-8361 The Classical outlook. 1936- Q27715720 None* Predecessor Contact us
0009-837X Classical philology. Q3290489 1953 1906-1928 Contact us
0009-8388 The classical quarterly 1907- Q2410270 None 1907-1928+ Contact us
0009-840X The classical review. 1887- Q15754233 None 1887-1928+ Contact us
1940-641X The classical weekly. 1907-1957 Q96735300 None* 1907-1957+ Contact us
0009-8418 The Classical world. 1957- Q15758695 None* 1957-1961 Contact us
0009-854X Clavier. 1962- Q96330822 1962 None known Contact us
0578-4719 Clavileño. 1950-1957 Q27966207 None* None known Contact us
1940-9699 The Clay City times. 1901- Q55666900 None 1901-||-2015+ Contact us
0095-8352 Clay record. 1892- Q94579236 N/A* 1892-1909+ Contact us
2375-0049 The Clayton citizen 1906- Q100289176 N/A* 1906-||-1916+ Contact us
2375-1746 Clayton enterprise -1906 Q113383832 N/A* 1905-1906+ Contact us
2574-8742 Clearwater Republican 1912-1922 Q100289204 N/A None known Contact us
0578-4840 Cleft palate bulletin. 1954- Q106117487 None None known Contact us
0009-8736 The Clergy review. 1931-1987 Q27716998 None* None known Contact us
2327-1353 The Cleveland leader 1865- Q106877179 N/A None known Contact us
1048-2792 Cleveland-Marshall law review. 1952-1969 Q106115911 None None known Contact us
2326-165X The Climax-Madisonian 1914- N/A* 1914-||-1917+ Contact us
0009-9082 Clinica veterinaria. 1878- Q27720089 None* 1878-||-1928 Contact us
0009-9112 Clinical anesthesia. 1962- Q27710421 None None known Contact us
0009-9147 Clinical chemistry. 1955- Q849687 1958 None known Contact us
0009-9201 Clinical obstetrics and gynecology. 1996- Q15763522 1958 1959-1961 Contact us
0095-8654 Clinical orthopaedics. 1953- Q27720990 1955* 1954 Contact us
0009-9228 Clinical pediatrics. 1962- Q5133787 None None known Contact us
0009-9260 Clinical radiology. 1960- Q15754925 None* None known Contact us
0009-9279 Clinical research. 1958-1994 Q27710467 1960* None known Contact us
0009-9287 Clinical science. 1933-1973 Q27710468 None* None known Contact us
0412-8079 Clogher record. 1953- Q5134904 None* None known Contact us
2330-3719 The Clovis news 1907- Q113389202 None None known Contact us
2158-3714 The club-room. 1820- Q99588905 N/A 1820 Contact us
1170-0181 The Clutha leader. 1874- Q91878387 None* 1874-1920 Contact us
2169-608X The Co-operative news N/A* 1917-1918+ Contact us
0578-5634 Coastal engineering in Japan. 1958- Q101537549 None* None known Contact us
0578-5693 Coastlines. 1955- Q102123394 1956 None known Contact us
0010-003X The Coat of arms. 1950- Q106877180 None* None known Contact us
2043-1848 Cobbett's weekly political register. 1828-1835 Q100289472 N/A None known Contact us
0532-0216 Coconut situation. 1959- Q106115912 None* None known Contact us
0035-788X The Code of Federal regulations of the United States of America. 1939- Q1065972 None* 1938-||-present+ Contact us
0010-020X Codicillus. 1960- Q106875838 None* None known Contact us
0366-7588 Coelum. 1931- Q106875839 None* None known Contact us
1146-9234 Le coeur. 1893- Q106876698 N/A None known Contact us
1041-2883 The Coeur d'Alene press. Q106115913 None 1892-1910 Contact us
0095-134X The Coevolution quarterly. 1974-1984 Q5137533 All 1974-1984 Contact us
2158-4036 Cohen's gazette & lottery register. 1825-1830 N/A None known Contact us
2158-4028 Cohen's lottery gazette and register. 1814-1825 N/A None known Contact us
0010-0447 The Coin collector's journal. 1875- Q5141538 None* Predecessor Contact us
0010-0552 The Colby Library quarterly. 1943-1989 Q27715721 None None known Contact us
0589-0896 Cold injury : transactions of the ... conference. 1952-1958 Q106875840 None None known Contact us
0091-7451 Cold Spring Harbor symposia on quantitative biology : [proceedings]. 1933- Q15758412 None* 1934-||-1950 Contact us
0745-6794 Coldwater daily reporter. 1895- Q7728700 None None known Contact us
0436-2888 Colección filológica. 1952- Q106117488 None* None known Contact us
0437-0368 Colección histórica cubana y americana. 1938- Q106117489 None* None known Contact us
0010-0730 Collectanea botánica. 1946- Q27724121 None* None known Contact us
0010-0749 Collectanea franciscana. 1931- Q15764363 None* 1931-1947+ Contact us
0530-7058 Collectanea Hibernica. 1958- Q5146025 None* None known Contact us
0169-5436 Collected courses online = Recueil des cours en ligne. 1925- Q106117490 None* None known Contact us
0065-1907 Collected papers / South Australia, the Institute of Medical and Veterinary Science. 1938-1947 Q114246244 None* None known Contact us
0517-5496 Collected papers. 1960-1965 Q114246214 None None known Contact us
1080-367X Collected papers by the staff of Saint Mary's Hospital, Mayo Clinic. 1911-1914 N/A* 1905-1913+ Contact us
0095-9677 Collected papers of the Mayo Clinic and the Mayo Foundation. 1914-1960 Q27722702 1928* 1923-1927+ Contact us
2158-4206 Collections, historical & miscellaneous, and monthly literary journal. 1823- Q106115914 N/A* 1823-1824+ Contact us
0892-4392 Collections of the Connecticut Historical Society. 1860-1967 Q106117491 None* 1860-1928 Contact us
1046-1396 Collections of the Massachusetts Historical Society. Q106606654 None* 1792-||-1939 Contact us
1050-608X Collections of the New-York Historical Society for the year ... 1811-1859 N/A None known Contact us
2158-4230 Collections, topographical, historical, & biographical, relating principally to New Hampshire. 1822- Q106875842 N/A* 1822+ Contact us
0588-2591 Collective bargaining report / 1956- Q106875843 None None known Contact us
2152-6907 The collector. 1889-1897 N/A 1889-1895+ Contact us
1948-0202 The collector and art critic. Q96735315 N/A 1899-1907+ Contact us
0069-5645 College admissions / 1954-1963 Q106875844 None None known Contact us
0010-0870 College and research libraries. 1939- Q5146312 None 1939-present Contact us
0010-0889 College and university : the journal of the American Association of Collegiate Registrars. 1947- Q15763419 None None known Contact us
1543-6322 College art journal. 1941-1960 Q26849439 None* None known Contact us
0069-5572 The College blue book. 1923- Q106117492 None 1923-||-1962 Contact us
0069-5653 College Board college handbook. 1941- Q106115915 None None known Contact us
2475-8957 The College courant A weekly journal, devoted to college interests, science, and literature. 1867- Q106117494 N/A 1867-1874 Contact us
0010-0994 College English. 1939- Q5146365 1957 None known Contact us
0069-5696 College music symposium. Q15760710 None 1961-present Contact us
0702-5106 The College times. 1895- Q106877182 None* 1872-||-1903 Contact us
0147-0108 Collegium musicum. 1955-1965 Q15760469 None None known Contact us
0190-4337 Colloid journal. 1952- Q106875846 None* None known Contact us
0095-8506 Colloid symposium monograph. 1923- Q106117495 None 1923-||-1932 Contact us
0588-3229 Les Colloques de Wégimont : [procès-verbal] / 1956- Q106117496 None* None known Contact us
0010-1354 Colloquium mathematicum. 1947- Q9195487 None* 1947-2014 Contact us
0065-9258 Colloquium publications / 1927- Q106875847 1950* 1905-||-1962 Contact us
2158-4265 Colman's rural world. 1866- Q105749960 N/A* None known Contact us
2158-4257 Colman's rural world and valley farmer. 1865- Q105749937 N/A* None known Contact us
0588-7577 The Colombo Plan : the ... annual report of the Consultative Committee on economic development in South and South-east Asia. 1952-1976 Q106877183 None* None known Contact us
2158-429X The Colonizationist and journal of freedom. 1834- Q106115917 N/A 1833-1834 Contact us
0588-4934 The Colorado College studies. 1958- Q106877184 None* None known Contact us
0588-4977 Colorado folksong bulletin. 1962-1964 Q106117497 None None known Contact us
0010-1648 The Colorado magazine. 1923-1981 Q27715725 None 1923-||-present+ Contact us
0010-1680 Colorado nurse. 1947- Q27710489 None None known Contact us
0010-1710 Colorado quarterly. 1952-1980 Q27715726 1952 None known Contact us
2326-9685 The Colored citizen 1894- Q100289666 N/A None known Contact us
0010-1834 Cols bleus. 1945- Q2984483 None* None known Contact us
2331-8090 Columbia courier -1905 N/A None known Contact us
1543-6535 Columbia daily tribune. 1904- Q5149683 None None known Contact us
2330-8524 Columbia democrat and star of the north 1866- Q100289680 N/A* 1866-1867+ Contact us
1045-3466 Columbia journal of international affairs. 1947-1951 Q26849442 None* None known Contact us
2155-2401 Columbia journal of race and law. 2011- All 2011-present Contact us
0010-194X Columbia journalism review. Q5149747 1963 1961-1963 Contact us
0010-1958 Columbia law review. 1901- Q5149752 1941 1901-||-present Contact us
0010-1966 Columbia Library columns. Q113484093 None 1951-1997 Contact us
0884-2256 Columbia University forum. 1957-1968 Q106117498 1958 None known Contact us
1043-4151 The Columbian. 1937- Q3520345 None None known Contact us
2381-0203 The Columbian fountain 1845-1846 Q100289685 N/A None known Contact us
2158-4311 Columbian historian. 1824-1825 N/A None known Contact us
2158-432X The Columbian magazine. 1844-1849 Q100289687 N/A None known Contact us
2158-5768 The Columbian magazine. 1787-1789 N/A None known Contact us
2574-6022 The Columbian phenix. 1808-1811 N/A None known Contact us
2158-6322 The Columbian phenix, and Boston review. 1800- Q106115922 N/A 1800 Contact us
2574-6049 Columbian phenix, or, Providence patriot. 1811-1814 N/A None known Contact us
1044-9922 The Columbian-progress. 1935- Q55667783 None None known Contact us
2158-6357 The Columbian star. 1822-1829 N/A None known Contact us
2158-6349 The Columbian star, and Christian index. 1829-1830 N/A None known Contact us
2332-984X The Columbus journal -1911 N/A None known Contact us
2576-8042 The Columbus weekly dispatch 1908- Q100289771 N/A* 1891-||-1922 Contact us
2158-6403 Colvin's weekly register. 1808- Q106115928 N/A None known Contact us
0010-2369 Coṁar. 1942- Q5151720 None* None known Contact us
0185-0601 Comercio exterior. 1951- Q106875848 None* None known Contact us
0185-1306 Comercio exterior de México. 1939- Q106875849 None* None known Contact us
2376-5518 The comet [electronic resource]. 1884- Q100289787 N/A 1884-1918 Contact us
2469-3685 The comet [electronic resource]. 1877- Q100289792 N/A None known Contact us
2048-0792 The comics grid. 2011- Q50815272 All 2011-present Contact us
0586-6391 Commentari. 1950- Q106875850 None* None known Contact us
0010-2571 Commentarii mathematici helvetici. 1929- Q5152387 None* None known Contact us
0010-258X Commentarii mathematici Universitatis Sancti Pauli. 1952- Q15760005 None* None known Contact us
0010-2601 Commentary. 1945- Q1115290 1945 1945-1947 Contact us
0069-6579 Commentationes biologicae / 1922-1977 Q106117499 None* None known Contact us
0069-6587 Commentationes humanarum litterarum. 1922- Q106115929 None* None known Contact us
0010-2628 Commentationes mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae. 1960- Q15745453 None* None known Contact us
0069-6609 Commentationes physico-mathematicae / 1922- Q51457707 None* 1922-1926 Contact us
0010-2741 Commerce. 1955- Q119978551 None* Predecessor Contact us
0010-275X Commerce. 1910- Q106875851 None* None known Contact us
1770-7277 Commerce. 1924-1932 Q2986216 None* 1924-1932 Contact us
0361-0438 Commerce America. Q125282866 N/A* 1976-1978+ Contact us
0020-6385 Commerce today. 1970-1975 Q125282100 N/A* 1970-1975+ Contact us
0735-5882 Commerce yearbook. 1923- Q106115930 None* 1922-1932+ Contact us
0010-2903 The Commercial and financial chronicle. 1865-1976 Q5152445 None 1865-1963 Contact us
0745-4856 The commercial appeal. 1892- Q7726978 1940 None known Contact us
0010-2911 The commercial bulletin. 1859-1990 Q106877253 None None known Contact us
0010-2989 Commercial fisheries review. 1946-1972 Q51457747 None* 1946-1972+ Contact us
0010-3055 Commercial law journal. 1930- Q108137440 None None known Contact us
0010-3063 The Commercial motor. 1905- Q5152511 None* 1905-||-1928 Contact us
0569-3284 Committee reports presented at the annual meeting to be held ... 1961-1967 Q106117500 None None known Contact us
0010-3233 Commodity trade statistics. 1951-1995 Q106875853 None None known Contact us
0010-325X Common ground. 1946- Q106875854 None* None known Contact us
0588-7429 Common market : a monthly review of European integration and economic development. 1960-1970 Q106875855 None* None known Contact us
0165-0750 Common market law review. 1963- Q5153436 None* None known Contact us
2158-6845 Common school advocate. 1837- Q106115931 N/A None known Contact us
2158-7213 Common school assistant, and public instructor. 1837-1838 N/A None known Contact us
2158-7248 The Common school journal. 1839-1851 N/A None known Contact us
2163-6680 The commoner 1901-1923 N/A None known Contact us
0010-3330 Commonweal. 1924- Q511735 1929* 1924-1941 Contact us
2474-9931 The commonwealth [electronic resource]. 1896- Q100289878 None None known Contact us
2637-871X The commonwealth [electronic resource]. 1858- Q106877254 N/A None known Contact us
0010-3381 The Commonwealth forestry review. 1962-1998 Q27990218 None* 1962-1998+ Contact us
0588-8018 Communications / Ecole pratique des hautes études, Centre d'études des communications de masse. 1961- Q2989676 Unknown None known Contact us
0161-374X Communications. 1937- Q106875856 None None known Contact us
0588-8034 Communications abstracts. 1963- Q106875857 None None known Contact us
0070-2919 Communications from the David Dunlap Observatory. 1938-1975 Q106117501 None* None known Contact us
0481-5661 Communications from the Radcliffe Observatory, Pretoria. 1935- Q106117502 None* None known Contact us
0001-0782 Communications of the Association for Computing Machinery [electronic resource]. Q1120519 1959 1958-present Contact us
0099-6416 Communications of the Lunar and Planetary Laboratory. 1962- Q5154225 None* 1962-1973 Contact us
1063-3022 Communications to the National Academy of Sciences / 1915- Q106875858 None* 1915-1927 Contact us
0010-3713 Communio viatorum. 1958- Q12360657 None* None known Contact us
0588-8174 Communist affairs. 1962-1968 Q68171777 None None known Contact us
0588-8190 Communist China yearbook. 1962- Q106117503 None* None known Contact us
0020-854X Community development. 1958- Q120406137 None* None known Contact us
2515-4966 Community development bulletin 1951-1964 Q106117504 None* None known Contact us
0010-3802 Community development journal. 1966- Q4840442 All 1992-2017 Contact us
0499-6658 Community development review. 1956-1963 Q106875859 None* 1956-1963 Contact us
0010-387X Community planning review. Revue canadienne d'urbanisme. 1951-1973 Q106875860 None* None known Contact us
1247-6757 Comoedia (Paris. 1907) Q2991574 None* 1907-||-1944 Contact us
2158-7272 The companion and weekly miscellany. 1804-1806 N/A None known Contact us
0010-4027 Company news and notes. 1962- Q106115934 None* None known Contact us
0010-406X Comparative biochemistry and physiology. 1960-1970 Q27710495 None* None known Contact us
0010-4086 Comparative education review. 1957- Q5155621 None None known Contact us
0950-625X Comparative literature studies. 1941-1946 Q114339052 None* None known Contact us
0010-4175 Comparative studies in society and history. 1958- Q5155627 None* None known Contact us
2373-6909 The compass. 1920- Q106877255 None None known Contact us
0076-7522 Compendio estadístico. 1941- Q106117505 None* None known Contact us
0069-7958 Compendio statistico italiano. 1927- Q106117506 None* None known Contact us
2043-1864 The Compleat library, or, News for the ingenious. 1692- Q106877256 N/A None known Contact us
0419-7178 Complete catalogue of plays. 1957- Q106875861 None None known Contact us
0010-4337 Composer. 1958- Q106875862 None* None known Contact us
0010-440X Comprehensive psychiatry. 1960- Q15749263 1960 2019-present Contact us
0583-8401 Compte rendu des séances de la Société de physique et d'histoire naturelle de Genève. 1885-1947 Q51458550 None* 1884-1929+ Contact us
0065-0536 Comptes rendus des séances de l'année -- Académie des inscriptions & belles-lettres. 1857- Q2990852 None* 1857-2018 Contact us
0037-9026 Comptes rendus des séances de la Société de biologie et de ses filiales. 1940-1998 Q51458562 None* 1849-1928 Contact us
0008-6657 Comptes rendus des travaux du Laboratoire Carlsberg. 1958- Q27710224 None* 1878-1927 Contact us
0755-2505 Comptes rendus du Congrès des sociétés savantes de Paris et des départements. 1896-1961 Q106115937 None* 1896-1930 Contact us
0588-9324 Computational linguistics. 1963-1969 Q106875863 None* None known Contact us
0010-4531 The computer bulletin : for information systems professionals. 1957- Q96331555 None* None known Contact us
0010-4620 The computer journal. Q7727237 None* 1958-1995 Contact us
0010-4841 Computerworld. 1967- Q1755724 All 1967-2014 Contact us
0010-4884 Computing reviews. 1960- Q4650723 1961 None known Contact us
0077-1244 Comunicaciones antropológicas del Museo de Historia Natural de Montevideo. 1956- Q106115945 None* None known Contact us
0027-0121 Comunicaciones botánicas del Museo de Historia Natural de Montevideo. 1942- Q5780453 None* None known Contact us
0027-0113 Comunicaciones zoológicas del Museo de Historia Natural de Montevideo. 1943- Q27887126 None* None known Contact us
0010-5066 La Comunità internazionale. 1946- Q106876687 None* None known Contact us
0554-436X Concise statistical yearbook of Poland. 1962-1991 Q112823284 None* None known Contact us
0010-5279 Concordia theological monthly. 1930- Q102291122 None None known Contact us
0010-5309 Concours médical. 1879- Q27710509 None* 1879-1947 Contact us
0097-4331 Concrete. 1904- Q106875864 N/A* 1904-||-1911+ Contact us
0889-8316 Concrete. Q109389923 None* 1916-1928+ Contact us
0095-9685 Concrete-cement age. 1912- Q106875865 N/A* 1912-1915+ Contact us
0095-9693 Concrete engineering. 1907- Q106875866 N/A 1907-1910+ Contact us
0010-5368 Concrete products. 1957- Q106875867 None 1919-1923 Contact us
0010-5422 The condor : Ornithological applications. 1900- Q2612787 None* 1900-2000+ Contact us
0145-451X Confederate states medical and surgical journal. 1864-1865 N/A None known Contact us
0517-5135 Conference papers / Conference on Electronic Computation. 1959-1979 Q106875871 None None known Contact us
0077-3352 Conference papers. 1962-1969 Q106875872 None None known Contact us
0010-5678 Confinia neurologica. Borderlands of neurology. 1938-1975 Q27710514 None* None known Contact us
2164-4543 Conflict and society : advances in research. 2015- Q96702731 All 2020-present Contact us
0731-4086 Conflict resolution. 1957- Q29570811 None* None known Contact us
0589-199X Confluence. 1952-1958 Q106875873 1952 None known Contact us
0010-5856 The Congregationalist. 1958- Q113164819 None* 2012-present Contact us
2158-740X The Congregationalist and Christian world. 1901- Q106115946 None* 1891-||-1915+ Contact us
0010-5899 The congressional digest. 1922- Q5160935 1936 1921-1935 Contact us
0162-1203 Congressional index. 1938- Q113302755 None None known Contact us
0095-6007 Congressional quarterly almanac. 1948-2001 Q106115947 None* None known Contact us
0010-5910 Congressional quarterly weekly report. 1956-1998 Q27716687 1952* None known Contact us
0363-7239 Congressional record. 1873- Q5160952 N/A* 1873-present+ Contact us
0258-8870 La conjoncture énergétique dans la communauté : situation à la fin de ... 1963- Q106117507 None* None known Contact us
0010-5988 Connaissance des arts. 1952- Q106875875 None* None known Contact us
2158-9143 The Connecticut common school journal. 1838- Q106117508 N/A 1838-||-1866 Contact us
2159-0141 The Connecticut evangelical magazine. 1800-1807 N/A None known Contact us
2159-0168 Connecticut evangelical magazine, and religious intelligencer. 1808-1815 N/A None known Contact us
0010-6178 Connecticut medicine. 1958- Q15766951 None None known Contact us
2578-157X The Connecticut school journal. 1871-1874 N/A None known Contact us
0589-4018 Connection. 1963- Q106875876 None None known Contact us
0010-6275 The Connoisseur. 1901-1992 Q5161978 None* 1901-1928+ Contact us
2151-1276 The connoisseur [e-journal]. 1886-1889 Q96735327 N/A 1886-1888+ Contact us
2043-1880 The connoisseur by Mr. Town, critic and censor-general. ... 1754-1756 N/A None known Contact us
2469-3715 Conservative, and Holly Springs banner 1840-1841 N/A None known Contact us
2473-1463 The constitution. 1868-1869 N/A None known Contact us
0195-5888 Constitution, Jefferson's manual, and Rules of the House of Representatives of the United States. Q107017878 N/A* 1871-||-present Contact us
0742-7115 Constitutional commentary. 1984- Q15762699 All 1984-present Contact us
0010-6720 Construction bulletin. 1946- Q106875878 None None known Contact us
0194-2476 Construction digest. 1959- Q106875879 None None known Contact us
0010-6844 Construction methods and equipment. 1949-1970 Q106115949 1964* 1927-1961+ Contact us
0010-6917 Construction review. 1955-1997 Q106875880 None* 1955- Contact us
0383-2600 Construction world. 1945- Q106875881 None* None known Contact us
0010-7069 Consultant. 1961- Q27710336 None None known Contact us
0589-4913 Consumer behavior. 1954- Q106875882 1958* None known Contact us
0094-8616 Consumer price index. 1953- Q106875883 None* 1953-1974 Contact us
0010-7174 Consumer reports. 1942- Q1957782 1948* 1937-1946 Contact us
0573-777X Contact. 1960- Q106875885 None* None known Contact us
0589-5049 Contact. 1958-1965 Q106875884 1958 None known Contact us
0010-7468 Contemporary authors; a bio-bibliographical guide to current writers in fiction, general nonfiction, poetry, journalism, drama, motion pictures, television and other fields. 1962- Q5164965 None None known Contact us
0589-5227 Contemporary China. 1956-1964 Q106875888 None* None known Contact us
0045-8333 Contemporary Indian literature. 1961-1974 Q106117579 None* None known Contact us
0388-0214 Contemporary Japan. 1932-1971 Q106875889 None* None known Contact us
0010-7514 Contemporary physics. 1959- Q2013930 None* None known Contact us
0414-7812 The Contemporary reader. 1953-1955 Q106877257 1954 None known Contact us
0010-7557 Contemporary religions in Japan. 1960-1970 Q26849485 None* None known Contact us
0010-7565 The contemporary review. 1866- Q7727452 None* 1866-1928+ Contact us
0010-7700 Continental film review. 1952-1980 Q106117581 None* None known Contact us
2159-0206 The Continental monthly 1862-1864 N/A None known Contact us
0010-7786 Continuum. 1963- Q106875890 None None known Contact us
0192-0235 Contra Costa times. 1952- Q55421739 None None known Contact us
0589-5758 Contrast. 1961- Q106875891 1963* None known Contact us
0573-8466 Contribuciones arqueológicas / 1961-1978 Q106115950 None* None known Contact us
0374-6836 Contribuições para o estudo da antropologia portuguesa. 1914- Q106117582 None* None known Contact us
0373-7209 Contributi scientifici. 1923- Q106875896 None* None known Contact us
0069-9616 Contribuții botanice. 1958- Q89361297 None* None known Contact us
0075-6253 Contributions. 1959- Q120499247 None* None known Contact us
0082-3139 Contributions. 1950-1970 Q120499259 None None known Contact us
0777-3919 Contributions à l'histoire économique et sociale. 1962- Q106117583 None* None known Contact us
0041-9168 Contributions de l'Institut botanique de l'Université de Montréal. 1938-1969 Q20015504 None* None known Contact us
0563-8038 Contributions from the Department of Astronomy, University of Tokyo. 1959- Q106117584 None* None known Contact us
0097-160X Contributions from the Gray Herbarium. Q5785345 None* 1891-1984+ Contact us
0457-7833 Contributions from the Lick Observatory. 1889-1991 Q106117585 None* 1889-1895 Contact us
1062-8045 Contributions from the McDonald Observatory, Fort Davis, Texas. 1936- Q106117586 None* None known Contact us
0097-3556 Contributions from the Museum of Paleontology. 1924- Q65557654 None 1924-present Contact us
1063-3030 Contributions from the Observatory of Columbia University. 1892- Q106117587 N/A 1892-1915 Contact us
0195-7465 Contributions from the Perkins Observatory, Ohio Wesleyan University and Ohio State University. 1935-1954 Q106117588 None* None known Contact us
0097-1618 Contributions from the United States National Herbarium. 1890- Q5785352 None 1890-2011 Contact us
0091-1860 Contributions from the University of Michigan Herbarium. 1939- Q5785354 None 1939-2007 Contact us
0893-2611 Contributions in principles of education. 1926- Q106875892 None* None known Contact us
0080-8326 Contributions - Scripps Institution of Oceanography. 1938- Q106115957 None* None known Contact us
1200-1635 Contributions to anthropology. 1960- Q106875894 None* None known Contact us
0573-8547 Contributions to California archaeology. 1956- Q106117590 None* 1956-||-1963 Contact us
0383-6258 Contributions to Canadian economics. 1928-1934 Q26849482 None* None known Contact us
0589-5839 Contributions to differential equations. 1963-1964 Q106117591 None None known Contact us
0589-5855 Contributions to Indian economic history. 1960-1963 Q106117592 None* None known Contact us
0573-8571 Contributions to library science = Biblioteekkundige bydraes. 1961- Q106875895 None* None known Contact us
1050-8325 Contributions to North American ethnology / 1877-1893 N/A None known Contact us
0005-8025 Contributions to plasma physics 1961- Q3014091 None* None known Contact us
1383-4517 Contributions to zoology = Bijdragen tot de dierkunde. 1995- Q5165793 All* 1995-present+ Contact us
0741-7926 Contributions toward a flora of Nevada. 1940- Q106117593 None* 1940-1965 Contact us
0010-8049 Control engineering. 1954- Q5165829 None None known Contact us
0010-8073 The controller : journal of the International Federation of Air Traffic Controllers' Associations. 1961- Q106877258 None* None known Contact us
1936-9433 The cook : a weekly handbook of domestic culinary art for all housekeepers. 1885- Q106877259 N/A None known Contact us
2373-3756 Cooper's Clarksburg register 1851- Q100290007 N/A 1851-1858 Contact us
0069-9799 El Cooperador dental; cooperativismo, información y ciencia odontológica. 1933- Q27710539 None* None known Contact us
1019-4819 Coopération intellectuelle / 1932- Q106875897 None* None known Contact us
2475-7098 The Cooperstown courier 1883- Q100290009 N/A* 1883-||-1906+ Contact us
0045-8511 Copeia. 1913- Q205600 1964 1913-1928 Contact us
2643-0959 Copp's land office bulletin / 1889-1890 N/A None known Contact us
2374-7315 The copper era and Morenci leader 1911- Q100290016 None 1911-1922 Contact us
0589-6843 Copperbelt of Zambia mining industry yearbook. 1954-1968 Q106117595 None* None known Contact us
0010-8669 Coranto. 1963-1992 Q106875898 None None known Contact us
1048-8766 The Cordova times. 1947- Q106877260 None None known Contact us
1558-7185 Corinth : results of excavations conducted by the American School of Classical Studies at Athens. 1929- Q96703225 None* 1929-||-1975 Contact us
2643-0932 Cornell law journal. 1894- Q106875899 N/A 1894+ Contact us
0010-8847 The Cornell law quarterly. 1915-1967 Q98844327 1935* 1915-1967+ Contact us
0010-8847 Cornell law review. 1967- Q5171540 All* 1967-present+ Contact us
0010-8863 The Cornell plantations. 1944- Q106877261 None 1944-1996 Contact us
0574-0959 The Cornell University music review. 1958-1968 Q106117596 None None known Contact us
0010-8901 The Cornell veterinarian. 1911-1994 Q27710545 None 1911-1994 Contact us
0010-891X The Cornhill magazine. Q1931722 1936* 1860-1928 Contact us
0010-8928 El Corno emplumado = The Plumed horn. 1962-1969 Q33232085 None* 1962-1969 Contact us
0318-9864 Corporate management conferences / 1959-1963 Q106117597 None* None known Contact us
2643-0908 Corporate practice review. 1928-1932 Q99438536 1930 None known Contact us
2643-0851 Corporate reorganizations, combined with American bankruptcy review. 1937-1947 Q106117599 None* Predecessor Contact us
0070-0320 Corpus catholicorum. 1919- Q1135128 None* 1919-1928 Contact us
1780-4582 Corpus Christianorum. 1953- Q105485204 None* None known Contact us
0574-1270 Corpus codicum danicorum medii aevi. 1960-1973 Q106117600 None* None known Contact us
0574-1297 Corpus codicum Norvegicorum Medii Aevi. 1952- Q120717543 None* None known Contact us
0589-7998 Corpus consuetudinum monasticarum. 1963- Q106117602 None* None known Contact us
0070-0347 Corpus medicorum Graecorum. 1927- Q120717909 None* 1908-2020 Contact us
0070-0371 Corpus of early keyboard music. 1963- Q15803902 None* None known Contact us
0070-0436 Corpus scriptorum Christianorum Orientalium. 1950- Q120717985 None* 1903-1928 Contact us
0070-0460 Corpus scriptorum de musica. 1950- Q21655908 None* None known Contact us
0525-8170 Corpus statutorum. 1952- Q106875902 None* None known Contact us
1724-4560 Corpus vasorum antiquorum. 1925- Q1135179 1933* 1922-recent Contact us
0574-1408 Corpus vitrearum Medii Aevi. 1958- Q120719302 None* None known Contact us
0589-8153 Corpus vitrearum Medii Aevi. 1959- Q120719326 None* None known Contact us
0589-8161 Corpus vitrearum Medii Aevi. 1962- Q120719288 None* None known Contact us
0010-9053 Corrective psychiatry and journal of social therapy 1962- Q106875903 None None known Contact us
0892-1237 Correlative neuroanatomy. 1952-2000 Q106875904 1960 1942-||-1956 Contact us
0994-5563 Le Correspondant. 1843-1933 Q591512 None* 1843-1929 Contact us
2576-6260 La correspondencia de Puerto Rico 1890- Q100304544 None 1890-1910 Contact us
0010-9312 Corrosion. 1945- Q15756434 None None known Contact us
2470-8100 The Corvallis times 1888- Q106877262 N/A* 1900-1907+ Contact us
2043-1902 Cosmopolis. 1896-1898 N/A None known Contact us
0010-9541 The Cosmopolitan. -1925 Q333644 1929* 1886-1929+ Contact us
1948-9323 The cosmopolitan art journal. N/A 1856-1861 Contact us
0538-8295 The cost of social security = Coût de la sécurité sociale = Costo de la seguridad social. 1951-1985 Q106877263 None* None known Contact us
0271-3772 Cost reports of the Federal Trade Commission. 1919-1921 N/A None known Contact us
2381-1757 Cottonwood chronicle 1917- Q55666376 None* 1917-1923+ Contact us
0011-0035 Counselor education and supervision. 1961- Q15757594 None None known Contact us
0045-8856 Country life. 1901- Q5177346 None* 1897-1928+ Contact us
0011-0272 The Countryman : a quarterly review and miscellany of rural life and progress. 1927- Q5177542 None* None known Contact us
0082-9455 County and city data book. 1949- Q106875905 None* 1949-2007+ Contact us
2643-0762 The county council magazine : for those interested in local government / 1889- Q106115960 N/A 1889-1890 Contact us
2643-0738 The County Courts gazette. 1912- Q106115963 N/A None known Contact us
0575-3104 County report. 1962- Q106117604 None* 1963-||-1977 Contact us
1145-0053 La coupe : recueil mensuel d'art et d'ethique. 1895-1898 N/A None known Contact us
2159-0435 Courier de Boston : affiches, annonces, et avis. 1789- Q106875906 N/A 1789 Contact us
2475-8647 Courier Democrat 1891- Q100290252 N/A 1891-1920+ Contact us
1930-2177 The courier-journal. 1869- Q1567585 1940 None known Contact us
0895-8785 The courier-news. 1961- Q5178140 None None known Contact us
1050-432X Courier-post. 1949- Q5178129 None None known Contact us
0041-5278 The courier : publication of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. 1948- Q106877264 1957* None known Contact us
0590-0239 Le courrier des pays de l'Est / 1963- Q27718419 None* None known Contact us
0771-6443 Courrier du centre international d'études poétiques. 1955-2000 Q106117605 None* None known Contact us
0011-0590 Le Courrier graphique. 1936- Q19572595 None* None known Contact us
0008-9664 Courrier hebdomadaire du C.R.I.S.P. 1958- Q47009732 None* None known Contact us
0011-0620 Le Courrier musical de France. 1963-1980 Q106117606 None* None known Contact us
1545-5890 The course of study : a monthly publication for teachers and parents devoted to the work of the Chicago Institute, Academic and Pedagogic. 1900-1901 Q96735343 N/A None known Contact us
0083-2219 Court decisions relating to the National labor relations act. 1939- Q106117607 None* 1928-1986 Contact us
2043-2593 The court magazine and belle assemblée. 1832-1836 N/A None known Contact us
2043-1945 The court magazine & monthly critic and lady's magazine, & museum of the belles lettres, music, fine arts, drama, fashion, etc. 1838-1848 N/A None known Contact us
0574-3559 Court-martial reports holdings and decisions of the Judge Advocates General, Boards of Review, and United States Court of Military Appeals. 1952-1976 Q120907466 None None known Contact us
0361-0934 The Covenant quarterly. 1941- Q50478535 None None known Contact us
0196-612X The ... CQ guide to current American government. 1962- Q106875916 None None known Contact us
2150-3176 The crayon. 1855-1861 Q96735346 N/A None known Contact us
0011-0973 Credit and financial management 1931-1987 Q106875908 None None known Contact us
0011-1066 Credit union magazine. 1963- Q106875909 None None known Contact us
0011-1074 The credit world : the official organ of the Retail Credit Men's National Association. 1912- Q106877266 None None known Contact us
2374-586X Cresco plain dealer 1913- Q115524551 None None known Contact us
0011-1198 The cresset. 1937- Q98653905 None None known Contact us
0848-2004 The crest. 1956-1988 Q106877267 None* None known Contact us
0011-1287 Crime and delinquency. 1960- Q5185158 None* None known Contact us
2643-0657 The criminal law magazine and reporter. 1886-1896 N/A None known Contact us
0271-4574 Criminal law quarterly. 1962-1963 Q108330025 None* None known Contact us
0011-1333 The criminal law quarterly. 1959- Q15764817 None* None known Contact us
1547-626X Criminal science monograph : supplement to the Journal of the American Institute of Criminal Law and Criminology ... 1915-1923 N/A None known Contact us
0011-1422 The crisis. 1910- Q3520459 1940 1910-||-2011+ Contact us
2374-8648 The crisis [electronic resource]. 1877-1878 N/A None known Contact us
0011-1473 Criterio. 1928- Q5791982 None* None known Contact us
0590-0980 Criterion. [electronic resource] 1962- Q27717156 None None known Contact us
2151-3880 The critic. 1872-1891 Q106877273 N/A 1880-1891+ Contact us
2043-1961 The critic [electronic resource]. 1884-1906 N/A None known Contact us
2159-0664 Critic: a Weekly Review of Literature and the Arts (1886-1898) Q64890044 N/A 1881-1906+ Contact us
0011-1511 Critica d'arte. 1935- Q15750407 None* None known Contact us
0011-1554 Critica storica. 1962-1991 Q27716570 None* None known Contact us
0256-0046 Critical arts. 1980- Q5186596 All 1980-1992 Contact us
0011-1562 The Critical quarterly. 1959- Q5186654 None* None known Contact us
2043-197X The Critical review, or, Annals of literature. 1756-1817 Q3520461 N/A 1756-1817 Contact us
0011-1570 The critical survey : the journal of the Critical Quarterly Society. 1962- Q15751694 None* None known Contact us
0011-1589 Criticism. 1959- Q15764889 None None known Contact us
2332-5305 The Crittenden record 1904-1907 N/A None known Contact us
0011-1643 Croatica chemica acta. 1956- Q15751385 None* 1956-present+ Contact us
0011-183X Crop science. 1961- Q2022203 None None known Contact us
0011-1910 Cross and crown. 1949- Q103833221 1953 1949-||-1961 Contact us
0070-1645 Cross-cultural studies in mental health. 1961- Q106875911 None* None known Contact us
0011-216X Crustaceana 1960- Q3620957 None* None known Contact us
0011-2275 Cryogenics. 1960- Q2688615 None* None known Contact us
0257-9421 Cryptogamica Helvetica. 1985- Q98832282 All* 1985-present+ Contact us
0045-9151 The cryptogram. 1932- Q106877269 None None known Contact us
0007-9219 CTVD, Cinema, TV digest. 1962- Q106115964 None None known Contact us
0590-1502 Cuadernos. 1957-1965 Q106875912 None* None known Contact us
1579-489X Cuadernos bibliográficos. 1961- Q106117608 None* None known Contact us
0186-1344 Cuadernos de bellas artes. 1960-1964 Q30899487 None* None known Contact us
0590-1774 Cuadernos de cultura. 1950-1976 Q106875913 None* None known Contact us
0716-0046 Cuadernos de economía. 1963-2010 Q15764724 None* None known Contact us
0210-847X Cuadernos de estudios gallegos / 1944- Q15764884 None* None known Contact us
0325-1195 Cuadernos de historia de España / 1944- Q27716601 None* None known Contact us
0045-9178 Cuadernos de historia de la salud pública. 1961- Q27715353 None* None known Contact us
0574-5586 Cuadernos de música folklórica balear. 1961- Q106117609 None* None known Contact us
0590-2312 Cuadernos del colibrí. 1963- Q106117610 None* None known Contact us
0570-8346 Cuadernos del Instituto Nacional de Antropología / 1963-1991 Q106875914 None* None known Contact us
0070-1769 Cuadernos del sur. 1958- Q106117611 None* None known Contact us
0011-250X Cuadernos hispanoamericanos. 1948- Q16491656 None* None known Contact us
0337-8810 Cuisine et vins de France. 1947- Q19955987 None* None known Contact us
2159-0842 Cultivator. 1834-1865 N/A 1834-1865+ Contact us
0393-1560 La cultura. 1921- Q3820793 None* 1881-||-1928 Contact us
0252-9084 Cultura universitaria. 1947-1993 Q121057101 None* None known Contact us
0317-2066 Culture. 1940- Q106875915 None* None known Contact us
0130-2752 Culture and life. 1957- Q121057496 None* None known Contact us
0011-2976 The Cumberland Presbyterian. 1828- Q106877270 None* None known Contact us
2159-0877 The Cumberland Presbyterian quarterly. 1880- Q106115965 N/A* Predecessor Contact us
2159-0885 The Cumberland Presbyterian quarterly review. 1881-1883 N/A None known Contact us
2159-0907 The Cumberland Presbyterian review. 1884- Q106115966 N/A* Predecessor Contact us
0534-2376 Cumulative index of IRE publications / 1954- Q106117612 None None known Contact us
0011-3018 Cumulative index to nursing literature. 1961-1976 Q121063583 None* None known Contact us
0011-3069 Curator. 1958- Q15716394 None* 1958-1961 Contact us
0011-3182 Current anthropological literature. 1912- Q27718883 None* None known Contact us
0011-3204 Current anthropology. Q5195034 None 1960-1961 Contact us
0070-184X Current Australian serials; a subject list. 1963- Q106875917 None* None known Contact us
0070-1858 Current British directories. 1953- Q106115967 None* None known Contact us
0011-3514 Current geographical publications / 1938- Q106875918 None None known Contact us
0011-3530 Current history. 1941- Q5195051 1937* 1914-1928+ Contact us
0498-8450 Current housing reports. 1955-1970 Q106875920 None* 1955-1983+ Contact us
0498-8469 Current housing reports. 1959-1988 Q106875919 None* 1955-1994+ Contact us
0590-3971 Current law and social problems. 1960-1963 Q106117614 None* None known Contact us
0070-1998 Current legal problems. 1948- Q15749835 None* None known Contact us
2159-0915 Current literature. 1888-1912 Q5195060 N/A* 1888-||-1912+ Contact us
0011-3662 Current literature on aging / 1963-1989 Q106875921 None None known Contact us
0574-7554 Current mass communication research. 1957- Q106117615 None* None known Contact us
2159-0923 Current opinion. 1913-1925 Q110756196 N/A* 1913-1925+ Contact us
0590-4145 Current projects in the prevention, control, and treatment of crime and delinquency / 1962-1965 Q106117616 None 1962-1965 Contact us
0590-4153 Current projects on economic and social implications of science and technology. 1959- Q121066039 None* 1959-1965 Contact us
0070-2080 Current psychiatric therapies. 1961-1986 Q27710576 1961 None known Contact us
0011-3859 Current publications in legal and related fields. 1953- Q106117618 None None known Contact us
0590-4161 Current research and development in scientific documentation. 1957-1969 Q106875922 None 1957-1969 Contact us
0099-8125 Current researches in anesthesia & analgesia. 1922-1956 Q96332379 None 1922-1956 Contact us
0011-3883 Current scene : developments in mainland China. 1961- Q106875923 None* None known Contact us
0501-3666 Current school enrolment statistics = Statistiques des effectifs scholaires / 1955- Q106115968 None* None known Contact us
0011-3891 Current science. 1932- Q5195083 None* 1970-||-present Contact us
0011-3921 Current sociology. 1952- Q5195087 None* None known Contact us
0590-3890 Current Soviet policies. 1953- Q106117619 None* None known Contact us
0743-7064 Current tables. 1922-1956 Q106875924 None* 1923-||-1957+ Contact us
0070-2099 Current theory and research in motivation. 1953- Q106117620 1953* None known Contact us
0011-393X Current therapeutic research. 1959- Q15752574 None None known Contact us
0192-8163 Current wage developments / 1956-1991 Q106875939 None* 1948-1991+ Contact us
0002-6255 Current world leaders: 1957-1978 Q122010215 None 1957-1961 Contact us
0011-4073 Curtis's botanical magazine. 1995- Q2269599 None* 1787-||-1928 Contact us
2157-8109 Custer County Republican. 1882- Q100291145 N/A 1899-1910 Contact us
2378-6876 Cut Bank pioneer press 1909- Q55667854 None 1910-1917 Contact us
0011-4227 Cybernetica : revue de l'Association internationale de cybernétique = review of the International Association for Cybernetics. 1958-1998 Q96332417 None* None known Contact us
0399-0974 Cybium. 1947- Q3008208 None* None known Contact us
2474-6177 The cyclone occasional 1891- Q106117621 N/A None known Contact us
0011-4421 Cylchgrawn Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru = the National Library of Wales journal. 1939- Q6974178 None* 1939-2006 Contact us
2159-1261 The Cynick. 1811- Q106115970 N/A None known Contact us
0045-9429 Cyprus to-day. 1963- Q122015512 None* None known Contact us
0011-4545 Cytologia. 1929- Q27710590 None* None known Contact us
0590-5001 Czechoslovak economic papers. 1959-1990 Q106117622 None* None known Contact us
0011-4642 Czechoslovak mathematical journal. 1969- Q15757793 None* 1951-recent Contact us
0574-9107 Człowiek w czasie i przestrzeni / 1958- Q106115975 None* None known Contact us
0496-6724 Da lu za zhi. 1950- Q98778177 None* None known Contact us
0258-946X DADA 1946- Q30111581 N/A 1917-1921 Contact us
0011-5266 Daedalus. Q1270415 1958* 1955-||-present+ Contact us
2324-8076 The Daguerreian journal 1850-1851 Q122231392 N/A* 1851+ Contact us
0130-6626 Dailė. 1960- Q106875942 None* None known Contact us
2381-0238 Daily American organ 1854-1856 N/A None known Contact us
2381-0181 Daily American telegraph 1851-1852 Q100291200 N/A* 1851-1852+ Contact us
2474-6274 The daily appeal 1906-1907 Q106101571 N/A* 1906-1907+ Contact us
2377-7028 The daily Argus 1873-1877 N/A None known Contact us
0739-5078 The Daily Astorian. 1961- Q7728619 None None known Contact us
2163-7911 The daily Astorian [electronic resource]. 1876-1883 N/A None known Contact us
2331-6640 The daily banner [electronic resource]. 1891- Q100279399 None 1877-||-1922 Contact us
2157-2127 The Daily bulletin. 1882-1895 Q110402375 N/A None known Contact us
2163-4572 The daily Cairo bulletin 1878- Q106115980 None 1868-||-1922 Contact us
2328-5761 The daily Chattanooga rebel 1864- Q100291416 N/A 1862-1865 Contact us
2472-2952 The daily chieftain -1902 N/A None known Contact us
2377-7184 The daily comet. -1856 N/A None known Contact us
2575-453X The daily commonwealth -1919 N/A None known Contact us
2474-0799 The daily confederate 1864- Q100291549 N/A 1864-1865 Contact us
2473-1579 The daily constitution. 1876-1881 N/A None known Contact us
2043-1996 The daily courant. 1702-1735 N/A None known Contact us
2377-7249 The daily crescent 1848-1851 N/A None known Contact us
2376-3833 The daily Dakota farmers' leader 1890- Q106115981 N/A 1890+ Contact us
2157-1260 The daily dispatch [electronic resource]. -1884 N/A None known Contact us
2327-4891 The Daily empire 1865-1867 N/A None known Contact us
2638-0676 Daily enterprise [electronic resource]. 1858- Q106875943 N/A 1858 Contact us
2470-3311 The daily enterprise [electronic resource]. 1883-1884 Q55667871 None 1883-||-1900 Contact us
2378-0509 The daily exchange 1858- Q100291718 N/A 1858-1861 Contact us
2375-303X The daily Gate City and constitution-Democrat 1916- Q55666306 None 1855-||-1920 Contact us
2043-2003 The Daily gazetteer. 1735-1748 N/A None known Contact us
1943-8990 Daily globe. 1878-1884 N/A None known Contact us
2376-8223 The daily Green Mountain freeman 1861- Q100291839 N/A 1844-1884+ Contact us
0891-2777 The Daily herald. 1939- Q5209268 None None known Contact us
2151-4062 The daily herald. 1886-1887 N/A None known Contact us
2333-1909 The daily herald bulletin 1879- Q100291862 N/A 1879 Contact us
2577-3488 The daily independent [electronic resource]. 1936- Q106877276 None None known Contact us
2472-2995 The daily Indian chieftain 1891- Q100291884 N/A 1891-1892 Contact us
2376-9025 The daily intelligencer 1876-1881 N/A None known Contact us
2470-3354 Daily inter mountain -1901 N/A None known Contact us
2163-8497 The daily journal [electronic resource]. 1888-1903 Q100288178 None 1888-1922 Contact us
2471-5263 The daily Madisonian 1841-1845 Q100292021 N/A None known Contact us
0307-7578 Daily mail historical archive, 1896-2004. 1896- Q210534 1930* None known Contact us
2163-7970 The daily morning Astorian 1883-1899 N/A* 1883-||-1899+ Contact us
0893-0759 Daily mountain eagle. 1960- Q5209310 None None known Contact us
2333-1372 The daily mountaineer 1861- Q122435540 N/A 1864-1866 Contact us
1025-1227 Daily nation. 1960- Q1768677 None* None known Contact us
2158-2858 Daily national Republican [electronic resource]. 1870-1872 N/A None known Contact us
2158-2831 Daily national Republican [electronic resource]. 1862-1866 N/A None known Contact us
2381-0351 The daily national Whig 1847-1849 N/A None known Contact us
1176-7596 The daily news. 1881- Q106877279 None* None known Contact us
0814-8686 The daily news. 1881- Q7971123 None* None known Contact us
2333-2808 The daily news [electronic resource]. 1865- Q106877278 N/A None known Contact us
0856-3810 The daily news. 1881- Q1759921 All* None known Contact us
1230-3739 The daily news. 1881- Q113864609 None* None known Contact us
1538-4918 Daily news bulletin. 1941-2003 Q113864151 None None known Contact us
0745-2683 The daily news-journal. 1931- Q4051033 None None known Contact us
0162-2161 Daily news record. 1916- Q5209326 None None known Contact us
2572-6986 The daily palladium 1855- Q106117624 N/A 1831-||-1907 Contact us
0841-6966 Daily press. 1941- Q7806799 None* None known Contact us
2327-493X The daily press [electronic resource]. 1859- Q106877284 N/A None known Contact us
2473-022X Daily press and Dakotaian 1875-1880 N/A None known Contact us
0892-8215 The Daily record. 1957- Q56236893 None None known Contact us
0956-8069 The daily record [electronic resource]. 1959- Q2390965 None* None known Contact us
2576-6112 The daily register -1864 N/A None known Contact us
0749-7113 The daily reporter. 1898- Q106877285 None None known Contact us
2471-626X The daily republic 1853- Q100292362 N/A None known Contact us
1027-3883 The daily star. 1952- Q494370 None* None known Contact us
2474-2155 The Daily state register 1870- Q106101472 N/A 1870-1872 Contact us
2471-2159 The daily telegram 1874- Q100289113 None 1893-||-1916 Contact us
2472-2847 The daily times [electronic resource]. 1896- Q106877287 None 1896-||-1922 Contact us
2157-670X The Daily Tombstone. 1885- Q100292493 N/A None known Contact us
2381-0378 The daily union 1845-1857 N/A None known Contact us
1066-6095 The Daily Washington law reporter. 1959- Q27716673 None None known Contact us
2665-9328 The daily worker 1924-1958 Q1157607 None 1922-||-1958+ Contact us
0011-5681 Dairy science abstracts. 1939- Q106875945 None* None known Contact us
0348-3762 Dalarnas hembygdsbok. 1931- Q106117625 None* None known Contact us
0011-5827 The Dalhousie review. Q7728751 None* 1921-2015 Contact us
2333-4649 Dallas herald -1873 N/A None known Contact us
2333-4681 The Dallas weekly herald 1873- Q100292556 N/A None known Contact us
2333-1402 The Dalles times-mountaineer 1882- Q17582955 N/A None known Contact us
0747-3443 The Dalles weekly chronicle 1890- Q106115982 None 1890-1899 Contact us
0418-3142 Damascus road. 1961-1982 Q106875946 None None known Contact us
0418-3177 Dan Andersson-Sällskapet Skrifter. 1963- Q106117626 None* None known Contact us
0011-5983 Dance and dancers. 1950- Q18350096 None* None known Contact us
0011-6009 Dance magazine. 1948- Q5215158 1954* None known Contact us
0011-6033 Dance perspectives. 1959- Q106875947 None None known Contact us
0011-605X Dancing times. 1894- Q5215514 None* None known Contact us
0070-2714 Dania polyglotta. 1945-1998 Q106117627 None* None known Contact us
0105-9637 Dania sonans : Kilder til Musikkens Historie i Danmark. 1933- Q106117628 None* None known Contact us
0070-2765 Danmarks folkeminder. 1908- Q106117629 None* 1908-1928 Contact us
0070-2781 Danmarks vareindførsel og -udførsel = Foreign trade of Denmark. 1961- Q107017880 Unknown None known Contact us
0106-4630 Danske folkemaal. 1927-1999 Q107017881 Unknown None known Contact us
2373-3829 Danville intelligencer -1907 Q100292584 N/A None known Contact us
2159-1458 The Danville quarterly review. 1861-1864 N/A None known Contact us
1392-0588 Darbai ir dienos. 1930- Q96704926 None* None known Contact us
2043-2011 The dark blue. 1871-1873 N/A None known Contact us
0418-3886 Darstellungen und Quellen zur Geschichte der deutschen Einheitsbewegung im neunzehnten und zwanzigsten Jahrhundert. 1957- Q106117630 None* None known Contact us
0199-9931 The Dartmouth 1867-1877 Q7729068 N/A None known Contact us
0011-6793 Darwiniana. 1922- Q17633722 All* 1976-2006+ Contact us
0416-7694 Data processing annual. 1961- Q106875948 None None known Contact us
0011-6858 Data processing digest. 1955-1996 Q106117631 None None known Contact us
0011-6963 Datamation. 1958-1998 Q96332519 None None known Contact us
0011-7013 Daughters of the American Revolution magazine. 1946- Q27715777 1957* 1913-||-2001+ Contact us
0011-703X Davar : revista literaria. 1945- Q106875949 None* None known Contact us
1061-1223 Davis County clipper. 1892- Q55671260 None None known Contact us
1549-1161 Davison's textile blue book : United States and Canada. 1913- Q106115983 None 1901-||-1925 Contact us
1563-9444 Dawn. 1941- Q1178770 None* None known Contact us
2327-1493 Dayton daily empire -1865 N/A None known Contact us
2151-5344 The Daytona gazette=news. 1901-1922 N/A None known Contact us
0721-1902 DB : Deutsche Bauzeitung. 1960- Q1202202 None* 1867-||-1927 Contact us
0885-1883 De Bow's review. 1879- Q5244276 N/A 1846-1869 Contact us
0011-7188 De Paul law review. 1951- Q15761258 None None known Contact us
0070-3133 Debrett's peerage, baronetage, knightage, and companionage. Q16751774 None* 1809-||-1921 Contact us
2159-1954 The Debtors' journal. 1820-1821 N/A None known Contact us
0894-2307 Decatur daily Democrat. 1907- Q55666699 None None known Contact us
0011-7269 The Deccan geographer. 1962- Q27718779 None* None known Contact us
0894-2048 Decennial index to Chemical abstracts. 1917- Q106115984 1958* None known Contact us
0083-2227 Decisions and orders of the National Labor Relations Board. 1936- Q106875951 None* 1935-2010 Contact us
0517-1342 Decisions and recommendations of the AFL-CIO impartial umpire. 1959-1962 Q106117632 None None known Contact us
0083-3223 Decisions and reports 1938- Q106875952 None* 1937-2006 Contact us
0011-7323 Decisions of the Comptroller General of the United States / 1922- Q106875953 None* 1921-1994 Contact us
0501-8919 Decisions of the United States Court of Military Appeals : with headnotes, tables, index and parallel references. 1951-1975 Q115785765 None 1951-1953 Contact us
0070-3176 Decisions of the United States courts involving copyright / 1909- Q115785796 None* 1909-1985 Contact us
0011-7331 Decisions of the United States Department of the Interior / 1933-1995 Q106875955 None* 1881-1994+ Contact us
0538-382X Decisions, values and groups : Reports from the ... Interdisciplinary Conference. 1960- Q106875950 1960 None known Contact us
0011-717X Décollage. 1962-1969 Q115785880 None* None known Contact us
0418-4858 Decorative art in modern interiors. 1961- Q106117633 None* Predecessor Contact us
2150-6256 The decorator and furnisher. 1882- Q24204380 N/A 1882-1897 Contact us
0011-748X Defence science journal. 1951- Q15764045 None* None known Contact us
0091-8024 Defoe's review. 1704-1713 N/A None known Contact us
1318-9565 Dela / Opera / Academia Scientiarum et Artium Slovenica, Classis II, Philologia et Litterae. 1950- Q106875956 None* None known Contact us
1941-0751 DeLand news. -1921 N/A None known Contact us
1082-6912 The Delano eagle. 1909- Q106877289 None None known Contact us
2638-0692 The Delaware abolitionist 1847- Q100292732 N/A None known Contact us
2638-0749 Delaware advertiser & star 1832- Q100292735 N/A None known Contact us
2638-3896 Delaware City press 1913- Q100292737 N/A* None known Contact us
2638-3934 Delaware Democrat [electronic resource]. 1857- Q106875957 N/A None known Contact us
2638-4043 The Delaware farm and home 1885- Q100292745 N/A None known Contact us
2638-4256 The Delaware gazette [electronic resource]. 1809- Q116335810 N/A* 1809-1810+ Contact us
1064-2013 The Delaware gazette. 1932- Q7729643 None* None known Contact us
2574-6871 Delaware gazette and state journal 1883-1902 N/A None known Contact us
0011-7765 Delaware history. 1946- Q27715782 1947 None known Contact us
2638-6860 Delaware inquirer 1859- Q100292748 N/A None known Contact us
2638-6917 Delaware journal 1827- Q100292760 N/A None known Contact us
2639-118X Delaware patriot & American watchman -1828 N/A None known Contact us
2639-1201 The Delaware register, or, Farmers', manufacturers' & mechanics' advocate 1828-1829 N/A None known Contact us
2572-0244 Delaware Republican 1843- Q106875958 N/A* None known Contact us
2476-2741 Delaware Republican, and farmers', manufacturers' and mechanics' advocate 1841- Q106117634 N/A* None known Contact us
2574-6766 Delaware state journal 1870- Q100292766 N/A* None known Contact us
2639-1228 Delaware State journal, advertiser and star 1832- Q106117636 N/A None known Contact us
2574-6723 Delaware State journal and statesman 1855- Q117036053 N/A* None known Contact us
2639-1279 Delaware State reporter 1853- Q100292768 N/A None known Contact us
2639-1309 Delaware straight-out truth teller 1872- Q100292769 N/A None known Contact us
2574-6928 Delaware tribune 1867- Q106875960 N/A* None known Contact us
2574-6979 Delaware tribune, and the Delaware state journal 1877- Q106117698 N/A* None known Contact us
2638-0781 Delaware weekly advertiser and farmer's journal -1828 Q100292734 N/A 1828-1831+ Contact us
2639-1325 Delaware weekly Republican 1841- Q100292773 N/A* None known Contact us
0011-7935 Delo; mesečni književni časopis. 1955- Q106131063 None* None known Contact us
0011-7986 Delta. 1953-1981 Q106875963 None* None known Contact us
0382-9065 Delta. 1957-1966 Q106875962 None* None known Contact us
2578-2622 Delta chief 1883- Q100292790 N/A None known Contact us
0011-8044 The Delta Kappa Gamma bulletin. 1934- Q106117699 None None known Contact us
0011-8052 Delta Pi Epsilon journal. 1957- Q15756269 None None known Contact us
1105-5758 Deltion / 1959- Q96734542 None* 1892-recent Contact us
1012-229X Deltion tēs Historikēs kai Ethnologikēs Hetaireias tēs Hellados. 1883- Q106116011 None* 1883-||-1926 Contact us
0501-9133 Demand and price situation. 1961- Q106117700 None* 1937-||-1975 Contact us
2373-4795 Deming graphic 1903- Q100292797 None None known Contact us
2474-3291 The Democratic advocate 1865- Q55316033 None None known Contact us
2326-7895 Democratic banner 1845- Q100292961 N/A None known Contact us
2330-6203 Democratic enquirer 1867-1873 N/A None known Contact us
2376-0435 Democratic Northwest and Henry County news 1894- Q100292986 N/A None known Contact us
2372-1375 The Democratic press [electronic resource]. 1868-1901 N/A None known Contact us
2379-3031 The Democratic sentinel 1852- Q106117701 N/A* None known Contact us
2379-3015 The Democratic sentinel and Harrison County farmer 1851- Q106116012 N/A* None known Contact us
2378-1645 The Democratic Whig -1843 N/A None known Contact us
0311-9017 Demography. 1939-1974 Q106875965 None* 1919-||-1939 Contact us
2577-4131 Demoine courier 1854-1856 N/A None known Contact us
0130-3090 Denʹgi i kredit. 1938- Q106875966 None* None known Contact us
0418-6176 Den' poėzii. 1957- Q106117702 None* None known Contact us
0234-1832 Denʹ poėzii. 1959- Q106117703 None* None known Contact us
0418-6370 Denkmäler der Tonkunst in Bayern. 1900-1938 Q15805053 None* 1900-1925 Contact us
0416-9816 Denkmäler rheinischer Musik. 1951- Q1188546 None* None known Contact us
0012-0375 Die Denkmalpflege. 1934- Q117105076 None* 1899-1922 Contact us
0011-8427 Denmark quarterly review. 1961-1989 Q103832601 None* None known Contact us
0011-8524 Dental cadmos. 1933- Q27710611 None* None known Contact us
0011-8532 Dental clinics of North America. 1957- Q26842715 1959* None known Contact us
0096-0187 The dental cosmos 1859- Q106877291 None* 1859-1936+ Contact us
0011-8559 Dental dienst. 1949- Q27710613 None* None known Contact us
0011-8575 Dental echo : international Monatsschrift fuer dental-industrie und -handel. 1926-1998 Q27710615 None* None known Contact us
0011-863X Dental industry news. 1949- Q107017885 None None known Contact us
0099-8095 Dental outlook. 1914-1944 Q107017886 None 1914-||-1928+ Contact us
0418-694X The Dental outlook. 1962-1990 Q107019378 None* 1975-1990+ Contact us
0011-8729 Dental practitioner and dental record. 1955-1972 Q27710624 None* None known Contact us
0098-5198 Dental research and graduate study bulletin. 1928-1968 Q107017887 None None known Contact us
1057-0489 Dental summary. Q108479878 N/A* 1902-||-1925+ Contact us
0011-880X Dental world. 1946-1977 Q107017888 None None known Contact us
0734-0729 The Denver Bar Association record. 1923-1928 Q107019379 N/A* 1923-1928 Contact us
0734-0737 Denver Law Center journal. 1963-1965 Q107017889 None* Predecessor Contact us
2577-2376 The Denver star 1913- Q100293026 None 1913-1918 Contact us
0097-0824 Department bulletin / 1913-1929 Q51451499 None* 1913-1929 Contact us
0197-5501 Department circular. 1919-1927 Q108063708 None* 1919-1927+ Contact us
0041-7610 The Department of State bulletin. 1939-1989 Q27718223 None* 1939-1989 Contact us
0181-7981 La dépêche du midi. 1947- Q742587 None* None known Contact us
0011-9075 Dermatologica. 1939-1991 Q27710650 None* None known Contact us
0011-9113 Derrière le miroir. 1946- Q1200356 None* None known Contact us
2577-4115 Des Moines courier -1854 Q100293089 N/A None known Contact us
0046-001X Desarrollo económico 1961- Q15750567 None* None known Contact us
1941-0670 Deseret evening news. 1867-1920 N/A None known Contact us
0011-9415 Design quarterly. 1954- Q28172379 None* 1965-||-1989 Contact us
2159-368X The Dessert to the true American. 1798- Q107019381 N/A 1798-1799 Contact us
0011-9563 Destino. 1939-1980 Q8355121 None* 1937-||-1985 Contact us
1055-2758 Detroit free press. 1858- Q601669 None None known Contact us
2577-2538 The Detroit tribune 1933- Q107017892 None* 1933-1966 Contact us
0011-9865 Deutsche Architektur. 1952-1974 Q106875969 None* None known Contact us
0418-8225 Deutsche Beiträge zur Altertumswissenschaft. 1951- Q106117704 None* None known Contact us
0532-5854 Deutsche Bibliographie. 1953- Q106875970 None* None known Contact us
2372-2894 Der Deutsche correspondent [electronic resource]. -1918 Q17513833 N/A None known Contact us
0179-3233 Deutsche Dialektgeographie. 1908-2002 Q106117706 None* 1908-||-1961 Contact us
0012-0073 Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift. 1875- Q105261820 None* 1875-||-present Contact us
0012-043X Deutsche Literaturzeitung; für Kritik der internationalen Wissenschaft. 1880-1993 Q17539246 None* 1880-1927 Contact us
0012-0472 Deutsche medizinische Wochenschrift. 1875- Q319640 None* 1878-1927 Contact us
0012-0502 Deutsche Musikbibliographie. 1829-1990 Q106117707 None* 1943-||-1947+ Contact us
0012-0529 Deutsche Nationalbibliographie. 1931-1960 Q106116013 None* None known Contact us
0417-2515 Die Deutsche Presse. 1954-1961 Q106875987 None* None known Contact us
0340-6911 Deutsche Rechts-Zeitschrift. 1946-1950 Q106875971 None* None known Contact us
0012-0731 Die Deutsche Schule. 1897- Q1152852 None* 1897-||-recent Contact us
0012-0790 Deutsche Stomatologie. 1951-1973 Q27710736 None* None known Contact us
0070-4334 Deutsche Texte des Mittelalters. 1904- Q1204260 None* 1904-1928 Contact us
2510-6201 Deutsche Theologie Monatsschrift für die deutsche evangelische Kirche 1933-1943 Q106875975 None* None known Contact us
0012-0936 Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für Literaturwissenschaft und Geistesgeschichte. 1923- Q1204385 None* 1923-1928 Contact us
2577-5502 Deutscher herold 1907- Q106875972 N/A None known Contact us
0070-4385 Deutscher Hochschulführer. 1920- Q106875973 None* None known Contact us
0012-1223 Deutsches Archiv für Erforschung des Mittelalters / 1950- Q1205540 None* None known Contact us
0258-4883 Deutsches Archiv für Geschichte des Mittelalters. 1937-1944 Q117276759 None* None known Contact us
0323-374X Deutsches Bücherverzeichnis. 1914- Q106875974 None* 1911-1925 Contact us
0070-4504 Deutsches Jahrbuch der Musikwissenschaft. 1957-1978 Q19172382 None* None known Contact us
0012-1312 Deutsches Jahrbuch für Volkskunde. 1955- Q27715816 None* None known Contact us
0012-1533 The Developing economies. 1963- Q15750566 None* None known Contact us
0453-5839 Development estimates for the year ... 1955-1998 Q106875976 None* None known Contact us
0419-0203 Development programming techniques series. 1960-1974 Q106875977 None* None known Contact us
0012-1606 Developmental biology. 1959- Q3025402 1959 1995-recent Contact us
0419-0238 Developmental medicine and child neurology. 1962- Q27710698 None* None known Contact us
0734-3213 Developments in aging. 1963- Q106875978 None* 1959-||-2000 Contact us
0070-4555 Developments in applied spectroscopy. 1962-1972 Q106875979 None None known Contact us
0070-4563 Developments in industrial microbiology. 1960- Q26839613 None None known Contact us
0419-0262 Developments in mechanics : proceedings of the ... Midwestern Mechanics Conference. 1961- Q106875980 None None known Contact us
0070-4598 Developments in theoretical and applied mechanics. Proceedings. 1962-1982 Q106875981 None None known Contact us
2470-5217 Devils Lake inter-ocean and Devils Lake free press 1884-1909 Q106875982 N/A 1884-||-1914+ Contact us
2470-5330 The Devils Lake world and inter-ocean 1911- Q106875983 None 1911-1922+ Contact us
0011-927X Dezain = Design : a monthly review for the integration of every field of design. 1959-1972 Q107017894 None* None known Contact us
2025-3249 Le Diable rose ou le Petit courrier de Lucifer. 1822- Q107017951 N/A None known Contact us
0012-1924 Diagnostica. 1955- Q15758517 None* None known Contact us
2159-452X The Dial. 1860- Q107019385 N/A* 1860+ Contact us
0419-0580 The dial. 1959-1962 Q107019386 1960* None known Contact us
0417-4097 Dial: a Magazine for Literature, Philosophy, and Religion (1840-1844) N/A* 1840-1844+ Contact us
2159-4643 Dial; a Semi - monthly Journal of Literary Criticism, Discussion, and Information (1880-1929) Q7730061 1929* 1880-1928+ Contact us
0012-2033 Dialog. 1962- Q15816429 None None known Contact us
0012-2041 Dialog. 1956- Q5270577 None* None known Contact us
0012-2157 Dialogue. 1966- Q5270596 All 1966-present Contact us
0415-7869 Diameter. 1951- Q106875984 1951 None known Contact us
2475-0131 The diamond drill 1887- Q106877292 None 1887-||-1922 Contact us
1344-3542 電気化学および工業物理化学 [[デンキカガクオヨビコウギョウブツリカガク]] 1961- Q15751686 Unknown None known Contact us
2159-4759 The Diana, and ladies' spectator. 1822- Q106116014 N/A None known Contact us
0185-2450 Diánoia / 1955- Q5811901 None* None known Contact us
0012-2378 The Diapason. 1909- Q17085536 None 1918-1919 Contact us
0742-9428 El Diario, la prensa. 1963- Q2066807 None* None known Contact us
0012-2440 The Dickensian. 1905- Q15756818 None* 1905-1928 Contact us
0012-2459 Dickinson law review. Q27716931 None 1897-present+ Contact us
0734-0745 Dicta. 1928-1962 Q106875985 None* Predecessor Contact us
1025-367X Dictionnaire de biographie mauricienne = Dictionary of Mauritian biography. 1941- Q106875986 None* None known Contact us
0419-1188 Didaskalos. 1963- Q106117708 None* None known Contact us
0070-4806 Diderot studies. 1949- Q3026861 None* 1952 Contact us
0083-0356 Digest of decisions of the Department of the Interior in cases relating to the public lands. 1913-1962 Q106875989 None* 1913-||-1963+ Contact us
0502-4102 Digest of educational statistics. 1962-1975 Q106875990 None* 1962-present Contact us
0070-4865 Digest of literature on dielectrics / 1946- Q106875991 None None known Contact us
0012-2785 Digest of public general bills and resolutions / 1936- Q122676970 None* 1967-1991+ Contact us
0074-8587 Digest of technical papers / International Solid-State Circuits Conference. 1960-1968 Q106876009 None None known Contact us
0571-5555 Digest of technical papers. 1962- Q106876008 None None known Contact us
0262-8295 Digest of Welsh statistics. 1954-2003 Q106876010 None* None known Contact us
0417-4836 Diggin's / 1957- Q106876011 None None known Contact us
0012-2858 The Diliman review. 1953- Q106117710 None* None known Contact us
2470-3400 The Dillon tribune 1881- Q106877293 None 1881-1887 Contact us
0419-1536 Dinámica social. 1950-1965 Q106876012 None* None known Contact us
0102-6984 Diogène. 1952- Q3028691 None* None known Contact us
1722-0238 Dioniso : bollettino dell'Istituto nazionale del dramma antico. 1931- Q106876014 None* None known Contact us
0417-5182 Diplomat's directory. 1961-1969 Q106117711 None* None known Contact us
2043-2046 The director : a weekly literary journal. 1807- Q106877294 N/A 1807 Contact us
0513-6652 Directories / 1962-1983 Q106876015 None* None known Contact us
1045-9278 Directory / American Psychological Association. 1948-1969 Q106876016 None 1957 Contact us
0569-8561 Directory / American Speech and Hearing Association. 1960- Q106876017 None None known Contact us
0070-508X Directory of American philosophers. 1963- Q106117712 None None known Contact us
0417-5549 Directory of American psychological services. 1959- Q106117713 None None known Contact us
0070-5101 Directory of American scholars : a biographical directory. 1942-1982 Q106117714 None None known Contact us
0419-2281 Directory of building research, information and development organizations. 1951- Q106117716 None* None known Contact us
0417-5751 Directory of conventions. 1952-1993 Q106876018 None None known Contact us
0070-5411 A Directory of dealers in secondhand and antiquarian books in the British Isles. 1952- Q106116015 None* None known Contact us
0417-5786 Directory of directors in the city of New York. 1898- Q106116016 None 1899-||-1926 Contact us
0419-2540 Directory of educational institutions. 1953- Q106117717 None* None known Contact us
8755-3287 Directory of Federal statistical agencies. 1935-1943 Q106117718 None* 1935-1943+ Contact us
0419-2648 Directory of fire research in the United States. 1961-1973 Q106117719 None None known Contact us
0090-807X Directory of governmental air pollution agencies. 1955-1976 Q122702709 None 1963 Contact us
0070-5659 Directory of historical societies and agencies in the United States and Canada. 1956- Q106876019 None None known Contact us
0419-280X Directory of Japanese learned periodicals = Nihon gakujutsu-zasshi mokuroku. 1953-1958 Q106116017 None* None known Contact us
0417-6472 Directory of scientific institutions in Indonesia. 1959- Q106117720 None* None known Contact us
0419-3512 Directory of shopping centers in the United States and Canada. 1958-1976 Q106116018 None None known Contact us
0731-633X Directory of special libraries and information centers. 1963- Q106876020 None None known Contact us
0197-579X Directory of the Association of American Library Schools. 1943- Q106117721 None None known Contact us
0419-3989 Disarmament and arms control. 1963-1965 Q106876021 None* None known Contact us
0732-9881 Discipliana. 1960- Q100905690 None None known Contact us
0012-3579 The Discount merchandiser : DM. 1961-2000 Q106116020 None None known Contact us
0419-4098 Discovery. 1953-1955 Q106876022 1952* None known Contact us
0366-9033 Discussions of the Faraday Society. 1947-1972 Q27710712 None* None known Contact us
0510-8853 Discussions on child development. 1953- Q106876023 None None known Contact us
0011-5029 Disease-a-month. 1954- Q15759014 None None known Contact us
0012-3749 DISkussion. 1960- Q106876024 None* None known Contact us
2379-612X The dispatch-news 1919- Q100293187 None* 1919-1922+ Contact us
0012-3846 Dissent. 1954- Q2918282 1955 1954-||-1959 Contact us
0734-256X Distribution age. 1945- Q106876025 None None known Contact us
0012-396X Distribution maps of plant diseases. 1942- Q105827885 None* None known Contact us
0419-439X District of Columbia register. 1954-2009 Q106876026 None None known Contact us
2159-4805 District school journal for the State of New-York Q122832502 N/A* 1840-1842+ Contact us
2159-4910 District school journal of the State of New-York. 1843- Q106876028 N/A* 1843-1851+ Contact us
1149-204X Le Divan. 1909- Q106876700 None* 1909-||-1945 Contact us
0012-4222 Divinitas. 1957- Q106876029 None* None known Contact us
0070-6752 Divulgacion cultural odontológica. 1957-1972 Q27710717 None* None known Contact us
0012-4257 Divus Thomas. 1902- Q15817161 None* 1890-||-1928 Contact us
0012-4281 The Dixie contractor. 1926- Q106877295 None None known Contact us
0012-4427 The docket. 1897-1898 N/A None known Contact us
0012-4443 Doctor communis. 1948- Q15750575 None* None known Contact us
0417-8041 Documenta liturgiae polychoralis S. Ecclesiae Romanae. 1957- Q106876031 None* None known Contact us
0419-5183 Documenta maiora liturgiae polychoralis Sanctae Ecclesiae Romanae. 1958- Q106876032 None* None known Contact us
0419-5205 Documenta musicologica. 1951- Q106876033 None* None known Contact us
0417-805X Documenta musicologica. 1955- Q106876034 None* None known Contact us
0012-4486 Documenta ophthalmologica. 1938- Q15766028 None* None known Contact us
0419-5213 Documenta Silesiae. 1959- Q106876036 None* None known Contact us
0012-4494 Documentación administrativa. 1958- Q90254665 None* None known Contact us
0070-6906 Documenti sulle arti del libro. 1962- Q106876037 None* None known Contact us
0417-8653 Documents et recherches relatifs à Jeanne la Pucelle. 1952- Q106876039 None* None known Contact us
0419-568X Documents of the musical past. 1953- Q106876040 1953* None known Contact us
0070-6973 Documents on American foreign relations. 1939-1970 Q106876041 See record* None known Contact us
0082-8785 Documents on disarmament. 1959-1991 Q106876042 None* 1945-1986 Contact us
0070-1009 Documents, working papers = Documents de séance. 1949-1974 Q106876038 None* None known Contact us
0347-6367 Dödsorsaker. 1911- Q106876043 None* 1911-||-1928 Contact us
0012-4893 Dog world the complete all-breed magazine. 1916- Q5288238 None None known Contact us
0002-354X Doklady Akademii nauk BSSR. 1957- Q15763334 None* None known Contact us
0002-3264 Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR. 1933-1992 Q27710721 None* None known Contact us
0366-8681 Doklady Bolgarskoĭ Akademii nauk = Comptes rendus de lÁcadémie Bulgare des sciences. 1948-1990 Q27710725 None* None known Contact us
0012-5008 Doklady. 1963- Q3033827 None* None known Contact us
0568-577X Doklady i soobshchenii︠a︡. 1952-1959 Q106876044 None* None known Contact us
0012-494X Doklady of the Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R. 1960-1973 Q122925359 None* None known Contact us
0012-5016 Doklady. 1957- Q15751111 None* None known Contact us
0490-1711 Dokumente der Sozialistischen Einheitspartei Deutschlands. 1948-1989 Q106876046 None* None known Contact us
0485-7127 Dokumenty vneshneĭ politiki SSSR / 1957-1977 Q106876047 None* None known Contact us
2159-7944 The dollar magazine. 1841-1842 N/A None known Contact us
0730-9457 The Dollar monthly magazine. 1863-1865 N/A None known Contact us
2332-4651 The dollar weekly bulletin 1862-1864 N/A None known Contact us
0811-7179 Dolly. 1951- Q5289319 All* None known Contact us
0733-5458 The Dolphin. 1901- Q106877296 N/A* 1901-1905+ Contact us
2043-2062 The dome. 1897-1900 Q7730595 N/A None known Contact us
0070-7058 Domestic oceanborne and Great Lakes commerce of the United States. 1954- Q106876050 None* 1951-1963+ Contact us
0012-5377 Domus. 1928- Q1238748 None* None known Contact us
2329-4140 The Donaldsonville chief 1871- Q5295374 None 1871-||-1922 Contact us
0012-5415 Der Donauraum. 1956- Q27715813 None* None known Contact us
1016-4626 Données statistiques = Statistical data. 1954-1960 Q122925782 None* None known Contact us
1996-0565 Donskai︠a︡ li︠e︡topisʹ. 1923-1924 N/A None known Contact us
0419-6570 Dorian book quarterly 1960-1964 Q106876053 None None known Contact us
2576-9243 Douglas Island news 1898-1921 N/A None known Contact us
0012-5768 Down beat. 1934- Q1253128 1953* None known Contact us
0012-5792 Down to earth. 1945- Q105683376 1948 None known Contact us
0012-5938 Drake law review. 1951- Q15750904 None None known Contact us
0419-7127 Drama survey. 1961-1969 Q106876054 1961 None known Contact us
2159-7979 Dramatic mirror and literary companion. 1841-1842 N/A None known Contact us
0012-6012 Il Dramma. 1925- Q3793876 None* None known Contact us
0070-7309 Drexel Library School series. 1958- Q106876055 None* 1967 Contact us
0012-6209 Driemaandelijkse bladen. 1949- Q106876056 None* 1902-1914 Contact us
0012-6365 Le Droit d'auteur. 1888- Q106876701 None* 1888-1928 Contact us
0012-642X Le droit maritime français. 1949- Q106876702 None* 1929-1939 Contact us
0012-6543 Drug and therapeutics bulletin. 1963- Q26842203 None* None known Contact us
0526-9253 Drug arrests and their dispositions in California. 1960- Q106876058 None None known Contact us
0012-6527 Drug & cosmetic industry. 1932-1997 Q27720105 1957 1932-1961 Contact us
0012-6616 Drug topics. 1883- Q27717943 1954 None known Contact us
0419-7658 Drugs in current use. 1955- Q106876059 None None known Contact us
0070-7406 Drugs of choice. 1958- Q106876062 None None known Contact us
0012-6756 Druzhba narodov. 1939- Q4168753 None* None known Contact us
0012-6772 Drvna industrija. 1950- Q96324723 None* None known Contact us
0011-5150 DSH abstracts. 1960- Q106876063 None None known Contact us
2576-9766 Du Buque visitor 1836-1837 Q100293309 N/A None known Contact us
0012-6861 Dublin historical record. 1938- Q15710000 None* None known Contact us
2009-1648 The Dublin literary gazette or, Weekly chronicle of criticism, belles lettres, and fine arts. 1830- Q55174688 N/A 1830+ Contact us
2009-1338 The Dublin penny journal. 1832-1836 Q5310948 N/A None known Contact us
2009-2873 The Dublin Saturday magazine : a journal of instruction and amusement, comprising Irish biography and antiquities, original tales and sketches, poetry, varieties, etc. 1865-1867 N/A None known Contact us
2009-3187 The Dublin University magazine. 1833-1877 N/A None known Contact us
2009-289X Duffy's Hibernian magazine : a monthly journal of literature, science and art. 1860-1864 N/A None known Contact us
1553-8729 Duke bar journal. 1951-1957 Q96181810 1955* 1951-1957+ Contact us
0190-4523 The Duke Divinity School bulletin. 1941-1963 Q96313113 None 1942-1963+ Contact us
0012-7078 The Duke Divinity School review. 1964-1983 Q96313122 All 1964-1983+ Contact us
0012-7086 Duke law journal. 1957- Q5312814 None* 1957-present+ Contact us
0418-1379 The Dukes County intelligencer. 1959- Q96406873 None None known Contact us
0070-7546 Dumbarton Oaks papers. 1941- Q118135321 Unknown None known Contact us
0070-7546 Dumbarton Oaks papers. 1941- Q964573 1941* 1941-present Contact us
2043-2135 The Dundee wasp. 1901-1910 N/A None known Contact us
2378-6922 The Dupuyer acantha 1894- Q96657419 N/A 1894-1901 Contact us
0012-7191 Duquesne Hispanic review = Revista hispánica de la Universidad de Duquesne. 1962- Q96758651 None None known Contact us
0012-7213 Duquesne law review. 1963- Q15752855 None 2014-present Contact us
0012-7205 Duquesne review. 1956-1973 Q97051878 None None known Contact us
0012-723X Durban Museum novitates. 1952- Q15766892 None* 1952-2014 Contact us
2375-8902 The Durham daily globe -1894 N/A None known Contact us
0012-7280 The Durham University journal. 1876-1995 Q27715708 None* 1876-||-1974 Contact us
1570-2154 Dutch classics on history of science. 1961-1975 Q97788107 None* None known Contact us
2159-8193 Dwights American Magazine, and Family Newspaper, for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge and Moral and Religious Principles (1845-1851) N/A 1845-1847 Contact us
0012-7353 Dyna. 1933- Q27725475 None* 2002-present Contact us
2576-8921 Dziennik narodowy 1899- Q98092149 N/A 1900-||-1918 Contact us
2374-9881 The eagle 1894- Q98276886 N/A 1894-||-1898 Contact us
0070-7864 Early English Text Society. 1867-1935 Q98504643 None* 1867-||-1927+ Contact us
0070-7872 Early English Text Society. 1864- Q98504486 None* 1864-1928+ Contact us
0422-0374 Early Georgia. 1950- Q98649395 None None known Contact us
0092-4490 Earned degrees conferred. 1961- Q98649526 None* 1947-1980 Contact us
1343-8832 Earth, planets, and space : EPS. 1998- Q15754883 All* 1998-present+ Contact us
2333-2867 The Easley messenger 1883- Q98821702 N/A 1883-1884 Contact us
0070-7961 The East African geographical review. 1963- Q98821722 None* None known Contact us
0012-8376 East and west. 1950- Q121065266 Unknown None known Contact us
2043-2143 The East Anglican or notes and queries on subjects connected with the counties of Suffolk, Cambridge, Essex, and Norfolk 1858-1860 N/A None known Contact us
0502-2258 East European accessions index. 1951-1961 Q99362704 None 1951-1961 Contact us
2333-1348 East Oregonian E.O. 1888- Q5329086 None 1888-||-2019 Contact us
2375-4230 East Saginaw courier 1859- Q99874006 N/A 1859-1866 Contact us
0012-8686 The Eastern anthropologist. 1947- Q15754161 None* None known Contact us
0424-1576 Eastern arts quarterly. 1962-1964 Q100986986 None None known Contact us
0012-8708 The Eastern Buddhist. 1921- Q15750827 None* 1921-1928 Contact us
2578-1308 Eastern Colorado times 1912- Q100293432 N/A* 1912-1913+ Contact us
0012-8767 The Eastern economist. 1943-1982 Q102315891 None* None known Contact us
0700-5881 Eastern law reporter, Canada 1906-1915 N/A None known Contact us
0012-8953 Eastern worker. 1959- Q103961119 None* None known Contact us
2372-6946 The Eaton Democrat 1857- Q95986113 None* 1847-||-1887 Contact us
2327-8358 The Ebensburg Alleghanian 1865- Q100293457 N/A 1859-1869 Contact us
0012-9011 Ebony. Q1280017 1950 1959-2008 Contact us
0012-7493 EBU review. 1958- Q104215028 None* None known Contact us
0002-8274 The Ecclesiastical review. 1889- Q106877297 1964* 1889-1963+ Contact us
1039-8929 The echo. 1944- Q106730320 All None known Contact us
1393-7200 The echo. 1944- Q5379199 None* None known Contact us
0702-1194 L'Écho des tribunaux. 1898- Q106117722 N/A None known Contact us
0422-2474 Echo of Iran monthly review. 1963- Q106117723 None* None known Contact us
2470-8852 The Echo register -1909 N/A None known Contact us
2577-4190 Echo Wochenblatt der Vereinigten Deutschen Socialisten Clevelands. 1911-1920 N/A None known Contact us
0153-4831 Les échos. 1908- Q923193 None* None known Contact us
1146-9447 Echos d'Orient. 1897-1942 Q53953307 None* 1897-1941+ Contact us
0012-9356 Echos du monde classique. Classical views. 1956-2000 Q98806942 None* 1956-2000+ Contact us
0070-8313 Eckart-Jahrbuch. 1956-1969 Q106116021 None* None known Contact us
0012-9410 Eco. 1960- Q106909258 None* None known Contact us
0012-9577 L'ʹEcole et la vie. 1917- Q106876617 None* None known Contact us
0371-0548 Ecological review = Seitaigaku kenkyū. 1959- Q106990121 None* None known Contact us
0012-9658 Ecology. 1920- Q1013420 1964* 1920-||-1960+ Contact us
0012-9682 Econometrica : journal of the Econometric Society. 1933- Q375835 1942 None known Contact us
0424-2319 Economía. 1963- Q106876068 None* None known Contact us
0012-9798 Economia e storia. 1954-1984 Q27715692 None* None known Contact us
0012-9917 Economic abstracts. 1953-1975 Q106876070 None* None known Contact us
0424-2513 Economic affairs. 1956- Q96695942 None* None known Contact us
0070-8429 The Economic almanac for ... 1940-1967 Q106116023 1953 None known Contact us
0303-9668 Economic and financial review. 1963- Q106876109 None* None known Contact us
0570-0388 The economic and statistical bulletin. 1957- Q106877298 None* None known Contact us
1536-1489 The economic bulletin / American Economic Association. 1908-1910 N/A 1908-1910+ Contact us
0041-6371 Economic bulletin for Asia and the Far East / 1950-1974 Q106117724 None None known Contact us
0041-638X Economic bulletin for Europe / 1949-1997 Q106117725 None* None known Contact us
0460-5667 Economic bulletin of the National Bank of Hungary. 1957-1983 Q106117726 None* None known Contact us
1019-1348 Economic conditions in member and associated countries of the OEEC. 1959-1960 Q106116026 None* None known Contact us
0083-0062 Economic cooperation series. 1948- Q106876110 None* 1948-||-1965 Contact us
0013-0079 Economic development and cultural change. 1952- Q5333372 1961 None known Contact us
0422-3012 Economic digest. -1960 Q26849491 None* None known Contact us
0013-0095 Economic geography. Q5333379 None 1925-1929 Contact us
0013-0109 Economic geology. -1930 Q106876111 None 1905-1928 Contact us
0317-4409 Economic geology series / 1926-1960 Q106117727 None* None known Contact us
0013-0117 The economic history review. 1927- Q7731520 None* None known Contact us
0013-0125 Economic indicators / prepared for the Joint Committee on the Economic Report by the Council of Economic Advisers. 1948- Q106876112 None* 1948-||-present Contact us
0013-0133 The economic journal : the quarterly journal of the Royal Economic Society. Q983209 None* 1891-1928 Contact us
0891-2440 Economic paper. 1928-1940 Q106876114 None* 1928-1940 Contact us
0501-8714 Economic policies and practices. 1963- Q106876116 None* 1963-1970 Contact us
1932-0426 Economic policy review. Q108279390 All 1995-present Contact us
0013-0249 The Economic record. 1925- Q15765955 None* None known Contact us
0193-1180 The economic report of the President to the Congress. 1947-1949 Q106116028 None* 1947-||-present Contact us
0424-2920 Economic review. 1947- Q106876117 None* None known Contact us
2043-216X The economic review. 1891-1914 N/A None known Contact us
0378-3634 The Economic situation in the Community. 1961-1978 Q106117729 None* None known Contact us
0013-0362 The Economic studies. 1960- Q106877299 None* None known Contact us
0430-5221 Economic survey / by the Economic Department of the Ministry of Finance. 1955-1983 Q106876120 None* None known Contact us
0075-5842 Economic survey. 1960- Q106876119 None* None known Contact us
0013-0427 Economica. Q5333562 None* 1921-1928 Contact us
0555-411X The Economics of nuclear power, including administration and law. 1956- Q106116048 None* None known Contact us
0070-8771 L'Économie belge et internationale; De Belgische en internationale economie; synoptische tabellen = The Belgian and international economy; synoptical tables. 1913-1969 Q106116049 None* None known Contact us
0242-5602 Economie et comptabilité. 1960- Q106876123 None* None known Contact us
0013-0559 Économie rurale. 1953- Q56823485 None* 1949-recent Contact us
0336-1454 Économie & statistique. 1969- Q3578753 All* 1969-present+ Contact us
0013-063X De Economist. 1852- Q4037084 None* 1852-1922 Contact us
0013-0613 The economist. 1843- Q180089 None* 1843-1928 Contact us
0070-8852 Economy and history. 1958- Q27715966 None* None known Contact us
2418-1439 Écoutez-moi.... -1935 Q106116052 None* 1934 Contact us
0013-0729 Ecrits du Canada français. 1954-1994 Q106876124 None* None known Contact us
0013-0818 Edda; nordisk tidsskrift for litteraturforskning. 1914- Q3436882 None* 1914-||-present Contact us
0424-3943 Edge. 1963-1969 Q106876125 None* None known Contact us
2043-2178 The Edinburgh annual register. 1808-1828 N/A None known Contact us
0140-7082 Edinburgh Bibliographical Society transactions. 1938- Q106116054 None* None known Contact us
0960-4286 Edinburgh journal of botany. Q3159728 All* 1990-present+ Contact us
2043-2208 The Edinburgh magazine and literary miscellany. 1817-1826 N/A None known Contact us
0963-4932 The Edinburgh medical and surgical journal. 1805-1855 Q96319455 N/A* 1805-1855+ Contact us
0367-1038 Edinburgh medical journal Q123904832 None* 1855-1954+ Contact us
2043-2232 The Edinburgh monthly review. 1818-1821 N/A None known Contact us
1751-8482 The Edinburgh review. 1803-1929 Q69055401 None* 1802-1928 Contact us
0096-0748 The Edison Electric Institute bulletin. 1933-1959 Q106117730 None* None known Contact us
0013-094X Editor & publisher. 1901- Q5338723 None* 1901-2015 Contact us
0424-4923 Editor & publisher international year book. 1959-2011 Q106876126 None* None known Contact us
0012-7515 EDN 1961- Q5322858 None None known Contact us
0013-1059 La Educación. 1956- Q106876688 None 1993-2012 Contact us
0013-1164 Education. 1903-1996 Q106876127 None* None known Contact us
0013-1172 Education. 1880- None* 1880-1929 Contact us
0070-9158 The Education committees' year book. 1938-1978 Q106117731 None* None known Contact us
0589-9435 Education in Europe. 1963- Q106876128 None* None known Contact us
0013-1385 The education index : a cumulative author and subject index to a selected list of educational periodicals, books, and pamphlets. 1932- Q106877363 None None known Contact us
0422-6607 Education of women. 1958-1961 Q106876129 None None known Contact us
0013-1423 L'Éducation : revue mensuelle des parents et des maitres. 1909- Q106876616 None* 1909-||-1928 Contact us
1050-1029 Education series. 1922-1925 N/A 1922-1925 Contact us
0013-1520 Education summary. 1948- Q106876131 1957 None known Contact us
0013-1644 Educational and psychological measurement. 1941- Q5341270 1946 None known Contact us
0749-4955 Educational attainment of workers / 1960- Q106117732 None* 1974-||-1983 Contact us
0013-175X Educational horizons. 1953- Q15745212 None* None known Contact us
0013-1792 The Educational magazine. 1835- Q106877360 N/A 1835-||-1841 Contact us
0046-1520 Educational psychologist. 1963- Q15749568 None None known Contact us
0013-1873 The Educational record. 1920-1997 Q27714846 None 1920-1961 Contact us
0013-1881 Educational research. 1958- Q15755855 None* None known Contact us
1555-4023 Educational research bulletin. 1922-1961 Q50578250 None* 1922-1928 Contact us
0424-5989 Educational research monograph. 1960- Q106117733 None* None known Contact us
0013-1911 Educational review. 1948- Q15755856 None* None known Contact us
0013-1989 Educational theatre journal. 1949-1978 Q53952488 1951 None known Contact us
2475-3262 The educational weekly. 1883- Q106877361 N/A 1883-1885 Contact us
0070-9417 Educators guide to free guidance materials. 1962- Q106116057 None None known Contact us
0070-9425 Educators guide to free science materials. 1960- Q106117734 None None known Contact us
0070-9433 Educators guide to free social studies materials. 1961- Q106117735 None None known Contact us
1074-1860 The Edwardsville intelligencer. 1868- Q5346160 None None known Contact us
0012-7604 EEI bulletin. 1959-1974 Q106116061 None* None known Contact us
0207-446X Eesti NSV ajaloo küsimusi = Voprosy istorii Ėstonskoĭ SSR. 1960-1987 Q106116068 None* None known Contact us
0258-3860 EFTA bulletin / 1960-1992 Q106117736 None* 2000-present Contact us
0013-239X L'Egypte contemporaine. 1910- Q27718404 None* 1910-1928 Contact us
1110-1083 The Egyptian journal of neurology, psychiatry and neurosurgery 1960- Q73551777 None 2015-||-present Contact us
0891-1584 Egyptian religion. 1933- Q106876132 None None known Contact us
0420-8676 Eidos. 1950- Q96032004 None* None known Contact us
0013-2608 Éigse. 1939- Q8078166 None* None known Contact us
0013-2624 Eimreiðin. 1895-1975 Q96184695 None* 1895-1975 Contact us
0013-2659 Einheit. 1946-1989 Q1307669 None* None known Contact us
0046-1628 Eirene : studia Graeca et Latina. 1960- Q15754208 None* None known Contact us
0424-7116 Eiszeitalter und Gegenwart. 1951- Q96609242 None* 1951-present Contact us
2378-8283 The Ekalaka eagle 1909- Q96637376 None None known Contact us
0013-2942 Ekistics : the problems and science of human settlements. 1957- Q15766368 None None known Contact us
0013-3035 Ekonomický časopis. 1953- Q15764877 None* None known Contact us
0013-3094 Ėkonomika selśkogo khozi︠a︡ĭstva. 1930-1987 Q96745516 None* None known Contact us
0424-7477 Ekonomiko-matematicheskie metody. 1963-1966 Q97011847 None* None known Contact us
0284-7310 Ekonomisk tidskrift. 1899-1964 Q54940626 None* 1899-1928 Contact us
0013-4120 Electric light and power. 1923- Q97011930 None None known Contact us
0085-0209 Electric power in Asia and the Far East / 1957-1972 Q97011947 None* None known Contact us
0013-4252 Electrical communication. 1922-1992 Q96325156 1964 1922-1963 Contact us
0013-4260 Electrical construction and maintenance. 1947- Q96325144 1963 None known Contact us
0095-9197 Electrical engineering. 1931-1963 Q96697577 None* Predecessor Contact us
0003-9039 Electrical engineering Archiv für Elektrotechnik. 1912- Q15759461 None* 1912-1928 Contact us
0095-9189 Electrical manufacturing. 1928- Q96354186 1929* 1928 Contact us
0013-4430 Electrical wholesaling. 1946- Q98060123 None* None known Contact us
0953-9158 Electrical wholesaling. 1946- Q98060309 All* None known Contact us
0013-4457 Electrical world. 1906- Q96325167 None 1883-||-1929 Contact us
0360-6465 The Electrician and electrical engineer. 1884-1887 N/A None known Contact us
0013-4635 Electro-technology. 1960-1970 Q98213928 None* Predecessor Contact us
0096-008X Electrochemical and metallurgical industry. 1905-1909 N/A None known Contact us
0361-2686 Electrochemical industry. 1902-1904 N/A None known Contact us
0013-4686 Electrochimica acta. 1959- Q3023662 None None known Contact us
0163-6197 Electronic business. 1956-1993 Q98446030 None None known Contact us
0013-4872 Electronic design. 1953- Q5358237 1953 None known Contact us
0095-9200 Electronic industries. 1942-1946 Q98489591 None* None known Contact us
0884-481X Electronic industries. 1958-1966 Q98489919 1964* None known Contact us
0367-0562 Electronic industries & tele-tech. 1956-1957 Q98490136 None* None known Contact us
0070-9875 Electronic news financial fact book & directory. 1962- Q98603226 None None known Contact us
0013-5070 Electronics. Q1326155 1964* 1945 Contact us
0013-5224 Electronics weekly. 1960- Q5358488 None* None known Contact us
0013-5380 Ėlektrichestvo. 1880- Q15765464 None* 1890-1895 Contact us
0013-5496 Elektrizitätswirtschaft : Mitteilungen der Vereinigung der Elektrizitätswerke ev. 1926- Q98804491 None* None known Contact us
0013-5658 Elektronik. 1954- Q1327110 None* None known Contact us
0012-8058 Elektrotechnik und Maschinenbau. 1906-1987 Q96325358 None* 1906-1926 Contact us
0302-265X Elektrotechnische Zeitschrift. ETZ. 1952-1975 Q96325352 None* None known Contact us
0367-0759 Elektrotechnische Zeitschrift. ETZ. 1952-1973 Q99324344 None* None known Contact us
0013-5852 Elektrotehniški vestnik. 1931- Q15765458 None* None known Contact us
0070-9972 Elementa ad fontium editiones. 1960- Q25401894 None* None known Contact us
0013-5968 Elementary English. 1947-1975 Q26849548 1962* 1947-1961+ Contact us
0888-1030 The Elementary English review. 1924-1946 Q27983848 None* 1924-1946+ Contact us
0013-5984 The elementary school journal. 1914- Q5358889 1941 1900-1928 Contact us
0424-8767 Elementary school science bulletin. 1952-1963 Q26849549 None* None known Contact us
1545-5858 The elementary school teacher. 1902-1914 Q96735488 N/A None known Contact us
1545-5904 The elementary school teacher and the course of study. 1901-1902 Q96735490 N/A None known Contact us
1043-5190 Elihu Root lectures of Carnegie Institution of Washington on the influence of science and research on current thought. 1935- Q99520951 None* None known Contact us
0013-6247 Elizabeth. 1961-1971 Q99519724 1962 None known Contact us
0746-7516 The Elkhart truth. 1906-2001 Q7731812 None None known Contact us
0013-6298 Elle. 1945- Q154020 None* 1945-1949 Contact us
0013-6328 Ellery Queen's mystery magazine. 1941- Q3051459 1941* None known Contact us
0012-1592 Embryologia 1950-1969 Q2034494 Unknown None known Contact us
1364-7946 The Emerald 1810-1811 N/A None known Contact us
0013-6662 Emérita : Revista de lingüistica y filología clásica. 1933- Q15755937 None* 1974-present Contact us
2475-9783 Emmons County record 1884- Q27963394 None 1884-1922 Contact us
2054-7447 Empire forestry : journal of the Empire Forestry Association. 1922- Q26849544 None* 1922-1945+ Contact us
0367-0988 Empire forestry review. 1946-1962 Q26849541 None* 1946-1961+ Contact us
0013-6808 Employee benefit plan review. 1946- Q27710756 None None known Contact us
0013-6840 Employment and earnings. 1963- Q100604948 N/A* 1954-recent Contact us
2328-8035 The Emporia weekly news 1859- N/A 1859-1889 Contact us
0013-7006 L'encéphale. 1906- Q3202945 None* 1906-||-1942 Contact us
0424-9658 Encore. 1954- Q106876141 None* None known Contact us
0190-3071 Encyclopedia of American associations. 1956-1959 Q106876142 None* None known Contact us
0160-9327 Endeavour. 1942- Q15755690 None* None known Contact us
0013-7227 Endocrinology. 1917- Q3054009 None 1917-1928 Contact us
0423-104X Endokrynologia polska. 1950- Q9253923 None* 2005-present Contact us
0579-2983 Ėnergetika : Izvestii͡a vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniĭ i ėnergeticheskikh obʺedineniĭ SNG. 1958- Q96325874 None* None known Contact us
0013-7545 Enfance. 1948- Q27720106 None* None known Contact us
2413-8053 Engaging Science, Technology, and Society Q50817487 All 2015-present Contact us
0095-8948 Engineering and mining journal. 1926- Q12063086 None 1869-||-present+ Contact us
0013-7898 Engineering designer. 1950- Q96325730 None* None known Contact us
0013-791X The Engineering economist. 1955- Q15751243 None None known Contact us
0071-0326 Engineering geology case histories / 1957- Q106876143 None* None known Contact us
0739-4624 The engineering index. 1920- Q106877364 None 1884-1928 Contact us
0096-3682 Engineering magazine. 1981-1916 N/A None known Contact us
0013-807X Engineering news-record. Q5377851 None 1917-1961+ Contact us
0013-8169 Engineers' digest. 1940- Q106876145 None* None known Contact us
0013-8215 English. 1936- Q15758838 None* None known Contact us
0071-0539 The English catalogue of books. 1863-1968 Q106877365 None* 1801-1927 Contact us
0071-0555 English church music. 1963- Q106876146 None* None known Contact us
0376-8899 The English Folk-Dance Society's journal 1914-1915 N/A None known Contact us
0013-8266 The English historical review. 1886- Q1716917 None* 1886-1928 Contact us
2043-2690 The English illustrated magazine. 1884-1913 Q16991783 N/A* 1883-1913 Contact us
0013-8274 The English journal. 1912- Q106877366 1964 1912-1928 Contact us
0013-8282 English language notes. 1963- Q15758688 None None known Contact us
0013-8290 English language teaching. 1946- Q15757592 None* None known Contact us
0013-8339 English literature in transition, 1880-1920. 1963- Q15765501 None* None known Contact us
0425-0575 English miscellany. 1950- Q106876149 None* None known Contact us
2043-2275 The English review. 1908-1937 Q7732245 None* 1908-1927+ Contact us
0013-838X English studies. 1919- Q5378389 None* 1919-1928 Contact us
0013-8398 English studies in Africa. 1958- Q15750284 None* None known Contact us
0425-0656 English teaching forum. 1963-1977 Q106876150 None* 1963-||-present Contact us
2043-2712 The Englishman. 1955- Q123078333 N/A* 1713-1714 Contact us
0474-5353 Enquête sur l'équipement électrique : réalisations et prévisions = Survey of electric power equipment : situation and prospects. 1957- Q106876151 None* None known Contact us
2374-9911 The enquirer southerner 1874- Q106877368 N/A* 1874-1875+ Contact us
0013-8584 L'Enseignement mathématique. 1899- Q15749411 None* 1899-||-recent Contact us
2372-6865 The enterprise [electronic resource]. -1899 Q106877718 None 1879-||-1899 Contact us
2332-7545 The enterprise [electronic resource]. 1899- Q100294006 N/A 1908-1916 Contact us
2330-7544 Enterprise news-record 1910-1911 Q100294023 N/A* 1910-1911+ Contact us
2043-2747 The entertainer. 1717-1718 N/A None known Contact us
0013-872X Entomological news. 1890- Q13415266 None 1890-1961 Contact us
0071-0822 Entretiens sur l'Antiquité classique. 1952- Q106876152 None* 1954-recent Contact us
0425-1261 Entretiens sur les lettres et les arts. 1955- Q106876153 None* None known Contact us
0423-2542 Environment. 1962-1963 Q106876154 None None known Contact us
2150-6779 Environment and society. Q15817288 All 2020-present Contact us
0071-089X Environmental health series. AP Air pollution. 1962- Q106876155 None* 1963-1977 Contact us
0071-0911 Environmental health series. 1962- Q27710790 None* 1962-1969 Contact us
0013-9491 Ephemerides iuris canonici. 1945- Q106876156 None* None known Contact us
0013-9505 Ephemerides liturgicae. 1887- Q15762550 None* 1887-||-1928 Contact us
0013-9513 Ephemerides theologicae Lovanienses : commentarii de re theologica et canonica / 1924- Q5382167 None* None known Contact us
0131-1344 Ėpigrafika Vostoka / 1947-1988 Q106876158 None* None known Contact us
0013-9564 Epigraphia Indica. 1952- Q5382932 None* 1888-1928+ Contact us
0013-9580 Epilepsia. 1909- Q5382969 None* 1909-||-recent+ Contact us
2470-9239 Epilepsia open. 2016- Q50817756 All* 2016-present+ Contact us
0071-1012 The Episcopal church annual. 1953- Q106877370 None* Predecessor Contact us
2159-9947 Episcopal magazine. 1820-1821 N/A None known Contact us
0013-9610 Episcopal recorder. 1831- Q106876159 None None known Contact us
0493-0894 Epistēmonikē epetēris. 1953- Q106876160 None* None known Contact us
0013-9718 Epoca. 1950- Q3055838 None* None known Contact us
0145-1391 Epoch. 1947- Q5383778 1947* None known Contact us
0013-9734 Epos. 1949-1976 Q106876161 None* None known Contact us
0425-1660 Ho Eranistēs 1963- Q96735598 None* 1963-present Contact us
0013-9947 Eranos. 1896- Q15753567 None* 1896-1928 Contact us
0071-1055 Eranos-Jahrbuch. 1934-1970 Q106117737 None* None known Contact us
0013-9955 Erasmus : speculum scientarium. 1947- Q113488969 None* None known Contact us
0422-017X ERB-dom. 1960-1978 Q5324018 None None known Contact us
0425-1695 Das Erbe deutscher Musik. 1954- Q15804638 1956* None known Contact us
0013-9963 Erbe und Auftrag / 1959- Q1348250 None* None known Contact us
0013-9998 Die Erde. 1949- Q1212207 None* 1949-present Contact us
0014-0015 Erdkunde. 1947- Q1881024 None* 1947-present Contact us
0071-108X Eretz-Israel: Archaeological, Historical and Geographical Studies / ארץ-ישראל: מחקרים בידיעת הארץ ועתיקותיה 1951- Q102291208 None* None known Contact us
0014-0082 Erfahrungs-Heilkunde. 1951- Q27719669 None* None known Contact us
0367-0325 Ergebnisse der exakten Naturwissenschaften / 1922-1979 Q108353545 1939* 1922-1928 Contact us
0071-1136 Ergebnisse der Mathematik und ihrer Grenzgebiete. 1932- Q96326019 None* None known Contact us
0570-6211 To ergon tes Archaiologikēs Hetaireias. 1954- Q15763117 None* 1954-recent Contact us
0014-0139 Ergonomics. 1957- Q15751107 None* None known Contact us
0014-0171 Ericsson review. 1924- Q80450701 None* 1924-2011 Contact us
0332-0758 Ériu. the journal of the School of Irish Learning, Dublin. 1904- Q2069578 None* 1904-1928 Contact us
0423-345X Erlanger Universitäts-Reden. 1928- Q106116070 None* 2002-present Contact us
0341-7905 Erwachsenenbildung. 1955- Q96699515 None* 2011-2015 Contact us
0440-1573 Erwerbungen. 1956- Q106876164 None* None known Contact us
0071-1241 Erziehung und Psychologie. 1959-1978 Q106876165 None* None known Contact us
1262-3377 ESAIM. 1995- Q2301560 All 2021-2023 Contact us
1262-3318 ESAIM. 1997- Q15817927 All 2022-2023 Contact us
2160-1607 The Escritoir ; or, Masonic and miscellaneous album. 1826-1827 N/A None known Contact us
0014-0589 El espectador 1846- Q106876133 N/A None known Contact us
0425-2799 El espectador y la crítica : (el teatro en España en ...). 1958-1985 Q106116073 None* None known Contact us
0014-0759 Esprit. 1932- Q106876166 None* 1932-1951 Contact us
0014-0767 L'esprit créateur 1961- Q6455699 None None known Contact us
0014-0791 Esquire. 1933- Q762195 1933 None known Contact us
0014-083X Essay and general literature index. 1933- Q106117738 None 1900-1947 Contact us
0071-1357 Essays and studies : being volume ... of the new series of essays and studies collected for the English Association. 1950- Q27716536 None* None known Contact us
0261-216X Essays by divers hands : being the transactions of the Royal Society of Literature of the United Kingdom. 1921- Q106116074 None* 1921-1928 Contact us
0014-0856 Essays in criticism. 1951- Q15757403 1955* None known Contact us
0071-142X Essays in international finance. 1943-2000 Q106117739 1963* 1943-2000+ Contact us
2575-9477 Essex gazette. 1827-1836 N/A None known Contact us
2575-954X Essex gazette. 1839-1840 N/A None known Contact us
0014-0953 Essex Institute historical collections. 1859-1993 Q27715753 None 1868-||-1993+ Contact us
0425-3140 Estaciones : revista literaria de México. 1956- Q106876167 None* None known Contact us
0014-1135 Estadística. 1943- Q27718226 None* None known Contact us
0014-1151 Estadística española. 1958- Q27994995 None* 1958-2018+ Contact us
0553-0687 Estadística panameña. 1958-1966 Q106876168 None* None known Contact us
0078-8902 Estadística panameña. 1957- Q106876183 None* None known Contact us
0520-4062 Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, boletim geográfico : órgano oficial do Diretório Regional de Geografia e do Serviço Estadual de Geografia. 1955- Q50478651 None* 1955-present Contact us
2379-0032 The Estancia news 1904-1912 N/A None known Contact us
2379-0016 Estancia news-herald 1912- Q106876184 None 1912-1921 Contact us
0747-0754 Estherville daily news. 1947- Q55666280 None None known Contact us
0077-4278 Estimates of school statistics. 1958-1998 Q106117740 1964* 1958-||-1996+ Contact us
0014-1445 Estudios centroamericanos : ECA. 1946- Q95747161 None* 2005-||-2016 Contact us
0014-1453 Estudios clásicos. 1950- Q15753563 None* 1950-recent Contact us
0185-2574 Estudios de cultura maya. 1961- Q50434863 None* 1962-present Contact us
0071-1675 Estudios de cultura náhuatl. 1959- Q15756384 None* 1959-present Contact us
0014-1461 Estudios de derecho : órgano de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de Antioquía. 1939- Q96185291 None* 1912-present Contact us
0210-1610 Estudios eclesiásticos. 1922- Q15753362 None* 1996-present Contact us
0014-1496 Estudios geográficos. 1940- Q15750367 None* 1996-present Contact us
0367-0449 Estudios geológicos. 1945- Q15758783 None* 1984-present Contact us
0101-3130 Estudos teológicos : órgão da Faculdade de Teologia. 1961- Q50426286 None* 1961-present Contact us
0425-4104 Et caetera. 1950- Q96775371 None* None known Contact us
0014-164X Etc. : a review of general semantics. 1943- Q27716776 1954 None known Contact us
0423-5207 The Eternal light. 1944- Q97400255 None* None known Contact us
0014-1704 Ethics. 1938- Q4356851 1951* Predecessor Contact us
0526-9911 Ethnographic report. 1962- Q97584639 None* None known Contact us
0184-7058 L'ethnographie / 1860- Q15763314 None* 1913-1943+ Contact us
0425-4589 Ethnographisch-archäologische Forschungen. 1953-1959 Q97932843 None* None known Contact us
0012-7477 Ethnographisch-archäologische Zeitschrift. 1960- Q1371369 None* None known Contact us
0014-1828 Ethnology. 1962- Q5404390 None 2008-2012 Contact us
0071-1861 Etnografia polska. 1958- Q9255679 None* None known Contact us
0258-2880 Etudes byzantines. 1943-1946 Q96699943 None* 1943-1945+ Contact us
0014-1992 Etudes cinématographiques. 1960- Q98668731 None* None known Contact us
0014-200X Les études classiques. 1932- Q1686767 None* 1932-2007 Contact us
0425-4813 Etudes d'archéologie classique. 1958- Q98834639 None* None known Contact us
0996-2735 Études d'histoire moderne et contemporaine. 1947-1953 Q98834673 None* None known Contact us
0014-2026 Études de lettres. 1937- Q96699952 None* 2009-present Contact us
0249-7921 Études de philosophie médiévale. 1922- Q99181118 None* 1922-||-1924 Contact us
1995-3208 Études économiques de l'OCDE : Allemagne 1961- Q99433183 None* None known Contact us
1995-3135 Études économiques de l'OCDE : Autriche 1962- Q105249311 None* None known Contact us
1995-3712 Études économiques de l'OCDE : Belgique 1962- Q105249395 None* None known Contact us
1995-316X Études économiques de l'OCDE : Danemark 1962- Q105249454 None* None known Contact us
1995-3054 Études économiques de l'OCDE : États-Unis 1961- Q105249509 None* None known Contact us
1995-3186 Études économiques de l'OCDE : France 1962- Q105249568 None* None known Contact us
1995-3232 Études économiques de l'OCDE : Grèce 1962- Q105249623 None* None known Contact us
1995-3275 Études économiques de l'OCDE : Irlande 1962- Q105249683 None* None known Contact us
1995-3259 Études économiques de l'OCDE : Islande 1961- Q105249735 None* None known Contact us
1995-3291 Études économiques de l'OCDE : Italie 1963- Q105249797 None* None known Contact us
1995-333X Études économiques de l'OCDE : Norvège 1962- Q105249840 None* None known Contact us
1995-3313 Études économiques de l'OCDE : Pays-Bas 1962- Q105250051 None* None known Contact us
1995-3356 Études économiques de l'OCDE : Portugal 1963- Q105250119 None* None known Contact us
1995-3453 Études économiques de l'OCDE : Royaume-Uni 1962- Q105250174 None* None known Contact us
1995-3399 Études économiques de l'OCDE : Suède 1962- Q105250273 None* None known Contact us
1995-3410 Études économiques de l'OCDE : Suisse 1963- Q105250330 None* None known Contact us
0423-5681 Études et conjoncture. 1953- Q96699977 None* 1946-1969+ Contact us
0182-788X Etudes et documents / 1947- Q100434626 None* None known Contact us
0014-2093 Etudes franciscaines. 1899- Q99588172 None* 1899-||-2008 Contact us
0014-2115 Etudes germaniques. 1946- Q27715784 None* 2006-2014 Contact us
0525-0846 Etudes historiques. 1960- Q100736310 None None known Contact us
0071-2116 Études juives / 1959- Q100999337 None* None known Contact us
0014-2166 Les études philosophiques. 1928- Q3236586 None* 2001-2017 Contact us
0531-1969 Études rabelaisiennes. 1956- Q102123439 None* None known Contact us
1164-6268 Les études rhodaniennes. 1926-1948 Q96724966 None* 1926-1948+ Contact us
0014-2182 Etudes rurales. 1961- Q15708755 None* 1961-recent Contact us
0069-8075 Études statistiques. 1961- Q27718249 None* None known Contact us
0014-2239 Études théologiques et religieuses. 1926- Q15759969 None* 2005-recent Contact us
0361-7769 Eugenical news. 1916- Q27717862 None* 1916-||-1936+ Contact us
0097-2762 Eugenics quarterly. 1954- Q27710818 None* 1954-1961+ Contact us
0374-7573 The Eugenics review. 1909-1968 Q15716447 None* 1909-1968 Contact us
0014-2328 Euphorion. 1950- Q1374134 None* None known Contact us
0870-0133 Euphrosyne. 1957- Q15762753 None* None known Contact us
1126-1692 L'Europa letteraria. 1960- Q28670614 None* None known Contact us
0071-2302 The Europa year book. 1959-1988 Q106877371 None* None known Contact us
0014-2808 L'Europe en formation / 1960- Q96723816 None* None known Contact us
0531-2582 Europe today. 1961- Q106876187 None* None known Contact us
0589-9575 European cooperation / Council of Europe. 1958-1963 Q106876185 None* None known Contact us
0423-8036 European productivity / 1955-1961 Q106876186 None* None known Contact us
0014-3189 L'Europeo. 1945-1995 Q1070517 None* None known Contact us
0442-6002 Evaluation report on working of community development and N.E.S. blocks. 1958-1959 Q106117741 None* 1957-1960 Contact us
0196-111X The Evangelical quarterly review. 1863- Q106877372 N/A* 1863-1870+ Contact us
2160-2808 The Evangelical repertory. 1823-1824 N/A None known Contact us
0734-6395 Evangelical restorationist. 1825-1826 N/A None known Contact us
0196-1101 The Evangelical review. 1849-1862 N/A* 1849-1862+ Contact us
2160-4045 Evangelisches Magazin. 1812-1817 N/A None known Contact us
1044-7733 The Evanston review. 1925- Q55666490 None None known Contact us
2375-2041 The evening Argus 1861-1871 N/A None known Contact us
2375-1886 The Evening Caledonian -1920 N/A None known Contact us
0961-1576 The evening courier. 1934-1946 Q113154221 None* None known Contact us
2157-4987 The Evening dispatch -1895 N/A None known Contact us
2160-5084 The Evening fire-side, or, Literary miscellany. 1804- Q106116079 N/A 1804-1806 Contact us
2158-4834 The evening herald [electronic resource]. 1906-1942 Q106877376 None 1908-1922 Contact us
2333-1747 The evening herald [electronic resource]. 1891- Q106877375 N/A 1891-1899 Contact us
0113-9428 The evening post. 1865-2002 Q7732649 None* 1865-1945 Contact us
2476-2725 The evening Republican 1874- Q100292382 N/A 1874-1903 Contact us
1941-0689 The evening times. Q30600681 1936* 1894-1922+ Contact us
0331-3859 The evening times [electronic resource]. 1895- Q113544517 None* None known Contact us
2379-1144 The evening times [electronic resource]. 1906-1914 N/A None known Contact us
1941-0654 The evening world. 1887-1931 Q1066835 1929* 1887-||-1922 Contact us
0014-3758 Evergreen review. 1957- Q734233 1957 1957-||-present Contact us
2160-4797 Every body's album. 1836- Q106116082 N/A 1836 Contact us
2043-2771 Every week : a journal of entertaining literature. 1869-1896 N/A None known Contact us
2160-4819 Every youth's gazette. 1842- Q106876188 N/A 1842 Contact us
1934-0591 Everyday art quarterly : a guide to well designed products. 1946- Q26849529 None* None known Contact us
0071-3244 Everyman's United Nations. 1948- Q106117742 None* 1948-||-1968 Contact us
0531-4968 Evidence. 1960-1967 Q106876190 None* None known Contact us
0014-3855 L'Evolution psychiatrique. 1925- Q3592885 None* 1925-||-1951 Contact us
0014-388X Ex-CBI roundup. 1947- Q106116088 None None known Contact us
2043-278X Examiner Q3735885 N/A 1808-1881 Contact us
2326-1560 The examiner [electronic resource]. 1847-1849 N/A None known Contact us
0071-3279 Excavaciones arqueológicas en España. 1962- Q106876191 None* None known Contact us
0014-4037 Excerpta botanica. 1959- Q101242942 None* None known Contact us
0085-0365 Excerpta historica Nordica. 1955-1980 Q80450815 None* None known Contact us
0014-4436 Exchange. 1939- Q106876192 None None known Contact us
0531-5166 Exchange. 1961-1962 Q106876194 None* None known Contact us
0010-9959 Exchange bibliography. 1958-1978 Q106876195 None None known Contact us
0589-9648 Exchange bibliography LA. 1962- Q106116090 None None known Contact us
0014-4509 Executive. 1959- Q116252854 None* None known Contact us
0559-1848 Exhibition catalogue. 1962- Q106876197 None* None known Contact us
0531-5417 Exodus. 1959- Q106876198 None None known Contact us
0071-738X Exōterikon emporion tēs Hellados / 1955- Q106116093 None* None known Contact us
0014-4738 Expedition. 1958- Q27715801 None* 1958-recent+ Contact us
2160-5009 The Experienced Christian's magazine. 1796-1806 N/A None known Contact us
0071-3341 Experiences in marketing management. 1962-1970 Q106876199 None None known Contact us
0071-335X Experientia. Supplementum. 1953-1989 Q27710843 None* None known Contact us
0097-689X Experiment station record. 1889-1946 Q51471259 None* 1889-1946 Contact us
0014-4800 Experimental and molecular pathology. 1962- Q15767470 1962 None known Contact us
0014-4827 Experimental cell research. 1950- Q1524289 1952 None known Contact us
1054-7533 Experimental cinema. 1930- Q106876200 None None known Contact us
0014-4835 Experimental eye research. 1961- Q15754753 None* None known Contact us
0014-4851 Experimental mechanics. 1961- Q5421117 None* None known Contact us
0071-3422 Experimental mechanics : proceedings of the ... International Congress on Experimental Mechanics. 1963- Q106876201 None* None known Contact us
0014-4894 Experimental parasitology. 1951- Q15754029 1951* None known Contact us
0014-4940 The Explicator. 1942- Q7732835 1942 None known Contact us
0071-3465 Exploding wires. 1959- Q106876202 None None known Contact us
0531-5697 Explorations. 1953-1959 Q106876203 None* None known Contact us
0884-5425 Explorations in entrepreneurial history. 1949-1969 Q106116095 None 1951-1952 Contact us
0014-5009 The Explorer. 1938- Q106877379 None None known Contact us
1077-9094 The Expositor and Universalist review. 1834-1840 N/A None known Contact us
0014-5270 L'Express. 1953- Q770596 None* None known Contact us
1022-4408 L'express. 1963- Q3203396 None* None known Contact us
2473-5639 Extension circular 1909-1917 None* 1914-||-1994 Contact us
0730-8973 The Extent of voluntary health insurance coverage in the United States / 1954- Q106877380 None None known Contact us
0263-5364 The Extra pharmacopoeia : Martindale. 1936-1996 Q106877381 None* None known Contact us
0014-5483 Extrapolation. 1959- Q5422243 None None known Contact us
0459-0635 Ezhegodnik. 1957-1964 Q106117743 None* None known Contact us
0201-6354 Ezhegodnik knigi SSSR. 1935-1994 Q106117744 None* None known Contact us
0531-6324 Ezhegodnik po agrarnoĭ istorii Vostochnoĭ Evropy. 1958-1971 Q106117745 None* None known Contact us
0307-7535 Fabian tract. 1946-1990 Q106876204 None* 1884-1990 Contact us
0014-6439 Die Fackel. 1899-1936 Q354576 None* 1899-1928 Contact us
8756-6788 Fact book / New York Stock Exchange. 1956- Q104802328 None None known Contact us
0191-1643 Fact book on higher education in the South. 1960-1984 Q104783486 None None known Contact us
0096-056X Factory. 1882-1968 Q106876205 None* None known Contact us
0096-0578 Factory and industrial management. 1928-1933 Q106876206 None* None known Contact us
0071-3651 Facts about nursing. 1935- Q104783527 None None known Contact us
0097-4226 Facts about sugar. 1914-1941 Q106876207 None* 1914-1928+ Contact us
0071-3678 Facts and figures on government finance. 1941- Q106876208 1961* None known Contact us
1945-9858 Facts & figures on war finance. 1942- Q106116097 None* None known Contact us
0196-2981 Facts on file yearbook. 1941-1999 Q106117746 None* None known Contact us
0381-162X Faculty of Law review / 1956-1972 Q106876209 None* None known Contact us
0014-679X Faenza. 1913- Q104828421 None* 1913-1928 Contact us
8750-5495 Fairbanks daily news-miner. 1909- Q5430011 None None known Contact us
2330-8648 The Fairfield herald -1876 N/A None known Contact us
2157-8176 The Falls City tribune. 1904- Q100294470 N/A None known Contact us
0072-5927 Family expenditure survey; report. 1959-1989 Q106117747 None* None known Contact us
0014-7230 The Family handyman. 1951- Q7733312 1961 None known Contact us
0749-4661 The family lawyer. 1960- Q106877383 None None known Contact us
2160-7079 Family lyceum. 1832-1833 N/A None known Contact us
2160-7206 The Family magazine, or, Weekly abstract of general knowledge. 1833-1834 N/A None known Contact us
2160-7230 The Family minstrel 1835-1836 N/A None known Contact us
0014-7370 Family process. 1962- Q5433226 None None known Contact us
0014-7508 Fantastic. 1952- Q5434174 1952* 1954-||-1961 Contact us
0071-3821 Far Eastern economic review ... yearbook. 1962-1971 Q106116101 None* None known Contact us
0363-6917 The Far Eastern quarterly. 1941-1956 Q28840842 None* None known Contact us
0363-8545 Farm labor. 1943- Q106876211 None* None known Contact us
0014-8237 Farmacia / 1953- Q20828877 None* 2008-present Contact us
0430-0920 Il Farmaco. 1953- Q27710862 None* None known Contact us
0367-3057 Farmat͡sevtychnyĭ z͡hurnal. 1930- Q27710860 None* None known Contact us
0428-0296 Farmat︠s︡ii︠a︡. 1951- Q15754692 None* None known Contact us
2155-5419 The farmer & gardener. 1819- Q105652158 N/A 1819-||-1876 Contact us
0193-4392 Farmers' bulletin / 1889- Q51400395 None* 1889-||-2007 Contact us
2160-7737 The Farmers' cabinet. 1836-1840 N/A None known Contact us
2160-7745 The Farmers' cabinet, and American herd-book. -1848 N/A None known Contact us
2378-5063 The farmers' union 1891-1895 N/A None known Contact us
0014-8490 Farming in South Africa. 1926- Q117104177 None* None known Contact us
2378-5101 The Farmington times [electronic resource]. -1902 N/A None known Contact us
2378-5152 The Farmington times [electronic resource]. 1905- Q106877385 N/A None known Contact us
2378-508X The Farmington times and herald 1902-1905 N/A None known Contact us
2151-5360 The Farmville herald. 1890-1934 Q25022113 None None known Contact us
2375-6047 El farol 1905- Q106876134 N/A None known Contact us
2008-4374 Faṣlnāmah-i akhlāq-i pizishkī = Quarterly journal in medical ethics. 1386-2016 Q50808186 All* None known Contact us
2228-7094 Faṣlnāmah-i ṭibb-i mukammal-i Dānishkadah-i Parastārī-Māmāyī-i Arāk = Complementary medicine journal of Faculty of Nursing & Midwifery. 1390-2011 Q50816262 All* None known Contact us
0014-8814 The Fathers of the Church, a new translation. 1947- Q117260674 1947* 1958-||-1963 Contact us
2328-0956 Fayetteville observer 1850-1966 Q106876212 None None known Contact us
0014-5688 FBI law enforcement bulletin. 1932- Q16980527 None* 1933-||-present Contact us
2472-6036 Feather-gram 1960-1982 Q106876215 None None known Contact us
0014-9004 The Federal accountant. 1952- Q106877387 None None known Contact us
0498-8329 The Federal budget in brief. 1950-1961 Q106877389 None* 1950-1990 Contact us
0014-9055 Federal communications bar journal. 1937-1976 Q106876216 None* 1937-||-1961+ Contact us
0163-7606 Federal communications law journal. 1977- Q15817497 All* 1993-present+ Contact us
1035-7734 The Federal guide / 1921-1958 Q106877390 None* None known Contact us
0501-4670 Federal milk order market statistics. 1963- Q106876218 None* 1947-||-2020 Contact us
0503-471X Federal offenders in the United States district courts. 1963-1990 Q106876219 None* 1963-1990 Contact us
0196-1667 Federal Power Commission reports. 1958-1981 Q117261259 None* 1953-1977+ Contact us
0082-9153 Federal prisons. 1943- Q106876220 None* 1942-1963 Contact us
0014-9128 Federal probation. 1937- Q15751146 1959* 1937-||-present Contact us
0097-6326 Federal register. 1936- Q5440362 N/A* 1936-||-present+ Contact us
0014-9209 Federal reserve bulletin. 1915- Q16736378 None 1915-2022 Contact us
0199-9729 The Federal Reserve System: purposes and functions. 1939- Q106877391 None 1939-2016 Contact us
8755-3279 Federal statistical directory. 1944-1987 Q106117749 None* 1944-1987+ Contact us
0891-7515 Federal Trade Commission decisions. 1919- Q106876221 None* 1915-present Contact us
0014-9306 Federation bulletin. 1921-2000 Q27711048 None None known Contact us
2168-7153 Fellow newsletter / 1960-1968 Q106117750 None None known Contact us
0014-9810 Fellowship. 1935- Q117262004 1958 None known Contact us
2043-2836 The female spectator 1745-1746 N/A None known Contact us
0015-0002 Fenix : revista de la Biblioteca Nacional. 1944- Q106876224 None* None known Contact us
0015-0010 Fennia. 1889- Q15733701 None* 1889-||-present Contact us
2332-757X Fergus County argus 1886- Q100294643 None None known Contact us
0015-0282 Fertility and sterility. 1950- Q15724525 1950 None known Contact us
0096-0977 The Fertilizer review. 1926-1952 Q106117751 None None known Contact us
2374-6068 Fest-zeitung 1884- Q100294652 N/A None known Contact us
0015-0517 The Fibonacci quarterly. 1963- Q3071299 None None known Contact us
0015-0592 Fichero bibliográfico hispanoamericano. 1961- Q106117752 None* None known Contact us
0160-4880 Fiction catalog. 1942- Q106876226 None 1908-||-1941 Contact us
0015-0630 The Fiddlehead. 1945- Q16947288 None* None known Contact us
1049-7706 Field Museum news. 1930-1943 Q33084057 None* 1930-1943+ Contact us
0741-2967 Field Museum of Natural History bulletin. 1944-1990 Q117488189 None* 1944-1990+ Contact us
0015-0673 Field & stream. 2003- Q5446871 1933* 1899-||-2009+ Contact us
0071-4739 Fieldiana: 1895- Q23930026 None* 1945-2017+ Contact us
0015-0746 Fieldiana. 1949- Q5861628 None* 1946-2005+ Contact us
0096-2651 Fieldiana: 1895- Q51473382 None* 1945-2005+ Contact us
0096-0438 Fieldiana. 1948-1973 Q106876227 None* None known Contact us
0015-0754 Fieldiana. 1945- Q21385353 None* None known Contact us
0430-3776 Fieldiana: 1950- Q96701298 None* None known Contact us
2195-9226 Le Fifre. 1889- Q106876703 N/A None known Contact us
1160-8633 Figaro-Salon. 1885-1901 N/A None known Contact us
0071-481X Figura. 1951- Q106876228 None* None known Contact us
0196-089X The Figure in the carpet. 1927-1928 Q106877392 N/A 1927 Contact us
0428-3201 Figures. 1961- Q106876229 None None known Contact us
1563-5724 The Fiji times. 1956- Q3071731 None* None known Contact us
0430-4179 Film. 1959-1962 Q106876230 None None known Contact us
0015-119X Film comment. 1962- Q4038736 None* None known Contact us
1160-7920 Le Film complet. 1948-1958 Q106117812 None* None known Contact us
0015-1238 Film fan monthly. 1961- Q106117813 None None known Contact us
1466-4615 Film-philosophy. 1997- Q15749735 All 1997-present Contact us
0015-1386 Film quarterly. Q511109 See record* 1958-1961+ Contact us
0257-7852 Filmbulletin. 1959- Q1413560 None* 1959-2021 Contact us
0015-153X Filmfacts. 1958-1977 Q106116107 None None known Contact us
0971-7277 Filmfare. 1952- Q106876231 None* None known Contact us
0015-1807 Filološki pregled. 1963-1985 Q16633914 None* None known Contact us
0015-1815 Filomata. 1929-1996 Q106876232 None* None known Contact us
0015-1823 Filosofia. 1950- Q15764634 None* None known Contact us
0015-1912 Finance. 1941- Q106876233 None None known Contact us
0015-198X The financial analysts journal. 1960- Q15765037 None* None known Contact us
0701-9882 Financial and economic review. 1963-1988 Q106876234 None* None known Contact us
0015-1998 Financial executive. 1963- Q118139637 None None known Contact us
0015-2005 Financial express. 1961- Q1332561 None* None known Contact us
0071-5050 The Financial post survey of industrials. 1949- Q106116110 None* None known Contact us
0551-5548 Financial report. 1949- Q106876235 None None known Contact us
0015-203X Financial statistics. 1962- Q96701687 None* None known Contact us
0825-4192 Financial statistics of municipal governments in Canada / 1948-1949 Q106117814 None* None known Contact us
0307-1766 The financial times. 1888- Q183399 None* None known Contact us
0015-2064 Financial world. 1902- Q5449685 1956 1902-1955 Contact us
1388-4425 Het financieele dagblad. 1943- Q689171 None* None known Contact us
0015-2218 Finanz-archiv : Zeitschrift für das Gesamte Finanzwesen. 1884- Q1260924 None* 1884-1928 Contact us
2327-3127 The Findlay Jeffersonian 1870-1881 N/A None known Contact us
2151-2760 Fine arts journal. 1899- Q5450051 N/A 1901-||-1919 Contact us
0015-2331 Finis terræ. 1954-1967 Q106876236 None* None known Contact us
0015-248X Finsk tidskrift. 1876- Q10495575 None* 1876-||-recent Contact us
0355-1814 Finskt museum. 1894- Q15765069 None* 1894-||-present Contact us
0737-0520 Fire and casualty cases, other than automobile. 1940- Q104442041 None None known Contact us
0015-265X Fire research abstracts and reviews. 1958-1978 Q104442192 None* 1974-1976 Contact us
0428-478X Firmenhandbuch chemische Industrie. 1952- Q104782077 None* None known Contact us
1396-0458 First Monday [electronic resource]. 1996- Q5453354 All 1996-present Contact us
2152-9043 First opinions, second reactions. Q50815601 All 2008-present Contact us
0885-047X First stage. 1961-1967 Q104782104 1963 None known Contact us
0096-0985 Fish bulletin. 1913- Q51473825 None* 1913-2014 Contact us
0090-0656 Fishery bulletin of the Fish and Wildlife Service. Q5454961 N/A* 1881-present Contact us
0097-1022 Fishery market news. 1939-1945 Q105235072 N/A* 1939-1945+ Contact us
0430-6163 Fitzgerald newsletter. 1958-1968 Q105427484 None None known Contact us
0071-5662 Five years' work in librarianship. 1955-1965 Q105427529 None* None known Contact us
0350-3828 Fizička kultura. 1950- Q50434956 None* 2002-present Contact us
0371-6600 Fizika Institutunun ăsărlări. 1960-1963 Q105427601 None* None known Contact us
2469-4959 Flag of the Union 1850- Q100294686 N/A None known Contact us
0428-5417 Flair. 1950-1951 Q98244865 1950* None known Contact us
0015-3567 Fleet owner. 1928- Q105563920 None None known Contact us
0179-3845 Fliegende Blätter 1845- Q318534 None* 1844-1944 Contact us
0015-3710 Flight international. 1962- Q1428742 None* Predecessor Contact us
0071-5727 Flintshire Historical Society publications. 1911-1976 Q32342430 None* 1911-1976 Contact us
0733-9631 Flitcraft compend. 1935- Q105667237 None None known Contact us
0374-7735 Flora fennica / 1923- Q105748530 None* None known Contact us
0374-7778 Flora Malesiana. being an illustrated systematic account of the Malaysian flora including keys for determination, diagnostic descriptions, references to the literature, synonymy, and distribution, and notes on the ecology of its wild and commonly cultivated plants. 1948-1996 Q16568211 None* 1948-2016+ Contact us
0071-5786 Flora Malesiana. Ferns and fern allies. 1959- Q51475352 None* 1959-2012+ Contact us
2375-2009 The Florence tribune -1901 Q100294797 N/A 1892-1901 Contact us
1940-7440 The Florida agriculturist. 1878-1911 Q100294801 N/A None known Contact us
0015-3893 The Florida anthropologist. 1948- Q105748606 None 1948-recent Contact us
0015-3915 The Florida Bar journal. 1953- Q27717001 None None known Contact us
1930-4013 The Florida buggist : official organ of the Florida Entomological Society. 1917-1920 Q51421991 N/A None known Contact us
0015-3958 The Florida cattleman and livestock journal 1937- Q105841702 None* 1944-1988 Contact us
0015-4016 Florida education. 1923-1971 Q105841929 None None known Contact us
0015-4040 The Florida entomologist. 1920- Q15749995 None 1917-present Contact us
0361-9788 The Florida handbook. 1948- Q105996990 None 1947-2014 Contact us
1071-3417 Florida heritage. 1993-1999 All 1993-1999+ Contact us
0015-4113 The Florida historical quarterly. 1908- Q21020985 1938 1908-recent Contact us
1045-4241 Florida law review. 1989- Q5461497 All* 2004-present+ Contact us
0046-4147 Florida libraries. Q5461498 1955 1949-||-recent Contact us
0015-4199 The Florida nurse. 1953- Q26842370 None None known Contact us
0015-4318 Florida supplement decisions of lower courts of record and state commissions. 1952-1982 Q27717295 None None known Contact us
0740-2325 The Florida times-union. 1903- Q3520924 1957 None known Contact us
0015-4326 Florida trend. 1958- Q5461686 None None known Contact us
0096-1140 The Flower grower. 1918- Q51392465 1955* 1918-1922+ Contact us
0015-4806 Flying. 1943- Q4577908 None* 1927-2008 Contact us
0920-1297 Focaal : European journal of anthropology. 1985- Q5463826 All* 2020-present Contact us
0015-5004 Focus / by the American Geographical Society. 1950-2001 Q108546096 None None known Contact us
0015-508X Focus Midwest. 1962-1984 Q106116112 1962 1962-1984 Contact us
0071-6294 Focus on dance. 1960-1992 Q106191895 None* 1977-||-1992 Contact us
0071-6456 Fodor's guide to India. 1963- Q106116113 None None known Contact us
0071-6480 Fodor's guide to Japan and East Asia. 1962- Q106116116 None None known Contact us
0361-977X Fodor's Italy. 1951- Q106116119 None None known Contact us
0015-5357 Foi et vie. 1898- Q67197630 None* 1899-||-1936 Contact us
0428-8181 Folder. 1953-1956 Q106409422 None None known Contact us
1414-5723 Folha de S. Paulo. 1960- Q1435379 None* None known Contact us
0133-2023 Folia archaeologica. 1939- Q106410145 None* 1939-2010 Contact us
0015-5500 Folia biologica. 1955- Q2625831 None* None known Contact us
0015-5594 Folia humanistica. 1963- Q27715811 None* None known Contact us
0204-8043 Folia medica / 1959- Q27710903 None* 2019-present Contact us
0015-5632 Folia microbiologica. 1959- Q15762225 None* None known Contact us
0015-5659 Folia morphologica. [English translation]. 1963- Q16545602 None* 1998-present Contact us
0015-5705 Folia phoniatrica. 1947-1993 Q106604710 None* None known Contact us
0015-5713 Folia primatologica. 1963- Q15716662 None* None known Contact us
0085-0756 Folk. 1959-2005 Q15745320 None* None known Contact us
0430-8778 Folk life. 1963- Q15758823 None* None known Contact us
0015-5896 Folk-lore. 1960- Q106876250 None* None known Contact us
1744-2524 The folk-lore journal. 1883-1889 Q19030415 N/A* 1883-1889+ Contact us
1744-1994 The folk-lore record. 1878-1882 Q19030431 N/A 1878-1882+ Contact us
0377-8797 Folkemengdens bevegelse. 1866- Q106876237 None* None known Contact us
0015-587X Folklore. 1890- Q27715794 None* 1890-1928+ Contact us
0015-5888 Folklore. 1938- Q106876238 None* None known Contact us
0071-6774 Folklore americano. 1953-2002 Q27715814 None* None known Contact us
0430-8840 Folklore and folk music archivist. 1958-1968 Q106876251 None* 1958-1968 Contact us
0015-590X Le Folklore brabançon. 1921-1994 Q27715817 None* 1921-1930+ Contact us
1041-8644 The folklore historian. 1984- Q112863354 1989* 1984-2008 Contact us
0766-7728 Folklore paysan 1939-1939 Q106876252 None* None known Contact us
0388-0370 Folklore studies. 1942-1962 Q23014134 None* 1942-1962+ Contact us
0766-7752 Le folklore vivant : cahiers internationaux d'art et de littérature populaires. 1946- Q106876704 None* None known Contact us
0586-1829 Folkmängdens förändringar. 1961- Q123248627 None* None known Contact us
0184-7562 Fontaine; revue mensuelle de la poésie et des lettres françaises. 1939- Q3075992 None* None known Contact us
0071-6863 Fontes archaeologici Posnanienses; annales Musei Archeologici Posnaniensis. 1950- Q15758949 None* None known Contact us
0015-6183 Fontes archaeologici Pragenses / 1958- Q106876254 None* None known Contact us
0015-6191 Fontes artis musicae. 1954- Q19196478 None* None known Contact us
0071-6898 Fontes rerum Austriacarum. 1953- Q106876255 None* None known Contact us
0428-9056 Fontes rerum historiae Hungaricae in archivis extraneis. 1960- Q106876256 None* None known Contact us
0392-1832 Fonti per la storia dell'Italia medievale. 1934- Q106876258 None* None known Contact us
0523-9567 Fonti, ricerche, testi. 1963- Q106876257 None* None known Contact us
0015-6337 Food chemical news. 1959- Q106876260 None None known Contact us
2153-1412 Food chemicals codex. 1963- Q21050969 None 1966-||-1992 Contact us
0015-6361 Food, drug, cosmetic law journal. 1950-1991 Q27716887 None* None known Contact us
0015-6272 Food & drug packaging : FDP. 1959- Q106876259 None None known Contact us
0015-637X Food engineering. 1951-1976 Q96327655 None* None known Contact us
0096-2236 Food industries. -1951 Q27721689 None* None known Contact us
0193-5038 Food Research Institute studies. 1960-1967 Q123271953 None None known Contact us
2475-093X The fool-killer 1910-1922 Q100294819 None 1910-||-1922 Contact us
0015-6914 Forbes. 1917- Q25161472 1940 1917-1961 Contact us
0071-7274 Ford Foundation annual report. 1951- Q123271996 None None known Contact us
0015-704X Fordham law review / 1914- Q5468067 1938 1914-present Contact us
0015-7120 Foreign affairs. 1922- Q1135577 1929 1922-||-1961+ Contact us
0071-7290 Foreign affairs bibliography. 1933-1976 Q106876261 1933* None known Contact us
0536-9258 Foreign affairs record. 1955- Q106876262 None* None known Contact us
0015-7155 Foreign affairs reports. 1952- Q106876263 None* None known Contact us
0429-0577 Foreign agricultural economic report / 1961- Q106876264 None* 1961-1995 Contact us
0193-9882 Foreign agricultural trade. 1946-1954 Q106876265 None* 1946-1955+ Contact us
0046-4546 Foreign agricultural trade of the United States. 1962-1997 Q106876266 None* 1955-1997+ Contact us
0015-7163 Foreign agriculture / 1963-1988 Q96327703 None* 1937-1988+ Contact us
1460-6054 Foreign and colonial quarterly review, Jan. 1843-Apr.1844 Q125333644 N/A* 1843-1844+ Contact us
0097-3041 Foreign commerce weekly. 1940-1962 Q106876267 None* 1940-1962+ Contact us
0071-7320 Foreign consular offices in the United States. 1920- Q106876270 None* 1932-||-2006 Contact us
2043-2879 The Foreign review. 1828-1830 Q125332001 N/A 1828-1830 Contact us
0146-3543 Foreign service journal. 1951- Q5468327 None* 1951-present+ Contact us
0501-7661 Foreign social science bibliographies. 1961-1965 Q106876273 None* 1961-1965 Contact us
0071-7401 Foreign trade statistics of Africa. Statistiques africaines du commerce extérieur. Série B, Echanges par produits. 1963- Q106876274 None None known Contact us
0145-3556 Foremost films of ... 1939- Q106117818 1938* None known Contact us
2160-8105 Forest and stream. 1873-1930 Q5469139 None 1873-1930+ Contact us
0015-7422 Forest history newsletter. 1957- Q28044156 None 1957-1961 Contact us
0015-7430 Forest industries. 1962-1992 Q106876275 None* Predecessor Contact us
0097-1294 Forest leaves. 1886- Q51478043 None* 1886-1945 Contact us
1084-7901 Forest leaves. 1940- Q55666605 None* None known Contact us
0015-7457 Forest notes. 1937- Q113129634 None 2011-present Contact us
0887-4964 Forest pest conditions in California : official report of the California Forest Pest Control Council. 1955-2004 Q106116124 None* 1957-||-present Contact us
0015-749X Forest science. 1955- Q15749711 1964 1955-1961 Contact us
0702-2689 The Forester. 1880- Q116792034 None* 1898-1902+ Contact us
0730-4560 The forester. Q5863833 N/A 1895-1901+ Contact us
0368-5349 Förhandlingar. 1931-1963 Q47088879 None* None known Contact us
0015-7678 Form. 1957- Q1437365 None* None known Contact us
0392-0119 Forma Italiae. 1926- Q1437375 None* None known Contact us
1421-3575 Formes et couleurs. 1939- Q106876278 None* None known Contact us
0015-7813 Fornvännen. 1906- Q4162197 Unknown None known Contact us
0185-013X Foro internacional. 1960- Q27718767 Unknown None known Contact us
0015-783X Il foro italiano : raccolta generale di giurisprudenza civile, commerciale, penale, amministrativa. 1877- Q105576148 None* 1876-1923 Contact us
0067-6004 Forschungen und Berichte. 1957- Q26849556 Unknown None known Contact us
0934-1234 Forschungen zur brandenburgischen und preussischen Geschichte : neue Folge der "Märkischen Forschungen" des Vereins für Geschichte der Mark Brandenburg. 1888- Q15762651 Unknown None known Contact us
0930-3243 Forschungen zur Geschichte der Optik. 1928- Q107017909 Unknown None known Contact us
0532-2146 Forschungen zur geschichtlichen Landeskunde der Steiermark. 1960- Q107017911 Unknown None known Contact us
0071-7681 Forschungen zur romanischen Philologie. 1956- Q107017912 Unknown None known Contact us
0515-9083 Forschungs- und Sitzungsberichte. 1950- Q107017915 Unknown None known Contact us
0532-226X Forschungsbeiträge zur Musikwissenschaft. 1954-1991 Q107017913 Unknown None known Contact us
0070-3982 Forschungsberichte. 1957-1970 Q107017914 Unknown None known Contact us
2572-536X The Fort Wayne news and sentinel. 1918-1921 N/A None known Contact us
0015-8089 Fort Worth. 1928- Unknown None known Contact us
0950-5679 The Fortnightly. 1934-1954 Unknown None known Contact us
0701-3051 The Fortnightly law journal. 1931-1948 Q107019387 Unknown None known Contact us
0009-353X The Fortnightly review of the Chicago Dental Society. 1941-1972 Q27710910 Unknown None known Contact us
2374-8613 Der fortschritt 1891- Q107017890 Unknown None known Contact us
0071-7878 Fortschritte der Botanik. 1931-1973 Q107017916 Unknown None known Contact us
0071-7894 Fortschritte der chemischen Forschung. Topics in current chemistry. 1949-1973 Q107017917 Unknown None known Contact us
0341-020X Fortschritte der Hochpolymeren-Forschung = Advances in polymer science. 1958-1964 Q107017918 Unknown None known Contact us
0071-7916 Fortschritte der Kiefer- und Gesichts-Chirurgie. 1955- Q27710917 Unknown None known Contact us
0015-816X Fortschritte der Kieferorthopädie. 1952- Q27710918 Unknown None known Contact us
0176-3253 Fortschritte der Theerfarbenfabrikation und verwandter Industriezweige. 1888-1901 N/A None known Contact us
0015-8259 Fortune. 1930- Unknown None known Contact us
1245-9615 Fortunio (Marseille) Q3078577 N/A* 1914-||-1925+ Contact us
0015-8410 Forum / University of Houston. 1956-1980 Q106876280 None 1956-1961 Contact us
0015-8372 Forum. 1946-1974 Q106876279 None* None known Contact us
2160-8598 The Forum. 1886-1930 Q7734917 1929* 1886-1930+ Contact us
2160-8601 Forum and century. 1930-1940 Q106876281 1931* 1930-1940+ Contact us
0015-8496 Forum der letteren. 1960- Q106117819 None* 1960-1995 Contact us
0746-7869 Forṿerṭs = Forward = Vorwärts. 1897- Q154301 None 1897-1979 Contact us
1832-5203 Foucault studies. 2004- Q15750869 All 2004-present Contact us
0768-4703 Fouilles de l'Institut français d'archéologie orientale du Caire. 1924- Q106876282 None* 1924-||-2019 Contact us
0071-8092 The Foundation directory. 1960- Q106877393 None None known Contact us
0015-8976 Foundation news. 1960-1994 Q27710888 None None known Contact us
0015-8992 Foundations. 1958- Q27717028 None None known Contact us
0015-9123 Four wheeler. 1962- Q5475616 None None known Contact us
0429-2812 Fråga mej. 1955- Q106117820 None* None known Contact us
0429-288X Fragmenta entomologica. 1951- Q21386045 None* 2006-present Contact us
0405-4083 Fragmentos : revista mensual. 1952- Q106876284 None* 1955-1964 Contact us
0015-9557 France football 1945- Q308705 None* None known Contact us
0996-2301 France illustration. 1945-1948 Q106876285 None* None known Contact us
0182-5860 France-soir. 1944- Q1440784 None* 1944-1952 Contact us
2161-2501 Francis W. Parker School studies in education. 1920-1934 Q96702471 None 1920-1925+ Contact us
2161-248X The Francis W. Parker School year book. 1912-1918 Q96702474 N/A 1912-1918+ Contact us
0897-6244 Franciscan Institute publications. 1944-1945 Q106876286 None* 1944-1945+ Contact us
0558-177X Franciscan Institute publications. 1950- Q106876287 None* 1954-1957+ Contact us
0080-5459 Franciscan studies. 1924- Q15755292 None* 1924-||-1972 Contact us
0120-1468 Franciscanum. 1959- Q50432903 None* 1959-||-present Contact us
1941-0727 The Frankfort roundabout. 1882-1908 Q100295293 N/A* 1882-||-1908+ Contact us
1941-0735 Frankfort weekly news and roundabout. 1908- Q100295366 N/A* 1908+ Contact us
0174-4909 Frankfurter Allgemeine. 1949- Q10184 None* None known Contact us
0532-5994 Frankfurter Beiträge zur Soziologie. 1958- Q116175642 None* None known Contact us
0071-9234 Frankfurter geographische Hefte. 1927- Q96327861 None* None known Contact us
0940-6980 Frankfurter Rundschau. 1945- Q326068 None* None known Contact us
0532-6028 Frankfurter wirtschafts- und sozialwissenschaftliche Studien. 1957-1975 Q96327870 None* None known Contact us
0367-3480 Frankfurter Zeitschrift für Pathologie. 1907- Q27710928 None* 1907-||-1926 Contact us
0093-7029 The Franklin journal, and American mechanics' magazine. 1826-1828 N/A None known Contact us
2577-235X Franklin's paper the Denver star 1912-1913 N/A None known Contact us
2577-2333 Franklin's paper the statesman 1906-1912 N/A None known Contact us
0235-4349 Frant︠s︡uzskiĭ ezhegodnik; stat'i i materialy po istorii Frant︠s︡ii. 1958- Q96702618 None* 2002-present Contact us
0071-9277 Fraser's Canadian trade directory. 1913- Q115272853 None* None known Contact us
2043-2909 Fraser's magazine. 1870-1882 N/A None known Contact us
0071-9285 The Frater of Psi Omega. 1901- Q27710929 None 1901-||-present Contact us
0016-0105 The Fraternal monitor. 1890- Q106116133 None 1910-1929+ Contact us
0016-030X Free China review. 1951-2000 Q27719102 None* 1951-2000 Contact us
0770-1470 Free labour world. 1950-1997 Q106117822 None* None known Contact us
2329-2415 Free press [electronic resource]. 1888-1908 N/A None known Contact us
2381-389X Free trader-journal -1920 N/A None known Contact us
2381-3911 Free trader-journal and Ottawa fair dealer 1920- Q106116135 N/A 1920-1922 Contact us
2043-2925 Freed-man : a monthly magazine devoted to the interests of the freed coloured people. 1865- Q106876288 N/A 1865-1868 Contact us
0732-6610 Freedom in the world. 1978- Q1417780 All 1978-||-present Contact us
1551-9163 Freedom of the press : a global survey of media independence. 2003- Q655729 All 2013-2017 Contact us
0016-061X Freedomways. Q5500859 1963 1961-1985 Contact us
0016-0652 The Freeman. Q27715831 1951 1950-2016+ Contact us
2376-144X The freeman [electronic resource]. N/A* 1849-1850+ Contact us
2329-4108 Freeman's champion 1857- Q106117823 N/A* 1857-1858 Contact us
2160-9128 The Freemason's magazine and general miscellany 1811-1812 N/A None known Contact us
0734-6379 Freewill Baptist quarterly magazine. 1839-1841 N/A None known Contact us
0071-9412 Freiberger Forschungshefte. 1952- Q115699935 None* None known Contact us
0259-3955 Freiburger Geschichtsblätter / 1894- Q106876289 None* 1894-recent Contact us
0016-0725 Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie und Theologie. 1954- Q1453892 None* 1954-recent Contact us
0256-8993 Freidenker : Organ der Freigeistigen Vereinigung der Schweiz. 1956-2007 Q106876290 None* 1927-||-1999 Contact us
0016-0970 Fremdsprachen. 1957- Q106876291 None* None known Contact us
1049-8338 Fremont tribune. 1963- Q25025301 None None known Contact us
2376-1474 Fremont weekly freeman 1850-1853 Q100295692 N/A* 1850-1853+ Contact us
2327-3178 The Fremont weekly journal -1877 Q100295680 None 1853-1875 Contact us
2375-9070 French Broad hustler [electronic resource]. 1916-1919 Q100295696 N/A None known Contact us
0741-093X French folklore bulletin. 1954-1957 Q106117824 None None known Contact us
0016-1128 French studies. 1947- Q5501928 None* None known Contact us
0544-6635 French VI bibliography. 1962-1969 Q106117825 None* None known Contact us
0897-3563 French VI nineteenth-century French literature bibliography / 1956-1958 Q106116137 None* None known Contact us
0362-0255 French VII bibliography. 1954-1968 Q106116143 None None known Contact us
0740-4735 Fresh fruit and vegetable prices. 1955- Q106876292 None* 1954-1992+ Contact us
0532-7008 Fridtjof Nansen minneforelesninger. 1962- Q11970220 None* None known Contact us
0340-0255 Die Friedens-Warte. 1899- Q1212770 None* 1903-1919 Contact us
0362-8957 The friend 1827-1955 Q106877394 None None known Contact us
0734-6425 The Friend of progress monthly 1864-1865 N/A None known Contact us
0364-5894 Friends' review. 1847-1894 N/A None known Contact us
0362-8965 Friends' weekly intelligencer. 1844-1853 Q42771711 None* 1844-||-1927+ Contact us
2375-3099 El fronterizo 1878- Q100293741 N/A* None known Contact us
2577-1744 Frostburg mining journal 1871- Q113989821 N/A* 1871-||-1917+ Contact us
0016-2361 Fuel. 1948- Q15766923 None* None known Contact us
0748-2205 The Fugitive. 1922-1925 N/A None known Contact us
0016-2590 Fukushima journal of medical science. 1954- Q15751004 None* None known Contact us
1575-3247 Fundamentos. 1948- Q106876294 All* None known Contact us
0532-8721 Funkcialaj ekvacioj. 1958- Q15263918 None* None known Contact us
0071-9994 Furniture forum. 1949- Q106876295 None 1949 Contact us
0016-3120 The Furrow. 1950- Q7735494 None* None known Contact us
0072-002X Futuribles : studies in conjecture. 1963- Q122306827 None* None known Contact us
0016-3538 G-I-T : Fachzeitschrift für das Laboratorium. 1960- Q106876330 None* None known Contact us
0016-3805 Gaceta matemática. 1949- Q106876296 None* None known Contact us
0367-4762 Gaceta médica de Caracas. 1893- Q5873851 None* None known Contact us
0016-3813 Gaceta médica de México. 1864- Q26842483 None* None known Contact us
2009-0943 Gadelica a journal of modern-Irish studies. 1912-1913 Q96702940 N/A None known Contact us
0285-9645 Gaikō jihō = Revue diplomatique. -1898 N/A None known Contact us
1941-0794 The Gainesville star. 1903- Q100295856 N/A 1903-1904 Contact us
0163-4925 Gainesville sun. 1963- Q7735604 None None known Contact us
0416-704X Galathea report. 1956- Q21386014 None* None known Contact us
2160-9969 The galaxy. -1878 N/A None known Contact us
0016-4003 Galaxy magazine. 1950-1980 Q1007573 1950 1950-||-1963+ Contact us
0016-4097 Galleria. 1951- Q106876297 None* None known Contact us
0016-4119 Gallia. 1943- Q3094813 None* None known Contact us
0016-4127 Gallia préhistoire / 1958- Q15762215 None* None known Contact us
0072-0127 The Galpin Society journal. 1948- Q15758744 None* None known Contact us
0747-282X The Galva news. 1916- Q55666500 None None known Contact us
0016-4283 Gambit. 1963-1986 Q106876298 None* None known Contact us
1754-5897 The Garden : an illustrated weekly journal of gardening in all its branches. 1871-1927 Q15733232 N/A None known Contact us
0889-874X Garden and forest. 1888-1897 N/A None known Contact us
0016-4585 Garden journal. 1960-1976 Q89370485 None* Predecessor Contact us
0374-7859 The Gardens' bulletin, Singapore. 1891- Q6144504 None* None known Contact us
2160-9977 The Garland; or, New general repository of fugitive poetry, moral, descriptive and sentimental / 1825- Q106877398 N/A None known Contact us
0538-7604 Gas chromatography : a symposium held under the auspices of the Analysis Instrumentation Division of the Instrument Society of America. 1958- Q106876299 1961 None known Contact us
0361-4298 Gas facts. 1947- Q106876300 None None known Contact us
0589-5634 GATT bibliography, 1947-1953; the text of the GATT, selected GATT publications, a chronological list of references to the GATT. 1954- Q106876301 None* None known Contact us
0016-5301 Gayana botánica. 1961- Q5876443 None None known Contact us
2575-0038 The gazette. 1798-1799 N/A None known Contact us
2166-7713 Gazette and sentinel. 1858- Q100296167 N/A None known Contact us
0016-5522 La Gazette des archives. 1933- Q15751263 None* 1933-recent Contact us
0766-7213 Gazette des Ardennes. 1914- Q3209376 N/A* 1914-1918 Contact us
0016-5530 Gazette des beaux-arts. 1859- Q1287286 None* 1859-||-1951 Contact us
0242-6331 Gazette du palais : journal spécial des sociétés françaises par action. 1886- Q3209384 None* 1881-||-1923 Contact us
2151-5425 The gazette-news. -1901 N/A None known Contact us
2575-0003 Gazette of Maine Hancock Advertiser. 1805-1807 N/A None known Contact us
2575-0011 Gazette of Maine, Hancock and Washington advertiser. 1807- Q106116146 N/A None known Contact us
2474-0810 Gazette of the United-States 1789-1793 Q106876302 None 1789-1800 Contact us
0746-3995 The gazette-times [electronic resource]. 1909- Q106877401 None* 1909+ Contact us
2379-3228 The gazette-times [electronic resource]. 1912- Q106877400 None 1912-||-recent Contact us
0016-5581 Gazovai͡a promyshlennostʹ. 1956- Q96328209 None* None known Contact us
0016-5603 Gazzetta chimica Italiana. 1871-1997 Q262064 None* 1871-1928 Contact us
0016-5751 Geburtshilfe und Frauenheilkunde. 1939- Q26841999 None* None known Contact us
0433-2369 Das Gedicht. 1954- Q118442286 None* None known Contact us
1324-6216 Geelong advertiser. 1857- Q5529826 None* 1840-||-1929 Contact us
0431-0918 Geijerstudier. 1951- Q106117826 None* None known Contact us
0386-9504 Geinōshi kenkyū / 1963- Q106116334 None* None known Contact us
0016-3503 G.E.N. : organo oficial de la Sociedad Venezolana de Gastroenterología, Endocrinología y Nutrición. 1946- Q27710982 None* None known Contact us
0072-0585 Genava. 1923- Q106876314 None* 1923-2017 Contact us
0435-2092 Genazim. 1961- Q106117827 None* None known Contact us
0435-2165 Gendai no esupuri. 1963- Q106116335 None* None known Contact us
0431-1213 Gendai yōgo no kiso chishiki. 1948- Q106876315 None* None known Contact us
0016-6359 The Genealogical helper. 1947-1991 Q106877402 None None known Contact us
0435-2408 Genealogisches Handbuch des Adels / 1951- Q896240 None* None known Contact us
0016-6480 General and comparative endocrinology. 1961- Q15716702 1961 None known Contact us
0435-2467 General cytochemical methods. 1958-1961 Q27720599 1958 None known Contact us
0095-9480 General Electric review. 1907-1958 Q106116417 None 1903-||-1958 Contact us
0160-9491 General information concerning patents. 1922- Q106117828 None* 1922-||-2014 Contact us
0742-1370 General laws of the state of Idaho ... 1891- Q106116420 None* 1890-present Contact us
0016-6553 General linguistics. 1955-2005 Q15762906 None None known Contact us
2043-295X The general magazine and impartial review : including a history of the present times, and an account of new publications. interspersed with original and selected tales, essays, biography, poetry, &c. &c. &c. with a monthly chronicle of events. 1787-1792 N/A* 1787-1792+ Contact us
2161-0347 The General magazine, and impartial review, of knowledge, and entertainment. 1798- Q106117829 N/A* 1798+ Contact us
0095-9499 The General radio experimenter. 1926- Q106877403 None None known Contact us
2398-6646 General report / Association for the Improvement of Geometrical Teaching. 1878-1893 N/A None known Contact us
0447-8193 General report. 1950- Q106876316 None* None known Contact us
0097-0352 General science quarterly. 1919-1929 Q96703327 None* 1916-1929+ Contact us
0072-0798 General systems : yearbook of the Society for the Advancement of General Systems Theory. 1956- Q5532229 None None known Contact us
0435-2807 Genesis west. 1962-1965 Q106876317 1962 None known Contact us
0016-6677 Genetic psychology monographs. Q27710986 1937* 1926-||-1929 Contact us
0016-6707 Genetica. 1919- Q5532929 None* 1919-1928 Contact us
0016-6731 Genetics. 1916- Q3100575 None 1916-recent Contact us
0100-8455 Genetics and molecular biology. 2000- Q15753743 All 1997-present Contact us
0016-6774 Genève-Afrique. Geneva-Africa. 1962-1992 Q27715826 None* None known Contact us
0435-2955 Gengo seikatsu / 1951-1988 Q106117830 None* None known Contact us
0266-4348 Genitourinary medicine. Q26842492 All* 1985-1997+ Contact us
2574-9978 The genius of liberty. 1808- Q106877404 N/A None known Contact us
2574-9986 The genius of liberty. 1817-1839 N/A None known Contact us
2161-0843 Genius of universal emancipation and Baltimore courier. 1825-1826 N/A None known Contact us
1911-0359 Genocide studies and prevention. 2006- Q5533459 All 2006-present Contact us
2043-3026 The Gentleman's magazine 1837-1838 N/A None known Contact us
2043-3018 The Gentleman's magazine and historical review / 1856-1868 N/A None known Contact us
0016-6979 Gentlemen's quarterly : GQ. 1958-1983 Q311249 1958* None known Contact us
0016-6987 Genus. 1934- Q15757459 None* None known Contact us
0145-1669 Geo. P. Rowell and Co.'s American newspaper directory. 1869- Q106116421 N/A 1869-||-1909+ Contact us
1627-4873 Géocarrefour : revue de géographie de Lyon. Q96703412 All* 2000-2008+ Contact us
0016-7169 Geofísica internacional. 1961- Q65291660 None* 1961-||-recent Contact us
0132-0521 Geograafia-alaseid töid. Trudy po geografii. 1960- Q106116424 None* None known Contact us
0072-0917 Geografinis metraštis. 1958-1980 Q106116426 None* None known Contact us
2001-4422 Geografiska annaler. 1919-1964 Q2168474 None* 1919-1928 Contact us
0373-4498 Geografski zbornik : Acta geographica. 1952- Q2234753 All* 2003-present+ Contact us
0016-7312 Geographica helvetica. 1946- Q1262869 None* None known Contact us
0016-7398 The geographical journal 1893- Q1100084 None* 1893-1928+ Contact us
0016-7428 Geographical review. Q3278607 1938 1916-1928+ Contact us
2044-1541 The geographical teacher : the organ of the Geographical Association. 1901-1926 N/A* 1901-1926+ Contact us
0016-7479 Geographische Zeitschrift. 1895- Q1503176 None* 1895-1928+ Contact us
0072-095X Geographisches Jahrbuch. 1866- Q106876318 None* 1866-1928 Contact us
0016-7487 Geography. Q15760524 None* 1927-1928+ Contact us
0072-0992 Geología colombiana. 1962- Q96703551 None* None known Contact us
0741-7357 Geologic report series / 1959- Q106876321 None* 1959-||-present Contact us
0435-3935 Geological abstracts / 1953- Q106876319 None None known Contact us
0085-0608 Geological bulletin. 1935-1971 Q118954813 None* 1935-||-1977 Contact us
0096-3720 Geological bulletin. 1931- Q118954824 None* 1932-||-1952 Contact us
0474-1706 Geological circular. 1955-1966 Q118954836 None* None known Contact us
0016-7606 The Geological Society of America bulletin. 1890- Q15756592 None 1890-1928 Contact us
0160-3051 Geological Survey bulletin. Q62578731 None* 1948-||-1973 Contact us
0096-0446 Geological Survey professional paper. 1902- Q107629220 None* 1902-present Contact us
0016-7789 Geologija : razprave in poročila. 1953- Q50424751 None* 1953-present Contact us
0016-7851 Geologisches Jahrbuch. 1953-1972 Q106117831 None* Predecessor Contact us
0016-786X Geologiska föreningens i Stockholm förhandlingar. 1872-1962 Q130397853 None* 1872-1928 Contact us
0097-2401 Geology and mining series. 1939-1953 Q106876323 None* 1904-||-1950+ Contact us
0350-0608 Geološki anali Balkanskoga poluostrva = Annales géologiques de la péninsule Balkanique. 1889- Q50434971 None* 1889-||-present Contact us
0016-7983 Geophysical abstracts. 1909- Q106876324 None* 1929-1971 Contact us
0016-8009 The Geophysical journal. 1958-1987 Q96703658 None* None known Contact us
2051-1965 Geophysical supplements to the Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 1928- Q96703660 None* 1922-1957+ Contact us
0016-8033 Geophysics. 1936- Q15755784 None None known Contact us
0016-8076 The George Washington law review 1933- Q7736189 1944 2013-present Contact us
0096-2821 George Washington University bulletin. 1904- Q106876325 None* 1904-||-present+ Contact us
0016-8084 Georgetown dental journal. 1933-1981 Q27710989 None None known Contact us
0016-8092 The Georgetown law journal. 1912- Q5547020 None 1912-||-present Contact us
0016-8297 The Georgia historical quarterly. 1917- Q15760911 None 1917-1928 Contact us
0016-8335 Georgia nursing. 1945- Q27710969 None None known Contact us
0016-8505 Geotechnique 1948- Q15749704 None* None known Contact us
0016-867X Geriatrics. 1946- Q15756068 None None known Contact us
0016-8696 Gerlands Beiträge zur Geophysik. 1887-1990 Q106876326 None* 1887-1928 Contact us
0435-5784 German medical monthly. 1956-1970 Q27710992 None* None known Contact us
0016-8831 The German quarterly. 1928- Q1744589 None None known Contact us
0731-115X Germanic Museum bulletin. 1935- Q26849592 1938* None known Contact us
0016-8890 The Germanic review. 1926- Q15766739 1946 None known Contact us
0016-8904 Germanisch-Romanische Monatsschrift. 1909- Q1514165 None* None known Contact us
0418-9760 Germanische Denkmäler der Völkerwanderungszeit. 1931- Q106117832 None* None known Contact us
0323-0716 Germanistica Pragensia. 1960- Q106117833 None* None known Contact us
0016-9013 The gerontologist. 1961- Q15757423 None None known Contact us
1421-2919 Der Geschichtsfreund : Mitteilungen des historischen Vereins der fünf Orte Luzern, Uri, Schwyz, Unterwalden und Zug. 1843- Q57831636 None* 1843-recent Contact us
0435-8406 Gesher : rivʻon li-sheʾelot ḥaye ha-umah. 1954- Q106876327 None* None known Contact us
0016-9161 Gesnerus. 1943- Q1292208 None* None known Contact us
0016-9552 Ghana library journal. 1963- Q68086946 None* None known Contact us
0016-9560 Ghana medical journal. 1962- Q5555368 None* 1962-||-present Contact us
0855-1502 The Ghanaian times. 1960- Q5555470 None* None known Contact us
2043-3034 The ghost / 1796- Q106877405 N/A None known Contact us
0390-6647 Il Giappone. 1961- Q106876456 None* None known Contact us
0072-6273 Gibraltar : report. 1946- Q106876328 None* None known Contact us
0016-9730 De Gids. 1837- Q1816042 None* 1837-2011 Contact us
0016-9862 The Gifted child quarterly. Q5560064 None* 1958-1961+ Contact us
0435-9992 Gimtoji kalba. 1958-1968 Q106876329 None* None known Contact us
0017-0011 Ginekologia polska. 1922- Q27711007 None* 2006-present Contact us
1125-2855 Giornale degli economisti / 1875-1909 N/A 1875-||-1909+ Contact us
0017-0097 Giornale degli economisti e annali di economia / 1939- Q3765880 None* Predecessor Contact us
1125-2863 Giornale degli economisti e rivista di statistica. 1910- None* 1910-1928+ Contact us
0017-0496 Giornale storico della letteratura italiana. 1883- Q3765892 None* 1883-1928 Contact us
0017-0720 Glad tidings. 1925- Q106876331 None* None known Contact us
0436-029X Gladius. 1961- Q26305317 None* 1961-present Contact us
0017-0747 Glamour. 1941- Q472870 1939* None known Contact us
2378-8305 The Glasgow courier 1913- Q22078290 None 1915-||-1945 Contact us
0367-4800 Glasgow Medical Journal Q121223790 None* 1828-1955+ Contact us
0373-241X The Glasgow naturalist. 1909- Q51483720 None* 1908-||-present Contact us
2326-795X Glasgow weekly times [electronic resource]. 1848-1861 Q100296431 N/A None known Contact us
0350-3593 Glasnik : Bulletin. 1912- Q50434958 None* 1912-||-present Contact us
0350-0861 Glasnik Etnografskog instituta. 1957- Q29043693 None* 2002-present Contact us
0353-4537 Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta / 1950- Q50478485 None* 2002-present Contact us
0352-3861 Glasnik za šumske pokuse / 1926- Q15754289 None* None known Contact us
0581-7501 Glasnik Zemaljskog muzeja u Sarajevu. Bulletin de la République Populaire de Bosnie et Hercégovine à Sarajevo. Archéologie. 1954- Q106876333 None* None known Contact us
0361-7610 Glass and ceramics. 1956- Q65683241 None* None known Contact us
0017-1050 Glass technology / 1960- Q15752429 None* None known Contact us
2574-8874 The gleaner. 1812-1818 N/A None known Contact us
2574-8866 The gleaner, and Luzerne advertiser. 1811-1812 N/A None known Contact us
2161-1726 Gleason's pictorial. 1852-1854 N/A None known Contact us
1087-5379 Glencoe news. 1909- Q55666505 None None known Contact us
1087-5409 Glenview announcements. 1954- Q55666508 None None known Contact us
0015-8119 Global books in print 1948- Q21809574 None* None known Contact us
1014-8906 Global economic prospects and the developing countries. 1991- None* 1935-2000 Contact us
1744-8603 Globalization and health. 2005- Q5570929 All 2005-present Contact us
0398-3412 Le globe. 1866- Q58081951 None* None known Contact us
0801-2547 The Globe [electronic resource]. 1819- Q106877406 All* None known Contact us
2574-8890 The globe. 1809- Q106877407 N/A None known Contact us
0319-0714 The Globe and mail. 1936- Q604525 None* None known Contact us
0436-0664 Der Globusfreund : wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift für Globen- und Instrumentenkunde. 1952- Q106117834 None* None known Contact us
0017-1298 Glotta; zeitschrift für griechische und lateinische sprache ... Q1532225 None* 1909-1928 Contact us
0017-1417 Gnomon. 1925- Q1533284 None* None known Contact us
2161-2803 Godey's lady's book. 1830- Q5576341 N/A 1830-1898+ Contact us
0367-5564 Godišen zbornik. 1948-1975 Q106876335 None* None known Contact us
0352-8669 Godišnjak Istoriskog društva Bosne i Hercegovine = Annuaire de la Société historique de Bosnie et Herzégovine. 1949- Q106116428 None* None known Contact us
0072-484X Goethe. 1936-1971 Q106876336 None* None known Contact us
2375-9127 The gold leaf -1911 N/A* 1882-1911+ Contact us
0967-6708 The Golden blade. 1949- Q120442404 None* None known Contact us
2375-6152 Golden era 1884- Q106876337 N/A* 1884-1886+ Contact us
2043-3042 Golden hours : a magazine for Sunday reading. 1864-1884 N/A None known Contact us
2474-2201 Goldsboro weekly argus Q106116430 None 1892-||-1915 Contact us
0017-176X Golf digest. 1950- Q3110173 1961* None known Contact us
0017-2081 Good housekeeping. 1885- Q174941 1929 1885-1928 Contact us
2475-0956 Good news [electronic resource]. 1917-1919 N/A None known Contact us
0161-0864 Good roads. 1901- Q106117835 None 1892-||-1928 Contact us
2043-3050 Good words. 1860-1906 Q5583063 N/A 1860-1906+ Contact us
2326-6481 The Goodhue volunteer -1864 N/A None known Contact us
2329-4086 The Goodland republic 1891-1907 N/A None known Contact us
0829-4666 The Gospel herald 1820-1827 N/A None known Contact us
1945-4937 Gospel teacher and Sabbath school contributor. 1843- Q106876339 N/A None known Contact us
1945-4775 The Gospel teacher and Universalist miscellany. 1849-1850 N/A None known Contact us
2161-3931 The Gospel visitant. 1811- Q106117836 N/A None known Contact us
0341-3780 Göttinger geographische Abhandlungen. 1948- Q106117837 None* None known Contact us
0072-517X Government in Hawaii. 1949- Q106876340 None None known Contact us
0432-5443 Government publications : notes on official indexes, lists, guides and catalogues. 1952- Q106876341 None* None known Contact us
0017-2715 Goya. 1954- Q15758740 None* None known Contact us
0545-7289 GP, government publications. 1953- Q106117838 None* None known Contact us
0702-259X Grace and truth. 1953- Q106876342 None* None known Contact us
0350-2465 Građevinar : časopis saveza građevnih inženjera i tehničara SR Hrvatske. 1949- Q50434960 None* 2000-present Contact us
0017-2820 The Graduate journal. 1958-1976 Q106877409 None None known Contact us
0436-2713 Graduate review of philosophy. 1958-1964 Q106117839 None None known Contact us
0472-6863 Graduate school studies. 1955- Q120731155 None None known Contact us
0367-5041 Graellsia / 1943- Q94579799 None* 1995-present Contact us
2161-394X The Graham journal of health and longevity. 1837-1839 N/A None known Contact us
2161-3966 Graham's illustrated magazine. 1856-1858 N/A None known Contact us
0072-5358 Grain trade of Canada / 1950- Q106876343 None* 1918-2001 Contact us
2473-2796 Grainger County news 1917- Q106117840 None 1917-1922 Contact us
0072-5366 Grammatiken und Wörterbücher des Schweizerdeutschen. 1960- Q106876344 None* None known Contact us
0017-310X The gramophone. 1923- Q1542344 None* 1923-1927 Contact us
2379-1160 Grand Forks herald [electronic resource]. 1914- Q106116433 None 1914-1922 Contact us
2332-631X The Grand Haven news 1858- Q100296917 N/A 1858-1866 Contact us
2471-9129 Grand Rapids Herald Q100296938 None 1892-1917 Contact us
0744-544X Grand Rapids herald-review. 1896- Q56236695 None None known Contact us
2332-6255 Grand River times 1851- Q100296943 N/A 1851-1857 Contact us
2326-6341 The Grange advance -1877 N/A None known Contact us
2470-8577 The grange visitor 1875- Q106117841 N/A* 1875-1896+ Contact us
2574-9110 The Grangeville globe 1907-1922 N/A None known Contact us
0017-3185 Grani. 1946- Q106876346 None* None known Contact us
2577-3348 The Grant County herald 1879-1883 N/A None known Contact us
0017-3231 The Granta. 1889- Q3304316 None* 1890-1891 Contact us
2375-1827 Grants Pass daily courier 1919- Q5596679 None 1919 Contact us
1047-9325 Graphic arts monthly. 1938- Q5597130 None None known Contact us
0072-551X A Graphic guide to consumer markets / 1960-1969 Q106116436 None None known Contact us
0017-3452 Graphis. 1944- Q106876347 None* None known Contact us
0017-3495 Grasas y aceites : revista de información científica y técnica. 1950- Q22911482 None* 1991-present Contact us
0017-3451 Grassroots editor. 1960- Q106117843 None None known Contact us
0704-3082 Gravity map series of the Dominion Observatory. 1961-1969 Q106117845 None* None known Contact us
0017-3614 The Great Basin naturalist. 1939-1999 Q6440472 None None known Contact us
0072-727X Great decisions / 1956- Q106876348 None None known Contact us
2374-1813 The Great Falls leader 1888- Q100297089 None 1888-1889+ Contact us
0072-7288 The Great ideas today. 1961- Q27715845 1961 None known Contact us
0434-5711 Great Lakes foreign commerce. 1957- Q106117846 None None known Contact us
0072-7350 Greater London papers. 1961-1986 Q106117847 None* None known Contact us
0017-3835 Greece and Rome 1931- Q15751915 None* None known Contact us
0884-7304 Greek and Byzantine studies. 1958- Q106876349 None None known Contact us
0017-3878 Greek heritage. 1963-1965 Q106876350 1964 None known Contact us
0017-3894 The Greek Orthodox theological review. 1954- Q102290643 None None known Contact us
2160-6846 The green bag [electronic resource]. 1889- Q48773616 N/A* None known Contact us
1095-5216 The green bag. 1889- Q7738128 All* None known Contact us
2161-4059 The Green Mountain repository. 1832- Q106877411 N/A 1832 Contact us
0199-8617 Greenbelt cooperator 1937- Q5603700 None* 1954-present+ Contact us
2330-8621 The Greene County Republican -1867 N/A None known Contact us
2475-0174 The Greeneville daily sun 1918- Q7738227 None 1918-1920 Contact us
2574-7517 Greenfield gazette. 1792-1795 N/A None known Contact us
2574-7525 Greenfield gazette. 1798-1811 N/A None known Contact us
2574-7495 Greenfield gazette, or, Massachusetts and Vermont telegraphe. 1795-1797 N/A None known Contact us
2472-8934 The Greenville enterprise 1870- Q100297370 N/A 1870-1872 Contact us
1042-3710 Greenville herald-banner. 1956- Q55671164 None None known Contact us
0279-5213 Greenwich time. 1953- Q5604879 None None known Contact us
0017-4114 Gregorianum. 1920- Q15763267 None* 1920-||-1928 Contact us
2575-4661 The Grenada sentinel 1868- Q100297394 None 1868-||-1922 Contact us
2575-4645 The Grenada weekly sentinel 1867-1868 N/A None known Contact us
0017-4181 Grial. 1963- Q11924720 None* None known Contact us
0434-670X The Griffin. 1951- Q106877413 1953 None known Contact us
2475-7160 Griggs County courier 1885- Q106876351 N/A* 1885+ Contact us
2475-854X Griggs courier 1885-1902 N/A* 1885-1902+ Contact us
2639-2593 Grimshaw's messenger 1858- Q100297478 N/A 1858 Contact us
0017-4289 Grit. 1907- Q5609709 1953 None known Contact us
0017-4734 Group psychotherapy. 1950-1969 Q106876352 None None known Contact us
0017-4793 Growth. 1937-1987 Q27711023 None None known Contact us
0830-3231 The grumbler [electronic resource]. 1858-1869 N/A None known Contact us
0017-4939 Grundlagenstudien aus Kybernetik und Geisteswissenschaft. 1960- Q106876353 None* None known Contact us
0107-4164 Grundtvig-studier / 1948- Q27991217 None* None known Contact us
2469-4975 The guard 1842-1846 N/A None known Contact us
1511-1865 The guardian [electronic resource]. 1959- Q122463426 All* None known Contact us
0261-3007 The guardian. 1959- Q5614018 None* None known Contact us
2161-4520 The Guardian & Monitor. -1828 N/A None known Contact us
1997-0889 Gudok. 1917- Q4151629 None* None known Contact us
2169-0642 Guide. 1923-1933 Q122750828 None* 1923-||-1933 Contact us
1147-6702 Guide des prix littéraires; lauréats primés, jurys, règlements. 1952- Q106876359 None* None known Contact us
0533-5248 Guide to American directories. 1960-1999 Q106876362 None None known Contact us
0072-8225 Guide to American educational directories. 1963- Q106876363 None None known Contact us
0072-8454 Guide to government in Hawaii. 1961- Q106876364 None 1961-||-2020 Contact us
0072-8519 A Guide to graduate study : programs leading to the Ph.D. degree / 1957-1969 Q106875558 None None known Contact us
0741-1456 Guide to holiness and revival miscellany. 1867- Q106876365 N/A None known Contact us
0533-5388 Guide to microreproduction equipment. 1959-1971 Q106876376 None None known Contact us
0072-8705 The Guide to summer camps and summer schools. 1962-2010 Q106877414 1953 None known Contact us
0072-873X Guide to the performing arts. 1960- Q106876377 None None known Contact us
0362-8132 Guide to U.S. Government serials & periodicals. 1962-1972 Q106876378 None 1962 Contact us
0434-9067 Guide to U.S. Government statistics. 1961- Q106876379 None None known Contact us
0078-4400 Guidebook. 1953- Q122840946 None* None known Contact us
0160-2829 Guidebook. 1946- Q122840960 None None known Contact us
0317-1922 Guidebook ... annual field conference / 1954- Q106876357 None* None known Contact us
0533-5515 Guidebook to Federal wage-hour laws. 1962- Q122840973 None None known Contact us
0072-8853 Guidebook to labor relations. 1960- Q106876358 None None known Contact us
0096-8080 Guidebook to the geology of Utah. 1946-1970 Q97731105 None None known Contact us
0017-5331 Guideposts. 1946- Q96246576 1947* None known Contact us
0080-4398 Guides and Handbooks / 1938- Q106876360 None* None known Contact us
0072-8934 Guides to information sources in science and technology. 1963- Q106876361 None None known Contact us
0072-9000 Guinness book of world records. 1956-1990 Q41675 None* None known Contact us
1940-9761 Gulf Coast breeze. 1897- Q100297516 None 1897-||-1915 Contact us
0072-9034 The Gun digest. 1944- Q106877415 1951 None known Contact us
0457-6276 Guo li li shi bo wu guan guan kan. 1961- Q106876380 None* None known Contact us
0496-7194 Guo li Taiwan da xue gong cheng xue kan. 1956- Q106876381 None* None known Contact us
0017-5749 Gut. 1960- Q5621669 None* None known Contact us
0072-9094 Gutenberg Jahrbuch. 1926- Q1235205 None* None known Contact us
0017-6419 Habitation 1928- Q97397955 None* None known Contact us
1565-043X Ḥadashot arkheʼologiyot / 1961-2004 Q6599329 None* None known Contact us
0017-6516 Hadassah magazine. 1961- Q27717031 1964* None known Contact us
0017-677X Hairenik monthly. 1922-1967 Q106876383 None None known Contact us
2345-6108 Ḥakīm Sayyid Ismāʻīl Jurjānī 1392-2017 Q50811748 N/A* None known Contact us
2574-7339 The halcyon. 1815- Q106877416 N/A None known Contact us
2161-4857 The Halcyon luminary, and Theological repository. 1812-1813 N/A None known Contact us
0374-8065 Half-yearly bulletin of electric energy statistics for Europe. 1956- Q122830361 None* None known Contact us
0440-0607 Hämatologie und Bluttransfusion. 1962-1976 Q27711035 None* None known Contact us
0072-9566 Hamburger Jahrbuch für Wirtschafts- und Gesellschaftspolitik. 1956-2000 Q106876385 None* None known Contact us
2575-9671 Hampden patriot. 1818-1821 N/A None known Contact us
2575-9663 Hampshire gazette. 1820- Q106876387 N/A None known Contact us
2575-9620 The Hampshire gazette. -1815 N/A None known Contact us
2692-0131 Hampshire gazette and publick advertiser. 1815-1819 Q106876386 N/A None known Contact us
0075-6873 Han'guk t'onggye yŏn'gam = Korea statistical yearbook. 1961- Q106876389 None* None known Contact us
2575-9574 Hancock gazette. 1820- Q106876390 N/A None known Contact us
2575-9582 Hancock gazette and Penobscot patriot. 1820-1826 N/A None known Contact us
2327-4875 The Hancock Jeffersonian 1857- Q106877418 N/A 1857-1869 Contact us
0068-1628 Handbook / British Columbia Provincial Museum. 1942- Q106876391 None* None known Contact us
0438-5047 Handbook for Georgia legislators. 1958- Q106876392 None None known Contact us
0190-4035 Handbook of chemistry. 1934-1961 Q106876393 1939* None known Contact us
0549-1940 Handbook of commerce and industry in Nigeria. 1952- Q106876394 None* None known Contact us
1073-0583 Handbook of international economic statistics / 1992- Q113956829 N/A* 1992-1998 Contact us
0082-9056 Handbook of labor statistics / 1927-1990 Q106876395 None None known Contact us
0072-9833 Handbook of Latin American studies. 1935- Q27333698 1935* 1936-2016 Contact us
0072-9884 The Handbook of private schools. 1952- Q106877479 1953 1915-||-1947 Contact us
0068-130X The handbook of the British Astronomical Association. 1923- Q106877480 None* None known Contact us
0438-5217 Handbuch der öffentlichen Büchereien. 1952-1970 Q106876396 None* None known Contact us
0438-5403 Handel wewne̜trzny. 1955- Q9285882 None* None known Contact us
0017-7296 Handelsblatt. 1946- Q819697 None* None known Contact us
0547-7042 Handy key to your "National geographics". 1954- Q106876397 None* None known Contact us
0073-0327 Hansische Geschichtsblätter. 1872- Q1583829 None* None known Contact us
0302-0029 Hanzaigaku zasshi. 1928- Q96324539 None* None known Contact us
2329-5546 The Harlowton news 1909-1914 Q100297945 N/A None known Contact us
0017-789X Harper's. 1850- Q1170076 1929 1850-1928+ Contact us
0017-7873 The Harper's bazaar archive 1867- Q106877481 1929 1867-1928 Contact us
0360-2397 Harper's weekly. 1857-1976 Q3127693 None* 1857-1916+ Contact us
1069-2401 Harris County journal. 1920- Q123003022 None None known Contact us
1047-4153 Hartford courant. 1887- Q1587159 None 1946-1947 Contact us
1943-8710 The Hartford herald. Q123061400 N/A 1875-1922+ Contact us
1941-2983 The Hartford republican. -1926 Q100298081 N/A 1891-||-1922+ Contact us
0017-8012 Harvard business review. 1922- Q277351 1940* 1922-1940 Contact us
0073-0505 Harvard economic studies. 1906- Q106876398 1930* 1906-||-1933 Contact us
0888-2584 The Harvard International Law Club journal. 1962-1966 Q99437422 None* None known Contact us
0017-8063 Harvard international law journal. 1967- Q5676447 All* 2011-present Contact us
0073-0548 Harvard journal of Asiatic studies. 1936- Q5676459 None 1936-1961 Contact us
0017-8098 The Harvard lampoon. 1876- Q1362081 None 1876-||-1925 Contact us
0017-8101 Harvard law record. 1956- Q9286657 None None known Contact us
0017-811X Harvard law review. 1887- Q1365125 1937 1887-||-present Contact us
0017-8136 Harvard Library bulletin. 1947- Q15759997 1947 1947-recent Contact us
0363-7107 Harvard Library notes. 1920- Q106876399 None None known Contact us
0073-0599 Harvard oriental series. 1891- Q16972832 1944* 1891-||-1926 Contact us
0440-3487 The Harvard review. 1962- Q96149431 None None known Contact us
0440-3495 Harvard Slavic studies. 1953-1976 Q96336189 1953* None known Contact us
0893-9608 Harvard studies and notes in philology and literature. 1930- Q96336242 1935* None known Contact us
0073-0688 Harvard studies in classical philology. 1890- Q15734637 1943* 1890-1928 Contact us
1048-6372 Harvard studies in English. 1913-1939 Q96468053 1932* 1913-||-1931 Contact us
0073-0718 Harvard studies in Romance languages. 1915-1990 Q97451637 1930* 1915-||-1927 Contact us
0017-8160 The Harvard theological review. Q104929261 1964* 1908-1928 Contact us
0017-8160 The Harvard theological review. 1908- Q121301445 Unknown None known Contact us
2161-5365 Harvardiana. 1835-1838 N/A None known Contact us
1302-0072 Haseki tıp bülteni. 1963- Q50498102 None* 2005-present Contact us
0017-8322 The Hastings law journal. 1950- Q15798916 1950 1949-present Contact us
0438-6981 The Hasty papers. 1960- Q97932939 1960 None known Contact us
1934-1806 The hatchet. 1883- Q98137505 N/A 1900 Contact us
0017-842X Die Hausfrau 1904- Q98546154 None None known Contact us
0017-8470 Der Hautarzt, Zeitschrift für Dermatologie, Venerologie und verwandte Gebiete. 1950- Q15756740 None* None known Contact us
2575-9442 Haverhill gazette. 1823- Q5683787 None None known Contact us
2372-8728 The Havre herald 1904- Q98834725 N/A 1904-1908 Contact us
0017-8594 Hawaiʹi medical journal. 1962- Q15750998 None None known Contact us
0361-4271 Hawaii. 1961- Q99433139 None* None known Contact us
2157-1392 Hawaiian gazette 1865- Q99432430 N/A 1868-1918 Contact us
0440-5145 The Hawaiian journal of history. Q27715859 All* 1967-recent+ Contact us
2577-1108 The Hawk-eye and Iowa patriot 1839- N/A* 1839-1841+ Contact us
0438-8313 Hawk & whippoorwill. 1960-1963 Q100319377 None* None known Contact us
0967-5590 al-Ḥayāh = Al hayat. 1946- Q285738 None* None known Contact us
0073-1390 The Haydn yearbook = Das Haydn Jahrbuch. 1962-1998 Q100732897 None None known Contact us
2329-2431 The Hays free press 1908-1924 N/A None known Contact us
2161-5721 Hazard's register of Pennsylvania. 1831-1835 N/A None known Contact us
1943-8761 The Hazel Green herald. 1885- Q100298401 N/A* 1885-||-1915 Contact us
0017-8780 Headline series. 1943- Q101500199 1938* 1935-1952 Contact us
0073-1455 Health education monographs. 1957- Q27711062 None* None known Contact us
0565-7679 Health statistics from the U.S. National Health Survey. 1958-1962 Q104007641 None* 1958-1962+ Contact us
0565-7687 Health statistics from the U.S. National Health Survey. 1958-1963 Q104007675 None* 1958-1963+ Contact us
0502-2800 Health statistics from the U.S. National Health Survey. 1960-1963 Q104007728 None* 1960-1963+ Contact us
2693-5961 Hearth and home 1868- Q18150559 N/A None known Contact us
0096-0594 The Heating and ventilating magazine. Q104099838 None 1904-1954 Contact us
0017-940X Heating, piping, and air conditioning. 1929- Q27710938 None None known Contact us
0701-2020 Heaton's annual. 1908- Q104783344 N/A* 1907-||-1924 Contact us
0701-2039 Heaton's commercial handbook of Canada. 1925- Q104783339 None* 1925-1926+ Contact us
0073-1560 Hebbel Jahrbuch. 1939- Q105088075 None* None known Contact us
0160-2810 Hebraica. 1884-1895 Q96705939 N/A 1884-1895+ Contact us
0438-895X Hebrew abstracts. 1954-1975 Q105236346 None None known Contact us
0190-5953 The Hebrew student. 1882-1883 Q96735623 N/A 1882-1883+ Contact us
0360-9049 Hebrew Union College annual. 1924- Q15716519 None 1924-1928 Contact us
0073-1579 Hegel-Jahrbuch. 1961- Q48843772 None* None known Contact us
0286-9861 Heian bungaku kenkyū. 1949-1988 Q105440176 None* None known Contact us
0440-6044 Heidelberger Forschungen. 1952- Q105440206 None* None known Contact us
0440-6052 Heidelberger Geographische Arbeiten. 1956- Q96329813 None* None known Contact us
1864-516X Heimatschutz-Chronik 1917-1922 N/A None known Contact us
0017-9841 Heimen. 1922- Q11052884 None* None known Contact us
0073-1692 Heine-Jahrbuch. 1962- Q1595967 None* None known Contact us
2470-3540 Helena weekly herald -1900 Q100298517 N/A None known Contact us
0018-0009 Helinium. 1961-1994 Q100596036 None* None known Contact us
0013-6336 Hellēnika. 1928- Q15753907 None* None known Contact us
0440-6567 Hellēnikon who's who. 1962- Q106876400 None* None known Contact us
0018-0122 Helminthological abstracts. 1932-1969 Q123456642 None* None known Contact us
0073-1714 Helps for students of history. 1918-1997 Q106876402 None* 1918-1924 Contact us
0355-2047 Helsingin sanomat. 1904- Q366921 None* None known Contact us
0018-019X Helvetica chimica acta. 1918- Q680880 None* 1918-1928 Contact us
0367-5971 Helvetica medica acta. 1937-1972 Q27711086 None* None known Contact us
0018-0238 Helvetica physica acta. 1928- Q108565046 None* None known Contact us
0367-598X Hemijska industrija. 1946- Q50478659 None* None known Contact us
1937-3759 Hemispheres. 1943- Q106876403 None None known Contact us
2375-916X Henderson gold leaf 1911- Q100298542 None* 1911-||-1916+ Contact us
0144-0241 Henry Bradshaw Society. 1891- Q123456745 None* 1891-||-1928 Contact us
2379-3260 Heppner gazette 1892-1912 N/A None known Contact us
0440-694X Herakleja. 1961- Q106876404 None* None known Contact us
2330-3794 The herald [electronic resource]. -1837 Q106876925 N/A* 1836-||-1922+ Contact us
2577-3364 The herald [electronic resource]. 1883-1890 N/A None known Contact us
2577-3402 The herald-advance 1890- Q106877482 N/A 1890-1922 Contact us
2474-6355 Herald and news [electronic resource]. 1878- Q106876405 None 1888-1910+ Contact us
2333-2786 The herald and news [electronic resource]. 1903- Q123507328 None* 1903-1922+ Contact us
0276-8372 Herald and Presbyter. 1869- Q106876406 N/A 1919-1922 Contact us
2333-2921 Herald and tribune 1869- Q5732602 None 1869-||-1897 Contact us
1351-2668 The herald post. 1900-1909 N/A None known Contact us
0437-2832 Heráldica : guía de Sociedad. 1950- Q106876407 None* None known Contact us
0700-7051 Here and now. 1947-1949 Q106876408 None* None known Contact us
0018-0661 Hereditas. 1920- Q5737884 None* 1920-present Contact us
0018-0750 Hermathena. 1873- Q15762068 None* 1873-1927 Contact us
0018-0777 Hermes. Q1526607 None* 1866-1928 Contact us
0259-9422 Hervormde teologiese studies. 1943- Q4051385 None* 1943-recent Contact us
0440-7377 Herzl year book. 1958- Q106876409 None None known Contact us
0018-098X Hesperia. 1932- Q1579604 None* 1932-2011+ Contact us
1064-1173 Hesperia. 1937- Q96706247 None* 1937-||-1982+ Contact us
0399-0052 Hespéris : archives berbères et bulletin de l'Institut des hautes-études marocaines. 1921-1959 Q106876410 None* 1921-1959+ Contact us
0018-1005 Hespéris tamuda / 1960- Q27715871 None* Predecessor Contact us
0018-103X Hessische blätter für volkskunde. 1902- Q106876411 None* 1902-1928 Contact us
0385-5414 Heterocycles. Q898691 All* 1973-2023 Contact us
0018-1153 Hewlett-Packard journal : technical information from the laboratories of Hewlett-Packard Company. 1950- Q5748546 None 1949-1998 Contact us
0018-1196 The heythrop journal. 1960- Q15734649 None* None known Contact us
0950-1916 The Hibbert journal. 1902-1968 Q7739528 None* 1902-1928 Contact us
1075-4040 The Hibbing daily tribune. 1910- Q85766457 None None known Contact us
2009-2903 The Hibernia magazine, and Dublin monthly panorama 1810-1811 N/A* 1810+ Contact us
0018-1285 Hidalguía : la revista de genealog'ia, nobleza y armas. 1953- Unknown None known Contact us
0018-1455 High fidelity. 1951-1958 Q106876415 1954* 1951-||-1963 Contact us
0018-1498 The high school journal. 1918- Q15793530 None 1918-1928 Contact us
0018-151X High temperature. 1963- Q15751150 None* None known Contact us
0275-567X Higher education and national defense. 1940-1945 Q106876413 None None known Contact us
0306-1744 Higher education in the United Kingdom. 1952-1991 Q106876414 None* None known Contact us
8750-0957 Highland news leader. 1921- Q55666520 None None known Contact us
2151-5484 Highland recorder. 1877-1972 Q100299014 None 1893-||-1972 Contact us
0018-165X Highlights for children. 1946- Q5759483 1946 None known Contact us
0439-1241 Highlights of current legislation and activities in mid-Europe. 1953-1960 Q106876416 None None known Contact us
0196-1195 Highway progress. 1959- Q106876417 None None known Contact us
0018-1730 Highway research abstracts. 1931- Q106876418 None None known Contact us
0073-2206 Highway research record. 1963-1973 Q123101045 None None known Contact us
0095-344X Highway statistics. 1947- Q106876419 None* 1945-present Contact us
0018-1765 Highway user. 1963-1973 Q123101409 None None known Contact us
0440-8047 Hikaku bunka.= Comparative studies of culture. 1954- Q123173013 None* None known Contact us
0018-182X Hikone ronsō. 1951-1981 Q106876421 None* None known Contact us
0073-2230 Hilgardia. 1926-1995 Q21384943 None 1925-1995 Contact us
8750-5479 The Hillsboro argus. 1895-2016 Q7739709 None None known Contact us
2475-1561 Hillsboro recorder 1887- Q106876422 N/A 1887-1888 Contact us
2471-9153 The Hillsdale standard 1851- Q100299147 N/A* 1851-||-1899+ Contact us
2471-9226 Hillsdale Whig standard 1846- Q106876423 N/A* 1846-1851+ Contact us
2163-6885 Hilo tribune 1895-1917 N/A None known Contact us
0972-0243 The Hindustan times. 1923- Q41595 None* None known Contact us
0018-2052 Hiroshima journal of medical sciences. 1951- Q27711099 None* 1981-||-present Contact us
0983-365X Hispania / Institut d'études hispaniques de l'Université de Paris. 1918-1922 N/A None known Contact us
0018-2133 Hispania. 1918- Q5898711 None* 1917-1928+ Contact us
0018-2141 Hispania : revista española de historia / 1940- Q15759880 None* 1996-present+ Contact us
0018-215X Hispania sacra. 1948- Q15759587 None* None known Contact us
0018-2168 The Hispanic American historical review. 1918- Q15759585 1943 1918-1999 Contact us
0517-4031 Hispanic numismatic series. 1950- Q101426620 None* None known Contact us
0018-2176 Hispanic review. 1933- Q15710021 None None known Contact us
0563-2463 Hispanic studies. 1950-1954 Q106876424 None None known Contact us
0018-2206 Hispanófila. 1957- Q15759840 None None known Contact us
1153-673X Histoire et mémoires de l'Académie royale des sciences, inscriptions et belles lettres de Toulouse. 1782-1843 N/A None known Contact us
0440-8942 Historia. 1955- Q27715885 None* None known Contact us
0018-229X Historia. 1956- Q27722316 None* None known Contact us
1054-1330 Historia Judaica, a journal of studies in Jewish history, especially in legal and economic history of the Jews. 1938- Q123174065 None* None known Contact us
2043-314X Historia litteraria, or, an exact and early account of the most valuable books published in the several parts of Europe. 1730-1734 N/A None known Contact us
0185-0172 Historia mexicana. 1951- Q15750599 None* None known Contact us
0073-2435 Historia : publicación del Instituto de Historia. 1961- Q5773182 None* None known Contact us
0018-2370 The historian. 1938- Q6005495 None None known Contact us
0440-9205 Historica. 1959- Q106876425 None* None known Contact us
0748-5611 Historical and Philosophical Society of Ohio : [bulletin]. 1943- Q100978453 None* None known Contact us
0018-246X The historical journal. 1958- Q7739760 None* Predecessor Contact us
0361-6177 The Historical magazine, and notes and queries concerning the antiquities, history, and biography of America. 1857-1875 N/A None known Contact us
0018-2486 Historical magazine of the Protestant Episcopal Church. 1932-1986 Q27715959 None* None known Contact us
0149-9874 Historical records and studies. 1899- Q98805170 None 1899-1928 Contact us
2043-3158 The historical register. 1716- Q99019254 N/A 1716-1738 Contact us
0196-4720 Historical report of the Secretary of State, Arkansas. 1958- Q99020079 None 2008-2018 Contact us
2640-3900 Historical researches in western Pennsylvania, principally Catholic. 1884-1885 N/A None known Contact us
0075-0743 Historical studies : papers read before the ... Irish Conference of Historians. 1958- Q99522078 None* None known Contact us
0351-2193 Historijski zbornik. 1948- Q12632314 None* None known Contact us
0039-3479 Historisch-politische Hefte der Ranke-Gesellschaft. 1960-1980 Q99765747 None* None known Contact us
0067-5903 Historische Veröffentlichungen. 1954-1998 Q100231152 None* None known Contact us
0018-2613 Historische Zeitschrift. Q315571 None* 1859-1928 Contact us
0440-971X Historische Zeitschrift. 1962- Q100328493 None* None known Contact us
0018-2621 Historisches Jahrbuch. 1880- Q1620986 None* 1880-1928 Contact us
0440-9752 Historisches Ortsnamenbuch von Bayern. 1951- Q100906261 None* None known Contact us
0106-0481 Historisk-filosofiske meddelelser / 1957- Q100906806 None* None known Contact us
0345-469X Historisk tidskrift. 1881- Q29312487 None* 1881-||-recent Contact us
0106-4991 Historisk tidsskrift. 1857- Q1766626 None* 1840-recent Contact us
0073-2702 Historiska och litteraturhistoriska studier. 1925- Q27715687 None* None known Contact us
0439-2647 History. 1959- Q101986560 1959* None known Contact us
0363-7492 History news. 1949- Q101413353 None* None known Contact us
0162-8607 History of education journal. 1949-1959 Q28934634 None* None known Contact us
0439-2728 The History of ideas news letter. 1954-1960 Q102254949 None None known Contact us
0073-2753 History of science. 1962- Q15755969 None* None known Contact us
0018-2648 History. Q603149 None* 1912-1928 Contact us
0018-2753 History today. 1951- Q3138561 1957* None known Contact us
0018-277X Hitachi review. 1952-1998 Q96330072 None* None known Contact us
0018-280X Hitotsubashi journal of economics. 1960- Q15755826 None* 1960-present Contact us
0073-280X Hitotsubashi journal of social studies. 1960- Q26849597 None* 1960-present Contact us
0018-2818 Hitotsubashi ronsō / 1938- Q104193604 None* None known Contact us
0017-6192 HNO. 1947- Q27711112 None* None known Contact us
0288-0709 Hō to seiji. 1949- Q104413415 None* None known Contact us
0018-2885 Hoard's dairyman. 1870- Q5874530 None 1897-||-1919 Contact us
0073-2818 Hobart paper. 1960- Q104778077 None* None known Contact us
0899-8736 Hobbies. 1920-1958 Q104778105 None* 1920-1930 Contact us
2043-3212 The Hobby horse. 1893- Q7739907 N/A 1884-||-1893 Contact us
0018-2958 Hochfrequenztechnik und Elektroakustik. 1932- Q105201250 None* Predecessor Contact us
0018-2966 Hochland. 1904-1971 Q1265392 None* 1903-1928 Contact us
0372-7181 Hōkoku. 1944- Q105201270 None* None known Contact us
8756-6451 Hokubei hōchi 1946- Q11403930 None None known Contact us
2375-172X Holbrook argus 1900-1913 Q100299307 N/A None known Contact us
2375-1762 The Holbrook news 1909- Q100299309 N/A None known Contact us
0340-6849 Hölderlin-Jahrbuch. 1948- Q105395087 None* None known Contact us
0018-3520 Holiday. 1945-1977 Q5880356 1946* None known Contact us
2639-2615 Holiday journal 1879- Q100299325 N/A 1879 Contact us
2639-2666 Holly Oak journal 1889- Q100299346 N/A 1889 Contact us
2469-5033 Holly Springs banner 1839- Q105515219 N/A 1839-1840 Contact us
2469-5076 Holly Springs gazette 1841- Q100299348 N/A 1841-||-1853 Contact us
1549-0076 Hollywood quarterly. 1945-1951 Q26849626 1945* None known Contact us
2576-4780 The Holmes County times 1906- Q105515596 N/A 1906 Contact us
0018-3768 Holz als Roh- und Werkstoff 1937- Q15761371 None* None known Contact us
0305-1536 Home and school. 1872- Q110164931 All* None known Contact us
0701-4856 Home circle leader. 1889- Q106117848 N/A 1889-1890 Contact us
2043-3239 The home friend 1852-1856 N/A None known Contact us
2333-4312 The home journal -1857 Q100299466 N/A 1857-||-1884+ Contact us
0547-5880 Home science series. 1963- Q106117849 None* None known Contact us
0439-4216 L'homme : revue française d'anthropologie / publiée par l'École des hautes études en sciences sociales avec le concours du Centre national de la recherche scientifique. 1961- Q3203581 None* None known Contact us
0994-5873 Hommes et mondes. 1947-1956 Q106876439 None* None known Contact us
0018-442X Homo. 1949- Q15755072 None* None known Contact us
2166-7691 The Honesdale citizen. 1873-1908 N/A None known Contact us
0441-4381 Hong qi. 1958-1988 Q3431681 None* None known Contact us
1072-7191 The Honolulu advertiser. 1921- Q7740166 None None known Contact us
2326-1137 Honolulu star-bulletin 1912- Q3625579 1939* 1912-1917 Contact us
2379-3287 The Hood River glacier 1889- Q56754662 None 1899-1922 Contact us
0746-5823 The Hood River news. 1909- Q5897515 None None known Contact us
2472-6621 The Hood River sun 1899- Q100299522 N/A 1899-1900 Contact us
0731-213X Hoosier folklore. 1946-1950 Q26849623 None* 1946-1950+ Contact us
0441-2060 Hoosier folklore bulletin. 1942- Q26849622 None* 1942-1945+ Contact us
0018-4756 The Hoosier genealogist / 1961- Q106117850 None None known Contact us
1939-6589 The Hopkins review. 1947- Q5494301 1950* None known Contact us
1941-9996 Hopkinsville Kentuckian. 1889-1918 N/A None known Contact us
0018-4888 Hoppe-Seyler's Zeitschrift für physiologische Chemie. 1895-1984 Q25019040 None* None known Contact us
0018-4977 Horizon. 1958-1989 Q15863495 1958 None known Contact us
0018-5078 The horn book. 1924- Q652547 1931 1924-1928 Contact us
0073-3407 El hornero : revista de Ornitología Neotropical. 1919- Q3668483 None* None known Contact us
0018-5280 Horticultural abstracts. 1931- Q99981602 None* None known Contact us
0018-5329 Horticulture. 1904- Q99982082 None 1904-1928 Contact us
0267-6478 Hospital Q27722667 N/A 1886-1921+ Contact us
0018-5817 Hospital progress. 1920-1984 Q27711158 None None known Contact us
0018-5868 Hospital topics. 1951- Q24031401 None None known Contact us
0439-6219 Hospitium ecclesiae. 1954- Q106117851 None* None known Contact us
0018-6031 Hot rod. 1953- Q4833358 1948 None known Contact us
2473-0262 The Hot Springs star Q106117852 None 1887-1911 Contact us
0073-3490 Hotel & motel red book : official directory of American Hotel and Motel Association members including hotels, motels, resorts in the United States and other countries. 1963-1985 Q106116440 None* None known Contact us
0018-6368 La Houille blanche. 1902- Q43459214 None* 1902-present Contact us
2332-5380 Houma Ceres 1855- Q100299699 N/A 1855-1858 Contact us
1071-1163 The Hound & horn : a Harvard miscellany. 1927-1934 Q5913190 1930 1927-1929 Contact us
0018-6422 House beautiful. 1896- Q5913566 1936* 1896-1935 Contact us
0018-6406 House & garden. 1901- Q3501362 1929* 1901-1928 Contact us
0018-6414 House & home. 1952- 1954 1952-1982 Contact us
0276-1343 House journal of the ... Legislature of the state of Montana reformatted from the original and including, House journal of the ... session of the Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Montana ... 1865- Q110888935 None* 1891-||-1971 Contact us
0704-559X House of Commons debates, official report / 1952- Q106117853 None* None known Contact us
0950-9801 Household words / 1850-1859 Q1631447 N/A 1850-||-1884+ Contact us
0018-6570 Housing and planning references / 1961- Q106117854 None* None known Contact us
0018-6651 Housing review. 1957- Q106876441 None* None known Contact us
0825-8503 Housing standards, Canada. -1963 Q106117855 None* None known Contact us
1074-7109 The Houston chronicle. 1912- Q595564 None None known Contact us
0018-6694 Houston law review. 1963- Q15754877 None None known Contact us
0439-660X Houston lawyer : official monthly publication of the Houston Bar Association. 1963- Q27717157 None None known Contact us
0748-5298 Howard County times. 1958- Q18148855 None None known Contact us
0141-4712 The Howard journal : official organ of the Howard League for Penal Reform. 1921-1964 Q106877486 None* None known Contact us
0018-6813 Howard law journal. 1955- Q15754875 None None known Contact us
2326-8328 The Howard union 1865- Q100299800 N/A None known Contact us
9958-1501 Hoy. 1954- None* None known Contact us
0439-691X Hrvatski dijalektološki zbornik. 1956- Q50478500 None* None known Contact us
0439-8491 Hudobnovedné štúdie. 1955- Q106117856 None* None known Contact us
0018-702X The Hudson review. 1948- Q15708605 1948 None known Contact us
0018-7143 Human biology. 1929- Q2093146 None None known Contact us
0018-7194 Human Events. 1944- Q1025062 None 1944-1961 Contact us
0301-7397 The human factor / 1932-1937 Q106877487 None* Predecessor Contact us
0018-7208 Human factors. 1958- Q15716266 None None known Contact us
0018-7267 Human relations. 1947- Q5937338 None* None known Contact us
2054-2240 Human remains and violence : an interdisciplinary journal. 2015- Q50815241 All 2015-present Contact us
0151-1807 Humanisme et renaissance. 1934-1940 Q55174526 None* None known Contact us
0438-1742 Humanismo. 1952-1961 Q101090707 None* None known Contact us
0018-7399 The Humanist. 1941- Q27716878 See record 1941-||-1961 Contact us
1080-0247 Humanistic studies. 1916- Q106876442 None* 1907-1926 Contact us
0774-2908 Humanistica Lovaniensia. 1928- Q15763637 None* 1928-present Contact us
1865-9861 Das Humanistische Gymnasium : Organ des Gymnasialvereins. 1890-1936 Q108568636 None* 1890-1927 Contact us
0018-7461 Humanitas. 1946- Q3787577 None* None known Contact us
0441-4217 Humanitas. 1953- Q106876444 None* None known Contact us
0871-1569 Humanitas. 1947- Q50497421 None* 2013-present Contact us
0018-7453 Humanitas : boletín ecuatoriano de antropología. 1958- Q106876445 None* None known Contact us
0319-7336 Hume studies. 1975- Q9294942 None* 1975-recent Contact us
0734-5208 Humphrey's journal of the daguerreotype and photographic arts and the sciences and arts pertaining to heliography. 1852- Q104098791 N/A* 1855-||-1866+ Contact us
0441-4470 The Hungarian quarterly. 1961-1965 Q106877488 None None known Contact us
0367-634X Hungarica acta chimica. 1946-1949 Q108764486 None* None known Contact us
0367-6382 Hungarica acta physica. 1947-1949 Q96330360 None* None known Contact us
0367-5653 Hungarica acta physiologica 1946-1949 Q27720858 None* None known Contact us
1935-0708 The Huntington Library bulletin. 1931-1937 Q96735663 None* None known Contact us
0018-7895 The Huntington Library quarterly. 1937- Q15734627 1947* None known Contact us
2329-406X Hutchinson gazette 1895-1902 N/A None known Contact us
1170-0564 The Hutt news. 1927- Q91881243 None* None known Contact us
0096-2406 Hydrocarbon processing & petroleum refiner. 1961- Q106117857 None* None known Contact us
0073-4209 Hydroelectric power resources of the United States, developed and undeveloped. 1953- Q106117858 None* 1953-||-1976 Contact us
0441-5302 Hydronymia Germaniae. 1962- Q1640310 None* None known Contact us
0096-1876 Hygeia. 1923-1950 Q27722688 1944* 1923-1950 Contact us
0073-4241 Hygiène mentale. 1925- Q27711182 None* 1925-||-1951+ Contact us
0152-0784 Hygiène par l'exemple. 1922- Q106876446 None* None known Contact us
0891-6748 Hygienic Laboratory bulletin. 1900-1930 Q105753974 None* 1900-1930+ Contact us
0018-8271 The Hymn. 1949- Q15758497 1959* 1949-2015 Contact us
0073-425X Hypertension. 1958-1978 Q106876447 None None known Contact us
0085-1671 Hypomnemata. 1962- Q1641366 None* None known Contact us
0018-8514 I & N reporter. 1952-1976 Q106876449 None* 1952-1976+ Contact us
0534-6967 IAGA bulletin. 1957- Q106116442 None* None known Contact us
2373-373X La ibera parola 1918- Q100304675 None 1918-1922 Contact us
0445-1708 Ibérica / Inter-American Assoc. for Democracy and Freedom. 1953- Q108958388 None None known Contact us
0073-4349 Ibero-Americana. 1932- Q106876450 None* None known Contact us
0340-3068 Ibero-amerikanisches Archiv. 1924- Q106876451 None* None known Contact us
0019-1019 The Ibis; Journal of the British Ornithologists' Union. Q1666662 None* 1859-||-1928 Contact us
0019-1035 Icarus. 1962- Q1656088 1963 None known Contact us
0536-1222 ICC bulletin. 1962-1967 Q106117860 None* None known Contact us
0073-4381 Ichthyological bulletin / 1956-1968 Q106876452 None* None known Contact us
1945-8630 I.C.I.R.I. bulletin. 1948-1951 Q106876453 None* None known Contact us
0014-2875 ICIS chemical business. 1962-2007 Q15766922 None* None known Contact us
0018-8999 ICOM news. Nouvelles de l'ICOM. 1948- Q109628079 None* None known Contact us
0749-5439 Iconograph. 1946- Q100978649 None None known Contact us
0074-2740 ICRP publication. 1959- Q68171683 None* None known Contact us
0579-5435 ICRU report. 1956- Q96717633 None* 1934-||-1964+ Contact us
2574-9153 Idaho County free press 1886- Q55666383 None 1886-1924 Contact us
0270-7616 The Idaho forester 1917- Q106317221 None 1917-1997 Contact us
2574-9056 Idaho labor herald 1914- Q100300280 N/A 1914 Contact us
0019-1213 Idaho librarian. 1945- Q83885939 None* 1952-||-2016 Contact us
2574-7118 Idaho news 1887-1891 Q106412828 N/A 1887-1891 Contact us
2575-0615 The Idaho Republican 1904- Q100300282 None 1904-1924 Contact us
2637-546X Idaho semi-weekly keystone -1885 Q106412945 N/A* 1885+ Contact us
2575-2243 Idaho tri-weekly statesman. 1864-1887 Q5987470 1952 None known Contact us
2637-5648 Idaho weekly keystone 1884- Q100300285 N/A* 1884+ Contact us
2381-1854 The Idaho world Q106116449 None 1864-||-recent Contact us
0019-1272 Idea. 1957- Q15710155 All* 1964-present+ Contact us
0019-1361 Ideal home. 1919- Q5987940 None* None known Contact us
1556-0937 I.D.E.A.L. : Individuals with disabilities express about life. 1899- Q106876454 All None known Contact us
0120-0062 Ideas y valores. 1951- Q7318487 None* 1951-present Contact us
0501-9575 Identical bidding in public procurement : report of the Attorney General under Executive Order 10936. 1962- Q106117861 None* 1962-||-1981 Contact us
1050-5296 Idisher ḳemfer = Yiddisher kemfer. 1932- Q106116453 None None known Contact us
2043-3298 The idler magazine. 1892-1911 Q1989655 N/A 1892-1911 Contact us
2168-3670 IEEE Professional Group on Antennas and Propagation newsletter. 1963- Q96708026 None* None known Contact us
2168-3506 IEEE Professional Technical Group on Antennas and Propagation newsletter. 1963- Q96708028 None* None known Contact us
0018-926X IEEE transactions on antennas and propagation. 1963- Q15709990 None* None known Contact us
0536-1524 IEEE transactions on applications and industry. 1963-1965 Q96330747 None None known Contact us
0018-9308 IEEE transactions on broadcast and television receivers. 1963-1974 Q96330756 None None known Contact us
0536-1532 IEEE transactions on communication and electronics. 1963- Q96708040 None None known Contact us
0096-1965 IEEE transactions on communications systems. 1963-1964 Q96708042 None None known Contact us
0097-6601 IEEE transactions on component parts. 1963-1965 Q96330773 None* None known Contact us
0018-9383 IEEE transactions on electron devices. 1963- Q2269764 None* None known Contact us
0367-7508 IEEE transactions on electronic computers. 1963-1968 Q53952520 None* None known Contact us
0018-9391 IEEE transactions on engineering management. 1963- Q15760101 None None known Contact us
0018-9405 IEEE transactions on engineering writing and speech. 1963-1971 Q96330791 None None known Contact us
0099-4553 IEEE transactions on industrial electronics. 1963- Q96330807 None* None known Contact us
0018-9448 IEEE transactions on information theory / 1963- Q127793 None* None known Contact us
0018-9456 IEEE transactions on instrumentation and measurement. 1963- Q15751154 None* None known Contact us
0018-9480 IEEE transactions on microwave theory and techniques. 1963- Q15710002 None* None known Contact us
0536-1559 IEEE transactions on military electronics / 1963-1965 Q96330829 None None known Contact us
0018-9499 IEEE transactions on nuclear science. 1963- Q15759568 None* None known Contact us
0097-4544 IEEE transactions on product engineering and production. 1963- Q96330847 None* None known Contact us
0018-9529 IEEE transactions on reliability. 1963- Q15764762 None None known Contact us
0893-6706 IEEE transactions on ultrasonics engineering. 1963- Q96330861 None* None known Contact us
0043-9312 If, worlds of science fiction. 1952-1974 Q4382305 1952* 1952-||-1962+ Contact us
0018-974X Ifo Schnelldienst. 1948- Q94568698 None* None known Contact us
1304-0235 İktisat Fakültesi mecmuası = Revue de la Faculté des sciences économiques de l'Université d'Istanbul. 1939- Q96708257 None* None known Contact us
1301-0522 İlâhiyat Fakültesi dergisi. 1952- Q96701875 None* 1952-present Contact us
0019-1833 Illinois agricultural economics. 1961-1978 Q96708300 None* 1961-1964 Contact us
0191-104X Illinois blue book. 1952- Q106117862 None* 1898-2010 Contact us
0019-1922 Illinois business review. 1944- Q106117863 None 1944-||-1996 Contact us
0146-549X Illinois Catholic historical review. 1918-1929 Q106117865 None* 1918-1929+ Contact us
2328-7527 The Illinois free trader 1840-1841 N/A None known Contact us
2328-594X The Illinois free trader and LaSalle County commercial advertiser 1841-1843 N/A None known Contact us
0073-5108 Illinois petroleum. 1926- Q96330959 None* 1926-||-1999 Contact us
0073-5175 Illinois studies in language and literature. 1934- Q106117927 None* 1915-||-1974 Contact us
2152-856X Illustrated art notes upon the annual exhibition of the National Academy of Design. 1882-1883 Q96146086 N/A* 1882-1883+ Contact us
0735-4215 Illustrated catalogue / 1882- Q106876457 None 1818-||-1928 Contact us
0019-2422 The illustrated London news. 1842- Q856192 None* 1842-||-1928 Contact us
2150-5837 The Illustrated magazine of art. 1853- Q96735667 N/A 1853-1854 Contact us
2043-3336 The illustrated review : a fortnightly journal of literature, science, and art. 1870-1874 Q108369098 N/A 1871 Contact us
0019-2430 The Illustrated weekly of India. 1880-1993 Q7741428 None* None known Contact us
2151-1284 The illustrated wood worker : for joiners, cabinet makers, stair builders, carpenters, car builders, &c., &c. 1879- Q96735668 N/A 1879 Contact us
0246-9251 L'illustration : journal universel. 1843-1944 Q1311350 1929* 1843-||-1928+ Contact us
1421-2420 Illustrierte schweizerische Schülerzeitung : der Kinderfreund / 1906-1981 Q106116456 None* None known Contact us
2195-6316 Illustrirte kunstgewerbliche Zeitschrift für Innen Dekoration zur Ausschmückung u. Einrichtung der Wohnräume. 1891-1905 N/A None known Contact us
0536-5430 Image. 1963-1969 Q96759157 None* None known Contact us
0536-5465 Image. 1952- Q15752072 None* None known Contact us
1954-6238 L'image : revue littéraire et artistique, ornée de figures sur bois. 1896-1897 Q3272229 N/A None known Contact us
0536-5538 Images économiques du monde. 1956- Q97443829 None* None known Contact us
0442-3305 Imagination. 1950-1958 Q609318 1950 1950-1958 Contact us
0019-2694 Imago. 1962- Q97584674 None* None known Contact us
0019-2805 Immunology. 1958- Q15754984 None* 1958-recent Contact us
2043-3360 The imperial magazine, or, Compendium of religious, moral, & philosophical knowledge. 1819-1934 N/A 1819-1834 Contact us
0701-3922 Imperial year book for Dominion of Canada. 1915- N/A 1914-1918 Contact us
0548-9598 Imports. 1963- Q98317307 None* None known Contact us
0548-9601 Imports. 1963- Q98317366 None* None known Contact us
0073-5620 Imprimatur : ein Jahrbuch für Bücherfreunde. 1930- Q98545420 None* None known Contact us
0019-3089 Improving college and university teaching. 1953-1984 Q96708451 None* None known Contact us
0019-3453 The income tax reports. 1933- Q98688733 None* None known Contact us
1466-9404 The incorporated statistician. 1950-1961 Q53953222 None* None known Contact us
0430-0785 Increasing understanding of public problems and policies. 1951-1999 Q98832743 None 1968-||-1997 Contact us
2151-4054 The Independent. 1895-1905 N/A None known Contact us
2469-6412 Independent Democrat 1842- Q98833346 N/A* 1842-1844+ Contact us
2575-0828 The independent gazetteer. 1794-1796 N/A None known Contact us
2575-081X The independent gazetteer, and agricultural repository. 1790-1794 N/A None known Contact us
2575-0801 The Independent gazetteer, or, The chronicle of freedom. 1782-1790 N/A None known Contact us
2575-4394 The Independent ledger and American advertiser. 1778-1786 N/A None known Contact us
0445-5282 The Independent reflector. 1752- Q99176861 N/A None known Contact us
2375-6179 El independiente 1894- Q99430856 None 1894-1913 Contact us
0094-4556 Index-catalogue of medical and veterinary zoology; special publication. 1932- Q51398674 None* 1932-1982 Contact us
0731-1796 Index-catalogue of the Library of the Surgeon-General's Office, United States Army. 1880-1932 Q59347052 None* 1880-1961 Contact us
0306-9524 Index Islamicus. 1960- Unknown None known Contact us
0074-249X Index of ICAO publications : cumulated edition ... / 1953- Q100436242 None* None known Contact us
0574-2609 Index of the official records of the ... ordinary session / 1954-1967 Q100735471 None* None known Contact us
0073-5892 An Index to book reviews in the humanities. 1960-1990 Q100999093 None None known Contact us
1059-5562 Index to dental literature in the English language. 1943-1962 Q100999112 None None known Contact us
0429-9973 Index to Facts on film. 1958- Q101537271 None None known Contact us
0019-400X Index to foreign legal periodicals. 1960- Q6019117 None None known Contact us
0019-4077 Index to legal periodicals. 1909-1994 Q102123296 See record* 1909-1925 Contact us
0073-5957 Index to New Zealand periodicals and current national bibliography of New Zealand books and pamphlets. 1940- Q102882098 None* None known Contact us
0019-4093 Index to periodical articles related to law. 1958- Q102883535 None None known Contact us
0082-8084 Index to proceedings of the Economic and Social Council. 1952- Q103837912 None None known Contact us
0082-8157 Index to proceedings of the General Assembly. 1951- Q104129182 None 1946-recent Contact us
0578-7645 Index to publications: Journal, including abstracts, special reports, bibliographies. 1953-1973 Q104245523 None* None known Contact us
0098-1184 Index to the Christian science monitor. 1961- Q104783207 None* None known Contact us
0046-8924 Index to the Times. 1957-1972 Q105087683 None* None known Contact us
0073-6074 Index translationum. Répertoire international des traductions. International bibliography of translations. 1932- Q2303409 None* None known Contact us
0019-4131 The Indexer : journal of the Society of Indexers. 1958- Q15817802 None* 1958-recent Contact us
0073-6090 India, a reference annual. 1953- Q105439547 None* 1955 Contact us
0019-4166 India cultures quarterly. 1957-1980 Q105439593 None* None known Contact us
0019-4212 India news. 1962- Q105439658 None 1957-||-2003 Contact us
0537-0795 India; pocket book of economic information. 1961- Q105439729 None* None known Contact us
0974-9284 India quarterly. 1945- Q15763326 None* None known Contact us
0445-7056 India tourist statistics / 1958- Q105582117 None* None known Contact us
0046-8967 Indian affairs. 1949- Q105582272 None None known Contact us
0019-4336 Indian agriculturist. 1957- Q105582373 None* None known Contact us
0019-4379 Indian and foreign review. 1963- Q105675632 None* None known Contact us
0019-4395 Indian antiquary. 1872- Q17050772 None* 1872-1928+ Contact us
0536-7832 Indian archaeology. 1961- Q105675731 None* None known Contact us
0445-7110 Indian armed forces yearbook. 1955- Q105675764 None* None known Contact us
0019-4662 The Indian economic journal : the quarterly journal of the Indian Economic Association. 1953- Q15752192 None* None known Contact us
0019-4670 Indian economic review. 1952- Q15755186 None* None known Contact us
0537-1503 Indian economics year book. 1958- Q105757431 None* None known Contact us
0019-4794 Indian finance. 1928- Q105757450 None* None known Contact us
0019-4824 The Indian geographical journal. 1941- Q15816698 None* None known Contact us
0971-2240 The Indian historical quarterly. 1925-1963 Q105872607 None* 1925-1928 Contact us
0019-4891 Indian industries. 1957- Q106142570 None* None known Contact us
0445-7633 Indian information. 1958- Q106142656 None* None known Contact us
0019-5049 Indian journal of anaesthesia. 1953- Q6020756 None* 2002-present Contact us
0019-509X Indian journal of cancer. 1963- Q15710012 None* 2003-present Contact us
0019-5103 Indian journal of chemistry. 1963-1975 Q27710662 None* None known Contact us
0019-5111 The Indian journal of chest diseases. 1959- Q27711213 None* None known Contact us
0019-512X The Indian journal of commerce. 1948- Q106225810 None* None known Contact us
0019-5154 Indian journal of dermatology. 1955- Q15710013 None* 2005-present Contact us
0019-5170 Indian journal of economics. 1916- Q15760160 None* 1916-1928 Contact us
0019-5359 Indian journal of medical sciences. 1947- Q6020790 Unknown None known Contact us
0019-5456 Indian journal of pediatrics. 1933- Q26842079 None* None known Contact us
0537-2070 The Indian journal of philosophy. 1959-1964 Q105513724 None* None known Contact us
0019-5502 Indian journal of plant physiology : official publication of the Indian Society for Plant Physiology. 1958- Q15751525 None* None known Contact us
0019-5510 The Indian journal of political science. 1939- Q15764517 None* None known Contact us
0019-5537 Indian journal of power and river valley development. 1950- Q106117930 None* None known Contact us
0019-5545 Indian journal of psychiatry. 1958- Q6020816 None* 1949-||-recent Contact us
0019-5561 The Indian journal of public administration : quarterly journal of the Indian Institute of Public Administration. 1955- Q15754141 None* None known Contact us
0019-557X Indian journal of public health : quarterly journal of the Indian Public Health Association. 1957- Q15816311 None* 2004-present Contact us
0019-5596 Indian journal of pure & applied physics. 1963- Q13732316 None* 1999-||-present Contact us
0972-2068 Indian journal of surgery : official organ of the Association of Surgeons of India. 1939- Q26841861 None* None known Contact us
0019-5723 Indian labour journal. 1960- Q106876461 None* None known Contact us
0378-0759 Indian linguistics. 1931- Q106876462 None* None known Contact us
0019-5804 Indian literature. 1957- Q17056211 None* None known Contact us
0019-5863 The Indian medical gazette. 1866- Q26842241 None* 1866-1955 Contact us
0445-7897 Indian minerals yearbook. 1959- Q106117931 None* 2012-recent Contact us
0537-2275 Indian museums review. 1957- Q106117932 None* None known Contact us
0019-6002 Indian national bibliography. 1958- Q106117933 None* None known Contact us
0196-3015 Indian notes. 1924- Q109910824 None* 1924-||-1978 Contact us
0019-6096 Indian philosophy & culture / 1956- Q106876463 None* None known Contact us
0445-8001 Indian population bulletin. 1960-1967 Q106117934 None* None known Contact us
0445-8028 Indian press digests. 1952-1955 Q106117935 None None known Contact us
0970-4299 Indian shipping. 1949- Q106876464 None* None known Contact us
0537-2607 Indian studies: past and present. 1959- Q106876465 None* None known Contact us
0019-6436 The Indian textile journal. 1890- Q106877492 None* None known Contact us
0073-6880 Indiana historical collections. 1916- Q100397049 1950* 1916-1928 Contact us
0073-6902 Indiana Historical Society publications. 1897- Q106117936 1951* 1897-||-1963 Contact us
0019-6665 The Indiana law journal. 1925- Q15801085 None 1898-||-present Contact us
0019-6673 The Indiana quarterly magazine of history. 1905-1913 Q15710162 1952 1905-recent Contact us
0073-6929 Indiana Slavic studies. 1956- Q106117938 None* None known Contact us
2332-0842 The Indiana State sentinel Q100300624 N/A 1841-||-1895 Contact us
0019-6800 The Indiana University bookman. 1956-1988 Q106117939 None None known Contact us
0073-7046 Indiana University publications. 1939-1959 Q106116459 None* 1955-||-1972 Contact us
0893-5807 Indiana University publications in anthropology and linguistics : Memoir. 1948- Q106116461 None* None known Contact us
0073-7054 Indiana University publications. 1939-1959 Q106876460 None* 1942-||-1970 Contact us
1059-9649 The Indianapolis commercial. 1908-1994 Q106877491 None None known Contact us
2332-0923 The Indianapolis daily herald 1865-1868 N/A None known Contact us
1930-2207 The Indianapolis recorder. 1910- Q16996897 None 1899-||-2005 Contact us
1930-2533 The Indianapolis star. 1907- Q2314407 1957 None known Contact us
0445-9059 Indice bibliográfico guatemalteco. 1951- Q106117940 None* None known Contact us
0073-7178 Indice general de publicaciones periódicas latinoamericanas. Index to Latin American periodicals. Humanities and social sciences. 1961-1970 Q106116462 None None known Contact us
0537-3522 Indice histórico español. 1953- Q9098860 None* None known Contact us
0391-8025 Indici e sussidi bibliografici della biblioteca. 1962- Q111441134 None* None known Contact us
0019-719X Indo Asia. 1959-1998 Q106876466 None* None known Contact us
0073-7216 Indo-Asian Studies 1963-1965 Q106876467 None* None known Contact us
0019-7246 Indo-Iranian journal. 1957- Q6025509 None* None known Contact us
0019-7262 Indogermanische Forschungen. 1891- Q1661689 None* 1892-1928 Contact us
0073-7259 Indogermanisches Jahrbuch. 1913-1951 Q106117941 None* 1913-1928 Contact us
0019-7319 Indonesian abstracts. 1958-1978 Q106876468 None* None known Contact us
0702-441X Industrial advocate. 1896- Q106876469 N/A None known Contact us
0019-7939 Industrial and labor relations review. 1947- Q6027812 1948 None known Contact us
0275-1682 The industrial arts index. 1914-1958 Q106117942 None 1913-||-1928 Contact us
0019-8005 Industrial arts & vocational education. 1914-1972 Q106876471 None None known Contact us
0019-8102 The Industrial court reporter. 1948- Q106117943 None* None known Contact us
0148-7582 Industrial development. 1954-1958 Q106876472 None* None known Contact us
0019-8137 Industrial development and manufacturers record. 1958-1967 Q106116466 None* None known Contact us
0019-8153 Industrial distribution. 1948-2009 Q6027589 None None known Contact us
0537-5185 Industrial electronics. 1962-1968 Q106876473 None* None known Contact us
0019-7866 Industrial & engineering chemistry. 1909-1970 Q27723208 1940* 1923-1926+ Contact us
0096-4484 Industrial & engineering chemistry. 1929-1946 Q29043953 1940* None known Contact us
0095-9146 Industrial & engineering chemistry. 1956-1958 Q96331276 1956 None known Contact us
0196-4313 Industrial & engineering chemistry fundamentals. 1962-1986 Q24031547 1962 None known Contact us
0196-4305 Industrial & engineering chemistry process design and development. 1962-1986 Q24031548 1962 None known Contact us
0019-834X Industrial gas. 1923-1973 Q106876474 None None known Contact us
0019-8366 Industrial health. 1963- Q15724513 None* None known Contact us
0019-8447 Industrial laboratory. 1959- Q96331339 None* None known Contact us
0019-8471 Industrial management. 1959- Q96331349 None* None known Contact us
0096-168X Industrial management. 1916-1927 Q106876475 N/A* 1916-1927+ Contact us
0884-8211 Industrial management review : IMR / 1960- Q106876476 1964* None known Contact us
0019-8528 Industrial mathematics. 1950- Q15754339 None None known Contact us
0093-2183 Industrial medicine. -1949 Q106876477 None None known Contact us
0884-822X Industrial quality control. 1944-1967 Q106876479 1955 None known Contact us
0019-8676 Industrial relations. 1961- Q15763515 None None known Contact us
0019-8706 Industrial relations law digest. 1963- Q106117944 1964* None known Contact us
0073-7615 Industrial research in Britain. 1946-1976 Q106876480 None* None known Contact us
0073-7623 Industrial research laboratories of the United States, including consulting research laboratories. 1927- Q106117945 None None known Contact us
0360-1919 Industrial standardization. 1943- Q106876481 None* 1943-1948+ Contact us
0097-2940 Industrial standardization and commercial standards monthly. 1933- Q106117946 None* 1934-1943+ Contact us
0019-8870 Industrial worker. 1916- Q16996915 None 1909-1913 Contact us
0019-9036 Industrie-Anzeiger. 1948- Q1661996 None* None known Contact us
0474-5981 L'Industrie des métaux non ferreux = Non-ferrous metals industry. 1962- Q106116468 None* None known Contact us
0474-5493 L'industrie du ciment. The cement industry. 1954- Q106116474 None* None known Contact us
0019-9532 Infantry. 1957- Q30612425 None* 1957-||-present Contact us
0019-9540 Infantry journal. 1910-1950 1939* 1904-1928 Contact us
0749-4912 The Infants' delight 1873- Q106877493 N/A None known Contact us
0019-9567 Infection and immunity. 1970- Q6029193 All 1970-recent Contact us
0446-138X Inferno. 1950-1956 Q106876483 None None known Contact us
0019-9583 Infinity. 1952- Q106876484 1962 None known Contact us
0019-9958 Information and control. 1957- Q28807321 1957 None known Contact us
0374-0676 Information bulletin on variable stars / 1961- Q15766234 None* 1961-2019 Contact us
0097-5605 Information circular / Ohio Division of Geological Survey. 1938- Q112128429 None None known Contact us
0553-5719 Information circular. 1951- Q112128439 None* None known Contact us
1066-5544 Information circular. 1925-1996 Q112128453 None* None known Contact us
0020-0018 L' Information dentaire. 1938- Q27711230 None* None known Contact us
0020-0093 L'Information géographique. 1936- Q3204185 None* None known Contact us
0020-0123 L'Information littéraire. 1949- Q24477976 None* None known Contact us
0073-7860 Information please almanac, atlas and yearbook. 1947-1997 Q106876486 1947* None known Contact us
0074-3127 Information processing : proceedings of the IFIP Congress. 1963-1980 Q106876487 None* None known Contact us
0517-5445 Information report - Planning Advisory Service. 1949- Q106117947 None None known Contact us
0020-0271 Information storage and retrieval. 1963-1974 Q60383500 None None known Contact us
0589-3100 Information system science and technology; papers prepared. 1962- Q106876488 None None known Contact us
0022-2240 Information technology and libraries. 1982- Q15753976 All* 2000-||-present+ Contact us
0340-0689 Informationen. 1951-1967 Q106876485 None* None known Contact us
0046-9459 Informations sociales. 1947- Q88884642 None* None known Contact us
0399-0540 Informatique théorique et applications = RAIRO : Theoretical informatics and applications. 1986- Q15753263 All* 2022-2023 Contact us
0537-667X Informator nauki polskiej. 1958- Q106117948 None* None known Contact us
2313-8661 Informe anual / Banco Central de Nicaragua. 1961- Q106876489 None* None known Contact us
0020-0883 Informes de la construcción. 1948- Q24943373 None* 1957-present Contact us
0020-0891 Infrared physics. 1961- Q27714958 None None known Contact us
0020-157X The Innes review. 1950- Q6035751 None* None known Contact us
0020-1669 Inorganic chemistry. 1962- Q902828 1962 None known Contact us
0020-174X Inquiry. 1958- Q6036866 None* None known Contact us
0046-9580 Inquiry. 1963- Q15709501 None None known Contact us
0098-552X Institute of Applied Psychology review. 1961- Q106117949 None None known Contact us
0065-6895 Instructional course lectures. 1948- Q27711517 None* 1959+ Contact us
0096-2627 Instruments and automation. 1954-1959 Q106876490 None None known Contact us
0020-4412 Instruments and experimental techniques. 1959- Q63973982 None* None known Contact us
0020-4536 Ínsula. 1946- Q6174502 None* None known Contact us
0074-0675 The insurance almanac. Q106117950 None 1913-1928 Contact us
0020-465X Insurance counsel journal. 1934-1986 Q27717002 None None known Contact us
0096-2074 Insurance engineering. 1901-1913 Q112961269 N/A None known Contact us
0020-4722 The insurance law journal. 1871- Q27716993 1963* 1871-1928 Contact us
0734-6689 Insurance literature. 1961- Q106117952 None None known Contact us
0074-073X Insurance periodicals index. 1962- Q106117953 None None known Contact us
0020-4862 Integrated education. 1963-1984 Q110557342 None* None known Contact us
0020-4900 Intelligence digest. 1945-2000 Q106876491 None* None known Contact us
0889-4140 Intelligencer journal. 1928- Q6043978 None None known Contact us
0020-4951 Inter-American law review = Revista jurídica interamericana. 1959-1971 Q112961295 None None known Contact us
0020-4978 Inter-American music bulletin / 1957-1973 Q106117954 None None known Contact us
0074-1035 Inter-Nord. 1961- Q27715944 None* None known Contact us
0020-5273 Intercom. 1959-1986 Q106876492 None None known Contact us
0020-5478 Interim. 1944-1954 Q106876504 None None known Contact us
0020-5508 Interior design. 1950- Q17000136 None None known Contact us
1941-3017 The interior journal. 1905-1910 N/A None known Contact us
0020-5516 Interiors. 1940-1977 Q105498622 1943 None known Contact us
0996-2808 L'intermédiaire des chercheurs et curieux. 1864-1940 Q3204251 None* 1864-1939 Contact us
0020-5745 The Internal auditor. 1944- Q106877494 None None known Contact us
0020-5761 Internal revenue bulletin. 1953- Q6047674 N/A* 1996-present+ Contact us
0145-6040 Internal revenue cumulative bulletin. 1920- Q106876505 None* 1919-2008+ Contact us
0020-577X Internasjonal politikk. 1947- Q11977455 None* None known Contact us
0534-6452 International advertising expenditures. 1960- Q106117955 None None known Contact us
0020-5850 International affairs. 1931- Q1130893 None* Predecessor Contact us
1473-8112 International affairs review supplement. 1940-1943 Q26849655 None* None known Contact us
0020-5893 The international and comparative law quarterly. 1952- Q6054465 None* None known Contact us
0020-5907 International anesthesiology clinics. 1962- Q26842245 1962 None known Contact us
0534-6649 International anthropological and linguistic review. 1953- Q106117956 None None known Contact us
2575-2308 International arbitration journal. 1945- Q106876506 None None known Contact us
0020-6156 International bibliography of automatic control = Bibliographie internationale de la commande automatique. 1962-1973 Q106116477 None* None known Contact us
0085-204X International bibliography of economics = Bibliographie internationale de science économique. 1955- Q106876507 None* None known Contact us
0074-2015 International bibliography of historical sciences. Internationale Bibliographie der Geschichtswissenschaften. 1926- Q64298054 None* None known Contact us
0085-2058 International bibliography of political science = Bibliographie internationale de science politique . 1954- Q106116479 None* None known Contact us
0085-2074 International bibliography of social and cultural anthropology / Bibliographie internationale d'anthropologie sociale et culturelle / établie par le Comité international pour la documentation des sciences sociales avec le concours du Congrès international des sciences anthropologiques et ethnologiques. 1958-1998 Q106116481 None* None known Contact us
0538-5105 International bibliography of the history of religions. Bibliographie internationale de l'histoire des religions. 1952-1973 Q106116483 None* None known Contact us
0020-6318 International chemical engineering. 1961-1994 Q106876508 None* None known Contact us
0016-5492 The international communication gazette. 1955- Q6049468 None* None known Contact us
0020-6407 International conciliation. 1907-1972 Q106293598 None* 1907-1928 Contact us
0020-6415 International construction. 1962- Q96331911 None* None known Contact us
0074-4441 International Court of Justice reports of judgments, advisory opinions, and orders 1947- Q106876509 None* None known Contact us
0074-4468 International credit union yearbook. 1963-1970 Q106117958 None None known Contact us
1069-0441 The International dental journal. 1889- Q106877495 N/A None known Contact us
0020-6563 International digest of health legislation. 1948- Q27711041 None* None known Contact us
0020-6598 International economic review. 1960- Q6050243 None None known Contact us
0020-6717 International financial news survey. 1948- Q106117959 None None known Contact us
0020-6725 International financial statistics / 1948-2019 Q96710146 None None known Contact us
0501-283X International flow of long-term capital and official donations. 1961-1966 Q106117960 None None known Contact us
1465-5489 The international forestry review. 1999- Q15764317 All 1999-2003+ Contact us
0538-7701 The International guide to literary and art periodicals. 1960- Q106116486 None* None known Contact us
0020-6865 International guide to medieval studies. 1961-1973 Q106116487 None None known Contact us
0074-6215 International handbook of universities and other institutions of higher education. 1962-1991 Q106117961 None* None known Contact us
0535-0786 The International Henry Miller letter. 1961- Q106117962 None* None known Contact us
8755-2302 The International House quarterly. 1945- Q106117963 None None known Contact us
0020-6997 International insurance monitor. 1960- Q106116491 None None known Contact us
0538-8007 International inventory of musical sources. 1960- Q113667998 None* None known Contact us
1833-2595 International journal for educational integrity : IJEI / 2005- Q15753158 All 2005-present Contact us
0020-7071 International journal of American linguistics. 1917- Q13359618 None 1917-||-1961 Contact us
0020-708X The International journal of applied radiation and isotopes. 1956-1985 Q24056065 None None known Contact us
0020-7152 International journal of comparative sociology. 1960- Q6051347 None* None known Contact us
0020-725X International journal of fertility. 1955- Q6051386 None None known Contact us
0020-7284 The International journal of group psychotherapy. 1951- Q15752482 1952 None known Contact us
0020-7306 International journal of health education. 1958-1981 Q27714011 None* None known Contact us
0020-7357 International journal of machine tool design & research 1961-1986 Q96324476 None None known Contact us
0020-7446 International journal of neurology. 1959- Q27711266 None* None known Contact us
0375-9458 International journal of neuropharmacology. 1962-1969 Q27711268 None None known Contact us
0020-7489 International journal of nursing studies. 1963- Q15753849 None None known Contact us
1072-3471 The International journal of orthodontia. 1915-1919 Q96714423 N/A* 1915-1919+ Contact us
0097-0522 The International journal of orthodontia and dentistry for children. 1933-1935 Q96324658 None* Predecessor Contact us
1072-3498 International journal of orthodontia and oral surgery. 1936-1937 Q96714425 None* Predecessor Contact us
1072-348X The International journal of orthodontia and oral surgery. 1919-1922 Q96714427 N/A* 1919-1922+ Contact us
0099-6963 The International journal of orthodontia, oral surgery, and radiography. 1922-1932 Q96324663 None* 1922-1928+ Contact us
0020-7500 International journal of orthodontics. 1962-1991 Q27711270 None None known Contact us
1526-422X International journal of politics and ethics : IJPE. 1890-2003 Q15755944 None* 1890-1928 Contact us
0020-7616 International journal of radiation biology and related studies in physics, chemistry, and medicine. 1959-1988 Q27711278 None* None known Contact us
0146-7697 International journal of religious education. 1924- Q106117964 None None known Contact us
0538-8228 International journal of Slavic linguistics and poetics. 1959- Q15746598 None None known Contact us
0020-7640 The International journal of social psychiatry. 1955- Q6051577 None* None known Contact us
1479-5930 The international law quarterly. 1947-1951 Q106228449 None* None known Contact us
1933-7809 International law topics and discussions / 1904-1915 Q106116492 None* 1901-present Contact us
0020-7829 International legal materials. 1962- Q63871833 None None known Contact us
0020-7853 International lighting review. 1949- Q106116497 None* None known Contact us
8755-2418 The international magazine of literature, art, and science. 1850-1852 N/A None known Contact us
0020-7888 International management. 1961- Q113990128 None* None known Contact us
0020-7969 International mental health research newsletter. 1960-1975 Q106117966 None None known Contact us
0020-7985 International migration. 1963- Q6052024 None* None known Contact us
0074-7084 International motion picture almanac. 1936-1951 None* 1937-1938+ Contact us
0141-5557 The International nursing bulletin : the quarterly publication of the International Council of Nurses. 1945- Q106117967 None* None known Contact us
0020-8132 International nursing review. 1954- Q15763036 None* None known Contact us
0020-8183 International organization. 1947- Q3381810 None None known Contact us
0020-8256 International pest control. 1962- Q96325094 None* None known Contact us
0019-0365 International philosophical quarterly. 1961- Q6052417 None None known Contact us
0498-8558 International population reports. 1953- Q106876515 None None known Contact us
0074-7483 International poster annual 1949-1973 Q106116502 None None known Contact us
0047-1178 International relations. 1954- Q6052680 None* None known Contact us
0019-042X International review of applied linguistics in language teaching; IRAL. 1963- Q15746593 None* None known Contact us
0074-767X International review of connective tissue research. 1963-1983 Q27711287 1963 None known Contact us
0074-7688 International review of criminal policy Revue internationale de politique criminelle 1952-1999 Q106876516 None None known Contact us
0074-7696 International review of cytology. 1952- Q2687019 1952 None known Contact us
0020-8566 International review of education = Internationale Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft = Revue internationale de pédagogie. 1955- Q15761480 None* None known Contact us
0074-7742 International review of neurobiology. 1959- Q15754273 1959 None known Contact us
0020-8590 International review of social history. 1956- Q15801092 None* None known Contact us
0020-8604 The international review of the Red Cross. 1961-1998 Q6052761 None* 1869-present+ Contact us
0020-8612 International review service. 1954- Q106876517 None None known Contact us
0097-3777 International science and technology. 1962-1967 Q106876518 None None known Contact us
0074-8315 International series of monographs on semiconductors. 1961-1970 Q106117968 None* None known Contact us
1012-9537 International social science bulletin = Bulletin international des sciences sociales / 1949-1958 Q106116505 None* None known Contact us
0020-8701 International social science journal. 1959- Q15760692 None* None known Contact us
0020-8736 International socialism. 1958- Q3153304 None* 1958-present Contact us
0020-8744 International socialist review. 1956-1975 Q6053287 None* 1900-||-2019+ Contact us
0020-8817 International studies. 1959- Q15755035 None* None known Contact us
0539-0761 International television almanac. 1956-1986 Q114796494 None None known Contact us
0539-0818 International theatre annual. 1956-1961 Q107065554 1957 None known Contact us
0589-5669 International trade. 1953-1992 Q106876519 None* None known Contact us
0074-9613 The International who's who. 1935- Q106877496 None* None known Contact us
0539-1342 International who's who in poetry. 1958-1978 Q106117969 None* None known Contact us
0539-1393 International yearbook of political behavior research. 1961-1967 Q106117970 None None known Contact us
0074-9664 International zoo yearbook. 1959- Q15766381 None* None known Contact us
0539-144X Internationale Bibliographie der Antiquariats-, Auktions- und Kunstkataloge. "IBAK" 1960- Q106117971 None* None known Contact us
0020-9252 Internationale kirchliche Zeitschrift = Revue internationale ecclésiatique = International church review. 1911- Q18626023 None* None known Contact us
0539-158X Die Internationale Politik. 1958-1994 Q106875988 None* None known Contact us
0074-9737 Internationale volkskundliche Bibliographie = International folklore bibliography. 1954- Q106116506 None* None known Contact us
2364-6144 Internationaler phytopathologischer Dienst Zeitschrift zur Pflege der internationalen Entwicklung des Pflanzenschutzes 1908- Q26849723 N/A None known Contact us
1010-2868 Internationales Centralblatt für Anthropologie und verwandte Wissenschaften. 1902-1903 N/A* 1902-1903+ Contact us
0535-4358 Internationales Handbuch für Rundfunk und Fernsehen / 1957-1990 Q106117972 None* None known Contact us
0179-4418 Internationales Jahrbuch für Geschichtsunterricht. 1951-1964 Q26849721 None* None known Contact us
0074-4565 Internationales Kunst-Adressbuch = International directory of arts = Annuaire international des beaux-arts. 1952-2007 Q106116508 None* None known Contact us
0020-9554 Der Internist. 1960- Q1194574 None* None known Contact us
0020-9643 Interpretation. 1947- Q6056454 None None known Contact us
0083-1506 Interstate commerce acts annotated / 1930-1977 Q106875555 None* None known Contact us
0083-1530 Interstate Commerce Commission reports reports and decisions of the Interstate Commerce Commission of the United States / 1888-1996 Q115272601 None* None known Contact us
0020-9732 The Interstate Oil Compact Commission Committee bulletin. 1959-1986 Q106116510 None None known Contact us
0444-3705 Intro. 1950- Q115272655 None None known Contact us
0539-2187 Introduction. 1960-1983 Q106876521 None* None known Contact us
0020-9872 Inutitut. 1959- Q16210183 None* None known Contact us
0075-0026 Inventari dei manoscritti delle biblioteche d'Italia. 1890- Q106117974 None* 1890-1928 Contact us
0889-8324 Inventory of seeds and plants imported : by the Office of foreign seed and plant introduction / 1914-1924 Q14631166 N/A None known Contact us
2372-8817 Inverness news -1918 Q100300870 N/A 1918+ Contact us
0535-5133 Investigación clínica. 1960- Q26853944 None* None known Contact us
0020-9945 Investigación económica / 1941- Q27715916 None* None known Contact us
0276-0215 Investigational report - Bureau of Fisheries. 1931-1939 Q106117975 None* None known Contact us
0075-0239 Investigations of Indiana lakes and streams / 1938-1966 Q106117976 None* None known Contact us
0021-0013 The Investigator 1845- Q115538799 N/A 1845-1846 Contact us
0075-0271 Investment companies. 1941-1992 Q106876523 None None known Contact us
1097-3710 Invisible culture : an electronic journal for visual studies. 1998- Q15762109 All 1998-present Contact us
2158-8961 The Iola register 1875-1902 N/A None known Contact us
0021-0498 The Iowa dental journal / 1955- Q27711304 None None known Contact us
0075-0352 Iowa English yearbook. 1956-1970 Q106117978 None None known Contact us
1088-5943 Iowa heritage illustrated. 1996- Q18208202 All* 1996-2014+ Contact us
0148-5695 Iowa journal of history. 1903-1961 Q106117979 1949* Predecessor Contact us
0021-0552 Iowa law review. 1925- Q6064504 1938 1915-||-present Contact us
2576-9790 Iowa news 1837- Q106876524 N/A None known Contact us
2577-1086 The Iowa patriot 1839- Q106116513 N/A None known Contact us
0021-065X The Iowa review. 1970- Q15708629 All 1970-2015 Contact us
0099-5851 The Iowa State University veterinarian. 1938-2001 Q15746704 None None known Contact us
2578-4099 The Iowa transcript -1866 Q100300910 N/A None known Contact us
0578-6789 Iqbal. 1952- Q106876525 None* None known Contact us
0075-0476 Iran almanac and book of facts. 1961- Q106118041 None* None known Contact us
0578-6967 Iran : journal of the British Institute of Persian Studies. 1963- Q5973372 None* None known Contact us
0021-0870 Iranica antiqua. 1961- Q6067557 None* None known Contact us
0021-0889 Iraq. 1934- Q15761734 None* None known Contact us
0096-1647 IRE transactions on aerospace and navigational electronics. 1961-1963 Q96325523 None None known Contact us
0096-1973 IRE transactions on antennas and propagation. 1955- Q53953373 None* None known Contact us
0096-199X IRE transactions on automatic control. 1956-1962 Q96325533 None None known Contact us
0096-1884 IRE transactions on bio-medical electronics. 1961- Q27720431 None None known Contact us
0096-1663 IRE transactions on broadcasting. 1959-1962 Q96325542 None None known Contact us
0096-2007 IRE transactions on circuit theory. 1955-1962 Q96325546 None None known Contact us
0096-2422 IRE transactions on component parts. 1955- Q96325550 None* None known Contact us
0893-7141 IRE transactions on education. 1958-1962 Q96325554 None None known Contact us
0096-2430 IRE transactions on electron devices. 1955-1962 Q96325558 None* None known Contact us
0367-9950 IRE transactions on electronic computers EC 1955-1962 Q96325562 None* None known Contact us
0197-5706 IRE transactions on industrial electronics. 1955-1962 Q96325572 None* None known Contact us
0096-1000 IRE transactions on information theory. 1955-1962 Q96325576 None* None known Contact us
0096-2260 IRE transactions on instrumentation. 1955- Q96325579 None* None known Contact us
0097-2002 IRE transactions on microwave theory and techniques. 1955- Q96325590 None* None known Contact us
0096-2015 IRE transactions on nuclear science. 1955-1962 Q96325597 None* None known Contact us
0096-1760 IRE transactions on product engineering and production. 1961-1962 Q96325601 None* None known Contact us
0096-1779 IRE transactions on production techniques. 1956-1959 Q96325603 None None known Contact us
0096-2524 IRE transactions on space electronics and telemetry. 1959-1962 Q96325612 None None known Contact us
0096-2538 IRE transactions on telemetry and remote control. 1955-1958 Q116184465 None None known Contact us
0096-1019 IRE transactions on ultrasonics engineering. 1955-1962 Q96325613 None* None known Contact us
0021-0978 Irénikon / 1926- Q15752142 None* None known Contact us
0021-1052 The Irish astronomical journal. 1950- Q114785464 None* None known Contact us
0578-7416 The Irish book. 1959-1964 Q106877497 None* None known Contact us
2009-1664 The Irish church quarterly 1908-1917 Q96736008 N/A None known Contact us
0578-7440 Irish essays and studies. 1961- Q116184815 None* None known Contact us
0021-1214 Irish historical studies. joint journal of the Irish Historical Society and the Ulster Society for Irish Historical Studies. 1938- Q15757850 None* None known Contact us
0021-1222 Irish independent. 1905- Q1590833 None* None known Contact us
0578-7483 Irish journal of agricultural research 1961-1991 Q26849713 None* None known Contact us
0021-1265 Irish journal of medical science. 1922- Q6070885 None* 1926-1928+ Contact us
2565-5574 The Irish jurist and local government review reports, being a complete guide to the case law in the Irish courts during the year ... 1905-1905 N/A None known Contact us
2009-2938 Irish magazine, and monthly asylum for neglected biography 1807-1815 N/A None known Contact us
2009-2113 The Irish monthly magazine. 1873-1954 Q6070992 None* 1873-||-1948 Contact us
2009-2598 The Irish naturalist. 1892- Q6071041 N/A* 1892-1924+ Contact us
0021-1311 The Irish naturalists' journal. 1925- Q3669308 None* 1926-1927+ Contact us
0021-1354 Irish nursing news. 1949- Q27711307 None* None known Contact us
2009-0935 The Irish penny journal. 1840-1841 Q96736011 N/A 1840-1841 Contact us
2009-0978 The Irish review. 1911-1914 Q96736015 N/A 1911-1914 Contact us
2475-2894 The Irish standard 1886- Q106877498 N/A None known Contact us
0021-1389 The Irish sword : the journal of the Military History Society of Ireland. 1950- Q7742567 None* None known Contact us
0791-5144 The Irish times. 1874- Q1134208 None* None known Contact us
0535-6792 Irisleabhar ceilteach. 1952- Q106118042 None* None known Contact us
0021-1559 Iron and steel engineer. 1924-1999 Q26839538 None None known Contact us
0075-0883 Iron ore. 1957- Q106876526 None None known Contact us
0019-0578 ISA transactions. 1962- Q15766575 None None known Contact us
0021-1753 Isis. Q689414 1941 1913-1928 Contact us
0130-2523 Iskusstvo. 1933- Q4203976 None* None known Contact us
0132-3180 Iskusstvo knigi. 1960- Q106118043 None* None known Contact us
0019-0640 ISL daily stock price index. 1962-1972 Q116447586 None* None known Contact us
0019-0659 ISL daily stock price index. 1962-1972 Q106876529 None* None known Contact us
0021-1834 Islamic culture. 1927-2004 Q106876527 None* None known Contact us
0302-7570 The Islamic review. 1921-1967 Q106877499 None* None known Contact us
0578-8072 Islamic studies. 1962- Q15761320 None* None known Contact us
0075-093X Islamic surveys. 1962- Q106876528 None* None known Contact us
2333-844X The islander [electronic resource]. 1891-1898 N/A None known Contact us
0459-455X Islenzk tunga. Lingua islandica. 1959-1965 Q106116516 None* None known Contact us
0021-1958 The Israel annals of psychiatry and related disciplines. 1963-1979 Q27711313 None* None known Contact us
0021-213X Israel journal of botany / 1963-1993 Q13548559 None* None known Contact us
0021-2172 Israel journal of mathematics. 1963- Q6087031 None* None known Contact us
0021-2202 Israel journal of technology. 1963- Q106118044 None* None known Contact us
0021-2288 Israel numismatic journal. 1963- Q106118045 None* None known Contact us
0075-1413 The Israel yearbook. 1951-1991 Q106877500 None* None known Contact us
0748-5492 Issues in science and technology. 1984- Q15710055 All 1996-present Contact us
2602-3954 İstanbul İktisat Dergisi = Istanbul journal of economics. 1939- Q96708928 None* 1939-present Contact us
0535-8418 İstanbul Üniversitesi Orman Fakültesi dergisi. Review of the Faculty of Forestry, University of Istanbul. 1951- Q15764313 None* None known Contact us
0341-9142 Istanbuler Mitteilungen. 1933- Q60692899 None* None known Contact us
0021-2423 Istina. 1954- Q57304201 None* None known Contact us
0131-3150 Istorii︠a︡ SSSR / 1957-1992 Q27716132 None* None known Contact us
0005-738X It Beaken. 1938- Q13136249 None* None known Contact us
0579-0352 It is. 1958- Q106876532 None None known Contact us
2637-5400 L'Italia 1887- Q100304541 None 1897-1919 Contact us
0391-7495 Italia medioevale e umanistica. 1958- Q15750348 None* None known Contact us
0021-2911 Italian economic survey. 1946-1979 Q106876530 None* None known Contact us
2038-1719 Italian journal of geosciences : bollettino della Società geologica italiana e del Servizio geologico d'Italia. 1868- Q96709022 None* None known Contact us
0021-2954 Italian quarterly. 1957- Q15750735 None None known Contact us
0075-1634 Italian studies. 1937- Q15764180 None* None known Contact us
0021-3020 Italica : bulletin of the American Association of Teachers of Italian. 1926- Q15764992 None* 1926-1931+ Contact us
0020-9007 ITF journal. 1940- Q106118046 None* None known Contact us
0536-034X Itinerarios de Madrid. 1952- Q106118047 None* None known Contact us
0132-2036 I︠U︡nostʹ. 1955- Q3178120 None* None known Contact us
0021-3241 Iura; rivista internazionale di diritto romano e antico. 1950- Q27715991 None* None known Contact us
0021-325X Ius canonicum. 1961- Q56878067 None* None known Contact us
0560-866X The Ivory hammer : the year at Sotheby's. 1963-1966 Q106118048 1963 None known Contact us
0021-3306 ʻIyun : ḥovrot le-filosofyah. 1945- Q6101390 None* None known Contact us
0233-4356 Izvestii͡a 1917- Q753932 None* None known Contact us
0068-3809 Izvestii︠a︡. 1952- Q106876534 None* None known Contact us
0373-2436 Izvestii︠a︡ Akademii nauk SSSR. Bulletin de l'Académie des sciences de l'Union des républiques soviétiques socialistes. Série mathématique. 1937-1992 Q59459533 None* None known Contact us
0002-3329 Izvestii︠a︡ Akademii nauk SSSR. Bulletin de l'Académie des Sciences de l'URSS. Série biologique. 1939-1992 Q27711324 None* None known Contact us
0568-529X Izvestii︠a︡ Akademii nauk SSSR. 1963- Q117157179 None* None known Contact us
0367-6765 Izvestii︠a︡ Akademii nauk SSSR. 1939-1992 Q96325867 None* None known Contact us
0568-5311 Izvestii︠a︡ Akademii nauk SSSR. 1951-1964 Q106876536 None* None known Contact us
0373-2444 Izvestii︠a︡ Akademii nauk SSSR. 1951-1992 Q15817699 None* None known Contact us
0002-3353 Izvestii︠a︡ Akademii nauk SSSR. 1963-1992 Q117157310 None* None known Contact us
0321-1711 Izvestii︠a︡ Akademii nauk SSSR. 1963-1991 Q15818021 None* None known Contact us
0002-3388 Izvestii︠a︡ Akademii nauk SSSR. 1963-1991 Q52018546 None* None known Contact us
0002-3507 Izvestii︠a︡ Akademii nauk Turkmenskoĭ SSR. 1960- Q106116518 None* None known Contact us
0131-8012 Izvestii︠a︡ Akademii nauk UzSSR. 1957- Q117288104 None* None known Contact us
0516-2629 Izvestii︠a︡ Akademii nauk UzSSR. 1957- Q106876537 None* None known Contact us
0568-4951 Izvestii︠a︡ Astrofizicheskogo instituta / 1955-1962 Q106118049 None* None known Contact us
0321-1762 Izvestii︠a︡ Astronomicheskoĭ engelʹgardtovskoĭ observatorii. 1908-1988 Q106116520 None* None known Contact us
0367-8466 Izvestii︠a︡ Krymskoĭ astrofizicheskoĭ observatorii / 1947- Q125925285 Unknown None known Contact us
0367-6773 Izvestii︠a︡. 1959- Q106876533 None* None known Contact us
0525-0706 Izvestii︠a︡ na Fizicheskii︠a︡ institut s ANEB. 1960-1973 Q106116525 None* None known Contact us
0068-3736 Izvestii︠a︡ na Geofizichnii︠a︡ institut. 1960-1974 Q106116526 None* None known Contact us
0367-956X Izvestii︠a︡ na Instituta po obshta i neorganichna khimii︠a︡. 1963-1967 Q106116528 None* None known Contact us
0525-0811 Izvestii︠a︡ na Instituta po vodni problemi. 1963-1974 Q106116532 None* None known Contact us
0323-9934 Izvestii︠a︡ na instituta za bŭlgarski ezik. 1952- Q96728909 None* None known Contact us
0407-7903 Izvestii︠a︡ na Tekhnicheskii︠a︡ institut. 1953-1960 Q106118052 None* None known Contact us
0068-3671 Izvestii︠a︡ na T︠s︡entralnata biblioteka pri Bŭlgarskata akademii︠a︡ na naukite = Bulletin de la Bibliothèque centrale près l'Academie des sciences de Bulgarie. 1959-1973 Q106116534 None* None known Contact us
0002-3426 Izvestii︠a︡ Sibirskogo otdelenii︠a︡ Akademii nauk SSSR. 1963- Q117457806 None* None known Contact us
0002-3434 Izvestii︠a︡ Sibirskogo otdelenii︠a︡ Akademii nauk SSSR. 1963- Q106876539 None* None known Contact us
0021-3411 Izvestii︠a︡ vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniĭ. 1957- Q96325878 None* None known Contact us
0016-7762 Izvestii͡a vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniĭ. 1958- Q15756723 None* None known Contact us
0579-2991 Izvestii︠a︡ vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniĭ. 1958- Q96325882 None* None known Contact us
2367-6361 Izvestiya : Journal of Varna University of economics. 1957- Q50812074 None* None known Contact us
0579-3033 Izvori za bŭlgarskata istorii︠a︡. 1954- Q106116537 None* None known Contact us
0169-2038 Jaarboek der Koninklijke Nederlandsche Akademie van Wetenschappen. 1938- Q106116541 None* None known Contact us
0303-6413 Jaarcijfers voor Nederland. 1924- Q106876540 None* None known Contact us
0021-3829 Jack and Jill : the magazine for boys and girls. 1938- Q6115948 1938 None known Contact us
2376-1512 The Jackson daily standard 1873- Q100301179 N/A None known Contact us
2376-1547 The Jackson standard -1888 N/A None known Contact us
0021-3519 The JAG journal. 1947- Q106877501 None* None known Contact us
0084-6090 Jahrbuch / Bayerische Academie der Wissenschaften. 1912- Q106876541 None* None known Contact us
0070-3923 Jahrbuch / Deutsche Akademie für Sprache und Dichtung in Darmstadt. 1954- Q106876542 None* None known Contact us
0084-6104 Jahrbuch - Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur. 1950- Q106118053 None* None known Contact us
0075-2193 Jahrbuch der Auktionspreise für Bücher, Handschriften und Autographen. 1953- Q106118054 None* None known Contact us
0075-2207 Jahrbuch der Berliner Museen. 1959- Q26849678 None* None known Contact us
0304-2154 Jahrbuch der Deutschen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin. 1950-1971 Q106118055 None* None known Contact us
0075-2223 Jahrbuch der deutschen Bibliotheken / 1902- Q106118056 None* None known Contact us
0070-4318 Jahrbuch der deutschen Schillergesellschaft. 1957- Q15752762 None* None known Contact us
0138-3841 Jahrbuch der Deutschen Shakespeare-Gesellschaft. 1865-1924 N/A None known Contact us
0863-0496 Jahrbuch der drahtlosen Telegraphie und Telephonie None* 1907-1928 Contact us
0373-1251 Jahrbuch der Geologischen Bundesanstalt. 1951- Q118288354 None* None known Contact us
0072-4238 Jahrbuch der Gesellschaft für Niedersächsische Kirchengeschichte. 1941- Q106116543 None* None known Contact us
1017-4583 Jahrbuch der Gesellschaft für Wiener Theaterforschung. 1944-1970 Q106118057 None* None known Contact us
0863-2758 Jahrbuch der Goethe-Gesellschaft. 1914-1935 Q106116544 None* 1914-1935 Contact us
0075-2274 Jahrbuch der Hamburger Kunstsammlungen. 1948-1980 Q24260089 None* None known Contact us
1431-5955 Jahrbuch der Königlich Preussischen Kunstsammlungen. 1880- Q26849679 N/A* 1880-1918+ Contact us
0075-2312 Jahrbuch der kunsthistorischen sammlungen in Wien. 1883-1996 Q15758579 None* None known Contact us
0075-2347 Jahrbuch der öffentlichen Meinung. 1955- Q106118058 None* None known Contact us
0934-618X Jahrbuch der Preuszischen Kunstsammlungen. 1919- Q26849680 None* 1919-||-1928+ Contact us
0075-2371 Jahrbuch der Raabe-Gesellschaft. 1960- Q96709300 None* None known Contact us
2509-5412 Jahrbuch der Radioaktivität und Elektronik. 1905- Q118493196 N/A* None known Contact us
0373-2169 Jahrbuch der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Urgeschichte. Annuaire de la Société suisse de préhistoire. Annuario della Società svizzera di preistoria. 1938- Q95453085 None* None known Contact us
0375-7730 Jahrbuch der St. Gallischen Naturwissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft für das Vereinsjahr ... 1903-1939 Q51496403 None* None known Contact us
0070-4415 Jahrbuch des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts. 1886- Q15755040 None* None known Contact us
0447-2632 Jahrbuch des films ... 1959- Q106118059 None* None known Contact us
0071-9463 Jahrbuch des Freien Deutschen Hochstifts. 1902- Q15752816 None* 1902-1928 Contact us
0075-8663 Jahrbuch des Museums für Völkerkunde zu Leipzig. 1952- Q106118060 None* None known Contact us
1010-2094 Jahrbuch des Unterrichtswesens in der Schweiz. 1887- Q106118061 N/A 1887-1912+ Contact us
0083-5617 Jahrbuch des Vereins für Niederdeutsche Sprachforschung. 1875- Q106116546 None* None known Contact us
0250-443X Jahrbuch des Wiener Goethe-Vereins. 1960-1999 Q106118062 None* None known Contact us
0075-2533 Jahrbuch für Amerikastudien. 1956-1973 Q26849682 None* None known Contact us
0075-2622 Jahrbuch für Erziehungs- und Schulgeschichte. 1961-1990 Q106118063 None* None known Contact us
0863-1603 Jahrbuch für Geschichte der UdSSR und der volksdemokratischen Länder Europas. 1959-1968 Q106118064 None* None known Contact us
1619-6260 Jahrbuch für Gesetzgebung, Verwaltung und Volkswirthschaft im Deutschen Reich. 1877-1912 N/A None known Contact us
0075-2681 Jahrbuch für Liturgik und Hymnologie. 1955- Q15763561 None* None known Contact us
0075-2703 Jahrbuch für musikalische Volks- u. Völkerkunde. 1963- Q106118065 None* None known Contact us
0075-2711 Jahrbuch für Numismatik und Geldgeschichte. 1949- Q106118066 None* None known Contact us
0075-2738 Jahrbuch für ostdeutsche Volkskunde. 1963-1994 Q106118067 None* None known Contact us
0448-1348 Jahrbuch für Schlesische Kultur und Geschichte. 1955- Q27715938 None* None known Contact us
1013-0640 Jahrbuch für schweizerische Geschichte. 1876- Q106118070 N/A* None known Contact us
0258-0683 Jahrbuch für Solothurnische Geschichte. 1928- Q106876544 None* None known Contact us
0075-2770 Jahrbuch für Sozialwissenschaft. 1950-1994 Q27717973 None* None known Contact us
0075-2789 Jahrbuch für Volksliedforschung. 1928-1999 Q53952857 None* None known Contact us
0179-2849 Jahrbuch über die Fortschritte der Mathematik. 1871- Q1664672 None* None known Contact us
0021-4019 Jahrbücher für Geschichte Osteuropas. 1936- Q15751456 None* None known Contact us
1230-3240 Jahrbücher für Kultur und Geschichte der Slaven. 1925-1935 Q106876543 None* None known Contact us
0021-4027 Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik. 1863- Q1678629 None* 1863-||-2024 Contact us
0259-7780 Jahrbücher für protestantische Theologie. 1875-1892 N/A None known Contact us
1022-7695 Jahresbericht. 1990- Q104178725 None* 1895-2018 Contact us
0373-384X Jahresbericht der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft Graubündens. 1856- Q21034201 None* None known Contact us
0075-2843 Jahresbericht für deutsche Sprache und Literatur / 1960-1966 Q106118071 None* None known Contact us
0075-286X Jahresberichte für deutsche Geschichte. 1927- Q1678640 None* None known Contact us
0081-8992 Jahresbibliographie / 1960-1997 Q106116595 None* None known Contact us
0078-3579 Jahreshefte des Österreichischen Archäologischen Institutes in Wien. 1898- Q15755041 None* None known Contact us
0558-3438 Jahresschrift / 1956- Q106876545 None* None known Contact us
0075-2932 Jahresschrift für mitteldeutsche Vorgeschichte. 1902- Q87821843 None* None known Contact us
0075-2967 Jahresverzeichnis des deutschen Schrifttums. 1948-1972 Q106118072 None* None known Contact us
1614-1555 Jährliche Übersicht der Thätigkeit der Gesellschaft für Erdkunde zu Berlin 1833- Q106116597 N/A None known Contact us
0003-9950 JAMA ophthalmology. 1879- Q27720222 1939 1869-1961 Contact us
2056-9203 James Baldwin review. 2015- Q50808286 All 2015-present Contact us
0021-4183 James Joyce quarterly. 1963- Q15708819 None None known Contact us
0361-6134 James Sprunt historical monographs. 1900- Q106876546 N/A* None known Contact us
2332-9947 Jamestown weekly alert 1878- Q100301226 N/A 1878-1922 Contact us
0126-012X al-Jamiʼah. 1962- Q50434756 None* None known Contact us
0021-4221 Janata. 1946- Q106876547 None* None known Contact us
0075-3025 Jane's fighting ships. 1898- Q1343303 None* 1898-||-1920 Contact us
0021-4264 Janus. 1896-1990 Q20859103 None* None known Contact us
0448-8512 The Japan architect. 1959- Q15817582 None* None known Contact us
0447-5259 Japan bibliographic annual. 1956-1957 Q106876548 None* None known Contact us
0075-3211 Japan company directory. 1956-1973 Q106876549 None* None known Contact us
0021-4469 Japan labor bulletin. 1959-2003 Q119159385 None* None known Contact us
0307-3033 Japan news. 1950- Q106876551 None* None known Contact us
0021-4590 Japan quarterly. 1954-2001 Q27715946 None* None known Contact us
0021-4612 The Japan science review; 1954- Q106877502 None* None known Contact us
0447-5763 The Japan times. 1961-1998 Q1190886 None* None known Contact us
0047-1828 Japanese circulation journal. 1960-2001 Q45115488 None* None known Contact us
0021-5031 The Japanese journal of experimental medicine. 1928-1990 Q27711802 None* None known Contact us
0075-3432 Japanese journal of mathematics. 1924- Q15458404 None* None known Contact us
0021-5120 Japanese journal of medicine. 1962-1991 Q27711817 None* None known Contact us
0021-5139 Japanese journal of microbiology. 1957- Q27711808 None* None known Contact us
0021-5155 Japanese journal of ophthalmology. 1957- Q15752406 None* None known Contact us
0448-892X Japanese periodicals index. 1960-1964 Q106876550 None* None known Contact us
0021-5368 Japanese psychological research. 1954- Q15751843 None* None known Contact us
0090-0176 Japanese studies in the history of science. 1962-1979 Q27716799 None* None known Contact us
0021-5449 Jardin des arts. 1954- Q106876552 None* None known Contact us
2151-5336 The Jasper news 1898-1924 N/A None known Contact us
2328-7691 The Jasper weekly courier 1858- Q100301236 N/A None known Contact us
0448-9241 Jazykovedné štúdie. 1956- Q106876553 None* None known Contact us
0021-5597 Jazykovedný časopis. 1953-2012 Q15758556 None* None known Contact us
2469-648X Jeffersonian [electronic resource]. -1845 Q100301355 N/A* 1844-1845+ Contact us
2575-9299 The Jeffersonian. 1845- Q119495244 N/A* None known Contact us
2469-6439 Jeffersonian Democrat [electronic resource]. 1844- Q106876554 N/A* 1844+ Contact us
2327-1426 The Jeffersonian Democrat [electronic resource]. -1865 N/A None known Contact us
2575-8993 Jeffersonian Republican. 1844- Q106876555 N/A* None known Contact us
0021-5902 Jern-kontorets annaler. 1817-1976 Q78988871 None* 1817-||-2013 Contact us
0044-5517 Jerónimo Zurita cuadernos de historia. 1951- Q89493192 None* None known Contact us
0021-5953 Jersey journal : official publication of the American Jersey Cattle Club. 1953- Q107994104 None None known Contact us
0275-097X The Jesuit or Catholic sentinel. 1833-1834 N/A None known Contact us
2378-0614 The Jesuit or Catholic sentinel. 1829-1831 N/A None known Contact us
0021-5996 Jet. 1951-2014 Q3177768 1964 1951-2008 Contact us
0095-8751 Jet propulsion. 1954-1958 Q96716777 None* None known Contact us
1077-2995 The Jewish advocate. 1909- Q7743205 None None known Contact us
0021-633X The Jewish chronicle. 1845- Q886181 None* None known Contact us
0021-6399 Jewish currents. 1957- Q6189807 1958* 1959-||-1961+ Contact us
0021-6429 Jewish education. 1929-1993 Q104176804 None* None known Contact us
0021-6666 The Jewish press. 1920- Q119820655 None* None known Contact us
0449-010X The Jewish quarterly. 1953- Q6189918 None* None known Contact us
0021-6682 The Jewish quarterly review. 1888- Q2412214 None 1892-1928 Contact us
1040-7642 The Jewish record. 1939-1996 Q105081880 None None known Contact us
0898-7963 The Jewish Science interpreter. 1923- Q106877504 None None known Contact us
0021-6712 The Jewish social work forum. 1963-1998 Q119821088 None None known Contact us
0021-6720 The Jewish spectator. 1936- Q106877505 None None known Contact us
0075-3750 The Jewish travel guide. 1958-2009 Q106877506 None* None known Contact us
0047-2018 The Jewish veteran. 1932- Q106877507 None None known Contact us
0075-3769 The Jewish year book. 1896- Q6189995 None* None known Contact us
1142-6101 The Jews and ourselves : Judaism and Christianity in the world today. 1961- Q106877508 None* None known Contact us
0021-6925 Jezik; časopis za kulturu hrvatskoga književnog jezika. 1953- Q12633656 None* None known Contact us
0529-0554 Jiao yu yu wen hua 1955- Q98834069 None* None known Contact us
0021-695X Jicarilla chieftain. 1960- Q59296731 None None known Contact us
1946-6048 The Jimplecute. Q6175512 None 1889-||-1913 Contact us
0529-6250 Jin dai shi zi liao. 1954- Q106876570 None* None known Contact us
0491-3329 Jinbun kenkyū. 1949- Q106876569 None* None known Contact us
0447-7340 Jinbungaku. 1948- Q106876568 None* None known Contact us
0013-0265 Jing ji dao bao = Economic bulletin. 1947- Q106876571 None* None known Contact us
0387-2793 Jinkō mondai kenkyū / 1940-1996 Q15751471 None* None known Contact us
0895-1675 J.K. Lasser's your income tax / [LOST] 1955- Q120048280 1936* None known Contact us
0021-7050 Jobber news. 1932- Q120049544 None* None known Contact us
0287-4911 Jōdai bungaku / -1952 Q106876572 None* None known Contact us
0095-5973 The Johns Hopkins studies in Romance literatures and languages. Q106877509 1944* 1923-1929+ Contact us
0095-5965 The Johns Hopkins studies in Romance literatures and languages: 1925-1953 Q112216192 1941* 1925-||-1939+ Contact us
0075-3904 The Johns Hopkins University studies in historical and political science. Q112189096 1938* 1883-||-1943 Contact us
2578-899X The Jones County news 1909- Q100301757 N/A* 1909-1922+ Contact us
0449-1661 Jornadas Internacionales de Arqueología y Etnografía : [proceedings] : ... Mesa Redonda Internacional de Arqueología y Etnografía. 1957- Q106876573 None* None known Contact us
0047-2085 Jornal Brasileiro de psiquiatria. 1948- Q10308348 None* None known Contact us
0021-7557 Jornal de pediatria. 1934- Q26841799 None* None known Contact us
0745-7839 Journal / American Rhododendron Society. 1982- Q15751955 All 1982-2009+ Contact us
0096-7009 Journal / Missouri State Medical Association. 1904-1952 Q108545365 None None known Contact us
0370-7318 Journal / Royal Society for the Promotion of Health. 1955-1959 Q96710175 None* None known Contact us
0043-1303 Journal / Water Pollution Control Federation. 1960-1989 Q120442977 None None known Contact us
0015-7368 Journal / the Forensic Science Society. 1960-1994 Q27711484 None* None known Contact us
0041-9419 Journal. 1949- Q27714069 None* 2005-present Contact us
2379-6251 Journal and confederate 1865- Q106876574 N/A 1865 Contact us
0703-3192 Journal and proceedings of the Hamilton Association. 1882-1922 N/A None known Contact us
0035-9173 Journal and proceedings of the Royal Society of New South Wales. 1876- Q15761516 None* 1876-recent Contact us
1551-9201 The journal and Republican. 1929- Q107295717 None None known Contact us
0021-7662 Journal d'agriculture tropicale et de botanique appliquée. 1954-1976 Q5946669 None* None known Contact us
0021-8200 Journal d'urologie et de néphrologie. 1961-1979 Q27711784 None* None known Contact us
0021-7689 Journal de chimie physique et de physico-chimie biologique. 1939- Q55615355 None* 1903-1928 Contact us
0021-7743 Journal de génétique humaine. 1952-1989 Q27711490 None* None known Contact us
0704-7088 Journal de l'instruction publique. 1881- Q120650280 N/A None known Contact us
0037-914X Journal de la Société de statistique de Paris. 1860- Q27717816 None* None known Contact us
0037-9174 Journal de la Société des américanistes de Paris. 1896- Q3186853 None* None known Contact us
0300-953X Journal de la Société des océanistes. 1945- Q3186854 None* None known Contact us
0021-7921 Journal de microscopie. 1962-1974 Q27710668 None* None known Contact us
0368-3591 Journal de pharmacie et de chimie. 1842-1942 Q16121523 None* 1842-1928 Contact us
0368-3869 Journal de pharmacie et des sciences accessoires. 1815-1841 N/A None known Contact us
0368-3834 Journal de physiologie et de pathologie générale. 1899-1945 Q27723221 None* None known Contact us
0021-7999 Journal dentaire du Québec. 1963- Q27711468 None* None known Contact us
0021-8030 Journal des communes : recueil periodique de décisions administratives et judiciaires ... 1828- Q106876575 None* None known Contact us
1956-9637 Le journal des femmes : organe du mouvement féminin 1891-1911 Q124611160 N/A None known Contact us
0368-3389 Journal des observateurs. 1915-1968 Q106876576 None* None known Contact us
0021-8103 Journal des savants. 1816- Q927072 None* None known Contact us
1245-9658 Journal des voyages, découvertes et navigations modernes ou archives géographiques du XIXe siècle 1821-1827 N/A None known Contact us
0702-4215 Le Journal du dimanche. 1883-1885 N/A None known Contact us
0021-8170 Journal du droit international. 1915- Q98058014 None* 1915-||-1945+ Contact us
1155-8377 Journal du droit international privé et de la jurisprudence comparée / 1874- Q106876577 N/A* 1874-1914+ Contact us
2414-0201 Journal for Religion, Film and Media Q50817481 All 2015-present Contact us
0021-8294 Journal for the scientific study of religion. 1961- Q6294702 None None known Contact us
0734-3701 The Journal-gazette. 1944- Q7743551 None None known Contact us
0096-0233 The Journal-lancet. 1912-1968 Q27711577 None None known Contact us
0047-7532 Journal - Mississippi Dental Association. 1943-1974 Q27711604 None None known Contact us
0004-5810 The journal-newsletter of the Association of Teachers of Japanese. 1963-1972 Q96736898 None None known Contact us
0021-843X The journal of abnormal psychology. 1906-1921 Q27720203 1950* 1906-1929 Contact us
0021-8448 Journal of accountancy. 1905- Q110545491 1937 1905-||-present Contact us
0021-8456 Journal of accounting research. 1963- Q6294721 1964 None known Contact us
0021-8472 Journal of administration overseas. 1962-1980 Q96034425 All* None known Contact us
0021-8499 Journal of advertising research. 1960- Q15754385 None None known Contact us
0021-8529 The journal of aesthetics and art criticism. 1941- Q7743548 1959 1941-1958 Contact us
0021-8537 Journal of African history. 1960- Q7743549 None* None known Contact us
0021-8553 Journal of African law. 1957- Q6294744 None* None known Contact us
0021-8561 Journal of agricultural and food chemistry. 1953- Q1024905 1953 None known Contact us
0021-857X Journal of agricultural economics 1954- Q2400200 None* None known Contact us
0095-9758 Journal of agricultural research. 1913-1949 Q13548560 None 1913-1949 Contact us
0021-860X The journal of agriculture 1851- Q96359239 None* Predecessor Contact us
0021-8642 The Journal of air law and commerce. 1939- Q15752812 None* 1939-present+ Contact us
0021-8707 The Journal of allergy. 1929- Q27711625 None None known Contact us
0021-8715 The Journal of American folklore. 1888- Q15708667 None 1888-1961 Contact us
1074-3812 The Journal of American history. 1907-1935 Q96387134 None* 1907-1930 Contact us
0021-8731 Journal of American Indian education. 1961- Q15751756 None None known Contact us
0021-874X Journal of American insurance. 1924-1990 Q27711352 None 1924-||-1928 Contact us
0021-8766 Journal of analytical chemistry of the USSR. 1952- Q96326764 None* None known Contact us
0021-8774 The journal of analytical psychology. 1955- Q15763699 None* None known Contact us
0021-8782 Journal of anatomy. 1916- Q2108124 None* 1916-recent+ Contact us
0095-9928 The journal of animal behavior. 1911- Q51496852 N/A 1911-1917 Contact us
0021-8790 The journal of animal ecology. 1932- Q1709829 None* None known Contact us
0021-8812 Journal of animal science. 1942- Q2046195 None None known Contact us
1356-0123 Journal of anthropology. 1870-1871 Q96711152 N/A 1870-1871+ Contact us
0447-8991 Journal of antibiotics, series B 1953-1967 Q27711369 None* None known Contact us
0021-8847 The journal of applied bacteriology. 1954-1996 Q66626443 None* None known Contact us
0021-8871 Journal of applied chemistry. 1951-1970 Q26839868 None* Predecessor Contact us
1526-9914 Journal of applied clinical medical physics / 2000- Q27714925 All 2000-present Contact us
0021-8936 Journal of applied mechanics. 1935- Q15757154 None None known Contact us
0021-8952 Journal of applied meteorology. 1962-1982 Q29043672 None None known Contact us
0021-8979 Journal of applied physics. 1937- Q1987941 1946 None known Contact us
0021-9010 Journal of applied psychology. 2007- Q6294791 1963* 1917-||-1949 Contact us
0449-2234 Journal of arms control. 1963- Q97012074 None None known Contact us
0021-9118 The journal of Asian studies. 1956- Q15707255 None* None known Contact us
0021-9177 The Journal of auditory research. 1960- Q27711391 None None known Contact us
2159-6670 Journal of aviation technology and engineering. 2011- Q96711561 All 2011-present Contact us
0021-9193 Journal of bacteriology. Q478419 1940 1916-recent Contact us
0021-9223 Journal of basic engineering. 1959-1972 Q81833547 None None known Contact us
0885-2758 Journal of Bible and religion. 1937- Q97012392 None* None known Contact us
0021-9231 Journal of Biblical literature. 1890- Q4041879 1964 1890-1961+ Contact us
0368-1467 Journal of biochemical and microbiological technology and engineering. 1959-1961 Q96711648 None* None known Contact us
0021-924X The journal of biochemistry. 1922- Q6294839 None* 1922-2004 Contact us
0021-9258 The Journal of biological chemistry. Q867727 1929* 1905-||-recent Contact us
0095-9901 The journal of biophysical and biochemical cytology. 1955-1961 Q26841870 1955* 1955-1961+ Contact us
0021-9355 The Journal of bone and joint surgery. Q6294867 None* 1921-1961 Contact us
0301-620X The journal of bone and joint surgery - British volume. 1948- Q15765108 None* None known Contact us
0021-9371 The journal of British studies. 1961- Q6294876 None None known Contact us
0021-938X Journal of broadcasting. 1957-1984 Q96711910 None None known Contact us
0021-9398 The journal of business. 1954-2006 Q7743558 1954* Predecessor Contact us
0740-9168 The journal of business of the University of Chicago. 1928-1953 Q96712036 1941* 1928-1941+ Contact us
0099-7013 The Journal of cancer research. 1916-1930 Q96465219 None* 1916-1930+ Contact us
0021-9509 The Journal of cardiovascular surgery. 1960- Q2695909 None* None known Contact us
0021-9525 The journal of cell biology. 1962- Q1524550 None* 1962-recent+ Contact us
0021-9533 Journal of cell science. 1966- Q1524177 All* 1966-recent+ Contact us
0095-9898 Journal of cellular and comparative physiology. 1932-1965 Q27720153 1962 None known Contact us
0278-0968 The Journal of Celtic studies. 1949-1959 Q97621218 None* None known Contact us
0885-2472 Journal of central European affairs. 1941- Q97625305 None None known Contact us
0021-9576 Journal of chemical documentation. 1961-1974 Q27711423 1961 None known Contact us
0021-9584 Journal of chemical education. 1924- Q898740 1950 None known Contact us
0021-9606 The Journal of chemical physics. 1933- Q900472 1956 None known Contact us
0021-9630 Journal of child psychology and psychiatry and allied disciplines. 1960- Q6294936 None* None known Contact us
0075-417X Journal of child psychotherapy. 1963- Q15753737 None* None known Contact us
0021-9673 Journal of chromatography. 1958- Q27711436 None* None known Contact us
0021-9681 Journal of chronic diseases. 1955-1987 Q24039134 None None known Contact us
0021-969X A journal of church and state. 1959- Q6294950 None None known Contact us
0021-9703 Journal of church music. 1959-1988 Q98071664 None None known Contact us
0197-002X Journal of clinical and experimental psychopathology. 1951-1953 Q27720374 None* None known Contact us
0447-9122 Journal of clinical and experimental psychopathology & quarterly review of psychiatry and neurology. 1954-1962 Q27719863 None* None known Contact us
1752-8054 Journal of clinical and translational science. 2017- Q5133809 All 2008-present Contact us
0021-972X The journal of clinical endocrinology & metabolism. 1952- Q3186902 None None known Contact us
0021-9738 The journal of clinical investigation. 1924- Q3186904 None 1924-recent Contact us
2156-6682 Journal of clinical pastoral work. 1947-1949 Q98446121 None None known Contact us
0021-9762 Journal of clinical psychology. 1945- Q6294967 None None known Contact us
0196-6030 Journal of clinical psychopathology. 1946-1950 Q96327404 None* None known Contact us
0197-0011 Journal of clinical psychopathology and psychotherapy. 1944-1945 Q98217170 None* None known Contact us
0021-9770 Journal of college placement. 1940- Q98603289 1958* None known Contact us
0361-5561 The journal of commerce and commercial. 1927-1996 Q98603325 None None known Contact us
0021-9886 Journal of common market studies. 1962- Q15754604 None* None known Contact us
0021-9916 Journal of communication. 1951- Q6294987 None 1951-1961 Contact us
0021-9940 The journal of comparative and physiological psychology. 1921-1982 Q6294996 1940 1921-1928 Contact us
1479-5949 Journal of comparative legislation and international law. 1918-1951 Q98603387 None* 1896-1928 Contact us
0021-9967 The journal of comparative neurology and psychology. 1904- Q3186907 None 1891-1928 Contact us
1083-6101 Journal of computer-mediated communication : JCMC. 1995- Q15734664 All 1995-present Contact us
0022-0019 Journal of conchology. 1874- Q15716639 None* 1874-1922 Contact us
0022-0027 The journal of conflict resolution 1957- Q6295016 None* None known Contact us
0095-8891 Journal of consulting psychology. 1937- Q27711456 1963 None known Contact us
0022-0159 Journal of correctional education. 1949-1972 Q15755411 None None known Contact us
1525-7886 Journal of cosmetic science. 1998- Q22911493 All* 1998-recent+ Contact us
0022-0167 Journal of counseling psychology. 1954- Q6295057 1959* None known Contact us
0022-0183 The Journal of criminal law. 1937- Q29043897 None* None known Contact us
0022-0205 The journal of criminal law, criminology, and police science. 1910-1972 Q15710061 1936* 1910-present Contact us
0197-0003 Journal of criminal psychopathology. 1939-1944 Q98217587 None* None known Contact us
0022-0256 Journal of cuneiform studies. 1947- Q1273053 None None known Contact us
0022-0299 The Journal of dairy research. 1929- Q2049609 None* None known Contact us
0022-0302 Journal of dairy science. 1917- Q2293258 None 1917-recent Contact us
0449-2412 Journal of data management : official publication of the Data Processing Management Association, DPMA. 1963-1970 Q98971542 None None known Contact us
0022-0337 Journal of dental education. 1936- Q15764428 None None known Contact us
1043-254X Journal of dental hygiene. 1988- Q15764160 All* 2004-recent+ Contact us
0022-0345 Journal of dental research. Q6295082 None 1919-1928+ Contact us
0731-3667 Journal of developmental reading. 1957-1964 Q98971576 None* None known Contact us
0097-4250 The Journal of documentary reproduction. 1938-1942 Q99325541 None 1938-1942+ Contact us
0022-0418 The Journal of documentation. 1945- Q6295097 None* None known Contact us
0022-0469 The journal of ecclesiastical history. 1950- Q7743575 None* 1967-1968 Contact us
0022-0477 The Journal of ecology. Q766513 None* 1913-||-recent Contact us
0364-281X The journal of economic abstracts. 1963-1968 Q99521596 None None known Contact us
0022-0493 Journal of economic entomology. 1908- Q4041881 None 1908-1928 Contact us
0022-0507 The journal of economic history. 1941- Q7743576 None None known Contact us
0022-0574 The Journal of education. Q96327790 1964* 1875-1961+ Contact us
0828-8852 The Journal of education for Lower Canada 1857-1866 N/A None known Contact us
0957-8234 The Journal of educational administration. 1963- Q15761816 None* None known Contact us
0022-0663 Journal of educational psychology. 2002- Q6295130 1963 1910-1961 Contact us
0022-0671 The journal of educational research. 1920- Q15764524 1946 1920-1944 Contact us
0885-3525 The journal of educational sociology. 1927-1963 Q27826676 None* 1927-1961 Contact us
0075-4234 The journal of Egyptian archaeology 1914- Q301654 None* 1914-1928 Contact us
0022-0744 Journal of electronmicroscopy. 1953-2012 Q15746444 None* None known Contact us
0022-0752 Journal of embryology and experimental morphology. 1953- Q26829031 None* None known Contact us
0096-0640 The Journal of engineering education. 1910-1969 Q15793504 None* 1924-1929+ Contact us
0022-0817 Journal of engineering for industry. 1959-1996 Q24039881 None None known Contact us
0022-0825 Journal of engineering for power. 1959-1983 Q26839436 None None known Contact us
0022-085X Journal of engineering psychology. 1962- Q27711474 None None known Contact us
0022-0892 Journal of environmental health. 1963- Q15767344 None* None known Contact us
0141-7681 Journal of epidemiology and community health. 1978- Q3428712 All* 1978-2007+ Contact us
0733-1428 Journal of existential psychiatry. 1960-1964 Q100701047 None None known Contact us
0022-0949 The journal of experimental biology. 1930- Q1355917 None* 1923-recent Contact us
0022-0957 Journal of experimental botany. 1950- Q6295179 None* None known Contact us
0022-0973 The journal of experimental education. 1932- Q15759329 None None known Contact us
0022-1007 The journal of experimental medicine. 1896- Q3186912 1929 1896-||-recent Contact us
0022-1015 Journal of experimental psychology. Q27711478 1963 1916-1961 Contact us
0022-104X The journal of experimental zoology. 1904- Q26842574 None 1904-1928 Contact us
0022-1066 Journal of family law / 1961-1992 Q27716671 None None known Contact us
0022-1074 The Journal of family welfare. 1954- Q27716787 None* None known Contact us
1071-1031 Journal of farm economics. 1919-1967 Q29043722 None* 1919-1967+ Contact us
0022-1082 The journal of finance. 1946- Q1709844 None 1946-1961 Contact us
0022-1147 Journal of food science: an official publication of the Institute of Food Technologists. 1961- Q6295225 None* None known Contact us
0022-1198 Journal of forensic sciences. 1956- Q15760026 1960 1956-1960 Contact us
2376-0044 Journal of freedom 1865- Q100301901 N/A 1865 Contact us
0563-6957 Journal of Gakugei, Tokushima University. 1953-1966 Q101977592 None* None known Contact us
0022-1260 The Journal of general and applied microbiology. 1955- Q15763921 None* 1955-present Contact us
0022-1279 Journal of general chemistry of the USSR. 1949-1993 Q101979537 None* None known Contact us
0021-3667 The journal of general education JGE. 1946- Q6108162 1952 None known Contact us
0022-1287 The Journal of general microbiology. 1947-1993 Q27711489 None* None known Contact us
0022-1295 The journal of general physiology. 1918- Q1092259 1929 1918-recent Contact us
0022-1309 The Journal of general psychology. 1928- Q15753709 1937 None known Contact us
0022-1333 Journal of genetics. Q975661 None* 1910-present Contact us
0022-1341 The Journal of geography 1902- Q15760518 None 1902-1928 Contact us
0022-1376 The journal of geology. 1893- Q3283945 1953 1893-1953 Contact us
0022-1392 Journal of geomagnetism and geoelectricity. Q105629412 None* 1949-1997+ Contact us
0148-0227 Journal of geophysical research. 1949- Q2738009 None* Predecessor Contact us
0022-0868 The journal of Germanic philology. 1897-1902 Q1709843 1963 1897-1961 Contact us
0022-1430 The journal of glaciology. 1947- Q15760519 None* 2016-present Contact us
0095-9006 Journal of health and human behavior. 1960-1966 Q24039934 None None known Contact us
0022-1473 Journal of health, physical education, recreation. 1954- Q96715319 None* 1954-1963+ Contact us
1606-0997 Journal of health, population and nutrition. 2000- Q15759004 All 2000-present Contact us
0022-1481 Journal of heat transfer. 1959- Q15753560 None None known Contact us
0075-4269 The journal of Hellenic studies / 1880- Q2166804 None* 1880-1928 Contact us
0022-149X Journal of helminthology. 1923- Q15767150 None* 1923-1927 Contact us
0022-1503 The journal of heredity. 1914- Q6295280 1933* 1914-||-1932+ Contact us
0022-1546 The journal of higher education. 1930- Q7743585 None None known Contact us
0022-1554 The journal of histochemistry and cytochemistry : official journal of the Histochemistry Society. 1953- Q1523992 1953* None known Contact us
0022-1570 The Journal of home economics. 1909- Q27718122 None 1909-1994 Contact us
0272-7374 The journal of housing and community development. 1944- Q102280585 None* None known Contact us
0022-1651 Journal of human relations. 1952-1973 Q102315659 None None known Contact us
0022-1678 The Journal of humanistic psychology. 1961- Q6295308 None None known Contact us
0022-1708 Journal of hydrology, New Zealand. 1962- Q65594352 None* None known Contact us
0022-1724 The journal of hygiene. -1986 Q24247986 None* 1901-1928 Contact us
0446-9976 Journal of hypnosis & psychology in dentistry. 1957-1958 Q102893948 None None known Contact us
0022-1767 The journal of immunology. 1916- Q3521441 1940 1916-||-recent Contact us
0022-1775 Journal of Indian history. 1921- Q15752138 None* 1921-1928 Contact us
0022-1805 Journal of individual psychology. 1957- Q27711527 1958 None known Contact us
0095-9014 The journal of industrial and engineering chemistry. 1908-1922 Q53952278 N/A* 1909-1922+ Contact us
1045-0165 The Journal of industrial engineering. 1949-1968 Q103817405 None None known Contact us
0095-9022 The Journal of industrial hygiene and abstract of the literature : official organ of the American Association of Industrial Physicians and Surgeons. 1919-1935 Q104037663 None* 1919-1928 Contact us
0095-9030 The Journal of industrial hygiene and toxicology with abstract of the literature. 1936-1949 Q27720850 None* Predecessor Contact us
0022-1848 Journal of industrial psychology. 1963- Q103817428 None None known Contact us
2475-0654 The journal of industry. 1879- Q100301903 N/A 1879-1880 Contact us
0022-1899 The journal of infectious diseases. 1904- Q4051141 1959 1904-||-recent Contact us
0022-1910 Journal of insect physiology. 1957- Q15767205 None* None known Contact us
0738-5501 Journal of insurance information. 1960-1970 Q104176761 None None known Contact us
0885-3118 Journal of inter-American studies. 1959-1969 Q59683848 None None known Contact us
0022-197X Journal of international affairs. 1952- Q6295389 None* None known Contact us
0148-8937 The journal of international relations. 1919-1922 Q57398560 N/A 1919-1922+ Contact us
0022-202X The journal of investigative dermatology. 1938- Q3186921 1940 1938-recent Contact us
2075-6291 Journal of Islamic Business and Management Q96716422 All 2011-present Contact us
0190-4361 Journal of Jewish lore and philosophy. 1919- Q25927154 N/A 1919 Contact us
0075-4277 The Journal of juristic papyrology. 1946- Q15756283 None* None known Contact us
1548-9000 The journal of land & public utility economics / 1925-1947 Q29043689 None* None known Contact us
0022-2186 The journal of law & economics 1958- Q3186924 None None known Contact us
1758-9576 Journal of legal anthropology. 2008- Q96717601 All 2020-present Contact us
0022-2208 Journal of legal education. 1948- Q15756831 1964 1948-||-recent Contact us
0022-2240 Journal of library automation. 1968-1981 Q130085077 All* 1968-||-1981+ Contact us
0022-2275 Journal of lipid research. 1959- Q6295449 None 1959-present Contact us
1862-5290 Journal of literary theory. Q1409364 All 2022-2024 Contact us
0022-2372 Journal of mammalogy. 1919- Q1709857 None 1919-||-recent Contact us
0022-2429 Journal of marketing. Q1709856 None* 1936-1961 Contact us
0022-247X Journal of mathematical analysis and applications. Q15438343 1960 1960-recent Contact us
0095-9057 Journal of mathematics and mechanics. 1957-1970 Q98108034 None* None known Contact us
0449-2773 Journal of mathematics, Osaka City University. 1961-1963 Q104904281 None* 1961-1963+ Contact us
0449-2781 The Journal of mathetics. 1962- Q105072099 None None known Contact us
0022-2542 Journal of mechanical engineering science. 1959-1982 Q29043952 None* None known Contact us
0002-9440 The journal of medical research. 1901- Q4744259 1964 1925-recent Contact us
0095-9065 Journal of medicinal and pharmaceutical chemistry. 1959-1962 Q27718181 1962* None known Contact us
0022-2623 Journal of medicinal chemistry. 1963- Q900316 1963* None known Contact us
0022-264X Journal of mental deficiency research. 1957-1991 Q27711599 None* None known Contact us
0368-315X The journal of mental science. 1858- Q27719561 None* 1857-1928+ Contact us
0095-9642 The Journal of metabolic research. 1922- Q104062691 N/A 1922-1926 Contact us
0449-2811 Journal of microbiology, epidemiology and immunobiology. 1957- Q27720513 None* None known Contact us
0022-2747 Journal of milk and food technology : official bimonthly publication of the International Association of Milk Sanitarians. 1947-1976 Q96718884 None None known Contact us
0022-2771 The Journal of Mississippi history. 1939- Q27715883 None None known Contact us
0022-278X The journal of modern African studies. 1963- Q6295584 None* None known Contact us
0022-2801 The journal of modern history. 1929- Q2918516 1953 None known Contact us
0022-2836 Journal of molecular biology. 1959- Q925779 None* None known Contact us
0946-2716 Journal of molecular medicine. 1922- Q6295593 All* Predecessor Contact us
0022-2852 Journal of molecular spectroscopy. 1957- Q2189564 1957 None known Contact us
0022-2887 Journal of morphology. 1887- Q59900 None* 1887-1928 Contact us
0022-2909 Journal of music theory. Q6295619 None 1957-1961 Contact us
1052-0368 The journal of mycology. 1885-1908 Q51496893 N/A 1885-1908+ Contact us
0022-2984 The journal of Negro education. 1932- Q6295633 None None known Contact us
0022-2992 The journal of Negro history. 1916-2001 Q55100258 1940 1916-1939 Contact us
0022-3018 The journal of nervous and mental disease. 1876- Q598644 1936 1874-||-1960 Contact us
0022-3042 Journal of neurochemistry. 1956- Q6295643 None None known Contact us
0022-3050 Journal of neurology, neurosurgery and psychiatry. 1944- Q1599804 None* None known Contact us
0022-3069 Journal of neuropathology and experimental neurology. 1942- Q15716771 1945 None known Contact us
0022-3077 Journal of neurophysiology. Q1709863 1945 1938-1944+ Contact us
0449-282X Journal of neuropsychiatry. 1959- Q96328772 None None known Contact us
0096-0284 The journal of new drugs : JND. 1961-1966 Q27711637 None None known Contact us
0368-3265 Journal of nuclear energy. 1959- Q96328825 None* None known Contact us
0368-3230 Journal of nuclear energy. 1961- Q96328833 None* None known Contact us
2334-3982 The journal of nursery education. 1956-1964 Q27979561 None* None known Contact us
0148-4834 The Journal of nursing education. 1962- Q6295665 None None known Contact us
0022-3166 The journal of nutrition Q3186931 None 1928-||-1952 Contact us
0971-9202 The journal of obstetrics and gynecology of India. 1951- Q26841825 None* None known Contact us
0096-1736 Journal of occupational medicine : official publication of the Industrial Medical Association. 1959-1994 Q26839737 None* None known Contact us
0749-8918 Journal of offender therapy : official organ of the Association for Psychiatric Treatment of Offenders (A.P.T.O.). 1961-1966 Q96720037 None None known Contact us
0095-9774 Journal of oil & fat industries / 1924-1926 Q96328883 N/A* 1924-1926+ Contact us
2153-4519 Journal of Omicron Chi Epsilon. -1959 Q98907358 None* None known Contact us
2514-1708 Journal of Open Hardware Q58700942 Unknown 2017-present Contact us
2059-481X Journal of Open Humanities Data Q96720095 All 2015-present Contact us
0095-9618 Journal of oral surgery, anesthesia and hospital dental service / 1959-1964 Q27720297 None None known Contact us
0022-3263 Journal of organic chemistry. 1936- Q898967 1941 None known Contact us
0022-3360 Journal of paleontology. 1927- Q217924 None None known Contact us
0022-3387 The Journal of parapsychology. 1937- Q6295715 None None known Contact us
0022-3395 The journal of parasitology. 1914- Q6295713 1964 1914-||-1961 Contact us
0447-9408 Journal of parliamentary information. 1955- Q105390851 None* None known Contact us
0368-3494 The journal of pathology and bacteriology. 1892- Q27711688 None* 1892-1927 Contact us
0022-3476 The journal of pediatrics. 1932- Q7743611 None None known Contact us
0022-3506 Journal of personality. 1945- Q6295740 1945* None known Contact us
0886-750X Journal of personnel research : official publication of Personnel Research Federation. -1927 Q105514490 None* 1922-1928 Contact us
0149-2136 Journal of petroleum technology. 1949- Q24091432 1956 None known Contact us
0022-3549 Journal of pharmaceutical sciences. 1961- Q3186933 None None known Contact us
0022-3565 The journal of pharmacology and experimental therapeutics. 1909- Q1500272 1940 1909-1928+ Contact us
1752-6795 Journal of philosophical studies. 1926-1931 Q55174649 None* None known Contact us
0022-362X The journal of philosophy. 1921- Q1642306 1964 1904-1928 Contact us
0160-9335 The journal of philosophy, psychology and scientific methods. 1904-1920 Q28771701 N/A None known Contact us
0022-3654 The journal of physical chemistry. 1952-1996 Q26839414 1952* Predecessor Contact us
0092-7325 The journal of physical chemistry. 1896-1946 Q28807334 1941* 1896-1928 Contact us
0092-7023 The Journal of physical & colloid chemistry. 1947- Q27720748 1947* Predecessor Contact us
0022-3743 Journal of physics of the earth. 1952-1997 Q96288056 None* 1952-1997+ Contact us
0022-3751 The journal of physiology. 1878- Q7743612 None* 1878-recent Contact us
0022-376X Journal of planning and property law. 1954-1972 Q105725277 None* None known Contact us
0022-3808 The journal of political economy. 1892- Q783630 1953 1892-1928 Contact us
0112-8760 Journal of political science. 1948-1949 Q96721249 None* None known Contact us
0022-3816 The journal of politics. 1939- Q7743613 1939 None known Contact us
0022-3832 Journal of polymer science. 1946-1962 Q29043736 1946* None known Contact us
0449-2951 Journal of polymer science. 1963-1965 Q27714152 1963* None known Contact us
0449-2986 Journal of polymer science. 1963-1972 Q27711715 1963* None known Contact us
0449-2994 Journal of polymer science. 1963-1972 Q96721298 1963* None known Contact us
0022-3859 Journal of postgraduate medicine. 1955- Q6295798 None* 1976-present Contact us
2157-9288 Journal of pre-college engineering education research. 2011- Q27726519 All 2011-present Contact us
0022-3883 Journal of Presbyterian history. 1962- Q105979184 None* Predecessor Contact us
0066-9563 Journal of proceedings and addresses of the annual conference of the Association of Graduate Schools in the Association of American Universities. 1949-1977 Q105979232 None None known Contact us
1360-1261 Journal of proceedings of the Agricultural Economics Society. 1930-1954 Q96148707 None* None known Contact us
0569-7964 Journal of professional practice. 1958- Q105979256 None None known Contact us
0885-3126 Journal of projective techniques. 1950-1963 Q96329143 None None known Contact us
0022-3905 Journal of property management. 1941- Q15763361 None None known Contact us
0277-2973 Journal of psychiatric nursing. 1963- Q27714820 None* None known Contact us
1309-3568 Journal of psychiatric nursing. 1963-1966 Q96721523 All* 2010-present Contact us
0022-3980 The Journal of psychology. 1936- Q7743620 1937 None known Contact us
0022-3999 Journal of psychosomatic research. 1956- Q15709516 None None known Contact us
0022-4073 Journal of quantitative spectroscopy & radiative transfer. 1961- Q3186938 None* None known Contact us
1068-3380 The journal of race development. 1910-1919 Q32180 N/A 1910-1919+ Contact us
0449-3060 Journal of radiation research. 1960- Q2330802 None* 1960-present Contact us
2471-0121 Journal of radio law. 1931-1932 Q106118073 None None known Contact us
0022-409X Journal of range management. 1948-2004 Q26839620 None None known Contact us
1943-5282 Journal of rational mechanics and analysis. 1952-1956 Q104715163 None* None known Contact us
0022-4103 Journal of reading. 1957-1995 Q106381091 All* None known Contact us
0022-4146 Journal of regional science. 1958- Q6295838 None None known Contact us
0022-4154 Journal of rehabilitation. 1945- Q105228281 None None known Contact us
0022-4189 The journal of religion. 1921- Q7743622 1953 1921-1928+ Contact us
0022-4197 Journal of religion and health. 1961- Q6295844 None None known Contact us
0022-4227 The Journal of religious history. 1960- Q6295853 None* None known Contact us
1059-8529 Journal of renaissance and baroque music. 1946-1947 Q55174578 None* None known Contact us
0022-4340 Journal of research-National Bureau of Standards. 1959-1967 Q29043666 None* 1959-1967+ Contact us
0091-0635 Journal of research of the National Bureau of Standards. 1934-1959 Q27721407 None* 1934-||-1988+ Contact us
1060-1783 Journal of research of the National Bureau of Standards. 1961-1963 Q96722287 None* 1959-1963+ Contact us
0098-8979 Journal of research of the National Bureau of Standards. 1968-1977 Q96722283 N/A* 1968-1977+ Contact us
0022-4359 Journal of retailing. 1925- Q15763688 None 1925-1929 Contact us
0097-0360 Journal of rheology. 1929-1932 Q96722366 None None known Contact us
0075-4358 The journal of Roman studies 1911- Q2366889 None* 1911-1926 Contact us
2043-3441 The journal of sacred literature 1848-1855 N/A None known Contact us
1041-8938 Journal of school geography. 1897-1901 N/A None known Contact us
0022-4391 The Journal of school health. 1937- Q15765695 None None known Contact us
0022-4413 Journal of science and engineering research. 1957- Q106576843 None* None known Contact us
0075-4374 Journal of science of the Hiroshima University. 1958-1993 Q106576852 None* None known Contact us
0447-9483 Journal of scientific research of the Benares Hindu University. 1951-1970 Q96722733 None* None known Contact us
0022-4464 Journal of secondary education. 1961-1971 Q106576887 None None known Contact us
0022-4472 Journal of sedimentary petrology. 1931-1993 Q26839718 None None known Contact us
0388-0478 Journal of social and political ideas in Japan. 1963- Q106118074 None* None known Contact us
1012-1080 Journal of social development in Africa. 1986- Q6295926 All 1986-||-2003 Contact us
1532-1282 The journal of social forces. 1922-1925 Q96329359 N/A* 1922-1925+ Contact us
0741-9996 Journal of social hygiene. 1922- Q27720260 None* 1922-1954+ Contact us
0022-4537 Journal of social issues. 1945- Q6295931 None* None known Contact us
1069-8256 The Journal of social issues. 1948-1959 Q106626597 None* None known Contact us
0022-4545 The Journal of social psychology. 1930- Q6295933 1937 None known Contact us
0449-315X Journal of social research. 1958- Q106702840 None* None known Contact us
0022-4588 The Journal of soil science. 1949-1993 Q53953097 None* None known Contact us
0022-460X Journal of sound and vibration 1963- Q6295948 None* None known Contact us
0022-4642 The journal of southern history. 1935- Q15755506 1964 1935-1961 Contact us
0891-625X The journal of speculative philosophy. 1867- Q6295957 None* 1867-1893 Contact us
0022-4677 The Journal of speech and hearing disorders : JSHD. 1948- Q27711755 None* None known Contact us
0885-9426 The Journal of speech disorders. -1947 Q96723317 None* None known Contact us
0022-4766 Journal of structural chemistry. Zhurnal strukturnoĭ khimii. 1960- Q15760322 None* None known Contact us
0022-4812 The journal of symbolic logic 1936- Q6295979 1936 None known Contact us
0022-4863 The Journal of taxation. 1954- Q15764304 None None known Contact us
0022-4871 Journal of teacher education. 1950- Q6295986 None None known Contact us
0047-2824 Journal of technology. 1956- Q106781946 None* None known Contact us
0001-4273 The journal of the Academy of Management. 1957-1962 Q337323 1964 None known Contact us
0885-3479 Journal of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. 1817- Q5946716 N/A 1817-1918 Contact us
0001-4966 The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 1929- Q26182 1946 None known Contact us
0449-3214 The Journal of the administrative sciences. 1956- Q106877511 None* None known Contact us
0095-9812 Journal of the aeronautical sciences. 1934- Q53952553 None None known Contact us
0001-9267 The Journal of the Aeronautical Society of India. 1949- Q106118075 None* None known Contact us
0002-2470 Journal of the Air Pollution Control Association. 1955-1986 Q24040002 None None known Contact us
0002-4112 The Journal of the Alabama Academy of Science. 1926- Q27721663 None None known Contact us
0002-4198 The Journal of the Alabama Dental Association. 1958-1997 Q27711330 None None known Contact us
0095-957X The Journal of the Allied Dental Societies. 1913-1918 N/A None known Contact us
0002-7138 Journal of the American Academy of Child Psychiatry. 1962-1986 Q27711334 1962* None known Contact us
0002-7146 The Journal of the American Academy of Gold Foil Operators. 1958-1975 Q27711335 None None known Contact us
0002-7448 The Journal of the American Association of Nurse Anesthetists. 1945- Q27711336 None None known Contact us
1535-4016 Journal of the American Association of University Teachers of Insurance. 1937-1956 Q96724007 None None known Contact us
0002-7820 Journal of the American Ceramic Society. Q6296090 1946* 1918-1945+ Contact us
0002-7863 Journal of the American Chemical Society. 1879- Q898902 1940 1879-1927+ Contact us
0002-7979 The Journal of the American College of Dentists. 1934- Q15765530 None None known Contact us
0002-8177 The Journal of the American Dental Association. 1922-1936 Q6296096 None* 1922-1928+ Contact us
0002-8185 The Journal of the American Dental Hygienists' Association. 1927- Q27711338 None* 1927-1961+ Contact us
0002-8223 Journal of the American Dietetic Association. 1925- Q15751299 None 1925-1930 Contact us
1536-0393 Journal of the American Geographical and Statistical Society. 1859-1870 Q96724010 N/A 1859-||-1870+ Contact us
1536-0407 Journal of the American Geographical Society of New York. 1872-1900 Q29043861 N/A 1872-1900+ Contact us
0002-8614 Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 1953- Q6296094 None None known Contact us
0095-9804 Journal of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers. 1920-1923 Q96723981 None* 1920-||-1929 Contact us
0002-8991 Journal of the American Institute of Planners. 1944-1978 Q27711342 1961 None known Contact us
0002-9955 Journal of the American Medical Association. 1883- Q1470970 1932 1883-1928 Contact us
1520-8621 The journal of the American Military History Foundation. 1937-1938 Q96736759 None* None known Contact us
1520-8613 The journal of the American Military Institute. 1939-1940 Q96736760 None* None known Contact us
0003-021X Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society. 1947- Q3810628 None* Predecessor Contact us
0003-0279 Journal of the American Oriental Society. Q6296105 None 1843-||-1935 Contact us
0098-6151 The journal of the American Osteopathic Association : JAOA. 1901- Q6107689 None 1901-||-2019 Contact us
0003-0538 Journal of the American Podiatry Association. 1958-1984 Q27711349 1964* 1958-1961+ Contact us
0003-0651 Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association. 1953- Q6296107 1953 None known Contact us
0273-1975 Journal of the American Public Health Association. 1911- Q26842121 N/A* 1911+ Contact us
0065-9991 Journal of the American Research Center in Egypt. 1962- Q2101371 None None known Contact us
0095-9073 Journal of the American Rocket Society. 1945-1953 Q96724025 None* None known Contact us
0003-1070 The Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research. Q15745478 1964* 1907-1928+ Contact us
0003-1089 Journal of the American Society for the Study of Orthodontics. 1963- Q27711362 None None known Contact us
0095-9650 Journal of the American Society of Agronomy. 1913-1948 Q104194605 None* 1913-1928+ Contact us
1544-9890 The journal of the American Society of Architectural Historians. 1941-1944 Q96724034 None None known Contact us
0003-116X Journal of the American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers. 1937- Q106876580 None None known Contact us
0099-7064 The journal of the American Society of Psychosomatic Dentistry. 1954-1958 Q106877513 None None known Contact us
0162-1459 Journal of the American Statistical Association. Q4181923 None 1888-1928 Contact us
0003-1488 Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association. 1915- Q15746380 None 1915-1999 Contact us
0066-1155 Journal of the American Veterinary Radiology Society. 1960-1979 Q106876581 None None known Contact us
0003-150X Journal of the American Water Works Association. 1914- Q15751975 1964 1914-||-1959 Contact us
0003-2778 Journal of the Anatomical Society of India. Q27710666 None* 2001-present Contact us
0959-5295 The journal of the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland. 1872-1906 Q29043832 N/A None known Contact us
1356-0131 Journal of the Anthropological Society of London. 1864-1871 Q83289298 N/A None known Contact us
1048-6143 Journal of the Appalachian Studies Association. 1989- Q107000592 All 1989-||-1995+ Contact us
0004-1378 Journal of the Arizona Academy of Science. 1959-1977 Q21385024 None None known Contact us
0004-2625 Journal of the Arnold Arboretum. 1919- Q1709876 None 1919-1990 Contact us
0368-3303 Journal of the Asiatic Society. 1961- Q27716010 None* None known Contact us
0368-1068 Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal. 1832- Q16584125 None* 1832-1910 Contact us
0004-5411 Journal of the Association for Computing Machinery. 1954- Q1709878 1954 1954-2000 Contact us
0021-9142 The Journal of the astronautical sciences. 1958- Q96329606 None None known Contact us
0022-4928 Journal of the atmospheric sciences. 1962- Q3186958 None None known Contact us
0067-3072 The Journal of the Baltimore College of Dental Surgery. 1937-1985 Q27711398 None None known Contact us
0304-2219 The Journal of the Bihar Research Society. 1943- Q106118076 None* None known Contact us
0007-0297 Journal of the British Astronomical Association. 1890- Q6296120 None* 1890-1928 Contact us
0368-1394 Journal of the British Dental Association. Q123421424 N/A* 1881-1903+ Contact us
1473-7981 Journal of the British Institute of International Affairs. 1922-1926 Q29043864 None* 1922-1928 Contact us
0538-0022 Journal of the British Institution of Radio Engineers 1939-1962 Q96724218 None* None known Contact us
0096-1051 Journal of the California Horticultural Society. 1940-1962 Q99982098 None None known Contact us
0008-3208 The Journal of the Canadian Church Historical Society. 1950- Q27716013 None* None known Contact us
2156-4876 Journal of the Central Mississippi Valley American Studies Association. 1960-1961 Q106116600 None* 1960-1961+ Contact us
0304-2235 Journal of the Ceylon Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society. 1845-1971 Q30673512 None* 1845-||-1928+ Contact us
0368-1769 Journal of the Chemical Society. 1862-1965 Q903605 None* 1862-1928+ Contact us
0578-154X Journal of the China Society. 1961- Q106876582 None* None known Contact us
0885-3487 The Journal of the Cincinnati Society of Natural History. 1878-1945 Q51395110 None 1878-1941 Contact us
0193-0796 Journal of the City Planning Division. 1956- Q106118077 None* Predecessor Contact us
0010-0935 The journal of the College & University Personnel Association. 1958- Q106116601 None None known Contact us
0010-1559 Journal of the Colorado Dental Association. 1962- Q15760688 None None known Contact us
0096-2279 Journal of the Colorado-Wyoming Academy of Science. 1929- Q106116606 None None known Contact us
0010-8731 Journal of the Cork Historical and Archaeological Society. 1892- Q15755503 None* 1892-1928 Contact us
1393-2195 Journal of the County Louth Archaeological Society. 1904-1971 Q96724283 None* 1904-||-1921 Contact us
0011-8516 The Journal of the Dental Association of South Africa = Die Tydskrif van die Tandheelkundige Vereniging van Suid-Afrika. 1953-1998 Q108443477 None* None known Contact us
0368-1823 Journal of the Department of Agriculture. 1920-1926 Q51496964 N/A 1920-1926 Contact us
0013-4651 Journal of the Electrochemical Society. 1948- Q3186957 None None known Contact us
0013-6220 Journal of the Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society. 1884-2001 Q51496969 None 1883-2001 Contact us
0071-0563 Journal of the English Folk Dance and Song Society 1932-1964 Q100998601 None* None known Contact us
1756-0985 The journal of the English Folk Dance Society. 1927-1931 Q106877515 None* None known Contact us
0818-6839 Journal of the Entomological Society of Queensland. 1962- Q100998600 None* None known Contact us
0013-8789 Journal of the Entomological Society of Southern Africa. 1939-1992 Q21385216 None* None known Contact us
1368-0358 Journal of the Ethnological Society of London. 1848-1856 Q29043790 N/A None known Contact us
1368-0374 The journal of the Ethnological Society of London. 1869-1870 Q96736771 N/A None known Contact us
0022-5002 Journal of the experimental analysis of behavior. 1958- Q6296143 1958 1958-2012 Contact us
0368-2242 Journal of the Faculty of Radiologists. 1949-1959 Q96329745 None* None known Contact us
2434-2904 Journal of the Faculty of Science, Hokkaido Imperial University. 1930-1946 Q96714582 None* None known Contact us
0018-3482 Journal of the Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University. 1946-1972 Q113478337 Unknown None known Contact us
0368-217X Journal of the Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University. 1949- Q108615069 None* None known Contact us
0549-4834 Journal of the Faculty of Science, Niigata University. 1953-1963 Q106118078 None* None known Contact us
0368-220X Journal of the Faculty of Science, the University of Tokyo. Tōkyō Daigaku Rigakubu kiyō. 1954-1986 Q106876584 None* None known Contact us
0368-2250 Journal of the Faculty of Science, University of Tokyo. 1925-1995 Q106876587 None* None known Contact us
0373-4722 Journal of the Faculty of Science, University of Tokyo. 1925-1989 Q106876585 None* None known Contact us
0360-1676 The Journal of the Florida State Dental Society. 1938-1967 Q27711482 None None known Contact us
0377-0567 Journal of the Folk-Song Society 1899-1931 Q30120055 None* 1899-||-1926 Contact us
0071-9587 The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society. 1903- Q27715967 None* 1903-||-recent Contact us
0332-415X Journal of the Galway Archaeological and Historical Society. 1900- Q45347086 None* 1903-||-1918 Contact us
0016-7614 Journal of the Geological Society of Australia. 1953- Q28840834 None* None known Contact us
0017-6087 Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society. 1889-1999 Q19081217 None* 1888-1999+ Contact us
0569-7972 Journal of the Highway Division. 1956- Q106118079 None* Predecessor Contact us
0440-8152 Journal of the Hillside Hospital. 1952-1969 Q27719622 None None known Contact us
0790-6366 The journal of the Historical and Archaeological Association of Ireland. 1873- Q24640871 N/A* 1868-1869+ Contact us
0018-2540 Journal of the Historical Society of Nigeria. 1956- Q69560460 None* None known Contact us
0022-5037 Journal of the history of ideas. 1940- Q471378 1947 None known Contact us
0022-5045 Journal of the history of medicine and allied sciences. 1946- Q15710008 None None known Contact us
0085-5774 Journal of the Hong Kong Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society. 1961- Q27716042 None* None known Contact us
1991-7295 Journal of the Hong Kong Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society. 1961- Q108800252 All* None known Contact us
0197-4807 Journal of the House of Representatives of Oklahoma reformatted from the original and including, Journal of the ... session of the Legislative Assembly of Oklahoma Territory ... 1890- Q108800284 None 1907-||-present+ Contact us
2469-2824 Journal of the Illinois State Archaeological Society. 1942- Q108127977 None* None known Contact us
1522-1067 Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society. Q27722141 None* 1908-||-2006 Contact us
0019-5731 Journal of the Indian Law Institute. 1958- Q27716910 None* None known Contact us
0019-5839 Journal of the Indian Mathematical Society. 1909- Q96329794 None* 1909-||-1928 Contact us
0019-5901 Journal of the Indian Merchants' Chamber. 1936- Q106118080 None* None known Contact us
0019-6363 Journal of the Indian Society of Agricultural Statistics. 1948- Q27723584 None* None known Contact us
0970-6070 Journal of the Indian Society of Oriental Art. 1933-2005 Q106118081 None* None known Contact us
0537-2585 Journal of the Indian Statistical Association. 1963- Q83289430 None* None known Contact us
2046-1674 Journal of the Institute of Actuaries and assurance magazine. 1867-1885 Q96724419 N/A None known Contact us
0046-9750 Journal of the Institute of Brewing. 1904- Q15761585 None* 1904-1928 Contact us
0388-0516 Journal of the Institute of Polytechnics, Osaka City University. 1950-1960 Q106116616 None* 1950-1960+ Contact us
0368-2692 The Journal of the Institution of Electrical Engineers. 1949-1963 Q96724386 None* Predecessor Contact us
0099-2887 The journal of the Institution of Electrical Engineers. 1889-1940 Q96724468 None* 1889-||-1926+ Contact us
0367-7559 The journal of the Institution of Electrical Engineers. 1941-1948 Q96724472 None* Predecessor Contact us
0367-7567 The journal of the Institution of Electrical Engineers. 1941-1948 Q96724476 None* Predecessor Contact us
0367-7540 The journal of the Institution of Electrical Engineers. 1944-1948 Q96724487 None* Predecessor Contact us
0020-3351 Journal of the Institution of Engineers (India). 1961- Q15745298 None* None known Contact us
0020-3408 Journal of the Institution of Engineers (India). 1961- Q96329866 None* None known Contact us
0368-2757 The Journal of the Institution of Production Engineers. -1952 Q96724503 None* None known Contact us
0950-7922 Journal of the International Folk Music Council. 1949-1968 Q28807426 None* None known Contact us
0021-0587 Journal of the Iowa Medical Society. 1961-1983 Q27711534 None* 1961-1983+ Contact us
0021-1567 The Journal of the Iron and Steel Institute. 1871-1973 Q109243785 None* 1871-1928 Contact us
0022-8567 Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society 1928- Q6296160 None None known Contact us
0790-6366 The journal of the Kilkenny and South-east of Ireland Archaeological Society. 1858-1871 N/A* 1856-1867+ Contact us
0319-4973 Journal of the Legislative Assembly of the province of Prince Edward Island reformatted from the original and including, Journal of the House of Assembly of His Majesty's Island Prince Edward ... 1773- Q106876589 None* 1894-2011 Contact us
0024-0966 Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society. 1959- Q21385521 None 1947-recent Contact us
0024-6107 Journal of the London Mathematical Society. 1926- Q15438116 None* None known Contact us
0024-6786 Journal of the Louisiana Dental Association. 1957-1972 Q27711576 None None known Contact us
0024-6921 The Journal of the Louisiana State Medical Society. 1953- Q15762038 None None known Contact us
0025-0422 Journal of the Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda. 1952- Q106118082 None* None known Contact us
2304-7550 Journal of the Malayan Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society. 1923- Q90264877 None* 1923-1928+ Contact us
0025-3618 Journal of the Market Research Society. 1959-1999 Q15751354 None* None known Contact us
0096-3747 The journal of the Maryland Academy of Sciences. 1930-1932 Q106118083 None None known Contact us
0025-4355 Journal of the Maryland State Dental Association. 1958-1994 Q15759947 None None known Contact us
0025-4800 Journal of the Massachusetts Dental Society. 1952- Q26839809 None None known Contact us
0025-5645 Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan. 1948- Q15441291 None* None known Contact us
1536-5050 Journal of the Medical Library Association : JMLA. 2002- Q15752795 All* 2002-||-present+ Contact us
0025-7524 Journal of the Medical Society of New Jersey. Q26839535 None* 1904-1985+ Contact us
0025-9861 Journal of the Mercer Dental Society. 1940-1977 Q27711600 None None known Contact us
0098-7107 The Journal of the Michigan State Dental Association. 1951-1968 Q27711602 None* Predecessor Contact us
0076-9436 Journal of the Mississippi Academy of Sciences. 1939- Q27723064 None None known Contact us
0026-6485 Journal of the Missouri Bar. 1945- Q27717059 None None known Contact us
0026-6523 Journal of the Missouri Dental Association. 1961-1979 Q27711605 None None known Contact us
1549-9804 Journal of the National Association of Biblical Instructors. 1933-1936 Q97013592 None* None known Contact us
0027-8602 The Journal of the National Association of College Teachers of Agriculture / 1958- Q106118084 None None known Contact us
0197-2650 Journal of the National Association of Referees in Bankruptcy. 1926- Q106118085 None None known Contact us
0097-1901 The Journal of the National Dental Association. -1922 Q96736828 N/A* 1915-1922+ Contact us
0898-1612 The Journal of the National Education Association. 1921-1945 Q106877516 None 1921-1928 Contact us
0096-7017 The Journal of the National Malaria Society. Q101032297 None 1942-1951 Contact us
0027-9684 Journal of the National Medical Association. 1909- Q15752322 None 1909-2007 Contact us
0028-1832 The Journal of the Nebraska Dental Association. 1958- Q27711617 None None known Contact us
0028-2715 Journal of the Nepal Medical Association : JNMA. 1963- Q15752324 None* 1967-present Contact us
0028-4939 Journal of the New England Water Works Association. 1886- Q96329985 None 1886-||-present Contact us
0885-4165 Journal of the New York Botanical Garden. 1900-1950 Q14646858 None* 1900-1950+ Contact us
0028-7199 Journal of the New York Entomological Society. 1893- Q21385624 None 1893-1999 Contact us
1047-4900 Journal of the New-York Microscopical Society. 1885- Q51497004 N/A 1885-1902 Contact us
0029-6066 The journal of the Numismatic Society of India. 1939- Q106118088 None* None known Contact us
0473-9868 Journal of the Ohio Herpetological Society. 1959-1966 Q53953132 None None known Contact us
0096-3984 Journal of the Operations Research Society of America. 1952-1955 Q29043746 None* None known Contact us
0453-4514 Journal of the Operations Research Society of Japan. 1957- Q15762597 None* None known Contact us
0030-3941 Journal of the Optical Society of America. 1917-1921 Q106118089 1951 1917-1928 Contact us
0030-5324 Journal of the Oriental Institute, M.S. University of Baroda, Baroda. 1951- Q15816822 None* None known Contact us
0030-9796 Journal of the Pakistan Historical Society. 1953- Q106118090 None* None known Contact us
0096-3577 Journal of the Patent Office Society. 1918- Q15749925 None None known Contact us
0032-4000 The journal of the Polynesian Society. 1892- Q15760156 None* 1892-recent Contact us
0569-8030 Journal of the Power Division. 1956-1978 Q96327321 None* Predecessor Contact us
0147-3735 Journal of the Presbyterian Historical Society. 1901-1930 Q102291248 None* 1901-1928 Contact us
0368-3931 Journal of the Royal Aeronautical Society. Q96725442 None* 1923-1928+ Contact us
0368-4016 Journal of the Royal African Society. None* 1901-1928 Contact us
0080-4134 Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England. 1840- Q51497019 None* 1840-1928 Contact us
0307-3114 The journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute. 1907- Q15793522 None* 1872-1928+ Contact us
0035-869X Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain & Ireland. Q27715893 None* 1834-1928+ Contact us
0035-872X The Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada. 1907- Q6296186 None* 1907-||-recent Contact us
0035-8789 Journal of the Royal Central Asian Society. 1914-1969 Q53953402 None* Predecessor Contact us
0266-6235 The journal of the Royal Geographic Society of London. 1832-1880 Q6296190 N/A 1831-1880+ Contact us
0790-6382 The journal of the Royal Historical and Archaeological Association of Ireland. 1878-1890 N/A* 1870-1889+ Contact us
0035-8924 Journal of the Royal Horticultural Society. 1846-1975 Q12176926 None* 1866-1928+ Contact us
1473-799X Journal of the Royal Institute of International Affairs. 1926-1930 Q53952590 None* Predecessor Contact us
0368-3974 Journal of the Royal Microscopical Society. 1878-1968 Q27711732 None* 1878-1928 Contact us
0035-9106 The journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland. 1892- Q15753377 None* 1890-1928+ Contact us
0035-9114 Journal of the Royal Society of Arts. 1908-1987 Q27717078 None* 1852-1928+ Contact us
0035-922X Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia. 1925-2013 Q5946667 None* 1914-2019 Contact us
0035-9254 Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. 1952- Q15759188 None* None known Contact us
0035-9238 Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. 1948-1987 Q27715464 None* Predecessor Contact us
0952-8385 Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series A, (Statistics in society) 1887- Q29043809 None* 1887-1928+ Contact us
0035-9246 Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. 1948-1997 Q96330030 None* None known Contact us
0036-0473 The Journal of the Rutgers University Library. 1937- Q27716555 None None known Contact us
0044-7986 Journal of the Sanitary Engineering Division. 1956-1972 Q96327328 None* Predecessor Contact us
2399-3405 Journal of the Sanitary Institute. 1894-1904 Q96725465 N/A* 1894-1904+ Contact us
0022-5142 Journal of the science of food and agriculture. 1950- Q2740606 None None known Contact us
0732-197X The Journal of the Senate 1868- Q105489196 None* 1868-||-present Contact us
0364-7285 Journal of the Senate of the State of Vermont 1836- Q106118091 None* 1836-||-present Contact us
0857-7099 The Journal of the Siam Society. 1946- Q15695325 None* None known Contact us
0037-9700 Journal of the Society for Army Historical Research. Q27715909 None* 1921-1928 Contact us
0368-4245 Journal of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics. 1953-1965 Q28807289 1955 None known Contact us
0037-9751 Journal of the Society for Psychical Research. Q15761535 None* 1884-||-1952+ Contact us
0037-9816 Journal of the Society of Archivists. 1955- Q15765538 None* None known Contact us
2049-7865 Journal of the Society of Arts. 1852-1908 N/A None known Contact us
0097-2010 The Journal of the Society of Automotive Engineers. -1927 Q106877517 None 1917-1927 Contact us
1069-8337 Journal of the Society of Biblical Literature and Exegesis : including the papers read and abstract of proceedings for ... 1882-1888 Q96725516 N/A 1881-1888+ Contact us
0368-4075 Journal of the Society of Chemical Industry. 1882- Q110422245 None* 1882-1928 Contact us
1550-0349 The journal of the Society of Cinematologists. 1961-1965 Q96736845 None None known Contact us
1479-5973 Journal of the Society of Comparative Legislation. 1896-1917 N/A None known Contact us
0038-0016 Journal of the Society of Public Teachers of Law. 1924-1980 Q106876590 None* None known Contact us
2050-2621 Journal of the Society of Telegraph Engineers 1872-1880 Q96725586 N/A* 1872-1880+ Contact us
0044-7994 Journal of the Soil Mechanics and Foundations Division. 1956-1973 Q96327335 None* Predecessor Contact us
0038-223X Journal of the South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy. 1956- Q15765389 None* 1969-2006+ Contact us
1936-8909 The journal of the Southern Appalachian Botanical Club. 1936- Q50577912 None None known Contact us
0081-4776 Journal of the Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland. 1863- Q15753977 None* 1861-||-present Contact us
0959-5341 Journal of the Statistical Society. 1838- Q107017923 N/A* 1838-1886+ Contact us
2304-7534 Journal of the Straits Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society. 1878-1922 Q5946741 N/A 1878-1922+ Contact us
0569-8073 Journal of the Surveying and Mapping Division. 1956-1982 Q96330059 None* Predecessor Contact us
0040-5043 Journal of the Textile Machinery Society of Japan. 1955-1999 Q96330081 None* None known Contact us
0097-3785 Journal of the United States artillery. 1892-1922 N/A None known Contact us
2155-8159 Journal of the University Film Producers Association. 1949-1967 Q106118092 None None known Contact us
0435-1428 Journal of the University of Gauhati. 1950-1976 Q106118093 None* None known Contact us
0551-4932 Journal of the University of Poona = Puṇeṃ Vidyāpīṭha patrikā. 1952- Q106116622 None* None known Contact us
0970-7484 The journal of the Uttar Pradesh Historical Society. 1950-1966 Q106116623 None* None known Contact us
0083-7156 The journal of the Walters Art Gallery 1938-2000 Q15752032 None None known Contact us
0075-4390 Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes. 1940- Q15764843 None* None known Contact us
0959-2024 Journal of the Warburg Institute. 1937-1939 Q54027273 None* None known Contact us
0043-0439 Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences. 1911- Q5405702 None 1911-||-2015 Contact us
0569-8103 Journal of the Waterways and Harbors Division. 1956-1970 Q106876591 None* Predecessor Contact us
0084-0254 The journal of the William Morris Society. 1961-2002 Q106116625 None* None known Contact us
0022-5185 The journal of theological studies 1899- Q4041903 None* 1899-1928 Contact us
0022-5193 Journal of theoretical biology. 1961- Q2153724 None* None known Contact us
0022-5223 The journal of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery. 1959- Q2795598 None* None known Contact us
0022-5266 The Journal of transport history. 1953- Q15755920 None* None known Contact us
0022-5282 The journal of trauma. 1961- Q15766545 1961 None known Contact us
0022-5320 Journal of ultrastructure research. 1957- Q45126759 1959 None known Contact us
0165-0106 The journal of unified science : Erkenntnis. 1931-1940 Q876363 None* None known Contact us
0022-5347 The journal of urology. 1917- Q15709979 1935 1917-1928 Contact us
0097-0751 Journal of Urusvati Himalayan Research Institute of Roerich Museum. 1931-1933 Q106116627 None* None known Contact us
0096-7025 Journal of venereal disease information. 1945- Q27719861 None 1945-1951+ Contact us
2450-7393 Journal of veterinary research/ 2016- Q50806905 All* 2016-present+ Contact us
0022-538X Journal of virology. 1967- Q1251128 All 1967-recent Contact us
0022-541X The journal of wildlife management. 1937- Q3186954 None None known Contact us
1141-2070 Journal officiel de la Martinique. 1902-1947 Q106116630 None* 1902-||-1947 Contact us
0373-0425 Journal officiel de la République française. 1945- Q27719315 None* 1869-present Contact us
0370-7334 Journal - Royal Sanitary Institute 1904-1955 Q96330325 None* 1904-1928+ Contact us
0217-7811 Journal, Southeast Asian history. 1960- Q96723261 None* None known Contact us
0098-7115 Journal - Southern California State Dental Association. Q27709498 None* 1934-1966+ Contact us
0075-4412 Journalism abstracts. 1963-1993 Q106118094 None None known Contact us
0197-2448 The Journalism bulletin. Q96726927 N/A* 1924-1927+ Contact us
0196-3031 The journalism quarterly. 1928-1995 Q27716075 None* 1928-1961 Contact us
0093-6065 Journals and calendars of the Senate and House reformatted from the original and including, Journals of the Senate and House ... 1915- Q106876592 None None known Contact us
0707-929X Journals of the House of Commons of the Dominion of Canada Q106118160 None* 1867-present Contact us
0075-4439 Journées annuelles de diabetologie de l'hôtel-Dieu. 1961- Q27711833 None* None known Contact us
0022-572X Judaica : Beiträge zum Verstehen des Judentums 1945- Q15751170 None* None known Contact us
0022-5800 Judicature. 1917- Q15758878 All* 2015-present+ Contact us
0083-3231 Judicial decisions comprising all court decisions, reported and unreported, in civil and criminal cases involving statutes administered by the Securities and Exchange Commission / 1941-1960 Q106876594 None* 1934-1948 Contact us
2470-4105 Judith Gap journal 1908- Q100301931 None 1908-1913 Contact us
0447-9971 The Judson review. 1963- Q106118161 None None known Contact us
0022-5851 Judy, or, the London serio-comic journal. 1867-1907 Q3188030 N/A 1868-||-1894 Contact us
0439-3457 Juigaku Kenkyu. Veterinary Research. 1953-1954 Q106116638 None* None known Contact us
0022-6173 Juilliard news bulletin. 1962-1984 Q106118162 None None known Contact us
0449-4024 The Juilliard review annual. 1963-1968 Q106118163 None* None known Contact us
0082-7002 Julkaisuja. annales. 1956- Q106876595 None* None known Contact us
0146-5546 Jump cut. Q1713208 All 1974-present Contact us
2470-8895 Junction City bulletin -1901 N/A None known Contact us
2327-6606 Juniata sentinel and Republican 1873- Q100302083 None 1873-1900 Contact us
0009-8655 The junior high school clearing house. 1920- Q106118164 1941 1920-||-1960 Contact us
0022-6785 The juridical review. 1889- Q15761387 None* 1889-||-1922 Contact us
0022-6793 Jurimetrics. 1959- Q15762860 All* None known Contact us
0326-1190 Jurisprudencia argentina 1918- Q106116641 None* 1918-||-1928 Contact us
0022-6858 The jurist. 1941- Q7743876 None None known Contact us
0022-6882 Juristenzeitung. 1951- Q1313924 None* None known Contact us
0022-6920 Juristische Rundschau. 1947- Q1713995 None* None known Contact us
0161-7109 Juvenile and family court journal. 1949- Q15758880 All* None known Contact us
0022-7153 Juvenile court judges journal. 1949-1972 Q96720591 None* None known Contact us
0822-2770 Juvenile delinquents / 1944-1984 Q106876597 None* None known Contact us
0350-185X Južnoslovenski filolog. 1913- Q50434962 None* 1913-||-present Contact us
0022-7498 Kadmos. 1962- Q1418498 None* None known Contact us
0453-0845 Kagoshima Daigaku Nōgakubu gakujutsu hōkoku. Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture, Kagoshima University. 1952- Q106116644 None* None known Contact us
0022-7757 Kairos : Zeitschrift für Religionswissenschaft und Theologie. 1959- Q106876598 None* None known Contact us
0449-6361 Kaishaku. 1955- Q106876599 None* None known Contact us
0130-2795 Kalbos kultura. 1961- Q106876600 None* None known Contact us
2043-345X The kaleidoscope, or, literary and scientific mirror. 1818-1831 N/A None known Contact us
2471-1934 The Kalispell bee 1900- Q106877519 N/A 1900-1903 Contact us
2373-3772 Kanawha Valley star 1856- Q100302097 N/A 1855-1861 Contact us
2372-2843 Kansas agitator 1890-1905 N/A None known Contact us
0745-1067 The Kansas City star. 1885- Q3521457 1929 None known Contact us
2329-2342 The Kansas herald of freedom 1854- Q100302565 N/A 1854-1859 Contact us
0022-8710 The Kansas nurse. 1941- Q15760374 None None known Contact us
0891-1967 The Kansas University science bulletin. 1902-1924 Q107047835 N/A None known Contact us
2329-2563 Kansas weekly herald 1854-1858 N/A None known Contact us
0355-1830 Kansatieteellinen arkisto. 1934- Q106118167 None* None known Contact us
0022-8877 Kant-Studien; philosophische Zeitschrift. 1897- Q319237 None* 1897-1928+ Contact us
0910-4666 Kantō kinseishi kenkyū. 1963- Q106116649 None* None known Contact us
0340-6059 Kantstudien. 1906- Q106116650 None* 1906-1928+ Contact us
0077-5843 Kao gu ren lei xue kan. 1953- Q27719005 None* None known Contact us
0022-9032 Kardiologia polska. 1957- Q2775982 None* None known Contact us
0075-5222 Kasmera / 1962- Q65212820 None* None known Contact us
0509-6421 Katalog mikrofilmów. 1951- Q106118168 None* None known Contact us
2576-9006 Katolik 1893-1895 Q100303377 N/A None known Contact us
0453-3992 Katunob. 1960- Q27715917 None None known Contact us
0451-5625 Kavkazskiĭ ėtnograficheskiĭ sbornik. 1955- Q106118170 None* None known Contact us
0368-4814 Kazanskii meditsinskii zhurnal. 1901- Q27717933 None* None known Contact us
0453-4387 Keats-Shelley journal. 1952- Q15754655 None None known Contact us
0453-4395 Keats-Shelley Memorial bulletin, Rome. 1950- Q106118171 None* 1910-1913 Contact us
0003-8865 Keesing's contemporary archives. 1931-1986 Q18387419 None* None known Contact us
0022-9709 Keio economic studies. 1963- Q15757272 None* None known Contact us
0022-9717 Keio journal of medicine. 1952- Q15755860 None* None known Contact us
0451-6184 Keizai kenkyū. 1956- Q106876601 None* None known Contact us
2381-1951 The Kendrick gazette 1892- Q100303443 None 1903-1922 Contact us
0453-5073 Keneset : divre sifrut le-zekher Ḥ.N. Bialiḳ. 1935- Q106876602 None* None known Contact us
0387-2769 Kenkyū nenpō. 1958-2003 Q106876603 None* None known Contact us
0453-5103 The Kennecott lecture series. -1963 Q106116653 None None known Contact us
2331-8112 The Kennewick courier 1905-1914 Q100303588 N/A None known Contact us
0749-713X Kenosha news. 1962- Q6391314 None None known Contact us
0023-0227 Kentucky folklore record. 1955- Q27716049 1965* None known Contact us
1943-8931 Kentucky Irish American. 1898-1968 Q6392290 None 1898-1921 Contact us
0023-026X Kentucky law journal. 1913- Q15758882 None 1913-recent Contact us
0747-4547 The Kentucky post. 1890-1958 Q56236576 1939* None known Contact us
0163-075X The Kenyon review. 1939- Q7744133 1938 None known Contact us
0453-6592 Kerala State administration report. 1957- Q106875554 None* None known Contact us
2009-1362 Kerry archaeological magazine. 1908- Q96721239 N/A 1908-1915 Contact us
0023-0707 Kerygma und Dogma. 1955- Q1567293 None* None known Contact us
0023-0715 Ḳeshet. 1958- Q6752662 None* None known Contact us
2637-5540 The Ketchum keystone 1881- Q100303826 N/A 1881-1899+ Contact us
0023-0766 The key 1798- Q106877521 N/A None known Contact us
0023-0987 Keystone folklore. 1956- Q27715949 None 1956-1989 Contact us
0453-7955 Khana. 1953- Q106876605 None* None known Contact us
0340-6970 Kieler Vorträge. 1921- Q106118172 None* 1921-||-1928 Contact us
2475-353X The Kimball graphic 1883-1905 N/A None known Contact us
1342-5412 Kinema junpō = The movie times. 1919-1996 Q1052227 None* 1919-1926 Contact us
0023-1584 Kinetics and catalysis. 1960- Q15760324 None* None known Contact us
2329-2385 The Kinsley graphic 1890-1940 Q100304105 None 1890-1904 Contact us
0023-1738 The Kipling journal. 1927- 1944* 1927-recent Contact us
0453-9273 Kirche im Osten. 1958-2000 Q106876606 None* None known Contact us
0355-0176 Kirjallisuudentutkijain seuran vuosikirja. 1929- Q106116655 None* None known Contact us
0451-9930 Kirkia : journal of the Federal Herbarium, Salisbury, Rhodesia and Nyasaland. 1960- Q5959937 None* None known Contact us
0023-1851 Ḳiryat sefer : rivʻon bibliyografi shel Bet ha-sefarim ha-leʼumi ṿeha-universiṭaʼi bi-Yerushalayim. 1924- Q1743472 None* None known Contact us
0023-1924 The Kitasato archives of experimental medicine. 1917- Q27711848 None* 1917-1925 Contact us
0023-1940 The Kiva. 1935- Q15756523 None None known Contact us
0173-0827 Kladderadatsch 1855-1855 Q314052 N/A None known Contact us
0176-8905 Kleine Schriften der Gesellschaft für Theatergeschichte. 1906- Q106118173 None* None known Contact us
0404-7125 Kleine Veröffentlichungen der Remeis-Sternwarte Bamberg. 1946- Q106116661 None* None known Contact us
0023-2076 Kleintier-Praxis. 1956- Q96330589 None* None known Contact us
0023-2173 Klinische Wochenschrift. Q27711855 None* 1922-1923 Contact us
1438-7689 Klio. 1906- Q111579630 None* 1903-||-1923+ Contact us
0075-6334 Klio : Beiträge zur alten Geschichte. 1901- Q1495737 None* 1901-||-1927+ Contact us
2150-3168 The knight errant. 1892- Q96736923 N/A 1892-1893 Contact us
2043-3476 Knight's penny magazine. 1846- Q106876607 N/A 1846+ Contact us
2043-3484 Knight's quarterly magazine Q125808633 N/A 1823-1824 Contact us
0130-2310 Knizhnai︠a︡ li︠e︡topis' / 1907-1977 Q106876608 None* 1907-1928 Contact us
0023-2408 Književnost. 1947- Q111580745 None* None known Contact us
0023-2424 Knjižnica. 1957- Q50426230 None* None known Contact us
0023-2513 Kobe journal of medical sciences. 1954- Q15755362 None* None known Contact us
0454-112X Kobijutsu. 1963-1993 Q106116666 None* None known Contact us
0452-2516 Kodai. 1950- Q106876609 None* None known Contact us
0023-2599 Kōdai mathematical seminar reports. 1949-1979 Q111581644 None* None known Contact us
0075-6458 Koedoe : African protected area conservation and science. 1958- Q6425531 None* None known Contact us
0023-270X Koers. 1933- Q50426229 None* None known Contact us
0452-2877 Koinonia. 1963-1978 Q104199982 None* None known Contact us
0023-2785 Kokka. 1889- Q6426646 None* 1889-1923 Contact us
0023-2793 Kokka Gakkai zasshi. -1887 Q104479690 N/A None known Contact us
0003-8075 Kōkogaku zasshi. 1910- Q104439967 None* 1910-||-1928+ Contact us
0389-861X Kokubun / 1953- Q104779196 None* None known Contact us
0386-9911 Kokubungaku kaishaku to kanshō. 1936- Q105075442 None* None known Contact us
0452-3016 Kokubungaku : kaishaku to kyōzai no kenkyū. 1956- Q11422717 None* None known Contact us
0454-174X Kokugo nenkan = Japanese language studies : annual survey and bibliography. 1954- Q105232792 None* None known Contact us
0387-3110 Kokugo to kokubungaku. -1924 N/A None known Contact us
0023-2866 Kokusaihō gaikō zasshi. -1912 N/A None known Contact us
0075-6512 Kölner Jahrbuch für Vor- und Frühgeschichte 1955-1992 Q105427282 None* None known Contact us
0023-2653 Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie / 1955- Q882769 None* None known Contact us
0233-4194 Komsomolʹskai͡a pravda. 1925- Q849047 None* None known Contact us
0452-4187 Kōnan keizaigaku ronshū. -1960 Q105560571 None* None known Contact us
0023-3609 Konsthistorisk tidskrift; revy för konst och konstforskning. 1932- Q6430302 None* None known Contact us
0023-3617 Konstrevy. 1925-1970 Q78992619 None* None known Contact us
0023-3900 Korea journal. 1961- Q6431659 None* 1961-present Contact us
0454-4161 Korean report. 1961-1973 Q105668259 None* None known Contact us
0452-5930 Korean survey. 1952-1961 Q105668421 None* None known Contact us
0452-599X Koroze a ochrana materiálu. 1957- Q50478497 None* 2012-present Contact us
0342-0752 Korrespondenzblatt des Vereins für niederdeutsche Sprachforschung. 1876- Q105750114 None* 1876-1921 Contact us
2469-651X Kosciusko chronicle 1846- Q100304508 N/A 1846-||-1866 Contact us
0454-4617 Kovcezić. 1958- Q105889043 None* None known Contact us
0450-8726 Koža & obuća. 1952- Q96723416 None* 2015-present Contact us
0023-4559 Krasnai͡a zvezda : t͡sentralʹnyĭ organ Revoli͡ut͡sionnogo voennogo soveta SSSR. 1924- Q739387 None* None known Contact us
0586-1578 Kriminalvården. 1961- Q78993399 None* None known Contact us
0100-512X Kriterion : revista de filosofia. 1947- Q15751697 None* 1947-present Contact us
1866-0894 Kritische Ueberschau der deutschen Gesetzgebung und Rechtswissenschaft. 1853-1859 N/A 1853-1859+ Contact us
0179-2830 Kritische Vierteljahresschrift für Gesetzgebung und Rechtswissenschaft. [electronic resource] 1986- Q15724452 None* 1859-||-1925+ Contact us
1866-0886 Kritische Zeitschrift für die gesammte Rechtswissenschaft 1853-1859 N/A 1853-1859+ Contact us
0454-5524 Krystalinikum. 1962- Q106225050 None* None known Contact us
1237-7570 Kuka kukin on = Who's who in Finland. 1950- Q61157472 None* None known Contact us
0454-5761 Kulchur. 1960-1965 Q106225107 1962 None known Contact us
0323-4967 Kultur im Heim. 1956- Q20203073 None* None known Contact us
0023-5148 Kultura. 1947-2000 Q1750512 None* 1947-2000 Contact us
0023-5152 Kultura i społeczeństwo. 1957- Q11750972 None* None known Contact us
0023-5369 Kungl. Krigsvetenskapsakademiens handlingar och tidskrift 1833- Q27716641 None* None known Contact us
0560-2416 Kungl. Skytteanska samfundets handlingar = Acta Regiae Societatis Skytteanae. 1961- Q106116668 None* None known Contact us
0083-677X Kungl. Vitterhets, historie och antikvitets akademiens handlingar. 1954- Q106411585 None* None known Contact us
0023-5393 Kunst des Orients. 1950-1980 Q27715920 None* None known Contact us
0023-5415 Kunst og kultur. 1910- Q6445019 None* 1910-||-present Contact us
0023-5423 Die Kunst und das schöne Heim. 1949-1984 Q1214155 None* None known Contact us
0023-544X Kunst und Literatur. 1953-1990 Q106501209 None* None known Contact us
0023-5474 Kunstchronik. 1948- Q1792359 None* None known Contact us
0023-5490 Kunstgeschichtliche Anzeigen. 1904-1913 N/A None known Contact us
2589-2584 Kunsthistorische mededelingen van het Rijksbureau voor Kunsthistorische Documentatie, 's-Gravenhage 1946-1949 Q106118177 None* None known Contact us
0172-6757 Kunstpreis-Verzeichnis. 1953-1969 Q106605025 None* None known Contact us
0932-2043 Kunstwart. 1887-1932 Q106118178 None* 1887-1932 Contact us
0023-561X Das Kunstwerk. 1946- Q1169409 None* None known Contact us
0341-8049 Kürschners deutscher Gelehrten-Kalender auf das Jahr ... 1925-1992 Q1797292 None* None known Contact us
0023-5679 Kurume medical journal. 1954- Q15755907 None* 1954-2019 Contact us
0072-4491 Kurzberichte aus den Giessener Papyrussammlungen. 1956- Q106116672 None* None known Contact us
0023-5830 Kvasný průmysl. 1955- Q28064887 None* 2015-present Contact us
0454-7306 Kwansei Gakuin University annual studies. 1953-1995 Q106116673 None* None known Contact us
1230-4050 Kwartalnik filozoficzny. 1923- Q11751598 None* 1922-||-2017 Contact us
0023-5873 Kwartalnik geologiczny / 1957- Q96330946 None* None known Contact us
0023-5911 Kwartalnik neofilologiczny. 1954- Q104356392 None* None known Contact us
0023-5946 Kybernetik. 1961-1974 Q27711866 None* None known Contact us
0452-3318 Kyōiku kenkyū. 1960- Q106917269 None* None known Contact us
0451-1492 Kyōto Daigaku Kōgaku Kenkyūjo ihō = Bulletin of the Engineering Research Institute, Kyoto University. 1952-1971 Q106116674 None* None known Contact us
0023-6055 Kyoto University economic review. 1926- Q106876611 None* None known Contact us
0023-6128 Kyrios. 1936-1974 Q106876612 None* None known Contact us
1340-6116 Kyushu journal of mathematics. 1994- Q15461026 All* 1994-present+ Contact us
0151-6949 L'Informateur des aliénistes et des neurologistes N/A* 1906-1925+ Contact us
0020-0204 L'Information psychiatrique 1924- Q27711236 None* None known Contact us
1169-2502 La Caricature morale, politique et littéraire Q949749 N/A 1830-1843 Contact us
1245-6853 La Jeune France (Paris. 1878) N/A 1878-1888 Contact us
0094-8144 Labor age. 1921-1933 Q6467154 None 1921-1933+ Contact us
1043-5514 Labor arbitration reports. 1946- Q106876622 1947* None known Contact us
2471-2213 The labor argus 1906- Q100304708 N/A 1906-1911+ Contact us
0023-6527 Labor developments abroad. 1956- Q106876680 None* 1956-1972 Contact us
0023-656X Labor history. 1960- Q6467172 None None known Contact us
2328-4013 The labor journal 1909- Q106877522 None 1909-1922 Contact us
0147-0736 Labor market review. 1948- Q106876681 None* 1948-1964 Contact us
0148-7981 Labor relations reporter. 1938- Q106876682 None None known Contact us
0023-6837 Laboratory investigation. 1952- Q6467260 1953 None known Contact us
0023-6942 Labour history. 1963- Q15766008 None* None known Contact us
0023-6985 The Labour monthly. 1921-1981 Q6467442 None* 1921-1928 Contact us
0075-7578 Labour organizations in Canada. 1959-1978 Q106876683 None* Predecessor Contact us
0023-7000 Labour research : the monthly circular of the Labour Research Department. 1930- Q106876684 None* None known Contact us
0456-9946 Labour review. 1952-1963 Q106876685 None* None known Contact us
0145-2479 Lackawanna legal record. 1953- Q106876686 N/A 1878-1879 Contact us
0023-7124 The ladies' home journal. 1889- Q2394235 1929 1885-1928 Contact us
0364-2380 The ladies' home journal and practical housekeeper. 1883-1889 N/A None known Contact us
2043-3514 The ladies' museum. 1829-1832 N/A None known Contact us
2156-3896 The Lady's world. 1843- Q123573365 N/A None known Contact us
0023-7213 Læknablaðið. The Islandic medical journal. 1915- Q26842530 None* None known Contact us
2381-5191 Lake Charles commercial 1881- Q100304887 N/A 1881-1897 Contact us
2381-5248 The Lake Charles echo 1876- Q100304889 N/A* 1876-||-1894+ Contact us
2472-0178 The Lake County star 1873- Q100304893 None 1873-||-1889 Contact us
2474-5502 The Lake County times 1906- Q106877523 None 1906-||-1922 Contact us
2574-5670 The Lakeland evening telegram 1911- Q100304902 N/A 1911-1922 Contact us
0023-7388 The Lal-baugh : journal of the Mysore Horticultural Society. 1956- Q106877524 None* None known Contact us
0458-6506 Lalit kalā. 1956- Q106876689 None* None known Contact us
0023-7396 Lalit Kalā contemporary. 1962- Q106876690 None* None known Contact us
2577-4093 The Lamar register 1889- Q100304919 None* 1889-1923+ Contact us
2376-8304 The Lamoille news 1877- Q100304927 N/A* 1877-1880+ Contact us
2376-8320 Lamoille newsdealer 1860- Q100304929 N/A 1860-1874 Contact us
2472-9027 The Lancaster ledger 1852-1905 N/A None known Contact us
0099-5355 The lancet. 1823- Q939416 None* 1823-1928 Contact us
0023-7523 The Land. 1911- Q17009440 None* None known Contact us
0023-7639 Land economics. 1948- Q6483893 1954* None known Contact us
0023-7930 Landfall. 1947- Q17000140 None* None known Contact us
0457-0936 Lands east : the Near and Middle East magazine / 1956-1959 Q106876691 None None known Contact us
0023-8023 Landscape. 1951- Q27716133 See record None known Contact us
0023-8031 Landscape architecture. 1910- Q96331023 1964* 1910-2015 Contact us
0023-8082 Die Landtechnik. 1946- Q50814228 None* None known Contact us
2158-8929 The Langston City herald. 1891- Q100305114 N/A 1892-||-1900 Contact us
0097-8507 Language. 1925- Q6486629 1955* 1925-||-recent Contact us
0023-8309 Language and speech. 1958- Q80605 None* None known Contact us
0458-7332 Language Laboratory 1961- Q123679664 None* None known Contact us
0023-8333 Language learning. 1948- Q6486656 None None known Contact us
0075-7950 Language monographs. 1925- Q123679686 None* None known Contact us
0023-8376 Les Langues modernes. 1903- Q15750002 None* 1903-||-2003 Contact us
0184-7570 Les Langues néo-latines : bulletin trimestriel de la société des langues nép-latines. 1947- Q89114981 None* None known Contact us
0083-4653 Lantbrukshögskolans meddelanden. Reports of the Agricultural College of Sweden. Series A. 1963-1977 Q78994882 None* None known Contact us
0023-8422 Lantern. 1949-1995 Q123563544 None* None known Contact us
1010-7266 Laographia. 1909- Q106876692 None* 1909-1928 Contact us
0023-8503 Lares. 1930- Q21152563 None* 1912-1915 Contact us
0023-852X The Laryngoscope. 1896- Q15755068 None 1896-1961 Contact us
1081-2172 Las Cruces sun-news. 1939- Q6492172 None None known Contact us
2375-5989 The Las Vegas gazette [electronic resource]. 1886- Q100305272 N/A 1879-1886 Contact us
1097-1645 Las Vegas review-journal. 1949- Q3632498 None None known Contact us
0093-3112 Latin American series. 1942- Q106876693 None* 1942-||-1976 Contact us
2474-879X Latin notes. 1923-1936 None* 1923-1936 Contact us
0732-4596 The Latin quarter-ly. 1933-1934 Q106116676 None None known Contact us
0023-9003 The laurel review / 1961- Q106877525 1964* None known Contact us
0023-9054 Laval théologique et philosophique. 1944- Q15760472 None* 1945-recent Contact us
0023-9062 Lavender band : the bulletin of the Iowa Dental Hygientists' Association. 1961- Q106876694 None 2009-2014 Contact us
0023-9186 Law and contemporary problems. 1933- Q6503131 1934* 1933-present Contact us
0023-9194 Law and order. 1953- Q109834808 1960 None known Contact us
2642-522X The law bulletin of the State University of Iowa. 1891-1901 N/A None known Contact us
0075-823X Law in Eastern Europe. 1958- Q96331163 None* None known Contact us
0734-158X Law in transition. 1961-1963 Q106876695 None* None known Contact us
0023-9267 Law Institute journal : the official organ of the Law Institute of Victoria. 1927- Q15753159 None* 1927-||-recent Contact us
0195-9654 The law librarian 1887-1890 N/A None known Contact us
0023-9283 Law library journal. 1908- Q15767250 None 1908-||-present Contact us
0457-2483 Law library lights : news and views of the Law Librarians' Society of Washington, D.C. 1957- Q106118180 None 1998-present Contact us
1044-4564 Law notes. 1897-1946 Q106876696 None 1897-1927 Contact us
0023-933X The law quarterly review. 1885- Q6503066 None* 1885-||-1922 Contact us
0749-6257 Law review of the Law Department of the University of Detroit. 1917-1918 N/A None known Contact us
1046-3178 Law schools and bar admission requirements in the United States. 1940-1977 Q100998604 None None known Contact us
0703-5942 The Law Society's gazette. 1929-1935 Q110138911 None* None known Contact us
0023-9437 The lawyer : journal of the Law Society, University of Lagos, Lagos, Nigeria. 1961- Q100998602 None* None known Contact us
0734-1598 Lawyers Guild review. 1940-1960 Q100998603 None* None known Contact us
0023-625X LBI news. 1960- Q100998599 None 1960-present Contact us
1256-0464 Le Petit journal (Paris. 1863) Q2115162 None* 1863-1944 Contact us
0075-8280 Leaders in American science. 1953-1968 Q100998598 None None known Contact us
0075-8299 Leaders in education. 1932-1974 Q98668771 None 1948 Contact us
0745-7367 The leaf-chronicle. 1890- Q106115910 None* 1890-1892+ Contact us
2167-6194 Leaflet / Field Museum of Natural History, Dept. of Anthropology. 1922-1924 Q26849204 None* 1922-1928 Contact us
0004-6272 Leaflet. 1934-1971 Q106876697 None* 1925-1971 Contact us
0953-1513 Learned publishing / 1988- Q13748647 All* 1988-recent Contact us
1740-5866 Learning and teaching. 2008- Q15759628 All 2020-present Contact us
0730-9015 Lebanon County legal journal. 1948- Q106118181 None None known Contact us
2472-6648 The Lebanon express 1887- Q6511083 None 1887-||-1897 Contact us
0024-0079 Lecciones y ensayos / 1956- Q6107043 None* 1956-present Contact us
2374-7250 Der Lecha Caunty patriot 1859- Q100293063 N/A 1859-1869 Contact us
2373-4973 Der Lecha Patriot und Northampton Demokrat 1839-1848 N/A None known Contact us
0081-9360 Lectures in theoretical physics : lectures delivered at the Summer Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Colorado, Boulder. 1959- Q106876699 None None known Contact us
0197-632X Legislative history of the Committee on Foreign Relations, United States Senate. 1950- Q106118182 None* 1950-||-1974+ Contact us
0271-5910 Legislative journal of the State of Nebraska 1937- Q106118183 None* 1937-||-present Contact us
0093-9374 Leica manual. 1935- Q106876705 None 1937-||-1955 Contact us
2043-3565 Leigh Hunt's journal 1850-1851 N/A None known Contact us
2043-3581 Leigh Hunt's London journal and the printing machine. 1835- Q106876706 N/A 1835 Contact us
2043-359X The leisure hour. 1852-1905 Q21480438 N/A 1852-1905 Contact us
0075-8728 Leitfaden für Presse und Werbung. 1947-1971 Q106118184 None* None known Contact us
0455-6224 Lekovite sirovine. 1951- Q50478658 None* 2011-present Contact us
0457-4222 Leksikografichnĭĭ bi︠u︡letenʹ 1851-1963 Q106118185 None* None known Contact us
2577-3445 The Lemmon herald 1912-1917 N/A None known Contact us
0305-7518 Leprosy review. 1930- Q15755063 None* 1928-present Contact us
0323-1046 Lesnícky časopis. Q50435023 None* 2009-2013+ Contact us
0522-5078 Lětopis. Jahresschrift des Instituts für Sorbische Volksforschung. 1963-1991 Q110017246 None* None known Contact us
0522-5086 Letopis. 1953- Q1669819 None* None known Contact us
0522-506X Lětopis. 1952- Q106876714 None* None known Contact us
0136-7323 Letopisʹ Severa / 1949-1985 Q106118186 None* None known Contact us
0378-4878 Letras. 1929- Q50478514 None* 1929-present Contact us
0024-1334 Lettere italiane. 1949- Q3236939 None* None known Contact us
0315-4955 Letters in Canada. 1936- Q106876716 None* None known Contact us
0024-1369 Les Lettres. 1945- Q106876713 None* None known Contact us
0024-1393 Lettres françaises. 1941-1947 Q431747 None* 1942-1949 Contact us
0024-1407 Les Lettres nouvelles. 1953- Q3233525 None* None known Contact us
0024-1415 Les Lettres romanes . 1947- Q15756667 None* None known Contact us
0024-1482 Leuvense bijdragen. 1921- Q15762825 None* 1896-1940 Contact us
0541-5756 Levensberichten der afgestorven medeleden. 1864-1916 N/A None known Contact us
2333-1666 Lewisburg chronicle 1850-1859 Q100306426 N/A None known Contact us
2333-1712 Lewisburg chronicle, and the West Branch farmer -1849 N/A None known Contact us
2381-294X Lewiston inter-state news 1905- Q100306560 N/A* 1905 Contact us
0892-2586 Lewiston morning tribune. 1899- Q18151658 None 1900-||-2004 Contact us
2376-3485 Lewistown gazette 1843- Q100306565 None 1849-||-1867 Contact us
2379-6170 Lexington dispatch-news N/A* 1917-1919+ Contact us
2157-1384 The Lexington standard. 1892- Q100306588 N/A 1900-||-1911 Contact us
1951-6215 Lexis : journal in English lexicology. 1008- Q50814877 All 2008-present Contact us
0457-625X Li shi jiao xue wen ti. 1957- Q106116679 None* None known Contact us
2329-5570 The Libby herald 1911- Q100306595 N/A 1911-1913 Contact us
2043-3603 El liberal 1912- Q106876136 N/A 1822-1823 Contact us
2043-362X El liberal [electronic resource]. 1912- Q69613381 N/A 1819-1828+ Contact us
0734-1377 The liberal Christian. 1866-1876 N/A None known Contact us
2329-2628 The Liberal democrat 1911-1924 N/A None known Contact us
0024-1822 Liberal education. 1959- Q15753512 1964* 1959-1961 Contact us
0197-3894 The liberal preacher. 1827-1843 N/A None known Contact us
2470-8917 Liberal Republican 1872- Q106876718 N/A 1872-1874 Contact us
2374-5762 Der liberale Beobachter und Berks, Montgomery und Schuylkill Caunties allgemeine anzeiger 1839- Q100293064 N/A 1839-1851 Contact us
2469-6595 Liberty advocate -1866 Q100306617 N/A None known Contact us
0075-899X The Libraries, museums and art galleries year book. 1911-1979 Q105415411 None* 1910-||-1929 Contact us
0024-2160 The Library. 1889- Q15752338 None* 1889-||-1973 Contact us
0024-2195 Library Association record. 1899- Q27715878 None* 1899-1928 Contact us
0885-4351 The Library chronicle of the University of Texas. 1944-1968 Q106877526 None* 1944-1968+ Contact us
0024-2241 The Library chronicle of the University of Texas at Austin. 1970- Q27719574 All* 1970-1997+ Contact us
0363-0277 Library journal. 1976- Q6542511 1932 1876-1927 Contact us
0041-7807 Library of Congress catalog: Motion pictures and filmstrips. 1953- Q106118187 None* 1953-||-1972 Contact us
0041-7904 Library of Congress information bulletin. 1943- Q102290735 None* 1945-||-2011+ Contact us
0024-2519 The library quarterly. 1931- Q7991370 1953 1931-1953 Contact us
0024-2535 Library review. 1927- Q6542524 None* None known Contact us
0459-262X Library science abstracts. 1950-1968 Q106876719 None* None known Contact us
0024-2683 Libri e riviste d'Italia. 1950- Q106118188 None* 2007-||-present Contact us
0024-273X El Libro español. 1958- Q98547403 None* 1958-1986 Contact us
0459-2778 Libro español. 1958- Q98547495 None* None known Contact us
0457-7558 Libros de hoy. books of today. 1951- Q106876720 None* None known Contact us
0459-3030 Libyca. 1953- Q106876722 None* None known Contact us
0459-3049 Libyca. bulletin du Service des antiquités. 1953-1961 Q106876721 None* None known Contact us
0024-2829 The Lichenologist 1958- Q15755501 None* None known Contact us
0075-9317 Lick Observatory bulletins. 1902- Q66616138 None 1901-1956 Contact us
0457-8147 Lietuva : politikos žurnalas = Lithuania : political magazine. 1952-1956 Q12663143 None None known Contact us
0130-0172 Lietuviu kalbotyros klausimai. 1957- Q106116682 None* None known Contact us
0459-3448 Lietuvos TSR aukštųjų mokyklų mokslo darbai. 1962-1978 Q111434160 None* None known Contact us
0202-3261 Lietuvos TSR aukštųjų mokyklų mokslo darbai. Nauchnye trudy vysshykh uchebnykh zavedeniĭ Litovskoĭ SSR. 1962- Q111434197 None* None known Contact us
0131-3843 Lietuvos TSR Mokslų akademijos darbai. Trudy Akademii nauk Litovskoĭ SSR. Serii︠a︡ A. 1955-1989 Q111434309 None* None known Contact us
0132-2729 Lietuvos TSR Mokslų akademijos darbai. Trudy Akademii nauk Litovskoĭ SSR. Serii︠a︡ B. 1955-1989 Q111434388 None* None known Contact us
0024-3019 Life. 1936- Q463198 1936* 1936-1972+ Contact us
0024-3078 Life association news. 1906-1999 Q106116687 None None known Contact us
0459-3634 Life en español. 1953-1969 Q106118189 1960* None known Contact us
0075-9406 Life insurance fact book. 1946-1998 Q106118190 None* None known Contact us
0269-3593 Life of the spirit 1947-1964 Q108041922 None* None known Contact us
0024-3345 Light metal age. 1943- Q15863902 None None known Contact us
1945-4929 The light of Zion, and Sabbath school contributor. 1841-1843 N/A None known Contact us
0096-9052 Lighting journal. 1913- Q110997603 N/A 1913-1917 Contact us
0075-9481 Lilloa; revista de botanica. 1937- Q5976433 None* 1937-||-present Contact us
0132-6619 Limba shi literatura moldoveni︠a︡skė / 1958-1989 Q106118191 None* None known Contact us
0583-8045 Limbă și literatură / 1955- Q106118192 None* None known Contact us
0417-3368 Limesforschungen. 1959- Q106118193 None* 1959-1965 Contact us
0075-9511 Limnologica : ecology and management of inland waters. 1963- Q15816296 None* 1999-recent Contact us
0024-3590 Limnology and oceanography. 1956- Q15753584 None 1956-||-recent Contact us
0024-3639 The Linacre quarterly. 1932- Q6550223 None 1932-||-recent Contact us
2376-5356 Lincoln County advocate 1876- Q105747287 N/A* 1876-1877+ Contact us
0892-3353 Lincoln County leader [electronic resource]. 1893-1987 Q106876724 None 1893-1922 Contact us
2329-7565 The Lincoln County leader [electronic resource]. 1882- Q106877527 N/A 1882-1892 Contact us
2472-0488 Lincoln County record Q106150465 None* 1900-1905+ Contact us
0024-3671 Lincoln herald. 1938- Q27715970 None* 1941-||-2010 Contact us
0162-8615 Lincoln lore. None* 1929-||-present Contact us
1054-7975 The Lincoln star. 1921-1995 Q111666766 None* None known Contact us
0024-3884 Le Lingue straniere. 1952- Q106876707 None* None known Contact us
0024-3922 Linguistica. 1955- Q50424758 None* 1955-||-present Contact us
0024-3949 Linguistics. 1963- Q6554075 None* 2022-2024 Contact us
1142-9224 Lisez-moi historia. -1955 Q106116688 None* None known Contact us
0436-4910 List of accessions to repositories. 1956- Q106876726 None* None known Contact us
1080-9007 A List of American doctoral dissertations printed in ... / 1913-1939 Q106116689 None* 1912-1938 Contact us
0882-4045 List of classes of United States government publications available for selection by depository libraries / 1960- Q106116691 None* 1982-||-2015 Contact us
0066-1104 List of publications / American Universities Field Staff. 1959-1974 Q112080042 None None known Contact us
0402-0502 List of references to literature on potash as a plant nutrient. 1953-1957 Q99979901 None None known Contact us
0263-8576 List of the fellows, members, extra-licentiates, and licentiates of the Royal College of Physicians of London. -1963 Q106118195 None* 1830-||-1926 Contact us
0459-5076 Listen. 1954-1962 Q106876725 None* None known Contact us
0024-4457 Listy filologické a paedagogické / 1874-1886 Q55174566 None* 1874-||-1927 Contact us
2602-2117 Litera / 1954-1968 Q96725643 None* 1956-||-present Contact us
0739-7984 Literary America. 1934-1936 Q106367238 1934 None known Contact us
0075-9880 Literary and library prizes. 1959-1980 Q106876728 None* Predecessor Contact us
2043-3646 The Literary examiner. 1823- Q106116697 N/A 1823 Contact us
0024-4554 The Literary half-yearly. 1960- Q106118196 None* None known Contact us
2043-3778 The literary lounger. 1826- Q106877528 N/A 1826 Contact us
2043-3808 Literary magazine ; or, Monthly epitome of British literature. 1805-1806 N/A None known Contact us
0000-1155 Literary market place : LMP. 1988- Q116186327 None 1925+ Contact us
0730-5850 Literary prizes and their winners. 1946- Q106876729 None* 1946 Contact us
0748-2132 The Literary record and journal of the Linnaean Association of Pennsylvania College. 1844- Q51499844 N/A 1844-1848 Contact us
0047-4797 Literary repository. 1840- Q106876730 N/A None known Contact us
0024-4589 The Literary review. 1957- Q7747556 1957 None known Contact us
0202-3296 Literatūra. 1958- Q50434874 None* 2004-present Contact us
0024-4708 Literatura ludowa. 1957- Q11761888 None* 2016-present Contact us
0024-4759 Literature and psychology. 1951- Q96331492 None None known Contact us
0233-4305 Literaturnai͡a gazeta : organ Pravlenii͡a Soi͡uza sovetskikh pisateleĭ SSSR. 1944- Q1865276 None* 1830-||-present Contact us
0130-3627 Literaturnoe nasledstvo / 1931- Q4263819 None* 1931-2005 Contact us
0130-3651 Literaturnyĭ Kirgizstan. 1955-1991 Q106116698 None* None known Contact us
2332-7367 Little Falls herald 1889- Q100307261 None 1893-||-1922+ Contact us
2332-7391 Little Falls weekly transcript 1894- Q100307263 None 1878-||-1901+ Contact us
0024-5089 Lituanus. 1954- Q6653369 None 1954-1961 Contact us
0024-5097 Liturgical arts. 1931-1972 Q104099041 1964 None known Contact us
0076-0048 Liturgiewissenschaftliche Quellen und Forschungen. 1957- Q106118198 None* None known Contact us
0307-2037 Liverpool daily post. 1935-1978 Q3403102 None* None known Contact us
1367-7217 Liverpool echo. 1879- Q6658415 None* None known Contact us
2043-3913 Livesey's moral reformer. 1838-1839 N/A None known Contact us
1098-5840 Living [electronic resource]. 1939-1940 Q111603234 All* None known Contact us
1538-1420 Living. 1939-1940 Q29043836 None* None known Contact us
0024-5240 The living church. 1878- Q7747831 1947* 1878-recent+ Contact us
0373-9902 Ljetopis Jugoslavenske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti. 1877-1990 Q106118199 None* 1867-||-1991 Contact us
0024-5461 Lloydia. 1938-1978 Q16592232 None None known Contact us
0024-547X Lloyds Bank review. 1946-1987 Q106876732 None* None known Contact us
0024-5534 Local government chronicle. 1955- Q6664100 None* None known Contact us
0459-6625 Local government law service letter : news and comments on local government law / 1961- Q106876733 None None known Contact us
0741-8760 The locomotive 1867- Q93989815 1964 1880-1941 Contact us
0459-679X Locus solus. 1961-1962 Q6666062 1961* None known Contact us
0076-0382 Łódzkie studia etnograficzne. 1959- Q96734518 None* None known Contact us
0024-5836 Logique et analyse. 1958- Q11762399 None* None known Contact us
0267-1107 London and Edinburgh monthly journal of medical science. 1841-1845 N/A None known Contact us
0459-7508 London bulletin. 1938-1940 Q106876750 None* None known Contact us
0024-600X London calling. 1939-1963 Q6670195 None* None known Contact us
0374-3721 The London gazette. 1666- Q1137581 None* 1665-present+ Contact us
2043-4006 London journal. 1909-1912 N/A None known Contact us
2043-3972 The London journal. 1719- Q106877531 N/A None known Contact us
2041-9988 London journal of medicine. 1849-1852 Q27721613 N/A None known Contact us
0024-6085 London magazine. Q2154323 1929* 1732-||-1922 Contact us
0952-4177 The London Medical Journal Q16592491 N/A 1781-1790+ Contact us
2043-4111 The London reader of literature, science, art and general information. 1863-1903 N/A None known Contact us
2043-4146 The London review of English and foreign literature 1775-1780 N/A None known Contact us
2043-409X The London Saturday journal. 1839-1842 N/A None known Contact us
2043-4170 London society : an illustrated magazine of light and amusing literature for the hours of relaxation. 1862- Q17100447 N/A 1862-1898 Contact us
0791-1823 Longford leader. 1910- Q6673836 None* None known Contact us
1751-9039 Longman's magazine. 1883-1905 N/A None known Contact us
0893-3456 Los Alamos monitor. 1963- Q55668193 None None known Contact us
1522-9149 Los Angeles. 1961-1996 Q6681932 1973* None known Contact us
2573-2552 Los Angeles daily times. 1881-1886 N/A None known Contact us
1941-2975 Los Angeles herald. 1900-1911 Q15985081 None* 1873-||-1910 Contact us
0458-3035 The Los Angeles times. 1881- Q188515 1932* None known Contact us
2150-5977 The lotus magazine. 1910- Q106877532 N/A 1910-1920 Contact us
2328-1081 Loudon free press 1852- Q100307724 N/A 1852-1855 Contact us
0459-8881 Louisiana bar journal. 1953- Q106876755 None None known Contact us
0024-6751 Louisiana business review / 1937-1984 Q123284321 None None known Contact us
0456-7463 Louisiana English journal. 1960- Q15752335 None None known Contact us
0024-6859 Louisiana law review. 1938- Q15767315 None None known Contact us
2326-6287 The Louisianian 1870-1871 N/A None known Contact us
2043-4189 The lounger. 1785- Q106877589 N/A None known Contact us
2043-4200 Lounger's miscellany ; or lucubrations of Abel Slug, Esq 1788-1789 N/A None known Contact us
0076-132X Lovejoy's college guide. 1952- Q106876757 1940* None known Contact us
0459-925X Lovejoy's prep school guide / 1958-1974 Q106876758 1958 None known Contact us
1098-3864 Lovelock review-miner. 1929- Q55668228 None None known Contact us
1495-1762 The Lower Canada jurist : collection de décisions du Bas-Canada. 1857-1891 N/A None known Contact us
2376-1571 Lower Sandusky freeman 1849- Q106876760 N/A* 1849+ Contact us
0047-5149 The Loyalist gazette. 1963- Q108279204 None* None known Contact us
0192-9720 Loyola law review. 1941- Q15760281 None None known Contact us
0024-7146 Lubrication. 1911- Q106876761 None None known Contact us
0521-3452 Lucrările științifice ale Institutului de Seruri și Vaccinuri Pasteur-București / 1958-1963 Q123377851 None* None known Contact us
0076-1435 Lud. 1895- Q96331607 None* 1895-||-present Contact us
0024-7324 Lumen vitae. 1946- Q106876762 None* None known Contact us
0076-1508 Lusitania sacra. 1956- Q10321024 None* 1956-present Contact us
0024-7499 The Lutheran quarterly. 1949- Q15758293 None None known Contact us
0024-7545 The Lutheran standard. 1961-1987 Q106877591 None None known Contact us
0174-9706 Der Lutheraner. 1844- Q106412456 None* None known Contact us
0342-0914 Lutherjahrbuch. 1919- Q106876763 None* 1919-1928 Contact us
2328-3963 The Lynden tribune 1908- Q55671384 None None known Contact us
2469-6633 The lynx [electronic resource]. 1845- Q106877592 N/A None known Contact us
0460-0797 Lysty do pryi︠a︡teliv. Letters to friends. 1953- Q123378191 None None known Contact us
2330-7196 M'arthur Democrat -1865 Q100308384 N/A None known Contact us
1015-2822 Maʻārif. 1363- Q95995926 All* None known Contact us
0465-420X ha-Maʻyan. 1953- Q6954173 None* None known Contact us
0024-855X Maal og minne. 1909- Q3446301 None* 1909-||-present Contact us
0024-8851 Maatstaf. 1953-1999 Q1994512 None* 1953-1993 Contact us
0541-5829 Mabuʻa. 1963- Q96033560 None* None known Contact us
0024-9181 Machinery. Q113629574 None 1894-1961 Contact us
0047-5378 The Machinist. 1946-1994 Q96359120 None None known Contact us
0024-9262 Maclean's. 1911- Q1184850 1937* 1911-||-1936+ Contact us
1751-9047 Macmillan's magazine. 1860-1907 Q6724715 N/A 1859-1907 Contact us
2576-4071 Macon intelligencer -1840 Q100308414 N/A None known Contact us
0076-2091 Macromolecular syntheses. 1963- Q96608313 1966 None known Contact us
0517-8061 Maden Tetkik ve Arama Enstitüsü yayinlarindan = Veröffentlichungen des Instituts für Lagerstättenforschung der Türkei. 1958- Q96636281 None* None known Contact us
0076-2148 The Madison Avenue handbook. 1956- Q96636348 None None known Contact us
2378-1793 Madison Whig advocate Q125451723 N/A 1839-1841+ Contact us
2326-1625 The Madisonian [electronic resource]. 1913- N/A* 1913-1914+ Contact us
2378-9905 The Madisonian [electronic resource]. 1873- Q55667859 None 1873-1963+ Contact us
2381-0432 The Madisonian [electronic resource]. 1837- N/A 1837-1845+ Contact us
2469-665X The Madisonian [electronic resource]. 1850- N/A 1850-1851+ Contact us
0418-9736 Madrider Forschungen. 1956- Q96774722 None* None known Contact us
0418-9744 Madrider Mitteilungen. 1960- Q24109003 None* None known Contact us
0024-9637 Madroño : journal of the California Botanical Society. 1916- Q5989477 None 1916-2016 Contact us
0003-5939 The magazine antiques. 1922- Q1659546 1929 1922-1928 Contact us
0076-2342 The Magazine of Albemarle County history. 1951- Q27716000 None None known Contact us
0361-6185 Magazine of American history, with notes and queries. 1877-1893 N/A None known Contact us
2043-4251 Magazine of art 1878-1904 N/A None known Contact us
0024-984X The Magazine of fantasy and science fiction. 1949- Q937202 1949* None known Contact us
0097-2959 Magazine of standards. 1954- Q97014799 None None known Contact us
0025-0082 Magyar építömüvészet. 1952-1996 Q97317546 None* None known Contact us
0025-0171 Magyar könyvszemle. 1876- Q1162050 None* 1876-present Contact us
0464-5014 Maḥanayim : 1948-1972 Q97777804 None* None known Contact us
0025-0430 The Maharashtra co-operative quarterly. 1962- Q97778040 None* None known Contact us
2151-4046 The Mahoning dispatch. 1877-1968 Q98071744 None 1877-||-1921 Contact us
0333-0974 Maihaugen. 1953- Q98222537 None* None known Contact us
0474-5523 Main economic indicators = Principaux indicateurs économiques. 1962- Q17144258 None* None known Contact us
2639-6939 The Maine journal of education. 1869-1875 N/A None known Contact us
0025-0651 Maine law review. 1908- Q6736386 None 1908-||-present Contact us
2642-5599 The Maine normal. 1866-1868 N/A None known Contact us
0145-9597 Maine register, state year-book and legislative manual. 1887- Q98636712 None 1882-||-1922 Contact us
0733-7884 Maine teachers' digest : official publication of the Maine Teachers' Association. 1940- Q98804990 None None known Contact us
0738-5439 Mainstream. 1956-1963 Q98971800 None* Predecessor Contact us
0076-2792 Mainzer Zeitschrift. 1906- Q21500251 None* 1906-1921 Contact us
0025-0945 Maison & jardin. 1950- Q99528857 None* None known Contact us
0023-9852 al-Majallah al-ṭibbīyah al-Lubnānīyah = Le journal médical libanais = The Lebanese medical journal. 1950- Q15755349 None* 2010-present Contact us
2322-4703 Majallah-i bālīnī-i parastārī va māmāyī 1391-2012 All 2012-present Contact us
2228-7647 Majallah-i bihdāsht-i mavādd-i ghaẕāyī 1390-2011 N/A* 2011-present Contact us
2476-4310 Majallah-i dānish-i kishāvarzī va tawlīd-i pāydār 1389-2010 Q103832894 N/A* 2010-present Contact us
1561-4107 Majallah-ʼi Dānishgāh-i ʻUlūm-i Pizishkī-i Bābul. 1377-1999 Q96327035 N/A* 1999-present Contact us
2383-3203 Majallah-i Dānishkadah-i ʻUlūm-i Pizishkī-i Nīshābūr = Journal of Neyshabur University of Medical Sciences 1392-2014 Q50812166 N/A* 2014-present Contact us
2251-614X Majallah-i ḥuqūqī-i bayn al-milalī. 1387-2008 Q50811021 N/A* 1984-present Contact us
0365-3439 Majallah-i ʻilmī-i ṭibb va tavānbakhshī. 2000- Q15753391 None* 2000-present Contact us
2476-731X Majallah-i ʻilmī-pizishkī-i kishāvarzī-i Dānishgāh-i Āzād-i Islāmī-i Vāḥid-i Tabrīz = Journal of agricultural sciences, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz Branch. 1386-2010 Q50812493 N/A* 2010-present Contact us
1735-8612 Majallah-i mīkrūbʹshināsī-i pizishkī-i Īrān = Iranian journal of medical microbiology. 1386-2007 Q27722189 N/A* 2007-present Contact us
2383-336X Majallah-i muhandisī-i bihdāsht-i ḥirfahʹī = Journal of occupational hygiene engineering. 1393- Q50817306 N/A* 2014-recent Contact us
2322-4746 Majallah-i ʻulūm-i takhaṣṣuṣī-i dāmpizishkī 1386-2008 Q50811649 N/A* 2008-present Contact us
0041-9192 Majallah-ʾi Dānishkadah-ʾi Adabīyāt / 1332-1967 Q101174402 None* None known Contact us
0254-1327 Majallat al-Majmaʻ al-ʻIlmī al-ʻIrāqī. 1950- Q102017643 None* None known Contact us
1110-2209 Majallat Maʻhad al-Makhṭūṭāt al-ʻArabīyah / 1955- Q102019520 None* None known Contact us
0498-5745 Major activities in the atomic energy programs / 1951-1972 Q100953446 None* 1951-||-1971 Contact us
0460-7368 Major industries of India. 1952- Q100231165 None* None known Contact us
1055-5498 Major tax planning / 1956- Q100329958 1964* None known Contact us
1055-5501 Major tax problems of ... / 1955- Q100329978 None* None known Contact us
0025-1089 Makedonski jazik. 1950- Q12285666 None* None known Contact us
0025-116X Die Makromolekulare Chemie. 1947-1993 Q53953141 None* None known Contact us
0076-2997 Malacologia. 1962- Q3668000 None None known Contact us
0542-335X Malaya law review. 1962-1990 Q106876765 None* None known Contact us
0079-2608 Mały rocznik statystyczny / 1958-1999 Q106876826 None* None known Contact us
0025-1496 Man. 1901-1994 Q27721406 None* 1901-||-1949 Contact us
0025-1569 Man in India. 1921- Q6746349 None* 1921-1928 Contact us
0942-8771 Management international. 1961-1966 Q123688192 None* None known Contact us
0025-1852 Management of personnel quarterly. 1961- Q106379501 None None known Contact us
0025-1860 Management quarterly : MQ. 1960- Q106876766 None None known Contact us
0025-1895 Management review. 1926-2000 Q27711940 None* 1926-1929+ Contact us
0542-4917 Management technology : monograph of the Institute of Management Sciences. 1960-1964 Q106876767 None None known Contact us
0542-5077 Manchester cuneiform studies. 1951- Q106876768 None* None known Contact us
0962-2276 Manchester evening news. 1868- Q3070672 None* None known Contact us
0025-200X The Manchester guardian weekly. 1920- Q106876769 None* None known Contact us
1062-5070 The Manchester journal. 1861- Q55379591 None 1861-1922 Contact us
0025-2034 The Manchester school. 1939- Q4043675 None* None known Contact us
0460-9271 Manhunt detective story monthly. 1953- Q106876771 1953* None known Contact us
0381-5587 Manitoba Law School journal. 1962- Q106876772 None* None known Contact us
0025-2328 Mankind. 1931-1989 Q27717987 None* None known Contact us
0542-5697 Mankind. 1956-1974 Q106876774 None* None known Contact us
0025-2344 The mankind quarterly. 1960- Q6750542 None* None known Contact us
0025-2360 Mannus; Deutsche Zeitschrift für Vor- und Frügeschichte. 1909- Q1890923 None* 1909-1928 Contact us
0565-3061 Manpower research. 1963-1968 Q106379664 None* None known Contact us
2154-7947 Manual for courts-martial, United States. 1893- Q6752311 None* 1951-||-recent Contact us
0542-5956 A Manual on certification requirements for school personnel in the United States. 1951-1970 Q106875566 None* 1951-||-1961 Contact us
0571-4443 Manual series. 1956- Q106876776 None* None known Contact us
2380-1190 Manuscript studies : a journal of the Schoenberg Institute for Manuscript Studies. 2016- Q78142486 All 2016-recent Contact us
0464-9168 Manuscripta Islandica. 1954-1966 Q16421799 None* None known Contact us
0073-5140 Manuscripts in The Illinois State Historical Library. 1963- Q106876777 None None known Contact us
0542-6243 Map collectors' series. 1963- Q106876778 None* None known Contact us
0342-121X Marburger Jahrbuch für Kunstwissenschaft. 1924- Q16218222 None* 1924-||-1928 Contact us
0025-2786 Marcatrè. 1963-1971 Q3845432 None* None known Contact us
0025-2859 Marchés tropicaux et méditerranéens. 1945-2004 Q3289970 None* None known Contact us
0025-2883 The Marconi review. 1928- Q96331934 None* None known Contact us
0025-2913 Mārg = Pathway. 1946- Q106876779 None* None known Contact us
0025-2948 Marginalien. 1957- Q106876780 None* None known Contact us
0025-3049 Marie Claire. 1954- Q778079 1955* 1937-1944 Contact us
0025-3170 Marine Corps gazette. Q6764092 1947* 1916-||-1963 Contact us
0171-8630 Marine ecology progress series. Q6764134 All* 1979-recent Contact us
0025-3219 Marine engineering/log. 1920-1987 Q106876781 None 1897-||-1927 Contact us
0090-1830 Marine fisheries review. Q15762165 N/A* 1972-||-present+ Contact us
0461-0970 The Marine news. 1914-1962 Q106877594 None 1955-1956 Contact us
0542-7045 Marine sciences instrumentation. 1962-1973 Q106876785 None* None known Contact us
0025-3359 The Mariner's mirror. 1911- Q3293267 None* 1911-1928 Contact us
1087-7495 The Marion star. 1926- Q7750327 None None known Contact us
0474-5884 Maritime transport. 1954- Q106876786 None* None known Contact us
0025-3499 Mark Twain journal. 1954- Q102889979 None* 1965-1967+ Contact us
1080-7330 Mark Twain quarterly. 1936-1953 Q106377373 None* 1943-1944+ Contact us
0076-4620 Marketing research techniques series. 1958-1976 Q106876787 None* 1958-||-1962 Contact us
1170-070X The Marlborough express : and weekly commercial reporter. 1866- Q7750390 None* None known Contact us
0025-3987 Marquette law review. 1916- Q6772604 None 1916-present Contact us
0885-7059 Marriage and family living. 1941-1963 Q27718215 1952* None known Contact us
2328-7756 Marshall County Republican Q100309449 N/A* 1839+ Contact us
2469-7184 Marshall County Republican and free trade advocate 1838- Q106876788 N/A* 1838-1839+ Contact us
0076-4701 Marsyas. 1941- Q123832924 None None known Contact us
0076-471X Martin classical lectures. 1931- Q6775154 1933* None known Contact us
0191-0221 The Martindale-Hubbell law directory. 1931-1963 Q106877595 None None known Contact us
0025-4118 Marxism today. 1957-1991 Q1692108 None* 1978-1991 Contact us
2378-0533 Maryland free press 1862- Q24060888 N/A 1862-||-1868 Contact us
0025-4258 Maryland historical magazine. Q15755617 1948 1906-||-recent Contact us
0025-4282 Maryland law review. 1936- Q15754079 None None known Contact us
0096-4158 Maryland naturalist / 1948- Q15751115 None None known Contact us
0025-4371 The Maryland teacher. 1944-1978 Q106877596 None None known Contact us
2474-0152 Maryland tidewater news. 1944-1959 Q106876789 None None known Contact us
0025-4509 Maschinenmarkt : M.M. 1895- Q106876790 None* None known Contact us
2228-6829 Māshīnʹhā-yi kishāvarzī = Journal of agricultural machinery. 1390-2011 Q50810999 N/A* None known Contact us
0002-4023 al-Mashriq. 1898- Q96736415 None* None known Contact us
0025-4606 Maske und Kothurn. 1955- Q15756820 None* None known Contact us
2515-4958 Mass education bulletin 1949-1951 Q106876793 None* None known Contact us
0025-4835 Massachusetts law quarterly. 1915-1977 Q106876792 None None known Contact us
0025-4878 The Massachusetts review. 1959- Q7750558 1959 None known Contact us
2642-6536 The Massachusetts teacher. 1848-1855 N/A None known Contact us
2642-6765 The Massachusetts teacher. 1858-1871 N/A None known Contact us
2642-6846 The Massachusetts teacher. 1873-1874 N/A None known Contact us
2642-6684 The Massachusetts teacher and journal of home and school education. 1856-1857 N/A None known Contact us
0738-5447 Masses & mainstream. 1948-1956 Q17009645 1950* Predecessor Contact us
0542-9846 Mastera poėticheskogo perevoda. 1963- Q106876794 None* None known Contact us
0025-5106 Masters abstracts. 1962- Q106876795 None None known Contact us
0542-9897 Masters theses in the pure and applied sciences ... accepted by colleges and universities of the United States. 1960-1973 Q106876796 None None known Contact us
0025-5122 The masthead. 1949- Q106877597 None None known Contact us
0373-3505 Le Matematiche. 1949- Q15759127 None* 1986-present Contact us
0368-8666 Matematicheskiĭ sbornik. 1866- Q4284728 None* None known Contact us
0023-3323 Matematisk-fysiske meddelelser. 1917- Q15760392 None* 1917-||-2005 Contact us
0023-3331 Matematisk-fysiske skrifter. 1956-1971 Q106876797 None* None known Contact us
0909-3532 Matematisk tidsskrift. 1919-1952 Q106876798 None* 1919-1928 Contact us
0909-3540 Matematisk tidsskrift. 1919-1952 Q106876799 None* None known Contact us
1220-5222 Materiale și cercetări arheologice / 1956- Q96727594 None* None known Contact us
0465-2746 Materiales de construcción. 1949- Q15759313 None* None known Contact us
0043-2822 Materials and corrosion Werkstoffe und Korrosion. 1950- Q15756479 None* None known Contact us
0465-2886 Materials in design engineering. 1929-1967 Q106876800 None None known Contact us
0149-3388 Materials protection. 1962-1970 Q106876801 None None known Contact us
0076-5201 Materials science research. 1963- Q106876802 None* None known Contact us
0075-7039 Materialy archeologiczne. 1959- Q106876803 None* None known Contact us
0076-521X Materialy i prace antropologiczne. 1953- Q27718501 None* None known Contact us
0374-9304 Materialy k poznanii︠u︡ fauny i flory SSSR. 1892- Q106876804 None* None known Contact us
0543-0763 Materialy po arkheologii Severnogo Prichernomorʹi︠a︡. 1957- Q106876805 None* None known Contact us
0408-2621 Materialy po istorii Azerbaĭdzhana. 1956- Q106876817 None* None known Contact us
0300-0532 Materialy z antropolohiï Ukraïny. 1960- Q106876818 None* None known Contact us
0025-5505 Mathematica. 1929-1948 Q106876819 None* None known Contact us
0862-7959 Mathematica bohemica / 1991- Q15761040 All* 1991-present+ Contact us
0543-0828 Mathematica Gothoburgensia. 1962- Q106876821 None* None known Contact us
0025-5513 Mathematica Japonicae. 1948-2000 Q106653405 None* None known Contact us
0025-5521 Mathematica Scandinavica. 1953- Q15488126 None* None known Contact us
0025-553X Mathematicae notae. 1941- Q106876820 None* None known Contact us
0025-5572 The mathematical gazette. Q7750656 None* 1894-1928+ Contact us
0030-1566 Mathematical journal of Okayama University. 1952- Q106713981 None* None known Contact us
0073-0769 Mathematical linguistics and automatic translation; report to the National Science Foundation. 1959- Q106876823 1960 None known Contact us
0973-5348 Mathematical modelling of natural phenomena. 2006- Q15766772 All 2020-2023 Contact us
1049-751X The Mathematical monthly. 1858-1861 N/A None known Contact us
0025-5629 Mathematical reviews. 1940- Q211172 1967* None known Contact us
0076-5376 Mathematical surveys. 1943-1981 Q29043924 1949* None known Contact us
0891-6837 Mathematical tables and other aids to computation. 1943-1959 Q28807281 None None known Contact us
0025-570X Mathematics magazine. 1947- Q3298519 None* None known Contact us
1539-557X Mathematics news letter. 1926-1934 Q96727905 None* None known Contact us
0543-0984 The Mathematics Seminar. 1957-1968 Q106877599 None* None known Contact us
0025-5769 The mathematics teacher. 1908- Q53953380 1962 1908-1928 Contact us
0025-5785 Mathematics teaching. 1955- Q106876824 None* None known Contact us
0069-472X Mathématiques. 1962-1970 Q123514910 None None known Contact us
0025-5831 Mathematische annalen. Q703577 None* 1869-1996 Contact us
0025-584X Mathematische Nachrichten. 1948- Q1389846 None* None known Contact us
0025-5874 Mathematische zeitschrift. 1918- Q847858 None* None known Contact us
0909-251X Mathematisk tidsskrift 1859-1864 N/A None known Contact us
0025-6005 Matter. 1963- Q106876825 None None known Contact us
8750-457X The Maui news. 1900- Q7750696 None 1900-1922 Contact us
2373-1206 Maumee express 1837-1838 Q100309900 N/A 1837-1840 Contact us
1470-8078 Max Weber studies. 2002- Q15764060 All 2018-2020 Contact us
2332-4600 Maysville weekly bulletin 1864- Q100309933 N/A 1864 Contact us
0541-5861 The McAuley lectures. 1953- Q106877600 None* None known Contact us
0024-8908 McCall's. 1921-2001 Q27716973 1929* 1897-1929 Contact us
2157-8141 The McCook tribune. 1886-1936 Q100309968 None* 1886-1912+ Contact us
0024-9041 The McGill law journal. 1952- Q3428669 None* None known Contact us
0383-784X McGill University publications. 1920- Q106876829 None* 1920-||-1926 Contact us
0383-7831 McGill University publications ; 1918-1932 Q106876827 None* None known Contact us
0383-7815 McGill University publications. 1921-1932 Q106876828 None* 1921-1928 Contact us
0383-9451 McKim's directory of Canadian publications. 1924-1942 Q106876830 None* Predecessor Contact us
0747-2412 The Meadville tribune. 1955- Q7750801 None None known Contact us
0025-6293 Meanjin quarterly. 1961- Q6804074 None* None known Contact us
0543-1956 Measure : a critical journal. 1950-1951 Q106876831 1950* None known Contact us
0025-6501 Mechanical engineering : the journal of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. 1919- Q15766322 None* 1919-1961+ Contact us
1933-7345 The Mecklenburg times. 1924- Q55667901 None None known Contact us
0282-9428 Meddelanden från Strindbergssällskapet. 1945-1984 Q79012882 None* None known Contact us
0085-3208 Meddelelser fra Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek. 1944- Q57822041 None* None known Contact us
0900-3800 Meddelelser fra Ole Rømer-observatoriet i Aarhus. 1925- Q106876832 None* None known Contact us
0025-6676 Meddelelser om Gronland. 1879-1979 Q4994353 None* 1890-1928 Contact us
0025-682X Médecine tropicale : revue du Corps de santé colonial. 1941- Q26841982 None* 1976-2012 Contact us
0921-9013 Mededeelingen van het Nederlandsch Historisch Instituut te Rome. 1921-1971 Q106876835 None* 1921-2002 Contact us
0168-6968 Mededelingen van de Afdeling Letterkunde / 1938- Q106876836 None* None known Contact us
2163-6699 Medford mail tribune 1909-1989 Q6735705 None 1909-1916 Contact us
0076-5872 Mediaeval studies. 1939- Q15756127 None* None known Contact us
0267-0100 The Medical and physical journal containing the earliest information on subjects of medicine, surgery, pharmacy, chemistry and natural history 1799-1815 Q96319466 N/A None known Contact us
1077-7113 The medical and surgical reporter. 1856-1858 N/A None known Contact us
1041-1194 The Medical bulletin. 1879-1908 N/A None known Contact us
0196-5891 The medical bulletin of the Veterans Administration. 1931-1944 Q106877601 None* 1931-1944+ Contact us
0025-7079 Medical care. 1963- Q15762119 None None known Contact us
0025-7125 The Medical clinics of North America. 1917- Q15761972 1929 1917-||-1933+ Contact us
0305-3342 The Medical directory. 1871- Q106877602 None* 1845-||-1915 Contact us
0025-7206 Medical economics. 1923- Q27712026 1964* None known Contact us
1077-713X The Medical examiner, and record of medical science. 1844-1853 N/A None known Contact us
0952-4185 Medical facts and observations Q96319463 N/A 1791-1800+ Contact us
0025-729X The medical journal of Australia. 1914- Q7750866 None* 1914-1928 Contact us
0007-019X The Medical journal of the South-West. -1962 Q27709791 None* 1883-1989+ Contact us
0898-1868 Medical library and historical journal. 1903-1907 Q26842543 N/A None known Contact us
1077-7148 The Medical magazine ... 1833-1835 N/A None known Contact us
1054-1268 The medical news. 1882- Q123939519 N/A* 1882-1905+ Contact us
1077-7091 The Medical news and abstract. 1880-1881 Q124251589 N/A* 1880-1881+ Contact us
0893-9799 The Medical repository. 1797-1824 N/A None known Contact us
0565-811X Medical subject headings. 1960- Q106876837 None* 1960-||-2001+ Contact us
0743-3565 The Medical times and register. 1896- Q106877603 N/A* 1896-1902+ Contact us
1010-660X Medicina. 1920- Q26842055 None* 2001-||-present+ Contact us
0025-7680 Medicina : organo de la Sociedad Argentina de Investigación Clínica. 1940- Q26853785 None* 1974-||-present+ Contact us
0465-546X Medicina y seguridad del trabajo. 1952- Q27720041 None* 2004-present Contact us
0543-310X Medicinal chemistry. 1951-1963 Q106876838 1961* None known Contact us
0025-7974 Medicine. 1922- Q15716652 1940 1922-||-present Contact us
0025-8024 Medicine, science, and the law. 1960- Q15757954 None* None known Contact us
0369-1527 Medicinski Podmladak. 1949- Q50478527 None* 2014-present Contact us
0025-8105 Medicinski pregled. 1948- Q27712006 None* None known Contact us
0959-5287 Medico-chirurgical transactions. 1809- Q15710150 N/A 1809-1907 Contact us
0302-1637 The Medico-legal and criminological review. 1933-1946 Q27722746 None* None known Contact us
0099-9768 The medico-legal journal. 1883-1933 Q96729056 None* 1883-1929 Contact us
0025-8172 The medico-legal journal. 1947- Q27711998 None* None known Contact us
0076-6097 Medieval archaeology. 1957- Q15752389 None* 1957-2006 Contact us
0025-8296 Méditerranée : revue géographique des pays méditérranéens 1960- Q3332688 None* None known Contact us
0025-8385 Medium ævum. 1932- Q15751553 None* None known Contact us
2043-4308 Medley 1710-1712 N/A None known Contact us
0019-3879 MEDLINE Q105105886 None 1879-||-2004+ Contact us
0025-8628 Medycyna weterynaryjna. 1945- Q15758001 None* None known Contact us
0025-8679 Megamot / מגמות 1949- Q15753953 None* None known Contact us
0025-8857 Mekeel's weekly stamp news. 1891- Q124248415 None 1913-||-1926 Contact us
0575-1330 Mélanges / 1954- Q15754078 None* None known Contact us
0775-4612 Mélanges chinois et bouddhiques. 1932- Q106876839 None* None known Contact us
0223-4874 Mélanges d'archéologie et d'histoire. 1881- Q3332849 None* 1881-1970 Contact us
0003-441X Mélanges d'histoire sociale. 1929-1944 Q3098897 None* 1929-recent Contact us
0258-8315 Mélanges de l'Institut Français de Damas (section des arabisants) 1929-1929 Q106876840 None* None known Contact us
0253-164X Mélanges de l'Université Saint-Joseph. 1922- Q106876842 None* 1922-1949 Contact us
0076-6275 Melbourne studies in education. 1958- Q112148326 None* None known Contact us
0025-8938 Melbourne University law review. 1957- Q6811905 None* 1957-||-recent Contact us
0025-9012 Melody maker. 1926- Q580896 None* None known Contact us
1059-5430 The Melrose free press. 1901- Q55667147 None None known Contact us
0543-4378 The Melville Society newsletter. -1960 Q106877604 None None known Contact us
0516-9402 Membership roster - American Association of Endodontists. 1956- Q106876843 None None known Contact us
0025-908X Memo from Belgium. 1960- Q106876844 None* None known Contact us
0072-1069 Memoir / Geological Society of America. [electronic resource] 1934- Q29043976 None* None known Contact us
0435-4052 Memoir / Geological Society of London. 1958- Q29043854 None* None known Contact us
1047-4897 Memoir / Peabody Academy of Science. 1869- Q124248862 N/A 1869-1886 Contact us
0068-7634 Memoir / [Geological Survey of Canada]. 1910- Q96324374 None* 1910-1945 Contact us
0065-731X Memoir. 1962-1979 Q124343819 None* None known Contact us
0076-9541 Memoir. 1950-1974 Q124343824 None* 1950-1971 Contact us
0078-2343 Memoir. 1952- Q124343829 None* None known Contact us
0548-5975 Memoir. 1956- Q124343835 None* 1956-||-2017 Contact us
0085-7769 Memoir. Geological Survey of Victoria. 1903- Q124378023 None* 1903-1925 Contact us
0578-1825 Memoir of the Geological Society of China. 1962- Q106876854 None* None known Contact us
0373-207X Mémoires / Institut royal des sciences naturelles de Belgique = Verhandelingen / Koninlijk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen. 1900- Q106876845 None* 1900-1984 Contact us
0374-1877 Mémoires. 1855- Q124454658 None* None known Contact us
0378-7923 Mémoires. 1921- Q124454827 None* 1920-1926+ Contact us
0369-1896 Mémoires de l'Académie des sciences, inscriptions et belles-lettres de Toulouse. 1870- Q6035771 None* 1870-||-recent Contact us
0770-7606 Mémoires de l'Academie royale des sciences, des lettres et des beaux-arts de Belgique. 1847- Q51379613 N/A 1847-||-1904+ Contact us
1153-7043 Mémoires de l'Académie royale des sciences, inscriptions et belles-lettres de Toulouse. 1844-1848 Q51503266 N/A None known Contact us
1149-4344 Mémoires de la Société archéologique de Touraine. 1899- Q106876848 None* 1842-1928 Contact us
0999-3835 Mémoires de la Société bourguignonne de géographie et d'histoire. 1884- Q106876849 N/A 1884-1914 Contact us
0369-2000 Mémoires de la Société fribourgeoise des sciences naturelles. 1908-1923 N/A None known Contact us
0369-1993 Mémoires de la Société fribourgeoise des sciences naturelles. Mitteilungen des Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Freiburg (Schweiz). 1900- Q106876850 None* 1900-1947 Contact us
0249-7549 Mémoires de la Société géologique de France. 1833- Q125582973 None* 1833-1928 Contact us
0355-0192 Mémoires de la Société néophilologique à Helsingfors. 1893- Q106876851 None* 1893-||-present Contact us
0560-5687 Mémoires de la Société royale des sciences de Liège. 1843-1976 Q124567931 None* None known Contact us
0037-9611 Mémoires de la Société vaudoise des sciences naturelles. 1922- Q96332640 None* 1922-recent Contact us
0750-747X Mémoires de la Société zoologique de France. 1888- Q15756259 None* 1888-1950 Contact us
0071-8246 Mémoires du Bureau de recherches géologiques et minières. 1960-1989 Q99536279 None* None known Contact us
0374-1281 Mémoires du Centre de recherches anthropologiques, préhistoriques et ethnographiques. 1963- Q106876852 None* None known Contact us
1018-8258 Mémoires et observations recueillies par la Société oeconomique de Berne. 1762- Q106876853 N/A 1760-1773 Contact us
0025-9128 Les Mémoires scientifiques de la Revue de métallurgie. 1959-1980 Q96332653 None* None known Contact us
0065-8332 Memoirs. 1894- Q19038051 None* 1894-||-1938 Contact us
0076-3721 Memoirs and proceedings - Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society. 1785- Q27723484 None* 1785-||-recent Contact us
0269-3127 Memoirs and proceedings of the Chemical Society of London 1845-1848 Q96035633 N/A* 1843-1848+ Contact us
0890-7250 Memoirs from the Biological Laboratory of the Johns Hopkins University. 1887-1903 N/A None known Contact us
0082-4747 Memoirs of Faculty of Technology, The Tokyo Metropolitan University, Tokyo, Japan. 1951-1993 Q106876856 None* None known Contact us
0065-6801 Memoirs of the American Academy in Rome. 1915- Q15764484 None* 1915-||-2008 Contact us
0096-6134 Memoirs of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. 1783-1957 Q6009911 None* 1785-||-1957 Contact us
1040-4740 Memoirs of the American Anthropological Association. 1906-1941 Q106876855 1953* 1905-||-1962+ Contact us
0065-8170 Memoirs of the American Entomological Society. 1916- Q21386049 None* 1916-2014 Contact us
0065-9266 Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society. 1950- Q6815285 1951* None known Contact us
0886-0327 Memoirs of the American Museum of Natural History. 1893-1926 Q107065777 None* 1893-1930 Contact us
0068-1318 Memoirs of the British Astronomical Association. 1893- Q106876858 None* 1893-1929 Contact us
0885-4645 Memoirs of the Carnegie Museum. 1901-1937 Q21385120 None* 1901-1936 Contact us
0269-3119 Memoirs of the Chemical Society of London for ... 1843- Q96035394 N/A* 1841-1843+ Contact us
0388-2330 Memoirs of the College of Agriculture, Kyoto University. 1927-1992 Q96180308 None* None known Contact us
0071-075X Memoirs of the Entomological Society of Canada. 1963- Q21386303 None* None known Contact us
0023-6063 Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University. 1914-1995 Q96244206 None* Predecessor Contact us
0023-6160 Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Kyushu University. 1919-1999 Q96244238 None* 1913-||-present Contact us
0027-7657 Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Nagoya University. 1949- Q96324364 None* None known Contact us
0373-6385 Memoirs of the Faculty of Science, Kyūsyū University. Kyūshū Daigaku Rigakubu kiyō. 1940-1993 Q113478091 None* 1940-1993+ Contact us
0141-1608 Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Great Britain. 1908-1976 Q96745554 None* 1908-1923 Contact us
0369-0024 Memoirs of the Geological Survey of India. Q51503415 None* 1859-1928+ Contact us
0379-5225 Memoirs of the Geological Survey of India. 1899- Q51403677 None* 1861-||-1928+ Contact us
0078-6705 Memoirs of the Institute for Protein Research, Osaka University. 1959- Q97051713 None* None known Contact us
0369-0369 Memoirs of the Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research, Osaka University. 1948- Q113478104 None* 2004-present Contact us
0814-1827 Memoirs of the Museum of Victoria. 1984-1998 Q91338722 All* 1983-1998+ Contact us
0885-4637 Memoirs of the National Academy of Sciences. 1866-1941 Q13426010 None 1866-1941 Contact us
0311-9548 Memoirs of the National Museum, Melbourne. 1908-1944 Q51405822 None* 1906-1944+ Contact us
0083-5986 Memoirs of the National Museum of Victoria, Melbourne. 1946-1983 Q21385241 None* 1946-1983+ Contact us
0077-8931 Memoirs of the New York Botanical Garden. 1900- Q2843475 None* 1900-||-1998+ Contact us
0081-1300 Memoirs of the Society for American Archaeology. 1941- Q96729447 None* 1941-||-1959 Contact us
0097-3807 Memoirs of the Torrey Botanical Club. 1889-1993 Q6009918 None* 1889-||-1990+ Contact us
0097-0379 Memoirs of the University of California. 1908- Q98274074 None* 1908-||-1943 Contact us
0078-8155 Memoirs. 1956-1974 Q98490820 None* None known Contact us
0885-4629 Memoirs presented to the California Academy of Sciences. 1868- Q51503407 None* 1868-2004 Contact us
0271-5708 Memoirs read before the Boston Society of Natural History. 1862-1946 Q51503467 None 1862-||-1946 Contact us
0373-6873 Memoranda Societatis pro Fauna et Flora Fennica. 1925- Q17333692 None* 2009-present Contact us
0067-3277 Memoria anual. 1928- Q99362292 None* None known Contact us
0067-3218 Memoria - Banco Central de Honduras. 1951- Q99541754 None* 1989-present Contact us
0573-5602 Memoria = 1949- Q100311541 None* None known Contact us
1423-6419 Mémorial des années ... de la Société d'histoire et d'archéologie de Genève. 1889- Q100349596 None* 1838-1913 Contact us
0081-0665 Memórias da Sociedade Broteriana. 1930- Q57016072 None* 1930-1975 Contact us
0074-0276 Memórias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz. 1909- Q15760238 None* 1909-present Contact us
0393-845X Memorie. 1954- Q103960535 None* None known Contact us
1120-1630 Memorie della Accademia delle scienze di Torino. 1951- Q104098454 None* Predecessor Contact us
0037-8720 Memorie della Società astronomica italiana. 1872- Q3305519 None* 1872-1927 Contact us
0536-0242 Memorie descrittive della carta geologica d'Italia. 1886- Q104441469 None* 1886-||-present Contact us
0505-2009 Memorie di biogeografia adriatica. 1950- Q47086278 None* None known Contact us
0391-1756 Memorie per servire alla descrizione della carta geologica d'Italia / 1871- Q104781829 None* 1918-||-2012 Contact us
2166-1898 The Memphis appeal 1886- Q100251621 N/A 1857-||-1889+ Contact us
2474-5480 The Memphis union appeal 1862- Q100292516 N/A 1862+ Contact us
0461-7398 Men and women of Hawaii. 1954- Q102077808 None 1917-1972 Contact us
2375-4400 The menace Q22060233 N/A 1911-1919 Contact us
0025-9233 Menckeniana. Q84038406 None 2012-present Contact us
0025-9373 The Mennonite quarterly review. 1927- Q6817207 None None known Contact us
0025-9454 Mens en maatschappij. 1947- Q96324397 None* 1925-recent Contact us
0025-9462 Mens en melodie. 1948- Q5454408 None* None known Contact us
0716-0062 Mensaje. 1951- Q105413574 None* None known Contact us
2365-3655 Mensch und Arbeit. 1949-1967 Q105413640 None* None known Contact us
0076-6445 Mental health book review index. 1956-1972 Q101210085 None None known Contact us
0096-5502 Mental hospitals. 1951-1965 Q96324425 None None known Contact us
0025-9683 Mental hygiene. Q27712079 1948 1917-1928 Contact us
0076-6461 The ... Mental measurements yearbook. 1941- Q18390544 1949* None known Contact us
0047-6765 Mental retardation. 1963- Q105413760 None None known Contact us
0025-987X Mercer law review. 1949- Q15760560 1950 None known Contact us
0076-6526 The Merck manual of diagnosis and therapy. 1950- Q2666167 1940* 1899-||-present Contact us
0076-6542 The Merck veterinary manual. 1955- Q6818510 1955 2024-present Contact us
1039-9992 The Mercury (Hobart, TX) 1860- Q3521843 None* None known Contact us
2575-0658 The Meridian times 1909- Q55666389 None 1909-1922 Contact us
0543-5277 Merlin. 1952-1955 Q106876859 None* None known Contact us
0026-0150 Merrill-Palmer quarterly. 1954-1958 Q15756633 None* 1954-1961 Contact us
1930-9465 Mesabi daily news. 1945- Q55667619 None None known Contact us
0543-5498 Mesoamerican notes. 1950-1966 Q106876861 None* None known Contact us
0026-0495 Metabolism, clinical and experimental. 1952- Q15764354 1952 None known Contact us
0026-0576 Metal finishing; preparation, electroplating, coating. 1940- Q26839775 None None known Contact us
0026-0665 Metal progress. 1930- Q26839395 1951 None known Contact us
0026-0673 Metal science and heat treatment. 1963- Q15754157 None* None known Contact us
0026-0746 Metall. 1947- Q96324480 None* None known Contact us
0026-0835 Metallurgia. 1929-1971 Q106876862 None* None known Contact us
0361-2694 Metallurgical & chemical engineering. 1910- Q106876863 N/A* 1910-1918+ Contact us
0076-6690 Metallurgical reviews. 1956- Q96324509 None* None known Contact us
0026-0827 Metallurgist. Metallurg. 1957- Q15752780 None* None known Contact us
0555-408X Metallurgy and fuels. 1956- Q106876864 None None known Contact us
0096-5855 Metals technology. 1934-1948 Q106876865 None None known Contact us
0461-9579 Metalurgia. 1963- Q123707219 None None known Contact us
0026-1033 Metalworking production. 1955- Q96324547 None* None known Contact us
0026-1114 Meteoritics. 1953-1995 Q27714960 None None known Contact us
0026-1130 Meteorological and geoastrophysical abstracts. 1960-2015 Q123707417 None None known Contact us
0369-1845 Meteorologische Zeitschrift. 1884-1944 Q106876866 None* 1884-||-1928 Contact us
0026-1238 Methodist history. 1962- Q15751546 None 1962-recent Contact us
0382-6430 The Methodist magazine. 1889- Q106877607 N/A* 1889-1895+ Contact us
0076-6860 Methods in computational physics. 1963-1977 Q106876867 1963 None known Contact us
0076-6879 Methods in enzymology. 1955- Q2076903 1955* None known Contact us
0076-6941 Methods of biochemical analysis. 1954- Q15752759 1954 None known Contact us
0026-1343 Metro. 1960- Q106876868 None* None known Contact us
0026-1424 Metron. 1920- Q15760960 None* None known Contact us
1556-8725 Metropolitan Museum studies. 1928-1936 Q96729873 None None known Contact us
1406-9954 Metsanduslikud uurimused. 1957- Q12370224 None* None known Contact us
0543-7741 Mexico; facts, figures, trends. 1960- Q106876869 None* None known Contact us
2326-9308 Mexico Missouri message 1899- Q100277187 N/A 1899-1918 Contact us
0026-1823 The Mexico quarterly review. 1962-1975 Q106877608 None* None known Contact us
0130-9625 Mezhdunarodnai︠a︡ zhizn'. 1954- Q106876882 None* None known Contact us
0543-7822 Mezhdunarodnyĭ ezhegodnik: Politika i ėkonomika. 1958-1991 Q106876884 None* None known Contact us
0543-1921 Meʾasef. 5720-1960 All None known Contact us
0898-865X Miami herald. 1910- Q1706651 1940 None known Contact us
0739-0319 The Miami times. 1923- Q25025417 None* 1958-||-recent Contact us
0543-9728 Michigan archaeologist. 1957- Q105530530 None* 1961-1964 Contact us
2578-1715 Michigan business farmer 1920-1928 Q105530556 None 1920-1928+ Contact us
2578-1677 Michigan business farming 1912-1920 N/A 1912-||-1920 Contact us
0076-7867 Michigan business studies. 1926-1971 Q105530624 None* 1930-||-1962 Contact us
0026-2072 Michigan Christian advocate. 1875- Q105340354 None 1875-||-2010 Contact us
0026-2234 Michigan law review. 1902- Q6837591 1947 1902-||-present Contact us
0091-1933 Michigan manual. 1959- Q105664538 None 1836-||-present Contact us
0026-2285 The Michigan mathematical journal. 1952- Q6837611 1963 1952-recent Contact us
0026-2366 Michigan nurse. 1928- Q27712094 None None known Contact us
0026-2420 Michigan quarterly review. 1962- Q6837650 1964* 1962-recent Contact us
0543-9930 Michigan Slavic materials. 1962- Q105746281 None* 1962-1965 Contact us
0544-0025 Michigan State University education in Asia series. 1962- Q105746500 None* None known Contact us
0076-8308 Michigan statistical abstract. 1955- Q105746835 None* 1955-||-1977 Contact us
0026-2617 Microbiology. 1957- Q15767401 None* None known Contact us
0026-265X Microchemical journal. 1957- Q3856950 1964* None known Contact us
1050-0960 The micropaleontologist. 1947-1954 Q96737312 None* None known Contact us
0269-5766 The Microscope [electronic resource]. 1820- Q6839131 All* None known Contact us
0368-8992 The Microscope and crystal front. 1963-1967 Q106118204 None* None known Contact us
0026-2927 Mid-America; an historical review. 1929- Q27716047 None* 1929-||--1963 Contact us
0544-0653 Mid-stream. 1961- Q106396152 None* None known Contact us
1948-1586 Mid-west sociologist. -1959 Q106116700 None* 2011-2015 Contact us
0544-0335 Midcontinent American studies journal. 1962-1970 Q27902418 None* 1962-1970+ Contact us
0026-3087 Middle East and African economist. 1962-1988 Q106118205 None None known Contact us
0026-3141 The Middle East journal. 1947- Q1931859 None 1947-1961 Contact us
1073-9467 Middle East quarterly. 1994- Q6841355 All 1994-present Contact us
0076-8529 Middle East record. 1960- Q106588384 None* 1960-1961 Contact us
0544-0483 Middle Eastern affairs / 1950-1963 Q106588402 None None known Contact us
0026-3214 The Middle way. 1943- Q15756889 None* 2015 Contact us
2327-6487 The Middleburgh post -1916 Q100277208 N/A None known Contact us
2333-7664 The Middlebury galaxy 1848-1850 Q100277213 N/A* 1848-1850+ Contact us
2333-7702 The Middlebury people's press 1841-1843 Q100277216 N/A* 1841-1843+ Contact us
2328-1170 The Middlebury register and Addison County journal 1850-1885 Q104848872 None* 1850-||-1922+ Contact us
2572-0287 Middletown transcript 1868- Q55665967 None 1868-||-1922 Contact us
0397-2550 Midi libre. 1944- Q1465340 None* None known Contact us
0026-3249 The Midland. 1915-1933 Q99529104 1931 1915-1928 Contact us
0026-3257 Midland Bank review. 1946- Q106118206 None* None known Contact us
2577-2481 The midland journal 1885- Q60762380 None 1885-1946 Contact us
0003-0031 The midland naturalist. 1909- Q5672453 1964 1909-1928 Contact us
0026-3303 Midland schools. 1896-1972 Q106784481 None* 1896-||-1928 Contact us
0544-067X Midway. 1960-1970 Q27715336 1960 None known Contact us
0544-0750 Midwest folklore. 1951-1964 Q27920472 None* 1951-1964+ Contact us
0026-3397 Midwest journal of political science. 1957-1972 Q96730141 1958 None known Contact us
0544-0823 The Midwest review. 1959-1993 Q106877609 None None known Contact us
0363-888X The Midwestern archivist. 1976-1991 Q111289547 All* 1976-1991+ Contact us
2043-4391 The Midwife, or, The old woman's magazine. 1751-1753 N/A None known Contact us
2574-1306 Migration and society. Q96730183 All 2018-||-present Contact us
1075-0215 Mihrigān. 1371- Q106116701 All None known Contact us
2328-1138 The Milan exchange 1874-1978 Q100277232 None 1874-1887 Contact us
0026-3745 The Milbank Memorial Fund quarterly. 1934-1972 Q27712111 None* Predecessor Contact us
0276-5187 The Milbank Memorial Fund quarterly bulletin. 1923-1933 Q96737316 None* 1923-1933 Contact us
0026-3931 Military affairs. 1941-1988 Q27716052 None* None known Contact us
0459-7222 The military balance. 1963- Q53953153 None* None known Contact us
0026-3982 The Military engineer. Q96320419 1929* 1920-1928 Contact us
0026-4040 Military law review. 1958- Q15765962 None* 1958-present Contact us
0026-4075 Military medicine. 1955- Q6852079 None* Predecessor Contact us
0096-6827 The military surgeon : journal of the Association of Military Surgeons of the United States. 1907-1954 Q27719829 None* 1907-1928 Contact us
0076-8790 Milla wa-milla. 1961-1979 Q106118207 None* None known Contact us
0544-1943 Milletlerarası münasebetler Türk yıllığı = The Turkish yearbook of international relations. 1960- Q96730265 None* 1977-2020 Contact us
0070-7619 Million dollar directory / 1959-1996 Q106116702 None None known Contact us
1052-4452 The Milwaukee journal. 1890-1995 Q25379997 1939* 1909 Contact us
1052-4479 The Milwaukee sentinel. 1883-1995 Q98400445 1942 None known Contact us
1300-4212 Mimarlık. 1963- Q106876886 None* 1963-recent Contact us
0026-4423 Mind. 1876- Q1936338 None* 1876-1928 Contact us
0540-1321 Mindener Beiträge zur Geschichte, Landes- und Volkskunde des ehemaligen Fürstentums Minden ; Mindener Jahrbuch, neue Folge. 1950-1953 Q106876887 None* None known Contact us
2326-9731 The Mineral argus 1883-1886 N/A None known Contact us
0885-4866 The Mineral collector. 1894-1909 N/A None known Contact us
0096-509X The Mineral industry. 1893- Q106877610 None 1892-1928 Contact us
0077-8737 Mineral resources. 1898- Q106876888 None* 1898-1930 Contact us
0082-8114 Mineral resources development series. 1952- Q106876889 None* None known Contact us
0364-0191 Mineral trade notes / 1935-1979 Q106876890 None* 1935-1979 Contact us
0026-4601 Mineralogical abstracts. 1920- Q6864407 None* 1920-1928 Contact us
0544-2540 Mineralogical journal. 1953- Q116375408 Unknown None known Contact us
0026-4695 Minerva. 1962- Q15817918 None* None known Contact us
0076-8960 Minerva; Jahrbuch der gelehrten Welt... 1891-1970 Q106876891 None* 1891-1928 Contact us
0076-8979 Mining and geological journal. 1937-1972 Q106876892 None* None known Contact us
0096-5723 Mining and scientific press. Q10906094 N/A 1862-1922+ Contact us
2045-2578 Mining world. 1939-1963 Q125116614 All* None known Contact us
2151-3953 The Minneapolis journal. 1888-1939 Q56236713 None 1901-1906 Contact us
0026-5403 The Minnesota archaeologist. 1935- Q106877611 None None known Contact us
0026-5497 Minnesota history. 1925- Q27716066 1946* 1925-present Contact us
0190-6348 Minnesota history bulletin. 1915-1924 Q106143633 N/A* 1915-1924 Contact us
0026-5335 Minnesota law review. 1917- Q6868348 None 1917-||-recent Contact us
0026-556X Minnesota medicine. Q26839577 None 1918-||-present Contact us
0026-5667 The Minnesota review. 1960- Q7751582 1960 None known Contact us
2372-8647 Minnesota Staats-Zeitung 1858- Q100277362 N/A* 1858-1872+ Contact us
0076-9258 Minnesota studies in the philosophy of science. 1956- Q15752988 1956* None known Contact us
0544-3679 The Minnesota veterinarian. 1961-1986 Q106877612 None None known Contact us
0544-3725 The Minority of one. 1959-1968 Q106877614 1963 None known Contact us
0544-3733 Minos. 1951- Q15765769 None* None known Contact us
0044-9652 Minutes of the meeting - Association of Research Libraries. 1932-1993 Q106876894 None 1946-||-1998 Contact us
0026-5829 Mirovai︠a︡ ėkonomika i mezhdunarodnye otnoshenii︠a︡ / 1957- Q4295905 None* None known Contact us
2043-4197 The mirror. 1779-1780 N/A None known Contact us
2043-4421 The mirror monthly magazine. 1847-1849 N/A None known Contact us
2639-3417 Mirror of the times & general advertiser 1799- Q100277373 N/A 1804 Contact us
0325-3406 Miscelánea / 1920- Q98341181 None* 1920-2008 Contact us
0210-9522 Miscelánea Comillas. 1945- Q96730406 None* None known Contact us
0026-5888 Miscellanea storica della Valdelsa : periodico della Società storica della Valdelsa. 1893- Q106876895 None* 1893-||-2012 Contact us
0889-8766 Miscellaneous circular / 1897-1929 Q125141892 None* 1894-1949+ Contact us
0097-3823 Miscellaneous contributions. 1932- Q119220827 None* 1923-||-present Contact us
1056-9472 Miscellaneous contributions on the costs of medical care. 1930- Q106876897 None* None known Contact us
0540-3324 The Miscellaneous man. 1954-1959 Q106877615 None None known Contact us
0082-2736 Miscellaneous paper. 1957- Q125337772 None* None known Contact us
0518-293X Miscellaneous papers / 1959- Q125337820 None* None known Contact us
0097-0212 Miscellaneous publication / 1927- Q51505380 None* 1927-2002+ Contact us
2047-234X Miscellanies / 1925-1962 Q124622988 None* None known Contact us
0510-7679 Miscellany / 1960- None* None known Contact us
1079-9036 The Missionary herald. 1821-1934 Q105080739 None 1818-1928 Contact us
0026-6051 Missionary news service. 1962- Q106876899 None None known Contact us
2165-9419 Missionary record [electronic resource]. 1868-1879 N/A None known Contact us
2469-7265 The Mississippi Creole 1841- Q106877616 N/A 1841-||-1851+ Contact us
2469-732X Mississippi Democrat 1844- Q106876900 N/A* 1844-1847+ Contact us
0026-6280 Mississippi law journal. 1928- Q6879216 None None known Contact us
2469-7443 Mississippi palladium 1851-1852 Q100277409 N/A None known Contact us
0026-637X The Mississippi quarterly. 1953- Q6879254 None None known Contact us
0161-391X The Mississippi Valley historical review. 1914-1964 Q29043920 1939* 1914-||-1999 Contact us
0746-4495 The Missoulian. 1904- Q100292120 None 1909-||-1918 Contact us
0026-6507 Missouri Botanical Garden bulletin. 1913- Q51431734 None* 1913-2020 Contact us
1052-2603 Missouri Bureau of Geology and Mines : [report]. 1903-1930 Q106876901 None 1903-||-1928 Contact us
1052-259X Missouri Geological Survey : [report]. 1894-1898 N/A None known Contact us
0026-6604 Missouri law review. 1936- Q15760408 1936 1936-present Contact us
0026-6655 The Missouri nurse. 1932- Q27712150 None None known Contact us
0746-7540 The Mitchell County press-news. 1956- Q55666335 None None known Contact us
0334-3839 Mitekufat Haeven: Journal of the Israel Prehistoric Society / מתקופת האבן 1960- Q106876902 None* None known Contact us
2509-5447 Mitteilung 1947-1948 Q106876904 None* None known Contact us
0066-4693 Mitteilungen. 1870- Q106876905 None* 1870-1927 Contact us
0369-0016 Mitteilungen aus dem Geologischen Staatsinstitut in Hamburg. 1912-1968 Q47117560 None* None known Contact us
0373-8221 Mitteilungen aus dem Mathem. Seminar Giessen. 1921- Q106876906 None* 1921-1939 Contact us
0072-9469 Mitteilungen aus dem Museum für Völkerkunde in Hamburg. 1906- Q106876907 None* 1906-||-1928 Contact us
0374-1958 Mitteilungen der Astronomischen Gesellschaft. 1949- Q106876908 None* None known Contact us
0077-2070 Mitteilungen der Bayer. Staatssammlung für Paläontologie und Histor. Geologie. 1961-2002 Q51505476 None* None known Contact us
0070-3958 Mitteilungen der Deutschen Dendrologischen Gesellschaft. 1892- Q9033781 None* 1892-||-1928 Contact us
2193-9063 Mitteilungen der Gesellschaft für Jüdische Volkskunde 1898-1904 Q126563431 N/A* 1898-1904+ Contact us
0378-8903 Mitteilungen der Internationalen Gesellschaft für Musikwissenschaft = Bulletin de la Société internationale de musicologie. 1928-1930 Q96730498 None* None known Contact us
0541-2331 Mitteilungen der Internationalen Stiftung Mozarteum. 1953-2002 Q15757829 None* None known Contact us
1421-5551 Mitteilungen der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft des Kantons Solothurn. 1963- Q106876909 None* 1963-present+ Contact us
0077-6130 Mitteilungen der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Bern. 1843- Q27721679 None* 1843-||-present Contact us
1016-4960 Mitteilungen der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Luzern 1897- Q106876910 None* 1895-||-present Contact us
1421-5543 Mitteilungen der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft Solothurn Q127316056 None* 1899-1963+ Contact us
0083-615X Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Galerie. 1957- Q106876911 None* None known Contact us
1420-6854 Mitteilungen der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft der Freunde Ostasiatischer Kultur. Bulletin de la Société suisse des amis de l'extrême-orient. 1939- Q106876913 None* 1939-1946+ Contact us
0042-3815 Mitteilungen der Vereinigung schweizerischer Versicherungsmathematiker = Bulletin de l'Association des Actuaires suisses. 1906-1979 Q125145257 None* 1906-1988 Contact us
0540-8318 Mitteilungen der Wiener Diplomata-Abteilung der Monumenta Germaniae Historica. 1950-1974 Q106876915 None* None known Contact us
0342-1287 Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archaeologischen Instituts, Roemische Abteilung. 1886- Q15765771 None* 1886-||-present Contact us
0342-1295 Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts, Athenische Abteilung. 1921- Q15765770 None* 1876-1928 Contact us
0418-9426 Mitteilungen des Deutschen Germanistenverbandes. 1954- Q96730504 None* None known Contact us
2193-5165 Mitteilungen des Gesamtarchivs der Deutschen Juden. 1909-1926 Q89479498 N/A* 1909-1926 Contact us
0073-2680 Mitteilungen des Historischen Vereins der Pfalz. 1870- Q106876916 None* 1870-1927 Contact us
0537-7846 Mitteilungen des Instituts für Asienkunde, Hamburg. 1959- Q106876917 None* None known Contact us
0073-8484 Mitteilungen des Instituts für Österreichische Geschichtsforschung. 1948- Q1939976 None* 1880-1928 Contact us
0342-1201 Mitteilungen des Kunsthistorischen Instituts in Florenz. 1908- Q15764033 None* 1908-recent Contact us
0369-1136 Mitteilungen des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereines für Steiermark. 1863- Q15757750 None* 1863-recent Contact us
0540-4754 Mitteilungen für die Archivpflege in Bayern. 1958- Q106876918 None* None known Contact us
0026-6949 Mitteilungen über Textilindustrie. 1894- Q125160469 None* 1894-1971 Contact us
0590-451X Mitteilungen und Forschungsbeiträge der Cusanus-Gesellschaft. 1961- Q27716068 None* None known Contact us
2193-9055 Mitteilungen zur jüdischen Volkskunde. 1905- Q106876919 None* 1905-1927+ Contact us
0023-0553 Mitteilungsblatt. 1946- Q125192624 None* 1946-recent Contact us
0253-2905 Mittheilungen der Thurgauischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft. 1879- Q51505488 None* 1855-2021 Contact us
1105-1116 Mittheilungen des Kaiserlich Deutschen Archaeologischen Instituts, Athenische Abtheilung. 1886-1914 N/A None known Contact us
0017-7083 Mizraḥ he-ḥadash. 1949- Q106876920 None* None known Contact us
0026-704X Mljekarstvo. 1951- Q50432446 None* 1951-present Contact us
0026-7074 Mnemosyne. 1852- Q1941227 None* 1852-1928 Contact us
0076-9789 Mobil travel guide. 1961-2002 Q125162517 1962 None known Contact us
0076-9819 Mobil travel guide. 1962-2000 Q106876921 1962 None known Contact us
0026-7295 Model airplane news. 1935- Q17069569 None 1929-1959 Contact us
0026-7341 Model railroader. 1933- Q930053 1948* None known Contact us
0544-6406 Moderator. 1962- Q106876922 None None known Contact us
2151-7053 Modern art. 1893-1897 Q96730676 N/A None known Contact us
0544-6422 Modern artists in America. 1950- Q124321936 None None known Contact us
0076-9924 Modern aspects of electrochemistry. 1954- Q124321939 None None known Contact us
0026-7538 Modern brewery age. 1940- Q104848178 None None known Contact us
0026-7597 The Modern churchman. 1911- Q27717060 None* 1912-||-1922 Contact us
0026-7600 Modern concepts of cardiovascular disease. 1932- Q27712151 None None known Contact us
0026-7694 Modern drama. 1958- Q15767055 None* None known Contact us
0026-783X Modern hospital. 1913-1974 Q27712154 1929 1913-1961 Contact us
0026-7902 The modern language journal. 1916- Q15710053 None 1916-1961 Contact us
0026-7910 Modern language notes. 1886-1961 Q15708561 None 1886-1961 Contact us
2047-1211 The modern language quarterly. 1900-1904 N/A None known Contact us
2047-119X The modern language quarterly. 1897- Unknown None known Contact us
0026-7937 The modern language review. 1905- Q6888740 None* 1905-1928 Contact us
0026-7945 Modern languages. 1919-1989 Q15765330 Unknown None known Contact us
0026-7961 The modern law review. 1937- Q6888733 Unknown None known Contact us
0026-8003 Modern machine shop. 1928- Q6888756 Unknown None known Contact us
0077-0000 Modern materials. 1958-1970 Q107017958 Unknown None known Contact us
0026-8070 Modern medicine. 1932- Q27720085 Unknown None known Contact us
0937-8340 Modern methods of plant analysis = Moderne Methoden der Pflanzenanalyse. 1956-1999 Q107017959 Unknown None known Contact us
1060-0701 Modern music : a quarterly review. Q71294977 1932* 1924-1929+ Contact us
0026-8224 Modern packaging. 1927- Q106812072 1964 1927-1962 Contact us
0026-8232 Modern philology. 1903- Q6888811 1953 1903-1953 Contact us
0026-8275 Modern plastics. 1934-2004 Q96324965 1964 None known Contact us
2047-1203 The modern quarterly of language and literature. 1898-1899 N/A None known Contact us
0026-8380 The Modern review. 1907- Q107019388 Unknown None known Contact us
2043-4464 The Modern review. 1880-1884 N/A None known Contact us
0026-8445 Modern steel construction. 1961- Q96324980 Unknown None known Contact us
0544-6813 Modern trends in endocrinology. 1958- Unknown None known Contact us
0077-0140 Modern trends in human reproductive physiology. 1963- Q27720086 Unknown None known Contact us
0544-6848 Modern trends in immunology. 1963- Q27712166 Unknown None known Contact us
0544-6953 Modern trends in surgery. 1962- Q27712169 Unknown None known Contact us
0026-8542 Modern veterinary practice. 1958-1965 Q107017961 Unknown None known Contact us
0026-8674 Modern world. 1961-1969 Q107017962 Unknown None known Contact us
0026-8577 Moderna språk. 1907- Q54058911 Unknown None known Contact us
0766-7744 Le mois d'ethnographie française : bulletin de la Société d'ethnographie franc̜aise. 1947-1952 Q108299633 None* None known Contact us
2043-4480 Momus ridens ; or, Comical remarks on the weekly reports. 1690-1691 N/A None known Contact us
0036-7729 Monatsbericht / 1926-1997 Q107017963 Unknown None known Contact us
0011-9814 Monatsberichte der Deutschen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin. 1959-1971 Q107017964 Unknown None known Contact us
0026-9271 Monatshefte. 1946- Q115329705 Unknown None known Contact us
0932-1136 Monatshefte der kunstwissenschaftlichen Literatur. 1905-1907 N/A None known Contact us
0343-7329 Monatshefte für Chemie und verwandte Teile anderer Wissenschaften : gesammelte Abhandlungen aus den Sitzungsberichten der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften. 1881-1967 Q96325013 Unknown None known Contact us
1948-0938 Monatshefte für deutsche Sprache und Pädagogik / 1906- Unknown None known Contact us
1948-0911 Monatshefte für deutschen Unterricht. 1928-1945 Q28529224 Unknown None known Contact us
0863-5811 Monatshefte für Kunstwissenschaft. 1908-1922 Q113452661 N/A None known Contact us
0026-9255 Monatshefte für Mathematik. 1890- Q1944084 Unknown None known Contact us
2193-9136 Monatsschrift für Geschichte und Wissenschaft des Judenthums. 1851-1939 Q137889 Unknown None known Contact us
0026-9395 Le Monde diplomatique. 1954- Q858121 Unknown None known Contact us
0026-9611 Moneta e credito. 1948- Q50432452 Unknown None known Contact us
2378-1866 The Mongolia Society newsletter : a publication of the Mongolia Society. 1962-1964 Q107019389 Unknown None known Contact us
0026-9662 The monist. 1890- Q2524162 1932 1890-1930 Contact us
0886-3695 The Monitor / The Association for Educational Data Systems. 1985-1086 N/A None known Contact us
2639-3956 The monitor, or, Delaware Federalist 1801- Q107019390 Unknown None known Contact us
2639-393X The monitor & Wilmington repository 1800- Q107019391 Unknown None known Contact us
0026-9824 Monocle. 1957-1967 Q107017965 Unknown None known Contact us
0077-0507 Monografie matematyczne. 1932-1986 Q107017966 Unknown None known Contact us
0146-5651 Monograph series - United States Historical Society. 1902- Unknown None known Contact us
0512-3038 Monograph series (World Health Organization. 1951- Q26853904 Unknown None known Contact us
0077-0655 Monographiae botanicae. 1953- Q96325072 Unknown None known Contact us
0544-8204 Monographien und Studien zur Konflikt-Psychologie. Abt. II: Konflikt-Diagnostik. 1961-1971 Q107017991 Unknown None known Contact us
0440-1522 Monographien zur Völkerkunde. 1943- Q107017992 Unknown None known Contact us
0065-8197 Monographs of the American Ethnological Society. 1940- Q107017993 None* 1940-||-1954 Contact us
0079-2020 Monographs of the Physiological Society. 1953- Q27712193 Unknown None known Contact us
1044-5285 Monographs of the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research. 1910-1930 Q107017995 Unknown None known Contact us
0276-847X Monographs of the School of American Research. 1931- Q107017996 Unknown None known Contact us
0037-976X Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development. 1929- Q6901621 Unknown None known Contact us
0886-7550 Monographs of the United States Geological Survey. 1882-1929 Q51506600 Unknown None known Contact us
0544-8514 Monographs on the life, times and works of Thomas Hardy. 1962-1971 Q107017997 Unknown None known Contact us
2374-2178 Monongalia mirror -1855 N/A None known Contact us
0544-8565 Monotype newsletter. 1932- Q107017998 Unknown None known Contact us
2326-9340 Monroe City Democrat -1919 Q100277533 N/A None known Contact us
0544-8913 The Montana almanac. 1957- Q124321995 None None known Contact us
0026-993X Montana education. 1924-1977 Q124321997 None None known Contact us
0026-9972 Montana law review. 1940- Q15760412 None None known Contact us
2372-8841 Montana leader 1918- Q124322001 N/A* 1918+ Contact us
1939-9952 The Montana magazine of history. 1951-1955 Q106695040 None* 1951-1955+ Contact us
2326-9626 Montana news 1904- Q100277549 N/A 1904-1912 Contact us
2372-8876 The Montana nonpartisan 1918- Q100277550 N/A* 1918-1919+ Contact us
2329-552X The Montana plaindealer 1906- Q100277551 N/A 1906-1911 Contact us
0026-9891 Montana the magazine of western history. 1955- Q6904208 1963* 1955-1961+ Contact us
0580-6712 Monteagudo : revista de literatura española, hispanoamericana y teoría de la literatura. 1953- Q96716272 None* 1953-||-present Contact us
0463-3016 Montevallo review. 1950- Q125193145 None* 1951 Contact us
0027-0148 Montfort : Vierteljahresschrift für Geschichte und Gegenwartskunde Vorarlbergs. 1946- Q27716079 None* None known Contact us
0027-0172 The Month. 1882- Q3988378 None* 1864-1928 Contact us
0027-0180 Monthly abstract of statistics. 1914- Q125193449 None* 1914-||-1927 Contact us
0019-4174 Monthly abstract of statistics. 1948-1976 Q125193571 None* None known Contact us
0027-4151 Monthly bulletin. 1961- Q125373583 None* None known Contact us
0041-7432 Monthly bulletin of statistics. 1947- Q27719308 None None known Contact us
0012-849X Monthly bulletin of statistics. 1950- Q125373704 None* None known Contact us
0277-1802 Monthly catalogue, United States public documents / 1907-1933 Q125219067 None* 1907-1939+ Contact us
0027-0288 Monthly checklist of state publications / 1947-1954 Q125193906 None* 1921-1994+ Contact us
2043-4642 The Monthly chronicle 1840-1842 Q130320992 N/A 1838-1841 Contact us
0308-6666 Monthly digest of statistics / Central Statistical Office. 1946- Q96716282 None* None known Contact us
0015-279X Monthly economic letter / 1962- Q125194085 None* Predecessor Contact us
0005-5255 Monthly economic review. 1953-1997 Q125373740 None* None known Contact us
2043-3786 The monthly epitome and catalogue of new publications. 1797-1802 N/A None known Contact us
0276-1327 Monthly extracts from the correspondence of the American Bible Society. -1826 N/A None known Contact us
0093-0024 The Monthly flora, or Botanical magazine : comprising the history, description and colored engravings of 94 exotic flowers, 24 wild flowers of America, and 12 trees with fruits ; with an introduction on the physiology of plants and a tabular view of the Linnean system. 1846- Q125210737 N/A 1846 Contact us
0267-1115 Monthly journal of medical science. 1846-1854 Q126001817 N/A* 1846-1854+ Contact us
0267-1123 The Monthly journal of medicine. 1855- Q96319457 N/A* 1855+ Contact us
2043-4502 The monthly ledger, or, Literary repository : to containing philosophical, historical, biographical, and moral, essays, with anecdotes of literature 1773-1775 N/A None known Contact us
2043-4537 The Monthly magazine 1809- Q3322740 N/A None known Contact us
2043-4669 The Monthly miscellany. 1774- Q125210849 N/A 1774-1777 Contact us
2009-2946 Monthly museum ; or, Dublin literary repertory of arts, science, literature and miscellaneous information. 1813-1814 N/A None known Contact us
0024-8266 Monthly notes of the Astronomical Society of Southern Africa. 1940- Q15759865 None* None known Contact us
0035-8711 Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. Q1536490 None* 1827-recent+ Contact us
2009-2911 The monthly panorama. 1810- Q125219824 N/A* 1810+ Contact us
0303-9943 Monthly public opinion surveys. 1955- Q125374094 None* None known Contact us
0016-0334 The Monthly record of the Free Church of Scotland. 1901- Q125415042 None* None known Contact us
1080-8299 Monthly report of the Department of Agriculture, for ... 1863-1876 N/A None known Contact us
0418-8292 Monthly report of the Deutsche Bundesbank. 1957- Q125415082 None* None known Contact us
2043-4561 The monthly repository 1832-1837 N/A 1806-1837 Contact us
0027-0520 Monthly review. [electronic resource] 1949- Q1946330 1949* None known Contact us
2043-4618 The Monthly review. 1749-1750 N/A None known Contact us
0005-5328 Monthly review - Bank of Nova Scotia. 1927-1982 Q125415106 None* None known Contact us
0190-7611 Monthly review - Immigration and Naturalization Service. 1943-1952 Q109248251 None* 1943-1952+ Contact us
0311-9025 Monthly review of business statistics. 1937- Q125415169 None* None known Contact us
0361-9826 Monthly review of credit and business conditions. 1920-1958 Q125219903 None 1919-1958+ Contact us
0027-044X Monthly review of the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. 1915-1918 Q6905884 None* 1915-present Contact us
0536-7883 Monthly statistics of the foreign trade of India. 1957- Q125415187 None* None known Contact us
1048-6461 Monthly summary of commerce and finance of the United States / 1898-1914 N/A None known Contact us
0027-0644 Monthly weather review. 1872- Q1581474 None* 1872-||-recent Contact us
0077-1414 Monumenta chartæ papyraceæ historiam illustrantia; or, Collection of works and documents illustrating the history of paper. 1950- Q125366772 None* None known Contact us
0343-7582 Monumenta Germaniae historica inde ab anno Christi quingentesimo usque ad annum millesimum et quingentesimum. 1893- Q125221081 None* 1893-1927 Contact us
0343-0766 Monumenta Germaniae historica inde ab anno Christi quingentesimo usque ad annum millesimum et quingentesimum. 1893- Q125221624 None* None known Contact us
0343-0847 Monumenta Germaniae historica. Poetarum Latinorum Medii Aevi. 1880- Q125221681 None* 1880-1923 Contact us
0343-088X Monumenta Germaniae historica. 1922- Q127665649 None* 1922-||-1928 Contact us
0343-7574 Monumenta Germaniae historica. 1885-1920 Q106624460 N/A 1885-1920 Contact us
0540-8342 Monumenta historica Ragusina. 1951- Q125366796 None* None known Contact us
0544-9952 Monumenta liturgiae polychoralis Sanctae Ecclesiae Romanae. 1950- Q125415471 None* None known Contact us
0540-8415 Monumenta liturgiae polychoralis Sanctae Ecclesiae Romanae. 1951- Q125415477 None* None known Contact us
0545-0004 Monumenta musicae sacrae. 1952- Q15835570 None* None known Contact us
0027-0741 Monumenta Nipponica. 1938- Q248774 None* None known Contact us
0254-9948 Monumenta serica / 1935- Q480577 None* None known Contact us
1120-1037 Monumenti antichi. 1889-1966 Q104681494 None* 1889-1928 Contact us
0545-0063 Monumenti di musica italiana. 1961- Q125366850 None* None known Contact us
1148-6023 Monuments et mémoires publiés par l'Académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres / 1894- Q58335381 None* 1894-recent Contact us
0545-0152 Moody's bank and finance manual. 1955-2000 Q106116703 1955* Predecessor Contact us
0148-1878 Moody's bond record. 1931-1999 Q106116704 1952 None known Contact us
0027-0822 Moody's bond survey. 1936- Q106118208 1952 None known Contact us
0545-0217 Moody's industrial manual. 1954-2000 Q106116705 1955* Predecessor Contact us
0545-025X Moody's transportation manual. 1954-2000 Q106116706 1954* Predecessor Contact us
0027-089X Moody's transportation news report. 1929-1999 Q107663602 None None known Contact us
0307-9570 Moonshine 1807- Q107935199 All* None known Contact us
0091-0031 Morbidity and mortality weekly report. MMWR. 1952- Q106876924 None* 1952-present+ Contact us
0047-8105 Moreana. 1963- Q15710010 None* None known Contact us
2381-5272 The Morgan City daily review 1916- Q108126470 N/A 1916-1919 Contact us
2577-3941 The morning Alaskan 1898- Q100277693 N/A 1898-1922 Contact us
2472-0526 Morning appeal 1877- Q106101543 N/A* 1877-1906+ Contact us
2373-3497 The morning Astorian 1899-1930 Q108271772 None* 1899-1909+ Contact us
1322-7769 The morning bulletin. 1870-1872 N/A None known Contact us
1941-0719 The morning call. Q7413963 Unknown 1890-1913 Contact us
0884-5557 The morning call. 1939- Q3910677 None* None known Contact us
2377-8121 The morning comet 1856- Q106116707 N/A 1856 Contact us
1943-8729 The Morning examiner. 1904-1910 N/A 1904-||-1910+ Contact us
2574-5638 The Morning herald 1875- Q106877618 N/A 1875-1879 Contact us
2476-0773 The morning journal-courier 1907- Q100277721 N/A 1907-1908 Contact us
1547-0482 The Morning sun [electronic resource]. 1907- Q108554197 All None known Contact us
2151-5417 The Morning sun [electronic resource]. 1907- Q100277744 N/A 1907-||-1909 Contact us
0259-7810 Morphologische Arbeiten. 1891- Q51506864 N/A 1891-1898+ Contact us
1057-4328 Mortality statistics. 1906- Q106876926 None* 1900-1936 Contact us
0193-7251 Morton Grove. 1960- Q55666560 None None known Contact us
0545-0691 Mosaic. 1960-1971 Q106876928 None None known Contact us
0027-1306 Moscow news. 1956-2014 Q16269733 None* None known Contact us
0362-4641 The Moslem World. 1911-1947 Q106877620 None* 1911-1928 Contact us
0027-1586 Motif : a journal of the visual arts. 1958- Q104099129 None* None known Contact us
0027-1667 Motive. 1941- Q106876930 1943 1941-1972 Contact us
0027-1748 Motor. 1903- Q6918097 1930 1903-||-1928 Contact us
0027-1799 Motor boating. 2000- Q66459309 1929 1908-2011 Contact us
0027-1977 Motor service. 1951- Q106876931 None None known Contact us
0380-5166 Motor transport. 1946- Q106876932 None* None known Contact us
1941-2924 Mountain advocate. 1904-1935 Q55666890 None 1904-||-1922 Contact us
2574-9021 Mountain Home Republican 1915- Q100277816 None 1915-||-1926 Contact us
2375-7213 The Mountainair independent 1916- Q100277836 None 1916-1920 Contact us
0027-2639 Mousaion. 1955- Q15816968 None* None known Contact us
0369-1349 Mouseion : bulletin de l'Office international des musées, Institut de coopération intellectuelle de la Société des Nations. 1927- Q21855722 None* 1927-1940+ Contact us
1496-9343 Mouseion : journal of the Classical Association of Canada = revue de la Société canadienne des études classiques. 2001- Q15758315 All* 2001-2008+ Contact us
0027-2671 Le mouvement social. 1961- Q3224839 None* 1960-2000+ Contact us
0027-2841 Le Moyen âge. 1888- Q616020 None* 1888-||-recent Contact us
1086-0657 The Mt. Zion region-news. 1959- Q108638437 None 2006-recent Contact us
0024-8509 MTM journal of methods-time measurement. 1963-1973 Q106876934 None None known Contact us
0027-3031 Muhammad speaks. 1961-1975 Q6932744 None* 1961-1975 Contact us
2158-9240 MULL : modern uses of logic in law. 1959- Q108330822 None* None known Contact us
0047-5300 MUM : magic, unity, might. 1911- Q101426880 None* 1916-1920 Contact us
0077-1880 Münchener indologische Studien. 1955- Q106118211 None* 1955 Contact us
0027-2973 Münchener medizinische Wochenschrift. 1854- Q27712060 None* 1886-1928+ Contact us
0077-1910 Münchener Studien zur Sprachwissenschaft. 1952- Q15816890 None* None known Contact us
0580-1427 Münchner ägyptologische Studien. 1962-1988 Q15836084 None* None known Contact us
0077-1899 Münchner Jahrbuch der bildenden Kunst. 1906- Q15762007 None* 1906-1928 Contact us
0096-5464 Municipal and county engineering. 1918-1927 Q107017999 N/A* 1918-1927+ Contact us
0027-3449 The Municipal attorney. 1959- Q107019392 None None known Contact us
0011-0647 The municipal court review. 1961-1969 Q15761148 All* 1999-||-recent Contact us
0097-4129 Municipal engineering. 1896-1918 Q125451777 N/A* 1896-1918+ Contact us
0027-3589 Municipal world. 1892- Q125246718 None* 1905-||-1928 Contact us
0077-2186 The municipal year book. 1934- Q107019393 None None known Contact us
2043-4723 Murray's magazine 1887-1891 N/A None known Contact us
0027-3716 The murrelet. 1920-1988 Q27791607 None 1920-||-1954 Contact us
0132-1943 Murzilka. 1924- Q2382250 None* 1924-1928 Contact us
1087-9463 The Muscatine journal. 1960- Q6940243 None None known Contact us
0027-3821 Musées de Genève. 1944-1997 Q27716561 None* None known Contact us
1144-1178 Musées et monuments de France : revue mensuelle d'art ancien et moderne. 1906-1907 N/A None known Contact us
0464-0020 El museo. 1951-1958 Q107017900 None* None known Contact us
0027-397X The Museologist. 1935- Q107019394 None None known Contact us
0027-3996 Museum. 1948-1992 Q107018000 None* Predecessor Contact us
0027-4011 The Museum. 1925-1973 Q107019396 None 1925-1929+ Contact us
0076-0609 Museum bulletin / 1949- Q107018001 None* None known Contact us
0027-4054 Museum helveticum. Q1304494 None* 1944-recent Contact us
0743-8761 The Museum journal / 1910- Q107019398 None 1910-1932 Contact us
0027-4003 Museum = Myūzeamu : Kokuritsu Hakubutsukan bijutsushi. 1951- Q15716270 None* None known Contact us
0027-4089 Museum news. 1924- Q96325200 None 1924-||-1953 Contact us
2578-7624 The museum news / Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences. 1905- Q106399372 N/A* 1905-1913+ Contact us
0145-1413 Museum notes. 1946- Q107018002 None* 1945-1988+ Contact us
0027-4097 Museum notes. 1943- Q125141202 None* None known Contact us
2638-4205 The museum of Delaware 1804- Q107019399 N/A None known Contact us
2638-4221 The Museum of Delaware & general advertiser -1809 N/A 1809+ Contact us
0899-0336 Museum of Fine Arts bulletin. 1903-1925 Q77493570 None 1903-1930 Contact us
0361-9656 Museum of Northern Arizona bulletin. 1932-1978 Q27722197 None* 1933-||-1946 Contact us
2043-474X The museum ; or, The literary and historical register. 1746- Q107019397 N/A 1746-1747+ Contact us
0895-0253 Museum technique series / 1925-1930 Q107018007 None* None known Contact us
2049-6729 Museum worlds : advances in research. 2013- Q96716975 All 2020-present Contact us
0141-6723 Museums and galleries in Great Britain and Ireland. 1955- Q107018003 None* None known Contact us
0090-6697 Museums directory of the United States and Canada. 1961- Q107018004 None None known Contact us
0027-416X Museums journal. 1901- Q6941144 None* 1901-1928 Contact us
0027-4178 Museumskunde; Zeitschrift für Verwaltung und Technik öffentlicher und privater Sammlungen. 1905- Q107018006 None* 1905-1924 Contact us
0027-4224 Music and letters 1920- Q15708875 None* 1920-1928 Contact us
0027-4321 Music educators journal. 1934- Q6941504 None* Predecessor Contact us
0027-4348 The Music index. 1949- Q107019424 1949 None known Contact us
0027-4445 The Music review. 1940-1994 Q107019425 None* None known Contact us
1559-2464 Music supervisors' bulletin. 1914-1915 Q96716992 N/A* 1914-1915+ Contact us
1559-2472 Music supervisors' journal. 1915-1934 Q96716995 None* 1915-1928+ Contact us
0547-3764 Music therapy ... : ... book of proceedings of the National Association for Music Therapy. 1952-1963 Q107018015 None None known Contact us
0027-4518 Musica. 1947-1996 Q68927568 None* None known Contact us
0580-2954 Musica Britannica. 1951- Q107018009 1951* None known Contact us
2975-2973 Musica d'oggi. 1919-1965 Q107018010 None* 1919-1942 Contact us
0580-3004 Musica liturgica. 1958-1960 Q107018011 1958 None known Contact us
0265-8011 The musical antiquary. 1909- Q125246731 N/A 1909-1913 Contact us
2043-4804 The Musical herald. 1880-1888 N/A None known Contact us
0738-0011 The Musical mercury. 1934-1949 Q107019400 None* None known Contact us
0027-4623 Musical opinion. 1927-2013 Q6942525 None* Predecessor Contact us
2043-4839 Musical opinion and music trade review. -1927 Q107018012 N/A* 1909-||-1921 Contact us
0027-4631 The musical quarterly. 1915- Q1763768 1942 1915-1942+ Contact us
0027-4666 The musical times. 1904- Q1757371 None* 1844-||-1928 Contact us
0958-8434 The musical times and singing-class circular. 1844-1903 Q28807439 N/A None known Contact us
2043-4901 The Musical world. 1836-1890 N/A None known Contact us
0580-3160 The Musician's guide. 1954-1980 Q107019401 None None known Contact us
0541-4172 Musicologica Medii Aevi. 1957- Q107018013 None* None known Contact us
0580-3225 Musik des Ostens. 1962- Q107018018 None* None known Contact us
0077-2526 Musikalische Denkmäler. 1955- Q107018017 None* None known Contact us
0027-4909 The Muslim world : a quarterly review of history, culture, religions & the christian mission in Islamdom. 1948- Q15758956 None* Predecessor Contact us
0276-6213 Mutual savings banking: facts & figures. 1959-1964 Q107018019 None None known Contact us
0580-3594 Műveltség és hagyomány. 1960- Q107018021 None* None known Contact us
0580-3608 Művészet. 1960- Q1213544 None* None known Contact us
0027-5247 Művészettörténeti értesítő. 1952- Q1213559 None* None known Contact us
0027-5344 Muzyka. 1956- Q15763959 None* None known Contact us
0027-5514 Mycologia. 1909- Q1962302 None* 1909-1961+ Contact us
1949-4637 Mycological bulletin. 1904-1908 N/A 1904-1908+ Contact us
0301-486X Mycopathologia. 1938- Q15763210 None* None known Contact us
0027-612X N B C news. 1957- Q98545468 None* None known Contact us
0882-9772 N.A.A. publications, topical index. 1960- Q107018023 None None known Contact us
0275-0856 NAACP annual report. None* 1909-||-2018 Contact us
0428-4968 Nachrichten aus der Eisen-Bibliothek der Georg Fischer Aktiengesellschaft. 1954- Q107018024 None* None known Contact us
0065-5295 Nachrichten der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Göttingen. 1958-2006 Q107018025 None* None known Contact us
0415-7273 Nachrichten des Deutschen Instituts für merowingisch-karolingische Kunstforschung. 1951-1959 Q107018027 None* None known Contact us
2577-5480 Nachrichten=herold 1901-1907 N/A None known Contact us
0065-5287 Nachrichten von der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Göttingen. 1941-2006 Q27716105 None* None known Contact us
0469-4325 Nachrichtentechnische Fachberichte. 1955-1975 Q107018028 None* None known Contact us
0027-7509 La Nación. 1941- Q107017928 None* None known Contact us
2575-1182 NACTA newsletter 1957-1958 Q107018030 None None known Contact us
0085-3658 NADA : the Southern Rhodesia Native Affairs Department annual. 1923-1979 Q27716100 None* 1923-1928 Contact us
0027-7622 Nagoya journal of medical science. 1927- Q26842153 None* 1927-||-present Contact us
0027-7630 Nagoya mathematical journal. 1950- Q15490097 None* 1950-recent Contact us
0027-5832 NAHB journal of home building. 1947-1972 Q107018032 None None known Contact us
0027-769X Nahrung = Food. 1957- Q108683720 None* None known Contact us
0077-2690 Names in South Carolina. 1954-1983 Q107018033 None None known Contact us
0547-2504 Narodna umjetnost. 1962- Q15759260 None* 1962-present Contact us
0259-4986 Narodnoe khozi︠a︡ĭstvo RSFSR. 1957- Q107018034 None* None known Contact us
0130-6995 Narody Azii i Afriki / 1961-1990 Q27722120 None* None known Contact us
0027-8084 Naš jezik. 1933- Q107018039 None* None known Contact us
0565-7059 NASA contractor report. 1963- Q27713746 None* 1962-||-present Contact us
0499-9363 NASA republication. 1959- Q108370475 None* None known Contact us
0499-9339 NASA technical note. 1959- Q107018035 None* 1959-1977+ Contact us
0077-3158 NASA technical translation. 1959- Q107018036 None* 1960-1988 Contact us
0469-6255 Naše more : znanstveni časopis za more i pomorstvo = journal of marine sciences. 1954- Q50478655 None* 1919-present Contact us
0027-8203 Naše řeč. 1917- Q12040472 None* 1917-recent Contact us
2043-4944 Nash's pall mall magazine. 1929- Q107018038 1930* Predecessor Contact us
0027-8238 Nash sovremennik. 1956- Q4315210 None* None known Contact us
2228-5849 Nashrīyah-i ʻilmī-pizhūhishī-i rāhburdhā-yi āmūzish dar ʻulūm-i pizishkī = Scientific journal of education strategies in medical sciences. 1387-2008 Q50817025 N/A* 2009-present Contact us
2008-5893 Nashrīyah-i mudīrīyat-i fannāvarī-i iṭṭilāʻāt 1387-2018 Q15753692 N/A* 2009-present Contact us
2423-6705 Nashrīyah-i takhaṣṣuṣī mikānīk-i kārburdī. 1390- Q109024112 N/A* 2011-present Contact us
2165-9311 The Nashville daily union. 1862-1866 N/A None known Contact us
2327-8463 Nashville patriot 1855-1860 Q96056383 N/A 1855-1862 Contact us
2166-7772 Nashville union. 1851-1853 N/A None known Contact us
2166-6105 Nashville union and American. 1868-1875 Q109630998 N/A* 1868-1875+ Contact us
2166-7659 Nashville union and American. 1853- Q100276802 N/A* 1853-1962+ Contact us
2165-9338 The Nashville weekly union. 1862- Q100277968 N/A 1865+ Contact us
0027-6014 NASPA. 1963- Q108894570 None None known Contact us
0047-8695 Nassau lawyer. 1953- Q107018040 None None known Contact us
0547-3330 Nastava i vaspitanje. 1952- Q50478641 None* 2015-present Contact us
0027-8327 Nasza ojczyzna. 1958- Q107018041 None* None known Contact us
2377-8164 Natchitoches union 1859- Q107018042 N/A 1861-1862 Contact us
0027-8378 The nation. 1865- Q1897630 1929 1865-||-1928+ Contact us
0028-047X Nation's business. 1912- Q27709845 1951 1914-1999 Contact us
0028-0488 Nation's cities. 1963-1978 Q107018043 None None known Contact us
0028-0526 The Nation's schools. 1928-1974 Q107019426 None None known Contact us
2152-8578 National Academy notes including the complete catalogue of the spring exhibition, National Academy of Design. 1884-1889 Q96146103 N/A* 1884-1889+ Contact us
0952-6447 The National and English review. 1950-1960 Q107019427 None* Predecessor Contact us
0509-8297 National Arboretum contribution. 1953- Q51507986 Unknown None known Contact us
0886-0300 National Archives accessions. 1940- Q107018044 Unknown None known Contact us
0896-0194 National Black law journal. 1987- All 1971-||-present Contact us
0027-8858 The National cactus and succulent journal : the official journal of the National Cactus & Succulent Society. 1946-1982 Q9048884 Unknown None known Contact us
0027-8939 National Catholic reporter / 1964- Q1266813 None* 1964-1973 Contact us
0027-9013 National civic review. 1959- Q27716116 1964* Predecessor Contact us
0077-3883 National compendium of televised education. 1963-1968 Q107018046 Unknown None known Contact us
0193-8851 National defense transportation journal. 1949-1967 Q100998842 None None known Contact us
0469-9564 National development. 1952-1955 Q107018047 Unknown None known Contact us
2471-5301 The national era 1847-1860 Q100292138 N/A 1850-1860 Contact us
0077-4529 The National finances. 1955- Q107019428 Unknown None known Contact us
0077-4545 National fire codes. 1938- Q107018048 Unknown None known Contact us
0027-9250 National fisherman. 1954- Q107018049 Unknown None known Contact us
0084-6414 National formulary. 1916-1975 Unknown None known Contact us
2474-3119 National gazette 1791-1793 N/A None known Contact us
0470-0929 National geographer. 1958- Q107018050 Unknown None known Contact us
0027-9358 The National geographic magazine. -1959 Q5973845 1929* 1888-1928 Contact us
0027-9374 The National geographical journal of India. 1955- Q107019429 Unknown None known Contact us
0071-710X National grain policies. 1959-1976 Q107018075 Unknown None known Contact us
0097-1308 National horticultural magazine. 1922-1959 Q99191445 None* 1922-1959+ Contact us
8755-2248 The national income tax magazine. 1923-1930 Q107019430 Unknown None known Contact us
0027-9501 National Institute economic review. 1959- Q6973560 Unknown None known Contact us
2474-4336 The National intelligencer and Washington advertiser 1800- Q6973820 Unknown None known Contact us
2638-9142 National journal of education. 1877-1880 N/A None known Contact us
0077-510X National laws and regulations relating to the control of narcotic drugs. 1956-1971 Q107018078 Unknown None known Contact us
2009-1656 The national magazine [electronic resource]. 1830-1831 Q96737345 N/A 1830-1831+ Contact us
0190-9509 The national marketing review. 1935-1936 Q28152173 None* None known Contact us
1539-5588 National mathematics magazine. 1934-1945 Q60029815 None* None known Contact us
0190-3799 National municipal review. 1912- Q53953242 None* 1912-1954 Contact us
1944-0995 National news letter of Phi Delta Kappa. 1915-1916 N/A None known Contact us
2376-8355 National opinion -1874 Q123421158 N/A* 1866-1874+ Contact us
0027-9889 National petroleum news. 1909- Q107018080 Unknown None known Contact us
0047-9039 National police gazette. 1845- Q2413033 None 1845-1906 Contact us
0027-996X National provisioner. Q26839954 Unknown 1896-1961 Contact us
0547-8170 National/regional economic projections series : report. 1963- Unknown None known Contact us
2158-8899 The national Republican 1860-1862 N/A None known Contact us
0028-0038 National review. 1955- Q1699649 1958* 1955-||-1960+ Contact us
2043-4995 The National review. 1855-1864 N/A None known Contact us
0959-4205 The national review. 1883-1950 Q6978102 None* 1883-1928+ Contact us
0536-8685 The National Sample Survey. 1952- Q107019433 Unknown None known Contact us
0501-7041 National survey of professional, administrative, technical, and clerical pay / 1960-1986 Q107018082 Unknown None known Contact us
0568-0344 National survey of television sets in U. S. Households. 1955- Q107018083 Unknown None known Contact us
0028-0283 National tax journal. 1948- Q15754287 None* 1948-1961+ Contact us
8755-223X The national tax magazine. 1930- Q107019434 Unknown None known Contact us
2151-3937 The National tribune 1877-1917 Q6979035 None 1877-1911+ Contact us
0028-0348 National union catalog / 1963-1982 Q107018084 Unknown None known Contact us
0093-9676 The National union catalog; a cumulative author list representing Library of Congress printed cards and titles reported by other American libraries. 1953- Unknown None known Contact us
0092-2838 The National union catalog : music and phonorecords. 1958-1973 Q107018008 Unknown None known Contact us
0090-0044 National union catalog of manuscript collections. 1961- Q107018085 Unknown None known Contact us
2164-5817 National Vocational Guidance Association bulletin. 1922-1924 Q96717648 N/A* 1921-1924+ Contact us
0736-2609 National water conditions. 1945-2002 Q107018086 Unknown None known Contact us
2381-0483 The national whig 1847- Q107019435 Unknown None known Contact us
0028-0402 National wildlife. 1963- Q27714961 Unknown None known Contact us
0084-9308 Nationalmuseets arbejdsmark. 1958- Q107018079 Unknown None known Contact us
2471-6286 The native American 1837- Q107019436 Unknown None known Contact us
0027-6057 NATO letter. 1953- Q107018087 Unknown None known Contact us
0365-2254 Natur-, Ingenieur- und Gesellschaftswissenschaften. 1951-1970 Q107018088 Unknown None known Contact us
0028-0682 Natural and applied science bulletin. 1930-1988 Q21385600 Unknown None known Contact us
0028-0712 Natural history. 1919- Q1969973 1929 1919-2010+ Contact us
0731-7816 Natural history bulletin. 1935-1938 Q107018090 Unknown None known Contact us
0199-9702 Natural law forum. 1956-1969 Q96788105 None* 1956-1968 Contact us
0547-9592 The Natural philosopher. 1963-1964 Q107019437 Unknown None known Contact us
0028-0798 Le Naturaliste canadien. 1868- Q948624 Unknown None known Contact us
0028-0836 Nature. 1869- Q180445 None* 1869-1928+ Contact us
0734-6956 The Nature almanac. 1927- Q107019438 Unknown None known Contact us
0028-0887 Naturen. 1877- Q4045080 Unknown None known Contact us
0178-1049 Naturwissenschaftliche Rundschau. 1886-1912 Q108340323 N/A None known Contact us
0130-9730 Nauchnye doklady vyssheĭ shkoly. 1958-1991 Q107018091 Unknown None known Contact us
0130-7045 Nauka i religii︠a︡. 1959- Q107018092 Unknown None known Contact us
0077-619X The nautical almanac for the year ... 1958- Q107019439 Unknown None known Contact us
0028-1344 The Nautilus. 1890- Q3668263 None 1886-recent Contact us
0470-5106 Navajo times. 1960-1984 Q6981660 Unknown None known Contact us
0466-6658 The Navajo yearbook. 1957- Q107019440 Unknown None known Contact us
0028-1441 Naval research logistics quarterly. 1954- Q29043782 Unknown None known Contact us
0028-145X Naval research reviews / 1959-1999 Q107018093 Unknown None known Contact us
0077-6238 Naval review. 1962- Q27716137 Unknown None known Contact us
0028-1484 Naval War College review. 1948- Q6981971 None 1948-present Contact us
0067-9208 Navorsinge van die Nasionale Museum = Researches of the Nasionale Museum. 1952- Q21386257 Unknown None known Contact us
0466-6763 Navy management review. 1956-1970 Q107018094 Unknown None known Contact us
0028-1697 Navy times. 1951- Q6982690 Unknown None known Contact us
0077-6297 Ñawpa pacha. 1963- Q28867805 Unknown None known Contact us
0083-1832 NBS monograph 1959- Q107018095 Unknown None known Contact us
0083-1913 NBS technical note. 1959- Q107018096 Unknown None known Contact us
0147-2240 NEA handbook. 1946- Q107018097 Unknown None known Contact us
0028-176X Near East report. 1957- Q107018098 Unknown None known Contact us
2163-7164 Nebraska advertiser 1856-1882 N/A None known Contact us
0028-1859 Nebraska history. Q27716582 None 1918-||-1963 Contact us
0160-6557 Nebraska journal of economics and business. 1962-1983 Q28014419 Unknown None known Contact us
0196-4089 Nebraska law bulletin. 1922-1940 None* 1922-1926+ Contact us
0047-9209 Nebraska law review. 1941- Q15766778 None* 1953-present+ Contact us
0028-1921 Nebraska nurse. 1946- Q27712251 Unknown None known Contact us
0146-7875 Nebraska Symposium on Motivation. 1954- Q15750681 1954* None known Contact us
0169-6726 Nederlands kunsthistorisch jaarboek. Netherlands yearbook for history of art. 1947- Q55515536 Unknown None known Contact us
0028-2111 Nederlands tandartsenblad. 1955- Q27712254 Unknown None known Contact us
0921-9943 Nederlandsch archief voor kerkelijke geschiedenis 1841-1849 N/A None known Contact us
0028-2030 Nederlandsch archief voor kerkgeschiedenis. 1900-2006 Q101564058 Unknown None known Contact us
0470-6196 Nees morphes = New forms. 1962- Q107018100 Unknown None known Contact us
0093-0032 The Negro Business League herald. 1909- Unknown None known Contact us
2374-2615 Negro digest. 1942-1970 Q107018101 Unknown None known Contact us
0028-2529 Negro history bulletin. 1937- Q27716140 1961 1937-1961 Contact us
2378-993X The Neihart herald -1901 N/A None known Contact us
0548-1538 Nekrasovskiĭ sbornik. 1951- Q107018102 Unknown None known Contact us
0096-574X N.E.L.A. bulletin. 1907- Q107018103 Unknown None known Contact us
1170-0270 The Nelson evening mail. 1866-1995 Q7753393 Unknown None known Contact us
0077-6513 The Nelson Gallery and Atkins Museum bulletin. 1956-1981 Q107019441 Unknown None known Contact us
0006-8128 Nelumbo : [the bulletin of the Botanical Survey of India]. 1959- Q5735536 None* None known Contact us
0028-2677 Neophilologus. 1916- Q6993638 Unknown None known Contact us
0028-2685 Neoplasma. 1957- Q15761100 Unknown None known Contact us
0028-2774 Néprajzi közlemények. 1956-1994 Q107018104 Unknown None known Contact us
0133-1752 Népszabadság. 1956- Q898833 Unknown None known Contact us
0133-1701 Népszava. 1958- Q897246 Unknown None known Contact us
0078-1673 NEREM record. 1961-1966 Q107018105 Unknown None known Contact us
0028-2812 Nestor. 1957- Q107018106 Unknown None known Contact us
0016-7746 Netherlands journal of geosciences. 1931- Q15756021 Unknown None known Contact us
0077-7668 Neudrucke deutscher Literaturwerke. 1961- Q107018107 Unknown None known Contact us
0548-2682 Neue Ausgrabungen und Forschungen in Niedersachsen. 1963- Q1979442 Unknown None known Contact us
0028-3142 Neue deutsche Hefte. 1954-1990 Q107018108 Unknown None known Contact us
0028-3150 Neue deutsche Literatur. 1953- Q1718804 Unknown None known Contact us
0548-2798 Neue Hefte zur Morphologie. 1954- Q107018109 Unknown None known Contact us
0028-3347 Die Neue Rundschau. 1904- Q317489 Unknown None known Contact us
0138-5011 Neue Zeit. 1945- Unknown None known Contact us
0028-3517 Neue Zeitschrift für systematische Theologie und Religionsphilosophie. 1963- Q15716275 Unknown None known Contact us
0342-3816 Die Neueren Sprachen. 1952-1995 Q107017895 Unknown None known Contact us
0323-3375 Neues Deutschland : Zentralorgan der Sozialistischen Einheitspartei Deutschlands. 1946- Q158547 Unknown None known Contact us
0379-1327 Neujahrsblatt, 1799- Q107018111 Unknown None known Contact us
0028-3754 Neuphilologische Mitteilungen. Q5479197 Unknown 1899-1928 Contact us
0470-8105 Neurologia medico-chirurgica. 1959- Q26842870 Unknown None known Contact us
0028-3878 Neurology. 1951- Q1161692 None None known Contact us
0896-6273 Neuron. 1988- Q3338676 All 1995-recent Contact us
0028-3932 Neuropsychologia. 1963- Q7002587 Unknown None known Contact us
0130-741X Neva : organ Soi︠u︡za sovetskikh pisateleĭ SSSR. 1955- Q4315595 Unknown None known Contact us
0047-9462 Nevada Historical Society quarterly. 1961- Q27716146 None 1957-2017 Contact us
0047-9500 New age [electronic resource]. 1952- Q107018112 Unknown None known Contact us
2326-9650 The new age [electronic resource]. 1902- Q107019442 Unknown None known Contact us
0749-5196 The new American magazine. 1852-1854 N/A None known Contact us
0727-9825 New Castle herald. -1924 N/A None known Contact us
1937-0504 The new century for woman / 1876- Q107019446 Unknown None known Contact us
2472-0402 The new daily appeal 1872-1873 Q106101491 N/A None known Contact us
0028-4580 New departures. 1959- Q107018113 Unknown None known Contact us
2471-4275 New directions in prose and poetry. 1936-1991 Q107018114 Unknown None known Contact us
0024-2527 New directions in technical services : trends and sources. 1957- Q15761884 None* 1957-recent Contact us
0545-0993 New editions. 1956- Q107018116 Unknown None known Contact us
0548-4405 New England business review. 1956- Q107018117 Unknown None known Contact us
1075-1297 New England dental journal. 1948- Q27721835 Unknown None known Contact us
0028-4785 The New England historical and genealogical register. 1847- Q27716089 Unknown None known Contact us
2578-4145 New England journal of education. 1875- Q107018118 Unknown None known Contact us
0028-4793 The New England journal of medicine. Q582728 1954* 1932-||-1949+ Contact us
2163-2928 The New-England medical review and journal. 1827- Q96737383 Unknown None known Contact us
0734-693X The New England offering / 1848-1850 N/A None known Contact us
0028-4866 The New England quarterly. 1928- Q7753584 1946 None known Contact us
1941-0786 The new enterprise. 1901-1908 N/A None known Contact us
0028-4963 New equipment digest. 1936- Q108280087 Unknown None known Contact us
2471-6316 New era [electronic resource]. 1870- Q107018119 Unknown None known Contact us
0545-1299 New frontiers. 1952-1956 Q107018120 Unknown None known Contact us
0548-457X New furniture = Neue Möbel = Meubles nouveaux. 1952-1973 Q107018121 Unknown None known Contact us
0028-5110 New geographical literature and maps / 1951-1980 Q107018123 Unknown None known Contact us
0028-5137 New guard. 1961-1985 Q27717063 Unknown None known Contact us
0028-517X New Guinea Research Unit bulletin. 1963- Q107018124 Unknown None known Contact us
0548-4928 New Hampshire bar journal. 1958- Unknown None known Contact us
2377-8210 New Iberia enterprise -1902 N/A None known Contact us
0028-5439 New individualist review. 1961-1968 Q107018125 Unknown None known Contact us
2565-5566 The new Irish jurist and local government review reports, being a complete guide to the case law in the Irish courts during the years ... 1901-1904 N/A None known Contact us
0545-1906 New Japan. 1948-1974 Q107018126 Unknown None known Contact us
0734-7057 The New Jersey almanac. 1963- Q107019447 Unknown None known Contact us
0028-5560 New Jersey business. 1954- Q107018127 Unknown None known Contact us
0548-5681 The New Jersey economic review. 1959- Q107019448 Unknown None known Contact us
0028-5803 The New Jersey law journal. 1878- Unknown None known Contact us
0047-9780 New Jersey League for Nursing news. 1952- Q27712301 Unknown None known Contact us
1077-7105 The New Jersey medical reporter, and transactions of the New Jersey Medical Society. 1847-1854 N/A None known Contact us
0885-842X New Jersey medicine. 1985-2005 Q27712131 All* 1985-2000+ Contact us
0028-6044 The new leader. 1935- Q7753656 Unknown None known Contact us
2043-5088 The new London magazine being an universal and complete monthly repository of knowledge, instruction, and entertainment 1785-1793 N/A None known Contact us
2043-4081 The new London review, or monthly report of authors and books 1799-1800 N/A None known Contact us
0734-7030 New Mexico anthropologist. 1937-1943 Q96718825 None* None known Contact us
0160-2330 The New Mexico folklore record. 1947- Q107019449 Unknown None known Contact us
0028-6206 New Mexico historical review. 1926- Q15757677 None 1926-2014 Contact us
0885-4955 New Mexico quarterly. 1950-1969 Q99952218 Unknown None known Contact us
2043-5193 The New monthly magazine. 1853-1881 N/A None known Contact us
2471-6340 New national era 1870-1874 N/A None known Contact us
2332-7596 The new North-west 1869-1897 N/A None known Contact us
2166-2010 The new Northwest 1871-1887 N/A None known Contact us
0548-6408 New Orient. 1960-1968 Q107018128 Unknown None known Contact us
2381-540X The New Orleans bulletin 1874- Q107019450 Unknown None known Contact us
2381-5426 The New Orleans Democrat 1875- Q107019451 Unknown None known Contact us
0097-1790 The New Orleans medical and surgical journal. -1952 Q27720369 None 1844-||-1952 Contact us
2377-8237 New Orleans Republican -1878 Q100278347 N/A None known Contact us
2150-2609 The new path. 1863- Q96737372 Unknown None known Contact us
0028-6443 The New philosophy. 1898- Q107019452 Unknown None known Contact us
0028-646X The new phytologist. 1902- Q13548580 Unknown None known Contact us
0548-6491 New poems : a P.E.N. anthology. 1952- Q107018129 Unknown None known Contact us
0028-6494 New politics. 1961- Q7011032 Unknown None known Contact us
1460-6062 The new quarterly review, or, Home, foreign and colonial journal. 1844-1847 Q125334222 N/A* 1844-1847+ Contact us
0028-6540 The New rambler. 1941- Q107019453 Unknown None known Contact us
0028-6583 The new republic. 1914- Q1329873 1929 1914-1942 Contact us
0028-6605 The New review. 1961- Unknown None known Contact us
2043-5096 The New review. 1889-1897 Q130321142 N/A 1889-1897+ Contact us
0588-5876 A new rural co-operative system for Comilla Thana : rural co-operative pilot experiment, annual report. 1961- Q107017801 Unknown None known Contact us
0028-6621 The New scholasticism. 1927-1989 Q27716636 None* 1927-||-1966 Contact us
0028-6664 New scientist. 1956- Q27718185 None* 1956-||-1989 Contact us
0028-6680 New serial titles / 1953- Q107018155 Unknown None known Contact us
0028-6745 New South. 1946-1973 Q27716358 Unknown None known Contact us
2578-9015 The New South [electronic resource]. Q100278359 N/A* 1891-1898+ Contact us
2472-906X The new South [electronic resource]. 1862- Q107019455 Unknown None known Contact us
2575-5382 The new South-news -1909 N/A* 1905-1909+ Contact us
2043-510X New sporting magazine. 1831-1870 N/A None known Contact us
1364-7431 New statesman. 1996- Q1566255 1954* 1913-1928+ Contact us
0548-6904 New-story. 1951-1953 Q107018168 Unknown None known Contact us
0545-3860 The New strand. 1961-1963 Q107019456 Unknown None known Contact us
0077-8842 New Testament tools, studies and documents. 1960- Q96325813 Unknown None known Contact us
0206-1473 New times. 1943-1992 Q107018171 Unknown None known Contact us
2326-7747 New Ulm review 1892-1961 Q100278373 Unknown None known Contact us
1382-2373 New West Indian Guide = Nieuwe West-Indische Gids 1960- Q7012392 All* 1992-present+ Contact us
2043-5258 The new wonderful magazine and marvelous chronicle. 1793-1794 N/A None known Contact us
0028-7040 New world antiquity. 1954- Q107018173 Unknown None known Contact us
0028-7067 New world review. 1951-1985 Q107018174 Unknown None known Contact us
0548-7102 New writers. 1961-1976 Unknown None known Contact us
0028-7369 New York. 1968- Q1507987 All 1968-1997 Contact us
0028-7121 The New York Amsterdam news. 1919- Q1140177 Unknown None known Contact us
0028-7148 New York certified public accountant : CPA. 1935-1970 Q107018175 Unknown None known Contact us
2158-2661 New-York daily tribune. 1842-1866 N/A None known Contact us
1069-8280 The New York dental recorder. 1847- Unknown None known Contact us
2159-4856 New-York district school journal. 1842- Q122832487 N/A* 1842-1843+ Contact us
0028-7229 New York folklore quarterly. 1945-1974 Q27716102 Unknown None known Contact us
1052-7702 The New York freeman's journal and Catholic register. 1841-1842 N/A None known Contact us
0545-6142 New York guide and theatre magazine. 1961- Q107018176 Unknown None known Contact us
0028-7253 New York Historical Society quarterly. Q27716123 None 1917-1980 Contact us
0146-437X New York history. 1932- Q15757670 1949* Predecessor Contact us
1050-124X New York lancet. 1898-1901 N/A None known Contact us
2151-7576 The New York Latin leaflet. 1900-1907 Q96737378 N/A None known Contact us
0028-7318 New York law forum. 1955-1976 Q27717064 Unknown None known Contact us
0028-7326 New York law journal. 1888- Q15059318 Unknown None known Contact us
0735-3510 The New-York literary journal, and belles-lettres repository. 1820-1821 N/A None known Contact us
0097-319X New York medical journal. 1865- Q29938149 N/A 1865-1922+ Contact us
0888-6377 The New-York medical journal. 1830-1831 N/A None known Contact us
1090-3321 New York post. 1949- Q211374 1929* 1801-1927 Contact us
0743-4014 New York State bar bulletin / 1950-1960 Q107018178 Unknown None known Contact us
0028-7598 New York State education / 1924- Q107018179 Unknown None known Contact us
0028-7628 New York State journal of medicine. 1901-1993 Q27712362 Unknown None known Contact us
0097-0271 New York State Museum bulletin. 1916-1944 Q51510468 Unknown None known Contact us
0362-6253 New York supplement. 1929* 1888-1928 Contact us
0028-7784 New York theatre critics' reviews. 1943-1995 Q107018180 Unknown None known Contact us
0362-4331 The New York times. 1857- Q9684 1929* 1851-||-present Contact us
1941-0646 New-York tribune. 1866- Q983247 N/A* 1841-1922+ Contact us
2166-1790 New-York tribune. 1841-1842 N/A None known Contact us
0028-7881 New York University law review. 1950- Q7014803 Unknown None known Contact us
0738-5544 New York weekly magazine of popular literature, science and art. 1866- Q107018181 Unknown None known Contact us
1052-7389 New-York weekly tribune. 1841-1866 N/A None known Contact us
0028-792X The New Yorker. 1925- Q217305 1929* 1925-1928 Contact us
0028-7946 New Yugoslav law. 1950-1967 Q107018182 Unknown None known Contact us
1170-0777 The New Zealand herald. 1863- Q1199207 Unknown None known Contact us
0111-8641 The New Zealand Jewish chronicle. 1944- Q107019459 Unknown None known Contact us
0028-8144 New Zealand journal of geography. 1945- Q15749333 Unknown None known Contact us
0110-148X The New Zealand law reports. 1883- Q7015467 Unknown None known Contact us
0028-8446 The New Zealand medical journal. 1887- Q7753855 Unknown None known Contact us
0028-8535 The New Zealand nursing journal. 1929- Q15759123 Unknown None known Contact us
0078-0170 The New Zealand official year-book. 1893-2010 Q107019460 Unknown None known Contact us
2574-5565 Newark post 1910- Q7016729 None 1910-1922 Contact us
2333-1925 The Newberry herald 1865-1884 Q124335979 N/A* 1865-1884+ Contact us
2333-2905 The Newberry herald and news 1884-1903 Q100278416 N/A* 1884-||-1903+ Contact us
0028-8861 The Newberry Library bulletin. 1944- Q107019444 Unknown None known Contact us
2333-1887 The Newberry weekly herald 1865- Q100278417 N/A* 1865+ Contact us
2043-5282 The Newcastle magazine. 1820-1831 N/A None known Contact us
1053-2560 Newport Daily News 1810-1870 N/A None known Contact us
2639-4057 Newport enterprise 1889- Q107018130 Unknown None known Contact us
2376-8371 News and citizen 1881- Q107018154 None* 1881-1922+ Contact us
2330-8761 The news and herald [electronic resource]. 1876- Q107019454 Unknown None known Contact us
2331-0162 The news and herald [electronic resource]. 1877- Unknown None known Contact us
2572-2351 The news and sentinel. 1921- Unknown None known Contact us
1530-2199 News bulletin / 1926-1928 Q96718923 N/A None known Contact us
1551-7438 The news bulletin of the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association. 1948-1962 Q27996234 Unknown None known Contact us
0009-2347 News edition. 1940-1941 Q1003168 1947* 1923-1928+ Contact us
0549-0987 News for the general practitioner / 1963-1964 Q107018156 Unknown None known Contact us
0731-3527 News from the Library of Congress / 1939- Q107018157 Unknown None known Contact us
0028-9205 News in engineering. 1954- Q107018158 Unknown None known Contact us
0147-9431 News letter / Maryland State Planning Commission. 1948-1960 Q107018160 Unknown None known Contact us
2575-6540 News letter of the College English Association. 1939-1947 Q107018162 Unknown None known Contact us
0028-9256 News notes / 1944- Q107018165 Unknown None known Contact us
0569-3209 News-o-gram / American Bar Association, Section of Insurance, Negligence, and Compensation Law. 1959-1965 Q107018166 Unknown None known Contact us
0028-9280 News of the world. 1961-2011 Q190534 1929* None known Contact us
0028-9302 News of the Yivo. 1945-1985 Unknown None known Contact us
2330-7501 The news=record [electronic resource]. 1907-1910 N/A* 1907-1910+ Contact us
0027-8432 News report / 1951- Unknown None known Contact us
0549-1223 News year. 1960-1963 Q107018170 Unknown None known Contact us
0278-5587 Newsday. 1940- Q1140593 Unknown None known Contact us
2078-8061 Newsletter / African Music Society. 1948-1953 Unknown None known Contact us
2078-807X Newsletter / African Music Society. 1948-1953 Unknown None known Contact us
0570-6092 Newsletter / Archaeological Society of Alberta. 1963-1976 Unknown None known Contact us
2472-8624 Newsletter / Association of American Library Schools. 1948-1959 Unknown None known Contact us
1949-2073 Newsletter / Florida Anthropological Society. 1947- Unknown None known Contact us
2168-0515 Newsletter / IRE Professional Group on Antennas and Propagation. 1958-1962 Q96325506 Unknown None known Contact us
0028-7962 Newsletter / New Zealand Archaeological Association. 1957-1987 Unknown None known Contact us
0569-5236 Newsletter of the American Indian Ethnohistoric Conference. 1956-1963 Q107018161 Unknown None known Contact us
1943-2712 Newsletter of the Conference on Christianity and Literature. 1956- Q102394608 Unknown None known Contact us
2576-4292 Newsletter of the Section of Real Property, Probate and Trust Law. 1959-1966 Q107018163 Unknown None known Contact us
0028-9485 Newsletter on intellectual freedom. 1952- Q96718975 None 2002-2015+ Contact us
0160-4228 Newsletter - Pennsylvania Academy of Science. 1943- Unknown None known Contact us
0078-043X Newspaper press directory. 1846-1976 Q107018167 Unknown None known Contact us
0028-9604 Newsweek. 1933- Q188413 1939 1933-1951 Contact us
0745-788X Newton press-mentor. 1959-1988 Unknown None known Contact us
0078-0847 NIBS bulletin of biological research = Nihon Seibutsu Kagaku Kenkyūjo kenkyū hōkoku. 1956- Q107018183 Unknown None known Contact us
0097-532X The Nickel bulletin. 1928- Q107019461 Unknown None known Contact us
0272-0280 Niepodleglość. 1929- Unknown None known Contact us
0168-8049 Nieuw archief voor kerkelijke geschiedenis inzonderheid van Nederland. 1852-1854 N/A None known Contact us
0028-9825 Nieuw archief voor wiskunde. 1875- Q18088024 Unknown None known Contact us
0028-9868 Nieuw Vlaams tijdschrift. 1946-1983 Unknown None known Contact us
0028-9922 De Nieuwe taalgids. 1907- Q107017884 Unknown None known Contact us
0028-9930 Nieuwe West-Indische gids. 1960- Q27718847 None* 1960-1991+ Contact us
0029-0033 Nigeria magazine. 1934- Q27716359 Unknown None known Contact us
0078-0685 Nigeria year book. 1952- Q107018185 Unknown None known Contact us
0029-0084 Nigerian geographical journal. 1957- Q60287212 Unknown None known Contact us
0078-0812 Nigerian publications / 1952-1972 Q107018184 Unknown None known Contact us
0702-5939 Le Nigog. 1918- Q107017952 Unknown None known Contact us
0387-3196 Nihon Chūgoku Gakkai hō. 1949- Q107018186 Unknown None known Contact us
0549-3323 Nihon ishigaku zasshi. 1941- Q27715413 Unknown None known Contact us
0029-8131 Nihon kaiyou gakkaishi [[ニッポンカイヨウガッカイシ]] 1942-1991 Q96329988 Unknown None known Contact us
0386-9164 Nihon rekishi. -1946 Q107018188 Unknown None known Contact us
0029-0378 Nihon Rōdō Kyōkai zasshi. 1959-1989 Q107018190 Unknown None known Contact us
0389-9004 Nihon tōkei nenkan = Japan statistical year-book. 1949- Q107018191 Unknown None known Contact us
0546-1472 Nihon zasshi sōran. 1963- Q101111567 Unknown None known Contact us
0386-8850 Nihonshi kenkyū. 1946- Q15745328 Unknown None known Contact us
2156-3578 Niles' national register. 1811-1849 N/A None known Contact us
0549-4931 Nimbus. 1951-1958 Q107018192 Unknown None known Contact us
0027-6685 NIN. nedeljne informativne novine. 1935- Q1961040 Unknown None known Contact us
0097-5184 Nineteenth century. 1975- Q111095363 All 2013-present+ Contact us
2043-5290 The Nineteenth century. 1877-1900 Q7754213 N/A* 1877-1900+ Contact us
2043-5304 The nineteenth century and after. 1901-1950 Q97452802 None* 1901-1928+ Contact us
0029-0564 Nineteenth-century fiction. 1949-1986 Q27716165 1949* None known Contact us
0300-3035 Nippon hozon shikagaku zasshi. 1958-1972 Q101112466 Unknown None known Contact us
0002-1407 Nippon nōgei kagaku kaishi. 1924- Q96325975 Unknown None known Contact us
0547-0692 NLL translations bulletin. 1961- Q107018193 Unknown None known Contact us
0270-9732 N.L.R.B. election report : cases closed / 1962- Q107018194 Unknown None known Contact us
0549-5601 The Noble savage. 1960-1962 Q107019462 Unknown None known Contact us
0549-5865 Noise control. 1955- Q96719466 Unknown None known Contact us
0364-9547 NOLPE school law reporter. 1961- Q107018195 Unknown None known Contact us
0549-5946 Nomad. 1959-1961 Q107018196 Unknown None known Contact us
0078-0979 Nomos. 1958- Q108171834 1959* 1963-||-1998 Contact us
0571-9550 Non-rural primary industries and value of production. 1963-1964 Q107018197 Unknown None known Contact us
0014-8415 Nong you 1951- Unknown None known Contact us
2469-3529 The nonpartisan leader 1915- Q51643150 Unknown None known Contact us
0147-0124 NORC report. 1941- Q107018198 Unknown None known Contact us
0029-1188 Nord e Sud. 1954-2000 Q107018200 Unknown None known Contact us
0008-1345 Nord nytt. 1963- Q107018204 Unknown None known Contact us
0078-1037 Nordelbingen. 1923- Q1310392 Unknown None known Contact us
0029-1412 Nordisk matematisk tidskrift. 1953-1978 Q15755922 Unknown None known Contact us
0029-148X Nordisk tidskrift för bok- och biblioteksväsen. 1914- Q7050802 Unknown None known Contact us
0006-3835 Nordisk tidskrift for informationsbehandling. 1961- Q15716496 Unknown None known Contact us
0029-151X Nordisk tidsskrift for international ret. 1930-1985 Q96719601 Unknown None known Contact us
0300-3043 Nordisk udredningsserie. 1960- Q107018203 Unknown None known Contact us
0029-1579 Nordisk veterinærmedicin. 1949- Q27712311 Unknown None known Contact us
0078-1169 Norfolk Record Society : [publications]. 1931- Q107018205 Unknown None known Contact us
2157-8265 The Norfolk weekly news. -1900 N/A None known Contact us
2157-8257 The Norfolk weekly news-journal. 1900- Unknown None known Contact us
0029-182X Norois. 1954- Q3343922 Unknown None known Contact us
0029-1870 Norsk bokfortegnelse. The Norwegian national bibliography. 1952- Q107018206 Unknown None known Contact us
0029-196X Norsk geologisk tidsskrift. 1905- Q19383904 Unknown None known Contact us
0332-9801 Norsk meteorologisk årbok ... / 1946- Q107018207 Unknown None known Contact us
2374-5177 The North American bee journal 1872- Q96003055 N/A* 1872-1873 Contact us
0078-1304 North American fauna. 1889- Q24613568 None* 1889-2016 Contact us
1077-7164 The North American medico-chirurgical review. 1857-1861 Q120084891 N/A 1857-1861 Contact us
0029-2397 The North American review. 1821- Q3344093 1929 1815-1928 Contact us
1945-7863 The North-American review and miscellaneous journal. 1815-1821 Q69803197 N/A None known Contact us
2043-5312 The North British review. 1844-1871 N/A None known Contact us
2043-5320 The North Briton. 1769-1771 N/A None known Contact us
0549-8228 North Carolina heritage series. 1961- Q96180718 None* None known Contact us
2473-1277 The North Carolina high school bulletin. 1910-1917 N/A None known Contact us
0029-2494 The North Carolina historical review. 1924- Q15756827 None* 1924-1967 Contact us
0029-2524 The North Carolina law review. 1922- Q7054549 None 1922-present Contact us
0029-2540 North Carolina libraries. 1942- Q50432474 None 1942-present Contact us
2372-5486 North Carolina standard [electronic resource]. 1850-1852 N/A None known Contact us
2373-2326 The North-Carolina standard [electronic resource]. -1850 N/A None known Contact us
2474-4441 The North-Carolinian -1861 N/A None known Contact us
0549-8368 North Dakota growth indicators. 1961- Q96312357 None None known Contact us
0361-6231 North Dakota historical quarterly. 1926-1944 Q96393004 None* None known Contact us
0029-2710 North Dakota history. 1945- Q27716086 None* None known Contact us
0029-2745 North Dakota law review. 1951- Q15757908 None 2006-present Contact us
0029-277X The North Dakota quarterly. 1956- Q7055036 None 1910-2007 Contact us
1041-7079 The North East breeze. 1928- Q48970383 None None known Contact us
2043-5339 The north of England magazine and Bradshaw's journal of politics, literature, science and art. 1843- Q96774808 N/A 1842-1843 Contact us
0737-996X North's Philadelphia musical journal. 1886-1889 N/A None known Contact us
0140-9131 Northamptonshire past and present. 1948- Q71453432 None* 1948-recent Contact us
0549-8880 Northeast. 1963- Q97366023 None None known Contact us
2333-7745 The Northern galaxy] 1844-1848 Q115683449 N/A* 1844-1848+ Contact us
2333-7729 The Northern galaxy, and Middlebury people's press 1843-1844 Q115683412 N/A* 1843-1844+ Contact us
0029-3105 The Northern Ireland legal quarterly. 1936- Q15757910 None* 2008-recent Contact us
0029-3148 The northern light [electronic resource]. 1841-1844 N/A None known Contact us
0383-9311 Northern messenger. 1876- Q97852568 None* 1876-1909 Contact us
0029-3164 The Northern miner. 1915- Q7754373 None* None known Contact us
2042-0005 Northern notes & queries. 1886-1890 N/A None known Contact us
2470-6612 Northern Ohio journal 1872- Q98098272 N/A 1872-1880 Contact us
2332-7456 The Northern Pacific farmer 1878- Q98098472 N/A 1879-1885 Contact us
2332-6239 Northern tribune 1875-1885 N/A None known Contact us
1066-3355 Northwest Arkansas times. 1937- Q7059950 None None known Contact us
0029-2915 Northwest dentistry. 1933- Q27712313 None None known Contact us
2643-3893 The Northwest law journal. 1891-1892 N/A None known Contact us
0885-5846 The Northwest Missouri State College studies. 1950-1972 Q98534682 None* 1963 Contact us
0029-3423 Northwest review. 1957- Q15751224 1957 None known Contact us
0029-344X Northwest science. 1927- Q15766638 None None known Contact us
2169-6047 The Northwest worker 1915- Q98668662 N/A* 1915-1917+ Contact us
2643-3842 The Northwestern law journal and real estate reporter. 1881- Q98822413 N/A None known Contact us
2643-3796 The Northwestern recorder. 1892-1893 N/A None known Contact us
2475-2851 The Northwestern standard 1885-1886 N/A None known Contact us
0029-3571 Northwestern University law review. Q15707475 1952* 2007-||-present+ Contact us
8750-992X The Northwood anchor. 1946- Q99056874 None 1895-||-recent Contact us
0029-3601 Norveg. 1951-2001 Q99398459 None* None known Contact us
0078-1983 Norwegian-American studies. 1931- Q106762179 1949* 1926-1992 Contact us
2377-5866 Norwich bulletin Q116972786 None 1909-1922 Contact us
0550-0826 Notas de matemática. 1948- Q107018210 None* None known Contact us
0582-7116 Notas del museo. 1955- Q107018208 None* None known Contact us
0550-0834 Notas lingüísticas de Bolivia. 1959- Q107018211 None* None known Contact us
0535-9856 Note e relazioni. 1958- Q107018212 None* None known Contact us
0027-3554 Notes / Municipal Reference and Research Center. 1914- Q107018221 None 1914-||-1954 Contact us
0027-4380 Notes. 1934- Q7062583 1944 None known Contact us
1939-053X Notes. 1921-1931 Q124666292 None 1921-1931 Contact us
0734-2373 Notes and abstracts in the social foundations of American and international education / 1961-1967 Q107018222 None None known Contact us
0029-3970 Notes and queries. 1849- Q1129889 None* 1849-1928+ Contact us
0080-4274 Notes from the Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh. 1900-1989 Q6045581 None* 1900-1924+ Contact us
0078-2041 Notes in anthropology. 1952- Q107018223 None* 1952-||-1963 Contact us
0376-2041 Noticiario mensual. 1956- Q16612420 None* None known Contact us
0258-1485 Notizblatt des Königl. botanischen Gartens und Museums zu Berlin 1895-1944 Q6045723 None* 1895-||-1927 Contact us
0029-4527 Notre Dame journal of formal logic. 1960- Q15734650 None 1960-recent Contact us
0885-5862 Notre Dame mathematical lectures. 1942-1992 Q107018225 None 1942-1990 Contact us
0078-2122 Nottingham mediaeval studies. 1957- Q15759627 None* None known Contact us
0550-1326 Le nouveau commerce. 1963-1996 Q98284776 None* None known Contact us
0550-1334 Nouveau dictionnaire national des contemporains. 1962- Q107018226 None* None known Contact us
0021-762X Nouveau journal asiatique. 1822-1835 Q3186808 N/A None known Contact us
0770-8157 Nouveaux mémoires de l'Académie royale des sciences et belles-lettres : avec l'histoire pour la même année. 1772-1788 N/A None known Contact us
0152-2590 La nouvelle république du centre-ouest. 1944- Q107017929 None* 1944 Contact us
1149-9931 Nouvelle revue des traditions populaires : le folklore vivant. 1949-1950 Q124623541 None* None known Contact us
0029-4802 La Nouvelle revue française. 1909- Q616067 1951* 1909-||-1941 Contact us
0995-8924 Nouvelle revue historique de droit français et étranger. 1877-1921 N/A None known Contact us
0029-4845 Nouvelle revue théologique. 1869- Q3345180 None* 1869-1928 Contact us
0029-4888 Nouvelles de l'estampe. 1963- Q3345265 None* 2010-present Contact us
0369-5034 Nova acta Leopoldina : Abhandlungen der Kaiserlich Leopoldinisch-Carolinisch Deutschen Akademie der Naturforscher / 1933- Q21385278 None* Predecessor Contact us
0029-5000 Nova acta Regiae societatis scientiarum upsaliensis. 1773- Q6045855 None* 1723-1925 Contact us
0839-4105 The Nova Scotia gazette and the weekly chronicle. 1770- Q107019463 N/A None known Contact us
0029-5094 Nova Scotia medical bulletin. Q27712322 None* 1922-1987+ Contact us
2043-538X The Novel review. 1892- Q107019464 N/A None known Contact us
0748-3864 O Novo mundo 1870- Q107018243 N/A 1870-||-1874 Contact us
0048-1009 Novum Testamentum. 1956- Q15716575 None* None known Contact us
0130-7673 Novyĭ mir. 1925- Q2469587 None* 1925-1928 Contact us
0029-5337 Novyĭ zhurnal. 1942- Q107018227 Unknown None known Contact us
0550-2934 Now. 1963-1965 Q107018228 Unknown None known Contact us
2471-3724 NPPA journal. 1955-1960 Q96720006 None* None known Contact us
0036-6978 NTM; Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Naturwissenschaften, Technik und Medizin. 1960- Q15759569 Unknown None known Contact us
0027-707X NTZ : Nachrichtentechnische Zeitschrift. 1955- Q96326240 Unknown None known Contact us
0078-2599 Nuclear engineering. 1954- Q107018229 Unknown None known Contact us
0369-643X Nuclear instruments. 1957- Q96326297 Unknown None known Contact us
0569-5651 Nuclear metallurgy. 1955- Q107018230 Unknown None known Contact us
0029-5574 Nuclear news. 1959- Q96326310 Unknown None known Contact us
0029-5582 Nuclear physics. 1956-1988 Q1134929 Unknown None known Contact us
1990-1577 Nuclear safety. 1959- Unknown None known Contact us
0029-5604 Nuclear safety. 1959-1997 Q96326321 Unknown None known Contact us
0029-5612 Nuclear science abstracts / 1948-1976 Q27721682 Unknown None known Contact us
0078-2645 Nuclear theory reference book for ... / 1963- Q107018231 Unknown None known Contact us
0305-1048 Nucleic acids research. 1974- Q135122 All 1974-||-present Contact us
0048-105X Nucleonics week. 1960- Q107018232 Unknown None known Contact us
0864-084X The nucleus [electronic resource]. 1958- Q107019465 Unknown None known Contact us
0885-5986 La Nueva democracia. 1920-1963 Q107017930 Unknown None known Contact us
0029-5868 Nueva revista de filología hispánica. 1947- Q15754894 Unknown None known Contact us
2379-0199 Las Nuevas de la Estancia 1904- Q107017945 Unknown None known Contact us
2472-2820 El nuevo mexicano 1890- Q107017901 Unknown None known Contact us
0029-5922 Nukleonika. 1956- Q15749980 Unknown None known Contact us
0029-5973 Numen. 1954- Q3944882 Unknown None known Contact us
0078-2696 The numismatic chronicle. 1838- Q15760035 Unknown None known Contact us
2054-9156 The numismatic chronicle. 1839-1841 N/A None known Contact us
2054-9172 The numismatic chronicle, and journal of the Numismatic Society. 1842- Q107019466 Unknown None known Contact us
0267-7504 The numismatic chronicle and journal of the Royal Numismatic Society. 1904-1965 Q107019467 Unknown None known Contact us
2054-913X The numismatic journal. 1837- Q107019468 Unknown None known Contact us
0029-6031 Numismatic literature. 1947- Q107018234 Unknown None known Contact us
0546-9414 Numismatický sborník. 1953- Q107018233 Unknown None known Contact us
0550-3698 Numismatische Literatur Osteuropas und des Balkans. 1960- Q107018235 Unknown None known Contact us
0029-6236 Nuova rivista storica. 1917- Q1689370 Unknown None known Contact us
0142-0372 Nursing. 1903- Q15754463 Unknown None known Contact us
0029-6473 Nursing forum. 1961- Q15759009 Unknown None known Contact us
0029-6503 Nursing journal of India. 1912- Q15749820 Unknown None known Contact us
0067-5814 The Nursing journal of Singapore = Berita jururawat. 1961- Q27712335 Unknown None known Contact us
0143-2524 Nursing mirror and midwives journal. 1888- Q27712214 Unknown None known Contact us
0029-652X Nursing news. 1953- Q27712338 Unknown None known Contact us
0029-6538 Nursing news. 1952- Q27712337 Unknown None known Contact us
0029-6562 Nursing research. 1952- Q15752662 1954 None known Contact us
0546-9902 The Nursing survey. 1962- Q107019469 Unknown None known Contact us
0029-6619 Nutrition abstracts and reviews. 1931- Q27712346 Unknown None known Contact us
0029-6643 Nutrition reviews. 1942- Q15765213 Unknown None known Contact us
2221-4240 The Nyasaland journal 1948-1965 Q55100266 Unknown None known Contact us
0547-0196 A Nyíregyházi Jósa András Múzeum évkönyve. 1960- Q107017802 Unknown None known Contact us
0909-3524 Nyt tidsskrift for matematik 1890-1918 N/A None known Contact us
0303-7193 The NZ journal of physiotherapy. 1938- Q15757911 Unknown None known Contact us
1084-791X Oak leaves. 1902- Unknown None known Contact us
0890-6009 The Oak Ridger. 1949- Q7754571 Unknown None known Contact us
2399-5327 OAP journal for the built environment 1956-1972 Q107018236 Unknown None known Contact us
2373-2059 The oasis [electronic resource]. 1893- Q107019470 Unknown None known Contact us
0473-7040 The Oberlin quarterly. 1963-1964 Q107019471 Unknown None known Contact us
0029-7526 The Oberlin review. 1875- Q107019472 Unknown None known Contact us
1479-571X Obituary notices of fellows of the Royal Society. 1932-1954 Q29043655 Unknown None known Contact us
0029-7615 Objets et mondes. 1961- Q27716198 Unknown None known Contact us
0304-3398 L'Observateur de l'OCDE. 1962- Q96723838 Unknown None known Contact us
1061-3129 Observations made during the year ... at the United States Naval Observatory. 1883-1893 N/A None known Contact us
2043-541X The Observator in dialogue. 1681-1682 N/A None known Contact us
0029-7704 The Observatory. 1877- Q7754640 None* 1877-recent Contact us
0029-7712 The observer. 1791- Q336197 Unknown None known Contact us
0080-4193 The Observer's handbook. 1911- Q107019473 Unknown None known Contact us
0029-7828 Obstetrical & gynecological survey. 1946- Q15762540 1953 None known Contact us
0029-7844 Obstetrics and gynecology. 1953- Q7075543 1953 None known Contact us
1943-8877 The Ocala banner. 1883- Unknown None known Contact us
0163-3201 The Ocala star-banner. 1943-1995 Q7600510 Unknown None known Contact us
0026-606X Occasional bulletin / 1950-1976 Unknown None known Contact us
0076-8383 Occasional contributions from the Museum of Anthropology of the University of Michigan. 1932-1956 Q107018237 Unknown None known Contact us
0077-3646 Occasional paper / National Bureau of Economic Research. 1940-1972 Q107018238 Unknown None known Contact us
0559-1929 Occasional paper / Scott Polar Research Institute. 1960- Unknown None known Contact us
0073-909X Occasional paper. 1963- Q126927663 Unknown None known Contact us
0076-8359 Occasional papers / Center for Japanese Studies, University of Michigan. 1951-1979 Q107018239 Unknown None known Contact us
0073-5310 Occasional papers / University of Illinois Graduate School of Library Science. None* 1949-2010 Contact us
0070-069X Occasional papers. 1961- Unknown None known Contact us
0068-5461 Occasional papers of the California Academy of Sciences. 1890- Q21386262 Unknown None known Contact us
0073-4551 Occasional papers of the Idaho State University Museum. 1963-1973 Q107018240 Unknown None known Contact us
0077-9059 Occasional papers of the New York State Archeological Association. 1958-1963 Q107018241 Unknown None known Contact us
0097-4366 Occasional papers - University of Hawaii. 1923- Q107018242 Unknown None known Contact us
0029-7879 Occident. 1881- Q106876935 None None known Contact us
0029-7917 Occupational health. 1963- Q15764911 None* None known Contact us
0029-7976 Occupational psychology. 1938-1973 Q27721488 None* Predecessor Contact us
0029-800X Occupational therapy. 1950-1974 Q96720817 None* None known Contact us
2160-2247 Occupational therapy and rehabilitation. 1925-1951 Q27719813 1945* Predecessor Contact us
2164-5841 Occupations. 1933-1952 Q96720821 None* 1933-1952+ Contact us
0029-8077 Oceania. 1930- Q1773021 None* None known Contact us
0029-8115 Oceanic linguistics. 1962- Q7076206 None None known Contact us
0078-3218 Oceanography and marine biology. 1963- Q15755159 None None known Contact us
0078-3234 Oceanologia. 1971- Q15759449 All 1971-||-present Contact us
0029-8182 Oceanus. 1952- Q51513261 None None known Contact us
0473-7709 Ocherki po istorii russkogo vostokovedenii︠a︡. 1953-1963 Q106118213 None* None known Contact us
0078-3250 Ochrona przyrody. 1920- Q106876949 None* None known Contact us
2639-4081 The Odessa herald 1888- Q106877621 N/A* 1888-||-1891+ Contact us
2639-4111 The Odessa leader 1892- Q106877622 N/A* 1892+ Contact us
1073-0036 Odontographic journal / 1880-1897 N/A None known Contact us
0797-0366 Odontologia Uruguaya : revista cientifica de la Asociación Odontológica Uruguaya. 1947- Q27712417 None* None known Contact us
0029-8514 Odrodzenie i reformacja w Polsce. 1956- Q11796284 None* None known Contact us
0473-789X Odyssey review. 1961- Q106118284 None None known Contact us
0376-6438 OECD economic surveys. Estonia. 1961- Q106876121 None* 1961-present Contact us
0029-7054 The OECD observer. 1962- Q27718415 None* None known Contact us
0029-862X L'Œil. 1955- Q3205790 None* None known Contact us
1029-0761 Oesterreichisch-Ungarische Vierteljahrsschrift für Zahnheilkunde. 1885-1918 N/A None known Contact us
0029-8913 Oesterreichische Bibliographie. 1945- Q106876950 None* None known Contact us
1029-0729 Oesterreichisches Botanisches Wochenblatt Q6049147 N/A* 1851-1857+ Contact us
0506-9130 Offentliche Auftrage in Osterreich 1961- Q106118285 None* None known Contact us
0362-8019 Officers, committees, members; reports of officers and committees ... 1884- Q106876951 None* 1884-||-1966 Contact us
0884-0466 Official and tentative methods of analysis of the Association of Official Agricultural Chemists / 1920- Q106116708 None* 1919-||-1925 Contact us
0020-7772 Official bulletin / 1921-1974 Q106876952 None* 1919-2017 Contact us
2375-6446 Official bulletin of the National Dental Association. 1913-1914 Q96721050 N/A* 1913-1914+ Contact us
0160-9890 Official congressional directory. 1887- Q7079500 None* 1849-||-present Contact us
0041-8021 Official gazette of the United States Patent Office. 1872- Q106876953 None* 1872-1971+ Contact us
0884-0474 Official methods of analysis of the Association of Official Agricultural Chemists / 1950- Q106876954 None* Predecessor Contact us
0082-9951 Official opinions of the Attorneys General of the United States. 1852-1996 Q106116709 None* 1791-1982 Contact us
0082-8076 Official records / Disarmament Commission = Procès-verbaux officiels / Commission du désarmament. 1952- Q111916250 None None known Contact us
0082-8092 Official records / United Nations, Economic and Social Council = Procès-verbaux officiels / Nations Unies, Conseil économique et social. 1946- Q111916279 None* None known Contact us
1937-0539 Official register and directory of the women's clubs in America. -1922 N/A None known Contact us
0197-5749 Official register of the officers and cadets. 1818- Q106118286 None 1818-1966 Contact us
0071-2620 Official report of debates. 1962-1974 Q111916331 None* None known Contact us
0447-8452 Official report of debates. 1953- Q111917347 None* None known Contact us
0070-1025 Official Report of Debates = Compte rendu des débats. 1949-1974 Q106116710 None* None known Contact us
1943-8737 The Ogden standard. 1902-1910 Q100277739 N/A 1888-1920+ Contact us
2163-4785 The Ogden standard-examiner. 1920- Q7598154 None 1920-1927+ Contact us
0030-0721 Ogonek. 1923- Q1475939 None* None known Contact us
0030-0934 Ohio archæological and historical quarterly. 1887-1934 Q112042226 None* 1887-1934+ Contact us
0048-153X Ohio archaeologist. 1942- Q106118287 None None known Contact us
2372-7020 The Ohio Democrat and Dover advertiser -1840 Q106877624 N/A 1839-||-1863 Contact us
0030-087X The Ohio dental journal. 1959- Q27712431 None None known Contact us
0030-0934 Ohio history : the scholarly journal of the Ohio Historical Society. 1962- Q7080827 1962* 1962-||-present+ Contact us
0030-0950 The Ohio journal of science. 1915- Q15767108 None 1915-present Contact us
1949-4629 Ohio mycological bulletin. 1903- Q51415608 N/A 1903+ Contact us
2376-1652 The Ohio organ, of the temperance reform 1853-1854 N/A None known Contact us
2577-6134 The Ohio sociologist : bulletin of the Ohio Sociological Society. 1927-1938 Q106118288 None* None known Contact us
2577-3526 Ohio Staats-bote 1846-1851 N/A None known Contact us
0148-7817 The Ohio State archaeological and historical quarterly. 1935-1954 Q112042201 None* 1935-1954+ Contact us
0030-1116 Ohio State lantern. 1906-1972 Q17063998 None* None known Contact us
0048-1572 Ohio State law journal. 1935- Q15759005 None None known Contact us
2372-1456 The Ohio union -1854 N/A None known Contact us
0078-4257 The Ohio University review. 1959- Q106877625 None None known Contact us
2577-6169 The Ohio Valley sociologist. 1938- Q106118289 None* None known Contact us
0196-7177 The Oil and gas compact bulletin : official publication of the Interstate Oil Compact Commission. 1955-1986 Q106118290 None None known Contact us
0030-1388 The oil and gas journal. 1910- Q7081279 None 1910-1961 Contact us
0095-9510 Oil and soap. 1932-1946 Q96326725 1932* Predecessor Contact us
0095-9502 Oil & fat industries. -1931 Q96326718 None* 1927-1928 Contact us
0410-5591 Oil pipe line transport. 1959-1996 Q106116711 None* None known Contact us
0474-6120 Oil : the outlook for Europe. 1956- Q106876955 None* None known Contact us
0030-1515 Oilweek. 1958- Q112116844 None* None known Contact us
0030-1752 Oklahoma law review 1948- Q15761729 None None known Contact us
0030-1787 The Oklahoma nurse. 1926- Q27712439 None None known Contact us
0030-1892 Oklahoma today. 1956- Q7082409 None 1950-recent Contact us
0078-1924 Okonomisk utsyn = Economic survey. 1927- Q106116739 None* None known Contact us
0275-8822 Old and new. 1870-1875 N/A None known Contact us
0078-4516 The Old farmer's almanac. 1848- Q437765 1964 1793-||-1964 Contact us
0190-5937 The Old & New Testament student. 1889-1892 Q96737392 N/A 1889-1892+ Contact us
0190-5945 The Old Testament student. 1883-1889 Q96737395 N/A 1883-1889+ Contact us
0030-2031 Old-time New England. 1920-2000 Q106116740 None 1920-1928 Contact us
2688-5948 Olivet Baptist Church herald. 1913- Q106118291 None None known Contact us
0472-9196 Oltner Neujahrsblätter / 1943- Q55503805 None* 1943-present Contact us
0474-1234 Olympia. 1962- Q106876956 None* None known Contact us
2169-7264 The Omaha morning bee 1922- Q106116741 N/A 1872-1925 Contact us
0030-2430 L'Onde électrique. 1920- Q96326875 None* 1922-1928 Contact us
0030-2465 The Onderstepoort journal of veterinary research. 1951- Q15753261 None* None known Contact us
0369-7428 The Onderstepoort journal of veterinary science and animal industry / 1933-1950 Q27721839 None* None known Contact us
0472-9544 One. 1953- Q112258697 1955 None known Contact us
0475-0187 One confidential 1956- Q105430748 None None known Contact us
0030-2538 One Institute quarterly homophile studies. 1958-1970 Q106116744 None None known Contact us
0475-0209 One world. 1961- Q106876957 None* None known Contact us
0078-4648 Onomastica. 1955- Q15635926 None* None known Contact us
0030-2651 Ons erfdeel. 1957- Q112258897 None* None known Contact us
2163-6850 The Ontario Argus -1947 Q112258946 None 1909-||-1922 Contact us
0030-2953 Ontario history. Q15767540 None* 2005-recent+ Contact us
0474-2117 Ontario journal of educational research. 1958-1968 Q106118292 None* None known Contact us
0030-3011 Ontario mathematics gazette. 1962- Q106118293 None* None known Contact us
0030-3089 Ontario reports. 1963- Q112514911 None* Predecessor Contact us
0380-1659 The Ontario weekly notes 1910- Q106877626 None* 1909-1923+ Contact us
2332-5364 The Opelousas courier 1852- Q100279346 N/A 1852-||-1910 Contact us
0030-3577 Opera in Canada. 1960- Q7096578 None* None known Contact us
0030-3607 Opera news. 1936- Q7096606 1936 None known Contact us
0083-3444 Operation of the trade agreements program. 1948- Q106118294 None* 1934-1990+ Contact us
1473-284X Operational research quarterly. 1950- Q96722292 None* None known Contact us
0030-364X Operations research. 1956- Q2026521 1956* None known Contact us
0030-3658 Operations research/management science. 1961- Q112516157 None None known Contact us
0030-3690 Opernwelt. 1960- Q2026695 None* None known Contact us
1406-8486 Õpetatud Eesti Seltsi aastaraamat. 1927- Q50515484 None* None known Contact us
0471-6965 Ophir. 1952- Q106876958 None* None known Contact us
0276-590X La opinión. [electronic resource] 1926- Q666651 None None known Contact us
0271-0153 Opinions and decisions of the Federal Power Commission. 1939-1952 Q106876959 None* 1931-1952+ Contact us
0065-8731 Opinions of the Accounting Principles Board. 1962-1973 Q106118295 None None known Contact us
0748-9080 Opinions of the Attorney General of Kentucky for the period ... 1961- Q106116747 None None known Contact us
2378-4016 Opportunities for research in Renaissance drama. 1958- Q96722364 None* None known Contact us
2378-3990 Opportunities for research in Renaissance drama (exclusive of Shakespeare). 1955- Q96722368 None* None known Contact us
0030-3909 Optica acta. 1954-1986 Q27712458 None* None known Contact us
0030-3968 The Optician. 1932- Q27719809 None* None known Contact us
0030-400X Optics and spectroscopy. 1959- Q7098922 None* None known Contact us
0030-4050 Optima. 1951- Q106876960 None* None known Contact us
0473-0992 Opuscula archaeologica. 1956- Q96722496 None* None known Contact us
0078-5520 Opuscula Atheniensia. 1953-2008 Q15758147 None* None known Contact us
0471-7309 Opuscula romana. 1954- Q15758086 None* None known Contact us
0237-5419 Opuscula Zoologica Instituti Zoosystematici et Oecologici Universitatis Budapestinensis. 1956- Q21386066 None* None known Contact us
0030-4220 Oral surgery, oral medicine and oral pathology. 1948- Q27712466 None None known Contact us
0196-6898 Orate fratres. Q102290208 None* 1926-1951+ Contact us
0030-4379 Orbis; bulletin international de documentation linguistique. 1952- Q15766506 None* None known Contact us
0105-7510 Orbis litterarum. 1943- Q15749809 None* None known Contact us
0030-4492 Ord och bild. 1892- Q1611142 None* 1892-1951 Contact us
0070-1017 Orders of the day, minutes of proceedings = Ordres du jour, procès-verbaux. 1949-1974 Q106116750 None* None known Contact us
0048-2129 Ordo : Jahrbuch für die Ordnung von Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft. 1948- Q663725 None* None known Contact us
0078-5628 Oregon economic statistics. 1955- Q106118296 None* 1966-||-1977 Contact us
0030-4727 Oregon historical quarterly. 1926- Q15758107 1963 1900-||-1936 Contact us
0196-2043 Oregon law review. 1921- Q15761732 None 1921-||-recent Contact us
2470-895X Oregon Republican 1870- Q106876961 N/A 1870-1872 Contact us
0030-4816 Oregon State Bar bulletin. 1941- Q106116752 None None known Contact us
0078-5792 Oregon State monographs. 1944- Q106876963 None* None known Contact us
2472-6664 Oregon union [electronic resource]. 1897- Q106876965 N/A* 1897-1899+ Contact us
2472-6699 The Oregon union [electronic resource]. 1862- Q106877628 N/A* 1863+ Contact us
2834-3824 The Oregonian. 1937- Q1547338 1948 1850-||-1922 Contact us
0030-4883 The Organ. 1921- Q18393606 None* 1921-1928 Contact us
0474-4748 Organ Institute quarterly. 1952- Q106118297 None None known Contact us
2376-1695 The organ of the temperance reform. 1852-1853 N/A None known Contact us
0078-6101 Organic Analysis 1953- Q106876966 1953 None known Contact us
0078-6179 Organic reactions. 1942- Q784335 1942* None known Contact us
0078-6209 Organic syntheses. 1921- Q727177 1929* 1921-present Contact us
0078-6217 Organic syntheses. 1932- Q104802932 1932* None known Contact us
0474-6325 Organization of the Government of Canada. 1958-1990 Q106876967 None* None known Contact us
0102-6267 Organon : revista do Instituto de Letras da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. 1956- Q50432844 None* 1956-present Contact us
0078-6527 Oriens. 1948- Q15752993 None* None known Contact us
0030-5197 Oriens extremus. 1954- Q15754943 None* None known Contact us
0030-5219 The Orient. 1950- Q96698509 None* None known Contact us
0473-3851 Orient : the reports of the Society for Near Eastern Studies in Japan. 1960- Q53952716 None* None known Contact us
0030-5278 Oriental art. 1948- Q96327446 None* None known Contact us
0030-5294 The Oriental economist. 1934- Q106877629 None* None known Contact us
0030-5308 Oriental geographer. 1957- Q106118298 None* None known Contact us
0146-678X Oriental Institute communications. 1922- Q106118299 1931* 1922-present Contact us
0078-6551 Oriental studies / Smithsonian Institution, Freer Gallery of Art. 1933- Q106876968 None* None known Contact us
0474-6597 Oriental thought. 1954- Q106876970 None* None known Contact us
0078-6578 Orientalia Suecana. 1952- Q15750007 None* None known Contact us
0030-5383 Orientalistische Litteratur-Zeitung. 1898-1908 Q15816826 N/A 1898-1928 Contact us
0030-5472 Oriente moderno. 1921- Q3885813 None* 1921-||-1928 Contact us
0474-7267 The Orissa historical research journal. 1952- Q106116755 None* None known Contact us
1991-7007 Orīyanṭal Kālij maigzīn. None* 2016-present Contact us
2376-8401 Orleans County monitor 1872- Q7103258 None 1872-1922 Contact us
2376-8428 Orleans independent standard 1856- Q100251873 N/A 1856-1870 Contact us
0030-5685 Ornis fennica. 1924- Q3356540 None* None known Contact us
0043-5643 The ornithologists' and oologists' semi-annual. 1889-1890 Q45099078 None* 1889-1999+ Contact us
0030-5790 Orpheus. 1954- Q106876972 None* None known Contact us
0473-4351 Ortnamnssällskapets i Uppsala årsskrift. 1936- Q106118300 None* None known Contact us
0030-6053 Oryx : the journal of the Fauna Preservation Society. 1950- Q15765688 None* 1950-present Contact us
2378-6760 Osage County Volksblatt -1917 N/A None known Contact us
0472-1373 Osaka Daigaku Bungakubu kiyō = Memoirs of the Faculty of Literature, Osaka University. 1952-1999 Q106116756 None* None known Contact us
0030-610X Osaka economic papers. 1952-1974 Q106118301 None* None known Contact us
0030-6126 Osaka journal of mathematics. 1964- Q15762508 All* 1964-present+ Contact us
0388-0699 Osaka mathematical journal. 1949- Q113476038 None* 1949-1963+ Contact us
0030-6185 Osgoode Hall law journal. 1960- Q7106552 None* None known Contact us
0369-7827 Osiris. 1936- Q1385493 None* None known Contact us
1864-7499 OSO-Hefte / Berichte aus d. Odenwaldschule. 1956- Q113278970 None* None known Contact us
0391-688X L'osservatore romano. 1861- Q746112 None* None known Contact us
0472-2027 Ost-Probleme. 1949- Q113279105 None* None known Contact us
0029-8948 Österreichische botanische Zeitschrift 1851- Q22046832 None* 1858-1922+ Contact us
0029-9308 Österreichische Monatshefte. 1945- Q106118302 None* None known Contact us
0029-9375 Österreichische Osthefte. 1959- Q106118303 None* None known Contact us
0029-9669 Österreichische Zeitschrift für Volkskunde / 1947- Q306027 None* 1947-recent+ Contact us
0029-9820 Österreichisches Archiv für Kirchenrecht. 1950-1998 Q113279392 None* None known Contact us
0030-6428 Osteuropa. 1951- Q328355 None* None known Contact us
0030-6517 Ostomy quarterly. 1963-1999 Q106876973 None None known Contact us
0472-2078 Ostsee-Zeitung. 1952- Q2036053 None* None known Contact us
0322-7049 Otázky žurnalistiky / 1962- Q106876974 None* None known Contact us
2328-5990 The Ottawa free trader 1843-1916 N/A None known Contact us
0316-4411 The Ottawa naturalist. 1887-1919 Q47164121 N/A None known Contact us
2375-3250 Ottumwa semi-weekly courier [electronic resource]. 1916-1918 N/A None known Contact us
2474-5545 Ottumwa semi-weekly courier [electronic resource]. 1899-1903 N/A None known Contact us
2375-3285 Ottumwa tri-weekly courier -1916 N/A None known Contact us
0030-672X Oud Holland. 1883- Q15761590 None* 1883-1928 Contact us
0920-4768 Oudheidkundige mededeelingen. 1907- Q27716353 None* 1907-1927 Contact us
0169-7226 Oudtestamentische studiën : namens het Oudtestamentisch Werkgezelschap in Nederland. 1942- Q15753275 None* None known Contact us
0270-594X Our constitution and government. 1940- Q106118305 None* 1940-1978 Contact us
0383-8765 Our generation against nuclear war. 1961-1965 Q113377170 None* None known Contact us
0702-4290 Our home. 1893- Q106876975 N/A None known Contact us
2474-3054 Our living and our dead ; or, Testimony from the battlefields 1873- Q106116757 N/A 1873-1876 Contact us
0748-6634 Our players' gallery. 1900-1901 N/A None known Contact us
0030-6940 Our public lands. 1951-1981 Q106876977 None* 1951-1981+ Contact us
0474-9138 Outcry. 1962-1963 Q100978601 None None known Contact us
0030-7025 Outdoor California. 1930- Q105946828 None None known Contact us
0030-7076 Outdoor life. 1897- Q7111931 1937* 1898-1928 Contact us
2043-5568 The outlook [electronic resource]. 1893- Q18162799 N/A* 1898-||-1927+ Contact us
0030-7270 Outlook on agriculture 1956- Q2530656 None* None known Contact us
0475-1663 The Outsider. 1961-1969 Q106877630 1961 None known Contact us
0474-9308 The Outsider's newsletter. 1962- Q106118306 None None known Contact us
0474-9448 Oversea quarterly. 1958-1965 Q106118307 None* None known Contact us
0474-9456 Overseas / 1961-1964 Q106876978 None None known Contact us
0082-9846 Overseas business reports. 1962-1993 Q106876979 None* 1962-1993+ Contact us
0030-7467 Overseas geology and mineral resources : the quarterly bulletin of the Overseas Geological Surveys. 1958- Q106876981 None* None known Contact us
2637-7195 Owyhee bullion 1866-1867 N/A None known Contact us
2637-7233 Owyhee semi-weekly tidal wave 1868-1869 N/A None known Contact us
2637-7268 Owyhee tidal wave 1869-1870 N/A None known Contact us
2043-5266 The Oxford and Cambridge magazine / 1856- Q7755814 N/A None known Contact us
0030-7653 Oxford economic papers. 1938- Q15766043 None* None known Contact us
2469-8954 The Oxford falcon 1865- Q100279647 N/A 1865-||-1885 Contact us
2469-8970 The Oxford intelligencer 1860- Q100279649 N/A 1860-1861 Contact us
0078-7256 Oxford Slavonic papers. 1950-2000 Q27716240 None* None known Contact us
0308-5562 Oxoniensia. 1936- Q45289675 None* None known Contact us
0384-8299 P M. 1951- Q113470722 None* None known Contact us
0078-7418 Pacific anthropologists. 1962- Q106118308 None None known Contact us
0161-2913 Pacific coast avifauna / 1900-1974 Q18326677 None 1900-||-1974 Contact us
2332-0656 The Pacific commercial advertiser 1885- Q100279673 N/A 1856-1910 Contact us
8755-4828 The Pacific dental gazette. 1900-1936 Q106118309 None* 1900-1926+ Contact us
0030-8676 The Pacific historian. 1957- Q27716245 None None known Contact us
0030-8684 Pacific historical review. 1932- Q7122492 1933 1932-1934 Contact us
0078-7523 Pacific Islands year book. 1932-1959 Q101427029 None* None known Contact us
1048-6410 The Pacific medical and surgical journal. 1858- Q106877632 N/A None known Contact us
1076-4097 Pacific medico-dental gazette. 1898- Q106116764 N/A* 1898-1899+ Contact us
0030-8803 The Pacific Northwest quarterly 1936- Q7122588 None* Predecessor Contact us
0030-882X The Pacific northwesterner. 1956- Q27716246 None None known Contact us
0030-8870 Pacific science. 1947- Q6056825 None None known Contact us
0030-8919 The Pacific sociological review. 1958-1982 Q27716846 1959* None known Contact us
0897-3644 The Pacific world : journal of the Institute of Buddhist Studies. 1925- Q106877633 None None known Contact us
0030-9117 Packaging digest. 1963- Q15862143 None None known Contact us
0030-9133 Packaging news. 1954- Q113572211 None* None known Contact us
0048-2676 Packaging news. 1954- Q96327713 None* None known Contact us
0552-7759 Pädagogische Forschungen. 1958-1973 Q106118310 None* None known Contact us
1948-092X Pädagogische Monatshefte = Pedagogical monthly / 1899- Q113572228 N/A 1899-1905 Contact us
1050-0030 The Paducah weekly sun. 1902- Q100279683 None 1896-1910 Contact us
0030-9311 Paediatrica Indonesiana. 1961- Q27712531 None* 1973-present Contact us
0030-9370 The pageant. 1896-1897 N/A None known Contact us
0030-9435 Paideia; rivista letteraria di informazione bibliografica. 1946- Q106876983 None* None known Contact us
2470-6736 Painesville journal 1871-1872 N/A None known Contact us
0545-4336 Painting and sculpture acquisitions. 1955- Q106876984 1951* None known Contact us
0030-9648 Pakistan Armed Forces medical journal. 1957- Q50432521 None* None known Contact us
0552-8704 Pakistan Budgets / 1963- Q106876985 None* None known Contact us
0423-2291 Pakistan business news & views. 1951- Q106118311 None* None known Contact us
0030-9729 Pakistan development review. 1961- Q15757101 None* None known Contact us
0030-980X Pakistan horizon. 1948- Q106116766 None* None known Contact us
0030-9818 The Pakistan journal of forestry. 1951- Q106877636 None* None known Contact us
0030-9842 Pakistan journal of medical research. 1958- Q15752318 None* None known Contact us
0030-9877 Pakistan journal of science. 1949- Q27717850 None* None known Contact us
0552-9077 Pakistan labour year book. 1950- Q106118312 None* None known Contact us
0078-8341 The Pakistan national bibliography = Qaumī kitābīyāt-i Pākistān. 1962- Q106116769 None* None known Contact us
0552-914X The Pakistan philosophical journal. 1957- Q106118313 None* None known Contact us
0031-0077 The Pakistan review. 1953-1972 Q106877637 None* None known Contact us
0031-0174 The palaeobotanist. 1952- Q106877638 None* None known Contact us
0552-9344 Palaeohistoria. 1951- Q96327828 None* None known Contact us
0375-0442 Palaeontographica. 1933- Q2486487 None* Predecessor Contact us
0375-0299 Palaeontographica. 1933- Q2573473 None* Predecessor Contact us
0078-8554 Palaeontologia Africana : annals of the Bernard Price Institute for Palaeontological Research, University of the Witwatersrand. 1953- Q15765135 None* None known Contact us
0078-8562 Palaeontologia Polonica / 1929- Q11802291 None* None known Contact us
0578-1604 Palaeontologia Sinica. 1924- Q110463797 None* 1924-1927 Contact us
0078-8589 Palaeontological bulletin / 1913-1975 Q21385095 None* 1913-1927 Contact us
0031-0239 Palaeontology. Q246729 None* 1957-1998 Contact us
0552-9395 Palante. 1961- Q106876986 None* None known Contact us
0031-0220 Paläontologische Zeitschrift. 1913- Q246941 None* 1913-||-1928 Contact us
2381-0645 The Palatka news 1905- Q7126831 N/A* 1905-||-1907+ Contact us
2381-0661 The Palatka news and advertiser N/A* 1902-||-1917+ Contact us
0031-0328 Palestine exploration quarterly. 1937- Q15733002 None* Predecessor Contact us
1053-5748 Palestine herald-press. 1949- Q7127299 None None known Contact us
0031-0360 The Palimpsest. Q91819601 1948* 1920-1995+ Contact us
0479-2696 Palinurus. 1959- Q106876987 None None known Contact us
2043-5614 The palladium : a monthly journal of literature, politics, science and art. 1850-1851 N/A None known Contact us
0031-0387 Pallas. 1953- Q15762524 None* None known Contact us
2472-9108 The palmetto herald -1864 N/A None known Contact us
0031-0506 Památky archeologické. 1914- Q1228775 None* 1913-||-recent Contact us
0551-3790 Pamiętnik Biblioteki Kórnickiej. 1929- Q106118314 None* None known Contact us
0031-0514 Pamiętnik literacki. 1902- Q11802467 None* 1902-||-recent Contact us
0078-866X Pamiętnik slowiański. 1954- Q11802470 None* None known Contact us
0479-3021 Pan. 1958- Q106876988 None None known Contact us
0475-574X Pan-Anglican. 1950- Q106876989 None None known Contact us
0031-0603 The Pan-Pacific entomologist 1924- Q15754241 None None known Contact us
1943-8842 Panama City pilot. 1907- Q100279711 None 1907-1908 Contact us
0828-4148 The Panic button. 1961-1965 Q106877640 None* None known Contact us
0553-1098 Panorama. 1962- Q744203 None* None known Contact us
0068-7650 Paper / Geological Survey of Canada. 1935-1993 Q71579764 None* None known Contact us
0031-1138 Paper, film and foil converter. 1953- Q96327941 None None known Contact us
0023-4869 Papers. 1950- Q27722122 None* None known Contact us
0065-812X Papers and proceedings of the ... annual meeting of the American Economic Association. 1912- Q106118315 None 1899-||-1928+ Contact us
0380-6022 Papers and records - Ontario Historical Society. Q93638148 None* 1899-1927+ Contact us
0383-7807 Papers from the Department of Botany. 1896-1918 N/A None known Contact us
0479-4745 Papers in anthropology. 1960- Q106876991 None None known Contact us
0581-6165 Papers in anthropology. 1958- Q106876990 None* None known Contact us
0198-6821 Papers in physical oceanography and meteorology. 1933- Q106118316 None None known Contact us
2473-4977 Papers of the American Musicological Society. 1940-1941 Q106116772 None* None known Contact us
1079-9028 Papers of the American Society of Church History. 1889-1934 Q96723624 None 1889-1923 Contact us
0891-3935 Papers of the Archaeological Institute of America. 1882- Q106116773 N/A 1882-1898 Contact us
0006-128X The papers of the Bibliographical Society of America. 1906- Q15761853 None* 1904-||-1931+ Contact us
0067-6896 Papers of the Bibliographical Society of Canada = Cahiers de la Société bibliographique du Canada. 1962- Q27716257 None* None known Contact us
2153-3857 Papers of the Bibliographical Society, University of Virginia. 1948- Q96723628 None* 1948+ Contact us
0068-2462 Papers of the British School at Rome. 1902- Q15761409 None* 1902-1927 Contact us
0077-8915 Papers of the New World Archaeological Foundation. 1959- Q106118317 None* None known Contact us
0079-0303 Papers of the Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, Harvard University. 1954- Q106876992 1944* None known Contact us
0161-2948 Papers of the Robert S. Peabody Foundation for Archaeology. 1940- Q106118318 None* None known Contact us
0078-9194 Papers on formal linguistics. 1961- Q106118319 None* None known Contact us
0734-7464 Papers presented at the ... annual conference / 1957- Q106876993 None None known Contact us
2473-4969 Papers read by members of the American Musicological Society at the annual meeting. 1936- Q106118320 None* None known Contact us
0071-7355 Papers relating to the foreign relations of the United States / 1861-1946 Q106876994 None* 1861-present Contact us
0031-1480 Papua and New Guinea medical journal. 1955- Q15758710 None None known Contact us
1423-6567 Papyrus Bodmer. 1954- Q106876995 1954* None known Contact us
0749-7822 Parapsychology bulletin. 1946-1965 Q106118321 None None known Contact us
1252-607X Parasite. 1994- Q2813832 All* 1994-present+ Contact us
0031-1820 Parasitology. 1908- Q15753259 None* 1908-1928+ Contact us
2055-7094 Parasitology open. 1908- Q27727061 All* 2015-2019+ Contact us
1083-6373 Parents. 1993- Q7136816 1933* 1929-||-1942+ Contact us
0373-6172 Paris et Ile-de-France / 1956- Q106876996 None* None known Contact us
0397-1635 Paris-match. 1949- Q678095 None* None known Contact us
8756-2081 The Paris news. 1944- Q17085814 1937 None known Contact us
0999-2154 Paris-Normandie. 1947- Q3365285 None* None known Contact us
0479-5997 Pariser historische Studien. 1962- Q106118322 None* None known Contact us
0828-1580 The Parish messenger : news and views / 1947- Q106877642 None* None known Contact us
0031-2215 Parks & recreation. 1917-1965 Q106876998 None 1917-1930+ Contact us
0031-2290 Parliamentary affairs. 1947- Q7138963 None* None known Contact us
0070-7007 The parliamentary companion : twentieth year. 1852- Q5287688 None* None known Contact us
1543-6314 Parnassus / 1929-1941 Q28034564 None* None known Contact us
0031-2401 Le Parole e le idee. 1959-1972 Q106876709 None* None known Contact us
1167-6078 Le Particulier. 1949- Q115253230 None* None known Contact us
0031-2525 Partisan review. 1936-2003 Q1930723 1936* 1934-2003 Contact us
1069-2827 Pasadena star-news. 1916- Q3235218 1941 None known Contact us
2378-1831 The Pascagoula democrat-star 1878- Q106116775 N/A 1878-||-1920 Contact us
2009-2040 The past the organ of the Ui Ceinnsealaigh Historical Society. 1920- Q70170261 None* None known Contact us
0031-2789 Pastoral psychology. 1950- Q15766254 1950 None known Contact us
0893-1429 The patent, trade-mark, and copyright journal of research and education. Q106810433 None* 1957-1964+ Contact us
0735-0279 The Pathfinder. 1906-1911 N/A None known Contact us
2381-3946 The patriot [electronic resource]. 1918- Q106877704 None None known Contact us
1041-4029 The patriot. 1891- Q115408298 None None known Contact us
0031-3262 Paunch. 1963- Q106876999 None None known Contact us
0161-956X Peabody journal of education. 1923- Q15755195 None 1923-1928 Contact us
0891-9402 The Pedagogical seminary. 1891-1924 Q96328064 N/A* 1891-1924+ Contact us
0885-6559 The Pedagogical seminary and journal of genetic psychology. 1924-1953 Q27722108 1937* 1924-1928+ Contact us
0031-3815 Pedagogika. 1951- Q96724133 None* None known Contact us
0031-3955 The pediatric clinics of North America. 1954- Q7159204 1959 None known Contact us
0476-0182 Pegasus. 1952- Q106877000 None None known Contact us
0031-4129 Peking review. 1958-1978 Q111743967 None* None known Contact us
2332-6115 El Pelayo 1851- Q106876140 N/A 1851 Contact us
0031-4161 Pelican news. 1933- Q27712593 None None known Contact us
0553-478X Peloponnēsiaka. 1956- Q106116778 None* None known Contact us
0890-6351 Pencil points. 1920- None 1920-1944+ Contact us
1049-7536 Peninsular journal of medicine and the collateral sciences. 1853- Q106118323 N/A 1853-1858 Contact us
0031-4331 The Penn dental journal. 1897- Q27712594 None 1897-||-present Contact us
0031-4358 The Pennsylvania archaeologist. Q27716241 None 1956 Contact us
0031-4382 Pennsylvania business survey. 1938-1993 Q106118324 None None known Contact us
0031-4498 Pennsylvania folklife. 1958-1997 Q27716242 None* 1958-1977+ Contact us
2575-4009 The Pennsylvania gazette. 1729-1778 N/A None known Contact us
1520-4650 The Pennsylvania gazette : weekly magazine of the University of Pennsylvania. 1918- Q98032051 None* 1918-||-present+ Contact us
0031-4528 Pennsylvania history. Q7163760 1964 1934-recent Contact us
0446-7884 Pennsylvania Jewish life magazine. 1942- Q96658228 None None known Contact us
0031-4587 The Pennsylvania magazine of history and biography. 1877- Q15709983 None 1877-recent Contact us
0479-9518 Pennsylvania municipal manual. 1961- Q106118325 None None known Contact us
0031-4617 The Pennsylvania nurse. 1946- Q27712526 None None known Contact us
0031-465X Pennsylvania psychiatric quarterly. 1961- Q106118326 None None known Contact us
2043-3468 The Penny magazine of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. 1832- Q106877707 N/A 1832-1845+ Contact us
2330-6122 The penny press 1859- Q109031680 N/A None known Contact us
0199-350X The People. 1979- Q107019474 All 1899-||-2011+ Contact us
0479-9992 People's China. 1950-1957 Q106877001 None* None known Contact us
2376-354X The people's journal [electronic resource]. -1857 N/A None known Contact us
2333-7680 The people's press, and Addison County Democrat -1841 Q115683345 N/A* 1838-1841+ Contact us
2328-3513 The People's press, and anti-masonic Democrat 1836- Q106877708 N/A* 1837+ Contact us
2166-1731 The people's recorder 1893- Q100279997 N/A 1898-||-1909+ Contact us
0031-5125 Perceptual and motor skills. 1955- Q7167029 1964 None known Contact us
0373-7683 Peremennye zvezdy. 1928- Q106116781 None* None known Contact us
0083-0917 Performance report / 1915- Q113813514 None* 1916-present Contact us
0324-5853 Periodica polytechnica. Periodica polytechnica. Khimii︠a︡. 1957- Q73908498 None* None known Contact us
0553-6685 Periodontics. 1963-1968 Q27712596 None None known Contact us
0553-6707 Peristil. 1954- Q73896629 None* None known Contact us
0553-6774 Permanence/durability of the book. 1963- Q106877002 None None known Contact us
2327-3194 The Perrysburg journal -1861 N/A None known Contact us
0031-5621 The Personalist. 1920- Q27716980 None* 1920-1928 Contact us
0031-5699 Personhistorisk tidskrift. 1899- Q78997729 None* 1898-1927 Contact us
0031-5710 Personnel administration. 1938- Q96724856 None None known Contact us
0031-5729 The Personnel administrator. 1956- Q27712645 None None known Contact us
0031-5737 The Personnel and guidance journal. 1952-1984 Q27716854 None* 1952-1961+ Contact us
0501-8161 Personnel bibliography series / 1960- Q106116783 None* None known Contact us
0031-5745 Personnel journal. 1927-1996 Q27712657 None* Predecessor Contact us
0031-5753 Personnel literature / 1941-1995 Q106877012 None* 1958-1995 Contact us
0031-577X Personnel management abstracts. 1955- Q106118327 None None known Contact us
0031-5826 Personnel psychology. 1948- Q15752665 1948 None known Contact us
0031-5850 Persoonia. 1959-2015 Q2417375 None* 2006-||-recent Contact us
0079-0958 Perspecta. 1952- Q7170742 None* None known Contact us
0031-5982 Perspectives in biology and medicine. 1957- Q3669366 1957 None known Contact us
0031-5990 Perspectives in psychiatric care. 1963- Q15758359 None None known Contact us
0072-9086 Perspectives in virology. 1958- Q106877013 1963 None known Contact us
2212-2761 Perspectives on medical education. 2012- Q26853922 All 2012-present Contact us
2334-3745 Perspectives on terrorism. 2007- Q50816968 All 2007-present Contact us
0553-7606 Perspectives USA. 1952-1956 Q109031817 1953 None known Contact us
0031-6040 Perspektiv. 1953-1969 Q106877014 None* None known Contact us
2576-9189 Perth Amboy evening news 1903- Q100280063 None 1903-1924 Contact us
0031-6121 Pest control. 1949- Q27721627 None None known Contact us
0480-1954 Pet stoljeća hrvatske književnosti. 1962- Q106118329 None* None known Contact us
0031-6229 Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen. 1855-2004 Q1735186 None* 1855-1927 Contact us
0031-6245 Petfood industry; the magazine of pet food manufacturing and merchandising. 1959- Q106116788 None None known Contact us
2327-5111 The Petroleum Centre daily record -1873 N/A None known Contact us
0480-2160 Petroleum intelligence weekly. 1961- Q96328333 None None known Contact us
0096-6517 Petroleum refiner. 1942- Q106118330 None* None known Contact us
0369-9013 Petroleum technology. 1938- Q96725259 None None known Contact us
0369-9471 Pharmaceutical bulletin. 1953-1957 Q27719801 None* 1953-1957+ Contact us
0031-6873 The pharmaceutical journal 1933- Q7756871 None* 1841-1928 Contact us
0031-7047 Pharmacy in history. 1955- Q15755950 None* None known Contact us
2574-6014 The Phenix. 1807-1808 N/A None known Contact us
2373-0331 The Phi Beta Kappa key : the official publication of the united chapters of Phi Beta Kappa. 1910- Q106118331 None 1910-1928 Contact us
0031-7217 The Phi Delta Kappan. 1916- Q15764519 1962 1915-1961 Contact us
0553-9536 Phi Theta papers. 1961- Q106118332 None None known Contact us
0885-6613 The Philadelphia inquirer. 1969- Q600111 1936 1860-1963 Contact us
1050-0944 The Philadelphia journal of the medical and physical sciences. 1820-1827 Q124499394 N/A* 1820-1827+ Contact us
0743-3557 Philadelphia medical times. 1872-1889 N/A* 1871-1889+ Contact us
0899-059X The Philadelphia Museum bulletin. 1938- Q27986926 None* Predecessor Contact us
2043-5649 The philanthropist 1795-1796 N/A None known Contact us
0480-3205 Philippine international law journal. 1962-1965 Q106118333 None* None known Contact us
0031-7675 Philippine journal of public administration. 1957- Q27718702 None* None known Contact us
0031-7721 Philippine law journal. 1914- Q7185149 None* 1914-||-2010 Contact us
0031-7802 Philippine social sciences and humanities review. 1949- Q27716283 None* None known Contact us
0031-7810 Philippine sociological review. 1953- Q15749830 None* None known Contact us
0031-7918 Philips research reports. 1945-1977 Q96328568 None* None known Contact us
0554-0615 Philips research reports. 1961-1976 Q106877015 None* None known Contact us
0031-7926 Philips technical review. 1936-1989 Q14087721 None* None known Contact us
2329-5503 The Philipsburg mail 1887- Q55667876 None 1887-||-1901 Contact us
1932-7102 The Philistine. 1895-1915 N/A None known Contact us
0031-7969 Philobiblon. 1957-2001 Q27716220 None* None known Contact us
0048-3885 Philologica Pragensia. 1958-1990 Q106118334 None* None known Contact us
0363-3470 Philological studies. 1936- Q106877016 None* 1947-||-1977 Contact us
0079-1679 Philosophes médiévaux. 1948- Q106877019 None* None known Contact us
0031-8035 Philosophia reformata : orgaan van de Vereniging voor Calvinistische Wijsbegeerte. 1936- Q7186166 None* None known Contact us
0031-806X The philosophical forum. 1943- Q7756926 None None known Contact us
0031-8086 The philosophical magazine. 1798-1813 Q104836682 None* 1798-1928+ Contact us
0031-8094 The philosophical quarterly. 1950- Q3482510 None* None known Contact us
0031-8108 The philosophical review. 1892- Q1817560 None* 1892-1961 Contact us
0031-8116 Philosophical studies. 1950- Q3381196 None* None known Contact us
0554-0747 Philosophical studies of Japan. 1959-1975 Q106118335 None* None known Contact us
0080-4622 Philosophical transactions. 1888- Q2153239 None* 1887-||-recent+ Contact us
0260-7085 Philosophical transactions, giving some account of the present undertakings, studies, and labours of the ingenious, in many considerable parts of the world. 1665-1775 Q21386169 N/A* 1665-1886+ Contact us
0080-4614 Philosophical transactions. 1887-1995 Q2153230 None* 1887-1952+ Contact us
0031-8159 Philosophische Rundschau. 1953- Q2088286 None* None known Contact us
0067-5911 Philosophische und soziologische Veröffentlichungen. 1959- Q106118400 None* None known Contact us
0031-8175 Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger. 1949- Q2088297 None* None known Contact us
0031-8191 Philosophy. 1926- Q7186208 None* None known Contact us
0031-8205 Philosophy and phenomenological research. 1940- Q3381241 1940 None known Contact us
0031-8221 Philosophy East and West. 1951- Q7186211 None None known Contact us
0418-5374 Philosophy of science: the Delaware Seminar. 1962- Q116864439 None* None known Contact us
0031-8299 The phoenix. 1946- Q7186770 None* None known Contact us
0031-8310 The Phoenix. 1938- Q7756958 1938 None known Contact us
2374-5975 The Phoenix herald 1879-1882 N/A None known Contact us
0031-8388 Phonetica. 1957- Q2476754 None* None known Contact us
0735-1860 The Phonographic advocate. 1869-1870 N/A None known Contact us
0097-5885 Photo-era magazine. 1921-1932 Q65538330 None 1898-1928+ Contact us
0097-5893 Photo technique. 1939-1941 Q106877021 None None known Contact us
0031-8655 Photochemistry and photobiology. 1962- Q3381560 None* None known Contact us
0031-8663 Photogrammetria. 1938- Q96328636 None* None known Contact us
0369-9560 Le photographe. 1910- Q106876710 None* None known Contact us
0031-8736 The photographic journal 1853- Q15864049 None* 1853-2018 Contact us
0031-8833 Photon. 1963- Q106877020 None None known Contact us
0031-885X Photoplay. 1916-1940 Q3381612 1929 1914-||-1963 Contact us
0031-8868 Phronesis. 1955- Q15814210 None* None known Contact us
0031-8884 Phycologia. 1961- Q15756146 None None known Contact us
0554-1174 Phycological studies. 1960- Q106118401 None None known Contact us
0031-8906 The Phylon quarterly. 1940-1959 Q25303246 See record None known Contact us
0031-8957 Physica status solidi. 1961-1970 Q96328650 None* None known Contact us
0031-8981 The Physical educator. 1940- Q15756313 None None known Contact us
0031-899X Physical review. 1893- Q869847 1956* 1893-1928 Contact us
0031-9007 Physical review letters. 1958- Q2018386 None* None known Contact us
0369-9706 The Physical review supplement. 1929-1929 Q106877710 None* None known Contact us
0079-192X Physician's handbook. 1941- Q106877023 1960 None known Contact us
0031-9090 Physics and chemistry of glasses. 1960- Q15763812 None* None known Contact us
0079-1946 Physics and chemistry of the earth. 1956- Q15759289 1959* None known Contact us
0031-9155 Physics in medicine & biology. 1956- Q7189694 None* None known Contact us
0031-9171 The Physics of fluids. 1958- Q53953310 1958 None known Contact us
0079-1970 Physics of thin films : advances in research and development. 1963-1994 Q106877024 1963 None known Contact us
0031-9228 Physics today. 1948- Q1088523 1948 None known Contact us
0031-9236 Physik der kondensierten Materie. Physique de la matière condensée. Physics of condensed matter. 1963-1973 Q96726000 None* None known Contact us
0031-9260 Physikalische Berichte. 1920-1978 Q106877025 None* 1920-1928 Contact us
0369-9463 Physiologia bohemoslovenica. 1959-1965 Q27709394 None* None known Contact us
0031-9317 Physiologia plantarum. 1948- Q7189709 None* None known Contact us
0031-9333 Physiological reviews. 1921- Q1091827 1951* 1921-||-1961 Contact us
0554-1395 Physiological reviews. 1952-1962 Q27721068 None* None known Contact us
0031-935X Physiological zoology. 1928-1998 Q59473487 1953 None known Contact us
0031-9376 The physiologist. 1957- Q26839991 None None known Contact us
0031-9414 Physis. 1959- Q15761466 None* None known Contact us
0031-9422 Phytochemistry. 1961- Q1884753 None* None known Contact us
0031-9430 Phytologia. 1941- Q2230701 None None known Contact us
0031-9465 Phytopathologia mediterranea. 1960- Q2027899 None* None known Contact us
0031-9481 Phytopathologische Zeitschrift. Journal of phytopathology. 1929- Q27714221 None* None known Contact us
0031-949X Phytopathology. 1911- Q15757832 None 1911-1928 Contact us
0031-9511 Phytoprotection. 1963- Q15766304 None* 1990-recent Contact us
2374-3093 Pi Lambda Theta journal. 1921- Q106118402 None* None known Contact us
0031-9554 The Piano quarterly. 1958-1992 Q106118404 None* None known Contact us
2331-0103 The Pickens sentinel [electronic resource]. 1911- Q55668632 None None known Contact us
2333-1828 The Pickens sentinel-journal [electronic resource]. -1911 N/A None known Contact us
2333-2883 The Pickens sentinel-journal [electronic resource]. -1906 N/A None known Contact us
2327-686X Pike County press 1895-1925 Q100280125 N/A 1895-||-1910 Contact us
2378-055X The pilot [electronic resource]. 1840- Q106877711 N/A None known Contact us
2469-925X Piney Woods planter and Amite union literary reflector 1838- Q100280146 N/A 1838-1840 Contact us
2472-1662 The Pioche weekly record 1876-1908 Q100280149 None* 1872-||-1922+ Contact us
2379-1241 The pioneer express 1883- Q106877712 None 1883-||-1922 Contact us
0373-2568 Pirineos : publicación de la Estación de Estudios Pirenaicos. 1945- Q27925289 None* 1990-recent Contact us
0554-2065 Pisatel' i zhizn' / 1961- Q106118406 None* None known Contact us
1069-4706 Pittsburgh history. 1989-1999 Q106776734 All* 1989-1999+ Contact us
0032-0331 Pittsburgh legal journal. 1853- Q106877026 None 1880-1922 Contact us
2322-2514 Pizhūhish va barnāmahʹrīzī-i rūstāyī = Journal of research and rural planning. 1391- Q50811463 N/A* None known Contact us
2008-3106 Pizhūhishhā-yi ʻulūm-i dāmī-i Īrān = Iranian journal of animal science research. 1388- Q50808189 N/A* None known Contact us
2008-1472 Pizhūhishhā-yi zirāʻī-i Īrān = Iranian journal of field crops research. 1392- Q50808191 N/A* None known Contact us
0479-8422 PJ papers. 1961- Q106116790 None* None known Contact us
0190-4140 Plain talk. 1946- Q16867184 None* None known Contact us
0735-1852 Plain truth 1822- Q106877028 N/A None known Contact us
2156-1249 Plains Archeological Conference news letter. 1947-1953 Q106118407 None* None known Contact us
0153-8055 Plaisir de France. 1945- Q3391060 None* None known Contact us
0032-0544 Plan Canada. 1959- Q96328820 None* None known Contact us
0551-0155 Plan S.A. 1963-1969 Q106877029 None* None known Contact us
0032-0560 Plan; tidskrift för planering av landsbygd och tätorter. 1947- Q79018110 None* None known Contact us
0032-0692 Planning and development in the Netherlands. 1962-1982 Q98356703 None* None known Contact us
0072-6796 Planning bulletin / 1962-1967 Unknown None known Contact us
0032-0706 Planning comment. 1962- Q107018247 Unknown None known Contact us
0095-7747 Planning, current literature. 1945-1961 Q107018246 Unknown None known Contact us
0032-0714 Planning outlook. 1948- Q96328847 Unknown None known Contact us
0466-2245 Planning schools for use of audio-visual materials. 1952- Q107018248 Unknown None known Contact us
0886-0548 Planning : selected papers from the ASPO National Planning Conference. 1960-1971 Q107018245 Unknown None known Contact us
0032-0765 Planseeberichte für Pulvermetallurgie. 1952-1980 Q107018249 Unknown None known Contact us
0032-079X Plant and soil : International journal of plant nutrition, plant chemistry, soil microbiology and soil-born plant diseases. 1948- Q2798768 Unknown None known Contact us
0032-0803 Plant breeding abstracts. 1930- Q105750027 Unknown None known Contact us
0032-0781 Plant & cell physiology. 1959- Q2402845 Unknown None known Contact us
0361-9974 Plant inventory : plant material introduced by the Division of Plant Exploration and Introduction, Bureau of Plant Industry. 1948- Q51518868 Unknown None known Contact us
0554-2731 Plant location. 1959-1990 Q107018250 Unknown None known Contact us
0032-0889 Plant physiology. 1926- Q3906288 None 1926-2020 Contact us
0096-8307 The Plant world. 1897- Q51519007 N/A* 1897-1919+ Contact us
0032-0935 Planta. 1925- Q15762724 None* None known Contact us
0032-0943 Planta medica. 1953- Q7201551 Unknown None known Contact us
0096-8315 The Planter and sugar manufacturer. 1925- Q107019475 Unknown None known Contact us
2332-5402 The planters' banner 1849- Q107019481 Unknown None known Contact us
0362-5850 Plants & gardens. 1945-1993 Q51413876 Unknown None known Contact us
0555-4136 Plasma physics and thermonuclear research. 1959-1963 Q107018251 None None known Contact us
0096-8501 Plastic and reconstructive surgery and the transplantation bulletin. 1958-1962 Q27721509 Unknown None known Contact us
0032-1052 Plastic and reconstructive surgery : Journal of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. 1963- Q7202071 Unknown None known Contact us
0032-1257 Plastics technology. 1955- Q96328933 Unknown None known Contact us
0032-1357 Plastics technology. 1955- Unknown None known Contact us
0032-1346 Plateau. 1939-1994 Q107018253 Unknown None known Contact us
2376-6417 Plateau gazette and east Tennessee news 1883-1884 N/A None known Contact us
0032-1397 Plating : the monthly review of the American Electroplaters' Society. 1948-1975 Q96328941 Unknown None known Contact us
0032-1400 Platinum metals review. 1957-2014 Q3557901 Unknown None known Contact us
0554-3037 Play index. 1952- Unknown None known Contact us
2043-5673 The Play pictorial. 1902- Q7757434 Unknown None known Contact us
0551-0678 Playbill. 1957- Q3392106 1940* None known Contact us
0892-8754 Playboy. 1919- Q107018254 Unknown None known Contact us
0032-1540 Plays. 1941- Q107018255 Unknown None known Contact us
0032-1559 Plays and players. 1953-1997 Q106877030 Unknown None known Contact us
0748-7126 Plus. 1938-1939 Unknown None known Contact us
2376-2543 Plymouth advertiser 1853- Q107018256 Unknown None known Contact us
2332-4376 Plymouth banner -1855 N/A None known Contact us
2332-256X The Plymouth Democrat 1869- Q107019482 Unknown None known Contact us
2332-4333 The Plymouth pilot 1851- Q107019483 Unknown None known Contact us
2332-4449 The Plymouth tribune -1911 Q100280296 N/A None known Contact us
2332-4406 Plymouth weekly banner 1855- Q107018257 Unknown None known Contact us
0190-9959 Pocket congressional directory. 1951- Q107018258 Unknown None known Contact us
0032-1877 Poe newsletter. 1968- Q96726560 All* 1968-1970+ Contact us
0090-5224 Poe studies/dark romanticism. Q15760712 All* 1971-1987+ Contact us
0552-7015 Poems and stories : PS. 1953-1965 Q107018259 Unknown None known Contact us
0032-1966 Poet lore. 1889- Q7207432 1930* 1889-1928 Contact us
0032-2032 Poetry. 1912- Q7207482 1929 1912-1928 Contact us
0032-2113 Poetry northwest. 1959- Q107018260 Unknown None known Contact us
2374-2097 The Point Pleasant register 1909- Q107019484 Unknown None known Contact us
0554-4246 The Pointer; for special class teachers and parents of the handicapped. 1956-1989 Q96737658 Unknown None known Contact us
0032-2423 Pokroky matematiky, fysiky a astronomie. 1956- Q103384912 Unknown None known Contact us
0032-2458 Poland & Germany. 1957- Q101500194 None* None known Contact us
0079-2918 Polar notes. 1959- Q107018262 Unknown None known Contact us
0032-2474 The Polar record. 1931- Q15767444 None* None known Contact us
1135-8408 Polen. 1915- Unknown None known Contact us
0032-258X The Police journal. 1928- Q15750141 Unknown None known Contact us
0702-6617 Police statistics / 1949-1960 Q107018263 Unknown None known Contact us
0032-2725 Polimery. 1961- Q15763895 Unknown None known Contact us
0032-2792 Polish-American journal. 1963-1972 Q107018264 Unknown None known Contact us
0032-2806 Polish American studies. 1944- Q24525511 Unknown None known Contact us
0032-2962 Polish perspectives. 1958- Q27716235 Unknown None known Contact us
0032-2970 The Polish review. 1956- Q7757649 Unknown None known Contact us
0032-2997 The Polish sociological bulletin. 1961- Q107019485 Unknown None known Contact us
0032-3039 Polish Western affairs. 1960- Q27716237 Unknown None known Contact us
0032-3128 Political affairs. 1945- Q7210179 Unknown None known Contact us
0032-3179 The political quarterly. 1930- Q7757663 Unknown None known Contact us
1930-2665 Political research, organization and design : PROD. 1957-1960 Q96198393 None* 1957-1960+ Contact us
0032-3195 Political science quarterly. Q7210236 1938 1886-1928 Contact us
0032-3217 Political studies. 1953- Q7210238 Unknown None known Contact us
0551-3359 The political yearbook. 1952-1953 Q107019486 Unknown None known Contact us
0350-4395 Politika. 1904- Q1248780 Unknown None known Contact us
0907-1814 Politiken. 1884- Q373133 Unknown None known Contact us
0032-342X Politique étrangère. 1936- Q382669 Unknown None known Contact us
0721-8869 Politische Bildung : Schriftenreihe der Hochschule für Politische Wissenschaften München. -1954 Q107018265 Unknown None known Contact us
0032-3462 Politische Studien : Monatshefte der Hochschule für Politische Wissenschaften München. 1954- Q27718625 Unknown None known Contact us
0032-3470 Politische Vierteljahresschrift. 1960- Q2101528 Unknown None known Contact us
0032-3500 Polityka. 1957- Q142095 Unknown None known Contact us
0431-5480 Polizeiliche Kriminalstatistik. 1953-1991 Q107018266 Unknown None known Contact us
2470-8976 Polk County observer 1888- Q107018268 Unknown None known Contact us
0375-9636 Pollen et spores. 1959- Q107018269 Unknown None known Contact us
0032-3888 Polymer engineering and science. 1961- Q15764131 Unknown None known Contact us
0569-3802 Polymer preprints : papers presented at the ... meeting. 1960- Q107018270 Unknown None known Contact us
0032-3950 Polymer science U.S.S.R. 1960-1991 Q96329112 Unknown None known Contact us
0130-8068 Polymi︠a︡. 1945- Q14917072 Unknown None known Contact us
2373-2237 Pomeroy weekly telegraph 1860-1866 Q100280324 N/A None known Contact us
2470-010X Ponola weekly register 1843- Q107018272 Unknown None known Contact us
0032-423X Il Ponte. 1945- Q3792874 Unknown None known Contact us
0079-3825 Poor's register of corporations, directors and executives: United States and Canada. 1963-1972 Q107018282 Unknown None known Contact us
0551-5084 Popular economics. 1950-1952 Q107018283 Unknown None known Contact us
0032-4523 Popular hot rodding. 1962- Q7229702 Unknown None known Contact us
0032-4558 Popular mechanics. 1959- Q1274577 1932 None known Contact us
0736-993X Popular mechanics magazine : written so you can understand it. 1913-1959 Q107018284 Unknown None known Contact us
0477-5759 Popular science. 1950- Unknown None known Contact us
0032-4647 The Popular science monthly. 1872-1950 Q773087 1929 1872-2009+ Contact us
2043-5711 The Popular science review : a quarterly miscellany of entertaining and instructive articles on scientific subjects. 1862- Q107019487 Unknown None known Contact us
2167-6216 Popular series. 1948-1959 Q27941445 Unknown None known Contact us
0032-4663 Population. 1946- Q15304703 Unknown None known Contact us
0032-468X Population bulletin. 1945- Q27717848 Unknown None known Contact us
0523-1159 Population et famille. 1963- Q27717768 Unknown None known Contact us
0032-4701 Population index. 1937-2000 Q27717825 Unknown None known Contact us
0082-805X Population studies. 1948- Q27717749 Unknown None known Contact us
0551-5343 Poradnik je̜zykowy. 1901- Q16590203 Unknown None known Contact us
2043-5738 The Port folio 1801-1827 N/A None known Contact us
2576-4632 Port-Gibson herald 1842-1848 N/A None known Contact us
2576-4233 The Port Gibson herald, and correspondent 1848- Q107019489 Unknown None known Contact us
2575-7504 The Port Gibson reveille [electronic resource]. 1890- Q100280366 Unknown None known Contact us
2471-0474 Port Royal commercial and Beaufort County Republican 1873-1874 N/A None known Contact us
2376-256X Portage sentinel [electronic resource]. 1845-1854 N/A None known Contact us
2376-2594 The Portage sentinel [electronic resource]. 1861- Q107019488 Unknown None known Contact us
0066-7994 Portfolio. 1926-1964 Q104782095 1955* None known Contact us
2689-5900 Portland press herald. 1921- Q7232009 Unknown None known Contact us
2373-1311 The Portsmouth inquirer -1855 Q100280390 N/A None known Contact us
0032-5155 Portugaliae mathematica. 1937- Q7232584 Unknown None known Contact us
0079-421X Portugiesische Forschungen. 1960- Q107018285 Unknown None known Contact us
0584-987X Posebna izdanja / 1960- Q107018286 Unknown None known Contact us
0048-4911 Positif. 1952- Q1125473 Unknown None known Contact us
0743-8788 Possibilities. 1947- Q107018287 Unknown None known Contact us
0888-0107 Post-gazette. 1962- Unknown None known Contact us
0364-863X Postal bulletin. 1918- Q107018288 Unknown None known Contact us
0032-5449 Postȩpy higieny i medycyny doświadczalnej. 1949- Q27712692 Unknown None known Contact us
0079-4252 Postępy mikrobiologii. 1962- Q96329198 Unknown None known Contact us
0032-5473 Postgraduate medical journal. 1925- Q7234294 Unknown None known Contact us
0032-5481 Postgraduate medicine. 1947- Q7234297 Unknown None known Contact us
0014-3065 Potato research 1958- Q14161754 All* None known Contact us
2378-6787 Potosi journal 1894- Q107018290 Unknown None known Contact us
2376-3612 The Potter journal 1857- Q107019491 Unknown None known Contact us
2376-3574 The Potter journal and news item 1872- Q107019492 Unknown None known Contact us
0738-5293 Potter's American monthly. 1875-1882 N/A None known Contact us
0032-5767 Poultry international. 1962- Q107018291 Unknown None known Contact us
0032-5791 Poultry science. 1921- Q1999242 Unknown None known Contact us
0096-8374 Powder metallurgy bulletin. 1946- Q107018293 Unknown None known Contact us
0032-6070 Power transmission design. 1959- Q96329242 Unknown None known Contact us
0032-6178 Prabuddha bharata = or awakened India. 1896- Q7237277 Unknown None known Contact us
0583-466X Práce Astronomického observatória na Skalnatom Plese = Trudy Astronomicheskoĭ observatorii Skalnaté Pleso = Contributions of the Astronomical Observatory Skalnaté Pleso / 1955-1989 Q107018295 Unknown None known Contact us
0067-6470 Prace Białostockiego Towarzystwa Naukowego. 1963- Q107018296 Unknown None known Contact us
0373-0166 Prace chemiczne. 1959-1989 Q107018297 Unknown None known Contact us
0458-1520 Prace i materialy. 1956- Q15760294 Unknown None known Contact us
0079-4767 Prace literackie. 1956- Q96727506 Unknown None known Contact us
0079-4791 Prace polonistyczne. 1937- Q96727569 Unknown None known Contact us
0079-4805 Prace popularnonaukowe / 1961- Q107018298 Unknown None known Contact us
0084-3024 Prace Wrocławskiego Towarzystwa Naukowego. Travaux de la Société des sciences et des lettres de Wrocław. Seria B. 1947- Q107018299 Unknown None known Contact us
0032-633X Practical anthropology. 1953-1972 Q96727598 Unknown None known Contact us
0097-210X The Practical engineer. -1917 N/A None known Contact us
0032-6429 The practical lawyer. 1955- Q27717077 Unknown None known Contact us
2043-5754 The practical teacher 1881-1911 N/A None known Contact us
0032-6534 Prähistorische Forschungen. 1950- Q107018300 Unknown None known Contact us
0032-6682 Prairie schooner. 1927- Q7237965 1937 None known Contact us
0032-6720 Praktické zubní lékařství. 1952-1996 Q15764638 Unknown None known Contact us
0369-8106 Praktika tēs Akadēmias Athēnōn / 1926- Q107018301 Unknown None known Contact us
0032-681X Der praktische Tierarzt. 1951- Q15754058 Unknown None known Contact us
0233-4275 Pravda / t͡sentralʹnyĭ organ Rossīĭskoĭ sot͡sial-demokraticheskoĭ rabocheĭ partīi. 1917- Q183644 Unknown None known Contact us
0079-4929 Právněhistorické studie. 1955- Q96727721 Unknown None known Contact us
0324-7007 Právník. 1861- Unknown None known Contact us
0032-7034 Praxis der Kinderpsychologie und Kinderpsychiatrie. 1952- Q2108067 Unknown None known Contact us
0032-7166 Predicasts. 1960- Q96001290 None None known Contact us
0381-8306 Preliminary report on the mineral production of Canada during the calendar year ... / 1908-1949 Q96035148 None* 1907-1970 Contact us
0032-7387 Premier plan. 1955-1970 Q3401640 None* None known Contact us
2577-3321 La prensa [electronic resource]. 1913- Q25303325 None* 1913-1922 Contact us
1075-6396 The Presbyterian. 1831-1925 Q96400126 N/A None known Contact us
0032-7549 The Presbyterian journal. 1959- None* 1959-1987+ Contact us
2475-4528 The Presbyterian of the South [combining the] Southwestern Presbyterian, Central Presbyterian, Southern Presbyterian. 1909- Q96611596 None 1909-1922 Contact us
0032-7565 Presbyterian outlook. 1944- Q96643087 None None known Contact us
0032-7573 The Presbyterian record. 1899- Q7240799 None* None known Contact us
0384-7942 The Presbyterian witness. 1848- Q96749536 N/A None known Contact us
0032-7638 Présence africaine. 1947- Q3409088 None* None known Contact us
2044-6276 The Present state of the republick of letters. 1728-1736 N/A None known Contact us
0032-7735 Preservation news. 1961-1990 Q97320144 None* 1961-1990+ Contact us
0018-2419 Preservation : the magazine of the National Trust for Historic Preservation. 1952- Q7241027 None* None known Contact us
0270-3467 The President's report. 1961-1969 Q97572267 None* None known Contact us
0145-0808 The president's review from the annual report. 1917- Q97778906 None* 1917-1928 Contact us
0113-9762 The press. 1861- Q2413590 None* None known Contact us
2473-0416 Press and daily Dakotaian 1880-1889 N/A None known Contact us
0032-7867 La Presse médicale. 1893-1971 Q26853799 Unknown None known Contact us
0032-7875 Presse thermale et climatique. 1920- Q27712713 None* 1920 Contact us
0032-7980 Preuves : cahiers mensuels du Congrès pour la liberté de la culture. 1951-1975 Q98459404 None* None known Contact us
0032-8006 Prevention. 1950- Q4191005 1951 None known Contact us
0032-8170 Price Waterhouse review. 1955-1972 Q98459553 None None known Contact us
0380-6901 Prices & price indexes / 1923-1976 Q98637667 None* 1923-||-1942+ Contact us
0740-3348 The Priest River times. 1914- Q55666397 None None known Contact us
0021-8928 Prikladnai︠a︡ matematika i mekhanika = Applied mathematics and mechanics. 1933- Q13360591 None* None known Contact us
0350-6673 Prilozi za književnost, jezik, istoriju i folklor. 1921- Q96727927 None* 1921-||-recent Contact us
0555-1153 Prilozi za orijentalnu filologiju = Revue de philologie orientale. 1959- Q99356203 None* 1950-1991 Contact us
0321-267X Primenenie matematiki v ėkonomike. 1963- Q99530574 None* None known Contact us
0555-1269 Les primitifs flamands. 1951-1991 Q99530878 None* None known Contact us
0555-1277 Les Primitifs flamands. 1953-1985 Q99530899 None* None known Contact us
0555-1285 Les Primitifs flamands. 1952- Q99530935 None* None known Contact us
0887-3925 Primitive man : quarterly bulletin of the Catholic Anthropological Conference. 1928-1952 Q96728005 None* None known Contact us
0032-8421 The Princeton tiger. 1882- Q7245011 None 2011-present Contact us
0032-8472 Príncipe de Viana / 1940- Q20984015 None* 1940-present Contact us
0894-2285 Principles of clinical electrocardiography / 1956- Q100231929 1960 None known Contact us
0032-8510 Print. 1940- Q7245250 None None known Contact us
0196-1160 Printers' ink. 1888-1967 Q7245289 1936* 1888-||-1928+ Contact us
0738-6133 Printers' ink monthly. 1919-1941 Q99658680 1937* 1919-1928+ Contact us
0032-860X Printing impressions. 1958- Q96329521 None None known Contact us
0032-8715 Printing world. 1954- Q100709414 None* None known Contact us
0032-874X Priroda. 1912- Q96728056 None* 1912-||-1917 Contact us
0032-8790 Prism. 1959- Q7245675 None* 1959-recent Contact us
0555-1773 Prism. 1962-1964 Q101209774 None None known Contact us
0032-8855 The prison journal. 1921- Q7758378 None* Predecessor Contact us
0079-5399 Private independent schools. 1943- Q102046867 None None known Contact us
0032-8898 The Private library. 1958- Q102046890 None* 1957-1967 Contact us
0555-2001 The Prize plays of television and radio / 1957- Q102293712 1956* None known Contact us
0079-5453 Prize stories. 1947- Q103959743 1954* 1919-1928 Contact us
0244-6685 "Pro Alesia." 1906-1932 Q104094939 None* 1906-1925 Contact us
0552-1491 Proagōnes. 1959- Q104095021 None* None known Contact us
0742-0056 Probation. 1928-1947 Q106877032 None None known Contact us
0169-9601 Probleme der Ägyptologie. 1953- Q96329557 None* None known Contact us
0048-5403 Probleme und Ergebnisse der Psychologie. 1960-1982 Q108475067 None* None known Contact us
0032-9304 Problèmes économiques. 1948- Q3406288 None* None known Contact us
0032-9320 Problèmes soviétiques. 1958-1971 Q106118408 None* None known Contact us
0369-8408 Problemi attuali di scienza e di cultura. 1947-1994 Q106118409 None* None known Contact us
0552-1793 Problemi del comunismo e del socialismo. 1956- Q106118410 None* None known Contact us
0589-1507 Problems of consciousness : transactions of the ... Conference. 1951-1955 Q106877034 None None known Contact us
0555-2567 Problems of cybernetics. 1960-1965 Q106877035 None None known Contact us
0032-9479 Problems of the peoples of the USSR. 1958-1966 Q106118412 None* None known Contact us
1479-1226 Problems of the war / 1915-1917 N/A None known Contact us
0555-2613 The Problems of union power. 1961- Q106877713 None None known Contact us
0555-277X Problemy kibernetiki. 1958-1984 Q106118413 None* None known Contact us
0079-5798 Problemy Polonii zagranicznej. 1960-1975 Q106118414 None* None known Contact us
0065-6798 Proceedings / American Academy for Jewish Research. 1930-2001 Q96728689 None None known Contact us
0097-417X Proceedings / American Society of Civil Engineers. 1875-1955 Q108329265 None* 1872-1928 Contact us
0066-9407 Proceedings / Association of American Law Schools. 1951- Q108765907 None None known Contact us
0569-5503 Proceedings / Electronic Components Conference. 1955- Q108816804 None None known Contact us
2249-1937 Proceedings / Indian History Congress. 1943- Q108816845 None* None known Contact us
0090-0729 Proceedings / Institute of Environmental Sciences. 1959- Q108816852 None None known Contact us
1539-3666 Proceedings / Modern Language Association of America. 1884-1885 Q96730769 N/A None known Contact us
0822-7381 Proceedings / National Conference of Canadian Universities and Colleges. 1959-1964 Q108893410 None* None known Contact us
0547-5244 Proceedings / National Conference on Air Pollution. 1958- Q108893475 None* 1958-1966 Contact us
0466-1710 Proceedings / National Conference on Metropolitan Problems. 1956- Q108893565 None None known Contact us
0038-0776 Proceedings / Soil Science Society of America. 1937-1975 Q109016465 None None known Contact us
0081-9344 Proceedings / Summer Conference on International Law. 1957-1970 Q109016474 None None known Contact us
0888-3602 Proceedings / Utah Academy of Sciences. 1929-1933 Q109016494 None None known Contact us
0084-2176 Proceedings / World Petroleum Congress. 1933- Q109016512 None* None known Contact us
0364-3050 Proceedings. 1949- Q109475117 None 1949-||-1972 Contact us
0486-0101 Proceedings. 1960-1964 Q109475243 None None known Contact us
0538-6381 Proceedings. 1961- Q109475334 None* None known Contact us
0586-2787 Proceedings. 1959- Q109540190 None* None known Contact us
0586-9153 Proceedings. 1955- Q109540206 None* None known Contact us
0589-039X Proceedings. 1951-1990 Q109540211 None None known Contact us
0589-0950 Proceedings. 1960- Q109628355 None None known Contact us
0586-3031 Proceedings/ Symposium on Rock Mechanics. 1961-1976 Q109628390 None None known Contact us
0567-6703 [Proceedings]. 1957- Q109628422 None None known Contact us
0065-0668 Proceedings - Academy of Management. 1938- Q29043703 None None known Contact us
0066-0515 Proceedings - American Society for Testing and Materials. 1961-1987 Q107018303 None None known Contact us
0065-972X Proceedings and addresses of the American Philosophical Association. 1927- Q64909638 None None known Contact us
0191-1740 Proceedings and addresses of the annual session. 1933-1939 Q107018304 None None known Contact us
0790-6358 Proceedings and transactions of the Kilkenny and South-east of Ireland Archaeological Society. 1856- Q109910971 N/A* 1854-1855+ Contact us
1051-8142 Proceedings and transactions of the Scientific Association, Meriden, Conn. 1895-1898 N/A None known Contact us
0589-171X Proceedings - Annual Conference on the Kidney. 1961-1965 Q107018305 None None known Contact us
0893-2603 Proceedings. Annual meeting / American Petroleum Institute. 1931- Q108765871 None None known Contact us
0362-8752 Proceedings; annual meeting / AFMA Nutrition Council. 1944- Q109997236 None None known Contact us
0553-9048 Proceedings ... annual research conference / 1953-1964 Q109997327 None None known Contact us
0083-8853 Proceedings - Assembly of Western European Union. Actes officiels - Assemblée de l'Union de l'europe occidentale. 1955-1999 Q107018306 Unknown None known Contact us
0077-9946 Proceedings - New Zealand Ecological Society. 1954-1977 Q112698394 Unknown None known Contact us
0065-9045 Proceedings of ALI annual meetings 1923- Unknown None known Contact us
0589-087X Proceedings of ... Conference on Coastal Engineering. 1951-1969 Q96701666 Unknown None known Contact us
0547-5473 Proceedings of ... National Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Space. 1961- Q107018307 Unknown None known Contact us
0097-3157 Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. 1841- Q11134281 None 1841-||-1949 Contact us
0065-0684 Proceedings of the Academy of Political Science. 1910-1991 Q27716252 1939* 1910-1939 Contact us
1548-7237 Proceedings of the Academy of Political Science in the City of New York. 1910-1928 Q96728677 N/A None known Contact us
0197-8217 Proceedings of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. 1956- Q107018308 Unknown None known Contact us
0507-4843 Proceedings of the All-Union Conference on Radiation Chemistry. 1959- Q107018310 Unknown None known Contact us
0065-6836 Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Letters and the National Institute of Arts and Letters. 1910-1976 Q107018311 Unknown None known Contact us
0199-9818 Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. 1846-1958 Q6087076 None* 1846-1958+ Contact us
0044-751X Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society. 1843- Q27716247 None 1812-2008 Contact us
0569-2261 Proceedings of the American Association for Cancer Research. 1953-1970 Q27717904 Unknown None known Contact us
1550-8978 Proceedings of the American Branch of the International Law Association. 1922- Unknown None known Contact us
1447-2546 Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association. Q15754774 All* 1999-present+ Contact us
0097-2444 Proceedings of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers. 1905-1919 Q96728693 N/A None known Contact us
0002-9939 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society. 1950- Q3406325 Unknown None known Contact us
1060-2682 Proceedings of the American Microscopical Society. 1892-1895 Q27921615 N/A None known Contact us
0743-877X Proceedings of the American Numismatic Society, annual meeting. 1908- Q107018312 Unknown None known Contact us
0003-049X Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society. 1838- Q6087079 None 1838-||-2019 Contact us
1520-8605 Proceedings of the American Political Science Association. 1905-1914 Q96728697 N/A None known Contact us
0097-2126 Proceedings of the American Power Conference. 1952- Q107018314 Unknown None known Contact us
0096-8927 Proceedings of the American Society for Psychical Research. 1907- Q104093178 None 1885-||-1925+ Contact us
0272-5037 Proceedings of the American Society of International Law at the meeting of its executive council. 1919-1921 Q63871839 1929* 1907-1928 Contact us
1060-1805 Proceedings of the American Society of Microscopists. 1880-1892 Q27921616 N/A None known Contact us
0097-076X Proceedings of the Animal Care Panel. 1950-1962 Q27720123 Unknown None known Contact us
0078-5857 Proceedings of the annual Biology Colloquium. 1961-1977 Q27722265 Unknown None known Contact us
0066-9091 Proceedings of the annual conference. 1952-1985 Unknown None known Contact us
0589-1019 Proceedings of the ... annual Conference on Engineering in Medicine and Biology. 1963- Q107018316 Unknown None known Contact us
0572-8088 Proceedings of the ... annual Conference on Industrial Research / 1955- Q107018317 Unknown None known Contact us
2329-9045 Proceedings of the ... annual conference under the auspices of the National Tax Association. 1914-1974 Unknown None known Contact us
0065-7948 Proceedings of the annual Congress of Correction of the American Correctional Association. 1955-1987 Q107018318 Unknown None known Contact us
0097-2630 Proceedings of the annual convention of the American Water Works Association. 1903- Q107018319 Unknown None known Contact us
0532-1204 Proceedings of the ... annual Institute on Corporate Counsel / 1959- Q107018320 Unknown None known Contact us
0076-1087 Proceedings of the Annual Institute on Mineral Law. 1954- Q107018321 Unknown None known Contact us
1050-6535 Proceedings of the ... annual ISA Analysis Instrumentation Symposium. 1954-1987 Unknown None known Contact us
0510-1662 Proceedings of the annual labor-management conference. 1950-1962 Q107018323 Unknown None known Contact us
1535-4024 Proceedings of the annual meeting / American Association of University Teachers of Insurance. 1933-1935 Q96728725 Unknown None known Contact us
0096-1027 Proceedings of the annual meeting / Highway Research Board. 1922- Unknown None known Contact us
2475-4013 Proceedings of the annual meeting. 1927-1967 Unknown None known Contact us
0525-275X Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Business History Conference. 1954- Q107018325 Unknown None known Contact us
0079-1733 Proceedings of the ... annual meeting of the Philosophy of Education Society. 1958-1965 Unknown None known Contact us
0539-5291 Proceedings of the annual Metropolitan Area Planning Conference. 1958- Q107018326 Unknown None known Contact us
0161-0317 Proceedings of the Annual Reading Institute at Temple University. 1962- Q107018327 Unknown None known Contact us
2474-7793 Proceedings of the ... annual session of the Southern Political Science Association. 1933- Q107018328 Unknown None known Contact us
0735-0937 Proceedings of the ... annual spring conference of the Organization of Cornell Planners / 1959- Q107018329 Unknown None known Contact us
0748-6995 Proceedings of the ... annual spring meeting of the American Ethnological Society. 1957- Unknown None known Contact us
0586-2876 Proceedings of the annual symposium on hospital affairs. 1958-1979 Q107018330 Unknown None known Contact us
0564-4402 Proceedings of the ... annual Tulane Tax Institute. 1955-1975 Q107018331 Unknown None known Contact us
0066-7374 Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society. 1888- Q15817354 Unknown None known Contact us
0097-1324 Proceedings of the Association of Official Seed Analysts. 1941-1975 Q107018332 Unknown None known Contact us
2330-6408 Proceedings of the Association of Official Seed Analysts of North America. -1940 Q107018333 Unknown None known Contact us
0067-1827 Proceedings of the Australian Conference on Electrochemistry. 1963- Q107018334 Unknown None known Contact us
0067-5350 Proceedings of the Belfast Natural History and Philosophical Society. 1873-1882 N/A None known Contact us
0097-0433 Proceedings of the Berkeley Symposium on Mathematical Statistics and Probability. 1946-1971 Q107018335 Unknown None known Contact us
0006-324X Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 1882- Q2655417 Unknown None known Contact us
0068-1202 Proceedings of the British Academy. Q7247177 None* 1903-||-2001 Contact us
2050-2664 Proceedings of the British Institution of Radio Engineers 1963-1964 Q96728764 Unknown None known Contact us
0066-0736 Proceedings of the Business and Economic Statistics Section / 1954- Q107018336 Unknown None known Contact us
0068-547X Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences. 1907- Q51522336 Unknown None known Contact us
0269-3135 Proceedings of the Chemical Society. 1957-1964 Q7247178 N/A* 1890-1914+ Contact us
0269-3143 Proceedings of the Chemical Society of London for ... 1843- Q28840826 N/A 1843+ Contact us
0097-0573 Proceedings of the Colorado Scientific Society. 1884-1956 Q107018337 Unknown None known Contact us
0589-140X Proceedings of the Conference on Nuclear Processes in Geologic Settings / 1953- Q107018338 Unknown None known Contact us
0569-4515 Proceedings of the ... Constitutional Convention of the AFL-CIO. 1957- Q107018356 Unknown None known Contact us
0501-3933 Proceedings of the ... Constitutional Convention of the United Papermakers and Paperworkers. 1957-1972 Q107018357 Unknown None known Contact us
0191-3778 Proceedings of the convention of the American Nurses' Association. 1924- Q107018358 Unknown None known Contact us
1047-4919 Proceedings of the Davenport Academy of Natural Sciences. 1876-1899 N/A None known Contact us
0070-7112 Proceedings of the Dorset Natural History and Archaeological Society. 1929- Q27716121 Unknown None known Contact us
0424-7795 Proceedings of the Electrical Insulation Conference. 1958- Q107018359 Unknown None known Contact us
1472-0949 The proceedings of the Entomological Society of London. 1926-1933 Q96728806 Unknown None known Contact us
0013-8797 Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington. 1886- Q15763560 None 1886-2007 Contact us
0071-3090 Proceedings of the European Society for the Study of Drug Toxicity. 1963- Q107018360 Unknown None known Contact us
0097-0581 Proceedings of the Florida Academy of Sciences. 1937-1944 Q51522381 Unknown None known Contact us
0588-9049 Proceedings of the general meeting. 1963- Unknown None known Contact us
0160-2381 Proceedings of the Geological Society of America for ... -1941 Q107018361 Unknown None known Contact us
0954-6308 Proceedings of the Geological Society of London. 1834-1845 Q36942253 N/A None known Contact us
0018-0130 Proceedings of the Helminthological Society of Washington. 1934- Q21385397 Unknown None known Contact us
0369-9846 Proceedings of the Imperial Academy = Teikoku Gakushiin kiji. 1912-1945 Q21385293 Unknown None known Contact us
0370-0089 Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences. 1934-1978 Q96329698 Unknown None known Contact us
2054-1554 Proceedings of the Indian Division of the British Institution of Radio Engineers 1963-1963 Q96728892 Unknown None known Contact us
0589-3143 Proceedings of the Indian Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanices. 1955- Q107018363 Unknown None known Contact us
0073-6767 Proceedings of the Indiana Academy of Science. 1892- Q27721049 Unknown None known Contact us
0091-746X The proceedings of the Institute of Medicine of Chicago. 1916- Q27712752 Unknown None known Contact us
0537-9814 Proceedings of the Institute on Planning and Zoning. 1960-1969 Unknown None known Contact us
0020-3270 The Proceedings of the Institution of Electrical Engineers. 1949-1979 Q96329731 Unknown None known Contact us
0074-3208 Proceedings of the ... International Conference on Operational Research. 1957-1987 Q107018364 Unknown None known Contact us
0074-350X Proceedings of the International Congress of Applied Mechanics. 1924-1968 Q107018365 Unknown None known Contact us
0074-3755 Proceedings of the International Congress of Linguists. 1928- Q107018366 Unknown None known Contact us
0074-400X Proceedings of the ... International Congress on Acoustics. 1953- Q107018367 Unknown None known Contact us
0074-4093 Proceedings of the ... International Congress on High-Speed Photography. 1957-1977 Q107018368 Unknown None known Contact us
0074-4123 Proceedings of the International Congress on Metallic Corrosion. 1961- Q107018369 Unknown None known Contact us
0069-5831 Proceedings of the International Institute of Space Law 1959- Unknown None known Contact us
0535-3017 Proceedings of the International Symposium on Isotope Separation. 1958- Q107018370 Unknown None known Contact us
0085-2236 The Proceedings of the Iowa Academy of Sciences for ... 1890-1987 Q51522402 Unknown None known Contact us
0578-9230 Proceedings of the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities. 1963- Q107018371 Unknown None known Contact us
0731-3985 Proceedings of the ... Joint Computer Conference. 1953-1962 Q107018372 Unknown None known Contact us
0024-0281 Proceedings of the Leeds Philosophical and Literary Society, Literary and Historical Section. 1925- Q107018375 Unknown None known Contact us
0369-9986 Proceedings of the Leeds Philosophical and Literary Society. 1925- Q107018374 Unknown None known Contact us
0273-2912 Proceedings of the Lehigh County Historical Society. 1939- Q105890654 None 1908-||-1922 Contact us
0370-0461 Proceedings of the Linnean Society of London. 1848-1968 Q6087093 None* 1838-1928+ Contact us
0370-047X Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales. 1875- Q6087096 Unknown None known Contact us
0076-4981 Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society. 1835-1998 Q27716012 See record 1791-1930 Contact us
2325-9256 Proceedings of the ... meeting of the American Philosophical Association. 1901- Q107018376 Unknown None known Contact us
0096-9206 Proceedings of the Montana Academy of Sciences. 1942-1993 Q107018377 Unknown None known Contact us
0958-8442 Proceedings of the Musical Association. 1875-1944 Q96329763 Unknown None known Contact us
0369-8203 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India. 1942- Q60748237 Unknown None known Contact us
0369-8211 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India. 1942- Q21385287 Unknown None known Contact us
0027-8424 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 1915- Q1146531 None 1915-recent Contact us
0547-3578 Proceedings of the National Aerospace Electronics Conference, NAECON. 1952- Q107018362 Unknown None known Contact us
0363-0358 Proceedings of the National Association of Insurance Commissioners. 1953- Q107018378 Unknown None known Contact us
0090-2780 Proceedings of the ... National Conference on the Administration of Research. 1957- Q107018379 Unknown None known Contact us
0547-5449 Proceedings of the ... National Conference on the Arts in Education. 1962- Q107018380 Unknown None known Contact us
0077-5959 Proceedings of the National University Extension Association. 1916-1923 N/A None known Contact us
0096-8935 Proceedings of the New Jersey Historical Society. 1846- Q107018381 Unknown None known Contact us
0146-3500 Proceedings of the New York State Historical Association, ... annual meeting with constitution and by-laws and list of members. 1901-1919 Q106875877 None* 1901-1928+ Contact us
0029-6651 Proceedings of the Nutrition Society. 1944- Q15817594 Unknown None known Contact us
0078-4303 Proceedings of the Oklahoma Academy of Science. 1920- Q27723513 None 1921-present Contact us
0370-1093 Proceedings of the Oregon Academy of Science. 1949- Q107018382 Unknown None known Contact us
0079-0273 Proceedings of the Paving Conference. 1962-1982 Q107018383 Unknown None known Contact us
0096-9222 Proceedings of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science. 1926- Q107018384 Unknown None known Contact us
0735-0996 Proceedings of the ... Pennsylvania Mineral Industries Conference, Petroleum and Natural Gas Section. 1933- Q107018385 Unknown None known Contact us
1747-3527 Proceedings of the Philological Society. 1846-1854 Q96729163 N/A None known Contact us
0370-1328 Proceedings of the Physical Society. 1875-1967 Q255435 None* 1874-1928 Contact us
0370-1239 Proceedings of the Physico-Mathematical Society of Japan = Nippon Sūgaku-Butarigakkai kizi. 1919-1944 Q97613755 Unknown None known Contact us
0557-1588 Proceedings of the Robert A. Welch Foundation Conferences on Chemical Research. 1957- Q107018386 Unknown None known Contact us
0096-4166 Proceedings of the Rochester Academy of Science. 1889- Q51419822 Unknown None known Contact us
0080-4304 Proceedings of the Royal Canadian Institute. 1936-1974 Q107018387 Unknown None known Contact us
1472-0981 The proceedings of the Royal Entomological Society of London. 1933-1936 Q96729175 Unknown None known Contact us
0375-0418 Proceedings of the Royal Entomological Society of London. 1936- Q29043756 Unknown None known Contact us
0375-0434 Proceedings of the Royal Entomological Society of London. 1936-1970 Q21385767 Unknown None known Contact us
0266-626X Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society and monthly record of geography. 1879-1892 Q96729178 N/A 1879-1892+ Contact us
1478-615X Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society of London. -1878 Q19065118 N/A 1855-1878 Contact us
0301-7400 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 1889-1901 N/A None known Contact us
0301-6706 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 1879-1888 N/A None known Contact us
0301-7419 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 1874-1888 N/A None known Contact us
0035-8975 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 1837-1969 Q107368622 Unknown None known Contact us
0080-4452 Proceedings of the Royal Musical Association. 1945-1985 Q29043777 Unknown None known Contact us
0370-1662 Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. 1855-1905 Q1193201 N/A None known Contact us
0080-4630 Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. 1905-1990 Q27721410 Unknown None known Contact us
0080-4649 Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. 1934-1990 Q51522457 Unknown None known Contact us
0950-1193 Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. 1905-1934 Q27712767 Unknown None known Contact us
0035-9211 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria. 1889- Q51412638 Unknown None known Contact us
2158-7450 Proceedings of the Section of International and Comparative Law. 1944-1965 Unknown None known Contact us
2158-7477 Proceedings of the Section of International and Comparative Law. 1944-1965 Q107018390 Unknown None known Contact us
0066-0752 Proceedings of the Social Statistics Section. 1958-1996 Q107018391 Unknown None known Contact us
0370-1778 Proceedings of the Society for Applied Bacteriology. 1946-1953 Q96637924 None* None known Contact us
0037-9727 Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine. 1904-2000 Q45038026 Unknown None known Contact us
0370-1786 Proceedings of the Society of Agricultural Bacteriologists. 1939-1945 Q96637974 None* None known Contact us
0081-1564 Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Q15766800 None* 1851-recent+ Contact us
0081-2056 Proceedings of the Somersetshire Archaeological and Natural History Society. 1849-1967 Q27716588 Unknown None known Contact us
0092-699X Proceedings of the staff meetings of the Mayo Clinic. 1926-1963 Q27721232 Unknown None known Contact us
2046-5890 Proceedings of the Statistical Society of London 1834- Q96729255 N/A* 1834-1837 Contact us
0586-2809 Proceedings of the ... Symposium on Engineering Applications of Random Function Theory and Probability. 1963- Q107018392 Unknown None known Contact us
1055-551X Proceedings of the Tax Institute / 1949-1954 Q100329999 1949* None known Contact us
0096-3801 Proceedings of the United States National Museum. 1878-1968 Q18515885 None* 1878-1968 Contact us
0041-798X Proceedings of the United States Naval Institute. 1879- Q7247169 1932* 1874-||-1927 Contact us
0083-4823 Proceedings of the Utah Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters. 1934-1976 Q107017902 Unknown None known Contact us
0363-1095 Proceedings of the Washington Academy of Sciences. 1899-1911 Q15972550 N/A None known Contact us
2050-2613 Proceedings of the Wireless Section 1926-1940 Q96709625 Unknown None known Contact us
0044-0604 Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society. 1903- Q15760987 Unknown None known Contact us
0373-5893 Proceedings of the Zoological Society. 1954- Q27727406 Unknown None known Contact us
0370-2774 Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London. 1944- Q19622568 Unknown None known Contact us
0080-4541 Proceedings. 1844-1974 Q6087108 Unknown None known Contact us
0082-1527 Proceedings - Tall Timbers Fire Ecology Conference. 1962- Q107018393 Unknown None known Contact us
0079-6514 Process chemistry. 1956- Q97400333 None None known Contact us
0735-9381 Processed world. Q7247317 1989* 1981-2005 Contact us
0032-9622 Proche Orient chrétien. 1951- Q107018394 Unknown None known Contact us
2332-9769 The producers news 1918- Q107019493 Unknown None known Contact us
1084-7278 Product design & development. 1946- Q108279021 Unknown None known Contact us
0032-9851 The Production engineer : the journal of the Institution of Production Engineers. 1960-1989 Q96329824 Unknown None known Contact us
0839-8704 The Production of iron and steel in Canada during the calendar years ... / -1920 N/A None known Contact us
0032-9940 Products finishing. 1936- Q7247863 Unknown None known Contact us
0033-0124 The professional geographer. 1946- Q7758480 Unknown None known Contact us
2577-042X Professional memoirs, Corps of Engineers, United States Army and Engineer Department at Large. N/A* 1909-1919+ Contact us
0589-1183 Program and proceedings / 1956- Q107018395 Unknown None known Contact us
0555-3660 Programed instruction. 1961-1966 Q107018396 Unknown None known Contact us
0006-8020 Programme / Boston Symphony Orchestra, held at the Academy of Music, Philadelphia. 1882-1934 Q107018397 Unknown None known Contact us
0068-6859 A Programme for growth. 1962-1974 Q107017804 Unknown None known Contact us
0408-7283 Die Programmhefte der Bayreuther Festspiele. 1959-1993 Q107017896 Unknown None known Contact us
2469-7516 The progress [electronic resource]. -1905 Q106118212 N/A 1904-1905 Contact us
2168-0078 The Progress [electronic resource]. 1886-1889 N/A None known Contact us
2576-4845 The progress-advertiser -1903 Q100306570 None 1851-||-1963 Contact us
0079-6026 Progress in aeronautical sciences. 1961- Q107018398 Unknown None known Contact us
0079-6034 Progress in allergy. 1939- Q27712783 Unknown None known Contact us
0079-6050 Progress in astronautics and aeronautics : an American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics series. 1963- Q107018399 Unknown None known Contact us
0096-4824 Progress in astronautics and rocketry / 1960-1962 Q107018400 Unknown None known Contact us
0096-4174 Progress in biophysics and biophysical chemistry. 1950- Q27720619 Unknown None known Contact us
0079-6107 Progress in biophysics and molecular biology. 1963- Q15753863 Unknown None known Contact us
0079-6123 Progress in brain research. 1963- Q15800382 Unknown None known Contact us
0033-0620 Progress in cardiovascular diseases. 1958- Q2635289 Unknown None known Contact us
0079-614X Progress in ceramic science. 1961-1966 Q107018401 Unknown None known Contact us
0079-6212 Progress in control engineering. 1962-1965 Q107018402 Unknown None known Contact us
0097-1502 Progress in cosmic ray physics. 1952-1956 Q107018403 Unknown None known Contact us
0478-4995 Progress in crystal physics. 1958- Q107018404 Unknown None known Contact us
0478-5002 Progress in dielectrics. 1959-1967 Q107018405 Unknown None known Contact us
0079-6247 Progress in elementary particle and cosmic ray physics. 1958-1971 Q107018406 Unknown None known Contact us
0079-6298 Progress in gynecology. 1946-1983 Q27717986 Unknown None known Contact us
0079-6301 Progress in hematology. 1956-1987 Q27712799 Unknown None known Contact us
0079-6352 Progress in industrial microbiology. 1959- Q27712802 Unknown None known Contact us
0079-6379 Progress in inorganic chemistry. 1959- Q15751994 Unknown None known Contact us
0079-6409 Progress in liver diseases. 1961-1990 Unknown None known Contact us
0079-6441 Progress in medical genetics. 1961-1988 Q27712807 Unknown None known Contact us
0079-645X Progress in medical virology. 1958- Q27712808 Unknown None known Contact us
0079-6468 Progress in medicinal chemistry. 1961- Q27712806 Unknown None known Contact us
0502-8205 Progress in metal physics. 1949-1959 Q96329928 Unknown None known Contact us
0079-659X Progress in nuclear physics. 1950- Q107018420 Unknown None known Contact us
0091-4886 Progress in nucleic acid research. 1963- Q26842897 Unknown None known Contact us
0079-6638 Progress in optics. 1961- Q7248588 Unknown None known Contact us
0079-6662 Progress in physical organic chemistry. 1963- Q107018421 Unknown None known Contact us
0555-4241 Progress in psychotherapy. -1960 Q27720622 Unknown None known Contact us
0552-3060 Progress in public administration. 1953-1956 Q96729655 Unknown None known Contact us
0079-6743 Progress in reaction kinetics. 1961-1998 Q15746121 Unknown None known Contact us
0079-6808 Progress in stereochemistry. 1954- Q27714083 Unknown None known Contact us
0555-4306 Progress in the astronautical sciences. 1962- Q107018422 Unknown None known Contact us
0079-6832 Progress in the chemistry of fats and other lipids. 1952- Q15757018 Unknown None known Contact us
2159-2373 The progress-index. 1923- Q107019494 Unknown None known Contact us
0033-0663 The Progress of education. 1925- Q107019496 Unknown None known Contact us
0588-4241 Progress of the Colombo plan. 1952- Q107018423 Unknown None known Contact us
0375-9687 Progress of theoretical physics. 1955- Q15754951 Unknown None known Contact us
0033-0736 The Progressive. 1929- Q124706 1944* Predecessor Contact us
0096-4697 Progressive age : gas-electricity-water. 1889-1912 N/A None known Contact us
0033-0752 Progressive architecture. 1945-1995 Q27712664 1964 1945-1995+ Contact us
2376-0087 The progressive farmer. 1886-1904 N/A None known Contact us
2376-0117 The progressive farmer and the cotton plant 1904-1905 N/A None known Contact us
0033-0957 Projekt. 1956- Q97584704 None* None known Contact us
2350-3572 Proletarec 1906- Q66662334 Unknown None known Contact us
2043-5770 The Prompter. 1734-1736 N/A None known Contact us
2043-5789 The Prospective review. 1845-1855 N/A None known Contact us
0033-183X Protoplasma. 1926- Q15765986 None* 1926-1928 Contact us
0079-7073 Protoplasmatologia; Handbuch der Protoplasmaforschung. 1954- Q107018424 Unknown None known Contact us
2574-3260 The Providence gazette. 1795-1811 N/A None known Contact us
2574-3309 The Providence gazette. 1820-1825 N/A None known Contact us
2574-3090 The Providence gazette, and country journal. 1762-1795 N/A None known Contact us
2574-3279 The Providence gazette, and country journal. 1811-1817 N/A None known Contact us
2574-3287 Providence gazette, and moral, political & commercial register. 1817-1819 N/A None known Contact us
2574-6057 Providence patriot, Columbian phenix. 1814- Unknown None known Contact us
2574-6006 The Providence phoenix. 1802-1807 N/A None known Contact us
0478-6254 The provincial. 1956- Q107019497 Unknown None known Contact us
0068-9823 Provincial finances. 1963- Q107018426 Unknown None known Contact us
2041-9961 Provincial medical journal and retrospect of the medical sciences. 1842-1844 Q27723446 N/A None known Contact us
2041-9953 Provincial medical & surgical journal. 1840-1842 Q27723445 N/A None known Contact us
2041-997X Provincial medical & surgical journal. 1844-1852 Q27721611 N/A None known Contact us
0700-7590 The provincial, or, Halifax monthly magazine. 1852-1853 N/A None known Contact us
0033-2003 Przegla̜d antropologiczny. 1926- Q15757553 Unknown None known Contact us
0079-7138 Przegląd archeologiczny. 1919- Q11828447 Unknown None known Contact us
0033-2526 Przegląd dermatologiczny. 1959- Q27712823 Unknown None known Contact us
0033-2186 Przegląd historyczny. 1905- Q11828460 Unknown None known Contact us
0555-523X Przegląd penitencjarny. 1963- Q107018427 Unknown None known Contact us
0033-2356 Przegląd socjologiczny. 1930- Q4047496 Unknown None known Contact us
0033-2364 Przegląd spawalnictwa. 1949- Q11828503 Unknown None known Contact us
0033-2437 Przegląd zachodni. 1945- Q11828526 Unknown None known Contact us
0033-2518 Przewodnik bibliograficzny. 1945- Q107018428 Unknown None known Contact us
0030-8277 PSA journal. 1947- Q108279973 Unknown None known Contact us
0033-2631 Psychedelic review. 1963- None* 1963-1971 Contact us
0033-2666 Psychiatria, neurologia, neurochirurgia. 1960-1973 Q27712846 Unknown None known Contact us
0033-2720 Psychiatric quarterly. 1927- Q7256226 None 1927-1928 Contact us
0079-726X La Psychiatrie de l'enfant. 1958- Q16671524 Unknown None known Contact us
0033-2747 Psychiatry. 1938- Q15760563 Unknown None known Contact us
0885-7830 Psychoanalysis and the psychoanalytic review. 1958-1962 Q27719787 Unknown None known Contact us
0033-2828 The Psychoanalytic quarterly. 1932- Q7758663 1932 None known Contact us
0033-2836 The psychoanalytic review. 1963- Q15757173 1932 1913-1928 Contact us
0886-795X The psychoanalytic review. 1913-1957 Q107019498 Unknown None known Contact us
0079-7294 Psychoanalytic study of society. 1960-1994 Q107018429 Unknown None known Contact us
0079-7308 The psychoanalytic study of the child. 1945- Q7256331 Unknown None known Contact us
0096-9745 Psychobiology. 1917-1919 Q51523305 N/A None known Contact us
0033-2852 Psychologia. 1957- Q15766795 Unknown None known Contact us
0079-7332 Psychologia Africana : journal of the National Institute for Personnel Research, South African Council for Scientific and Industrial Research. 1962- Q107018430 Unknown None known Contact us
0033-2879 Psychologica Belgica. 1953- Q15734353 Unknown None known Contact us
0033-2909 Psychological bulletin. 1904- Q1634280 1963 1904-1961+ Contact us
0048-5748 Psychological issues. 1959- Q27712857 Unknown None known Contact us
0096-9753 Psychological monographs: general and applied. 1910- Q27712859 Unknown None known Contact us
0033-2933 The Psychological record. Q15761787 None 1937-||-1961 Contact us
0033-2941 Psychological reports. 1955- Q7256366 Unknown None known Contact us
0033-295X The psychological review. 1894- Q7256370 1963 1894-||-1937+ Contact us
0033-3026 Psychologische Forschung. Q2115978 None* 1922-1928 Contact us
0090-7499 Psychometric monographs. 1938-1967 Q107018431 Unknown None known Contact us
0033-3123 Psychometrika. 1936- Q15763408 None 1936-1961 Contact us
0033-3166 Psychopharmacology abstracts / 1961-1983 Q107018432 Unknown None known Contact us
0033-3174 Psychosomatic medicine. 1939- Q7256492 1948 None known Contact us
0033-3182 Psychosomatics. 1960- Q7256494 Unknown None known Contact us
0033-3204 Psychotherapy. 1963- Q7256498 Unknown None known Contact us
0411-2415 Pubblicazioni / 1955- Unknown None known Contact us
0076-8677 Pubblicazioni. 1960- Unknown None known Contact us
0544-1579 Pubblicazioni dell'Università cattolica del Sacro Cuore. 1956-1998 Q107018433 Unknown None known Contact us
0033-3298 Public administration. 1926- Q7257301 Unknown None known Contact us
0033-3352 Public administration review. 1940- Q2592874 Unknown None known Contact us
0197-8152 Public affairs pamphlet. 1936- Q107018437 Unknown None known Contact us
0555-5957 Public and international affairs. 1963-1968 Q107018438 Unknown None known Contact us
0193-5526 Public auction sale : [catalogue]. 1957- Unknown None known Contact us
0033-3476 Public finance = Finances publiques. 1950- Q27719341 Unknown None known Contact us
0033-3506 Public health. 1888- Q15761423 None* 1888-1922 Contact us
1069-0476 Public health dentistry / 1960- Q107018464 Unknown None known Contact us
2471-4038 Public health economics. 1944-1964 Q96730718 Unknown None known Contact us
0319-2660 The Public health journal. 1910- Q27910002 N/A* 1910-||-1928+ Contact us
0555-6015 Public health papers. 1959- Q27713855 Unknown None known Contact us
0033-3549 Public health reports. 1896-1970 Q15761421 None* 1896-recent+ Contact us
0502-4749 Public Health Service grants and awards by the National Institutes of Health. 1960- Q107018465 Unknown None known Contact us
0476-1073 Public health statistics special report. 1957-1962 Q107018466 Unknown None known Contact us
0451-3827 Public information series. 1958-1963 Q107018467 Unknown None known Contact us
0082-9110 Public land statistics. 1962- Q107018468 Unknown None known Contact us
0555-6031 The Public library reporter / 1959- Q107019502 Unknown None known Contact us
0033-3611 Public management. 1926- Q107018469 Unknown None known Contact us
0364-2275 Public management sources / 1945-1978 Q107018470 Unknown None known Contact us
0033-362X The Public opinion quarterly. 1937- Q7257479 See record None known Contact us
0079-7626 Public papers of the presidents of the United States. 1929- Q17146045 Unknown None known Contact us
0033-3638 Public personnel review : the quarterly journal of the Civil Service Assembly of the United States and Canada. 1940-1972 Q107018472 Unknown None known Contact us
0033-3646 Public policy. 1940- Q27712866 1940* None known Contact us
0033-3670 The Public relations journal. 1945-1995 Q27712864 Unknown None known Contact us
0033-3735 Public roads. 1918- Q96330224 Unknown None known Contact us
0083-2774 Public school finance programs of the United States. 1950-1960 Q107018491 Unknown None known Contact us
0033-3808 Public utilities fortnightly. 1929-1993 Q107018492 Unknown None known Contact us
0196-7843 Public utilities reports. 1915- Q107018493 Unknown None known Contact us
0033-3816 Public welfare. 1943- Q27712871 Unknown None known Contact us
0163-8297 The Public welfare directory. 1940-1997 Q107019503 Unknown None known Contact us
0033-3840 Public works. 1920- Q96330235 Unknown None known Contact us
0543-7067 Publicaciones / 1955- Unknown None known Contact us
0210-7317 Publicaciones de la Institución "Tello Téllez de Meneses." 1949- Q102214023 Unknown None known Contact us
0073-991X Publicaciones del Instituto Caro y Cuervo. 1960- Q107018434 Unknown None known Contact us
0485-4519 Publicaciones del Instituto de Antropología. 1953-1962 Q107018435 Unknown None known Contact us
0080-9101 Publicaciones del Seminario de Antropología Americana. 1960- Q107018436 Unknown None known Contact us
0567-4913 Publication / Abertay Historical Society. 1953- Unknown None known Contact us
0553-8394 Publication / Board of Economic Enquiry, University of Peshawar. 1957- Unknown None known Contact us
0418-4718 Publication. 1960- Unknown None known Contact us
0473-2316 Publication. 1959-1972 Unknown None known Contact us
0501-5502 Publication. 1961- Unknown None known Contact us
0569-2415 Publication. 1954-1964 Unknown None known Contact us
1044-7458 Publication. 1914- Unknown None known Contact us
0894-8372 Publication. 1895-1905 Q51523544 None* 1895-1951+ Contact us
0002-8207 Publication of the American Dialect Society. 1944- Q96730857 Unknown None known Contact us
0097-3904 Publication. Zoological series / Field Columbian Museum. 1895-1909 Q25653931 N/A None known Contact us
0895-0237 Publication. Zoological series / Field Museum of Natural History. 1910-1943 Q28025436 Unknown None known Contact us
0079-435X Publicationen des Astrophysikalischen Observatoriums zu Potsdam. 1878- Q65010027 Unknown None known Contact us
0033-3883 Publicationes mathematicae. 1949- Q7258060 Unknown None known Contact us
0096-4182 Publications / Puget Sound Biological Station. 1918-1931 Q51523557 Unknown None known Contact us
0524-0840 Publications de l'Institut de préhistoire de l'Université de Bordeaux. 1961- Q107018439 Unknown None known Contact us
0041-9184 Publications de l'Institut de statistique de l'Université de Paris. 1952- Q107018440 Unknown None known Contact us
0350-1302 Publications de l'Institut mathématique / 1947- Q15767570 Unknown None known Contact us
0470-5734 Publications in anthropology. 1952-1984 Q107018441 Unknown None known Contact us
0193-2543 Publications in fisheries / 1928-1929 Q107018442 Unknown None known Contact us
1149-0241 Publications - Institut français de la fièvre aphteuse. 1956- Q107018443 Unknown None known Contact us
1051-8231 Publications of the Academy of Pacific Coast History. 1909-1919 N/A None known Contact us
0096-4301 Publications of the Allegheny Observatory of the University of Pittsburgh. 1910- Q107018444 Unknown None known Contact us
1049-7498 Publications of the American Economic Association. 1886-1907 N/A 1886-1907+ Contact us
0146-5511 Publications of the American Jewish Historical Society. 1893-1961 Q27942542 1953* 1893-1928 Contact us
1522-5437 Publications of the American Statistical Association. 1888-1919 Q96330283 N/A None known Contact us
0004-6264 Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan. 1949- Q2319640 Unknown None known Contact us
0004-6280 Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific. 1889- Q2116431 Unknown None known Contact us
0067-4826 The publications of the Bedfordshire Historical Record Society. 1913- Q107019499 Unknown None known Contact us
0576-9515 Publications of the Catholic Record Society. 1905-1964 Q107018445 Unknown None known Contact us
0078-5091 The publications of the Champlain Society. 1957-1996 Q107019500 Unknown None known Contact us
1076-0687 Publications of the Cincinnati Observatory. 1876- Q107018446 Unknown None known Contact us
0070-2927 Publications of the David Dunlap Observatory, University of Toronto. 1937- Unknown None known Contact us
0078-6950 Publications of the Dominion Astrophysical Observatory. 1922-1990 Q107018448 Unknown None known Contact us
0959-3683 Publications of the English Goethe Society. 1886- Q15759927 Unknown None known Contact us
0521-0437 Publications of the faculty and staff - University of British Columbia. 1949-1962 Q107018449 Unknown None known Contact us
1351-5438 The publications of the Harleian Society. 1869- Q107019501 Unknown None known Contact us
2162-9013 Publications of the Historical Society of Southern California. 1890- Q74144512 None 1884-1934 Contact us
0886-0319 Publications of the Jesup North Pacific Expedition. 1900- Q107018450 Unknown None known Contact us
0160-2519 Publications of the Leander McCormick Observatory of the University of Virginia. 1883- Q107018451 Unknown None known Contact us
0549-4540 Publications of the Mathematical Society of Japan. 1955- Q107018452 Unknown None known Contact us
0030-8129 Publications of the Modern Language Association of America. 1889- Q15757659 1951* 1884-1962 Contact us
0076-8227 Publications of the Museum, Michigan State University. 1957- Q107018453 Unknown None known Contact us
0275-1348 Publications of the National Bureau of Standards. 1948-1988 Q107018454 Unknown None known Contact us
1061-5989 Publications of the National Radio Astronomy Observatory. 1961- Q107018455 Unknown None known Contact us
0191-037X Publications of the Nebraska State Historical Society. 1917-1984 Q107018457 Unknown None known Contact us
0078-1975 Publications of the Norwegian-American Historical Association. 1926- Q107018458 1929* 1926-1927 Contact us
0305-2001 Publications of the Royal Observatory, Edinburgh. 1938- Q107018459 Unknown None known Contact us
1544-2071 Publications of the Society for the Advancement of Scandinavian Study. 1911-1916 N/A 1911-1916+ Contact us
0307-5362 Publications of the Surtees Society. 1835- Q107018460 Unknown None known Contact us
0082-3023 Publications of the Texas Folklore Society. 1916- Q107018461 Unknown None known Contact us
0082-4232 The Publications of the Thoresby Society. 1891- Q27716111 Unknown None known Contact us
0083-2448 Publications of the United States Naval Observatory. 1900- Q96730889 Unknown None known Contact us
0096-4190 Publications of the Wagner Free Institute of Science. 1929- Q107018462 Unknown None known Contact us
0522-8441 Publikacije Elektrotehničkog fakulteta. 1956-1982 Unknown None known Contact us
0078-6721 Publikasjoner fra Norges veterinærhøgskole = Publications from the Veterinary College of Norway. 1958-1979 Q107018494 Unknown None known Contact us
0079-7855 The Publishers' trade list annual. 1874- Q107019504 None 1876-||-1918 Contact us
0000-0019 The publishers weekly. 1872- Q2096635 1931* 1872-1935+ Contact us
0033-4006 Publizistik. 1956- Q15767051 Unknown None known Contact us
0256-2316 Pula. Q7259160 All* 1978-||-present Contact us
2328-1065 The Pulaski citizen 1866- Q107019505 Unknown None known Contact us
0410-577X The pulp and paper industry. L'industrie des pâtes et papiers. 1920-1959 Q107019506 Unknown None known Contact us
0033-4081 Pulp & paper. 1947- Q26839573 Unknown None known Contact us
0033-409X Pulp & paper international. 1959-2015 Q96329264 Unknown None known Contact us
0555-6953 Pulse. 1959- Q107018495 Unknown None known Contact us
0033-4278 Punch. 1841-2002 Q107018496 Unknown None known Contact us
1180-6648 The punch. 1878- Unknown None known Contact us
0033-4324 The Punjab horticultural journal. 1961- Q107019507 Unknown None known Contact us
0377-3191 The Punjab University economist. 1959-1970 Q55174591 Unknown None known Contact us
0552-6175 Purchase guide for programs in science, mathematics, modern foreign languages / 1959- Q107018497 Unknown None known Contact us
0033-4448 Purchasing. 1933- Q7260940 Unknown None known Contact us
0079-8169 Pure and applied mathematics; a series of monographs and textbooks. 1949-2003 Q96330365 Unknown None known Contact us
0033-4561 Pure-bred dogs, American Kennel gazette. 1952-1994 Q107018498 Unknown None known Contact us
0478-9733 Put i saobraćaj. 1955- Q96731019 Unknown None known Contact us
0555-8204 Puti v neznaemoe. 1960- Q107018499 Unknown None known Contact us
0529-049X Qiao wu yue bao 1952-1974 Q107018500 Unknown None known Contact us
0577-9170 Qing hua xue bao = Tsing hua journal of Chinese studies. 1956- Q15751883 Unknown None known Contact us
0033-4812 QST. 1915- Q1125484 Unknown None known Contact us
0579-1316 Quaderni della rassegna degli archivi di Stato. 1960- Q107018501 Unknown None known Contact us
0079-8258 Quaderni di archeologia della Libia. 1950- Q15762603 Unknown None known Contact us
0033-4952 Quaderni di sociologia. 1951- Q50432689 Unknown None known Contact us
0033-4960 Quaderni ibero-americani. 1946- Q17651696 Unknown None known Contact us
0589-3720 Quadrangle report. 1951- Q107018502 Unknown None known Contact us
0033-5002 Quadrant. 1957- Q7268323 Unknown None known Contact us
0392-1530 Quadrivium. 1956- Q107018503 Unknown None known Contact us
0033-5053 Quaker history. 1962- Q27716118 None* Predecessor Contact us
0033-5207 Quality control and applied statistics. 1956- Q107018504 Unknown None known Contact us
0033-5266 Quarry. 1952- Unknown None known Contact us
0375-7471 Quartär. 1938- Q15766798 Unknown None known Contact us
0195-864X Quarterly / San Bernardino County Museum Association. 1953- Unknown None known Contact us
0557-1480 Quarterly Banking Review /רבעון לבנקאות 1961- Unknown None known Contact us
0884-6758 Quarterly bulletin / Archives of American Art. 1962-1963 Q96731156 Unknown None known Contact us
0892-0680 Quarterly bulletin / Medical Department of Washington University. -1908 N/A None known Contact us
0003-0821 The Quarterly bulletin - American Rhododendron Society. 1947-1981 Q91444543 None 1947-1981+ Contact us
0003-8202 Quarterly bulletin - Archeological Society of Virginia. 1942- Q107018505 Unknown None known Contact us
0501-3046 Quarterly bulletin of housing and building statistics for Europe. 1953-1962 Q107018506 Unknown None known Contact us
0097-1103 The quarterly bulletin of Northwestern University Medical School. 1901- Q107019508 Unknown None known Contact us
0040-5388 Quarterly bulletin of statistics. 1963- Q107018507 Unknown None known Contact us
0016-2116 Quarterly bulletin of the Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. 1928- Q27710934 Unknown None known Contact us
0021-1206 Quarterly bulletin of the Irish Georgian Society. 1958- Q107018508 Unknown None known Contact us
2474-0136 Quarterly bulletin of the Nuttall Ornithological Club. 1876- Q107018510 Unknown None known Contact us
0038-2418 Quarterly bulletin of the South African Library = Kwartaalblad van die Suid-Afrikaanse Biblioteek. 1946-1999 Q27716115 Unknown None known Contact us
0033-5347 Quarterly check-list of ethnology & sociology. 1958-1975 Q107018511 Unknown None known Contact us
0033-5509 Quarterly financial report for manufacturing corporations. 1955-1974 Q107018512 Unknown None known Contact us
0196-7479 Quarterly financial report. United States manufacturing corporations. 1951- Q107018513 Unknown None known Contact us
2151-1705 The Quarterly illustrator. 1893-1895 Q107019509 N/A* 1893-1895+ Contact us
2151-1705 The quarterly illustrator. 1893- Q61862673 N/A* 1895+ Contact us
0896-8365 The Quarterly journal of child behavior. 1949- Q107019510 Unknown None known Contact us
0090-0095 Quarterly journal of current acquisitions. 1943-1963 Q107018514 Unknown None known Contact us
0033-5533 The quarterly journal of economics. 1886- Q2066504 1934 1886-1928 Contact us
0370-2901 Quarterly journal of experimental physiology. 1908-1938 Q96330503 Unknown None known Contact us
0033-5541 Quarterly journal of experimental physiology and cognate medical sciences. 1938-1980 Q27712873 Unknown None known Contact us
0370-2952 Quarterly journal of microscopical science. 1853-1965 Q25653954 None* 1853-1965+ Contact us
0033-5630 The quarterly journal of speech. Q7269302 1948 1915-1928 Contact us
0033-5649 Quarterly journal of studies on alcohol. 1940- Q26854016 1940 None known Contact us
0079-8312 Quarterly journal of studies on alcohol. Supplement. 1961-1972 Q96731167 Unknown None known Contact us
1743-6893 The Quarterly journal of the Chemical Society of London. 1849- Q29043903 N/A* 1849-1861+ Contact us
0015-3850 Quarterly journal of the Florida Academy of Sciences. 1945-1972 Q21385361 Unknown None known Contact us
0370-291X The Quarterly journal of the Geological Society of London. 1845- Q21385309 Unknown None known Contact us
0024-5623 Quarterly journal of the Local Self Government Institute (Bombay) 1930-1986 Q107018515 Unknown None known Contact us
0146-3519 The Quarterly journal of the New York State Historical Association. 1919-1931 Q107019511 None* 1919-1928+ Contact us
0035-8738 The Quarterly journal of the Royal Astronomical Society. 1960-1996 Q4811664 Unknown None known Contact us
0035-9009 Quarterly journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 1884- Q15746388 Unknown None known Contact us
0445-8206 Quarterly journal of the Town & Country Planning Association. 1962- Unknown None known Contact us
0006-7202 Quarterly news-letter - Book Club of California. 1933- Unknown None known Contact us
0033-569X Quarterly of applied mathematics. 1943- Q13360592 Unknown None known Contact us
1549-0068 The quarterly of film, radio, and television. 1951-1957 Q27920426 1951* 1951-||-1956+ Contact us
0010-1753 Quarterly of the Colorado School of Mines. 1906- Q107018516 Unknown None known Contact us
2153-1706 The quarterly of the Oregon Historical Society. 1900-1926 Q107019512 N/A None known Contact us
1948-3317 The Quarterly of the Texas State Historical Association. 1897-1912 Q25927153 N/A None known Contact us
2162-9331 Quarterly publication / 1935-1961 Q74145015 Unknown None known Contact us
1522-5445 Quarterly publication of the American Statistical Association. 1920-1921 Q96330512 N/A None known Contact us
0197-503X Quarterly report of gas industry operations. 1956-1987 Q107018518 Unknown None known Contact us
0033-9008 Quarterly reports / 1960- Q96330516 Unknown None known Contact us
0005-4607 Quarterly review / Banca nazionale del lavoro. 1947- Q107017808 Unknown None known Contact us
2043-4073 The Quarterly review. 1809- Q2441261 None* 1809-1928+ Contact us
0033-5770 The quarterly review of biology. 1926- Q2367751 1964* 1926-||-1963 Contact us
0317-6797 The Quarterly review of commerce. 1933- Q107019513 Unknown None known Contact us
0033-5797 The Quarterly review of economics and business. 1961- Q27712825 Unknown None known Contact us
0096-7114 Quarterly review of medicine. 1952- Q96330519 Unknown None known Contact us
0551-4053 Quarterly review of scientific publications of the Polish Academy of Sciences, the Ossolineum, and the Polish Scientific Publishers. 1958-1961 Q107018519 Unknown None known Contact us
0551-4061 Quarterly review of scientific publications of the Polish Academy of Sciences, the Ossolineum, and the Polish Scientific Publishers. 1958-1961 Unknown None known Contact us
0190-4698 The Quarterly review of the Evangelical Lutheran Church 1871-1877 N/A None known Contact us
0704-7533 Quarterly review - The Toronto Conservatory of Music. 1919- Q107018520 Unknown None known Contact us
0009-2681 Quarterly reviews / 1947-1971 Q55753369 Unknown None known Contact us
2578-2835 Quasqueton guardian 1856-1858 Q100280693 N/A None known Contact us
0085-5235 Quaternaria. 1954- Q107018521 Unknown None known Contact us
0384-1391 Quebec medical journal / 1826-1827 N/A None known Contact us
0033-6041 Queen's quarterly. 1893- Q15734634 1934* 1893-1928 Contact us
0155-400X Queensland geographical journal. 1900- Q107018522 Unknown None known Contact us
0481-3537 Quellen und Darstellungen zur schlesischen Geschichte. 1951- Q107018524 Unknown None known Contact us
0171-2179 Quellen und Forschungen zur Reformationsgeschichte. 1921- Q107018525 Unknown None known Contact us
0481-3596 Quellen und Forschungen zur Sprach- und Kulturgeschichte der germanischen Völker. 1958-1995 Q107018526 Unknown None known Contact us
0721-6203 Quellen und Untersuchungen zur lateinischen Philologie des Mittelalters. 1906- Unknown None known Contact us
0481-3715 Quellenhefte zur ostdeutschen und osteuropäischen Kirchengeschichte. 1959- Q107018523 Unknown None known Contact us
0018-7437 Quest. 1955-1976 Q107018527 Unknown None known Contact us
0481-407X Quick Colombian facts. 1956- Q107018528 Unknown None known Contact us
0033-6408 Quick frozen foods. 1952-1985 Q107018529 Unknown None known Contact us
0033-6475 The Quill. 1912- Q107019514 Unknown None known Contact us
0033-6505 Quill & scroll. 1926- Unknown None known Contact us
0746-6358 The Quincy herald-Whig. 1943- Q55666603 None 1926-recent Contact us
0481-4282 Quixote. 1954- Q107018530 Unknown None known Contact us
0192-3692 R : [report] / 1948- Q95631271 1954* 1948-||-1993 Contact us
0033-7250 Rabels Zeitschrift für ausländisches und internationales Privatrecht / 1961- Q2124937 Unknown None known Contact us
0485-8476 Race relations law reporter. 1956-1967 Q107018532 Unknown None known Contact us
0375-1015 Rad Jugoslavenske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti. 1867-1991 Q107018535 Unknown None known Contact us
0132-1331 Radi͡ansʹke pravo. 1958-1991 Q107018533 Unknown None known Contact us
0033-7587 Radiation research. 1954- Q2446628 Unknown None known Contact us
0485-8611 Radiation research. 1959-1985 Q27712897 Unknown None known Contact us
2326-7860 The radical [electronic resource]. -1845 N/A None known Contact us
0033-7625 The Radical humanist. 1937- Q107019515 Unknown None known Contact us
0738-4424 The Radical review. 1917-1919 N/A None known Contact us
0033-765X Radio. 1946- Q4387361 Unknown None known Contact us
0033-7730 Radio. 1946- Unknown None known Contact us
0079-9440 The Radio amateur's handbook. 1926-1984 Q101204002 Unknown None known Contact us
0033-7889 Radio engineering & electronic physics. 1956- Q96330604 Unknown None known Contact us
0033-8060 Radio times. 1923- Q3461827 None* 1923-1949 Contact us
0485-8859 Radiochemistry. 1962-1964 Q107018534 Unknown None known Contact us
0033-8303 Radioisotopes 1952- Q27712985 Unknown None known Contact us
0033-832X Der Radiologe. 1961- Q15763177 Unknown None known Contact us
0033-8362 Radiologia medica. 1914- Q26842258 Unknown None known Contact us
0033-8389 The Radiologic clinics of North America. 1963- Q15755454 1963* None known Contact us
0033-8397 Radiologic technology. 1963- Q27712906 Unknown None known Contact us
0033-8419 Radiology. 1923- Q3285690 None* 1923-||-recent Contact us
0033-8486 Radiotekhnika. 1946- Q96330646 Unknown None known Contact us
0033-8494 Radiotekhnika i ėlektronika / 1956- Q15756902 Unknown None known Contact us
0096-2287 Radium. 1913-1925 N/A None known Contact us
0449-3672 Radovi. 1954- Q107018536 Unknown None known Contact us
0514-5058 Radovi Staroslavenskog instituta. 1952-1977 Unknown None known Contact us
2330-846X Raftsman's journal 1854- Q107018537 Unknown None known Contact us
2043-5851 The Ragged School Union quarterly record 1876-1887 N/A None known Contact us
0033-863X Raggi. 1958- Q107018538 Unknown None known Contact us
2372-9872 La ragione 1917- Q107017931 Unknown None known Contact us
2383-2185 Rāhburdhā-yi tawsiʻah dar āmūzish-i pizishkī = Development strategies in medical education. 1393-2014 Q50812048 Unknown None known Contact us
0097-6679 Railroad gazette. 1870- Q107018539 Unknown None known Contact us
0033-8826 Railway age. 1918- Q7284130 Unknown None known Contact us
0149-4430 The Railway age. 1900-1908 N/A None known Contact us
0149-4422 The railway age and northwestern railroader. 1891- Q107019517 Unknown None known Contact us
0033-8907 The Railway gazette : a journal of management, engineering and operation. 1935- Q107019518 Unknown None known Contact us
0098-1591 Railway master mechanic. 1878-1916 N/A None known Contact us
0380-5964 Railway operating statistics / 1954- Q107018540 Unknown None known Contact us
0033-9032 Railway world. 1939- Unknown None known Contact us
0399-0516 RAIRO. Analyse numérique Q15817457 All* 2021-2023 Contact us
0033-9164 Ramparts. 1962-1975 Q27718653 Unknown None known Contact us
0711-7647 Rampike. 1982- All 1979-2016 Contact us
2157-8060 The ranch 1894-1914 N/A None known Contact us
2158-2556 Ranche and range 1897-1902 N/A None known Contact us
2333-4746 The Randall County news 1908- Q107019519 Unknown None known Contact us
2332-2888 Randolph County journal [electronic resource]. 1864-1865 N/A None known Contact us
2332-2810 Randolph journal [electronic resource]. 1862- Q100280795 Unknown None known Contact us
0077-4332 Rankings of the states. 1959- Q107018542 Unknown None known Contact us
1421-1599 Rapport annuel. 1895- Q107018543 Unknown None known Contact us
0777-3692 Rapport d'activités de l'institut de phonet́ique. 1962- Q107018551 Unknown None known Contact us
0539-0613 Rarefied gas dynamics; proceedings ... 1958- Unknown None known Contact us
2372-9910 La rassegna [electronic resource]. 1917- Q107017933 Unknown None known Contact us
0037-2781 Rassegna degli archivi di Stato. 1941- Q107018552 Unknown None known Contact us
1125-2847 Rassegna di agricoltura, industria e commercio 1874-1874 N/A None known Contact us
0390-0096 Rassegna di studi etiopici. 1941- Q18415151 Unknown None known Contact us
0033-9717 Rassegna internazionale di stomatologia pratica. 1950-1973 Q27712916 Unknown None known Contact us
0033-9792 La Rassegna mensile di Israel. 1925- Q3823835 Unknown None known Contact us
0033-9873 Rassegna storica del risorgimento. 1914- Q27716138 Unknown None known Contact us
0033-9881 Rassegna storica toscana. 1955- Q102396448 Unknown None known Contact us
0034-0111 Raumforschung und Raumordnung. 1936- Q27718361 Unknown None known Contact us
2373-3659 The Ravalli Republican 1894- Q107019520 Unknown None known Contact us
2251-6565 Ravishʹhā-yi taḥlīlī va ʻadadī dar muhandisī-i maʻdin = Journal of analytical and numerical methods in mining engineering. 1389-2011 Q50811018 Unknown None known Contact us
1069-2398 The Rayne Acadian-tribune. 1954- Unknown None known Contact us
0033-6831 RCA review; a technical journal ... 1936- Q107018554 Unknown None known Contact us
0486-0764 Reactor materials. 1962-1970 Q107018555 Unknown None known Contact us
0094-5943 The Reader's adviser. 1921- Q107019521 Unknown None known Contact us
0034-0375 The Reader's digest. 1922- Q371820 1929* 1922-1928 Contact us
0034-0464 Readers' guide to periodical literature. 1905- Q107018556 Unknown None known Contact us
0961-4826 Reading chronicle. 1870- Unknown None known Contact us
2469-3448 Reading eagle. 1883- Q7300500 Unknown None known Contact us
0034-0502 Reading horizons. 1960- Q15754915 Unknown None known Contact us
0034-0561 The reading teacher. 1951- Q7759548 None* None known Contact us
0034-0677 The Real estate appraiser. 1963-1978 Q107019522 Unknown None known Contact us
0034-0774 Real estate record and builders' guide. 1868- Q107018557 Unknown None known Contact us
0741-7969 Real gardening. 1938-1941 Q107018558 Unknown None known Contact us
0034-091X The Realist. Q7759687 None* 1958-2001 Contact us
0309-2305 Recent advances in anaesthesia and analgesia. 1932- Unknown None known Contact us
0143-6791 Recent advances in medicine. 1924- Unknown None known Contact us
0141-3384 Recent advances in pathology. 1932-1975 Unknown None known Contact us
0143-8395 Recent advances in surgery 1928- Q107018559 Unknown None known Contact us
0887-9281 Recent developments in infrastructure and regulated industries. 1931- Unknown None known Contact us
0952-2344 Recent geographical literature, maps and photographs. 1935-1941 Q107018560 Unknown None known Contact us
0079-9963 Recent progress in hormone research. 1947-2004 Q3054007 Unknown None known Contact us
0484-0887 Recherches augustiniennes. 1958- Q107018561 Unknown None known Contact us
0034-1258 Recherches de science religieuse. 1910- Q3421968 Unknown None known Contact us
0007-442X Recherches de théologie et philosophie médiévales = Forschungen zur Theologie und Philosophie des Mittelalters. 1929- Q15761275 Unknown None known Contact us
0770-4518 Recherches économiques de Louvain. 1961- Q15761952 Unknown None known Contact us
0701-3930 Recherches historiques. 1895-1968 Q73145168 Unknown None known Contact us
0486-1345 Recherches internationales à la lumière du marxisme. 1957-1977 Q107018562 Unknown None known Contact us
0034-1282 Recherches sociographiques. 1960- Q3421979 Unknown None known Contact us
1940-784X The record. 1899- Unknown None known Contact us
8755-4631 The Record-courier. 1904- Q56236843 Unknown None known Contact us
0085-5421 Record houses. 1956- Q107018563 Unknown None known Contact us
0034-1584 Record of chemical progress. 1939-1971 Q27712928 Unknown None known Contact us
0074-6673 Record of proceedings -International Labour Conference. 1919- Q107018564 Unknown None known Contact us
0745-1679 The Record of Sigma Alpha Epsilon. 1880- Q107019523 Unknown None known Contact us
0032-843X Record of the Art Museum, Princeton University. 1948- Q73570930 Unknown None known Contact us
0004-5837 The Record of the Association of the Bar of the City of New York. 1946-2009 Q27717007 Unknown None known Contact us
0899-0603 Record of the Museum of Historic Art, Princeton University. 1942-1947 Q73571029 Unknown None known Contact us
0309-9121 Record series / 1903- Q107018566 Unknown None known Contact us
2151-3929 The record-union. 1891-1903 N/A None known Contact us
1539-7505 The Recorder. 1900- Unknown None known Contact us
0704-7231 The recorder. 1958- Unknown None known Contact us
0360-7909 The recorder : a journal of the American Irish Historical Society. 1901- Q103273857 Unknown None known Contact us
0034-1703 Records and statistics. 1949- Q107018565 Unknown None known Contact us
0073-2095 Records in review. 1957-1981 Q107018567 Unknown None known Contact us
0065-6844 Records of the Academy. 1959-2003 Q96716901 Unknown None known Contact us
0002-7790 Records of the American Catholic Historical Society of Philadelphia. 1887-2000 Q99327089 None 1886-1928+ Contact us
0067-0464 Records of the Auckland Institute and Museum. 1930- Q15214730 Unknown None known Contact us
0375-0728 Records of the Botanical Survey of India. 1893- Q51405427 Unknown None known Contact us
0370-3878 Records of the Canterbury Museum. 1907- Q21385315 Unknown None known Contact us
0897-9049 Records of the Columbia Historical Society, Washington, D.C. 1897-1989 Q27716143 Unknown None known Contact us
0373-7233 Records of the Dominion Museum. 1942-1975 Q13548595 Unknown None known Contact us
0370-5226 Records of the Geological Survey of India. 1868- Q21385409 Unknown None known Contact us
0370-5242 Records of the Geological Survey of New South Wales. 1890- Q107018568 Unknown None known Contact us
0885-8136 Records of the past. 1902- Q107018569 Unknown None known Contact us
0264-5572 Records of the Scottish Church History Society. 1923- Q107018570 Unknown None known Contact us
0376-2750 Records of the South Australian Museum / 1918-2003 Q47087690 Unknown None known Contact us
0486-1876 Recreational mathematics magazine. 1961-1964 Q107018571 Unknown None known Contact us
1750-001X The recruiter. 1917- Unknown None known Contact us
0248-739X Recueil de mémoires et autres pièces de prose et de vers : qui ont été lus dans les séances de la Société des amis des sciences, des lettres, de l'agriculture et des arts, à Aix. 1819-1827 N/A None known Contact us
0242-5483 Recueil des arrêts du Conseil ou ordonnances royales, rendues en Conseil d'État sur toutes les matières du contentieux de l'administration Q107018572 None* 1821-||-1951 Contact us
0515-1864 Recueil des historiens de la France. 1899-1984 Q107018573 Unknown None known Contact us
0080-0325 Recueil des historiens de la France. 1902- Unknown None known Contact us
0999-3061 Recueil des sommaires de la jurisprudence française. 1894- Unknown None known Contact us
0370-7539 Recueil des travaux chimiques des Pays-bas. 1882-1919 Q53953300 N/A None known Contact us
0034-186X Recueil des travaux chimiques des Pays-Bas. 1882-1896 N/A None known Contact us
0165-0513 Recueil des travaux chimiques des Pays-Bas. 1920-1979 Q3422598 Unknown None known Contact us
0034-1932 Recusant history. 1957-2014 Q7303359 None* None known Contact us
0034-2106 Red book. 1903- Q3430019 1929 1903-1929 Contact us
2372-8795 Red Lodge picket -1907 Q100280895 N/A None known Contact us
0473-145X Reden und Gedenkworte. 1955- Unknown None known Contact us
1084-8290 The Reedsburg times-press. 1939- Unknown None known Contact us
0486-2244 Referativnyĭ zhurnal: Astronomii︠a︡ i geodezii︠a︡. 1953- Q107018575 Unknown None known Contact us
0034-2343 Referativnyĭ zhurnal. 1954- Q107018574 Unknown None known Contact us
0034-2467 Referativnyĭ zhurnal. 1953-1981 Unknown None known Contact us
0096-0462 Refiner and natural gasoline manufacturer. 1922- Q107018576 None* None known Contact us
0034-2947 The Reflector 1821- Q107019524 Unknown None known Contact us
2043-5878 The reflector a quarterly magazine, on subjects of philosophy, politics, and the liberal arts. 1810- Q107019525 Unknown None known Contact us
0034-2971 Reflets et perspectives de la vie économique. 1961- Q15763565 Unknown None known Contact us
0034-3021 Reformatio. 1952-1989 Q107018577 Unknown None known Contact us
0080-0473 Reformationsgeschichtliche Studien und Texte. 1906- Q107018578 Unknown None known Contact us
1153-9941 La Réforme sociale / 1881-1930 Q106233915 Unknown None known Contact us
0364-3522 The Reformed church review. 1897-1926 Q107019526 N/A None known Contact us
0486-252X The Reformed journal. 1951- Q27716981 Unknown None known Contact us
0364-3530 The Reformed quarterly review. 1879-1896 N/A None known Contact us
0034-3080 The Reformer 1820-1831 N/A None known Contact us
0034-3102 Refractories. 1960- Q96330860 Unknown None known Contact us
0148-382X Refrigeration service and contracting. 1952-1998 Unknown None known Contact us
0034-3196 The Regan report on nursing law. 1961- Q27712923 Unknown None known Contact us
0521-4785 Régészeti dolgozatok. Dissertationes archaeologicae. 1959- Unknown None known Contact us
0484-2901 Régészeti füzetek. 1955- Q107018579 Unknown None known Contact us
0090-9262 Regional economic projections series : report. 1962- Q107018580 Unknown None known Contact us
0034-3374 Regional plan news : a publication of the Regional Plan Association, Inc. / 1948-1986 Q107018581 Unknown None known Contact us
0306-6967 The Register of architects. 1932- Q107019528 Unknown None known Contact us
2328-8183 Register of Kentucky State Historical Society. 1903-1946 Q107018583 Unknown None known Contact us
2161-5691 The Register of Pennsylvania. 1828-1831 N/A None known Contact us
0023-0243 The Register of the Kentucky Historical Society. 1947- Q27716149 Unknown None known Contact us
0041-9672 The Register of the Museum of Art / The University of Kansas, Lawrence. 1951-1977 Q107019530 Unknown None known Contact us
0034-3536 Rehabilitation. 1962- Q26842021 Unknown None known Contact us
0034-3552 Rehabilitation counseling bulletin. 1960- Q7309744 Unknown None known Contact us
0034-3579 Rehabilitation literature. 1956-1986 Q27712934 Unknown None known Contact us
0080-0775 Die Reihe. 1958-1968 Q107017897 Unknown None known Contact us
0486-3267 Die Reihe. 1955-1962 Q1215689 Unknown None known Contact us
0034-365X Reinwardtia. 1950- Q6104807 Unknown None known Contact us
0386-9237 Rekishigaku kenkyū. 1933- Q15767386 Unknown None known Contact us
0325-2221 Relaciones de la Sociedad Argentina de Antropología. 1937- Q50435018 Unknown None known Contact us
0034-379X Relations industrielles = Industrial relations. 1951- Q15754704 Unknown None known Contact us
0034-3846 Relazioni internazionali. 1935-1999 Q107018584 Unknown None known Contact us
0049-8114 Relevé épidémiologique hebdomadaire / 1928- Q26842229 Unknown None known Contact us
0484-3657 Reliability abstracts and technical reviews. 1961- Q107018585 Unknown None known Contact us
0034-3951 Religion and society. 1957- Q99737338 Unknown None known Contact us
2150-9298 Religion and society. Q96330970 All 2020-present Contact us
0211-8971 Religión y cultura. 1928- Q98526238 Unknown None known Contact us
0482-2021 Religious drama. 1957- Q107018586 Unknown None known Contact us
0034-4087 Religious education. 1906- Q15755032 None* 1906-||-1967 Contact us
0738-7318 Religious Herald 1863-1865 N/A None known Contact us
0193-4481 The Religious intelligencer. 1816-1837 N/A None known Contact us
0198-6902 The Religious monitor, and evangelical repository. 1824- Unknown None known Contact us
0080-0880 Remains, historical and literary, connected with the palatine counties of Lancaster and Chester. 1844- Q107018587 Unknown None known Contact us
1563-1788 Ren sheng. 1951- Q107018591 Unknown None known Contact us
0486-3720 Renaissance and modern studies. 1957-1999 Q15764641 Unknown None known Contact us
2378-4008 Renaissance drama : the report of Conference ... of the ... Meeting of the Modern Language Association. 1956-1957 Q96717484 Unknown None known Contact us
0277-903X Renaissance news. 1948-1966 Q53952461 Unknown None known Contact us
0584-4207 Renaissance papers. 1954- Q107018588 Unknown None known Contact us
0392-7881 Rendiconti / Accademia nazionale dei Lincei, Classe di scienze fisiche, matematiche e naturali. 1946-1990 Q107018589 Unknown None known Contact us
0391-8181 Rendiconti / Accademia nazionale dei Lincei, Classe di scienze morali, storiche e filologiche. 1892- Unknown None known Contact us
0009-725X Rendiconti del Circolo matematico di Palermo. 1887- Q2535964 Unknown None known Contact us
0373-1243 Rendiconti del Seminario matematico. 1947- Q7312842 Unknown None known Contact us
0041-8994 Rendiconti del Seminario matematico della Università di Padova. 1943- Q7312843 Unknown None known Contact us
0365-5946 Rendiconti della Classe di scienze fisiche, matematiche e naturali / 1940-1943 Q107018590 Unknown None known Contact us
0370-3568 Rendiconto dell'Accademia delle scienze fisiche e matematiche (sezione della Società reale di Napoli). 1862- Q57445602 Unknown None known Contact us
0494-8440 Te Reo : proceedings of the Linguistic Society of New Zealand. 1958- Q15762990 Unknown None known Contact us
0080-0953 Répertoire d'art et d'archéologie. 1910- Q107018592 Unknown None known Contact us
0486-4085 Répertoire de la presse et des publications périodiques françaises. 1957- Q107018593 Unknown None known Contact us
0486-4131 Répertoire général de sciences religieuses. 1950-1959 Q107018594 Unknown None known Contact us
1937-0547 The reply an anti-suffrage magazine. 1913-1915 N/A None known Contact us
0072-775X Report / Group for the Advancement of Psychiatry. 1947-1976 Q27711020 Unknown None known Contact us
0082-0032 Report / Institute of Fresh-water Research, Drottningholm. 1949-1986 Unknown None known Contact us
0096-7599 Report / National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics. 1915-1958 Unknown None known Contact us
0095-5264 Report / Nevada Bureau of Mines. 1961-1968 Q64223574 Unknown None known Contact us
0588-5906 Report / Pakistan Academy for Rural Development. 1960-1970 Unknown None known Contact us
0067-3625 Report. 1947- Unknown None known Contact us
0302-0851 Report. 1943-1985 Unknown None known Contact us
0515-4413 Report. 1952- Unknown None known Contact us
0515-8214 Report. 1954- Unknown None known Contact us
0536-7018 Report. 1962-1990 Unknown None known Contact us
0578-3372 Report. 1949- Unknown None known Contact us
0068-1644 Report - British Columbia Provincial Museum. 1912- Q51378196 Unknown None known Contact us
0502-0859 Report for ... / 1962-1975 Unknown None known Contact us
0536-9266 Report - Government of India, Ministry of External Affairs. 1950- Q107018596 Unknown None known Contact us
0099-4227 Report of investigation - North Dakota Geological Survey. 1949- Q107018598 Unknown None known Contact us
0073-5124 Report of investigations / State of Illinois, Department of Registration and Education, Division of the State Geological Survey. 1957-1967 Q107018599 Unknown None known Contact us
0083-6346 Report of investigations. 1960-1976 Unknown None known Contact us
0160-0982 Report of investigations.- Florida Geological Survey. 1942-1967 Unknown None known Contact us
0497-2074 Report of investigations - Tennessee Division of Geology. 1955- Q107018601 Unknown None known Contact us
0364-4456 Report of investigations - The Geological Survey of Wyoming. 1934- Q107018602 Unknown None known Contact us
0275-8849 A report of its work - The A. W. Mellon Educational and Charitable Trust. 1945- Q107017805 Unknown None known Contact us
0519-1033 Report of Meeting / -1959 Unknown None known Contact us
0316-3571 Report of proceedings of the ... Tax Conference convened by the Canadian Tax Foundation ... 1947- Q107018603 Unknown None known Contact us
0887-3968 Report of the Anglo-American Caribbean Commission to the governments of the United States and Great Britain. 1943-1946 Q107018604 Unknown None known Contact us
0273-1002 Report of the annual convention of the National Association of State Auditors, Comptrollers and Treasurers. 1916- Q107018638 Unknown None known Contact us
0317-0594 Report of the annual meeting - Canadian Historical Association. 1925- Q58322702 Unknown None known Contact us
0072-1212 Report of the ... annual Round Table Meeting on Linguistics and Language Studies. 1960-1973 Q107018639 Unknown None known Contact us
0445-5533 Report of the Botanical Survey of India. 1894- Q107018640 Unknown None known Contact us
0271-3837 Report of the chief of engineers, U.S. Army. 1876-1944 Q106115441 None* 1848-2018 Contact us
0275-2379 Report of the Chief of the Bureau of Public Roads. 1919- Q107018643 Unknown None known Contact us
0074-6738 Report of the ... Conference / 1873- Unknown None known Contact us
0741-787X Report of the Constitutional Convention proceedings / 1955- Q107018644 Unknown None known Contact us
0251-5296 Report of the Council of FAO. 1947- Q107018645 Unknown None known Contact us
0332-0006 Report of the Council of Trustees for the National Library of Ireland for the year ... 1901- Q107018646 Unknown None known Contact us
0845-759X Report of the Department of Mines for the fiscal year ending ... 1921-1936 Q107018647 Unknown None known Contact us
0093-3910 Report of the Department of Taxation to the Governor of Virginia for the period beginning ... and ending. 1929-1971 Q107018649 Unknown None known Contact us
0418-8306 Report of the Deutsche Bundesbank for the year ... 1957-1992 Q107018650 Unknown None known Contact us
1040-5844 Report of the Director of the Mint upon the production of the precious metals in the United States during the calendar year ... 1884-1911 N/A None known Contact us
0190-7905 Report of the director - Peabody Museum of Salem. 1950-1981 Q107018651 Unknown None known Contact us
0082-8203 Report of the Economic and Social Council for ... 1946- Unknown None known Contact us
0499-3950 Report of the Federal Maritime Board and Maritime Administration. 1950- Q107018652 None* 1950-1961+ Contact us
0887-395X Report of the Henry Phipps Institute for the study, treatment and prevention of tuberculosis 1904- Q107018653 Unknown None known Contact us
0149-9777 Report of the Judicial Conference of the United States. 1940-1953 Q106117137 None* 1922-present Contact us
0190-7824 Report of the Judicial Council of Connecticut. 1928-1974 Q107018656 Unknown None known Contact us
0270-8612 Report of the Law Revision Commission. 1935-1994 Unknown None known Contact us
0083-1565 Report of the Librarian of Congress. 1866- Unknown None known Contact us
0262-690X Report of the ... Meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science. 1920- Q21386174 None* 1831-1927 Contact us
0577-0637 Report of the Monetary Board to the Minister of Finance. 1950- Q107018657 Unknown None known Contact us
0077-3964 Report of the ... National Conference on Weights and Measures. 1928- Q107018658 Unknown None known Contact us
0065-9134 Report of the proceedings of the annual meeting of the American Life Convention. 1906-1912 None 1906-||-1927 Contact us
0254-0924 Report of the Registrar-General of Ceylon on vital statistics for ... 1952- Q107018660 Unknown None known Contact us
0557-3467 Report of the Ross Conference on Pediatric Research. 1958- Q107018661 Unknown None known Contact us
0196-4046 Report of the Science Advisory Board. 1934-1935 Q107018662 Unknown None known Contact us
0082-9803 Report of the Secretary of Agriculture / 1889-1992 Q107018663 Unknown None known Contact us
0082-8238 Report of the Security Council. 1963- Unknown None known Contact us
0251-9976 Report of the ... session / Statistical Commission. 1950- Unknown None known Contact us
0068-7405 Report of the Superintendent of Insurance for Canada. Rapport du Surintendant des assurances du Canada. 1945- Q107018664 Unknown None known Contact us
1060-3395 Report of the superintendent of the United States Naval Observatory for the year ending ... -1905 N/A None known Contact us
1050-0987 Report of the superintendent of the U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey showing the progress of the work during the fiscal year ending with ... 1881-1912 N/A None known Contact us
1049-7447 Report of the trustees of the Newberry Library. 1895- Q107018665 Unknown None known Contact us
0254-0169 Report of the Wellcome Tropical Research Laboratories at the Gordon Memorial College, Khartoum. 1904-1911 Q122697024 N/A None known Contact us
0894-7422 Report of the West Indian Conference held in Barbados. 1944-1946 Q107018667 Unknown None known Contact us
0229-5164 Report of vital statistics of the Province of British Columbia for the year ... 1929- Q107018669 Unknown None known Contact us
0081-4458 Report on currency and finance. 1954- Q97071320 None* None known Contact us
0539-9416 Report on current research. 1956-1958 Unknown None known Contact us
0254-265X Report on general activities / 1948-1950 Unknown None known Contact us
0500-1714 Report on Germany / 1949-1952 Q107018670 Unknown None known Contact us
0888-7454 Report on the agricultural experiment stations. 1926- Q107018671 Unknown None known Contact us
0825-4141 Report on the cotton textile industries in Canada / 1935-1948 Q107018673 Unknown None known Contact us
0500-1374 Report on the National Defense Education Act. 1960- Q107018674 Unknown None known Contact us
0269-4077 Report on the progress and condition of the Royal Gardens at Kew, during the year ... 1862-1884 Q17628549 N/A None known Contact us
0825-3188 Report on the woollen textile industry in Canada / 1923-1948 Q107018675 Unknown None known Contact us
0082-8068 Report on the world social situation / 1957- Unknown None known Contact us
0082-8068 Report on the world social situation / 1957- Unknown None known Contact us
0499-9118 Report to Congress on the Mutual Security Program. 1952-1962 Q107018681 Unknown None known Contact us
0891-4753 Report upon the condition and progress of the museums for the year ending ... 1905-1938 Q107018682 Unknown None known Contact us
2310-7669 Report (World Congress of Jewish Studies) / דין וחשבון - הקונגרס העולמי למדעי היהדות 1952-1965 Q107018595 Unknown None known Contact us
1049-1600 The Reporter. 1949-1968 Unknown None known Contact us
0040-0017 Reports / United States Tax Court. 1942- Unknown None known Contact us
0080-1348 Reports and papers in the social sciences. 1955- Q107018677 Unknown None known Contact us
0193-1768 Reports of cases argued and determined in the Supreme Court of the territory of Arizona. 1886- Unknown None known Contact us
0378-7591 Reports of cases before the court. 1954- Unknown None known Contact us
0886-120X Reports of cases decided in the Court of Appeals of the State of Georgia at the ... 1907- Q27717391 1928* 1846-1928 Contact us
0823-5856 Reports of cases determined by the Supreme Court in Equity of New Brunswick with a table of the names of cases decided, a table of the names of cases cited, and a digest of the principal matters. 1899-1912 N/A None known Contact us
1547-237X Reports of cases determined in the Supreme Court of the state of California. 1887- Unknown None known Contact us
0251-7833 Reports of international arbitral awards = Recueil des sentences arbitrales. 1948- Unknown None known Contact us
0251-7833 Reports of international arbitral awards = Recueil des sentences arbitrales. 1948- Unknown None known Contact us
0360-0270 Reports of investigations / Illinois State Museum. 1948- Q107018678 Unknown None known Contact us
0511-2761 Reports of investigations. 1957-1983 Unknown None known Contact us
0080-1364 Reports of patent, design, and trade mark cases. 1889- Q96717625 Unknown None known Contact us
1494-748X Reports of the Supreme Court of the North-West Territories 1889-1897 N/A None known Contact us
2160-2336 Reports of the United States Board of Tax Appeals. 1926-1943 Q107018679 Unknown None known Contact us
0370-6648 Reports on the progress of applied chemistry. 1917- Q107018680 Unknown None known Contact us
0197-6923 Representative American speeches. 1938- Q107018683 Unknown None known Contact us
0891-1606 Reprint and circular series / 1919-1951 Q107018684 Unknown None known Contact us
0082-4712 Reprints / 1938- Q101426280 Unknown None known Contact us
2471-6405 The republic 1849-1853 N/A None known Contact us
2381-0106 Republican farmer 1803- Q107018685 Unknown None known Contact us
0034-5075 The Republican journal 1829- Unknown None known Contact us
0482-3206 Res medica. 1957- Q50478653 Unknown None known Contact us
0083-260X Research and development report / United States, Department of the Interior. 1962- Unknown None known Contact us
0097-1332 Research bulletin bulletin of the Agricultural Experiment Station of Nebraska. 1913- Q51379649 Unknown None known Contact us
0034-5288 Research in veterinary science. 1960- Q15761718 Unknown None known Contact us
0272-1821 Research memorandum. 1947- Q107018686 Unknown None known Contact us
0891-9429 Research monograph / Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs, Center of International Studies. 1959-1989 Unknown None known Contact us
0069-567X Research monograph. 1960- Unknown None known Contact us
0069-3340 Research paper. 1948-1987 Q96331343 Unknown None known Contact us
0034-5377 Research quarterly. 1930-1979 Q27712954 Unknown None known Contact us
0427-4563 Research report. 1954- Unknown None known Contact us
0076-9568 Research series. 1963-1980 Unknown None known Contact us
0080-1720 Research studies in education. 1941-1970 Q107018688 Unknown None known Contact us
0363-3829 Research studies of the State College of Washington. 1929-1959 Q57782282 Unknown None known Contact us
0034-5334 Research technology management / 1958- Q15767264 Unknown None known Contact us
0096-2910 Research today. 1944-1960 Q27719783 Unknown None known Contact us
0034-5512 Reserve Bank of India bulletin. 1947- Q107018690 Unknown None known Contact us
0145-1901 Reserves of crude oil, natural gas liquids, and natural gas in the United States and Canada. 1946- Q107018691 Unknown None known Contact us
0080-181X Residue reviews. 1962-1986 Q27712958 Unknown None known Contact us
0252-7014 Resolutions and decisions adopted by the General Assembly during its ... session. 1946- Unknown None known Contact us
0048-7376 Resources. 1959- Unknown None known Contact us
0954-6111 Respiratory medicine. 1989- Q2659932 All* 1995-recent+ Contact us
0034-6047 Retail control. 1933- Q107018692 Unknown None known Contact us
0380-6146 Retail trade = Commerce de détail. 1949- Q107018693 Unknown None known Contact us
0048-7449 Reumatismo. 1949- Q26867029 Unknown None known Contact us
0034-6233 Reumatologia. 1963- Q26842057 Unknown None known Contact us
0028-0399 Review / Westminster Bank Limited. -1924 N/A None known Contact us
0014-9187 Review. 1919- Q7318342 Unknown None known Contact us
0305-0084 The Review of applied entomology. 1913-1989 Q107019531 Unknown None known Contact us
1553-0027 The review of economic statistics. 1919-1947 Q107019532 Unknown None known Contact us
0034-6527 The review of economic studies. 1933- Q980796 Unknown None known Contact us
0034-6535 The review of economics and statistics. 1948- Q1107852 1935 1919-1928 Contact us
0034-6543 Review of educational research. 1931- Q7318370 Unknown None known Contact us
0034-6551 The review of English studies. 1925- Q7760532 None* 1925-1928 Contact us
0034-656X Review of existential psychology & psychiatry. 1961- Q107018694 Unknown None known Contact us
0068-7219 Review of foreign trade. 1947- Q107018695 Unknown None known Contact us
0034-6586 The Review of income and wealth. Q7318374 None* 1951-2016 Contact us
1535-4008 The review of insurance studies. 1954-1956 Q107019541 Unknown None known Contact us
0034-6616 Review of marketing and agricultural economics. 1945- Q96331548 Unknown None known Contact us
0486-6118 Review of medical microbiology. 1954-1987 Q107018696 Unknown None known Contact us
0892-1253 Review of medical physiology / 1963- Q107018714 Unknown None known Contact us
0034-6632 The review of metaphysics. 1947- Q7318381 None* 1947-1961 Contact us
0034-6691 Review of Polarography -1955 Q96719093 Unknown None known Contact us
0034-6705 The review of politics. 1939- Q15759717 1939 None known Contact us
0196-5344 The Review of religion. 1936-1958 Q107019542 Unknown None known Contact us
0034-6721 Review of religions. 1902-1984 Q107018715 Unknown None known Contact us
0034-673X Review of religious research. 1959- Q15762047 None None known Contact us
0034-6748 Review of scientific instruments. 1930- Q2364002 Unknown None known Contact us
0034-6764 Review of social economy. 1942- Q15761902 None None known Contact us
0029-067X Review of the electrical communication laboratories. 1960-1989 Q96331488 Unknown None known Contact us
0325-7487 Review of the River Plate Revista del Rio de La Plata. 1891- Q107018716 Unknown None known Contact us
2310-3973 Review / University College of Addis Ababa devoted to studies in the arts, economics, and the political and social sciences 1961-1961 Q107018718 Unknown None known Contact us
0275-245X The Reviewer. N/A 1921-1925 Contact us
0034-6861 Reviews of modern physics. 1929- Q26572 1956* None known Contact us
0034-687X Reviews of pure and applied chemistry. 1951-1972 Q107018717 Unknown None known Contact us
0005-4658 Revista. 1950-1968 Unknown None known Contact us
0034-7000 Revista Argentina de cardiología : organo de la Sociedad Argentina de Cardiología. 1934- Q27719666 Unknown None known Contact us
0325-2787 Revista argentina de dermatología. 1959- Q50435017 Unknown None known Contact us
0326-4610 Revista Argentina de endocrinología y metabolismo. 1955- Q96331617 Unknown None known Contact us
0048-7619 Revista Argentina de radiología. 1937- Q56254768 Unknown None known Contact us
0374-4272 Revista astronómica. 1929- Q107018721 Unknown None known Contact us
0034-7094 Revista brasileira de anestesiologia. 1951- Q26853861 Unknown None known Contact us
0034-7108 Revista Brasileira de biologia. 1941- Q6106986 Unknown None known Contact us
0034-7140 Revista brasileira de economia. 1947- Q50432707 Unknown None known Contact us
0034-7167 Revista brasileira de enfermagem. 1955- Q15753884 Unknown None known Contact us
0085-5626 Revista brasileira de entomologia. 1954- Q15759765 Unknown None known Contact us
0034-7183 Revista brasileira de estudos pedagógicos. 1944- Q50432712 Unknown None known Contact us
0034-7191 Revista brasileira de estudos políticos. 1956- Q10360080 Unknown None known Contact us
0103-3131 Revista brasileira de fisiologia vegetal. 1989-2001 Q15749944 All 2000-2012 Contact us
0103-7595 Revista brasileira de música / 1934- Q107018722 Unknown None known Contact us
0034-7280 Revista brasileira de oftalmologia. 1942- Q27713038 Unknown None known Contact us
0034-7329 Revista brasileira de política internacional. 1958- Q15816414 Unknown None known Contact us
1516-4446 Revista brasileira de psiquiatria : publication of the Associação Brasileira de Psiquiatria - ABP, Asociación Psiquiátrica de la América Latina - APAL. 1999- Q7318477 All 1999-||-present Contact us
0482-5004 Revista Brasileira de reumatologia. 1957- Q26842341 Unknown None known Contact us
0034-737X Revista Ceres. 1944- Q50432877 Unknown None known Contact us
0034-740X Revista chilena de entomología : publicación de la Faculdad de Filosofía y Educación, Universidad de Chile, y de la Sociedad Chilena de Entomología. 1951- Q21385761 Unknown None known Contact us
0080-2093 Revista chilena de historia y geografía. 1911- Q107018723 Unknown None known Contact us
0034-7388 Revista chilena de neuro-psiquiatría. 1947- Q27721403 Unknown None known Contact us
0048-766X Revista chilena de obstetricia y ginecología. 1961- Q27713045 Unknown None known Contact us
0370-4106 Revista chilena de pediatría. 1930- Q26853935 Unknown None known Contact us
0486-6525 Revista colombiana de antropología : organo del Instituto Colombiano de Antropología. 1953- Q15764269 Unknown None known Contact us
0259-8868 Revista cubana. 1935-1957 Q107018724 Unknown None known Contact us
0034-7493 Revista cubana de cirugía. 1962- Q7318482 Unknown None known Contact us
0034-7523 Revista cubana de medicina. 1962- Q27720059 Unknown None known Contact us
0034-7531 Revista cubana de pediatría. 1946- Q27720282 Unknown None known Contact us
0370-4467 Revista da Escola de Minas : REM. 1936- Q96331930 Unknown None known Contact us
0104-3315 Revista da Faculdade de Direito / Universidade do Paraná. [electronic resource] 1953-1967 Q50426459 Unknown None known Contact us
0304-2340 Revista da Faculdade de Direito. 1929- Q96720654 Unknown None known Contact us
0581-6866 Revista da Faculdade de Odontologia da Universidade de São Paulo. 1963-1986 Q27713113 Unknown None known Contact us
0101-6040 Revista D.A.E. 1959- Q96644747 Unknown None known Contact us
0034-7590 Revista de administração de empresas. 1961- Q15764465 Unknown None known Contact us
0482-5209 Revista de administración pública : organo del Instituto de Administración Pública. 1956- Unknown None known Contact us
0034-7701 Revista de antropologia. 1953- Q96331771 Unknown None known Contact us
0034-771X Revista de archivos, bibliotecas y museos. 1871- Q27716161 Unknown None known Contact us
0034-7744 Revista de biología tropical. 1953- Q21385766 Unknown None known Contact us
0370-3886 Revista de ciencia aplicada / 1947- Q107018725 Unknown None known Contact us
0034-7760 Revista de ciencias. 1897- Q107018726 Unknown None known Contact us
0034-7787 Revista de ciencias jurídicas / 1963- Q103853282 Unknown None known Contact us
0482-5276 Revista de ciencias sociales. 1959- Q96720880 Unknown None known Contact us
0716-0267 Revista de derecho público. 1963- Q50478614 Unknown None known Contact us
0034-7930 Revista de derecho puertorriqueño. 1961- Q15751887 Unknown None known Contact us
0034-7973 Revista de diagnóstico biológico. 1952- Q60602757 Unknown None known Contact us
0034-7981 Revista de dialectología y tradiciones populares / 1945- Q15765580 Unknown None known Contact us
0034-8007 Revista de direito administrativo. 1945- Q96721012 Unknown None known Contact us
0034-8155 Revista de estudios agro-sociales. 1952-1994 Q24819237 Unknown None known Contact us
0210-2854 Revista de estudios extremeños. 1945- Q16889116 Unknown None known Contact us
0048-7694 Revista de estudios políticos / 1941- Q23954993 Unknown None known Contact us
0210-9174 Revista de filología española. 1914- Q3428534 Unknown None known Contact us
0034-8244 Revista de filosofía. 1942- Q6107105 Unknown None known Contact us
0034-8236 Revista de filosofía / Universidad de Chile. 1949- Q104340351 Unknown None known Contact us
0034-8252 Revista de filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica. 1957- Q76882676 Unknown None known Contact us
0375-0906 Revista de gastroenterología de México. 1935- Q26867052 Unknown None known Contact us
0482-5675 Revista de Gerona. 1878- Q107018727 Unknown None known Contact us
0034-8309 Revista de história. 1950- Q27716178 Unknown None known Contact us
0556-5960 Revista de historia americana y argentina. 1956- Q27716269 Unknown None known Contact us
0034-8325 Revista de historia de América. 1938- Q57315441 Unknown None known Contact us
0556-5987 Revista de historia de las ideas / 1959- Q107018728 Unknown None known Contact us
0034-8341 Revista de Indias. 1940- Q6107109 Unknown None known Contact us
0034-8376 Revista de investigación clínica. 1948- Q27713165 Unknown None known Contact us
0034-8392 Revista de istorie și teorie literară. 1952- Q107018729 Unknown None known Contact us
0370-3908 Revista de la Academia colombiana de ciencias exactes, físicas y naturales. 1936- Q6107120 Unknown None known Contact us
0370-3207 Revista de la Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físico-Químicas y Naturales de Zaragoza. 1916- Q117834791 Unknown None known Contact us
0004-4822 Revista de la Asociación Geológica Argentina. 1948- Q7318494 Unknown None known Contact us
0004-4881 Revista de la Asociación odontológica argentina. 1955- Q15762886 Unknown None known Contact us
0210-6035 Revista de la Escuela de Estudios Penitenciarios. 1945-1961 Q103928636 Unknown None known Contact us
0041-8676 Revista de la Facultad de Agronomía / Universidad Nacional de La Plata. 1921- Q6107122 Unknown None known Contact us
0370-4661 Revista de la Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias / 1949- Q50478523 Unknown None known Contact us
0543-517X Revista de la Facultad de Farmacía, Universidad de Los Andes. 1958- Q15759523 Unknown None known Contact us
0026-1742 Revista de la Facultad de Medicina [electronic resource]. 1932- Q27715266 Unknown None known Contact us
0046-354X Revista de la Federación Odontologica Colombiana. 1950- Q27713114 Unknown None known Contact us
0034-0596 Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales de Madrid. 1904- Q107018730 Unknown None known Contact us
0379-9123 Revista de la Sociedad Científica del Paraguay. 1921- Q96721722 Unknown None known Contact us
0373-5680 Revista de la Sociedad Entomológica Argentina. 1926- Q21385481 Unknown None known Contact us
0041-8625 Revista de la Universidad : publicación de la Universidad Nacional de la Plata. 1957- Q107018731 Unknown None known Contact us
0101-3505 Revista de letras. 1960- Q130328281 Unknown None known Contact us
0034-849X Revista de literatura. 1952- Q50426249 Unknown None known Contact us
0034-8554 Revista de medicina : orgam do Centro Acadêmico "Oswaldo Cruz" da Faculdade de Medicina e Cirurgia de S. Paulo. 1916- Q18280469 Unknown None known Contact us
0120-0011 Revista de medicina veterinaria y de zootecnia / 1932- Q27713108 Unknown None known Contact us
0048-7724 Revista de medicina veterinaria y parasitologia. 1939- Q107018738 Unknown None known Contact us
0556-6207 Revista de música. 1960-1961 Q107018739 Unknown None known Contact us
0034-8635 Revista de occidente. 1923-1977 Q2563492 Unknown None known Contact us
0034-8678 Revista de pedagogie. 1951- Q50432726 Unknown None known Contact us
0034-8724 Revista de política social. 1961- Q107018741 Unknown None known Contact us
0373-2002 Revista de psicología general y aplicada. 1946- Q27721328 Unknown None known Contact us
2375-740X La revista de Taos 1905-1922 N/A None known Contact us
2375-7388 La Revista de Taos and the Taos cresset 1905- Q107017935 Unknown None known Contact us
2375-7345 La revista de Taos and the Taos Valley news -1905 N/A None known Contact us
0005-4720 Revista del Banco Central de Venezuela. 1958- Q107018732 Unknown None known Contact us
0005-4828 Revista del Banco de la República. 1927- Q107018733 Unknown None known Contact us
0557-3386 Revista del Instituto de Antropología / Universidad Nacional del Litoral, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. 1959- Q107018735 Unknown None known Contact us
0521-5617 Revista del Instituto de Investigaciones y Docencia Criminológicas. 1957- Q107018736 Unknown None known Contact us
0121-3059 Revista del Instituto Etnológico Nacional. 1943- Q107018737 Unknown None known Contact us
0574-6221 Revista : del Instituto Nacional de Cultura. 1955- Q107018719 Unknown None known Contact us
0375-1147 Revista del Museo de La Plata. 1890-1934 Q6107126 Unknown None known Contact us
0325-2264 Revista del Museo de La Plata. 1936- Q96722018 Unknown None known Contact us
0034-9143 Revista dental de Chile : [publicación bimestral propiedad de la Sociedad Odontológica de Chile y organo oficial de la Sociedad de Cirugia Estomatológica de Chile]. 1930- Q27713072 Unknown None known Contact us
0301-6749 Revista dental : propiedad i órgano de la Sociedad odontoĺogica de Chile. 1909- Q107018740 Unknown None known Contact us
0034-9216 Revista do Arquivo Municipal. 1934- Q107018742 Unknown None known Contact us
0036-4665 Revista do Instituto de Medicina Tropical de São Paulo = Journal of the São Paulo Institute of Tropical Medicine : publication of the Instituto de Medicina Tropical. 1959- Q26841971 Unknown None known Contact us
0100-3585 Revista do Instituto do Ceará. 1933- Q21522065 Unknown None known Contact us
0101-4366 Revista do Instituto Historico e Geographico Brazileiro. 1906- Q27716274 Unknown None known Contact us
0102-2571 Revista do patrimônio histórico e artístico nacional / 1946- Q51882531 Unknown None known Contact us
0102-2563 Revista do Serviço do Patrimônio Histórico e Artístico Nacional / 1937-1945 Q107018743 Unknown None known Contact us
0034-9240 Revista do serviço público. 1937- Q96722309 Unknown None known Contact us
0034-9380 Revista española de derecho internacional. 1948- Q65929174 Unknown None known Contact us
0034-9461 Revista española de pedagogía. 1943- Q6107020 Unknown None known Contact us
0304-2847 Revista Facultad Nacional de Agronomía. 1939- Q50435027 Unknown None known Contact us
0556-6606 Revista forestal venezolana. 1958- Q104418203 Unknown None known Contact us
0034-9569 Revista general de marina. 1940- Q27716200 Unknown None known Contact us
0031-0581 Revista geográfica del Instituto Panamericano de Geografía e Historia. 1941- Q27719346 Unknown None known Contact us
0034-9593 Revista hispánica moderna. 1934- Q9068473 Unknown None known Contact us
0252-8983 Revista histórica / Museo Histórico Nacional. 1941- Q107018744 Unknown None known Contact us
0376-4052 Revista histórica. 1906- Unknown None known Contact us
0370-5404 Revista industrial y agrícola de Tucumán. 1910- Q50478522 Unknown None known Contact us
0250-6262 Revista interamericana de bibliografía = Review of inter-American bibliography. 1951-1999 Q107018745 Unknown None known Contact us
0034-9712 Revista internacional de sociología / 1943- Q26251508 Unknown None known Contact us
0120-3088 Revista javeriana. 1934-1975 Q102225522 Unknown None known Contact us
0041-851X Revista jurídica de la Universidad de Puerto Rico. 1932- Q15746630 Unknown None known Contact us
0482-6698 Revista jurídica veracruzana. 1941- Q107018746 Unknown None known Contact us
0188-2503 Revista mexicana de sociología. 1939- Q27718013 Unknown None known Contact us
0716-2790 Revista musical chilena. 1945- Q15749593 Unknown None known Contact us
1887-7753 Revista "Nova Iberia." 1937- Q107018720 Unknown None known Contact us
0048-7732 Revista obstetricia y ginecología de Venezuela. 1960- Q27713213 Unknown None known Contact us
0080-2417 Revista peruana de cultura. 1963- Q107018747 Unknown None known Contact us
0870-5283 Revista portuguesa de filosofia. 1945- Q15763528 Unknown None known Contact us
0253-1658 Revista portuguesa de história. 1940- Q27716265 Unknown None known Contact us
0482-8305 La revue. 1948- Q107017936 Unknown None known Contact us
0035-0672 La revue administrative : revue bimestrielle de l'administration moderne. 1948- Q65929685 Unknown None known Contact us
0994-8996 Revue aéronautique internationale 1931-1939 Q107018748 Unknown None known Contact us
1015-3551 Revue africaine / 1856- Unknown None known Contact us
0035-0702 Revue algologique. 1924-1979 Q107018750 Unknown None known Contact us
0375-1457 Revue anthropologique. 1911- Q102155330 Unknown None known Contact us
0035-0737 Revue archéologique. 1844- Q3428620 Unknown None known Contact us
0035-077X Revue belge d'archéologie et d'histoire de l'art. 1931- Q27716174 Unknown None known Contact us
0035-0796 Revue belge de géographie. 1962- Q27718364 Unknown None known Contact us
0035-0818 Revue belge de philologie et d'histoire. Belgisch tijdschrift voor philologie en geschiedenis. 1922- Q15754916 Unknown None known Contact us
0035-0393 Revue bénédictine. 1890- Q15765353 Unknown None known Contact us
0080-2484 Revue bibliographique de sinologie. 1955- Q59423736 Unknown None known Contact us
0995-8916 Revue bibliographique et critique de droit français et étranger par une société de jurisconsultes et de savants 1853-1856 N/A None known Contact us
0035-0907 Revue biblique / 1892- Q15765352 Unknown None known Contact us
0035-0915 Revue canadienne de biologie. 1942- Q27713040 Unknown None known Contact us
0181-0448 Revue d'Alsace. 1850- Q27716583 Unknown None known Contact us
0373-6032 Revue d'assyriologie et d'archéologie orientale. 1884- Q15762062 Unknown None known Contact us
0035-1008 Revue d'Auvergne. 1884- Q22249187 Unknown None known Contact us
0035-1830 Revue d'économie politique. 1887- Q15708753 Unknown None known Contact us
0035-1865 Revue d'élevage et de médecine vétérinaire des pays tropicaux 1947- Q27713078 Unknown None known Contact us
0035-2292 Revue d'esthétique. 1948- Q3428640 Unknown None known Contact us
0035-2357 Revue d'histoire de l'Amérique française. 1947- Q3428642 Unknown None known Contact us
0556-7300 Revue d'histoire de l'art dentaire. 1962- Q27715226 Unknown None known Contact us
0300-9505 Revue d'histoire de l'Église de France. 1910- Unknown None known Contact us
0048-7988 Revue d'histoire de l'Église de France. 1910- Q15766075 Unknown None known Contact us
0035-2314 Revue d'histoire de la deuxième guerre mondiale. 1950-1981 Q27716276 Unknown None known Contact us
0035-2349 Revue d'histoire de la pharmacie. 1930- Q7318984 Unknown None known Contact us
0399-1385 Revue d'histoire des colonies / 1932-1961 Q24199446 Unknown None known Contact us
1967-4309 Revue d'histoire des doctrines économiques et sociales 1908-1912 Q19227900 N/A None known Contact us
0035-2365 Revue d'histoire diplomatique. 1887- Q107018753 Unknown None known Contact us
1291-2530 Revue d'histoire du théâtre. 1949- Q15758945 Unknown None known Contact us
0035-239X Revue d'histoire économique et sociale. 1913- Q27716301 Unknown None known Contact us
0035-2411 Revue d'histoire littéraire de la France. 1894- Q3428651 Unknown None known Contact us
0996-2727 Revue d'histoire moderne / 1926-1940 Q96725339 Unknown None known Contact us
0048-8003 Revue d'histoire moderne et contemporaine. 1899- Q3428655 Unknown None known Contact us
0035-2454 Revue d'immunologie. 1946-1972 Q107018754 Unknown None known Contact us
0482-766X Revue de culture européenne. 1951- Q107018756 Unknown None known Contact us
0035-1067 Revue de cytologie et de biologie végétales. 1949-1977 Q107018757 Unknown None known Contact us
1782-6217 Revue de droit international et de législation comparée. 1869- Q107018758 Unknown None known Contact us
1250-2782 Revue de établissements & des oeuvres de bienfaisance. 1929-1947 Q107018759 Unknown None known Contact us
0035-1121 Revue de géographie alpine. 1920- Q3428671 Unknown None known Contact us
0035-113X Revue de géographie de Lyon. 1951-1999 Q3123243 None* 1951-1999+ Contact us
0035-1156 Revue de géographie du Maroc : revue de la Société de géographie du Maroc. 1962- Q107018760 Unknown None known Contact us
1164-6284 Revue de géographie jointe au Bulletin de la Société de géographie de Lyon et de la région lyonnaise. 1949-1950 Q96725356 None* 1949-1950+ Contact us
0035-1164 Revue de géographie physique et de géologie dynamique : bulletin du Laboratoire de géographie physique de la Faculté des sciences de l'Université de Paris. 1928-1978 Q107018761 Unknown None known Contact us
0370-7873 Revue de géologie et des sciences connexes. Review of geology and the connected sciences. Rassegna di geologia e delle scienze affini. Rundschau für Geologie und verwandte Wissenschaften. 1920-1940 Q107018764 Unknown None known Contact us
0556-7432 Revue de géomorphologie dynamique. 1950- Q107018765 Unknown None known Contact us
0399-1377 Revue de l'histoire des colonies françaises / 1913-1931 Q96725371 Unknown None known Contact us
0035-1423 Revue de l'histoire des religions. 1880- Q3428676 Unknown None known Contact us
0035-1431 Revue de l'industrie minérale. 1921-1971 Q96331486 Unknown None known Contact us
0771-6796 Revue de l'Institut de sociologie. 1920- Q27717818 Unknown None known Contact us
0373-1138 Revue de l'Institut international de statistique. 1933-1971 Q29043708 Unknown None known Contact us
0041-9206 Revue de l'Université d'Ottawa. 1931-1987 Q27716349 Unknown None known Contact us
0770-0962 Revue de l'Université de Bruxelles. 1896- Q107018766 Unknown None known Contact us
0384-0182 La Revue de l'Université Laval. 1946- Q107017937 Unknown None known Contact us
0440-1069 Revue de la Faculté d'ethnologie. 1958- Q107018767 Unknown None known Contact us
0995-8908 Revue de législation ancienne & moderne française et étrangère. 1870-1876 N/A None known Contact us
0035-1458 Revue de linguistique romane. 1925- Q15762073 Unknown None known Contact us
0035-1466 Revue de littérature comparée. 1921- Q15765340 Unknown None known Contact us
0035-1563 Revue de métallurgie. 1980- Q3428663 None* 1904-1928 Contact us
0035-1571 Revue de métaphysique et de morale. 1893- Q577540 Unknown None known Contact us
0035-1652 Revue de philologie, de littérature et d'histoire anciennes. 1845- Q15766082 Unknown None known Contact us
1153-978X Revue de physique et de chimie et de leurs applications industrielles. 1897- Q107018768 Unknown None known Contact us
0035-1725 Revue de Qumrân. 1958- Q15764194 Unknown None known Contact us
0035-1733 Revue de science criminelle et de droit pénal comparé. 1936- Q96725417 Unknown None known Contact us
0035-1741 Revue de science financière. 1956- Q107018778 Unknown None known Contact us
0035-175X Revue de statistique appliquée. 1953-2006 Q27717972 Unknown None known Contact us
0035-1776 Revue de synthèse. 1931- Q1293231 Unknown None known Contact us
0997-0541 Revue de synthèse historique. 1900-1930 Q107018783 Unknown None known Contact us
0035-1784 Revue de théologie et de philosophie. 1913- Q1345811 Unknown None known Contact us
0004-6108 Revue de Transylvanie. 1934- Q107018784 Unknown None known Contact us
0995-7510 Revue des arts asiatiques. 1924- Q107018769 None* 1924-1939+ Contact us
0991-6938 Revue des cours scientifiques de la France et de l'étranger. 1863-1870 Q77967296 N/A None known Contact us
0035-1962 Revue des deux mondes. 1982- Q1569226 1930* 1829-1944 Contact us
0035-2004 Revue des études anciennes. 1899- Q3428695 Unknown None known Contact us
0080-2549 Revue des études arméniennes. 1920- Q7318986 Unknown None known Contact us
0035-2012 Revue des études augustiniennes. 1955-2003 Q107018779 Unknown None known Contact us
0373-5729 Revue des études byzantines. 1946- Q15766077 None* 1946-2014+ Contact us
0035-2039 Revue des études grecques. 1888- Q3428697 Unknown None known Contact us
0035-2047 Revue des études italiennes. 1936- Q27716191 Unknown None known Contact us
0080-2557 Revue des études slaves. 1921- Q3428701 Unknown None known Contact us
1155-6781 Revue des Jeunesses musicales de France. 1945- Q107018780 Unknown None known Contact us
0223-3711 Revue des langues romanes. 1870- Q15762079 None* 1870-||-recent Contact us
0035-211X Revue des langues vivantes = Tijdschrift voor levende talen. 1932-1977 Q104973130 Unknown None known Contact us
1245-9127 Revue des livres anciens. 1914- Q107018781 Unknown None known Contact us
0701-4422 Revue des livres, arts et lettres. 1936- Unknown None known Contact us
0035-2160 Revue des questions scientifiques. 1877- Q15757120 Unknown None known Contact us
1245-8112 Revue des sciences naturelles appliquées Q124603035 N/A* 1889-1895+ Contact us
0035-2209 Revue des sciences philosophiques et théologiques. 1947- Q3428693 Unknown None known Contact us
1144-147X Revue des sciences politiques. 1911-1936 Q107018782 Unknown None known Contact us
0035-2217 Revue des sciences religieuses. 1921- Q15759575 Unknown None known Contact us
2427-7002 La revue diplomatique : politique, litterature, finances, commerce international. -1934 Unknown None known Contact us
0384-5982 Revue dominicaine. 1915- Q107018785 Unknown None known Contact us
0035-2608 La Revue du Louvre et des musées de France. 1961- Q3212284 Unknown None known Contact us
0750-7631 Revue du monde musulman. 1906-1926 Q18630169 N/A None known Contact us
0035-2624 Revue du Nord. 1910- Q16672690 Unknown None known Contact us
0035-2632 La revue du notariat / 1898- Q47523541 Unknown None known Contact us
0151-1823 Revue du seizième siècle. 1913- Q107018788 Unknown None known Contact us
0035-2764 Revue économique. 1950- Q7318991 Unknown None known Contact us
0035-2772 Revue économique et sociale. 1943- Q27718534 Unknown None known Contact us
0370-4688 Revue française d'allergie. 1961-1969 Q96332235 Unknown None known Contact us
0300-9513 Revue française d'histoire d'outre-mer / 1913-2000 Q108689307 Unknown None known Contact us
0035-3043 Revue française d'odonto-stomatologie. 1954-1971 Q27713125 Unknown None known Contact us
0484-8764 Revue française de comptabilité. 1955- Q126000460 Unknown None known Contact us
0035-290X Revue française de gynécologie et d'obstétrique. 1919- Q27713124 Unknown None known Contact us
0035-2950 Revue française de science politique. 1951- Q3428731 Unknown None known Contact us
0035-2969 Revue française de sociologie. 1960- Q3428733 Unknown None known Contact us
0373-6156 Revue générale de droit international public. 1894- Q15762327 Unknown None known Contact us
0035-3116 Revue générale de l'électricité. 1917- Q96332313 Unknown None known Contact us
0035-3167 Revue générale des assurances terrestres. 1930- Q107018789 Unknown None known Contact us
0035-3183 Revue générale des chemins de fer. 1924- Q3428737 Unknown None known Contact us
0370-5196 Revue générale des sciences pures et appliquées. 1890- Q27719760 Unknown None known Contact us
0370-7431 Revue générale des sciences pures et appliquées et bulletin de l'Association française pour l'avancement des sciences. 1953-1968 Q107018790 Unknown None known Contact us
0755-7868 La Revue générale du froid. 1945- Q107017939 Unknown None known Contact us
0035-3213 Revue géographique de l'Est. 1961- Q27718645 Unknown None known Contact us
0035-3221 Revue géographique des Pyrénées et du Sud-Ouest. 1930- Q27718511 Unknown None known Contact us
0035-3256 Revue hellénique de droit international. 1948- Unknown None known Contact us
2116-3332 Revue hispanique : recueil consacré á l'étude des langues, des littératures et de l'histoire des pays castillans, catalans et portugais. 1894-1933 Q25367608 Unknown None known Contact us
0035-3264 Revue historique. 1876- Q3428740 Unknown None known Contact us
0242-6838 Revue historique de Bordeaux et du département de la Gironde. 1908- Q27716271 Unknown None known Contact us
0035-3280 Revue historique de droit français et étranger. 1922- Q15765840 Unknown None known Contact us
0995-8894 Revue historique de droit français et étranger. 1855-1869 N/A None known Contact us
1150-045X Revue historique de la Révolution française. 1922- Q107018792 Unknown None known Contact us
1013-6924 Revue historique vaudoise. 1893- Unknown None known Contact us
1075-1408 Revue Icarienne. 1855- Unknown None known Contact us
0035-3329 Revue internationale de criminologie et de police technique. 1947- Q26960634 Unknown None known Contact us
0035-3337 Revue internationale de droit comparé 1949- Q23371318 Unknown None known Contact us
0223-5404 Revue internationale de droit pénal / 1924- Q55677571 Unknown None known Contact us
0048-8143 Revue internationale de philosophie. 1938- Q3428745 Unknown None known Contact us
0390-6701 Revue internationale de sociologie. 1893- Q15755211 Unknown None known Contact us
0556-7939 Revue internationale des droits de l'antiquité. 1954- Q59524862 Unknown None known Contact us
0020-8523 Revue internationale des sciences administratives / 1928- Q6052746 Unknown None known Contact us
0020-7780 Revue internationale du travail. 1921- Q15716344 None* 1921-1928 Contact us
0035-3620 Revue Mabillon. 1905- Q15766804 Unknown None known Contact us
1245-9755 Revue maritime et coloniale / 1861-1896 Q71787543 N/A None known Contact us
1954-6610 Revue militaire des armées étrangères / 1901- Q107018793 Unknown None known Contact us
0035-368X Revue militaire suisse : RMS. 1856- Unknown None known Contact us
0035-3736 La Revue musicale. 1920-1990 Q107017940 Unknown None known Contact us
0776-5541 Revue néo-scolastique. 1894-1909 Q58467678 N/A None known Contact us
0776-555X Revue néoscolastique de philosophie. 1910-1945 Q58467515 Unknown None known Contact us
0484-8942 Revue numismatique. 1838- Q14396006 Unknown None known Contact us
0035-3833 Revue philosophique de la France et de l'étranger. 1876- Q3428762 Unknown None known Contact us
0035-3841 Revue philosophique de Louvain. 1946- Q3428761 Unknown None known Contact us
0035-385X Revue politique et parlementaire. 1894- Q3428763 Unknown None known Contact us
0556-8072 Revue roumaine d'histoire. 1962- Q27716285 Unknown None known Contact us
0035-3965 Revue roumaine de mathématiques pures et appliques. 1956- Q96332286 Unknown None known Contact us
0370-4556 Revue scientifique. 1934- Q120629434 Unknown None known Contact us
0151-055X La Revue scientifique de la France et de l'étranger. 1871-1882 N/A None known Contact us
0035-4139 La revue socialiste. 1885- Q107017941 Unknown None known Contact us
0035-4163 Revue suisse de numismatique = Schweizerische numismatische Rundschau. 1891- Q1309182 Unknown None known Contact us
1420-2778 Revue suisse de numismatique = Schwizerische numismatische Rundschau. 1891- Unknown None known Contact us
0035-418X Revue suisse de zoologie. 1893- Q15765167 Unknown None known Contact us
0035-421X Revue syndicale suisse. 1909- Q107018794 Unknown None known Contact us
2043-5908 Reynold's miscellany of romance, general literature, science, and art. 1846-1869 Q109838998 N/A 1848-1853+ Contact us
0080-2697 Rheinisches Jahrbuch für Volkskunde. 1950- Q107018795 Unknown None known Contact us
0035-449X Rheinisches Museum für Philologie. 1832- Q1452249 Unknown None known Contact us
0939-2718 Rheinisches Museum für Philologie, Geschichte und griechische Philosophie. 1827-1832 N/A None known Contact us
0035-4511 Rheologica acta. 1958- Q15756474 Unknown None known Contact us
2574-3333 Rhode Island American. 1824-1825 N/A None known Contact us
2574-3384 Rhode Island American and gazette. 1831-1833 N/A None known Contact us
2574-3317 The Rhode-Island American, and general advertiser. 1809-1823 N/A None known Contact us
2574-3341 Rhode-Island American and Providence gazette. 1825-1829 N/A None known Contact us
2574-3368 Rhode Island American, statesman and Providence gazette. 1829-1830 N/A None known Contact us
0556-8595 Rhode Island bar journal. 1952- Q107018796 Unknown None known Contact us
0035-4619 Rhode Island history. Q27716134 None 1942-2018 Contact us
0730-4110 Rhodes' journal of banking and the bankers' magazine consolidated. 1895-1895 N/A None known Contact us
0257-4721 Rhodes-Livingstone journal. 1944-1965 Q107018798 Unknown None known Contact us
0080-2891 The Rhododendron and camellia year book. 1946-1971 Q107019544 Unknown None known Contact us
2638-9177 The R.I. schoolmaster. 1855-1874 N/A None known Contact us
0035-8932 RIBA journal. 1893-1986 Q107018799 Unknown None known Contact us
0097-4390 The Rice Institute pamphlets. 1915-1961 Q107019545 Unknown None known Contact us
0035-4996 Rice University studies. 1962- Q107018801 Unknown None known Contact us
0035-5038 Ricerche di matematica. 1952- Q15754646 Unknown None known Contact us
0080-2956 Ricerche linguistiche. 1950- Q107018800 Unknown None known Contact us
2326-9421 The Rich Hill tribune 1903- Q107019546 Unknown None known Contact us
0893-0805 Richmond Afro-American and Richmond planet. 1941-1996 Unknown None known Contact us
1049-1074 The Richmond and Louisville medical journal 1868-1879 N/A None known Contact us
1940-9648 The Richmond climax. 1897-1914 N/A None known Contact us
1941-2967 Richmond dispatch. 1884-1903 Q116311787 N/A None known Contact us
2473-4845 Richmond enquirer 1815- Q107018803 Unknown None known Contact us
1057-4301 The Richmond medical journal. 1866-1868 N/A None known Contact us
2572-8911 The Richmond palladium and sun-telegram 1907- Q107019548 Unknown None known Contact us
2151-4011 Richmond planet. -1938 Q60790308 Unknown None known Contact us
2333-7761 Richmond times-dispatch. 1914- Q7331013 Unknown None known Contact us
0035-5267 Rig. 1918- Q10655041 Unknown None known Contact us
0921-7657 Rige Estrikken / 1952- Q107018804 Unknown None known Contact us
0557-0298 Ring des arts. 1960- Q107018805 Unknown None known Contact us
2378-6809 Ripley County democrat 1905- Q107018806 Unknown None known Contact us
0748-6863 The Ripon commonwealth-press. 1957- Unknown None known Contact us
2165-929X The rising son 1896- Q100281175 N/A 1903-1907 Contact us
1066-0836 River Basin Surveys papers. 1953-1967 Q105641671 None* 1953-1967+ Contact us
2332-9726 The river press 1880- Q55667861 None 1880-1914 Contact us
0035-5739 Rivista abruzzese. 1948- Q3937992 None* None known Contact us
0035-581X Rivista critica di storia della filosofia. 1950- Q27716640 None* None known Contact us
1122-0732 Rivista d'arte. 1904- Q105736662 None* 1903-1918 Contact us
0392-4866 Rivista degli studi orientali. 1907- Q15759410 None* 1907-||-1928 Contact us
0035-5771 Rivista del Collegio araldico. 1903- Q105826594 None* 1903-||-1913 Contact us
0035-6042 Rivista di archeologia cristiana / 1924- Q15762715 None* 1924-1928 Contact us
1591-8157 Rivista di artiglieria e genio. 1884- Q105826633 None* 1884-||-1910 Contact us
0035-6085 Rivista di cultura classica e medioevale. 1959- Q15756651 None* None known Contact us
0035-6190 Rivista di economia agraria 1946- Q96725877 None* 2014-present Contact us
0035-6212 Rivista di estetica. 1956- Q15760127 None* 2008-present Contact us
0035-6220 Rivista di filologia e di istruzione classica. 1950- Q4048346 None* 1873-||-1927 Contact us
0035-6239 Rivista di filosofia. 1909- Q15760076 None* 1909-1928 Contact us
0035-6247 Rivista di filosofia neo-scolastica. 1909- Q15755658 Unknown None known Contact us
0035-6441 Rivista di patologia vegetale. 1892-1995 Q125914517 Unknown None known Contact us
0035-6468 Rivista di politica economica. 1921- Q107018807 Unknown None known Contact us
0035-6514 Rivista di scienze preistoriche. 1946- Q15752468 Unknown None known Contact us
0035-6557 Rivista di storia della chiesa in Italia. 1947- Q15756647 Unknown None known Contact us
0393-2508 Rivista di storia della filosofia. 1946-1949 Unknown None known Contact us
0393-3415 Rivista di storia economica. 1936- Q102395805 Unknown None known Contact us
0035-6581 Rivista di studi classici. 1952- Q27716327 Unknown None known Contact us
0035-6611 Rivista di studi politici internazionali. 1934- Q3938002 Unknown None known Contact us
0035-6751 Rivista internazionale di scienze economiche e commerciali. International review of economics and business. 1954-2005 Q15754636 Unknown None known Contact us
0035-676X Rivista internazionale di scienze sociali. 1934- Q3938003 Unknown None known Contact us
1125-9868 Rivista internazionale di scienze sociali e discipline ausiliarie : pubblicazione periodica dell'Unione cattolica per gli studi sociale in Italia. 1893-1933 Unknown None known Contact us
0035-6875 Rivista italiana di ornitologia. 1911- Q3937995 Unknown None known Contact us
0035-6883 Rivista italiana di paleontologia e stratigrafia. 1947- Q15755132 Unknown None known Contact us
0033-698X RLA. 1963- Q56122046 Unknown None known Contact us
0574-2854 RM. 1958-1991 Q107018808 Unknown None known Contact us
0080-4460 R.M.A. research chronicle. 1961-1976 Q96715962 Unknown None known Contact us
0033-7021 RN. 1937- Q27713326 Unknown None known Contact us
0035-7189 Road and track. 1947- Q3781030 Unknown None known Contact us
0361-6509 Road atlas: United States, Canada and Mexico. 1926- Q107018809 Unknown None known Contact us
0035-7340 Roads and streets. 1926- Q107018810 Unknown None known Contact us
2166-7950 The Roanoke daily times. 1895-1897 N/A None known Contact us
2166-7969 The Roanoke times. 1897- Q107019549 Unknown None known Contact us
2332-0680 Rock Island Argus [electronic resource]. 1893- Q100281204 Unknown None known Contact us
2377-6064 Rock Island Argus [electronic resource]. 1871-1872 N/A None known Contact us
2377-6978 The Rock Island Argus [electronic resource]. 1877-1885 N/A None known Contact us
2377-7001 The Rock Island daily Argus [electronic resource]. 1872-1873 N/A None known Contact us
0035-7464 Rock products : devoted to the production and sale of rock and clay products. 1917-1963 Unknown None known Contact us
2376-0168 Rockingham post-dispatch 1917- Q107018811 Unknown None known Contact us
2332-7529 Rocky Mountain husbandman 1875- Q107018814 Unknown None known Contact us
0557-2010 Rocky Mountain review. 1963-1969 Q105339384 None* None known Contact us
0035-7672 The Rocky Mountain review of language and literature. Q15757648 All* 1998-recent Contact us
0080-3421 Rocznik bialostocki. 1961- Q28674063 Unknown None known Contact us
0080-3472 Rocznik historii sztuki. 1956- Q11835063 Unknown None known Contact us
0079-3302 Rocznik Komisji Historycznoliterackiej / 1963- Q107018821 Unknown None known Contact us
0509-6936 Rocznik Muzeum Narodowego w Warszawie. 1938- Q28674041 Unknown None known Contact us
0080-3545 Rocznik orientalisticzny / 1949- Q15759152 Unknown None known Contact us
0324-8577 Rocznik polityczny i gospodarczy. 1932-1988 Q107018823 Unknown None known Contact us
0079-2780 Rocznik statystyczny. 1930- Q107018824 Unknown None known Contact us
0544-1838 Rocznik wojskowo-polityczny. 1960- Q107018825 Unknown None known Contact us
0080-3634 Roczniki dziejów społecznych i gospodarczych = Annales d'histoire sociale et économique. 1932- Q9311492 Unknown None known Contact us
0035-7685 Roczniki filozoficzne. Annales de philosophie. 1948- Q9311491 Unknown None known Contact us
0324-8585 Roczniki historyczne. 1925- Q9311494 Unknown None known Contact us
0035-7707 Roczniki humanistyczne. 1949- Q11835070 Unknown None known Contact us
0239-8249 Roczniki nauk leśnych. 1953-1958 Q107018815 Unknown None known Contact us
0485-3318 Roczniki nauk rolniczych. Annaly selʹskokhozi︠a︡ĭstvennykh nauk. 1953-1960 Q107018816 Unknown None known Contact us
0035-7715 Roczniki Państwowego Zakładu Higieny. 1950- Q26842838 Unknown None known Contact us
0035-7723 Roczniki teologiczno-kanoniczne / 1949-1990 Q107018818 Unknown None known Contact us
0083-7342 Roczniki Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego. 1958-1979 Q107018820 Unknown None known Contact us
2330-8346 Rogue River courier [electronic resource]. -1918 N/A None known Contact us
2330-8370 Rogue River courier [electronic resource]. 1886- Q107018826 Unknown None known Contact us
0035-7995 Romance notes. 1959- Q130328082 Unknown None known Contact us
0035-8029 Romania. 1872- Q3441038 None* 1872-recent Contact us
0304-3517 România liberă. 1944- Q7363426 Unknown None known Contact us
0035-8118 Romanic review. 1910- Q15764946 Unknown None known Contact us
0035-8126 Romanische Forschungen. 1883- Q2164877 Unknown None known Contact us
0080-3898 Romanistisches Jahrbuch. 1948- Q15767012 Unknown None known Contact us
1060-4049 Rome news-tribune. 1923- Unknown None known Contact us
0080-3790 Römische historische Mitteilungen / 1958- Q15767005 Unknown None known Contact us
0035-7812 Römische Quartalschrift für christliche Altertumskunde und Kirchengeschichte. 1887- Q15767564 Unknown None known Contact us
0342-2046 Römisches Jahrbuch für Kunstgeschichte. 1937-1988 Q96332595 Unknown None known Contact us
2332-9815 The Ronan pioneer 1910- Q100281256 Unknown None known Contact us
0286-9489 Ronkyū Nihon bungaku. 1954- Q107018828 Unknown None known Contact us
0035-7820 Röntgenpraxis : Fortbildung und Qualitä̈tssicherung in der Radiologie. 1963- Q27713335 Unknown None known Contact us
0035-8215 Roopa-Lekhā. 1929- Q107018829 Unknown None known Contact us
0893-4037 Rorschach research exchange. 1936-1946 Q96726175 Unknown None known Contact us
1068-3402 Rorschach research exchange and journal of projective techniques. 1947-1949 Q27721652 Unknown None known Contact us
1192-5604 Rorschachiana. 1945- Q96319743 Unknown None known Contact us
2043-5916 The rose, the shamrock, and the thistle. 1862-1865 N/A None known Contact us
2470-4148 Rosebud County news 1901-1906 N/A None known Contact us
2470-9026 Roseburg review 1885- Q107018830 Unknown None known Contact us
0363-3713 Roster of state and local officials of the State of Indiana. 1946- Q107018831 Unknown None known Contact us
2379-0210 The Roswell daily record 1903- Q107019551 Unknown None known Contact us
0035-838X The Rotarian / 1912- Q25443617 Unknown None known Contact us
0035-8533 The round table. 1910- Q7761617 None* 1910-1928 Contact us
2470-4164 The roundup record 1908- Q107019553 Unknown None known Contact us
0557-3947 Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh publication. 1953- Q107018832 Unknown None known Contact us
2043-5924 Royal magazine. 1759-1771 N/A None known Contact us
0080-4371 Royal Observatory annals : joint publications of the Royal Greenwich and Cape Observatories. 1961-1981 Q107018841 Unknown None known Contact us
0080-438X Royal Observatory bulletins. 1958-1975 Q107018842 Unknown None known Contact us
0035-9130 Royal Society of Health journal. 1960-1982 Q27712895 Unknown None known Contact us
0080-4665 Royal Society shorter mathematical tables. 1952- Q107018843 Unknown None known Contact us
0076-0390 Rozprawy. 1954- Q96726254 Unknown None known Contact us
0084-2990 Rozprawy. 1959- Q107018844 Unknown None known Contact us
0860-2581 Rozprawy matematyczne. 1952-1966 Q107018846 Unknown None known Contact us
0483-7738 RPA bulletin. 1931- Q107018847 Unknown None known Contact us
0033-7072 RQ. 1960-1997 Q109158696 None None known Contact us
0033-7129 RSI : roofing, siding, insulation. 1945- Q107018848 Unknown None known Contact us
0209-0872 Ruch biblijny i liturgiczny. 1948- Q9323565 Unknown None known Contact us
0035-9599 Ruch filozoficzny. 1911- Q9323571 Unknown None known Contact us
2376-6433 The Rugbeian and district reporter 1882- Q107019554 Unknown None known Contact us
2376-6476 The Rugby gazette and east Tennessee news 1884- Q107019555 Unknown None known Contact us
2376-6514 The Rugby news 1890- Q107019556 Unknown None known Contact us
0325-1217 Runa : archivo para las ciencias del hombre. 1948- Q50435021 Unknown None known Contact us
0035-998X Ruperto Carola. 1949- Q107018849 Unknown None known Contact us
0036-0058 Rural India. 1938- Q107018850 Unknown None known Contact us
0067-0871 Rural industries. 1963- Q107018851 Unknown None known Contact us
0036-0112 Rural sociology. Q15765280 1949 1936-1989 Contact us
0485-6724 The Rural visitor. 1961- Q107019557 Unknown None known Contact us
0021-888X Russian journal of applied chemistry 1950- Q3453521 Unknown None known Contact us
0021-3446 Russian mathematics. 1957- Q15763859 Unknown None known Contact us
0036-0341 The Russian review. 1941- Q2740960 1945 None known Contact us
0079-0311 Russian translation series of the Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, Harvard University. 1959- Q107018852 Unknown None known Contact us
1814-4217 Russkīĭ arkhiv. 1863- Q107018853 Unknown None known Contact us
0136-7447 Russkiĭ fol'klor. 1956- Q96726833 Unknown None known Contact us
0131-6141 Russkiĭ ia︠z︡yk v shkole. 1936- Q96726720 Unknown None known Contact us
2379-0245 The rustler 1891- Q107019558 Unknown None known Contact us
0036-0465 Rutgers law review. 1949- Q7382796 Unknown None known Contact us
2328-3432 The Rutland daily globe 1873-1877 Q100281366 N/A None known Contact us
2328-3475 The Rutland weekly globe 1873- Q107019559 Unknown None known Contact us
2475-2819 Rutland weekly herald 1859- Q107018854 Unknown None known Contact us
0033-7196 RWDSU record. 1954- Unknown None known Contact us
0197-3916 The sabbath at home. 1867-1870 N/A None known Contact us
1945-4910 Sabbath school contributor. -1841 N/A None known Contact us
0419-7305 Sächsische Bibliographie. 1962- Q61729277 Unknown None known Contact us
0890-5738 The Sacramento bee. 1908- Q356300 None None known Contact us
2151-3899 Sacramento daily record-union. 1875-1891 N/A None known Contact us
0036-2255 Sacred music. 1965- Q96333440 None* 1965-recent+ Contact us
0581-247X Sacrum Poloniae millennium : rozprawy, szkice, materiały historyczne. 1954-1966 Q107018856 Unknown None known Contact us
0134-3351 Sadoĭ shark. 1938- Q107018857 Unknown None known Contact us
0036-066X The SAE journal. 1928-1970 Q107019560 Unknown None known Contact us
0080-5319 Sæculum. 1950- Q2211319 Unknown None known Contact us
0069-293X Safety in air and ammonia plants. 1958-1969 Q107018858 Unknown None known Contact us
0305-9219 Saga book of the Viking Society for Northern Research. 1913- Q15757294 Unknown None known Contact us
0080-5394 Saggi e memorie di storia dell'arte. 1957- Q107018859 Unknown None known Contact us
0581-2917 Saggi e ricerche di letteratura francese. 1960- Q107018860 Unknown None known Contact us
0210-3729 Sagvntvm : papeles del Laboratorio de Arqueología de Valencia. 1962- Q50434822 Unknown None known Contact us
2043-5940 Saint George. 1898-1911 N/A None known Contact us
0581-3352 Saint Louis quarterly. 1963-1969 Q107018861 Unknown None known Contact us
0036-3030 Saint Louis University law journal. 1951- Q15767443 Unknown None known Contact us
2151-5328 The Saint Paul globe. 1896-1905 N/A None known Contact us
2574-6855 Saint Paul legal ledger. 1927- Unknown None known Contact us
0575-9625 Salaries and qualifications of teachers in universities and colleges / 1957-1972 Q107018862 Unknown None known Contact us
0573-1275 Salaries and related personnel practices in voluntary social and health agencies in New York City. 1959- Q107018863 Unknown None known Contact us
0470-0007 Salaries paid central-office school administrators' ... urban districts 30,000 to 100,000 in population. 1959- Q107018864 Unknown None known Contact us
0470-0031 Salaries paid principals and certain other school employees ... urban districts 30,000 to 1,000,000 in population. 1959- Q107018865 Unknown None known Contact us
0885-9019 Sales management. 1918-1975 Q106877036 None 1918-1961 Contact us
0745-127X The Salina journal. 1925- Q7762112 None None known Contact us
0083-291X Saline water conversion report for ... 1957-1971 Q106877037 None* 1952-1971+ Contact us
0036-3537 Salmanticensis. 1954- Q15763466 None* None known Contact us
1945-2373 The Salt Lake herald-Republican. 1909-1918 N/A None known Contact us
0746-3502 The Salt Lake tribune. 1890- Q1550315 None 1871-2004 Contact us
2374-5932 Salt River herald 1878-1879 N/A None known Contact us
2326-7801 Salt River journal -1841 Q100281492 N/A None known Contact us
0036-3634 Salud pública de México. 1959- Q15764994 None* None known Contact us
1015-1303 Salzburger Nachrichten. 1945- Q2215996 None* None known Contact us
0971-3492 Samīkṣā. 1947- Q27720027 None* None known Contact us
0348-6133 Samlaren. 1880- Q10660948 None* 1880-||-present Contact us
0347-9145 Samlingar utgivna av Svenska fornskriftsällskapet. 1924- Q107018868 None* None known Contact us
1612-0124 Sammelbände der Internationalen Musikgesellschaft. 1899-1914 Q19226732 N/A None known Contact us
0557-1634 Sammelbände der Robert-Schumann-Gesellschaft. 1961-1966 Q107018869 None* None known Contact us
0080-5793 Sammlung chemischer und chemisch-technischer Beiträge. 1896-1969 Q107018870 None* 1896-1928 Contact us
0558-3667 Sammlung Metzler. 1961- Q107018871 None* None known Contact us
0080-5866 Samos. 1961- Q107018872 None* None known Contact us
2166-790X The San Antonio light. 1883-1886 Q100281504 None* 1883-1889 Contact us
1932-8672 San Francisco chronicle. 1869- Q139103 1939 1995-present Contact us
2574-593X The San Francisco examiner. 1902- Q2164240 1958* 1906 Contact us
0559-4205 San Francisco review. 1958- Q107018875 None* None known Contact us
0558-4213 San Francisco review annual. 1963- Q107018876 1963* None known Contact us
8750-6122 The San Juan star. 1959- Q7762201 None None known Contact us
2331-6454 San Marcos free press 1877- Q107018879 N/A 1877-1890 Contact us
0890-1724 Sand Mountain reporter. 1955- Q55642329 None None known Contact us
2639-9393 Sandwich Islands news. 1846- Q107018873 N/A None known Contact us
0096-560X The Sanitarian. 1938- Q27721594 None* None known Contact us
0092-6957 The Sanitarian's journal of environmental health. 1962-1963 Q93643068 None* None known Contact us
1047-4226 The Sanitary Commission bulletin. 1863-1865 N/A None known Contact us
0036-4452 Sankhyā [electronic resource] : the Indian journal of statistics. 1933- Q27717524 None* None known Contact us
0581-572X Sankhyā : the Indian journal of statistics. 1960-2007 Q7418720 None* None known Contact us
0581-6106 Santa Clara lawyer. 1961-1975 Q27716924 None None known Contact us
1938-4068 The Santa Fe New Mexican. 1885- Q7762258 None 1888-1913 Contact us
2375-7507 Santa Fe weekly gazette [electronic resource]. 1864-1869 Q100281554 N/A 1855-||-1869 Contact us
2375-7434 The Santa Fe weekly gazette [electronic resource]. -1854 N/A None known Contact us
0391-7819 Il Santo. 1961- Q107017921 None* None known Contact us
0048-9123 Santo Tomas nursing journal. 1962- Q27713501 None* None known Contact us
1071-4448 The Saratogian. 1910- Q7762277 None None known Contact us
0375-3050 The Sarawak museum journal. 1911- Q9074574 None* 1911-1917 Contact us
0380-8564 Saskatchewan bar review. 1936-1966 Q123024668 None* None known Contact us
0036-4967 Satire newsletter. 1963- Q107018883 None None known Contact us
0048-9239 The Saturday evening post. 1839- Q2302345 1929 1821-||-1928 Contact us
2043-5975 The Saturday magazine 1821-1822 N/A None known Contact us
0703-4318 The Saturday reader 1865-1866 N/A None known Contact us
0036-4983 Saturday review. 1952- Q15846515 1929* 1924-1929+ Contact us
0950-9852 Saturday review of politics, literature, science and art Q7426743 None* 1855-1928+ Contact us
1016-3662 The Saturday star. 1889-1894 N/A None known Contact us
2639-4243 Saturday visitor 1876- Q107018885 N/A 1876 Contact us
2376-6530 Savannah courier 1885- Q107018889 Unknown None known Contact us
1047-028X The Savannah morning news. 1900- Unknown None known Contact us
0036-5114 Savings and loan news. 1952-1983 Unknown None known Contact us
0036-5130 Savings bank journal. 1921-1983 Q107018892 Unknown None known Contact us
0577-4055 Sborník Československé společnosti archeologické 1961- Q107018896 Unknown None known Contact us
0083-4157 Sborník Filozofickej fakulty Univerzity Komenského. 1963-1964 Q107018898 Unknown None known Contact us
0577-3725 Sborník historický. 1954- Q107018899 Unknown None known Contact us
0131-3703 Sbornik muzei︠a︡ antropologii i etnografii / 1900- Q107018900 Unknown None known Contact us
0036-5335 Sborník Národního musea v Praze. Acta Musei Nationalis Prague. A, Historia. 1938-1960 Q27716375 Unknown None known Contact us
0524-725X Sborník prací Filosofické fakulty Brněnské university. 1955- Q107018901 Unknown None known Contact us
0231-7915 Sborník prací Filosofické fakulty brněnské university. 1956-1996 Q15755743 Unknown None known Contact us
0524-7284 Sborník prací Filosofické fakulty Brněnské university. 1957-1996 Unknown None known Contact us
0231-5122 Sborník prací Filosofické fakulty Brněnské university. 1957-1996 Unknown None known Contact us
0524-7241 Sborník prací Filosofické fakulty Brněnskě university. Studia minora Facultatis Philosophicae Universitatis Brunensis. Series linguistica. (A). 1952- Q107018902 Unknown None known Contact us
0524-7217 Sborník prací Filosofické fakulty Brněnské university. Studia minora Facultatis Philosophicae Universitatis Brunensis. Series philosophica (B). 1953- Unknown None known Contact us
0358-5522 The Scandinavian economic history review 1953- Q11999656 None* None known Contact us
0027-7878 Scandinavian journal of food & nutrition. 1957-2007 Q15761874 N/A* 1996-||-present Contact us
0036-5564 Scandinavian journal of psychology. 1960- Q15765085 Unknown None known Contact us
0001-6489 Scandinavian journal of public health. 1918- Q2492352 None* 1918-1928 Contact us
1544-2063 Scandinavian studies and notes. 1917-1940 None* 1917-1940+ Contact us
0085-5944 Scandinavian studies in law. 1957- Q19978357 Unknown None known Contact us
0036-5637 Scandinavian studies. Q15763370 None* 1941-1961+ Contact us
0080-6765 Scando-slavica. 1954- Q10662410 Unknown None known Contact us
0740-6487 Scenic and historic America : bulletin of the American Scenic and Historic Preservation Society. 1929- Q107018903 Unknown None known Contact us
0548-5983 Scenic trips to the geologic past. 1955- Q107018905 Unknown None known Contact us
0581-9660 Schaumburger Studien. 1963- Q107018906 Unknown None known Contact us
0558-8758 Scholar. 1947- Unknown None known Contact us
1058-5699 Scholarships, fellowships, and loans. 1949- Q107018913 Unknown None known Contact us
0036-6439 The School administrator. 1943- Unknown None known Contact us
2575-758X School and college : devoted to secondary and higher education. 1892- Q107018914 Unknown None known Contact us
0036-6447 School and community. 1920- Q107018915 Unknown None known Contact us
0036-6463 School arts. 1901- Q7432132 Unknown None known Contact us
0036-651X School business affairs. 1936- Q107018916 Unknown None known Contact us
0013-5976 The School counselor. 1953- Q15758222 Unknown None known Contact us
0362-8930 School library journal : SLJ. 1961- Q1143675 None* None known Contact us
0435-4990 School of Arts and Sciences research papers / 1963-1970 Q107018917 Unknown None known Contact us
0381-1646 The School of Law review. 1942-1955 Q107019563 None* None known Contact us
0558-8952 School planning : the magazine of scientific school design. 1956- Q107018918 Unknown None known Contact us
0036-6773 The school review. 1893-1979 Q28529222 1941 1893-1940 Contact us
0269-6282 The Schoolmaster. 1829- Q107019562 Unknown None known Contact us
0933-2502 Schriften der Historischen Kommission für Westfalen. 1949- Q107018920 Unknown None known Contact us
0065-518X Schriften der Sektion für Altertumswissenschaft. 1956- Q107018921 Unknown None known Contact us
0082-3880 Schriften der Theodor-Storm-Gesellschaft. 1952- Q107018922 Unknown None known Contact us
0505-5059 Schriften des Heeresgeschichtlichen Museums in Wien. 1961- Q107018923 Unknown None known Contact us
0342-2070 Schriften des Vereins für Geschichte des Bodensees und seiner Umgebung. 1869- Q19227494 Unknown None known Contact us
0531-0210 Schriften und Vorträge des Petrarca-Instituts Köln. 1953- Q107018926 Unknown None known Contact us
0232-4091 Schriften zum Bibliotheks- und Büchereiwesen in Sachsen-Anhalt. 1949- Q107018927 Unknown None known Contact us
0582-0529 Schriften zur Südwestdeutschen Landeskunde. 1963- Q107018928 Unknown None known Contact us
0080-7125 Schriftenreihe. Reihe: Deutsch-ausländische Beziehungen. 1961-1969 Q107018924 Unknown None known Contact us
0559-0019 Schriftenreihe über die Sorben. 1954- Q107018925 Unknown None known Contact us
0080-7176 Schrifttum zur deutschen Kunst / 1933- Q107018929 Unknown None known Contact us
2496-2074 Der Schützengraben. 1915-1917 N/A None known Contact us
0036-7281 Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde. 1859- Q15761722 Unknown None known Contact us
0036-732X Das Schweizer Buch / 1943-2007 Q7658850 Unknown None known Contact us
0036-7451 Der Schweizer Soldat. 1926- Unknown None known Contact us
0048-9522 Schweizer Volkskunde. 1911- Q107018932 Unknown None known Contact us
0036-7524 Schweizerische Bauzeitung. 1883-1978 Q1563065 Unknown None known Contact us
1420-5041 Schweizerische Kirchenzeitung / 1832- Unknown None known Contact us
0487-8124 Schweizerische Kriminalstatistik = Statistique de la criminalité en Suisse. 1931-1969 Q107018931 Unknown None known Contact us
0036-7699 Schweizerische mineralogische und petrographische Mitteilungen = Bulletin suisse de minéralogie et pétrographie = Bolletino svizzero di mineralogia e petrografia. 1921- Q96333496 Unknown None known Contact us
0036-7834 Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Geschichte. Revue suisse d'histoire. Rivista storica svizzera. 1951- Q1644038 Unknown None known Contact us
1422-612X Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Vermessung, Kulturtechnik und Photogrammetrie = Revue technique Suisse des mensurations, du génie rural etde photogrammetrie. 1953- Unknown None known Contact us
0303-9692 Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Volkswirtschaft und Statistik / 1945- Q111668792 Unknown None known Contact us
0036-794X Schweizerisches Archiv für Volkskunde. 1897- Q96333500 Unknown None known Contact us
0036-8075 Science. 1880- Q192864 1960 1880-1961 Contact us
0036-8148 Science and children. 1963- Q27928466 None* None known Contact us
0080-7443 Science and psychoanalysis. 1958-1972 Q107018933 1958* None known Contact us
0036-8156 Science & culture. 1935- Q15765869 Unknown None known Contact us
0036-8296 Science digest. 1936-1986 Q2260191 1937* None known Contact us
0036-8326 Science education. 1929- Q3475727 1952* 1929-1951+ Contact us
0036-8369 Science et vie. 1913- Q3475754 Unknown None known Contact us
0097-0611 Science in progress. 1938- Q27713416 Unknown None known Contact us
0096-4018 Science news-letter. 1922- Q27721851 Unknown None known Contact us
0080-7575 Science of ceramics : proceedings of a conference held ... under the auspices of the British Ceramic Society and the Nederlandse Keramische Vereniging. 1962- Q107018935 Unknown None known Contact us
0036-8474 Science on the march. 1958-1976 Q105687821 None* Predecessor Contact us
0703-4407 La Science populaire illustrée. 1886- Q107017944 Unknown None known Contact us
0036-8504 Science progress. 1916- Q15755412 Unknown None known Contact us
2059-4968 Science progress. 1894-1898 N/A None known Contact us
2059-495X Science progress. 1916-1919 N/A None known Contact us
0302-1785 Science progress in the twentieth century. 1906- Q51430831 Unknown None known Contact us
0022-8338 The Science reports of the Kanazawa University = Kanazawa Daigaku rika hōkoku. 1951- Q107019564 Unknown None known Contact us
0371-3539 Science reports of the Tokyo Kyoiku Daigaku. 1954- Q107018938 Unknown None known Contact us
0036-8555 The science teacher. 1936- Q24640865 Unknown None known Contact us
0036-861X The Sciences. 1961-2001 Q7762580 Unknown None known Contact us
0036-8636 Sciences et avenir. 1947- Q546262 Unknown None known Contact us
1144-1461 Sciences politiques. 1937- Q107018939 Unknown None known Contact us
0036-8687 [Scientia]. 1910- Q2260240 Unknown None known Contact us
0036-8709 Scientia pharmaceutica / 1930- Q7433731 Unknown None known Contact us
0582-236X Scientia sinica. 1952-1981 Unknown None known Contact us
0036-8733 Scientific American. 1845- Q107018941 1930* 1845-1929+ Contact us
1049-1082 Scientific American. 1885-1901 N/A 1887-||-1905+ Contact us
0096-3763 Scientific American. Supplement 1876-1919 N/A 1876-1919+ Contact us
0080-7680 Scientific and learned societies of Great Britain : a handbook compiled from official sources. 1951-1964 Q107018942 Unknown None known Contact us
0582-2459 Scientific business. 1963-1966 Q107018943 Unknown None known Contact us
0470-2506 Scientific investigations in the Ryūkyū Islands (SIRI) report. 1952-1955 Q107018945 Unknown None known Contact us
0096-3771 The scientific monthly. 1915-1957 Q7762584 1947 1915-||-1950+ Contact us
0445-3395 Scientific papers / 1940-1996 Unknown None known Contact us
0020-3092 Scientific papers of the Institute of Physical and Chemical Research. 1922-1947 Q107018946 Unknown None known Contact us
0080-4347 The Scientific proceedings. 1960-1976 Unknown None known Contact us
0069-4762 Scientific publications of the Cleveland Museum of Natural History. 1928-1965 Q107018947 Unknown None known Contact us
0091-7087 Scientific report / Institute for Cancer Research. 1957-1985 Unknown None known Contact us
0367-2018 Scientific reports / Falkland Islands Dependencies Survey. 1953-1962 Unknown None known Contact us
0083-9086 The Scientific reports of the Whales Research Institute. 1948-1988 Q107019565 Unknown None known Contact us
0080-7745 Scientific research in British universities and colleges / 1962- Q107018948 Unknown None known Contact us
0036-8857 Scientific world. 1957-1993 Q107018949 Unknown None known Contact us
0036-8938 Scimitar and song. 1938- Q107018950 Unknown None known Contact us
2043-6009 The Scots magazine. 1739-1793 N/A None known Contact us
0307-5850 The Scotsman. 1860- Q1049657 Unknown None known Contact us
2042-0013 The Scottish antiquary, or, Northern notes & queries. 1891-1903 N/A None known Contact us
0036-9179 The Scottish educational journal. 1918- Q107019566 Unknown None known Contact us
0080-8024 Scottish Gaelic studies / 1926- Q96333544 Unknown None known Contact us
0036-9241 The Scottish historical review. 1903- Q7762641 None* 1903-1928 Contact us
0036-9292 Scottish journal of political economy. 1954- Q7437799 Unknown None known Contact us
2043-6017 The Scottish review a quarterly journal of social progress and general literature. 1853-1863 N/A None known Contact us
2574-755X The scourge. 1811- Unknown None known Contact us
2043-6025 The Scourge, or, Literary, theatrical, and miscellaneous magazine. 1814- Q107568393 Unknown None known Contact us
2151-4038 The Scranton tribune. 1891-1910 N/A None known Contact us
2373-4728 Scranton Wochenblatt -1918 Q100281746 N/A None known Contact us
2152-792X Scribner's magazine. 1887-1939 Q3476462 1929* 1887-1928+ Contact us
0559-2119 Scrinium. 1950-1955 Q107018951 Unknown None known Contact us
0585-7015 Scripps Foundation studies in population distribution. 1950-1954 Q107018952 Unknown None known Contact us
0080-8369 Scripta Hierosolymitana. 1954- Q107018953 Unknown None known Contact us
0582-3234 Scripta islandica. 1950- Q15816626 Unknown None known Contact us
0582-3285 Scriptores latini Hiberniae. 1955- Q107018954 Unknown None known Contact us
0036-9772 Scriptorium. 1947- Q2261617 Unknown None known Contact us
2576-7976 The sea coast echo 1892- Q107019568 Unknown None known Contact us
1268-7103 Séances générales tenues en ... par la Société française pour la conservation des monuments historiques. -1844 N/A None known Contact us
0488-0196 Seanchas ardmhacha. 1954- Q96730059 Unknown None known Contact us
2332-9688 The searchlight [electronic resource]. 1902- Q100281758 Unknown None known Contact us
0036-1259 SEATO record. 1960-1974 Q107018955 Unknown None known Contact us
0745-970X The Seattle post-intelligencer 1881- Q286261 1933 1882-1900 Contact us
2157-3271 The Seattle Republican. -1915 Q54959116 N/A 1896-||-1913+ Contact us
0559-2593 Sechenov physiological journal of the USSR = Fiziologicheskĭ zhurnal SSSR imeni I.M. Sechenova. 1957-1961 Q107018956 Unknown None known Contact us
0582-3684 The second coming magazine. 1961-1965 Q107019570 Unknown None known Contact us
0571-9658 Secondary industries. 1952-1962 Q107018957 Unknown None known Contact us
0003-6056 Section of Antitrust Law. 1952-1966 Q4775344 Unknown None known Contact us
2158-7469 Section of International and Comparative Law bulletin. 1957-1966 Q107018958 Unknown None known Contact us
0037-0894 Sefarad. 1941- Q11847919 Unknown None known Contact us
0559-2798 Sefer ha-taʻaśiyah. 1957-1980 Q107018959 Unknown None known Contact us
0582-3943 Sefunot: Studies and Sources on the History of the Jewish Communities in the East / ספונות: מחקרים ומקורות לתולדות קהילות ישראל במזרח 1956- Q16132464 Unknown None known Contact us
0573-3561 Selected addresses delivered at the Conference on English Education. 1963-1968 Q107018960 Unknown None known Contact us
0519-069X Selected bibliography for curriculum workers. 1954- Q107018962 Unknown None known Contact us
0589-9834 Selected proceedings of ... annual conference / 1955-1964 Unknown None known Contact us
0037-1343 Selected Rand abstracts. 1963- Q102122716 None 2004-2015 Contact us
0547-6399 Selected readings series. 1961- Q107018963 Unknown None known Contact us
0037-1351 Selected references / 1945- Q107018964 Unknown None known Contact us
0065-9274 Selected translations in mathematical statistics and probability. 1961- Q107018965 Unknown None known Contact us
0037-1777 La Semaine des hôpitaux de Paris. 1925- Q27718264 Unknown None known Contact us
1186-4370 Le semeur canadien : journal des connaissances utiles en politique, littérature, morale, et religion. 1851- Q107017953 Unknown None known Contact us
1938-677X The semi-annual / 1891- Q107019571 Unknown None known Contact us
2157-5061 Semi-weekly Bourbon news 1883-1895 N/A None known Contact us
2375-8961 The semi-weekly fisherman & farmer Q100294678 N/A* 1887-1901 Contact us
2328-7926 Semi-weekly independent 1895-1897 Q100309432 N/A 1894-1901 Contact us
1941-3009 Semi-weekly interior journal. 1881-1905 N/A None known Contact us
2326-6309 Semi-weekly Louisianian 1871-1872 N/A None known Contact us
2372-6679 Semi-weekly North-Carolina standard 1852-1853 N/A None known Contact us
2377-9225 The semi-weekly Republican 1872- Q107019572 Unknown None known Contact us
2332-5240 Semi-weekly south Kentuckian -1889 N/A None known Contact us
2372-3017 Semi-weekly standard 1853- Q107018986 Unknown None known Contact us
0096-4034 Semiconductor products. 1958-1962 Q107018966 Unknown None known Contact us
0096-3631 Semiconductor products and solid state technology. 1962-1967 Q107018967 Unknown None known Contact us
0553-2973 Séminaire d'analyse : [exposés] / 1959-1967 Q107018981 Unknown None known Contact us
0553-2779 Séminaire de théories physiques. 1955-1958 Q107018982 Unknown None known Contact us
0080-8814 Seminar on Canadian-American Relations; [papers] 1960- Q107018983 Unknown None known Contact us
0487-3491 Seminario de arte aragones. 1945- Q15759157 Unknown None known Contact us
0169-9911 Semitic study series. 1952-1987 Q107018984 Unknown None known Contact us
0373-630X Semitica. 1948- Q59429592 Unknown None known Contact us
2379-6278 Semiweekly Camden journal 1851- Q107018985 Unknown None known Contact us
0037-2102 Senckenbergiana biologica. 1954- Q15775509 Unknown None known Contact us
0037-2110 Senckenbergiana lethaea. 1954- Q96333593 Unknown None known Contact us
0386-0817 Sendai astronomiaj raportoj. 1930- Q107018988 Unknown None known Contact us
2044-6071 The sentinel. 1879-1900 N/A None known Contact us
0898-9311 The Sentinel-echo. 1919- Unknown None known Contact us
2333-1801 The sentinel-journal 1906- Q107019574 Unknown None known Contact us
0204-7349 Septemvri. 1948-1990 Q107018989 Unknown None known Contact us
2376-6611 Sequachee Valley news 1896- Q107018990 Unknown None known Contact us
1619-3989 Serapeum. 1840-1870 N/A None known Contact us
0582-7078 Sērbskīę noviny povsēdnēvny︠ę︡. 1963- Q107018991 Unknown None known Contact us
0517-192X Serial atlas of the marine environment. 1962-1974 Q107018992 Unknown None known Contact us
0565-7245 Serial publications indexed in Bibliography of agriculture. 1963- Q107018993 Unknown None known Contact us
0559-5258 Serial slants. 1950-1956 Q107018994 Unknown None known Contact us
0090-0060 Serial titles newly received. 1951- Q107018995 Unknown None known Contact us
0325-3163 Serie astronómica / 1938- Q107018996 Unknown None known Contact us
0076-7573 Serie investigaciones. 1958- Q107018997 Unknown None known Contact us
0067-0588 Series III: 1946-1948 Unknown None known Contact us
1080-0239 Series on aims and progress of research / -1937 Q107018998 Unknown None known Contact us
0037-2501 Serra d'or. 1959- Q1628196 Unknown None known Contact us
0037-2633 Service social. 1951- Q27724980 Unknown None known Contact us
0703-3850 Setaneoei; Migamoi solnaltjitj : Messager Micmac. Micmac messenger. 1903-1925 N/A None known Contact us
0528-5666 Settimane di studio della Fondazione Centro italiano di studi sull'alto Medioevo. 1953- Unknown None known Contact us
0037-301X Seventeen. 1944- Q2296499 1944* None known Contact us
0037-3028 Seventeenth century news. 1951- Q15762251 Unknown None known Contact us
0096-364X Sewage and industrial wastes : the journal of the Federation of Sewage Works Associations. 1950-1959 Q27720490 Unknown None known Contact us
0096-9362 Sewage works journal. 1928-1949 Q27720911 Unknown None known Contact us
0037-3052 The Sewanee review. 1892- Q1694661 1945 1892-1945 Contact us
1368-4973 Sexually transmitted infections. 1998- Q7458852 All* 1998-2007 Contact us
0454-2134 Shakai kagaku jānaru / 1960- Q107019000 Unknown None known Contact us
0270-8604 The Shakespeare Association bulletin. 1924-1949 None* 1924-||-1949 Contact us
0080-9128 Shakespeare Jahrbuch. 1925-1992 Q107019001 Unknown None known Contact us
0037-3214 The Shakespeare newsletter. 1951- Q104668441 Unknown None known Contact us
0037-3222 Shakespeare quarterly. 1950- Q7462811 None* Predecessor Contact us
0582-9402 Shakespeare studies. 1962- Q107019002 Unknown None known Contact us
0080-9152 Shakespeare survey. 1948- Q15763720 Unknown None known Contact us
0037-3346 The Shavian. 1953-1975 Q107019575 Unknown None known Contact us
0037-3354 The Shaw review. 1959-1980 Q107019576 Unknown None known Contact us
0077-5835 She hui ke xue lun cong. 1950-1996 Q15757506 Unknown None known Contact us
0037-3583 Shenandoah. 1950- Q7494156 Unknown None known Contact us
0559-7730 Sheng chan li ji mao yi 1961-1970 Q107019003 Unknown None known Contact us
2576-5744 Shepherdstown register 1849- Q107019004 Unknown None known Contact us
0037-3621 The Sherlock Holmes journal. 1952- Q107019577 Unknown None known Contact us
0037-3656 Shevile ha-hinukh 1925- Unknown None known Contact us
0386-9318 Shien. -1928 Q107019005 N/A None known Contact us
0386-9342 Shigaku kenkyū 1929- Q107019006 Unknown None known Contact us
0029-8484 Shigaku = Odontology. 1949-2000 Q15754796 Unknown None known Contact us
0018-2478 Shigaku zasshi. 1892- Q15764848 Unknown None known Contact us
1029-4783 Shihāb. 1374-1998 Q107019008 Unknown None known Contact us
0037-3710 Shika gakuhō. The Journal of the Tokyo Dental College Society. 1900- Q27713436 Unknown None known Contact us
0583-0486 Shingeki. 1954-1992 Q97210139 Unknown None known Contact us
0386-9393 Shiseki to bijutsu. 1931- Q107019010 Unknown None known Contact us
0300-7960 Shmuesn miṭ ḳinder un yugnd. 1941- Q107019011 Unknown None known Contact us
0559-9075 Shopping center age. 1962- Q107019013 Unknown None known Contact us
0098-3756 Short story index. 1956-1984 Unknown None known Contact us
0583-1261 Short story international. 1963-1966 Q107019015 Unknown None known Contact us
0559-9210 Show business illustrated. 1961-1962 Q107019016 Unknown None known Contact us
1004-4760 Shuğila. 1953- Q107019017 Unknown None known Contact us
0495-9930 Shūkan Tōyōgaku. 1959- Q107019018 Unknown None known Contact us
0386-2003 Shuppan nyūsu = Syuppan-news = Publication's-news. 1946-2006 Q107019019 Unknown None known Contact us
1420-3375 Sia. 1936- Q107019020 Unknown None known Contact us
1361-7362 Sibirica : the journal of Siberian studies. 1993- Q96333665 All 2020-present Contact us
0037-4474 Sibirskiĭ matematicheskiĭ zhurnal. 1960- Q96730979 Unknown None known Contact us
1153-6322 Sic. 1916- Q107019021 Unknown None known Contact us
0036-1488 SIDA, contributions to botany. 1962-2006 Q6127425 Unknown None known Contact us
1067-859X The sidereal messenger : a monthly review of astronomy. 1882-1891 N/A None known Contact us
0583-1903 Sidewalk. 1960- Q107019022 Unknown None known Contact us
0037-4822 The Sight-saving review. 1931-1979 Q27713441 Unknown None known Contact us
0096-977X Sigma Xi quarterly. 1913-1942 Q108291019 None* 1913-1941 Contact us
0037-4938 Signals / 1950- Q107019023 Unknown None known Contact us
1055-7121 Signs of the times of the second coming of Christ. 1840- Unknown None known Contact us
1272-3819 Sillages critiques. 2000- Q3483894 All 2000-present Contact us
0037-5330 Silva fennica / 1926-1966 Q15756033 Unknown None known Contact us
2575-0674 The silver blade 1895-1903 N/A None known Contact us
2637-7284 Silver City nugget 1901-1904 N/A None known Contact us
0361-2732 The Silver market : annual review compiled by Handy & Harman. 1954- Q107019578 Unknown None known Contact us
0037-5365 Silver screen. Q23035270 1944 1930-||-1951 Contact us
0037-5454 Simon Stevin. 1947-1993 Q15765772 Unknown None known Contact us
0036-1925 Simulation. 1963- Q7521311 Unknown None known Contact us
0560-0871 The Sind University journal of education. 1955- Q107019579 Unknown None known Contact us
0037-5624 Sing out. 1950- Q2289006 Unknown None known Contact us
0037-5675 Singapore medical journal. 1960- Q15758715 None* 1960-present Contact us
0169-9563 Sinica Leidensia. 1931- Q96333694 Unknown None known Contact us
0080-9748 Sinologica; Zeitschrift für chinesische Kultur und Wissenschaft. Revue des sciences et des arts en Chine. Review of Chinese culture and science. 1948- Q107019024 Unknown None known Contact us
2475-9759 Sioux County pioneer 1914- Q107019025 Unknown None known Contact us
2399-5076 Sir W. J. Hooker's report on Kew Gardens, &c. 1855-1858 N/A None known Contact us
2076-4103 Sistematicheskie zametki po materialam Gerbarii͡a im. P.N. Krylova pri Biologicheskom institute Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta im. V.V. Kuĭbysheva = Animadversiones systematicae ex Herbario Kryloviano Universitatis Tomskensis nomine Kuibyschevi. 1935- Q47165629 Unknown None known Contact us
2576-6244 Sistersville daily oil review 1902-1905 N/A None known Contact us
0433-8731 Sitzungs-berichte der Gesellschaft naturforschender Freunde zu Berlin. 1839- Unknown None known Contact us
0568-4374 Sitzungsberichte / 1871- Q21386222 Unknown None known Contact us
0029-8808 Sitzungsberichte. 1947- Q107019026 Unknown None known Contact us
0342-5991 Sitzungsberichte der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. 1871- Q107019027 Unknown None known Contact us
0065-5171 Sitzungsberichte der Deutschen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin. 1950-1969 Q107019028 Unknown None known Contact us
0515-8877 Sitzungsberichte der Deutschen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin. 1950-1954 Unknown None known Contact us
0065-5120 Sitzungsberichte der deutschen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin. 1955-1967 Q107019029 Unknown None known Contact us
0065-0501 Sitzungsberichte der Finnischen Akademie der Wissenschaften = Proceedings of the Finnish Academy of Science and Letters. 1908-1976 Q107019030 Unknown None known Contact us
0371-0165 Sitzungsberichte der Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Klasse. 1909- Q20004166 Unknown None known Contact us
0933-6613 Sitzungsberichte der Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften, Philosophisch-Historische Klasse. 1910-1996 Q107019032 Unknown None known Contact us
0029-8832 Sitzungsberichte der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Philosophisch-Historische Classe. 1848-1881 N/A None known Contact us
0080-5270 Sitzungsberichte der Sächsischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig. 1961- Q107019033 Unknown None known Contact us
0138-3957 Sitzungsberichte der Sächsischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig. 1962- Unknown None known Contact us
0583-4570 The Sixties. 1960-1968 Q107019580 Unknown None known Contact us
0370-839X Skandinavisches Archiv für Physiologie. 1889-1940 Q53953421 Unknown None known Contact us
1066-1360 Skaneateles press. 1926- Unknown None known Contact us
0192-2742 The Skokie review. 1954- Unknown None known Contact us
0801-2385 Skrifter utgitt av det Norske videnskaps-akademi i Oslo. 1925-1974 Q64004088 Unknown None known Contact us
0546-370X Skrifter utgitt av det Norske Videnskaps-Akademi i Oslo. 1925-1962 Q107019040 Unknown None known Contact us
0280-0918 Skrifter utgivna av K. Humanistiska vetenskapssamfundet i Uppsala. 1890- Q107019041 Unknown None known Contact us
0361-8242 The Sky. 1936-1941 Q107019581 Unknown None known Contact us
0037-6744 Slavia Orientalis / 1957- Q9338527 Unknown None known Contact us
0583-5321 Slavi︠a︡nskai︠a︡ filologii︠a︡. 1951-1984 Q107019044 Unknown None known Contact us
0583-5356 Slavica. 1961- Q15767099 Unknown None known Contact us
0583-5380 Slavica Pragensia. 1959- Q107019042 Unknown None known Contact us
0460-0010 Slaviska och Baltiska studier. 1951-1973 Q107019043 Unknown None known Contact us
0350-6894 Slavistična revija. 1948- Q15767102 Unknown None known Contact us
0037-6795 The Slavonic and East European review. 1928- Q7764766 1944 None known Contact us
1535-0940 The Slavonic and East European review. 1943-1944 Q96731256 Unknown None known Contact us
1471-7816 The Slavonic review. 1922-1927 Q107019582 N/A None known Contact us
1535-0959 The Slavonic year-book. 1940- Q96731260 Unknown None known Contact us
0194-8792 Sleepy Eye herald-dispatch. 1908- Unknown None known Contact us
0037-699X Slovenské divadlo. 1953- Q15757191 Unknown None known Contact us
0583-6212 Slovenské l'udové piesne. 1950-1964 Q107019045 Unknown None known Contact us
0350-0330 Slovenski etnograf. 1948-1990 Q50434975 Unknown None known Contact us
0037-7023 Slovenský národopis : časopis Slovenskej akadémie vied 1956- Q107019046 Unknown None known Contact us
1335-1303 Slovenský národopis : časopis Slovenskej akadémie vied. 1956- Q15763717 Unknown None known Contact us
0583-6255 Slovo. [electronic resource] 1952- Q96333706 Unknown None known Contact us
0037-7031 Slovo a slovesnost. 1935- Q12054881 Unknown None known Contact us
0037-7074 Služba božja : liturgijsko-pastoralna revija. 1960- Q50432732 Unknown None known Contact us
0583-6352 Small animal clinician. 1961-1963 Q107019047 Unknown None known Contact us
0081-0118 Small business management series. 1954- Q107019048 Unknown None known Contact us
0897-6619 Smith college studies in history. 1915- Q107019049 None* 1915-||-1957 Contact us
1051-5356 Smith college studies in modern languages. 1920- Q100980092 Unknown None known Contact us
0037-7317 Smith College studies in social work. 1930- Q15751968 None* None known Contact us
0081-0231 Smithsonian contributions to astrophysics. 1956-1974 Q96731389 Unknown None known Contact us
0096-9354 Smithsonian contributions to knowledge. 1848-1916 Q5405610 N/A 1848-1916 Contact us
0096-8749 Smithsonian miscellaneous collections. 1862-1969 Q6130489 None* 1862-1972 Contact us
0037-7457 Snips : a journal of constructive help to the sheet metal, warm air heating and air conditioning trade. 1932- Q100981540 Unknown None known Contact us
0830-3207 The Snow drop, or, Juvenile magazine. 1847- Q100981539 Unknown None known Contact us
0096-8412 Soap. 1925-1937 Q107019050 Unknown None known Contact us
0037-7481 Soap & chemical specialties. 1954-1971 Q107019051 Unknown None known Contact us
0155-977X Social analysis. 1979- Q15710141 All 2020-present Contact us
0037-7651 Social and economic studies. 1953- Q15762764 None* None known Contact us
0964-0282 Social anthropology Q1749466 All 2022-present Contact us
0037-7678 Social casework. 1946-1989 Q15753228 Unknown None known Contact us
0037-7686 Social compass. 1953- Q7550479 None* None known Contact us
0037-7724 Social education. 1937- Q15765793 Unknown None known Contact us
0037-7732 Social forces. 1925- Q7550658 1948* 1925-1947+ Contact us
0741-7934 Social hygiene. 1914-1921 N/A* 1914-1921+ Contact us
0037-7791 Social problems. 1953- Q7550755 None None known Contact us
0037-783X Social research. 1934- Q7550776 1939 1934-1938 Contact us
0037-7848 Social science. 1925- Q26423321 Unknown None known Contact us
2639-6254 The Social science bulletin. 1949- Q107019583 Unknown None known Contact us
0037-7864 Social sciences information = Information sur les sciences sociales / 1962- Q7550790 None* None known Contact us
0037-7910 Social security bulletin. 1938- Q15751450 Unknown None known Contact us
0098-6259 Social security bulletin. 1955-1991 Q27713355 Unknown None known Contact us
0361-5200 Social security handbook. 1960- Q107019053 Unknown None known Contact us
0566-0351 Social security programs throughout the world. 1958-1999 Q107019054 Unknown None known Contact us
0037-7961 The social service review. 1927- Q7550845 1951 1927-1954 Contact us
0037-7996 The social studies : a periodical for teachers and administrators. 1934- Q15757798 None* 1934-1961+ Contact us
0583-7022 The Social welfare court digest. 1956- Q107019585 Unknown None known Contact us
0734-2004 The social welfare forum : official proceedings ... Annual Forum. 1957- Unknown None known Contact us
0469-8797 The social welfare forum : official proceedings, ... Annual Forum / National Conference of Social Work. 1954-1956 Unknown None known Contact us
0037-8046 Social work. 1956- Q15751964 Unknown None known Contact us
2398-3973 Social work. 1939- Q107019055 Unknown None known Contact us
2373-6917 Social work journal : official publication of the American Association of Social Workers. 1948-1955 Q107019056 Unknown None known Contact us
0583-7200 Socialist thought and practice. 1961-1989 Q107019052 Unknown None known Contact us
0751-6924 Société des amis des arts, sciences, archéologie et histoire locale de la Bresse louhannaise. 1911- Q107019057 Unknown None known Contact us
0583-8916 Society for Applied Anthropology monograph series. 1959- Q107019058 Unknown None known Contact us
2639-5185 The Society news 1883- Q107019586 Unknown None known Contact us
0197-7520 Society of Petroleum Engineers journal. 1961-1985 Q24055148 Unknown None known Contact us
0038-0199 Sociologia ruralis. 1960- Q7552800 Unknown None known Contact us
1971-8853 Sociologica. 2007- Q96333730 All 2007-present Contact us
0038-0202 Sociological abstracts. 1953- Q107019059 Unknown None known Contact us
0038-0229 Sociological bulletin. 1952- Q27718539 None* None known Contact us
0037-7791 The sociological quarterly. 1960- Q13422412 None* None known Contact us
0038-0261 The sociological review. 1908- Q7552813 None* 1908-1928 Contact us
0038-0296 Sociologie du travail. 1959- Q15708759 Unknown None known Contact us
0038-0318 Sociologija; časopis za sociologiju, socijalnu psihologiju i socijalnu antropologiju. 1959- Q15814320 Unknown None known Contact us
0038-0393 Sociology and social research. 1927- Q27716824 Unknown None known Contact us
0038-0407 Sociology of education. 1963- Q7552838 None* Predecessor Contact us
0085-6320 Sociološki pregled. 1961- Q50424298 Unknown None known Contact us
0038-0431 Sociometry. 1934-1977 Q27713458 Unknown None known Contact us
2378-0231 Socius : sociological research for a dynamic world. 2015- Q58236114 All 2015-present Contact us
2329-7549 The Socorro chieftain [electronic resource]. 1902- Q107019587 Unknown None known Contact us
0038-0474 Sodobna pedagogika. 1950- Q96333735 Unknown None known Contact us
2151-1268 The soil. 1916- Q96737866 Unknown None known Contact us
0038-0725 Soil conservation. 1935-1980 Q107019060 Unknown None known Contact us
0004-9573 Soil research. 1963- Q7554883 Unknown None known Contact us
0038-075X Soil science. Q15758585 1940 1916-||-1940 Contact us
0083-3312 Soil survey. 1928-1966 Q107019063 Unknown None known Contact us
0038-0792 Soils and fertilizers. 1938- Q107019062 Unknown None known Contact us
0038-0806 Soils and foundations. 1960- Q15752597 Unknown None known Contact us
0038-092X Solar energy. 1958- Q15763957 Unknown None known Contact us
0038-0911 Solar-geophysical data / 1955- Q107019064 Unknown None known Contact us
0038-1047 The solicitors' journal. 1928- Q27716929 1958* 1857-1928 Contact us
0081-1947 Solid state physics. 1955- Q2377686 1955* None known Contact us
0489-7293 Sondages. 1939- Q107019065 Unknown None known Contact us
0720-7026 Sonderhefte / 1948- Q107019066 Unknown None known Contact us
0038-1438 Sonorum speculum. 1958-1974 Q107019067 Unknown None known Contact us
0370-8691 Soobshchenii︠a︡ Bi︠u︡rakanskoĭ observatorii. Byurakani astghaditarani haghordumner. 1946- Q107019068 Unknown None known Contact us
0132-1501 Soobshchenii︠a︡ Gosudarstvennogo Ėrmitazha. 1940- Q107019069 Unknown None known Contact us
0038-1527 Sophia. 1962- Q7562838 Unknown None known Contact us
0038-1578 Sōrui = The bulletin of Japanese Society of Phycology -1953 Q45037860 Unknown None known Contact us
1304-0243 Sosyoloji konferansları. 1961- Q96708930 Unknown None known Contact us
1392-7450 SOTER. 1924- Q50515517 Unknown None known Contact us
0560-8694 Sot︠s︡ialisticheskiĭ vestnik. 1921-1963 Q107019071 Unknown None known Contact us
0584-1593 Sŏul Taehakkyo nonmunjip : inmun, sahoe kwahak. 1954- Q107019072 Unknown None known Contact us
2473-5116 Sources of the history of Oregon. 1897- Q107019073 Unknown None known Contact us
0038-2337 South African journal of occupational therapy 1953- Q96732065 Unknown None known Contact us
0038-2353 South African journal of science. Suid-Afrikaanse tydskrif vir wetenskap. 1903- Q2491968 Unknown None known Contact us
0038-2388 South African law journal. 1901- Q107019074 Unknown None known Contact us
0256-9574 South African medical journal = Suid-Afrikaanse tydskrif vir geneeskunde. 1932- Q7565732 Unknown None known Contact us
0036-0864 South African national bibliography = Suid-Afrikaanse nasionale bibliografie / 1959-2000 Q107019075 Unknown None known Contact us
0038-2523 South African outlook. 1922- Q107019076 Unknown None known Contact us
0038-2752 South African tax cases including decisions of the Supreme Court and the special courts for hearing income tax appeals. 1925- Unknown None known Contact us
0038-2868 South Atlantic bulletin. 1935-1980 Q96732127 Unknown None known Contact us
0038-2876 The South Atlantic quarterly. Q15754706 1942 1902-||-1995 Contact us
0038-2973 South Australian ornithologist. 1914- Q7566131 Unknown None known Contact us
0148-7825 The South Carolina historical and genealogical magazine. 1900-1951 Q107019588 None* None known Contact us
0038-3082 The South Carolina historical magazine. 1952- Q27716350 None* None known Contact us
0276-9441 South Carolina law quarterly. 1948-1962 Unknown None known Contact us
0038-3104 South Carolina law review. 1963- Q7566611 Unknown None known Contact us
2166-1693 South Carolina leader 1865- Q107019077 Unknown None known Contact us
0038-321X The South Central bulletin. 1940-1983 Q7566776 Unknown None known Contact us
1021-6731 South China morning post. 1946- Q1198574 Unknown None known Contact us
0038-3252 South Dakota bird notes. 1949- Unknown None known Contact us
0090-2721 South Dakota historical collections / 1902-1947 Q107019078 None* 1902-1982 Contact us
0361-8676 South Dakota history. Q55587845 All 1970-2012 Contact us
0038-3325 South Dakota law review. 1956- Q15763684 Unknown None known Contact us
2166-7861 South-eastern Independent. 1871- Unknown None known Contact us
2332-5178 The south Kentuckian -1883 N/A None known Contact us
0038-349X South Pacific bulletin. 1960-1981 Q27718833 Unknown None known Contact us
0038-3546 South Texas law journal. 1954-1985 Q27716919 Unknown None known Contact us
0584-4819 South West Africa annual = Suidwes-Afrika-Jaarboek = Südwestafrika Jahrbuch. 1945-1964 Q107019085 Unknown None known Contact us
0038-366X Southeastern geographer. 1961- Q15817074 None None known Contact us
2475-0727 The southern aegis, and Harford County intelligencer -1864 Q48968837 N/A None known Contact us
0502-224X Southern Asia accessions list. 1956- Q102337089 None None known Contact us
2470-0312 Southern banner [electronic resource]. 1841- Q107019079 Unknown None known Contact us
2470-0371 The Southern banner [electronic resource]. 1839- Q107019589 Unknown None known Contact us
0038-3880 Southern California business. 1903- Q108279721 Unknown None known Contact us
0038-3910 Southern California law review. 1927- Q7569723 None 2002-present Contact us
0038-3929 Southern California quarterly. 1962- Q27716442 Unknown None known Contact us
0038-4038 Southern economic journal. 1933- Q15755946 1964 None known Contact us
2472-9183 The southern enterprise 1854- Q107019590 Unknown None known Contact us
0038-4127 Southern folklore quarterly. 1937- Q27716420 None* 1944-||-1973 Contact us
2166-1758 The Southern indicator 1903-1925 N/A 1913-||-1922+ Contact us
0038-4224 The Southern Israelite 1925- Q107019591 Unknown None known Contact us
0742-8642 The Southern journal of medicine and pharmacy. 1846-1847 N/A None known Contact us
2470-0460 Southern marksman -1839 N/A None known Contact us
2575-520X Southern planter [electronic resource]. 1832- Q107019080 Unknown None known Contact us
0737-9862 The southern planter. 1841-1867 N/A None known Contact us
2471-6480 The southern press -1852 N/A None known Contact us
2575-7407 The Southern reveille [electronic resource]. -1890 N/A None known Contact us
0038-4526 Southern review. 1963- Q15757377 Unknown None known Contact us
0038-4534 The Southern review. 1935- Q3522794 1935* None known Contact us
0275-2441 The Southern review. 1828-1832 N/A None known Contact us
0584-4703 Southern school news. 1954- Q107019081 Unknown None known Contact us
2377-9268 Southern sentinel [electronic resource]. 1848-1858 N/A None known Contact us
0038-4585 The Southern speech journal. 1942-1971 Q53952245 Unknown None known Contact us
2378-3249 Southern standard [electronic resource]. 1851- Q107019082 Unknown None known Contact us
2470-1696 The Southern star [electronic resource]. -1856 N/A None known Contact us
0049-1640 Southern stars. 1934- Q107019083 Unknown None known Contact us
2470-1718 Southern telegraph -1838 N/A None known Contact us
0584-4738 Southern theatre. 1962- Q107019084 Unknown None known Contact us
2374-8923 The southerner 1852-1867 N/A None known Contact us
0745-8916 The Southwest daily times. 1935- Unknown None known Contact us
0728-3200 Southwest news. 1935-1946 Unknown None known Contact us
0038-4712 Southwest review. 1924- Q7571349 1929* 1924-1928+ Contact us
0038-478X Southwestern historical quarterly. 1912- Q15761362 None* 1897-2004 Contact us
0038-4801 Southwestern journal of anthropology. 1945-1972 Q27717915 None* None known Contact us
0038-4828 Southwestern journal of theology. 1958- Q22908941 Unknown None known Contact us
0038-4836 Southwestern law journal. 1948-1992 Q27716943 Unknown None known Contact us
0038-4909 The Southwestern naturalist 1956- Q15764499 None None known Contact us
2374-1309 The Southwestern political and social science quarterly. 1923-1931 Q107019592 Unknown None known Contact us
2374-1295 The Southwestern political science quarterly. 1920- Q107019605 Unknown None known Contact us
0276-1742 The Southwestern social science quarterly / 1931-1968 Q107019606 Unknown None known Contact us
0701-2284 Le Souvenir. 1952- Q107017954 Unknown None known Contact us
0038-5034 Sovetskai︠a︡ arkheologii︠a︡. 1957-1992 Q107019086 Unknown None known Contact us
0131-6265 Sovetskai︠a︡ bibliografi︠a︡. 1946- Q107019087 Unknown None known Contact us
0038-5050 Sovetskai︠a︡ ėtnografii︠a︡ / 1931-1991 Q27716430 Unknown None known Contact us
0131-6761 Sovetskai︠a︡ i︠u︡stit︠s︡ii︠a︡. 1957- Q96726713 Unknown None known Contact us
0561-2187 Sovet︠s︡kai︠a︡ literatura o muzyke. 1953- Q107019089 Unknown None known Contact us
0131-6818 Sovetskai︠a︡ muzyka : organ Soi︠u︡za sovetskikh kompozitorov i Sektora iskusstv Narkomprosa. 1933-1991 Q107019088 Unknown None known Contact us
0038-528X Soviet anthropology and archeology. 1962- Q27718200 Unknown None known Contact us
0278-3495 Soviet astronomy. AJ. 1957- Q107019090 Unknown None known Contact us
0038-531X Soviet atomic energy. 1963-1991 Q96333774 Unknown None known Contact us
0038-5360 Soviet education. 1958-1991 Q27718835 Unknown None known Contact us
0490-1274 Soviet export. 1957- Unknown None known Contact us
0038-5417 Soviet geography; review and translation. 1960-1991 Q27718317 Unknown None known Contact us
0038-5530 Soviet law and government. 1962- Q27716977 Unknown None known Contact us
0202-1870 Soviet literature. 1946- Q15450356 Unknown None known Contact us
0038-5573 Soviet mathematics. 1960-1978 Unknown None known Contact us
0038-562X Soviet physics. 1955-1992 Q96333802 Unknown None known Contact us
0023-4761 Soviet physics. 1956-1992 Q15758651 Unknown None known Contact us
0038-5689 Soviet physics, Doklady. 1956-1992 Q107019097 Unknown None known Contact us
0038-5654 Soviet physics, Solid state. 1959-1992 Q107019098 Unknown None known Contact us
0038-5662 Soviet physics. 1956-1992 Q108259463 1956* None known Contact us
0038-5735 Soviet powder metallurgy and metal ceramics. 1962-1992 Q96333806 Unknown None known Contact us
0584-5610 Soviet psychology and psychiatry. 1962- Q96732206 Unknown None known Contact us
0490-138X Soviet research in physics In English translation. 1955-1956 Q107019099 Unknown None known Contact us
0038-5867 Soviet studies in history. 1962- Q27716434 Unknown None known Contact us
0038-5883 Soviet studies in philosophy. 1962-1991 Q27718836 Unknown None known Contact us
0038-6073 Soziale Welt. 1949- Q2305412 Unknown None known Contact us
0038-609X Sozialer Fortschritt. 1952- Q96333814 Unknown None known Contact us
0584-8008 Spain and Portugal. 1952- Q107019100 Unknown None known Contact us
0892-435X The Spanish Fork press 1902- Q100282482 Unknown None known Contact us
0894-0096 The Spanish review / 1934-1937 Q107019607 Unknown None known Contact us
0135-1354 Spaudos metraštis. 1947- Q107019101 Unknown None known Contact us
2044-6128 The speaker. 1890- Q28457558 Unknown None known Contact us
0494-5352 Special bulletin = Lin ye te kan. 1962- Q107019102 Unknown None known Contact us
0038-6723 Special libraries. 1910- Q27713491 Unknown None known Contact us
0072-1077 Special papers / 1934- Q15751201 Unknown None known Contact us
0527-0014 Special report / California Division of Mines and Geology. 1961- Unknown None known Contact us
0275-9780 Special report. 1962- Unknown None known Contact us
0566-4128 Special studies / 1962-1973 Q107019103 Unknown None known Contact us
1247-665X Les Spectacles de Paris, ou, Suite du Calendrier historique et chronologique des théatres. 1754-1762 N/A None known Contact us
0584-844X Spectaculum. 1956- Q107019104 Unknown None known Contact us
0038-6952 The spectator. 1828- Q101243147 Unknown None known Contact us
1358-6149 The spectator. 1857- Q107019609 Unknown None known Contact us
1052-7834 The spectator. 1797-1804 N/A None known Contact us
0199-9532 The Spectator insurance year book. 1891- Q107019610 Unknown None known Contact us
0038-7134 Speculum. 1926- Q7575349 1934 None known Contact us
0561-5941 Speculum artis : Zeitschrift für alte und neue kunst = l'art ancien et moderne = ancient and modern art. 1962-1965 Q107019106 Unknown None known Contact us
0038-7169 Speech monographs. 1934- Q5154105 Unknown None known Contact us
0038-7177 The Speech teacher. 1952-1975 Q96737873 Unknown None known Contact us
2044-6152 The sphinx. 1868-1871 N/A None known Contact us
0038-7452 Der Spiegel. 1947- Q131478 Unknown None known Contact us
0584-8911 The Spiker. 1954- Q107019611 Unknown None known Contact us
2470-1734 Spirit of Kosciusko 1838-1839 Q100282544 N/A* 1838-1839+ Contact us
2331-7817 Spirit of the age. 1845- Q107019107 Unknown None known Contact us
2331-7744 The spirit of the age [electronic resource]. 1840- Q107019612 Unknown None known Contact us
2156-4469 Spirit of the English magazines. 1817-1831 N/A None known Contact us
2372-7004 Spirit of the times. 1853- Q100282557 Unknown None known Contact us
2575-5412 The Spirit of the times [electronic resource]. -1842 N/A None known Contact us
2328-5710 The Spokane press 1902-1939 Q107019613 Unknown None known Contact us
1064-7317 The Spokesman-review. 1894- Q7765988 None 1894-2007 Contact us
0081-3745 Spolia zeylanica. 1941- Q25652139 Unknown None known Contact us
8755-6995 The Spooner advocate. 1901- Unknown None known Contact us
0038-8149 Sports afield. 1940- Q7579682 1949 None known Contact us
0038-822X Sports illustrated. 1954- Q2734667 1954 1954-recent Contact us
0376-401X Die Sprache. 1949- Q267346 Unknown None known Contact us
0038-8475 Sprache im technischen Zeitalter. 1961-1996 Q2313012 Unknown None known Contact us
0584-9438 Sprache und Gemeinschaft. 1963-1965 Q107019109 Unknown None known Contact us
0584-9462 Sprachforum; Zeitschrift für angewandte Sprachwissenschaft. 1955-1960 Q107019110 Unknown None known Contact us
0038-8513 Sprachspiegel. 1945- Q107019111 Unknown None known Contact us
0458-4783 Språkliga bidrag. 1955-1972 Q80453984 Unknown None known Contact us
0584-9543 Spravochnik partiĭnogo rabotnika. 1957- Q107019112 Unknown None known Contact us
0081-3834 Sprawozdania archeologiczne. 1955- Q9340621 Unknown None known Contact us
1230-1698 Sprawy narodowościowe. 1927- Q50498159 Unknown None known Contact us
0362-0522 Spring. 1941- Q18392457 Unknown None known Contact us
0038-8645 Sprog og kultur. 1932- Q107019113 Unknown None known Contact us
2329-2369 Squatter sovereign 1855- Q107019114 Unknown None known Contact us
0516-1002 Sredneaziatskiĭ ėtnograficheskiĭ sbornik. 1954- Q107019115 Unknown None known Contact us
0131-8780 Srednie veka. 1942- Q96735792 Unknown None known Contact us
0036-276X St. Anthony messenger. Q7587099 1943 2013-recent Contact us
1041-1577 The St. Augustine record. 1935- Q7766142 Unknown None known Contact us
2577-9494 St. Charles City Republican intelligencer 1857-1861 N/A* 1857-1861+ Contact us
2577-9478 St. Charles Republican intelligencer 1856-1857 Q100282809 N/A* 1856-1857+ Contact us
2326-764X The St. Cloud journal 1866-1876 Q100282758 N/A None known Contact us
2330-7307 St. Helens mist 1913- Q107019160 Unknown None known Contact us
2044-6179 The St. James's magazine. 1861- Q107019619 Unknown None known Contact us
0380-8181 St. John news. Le Journal St-Jean. 1952- Q107019161 Unknown None known Contact us
0036-2905 St. John's law review. 1926- Q15756266 None 1926-present Contact us
2326-0866 The St. Johns herald 1917-1938 Q107019620 Unknown None known Contact us
2163-6869 St. Johns review [electronic resource]. 1904- Unknown None known Contact us
2331-7728 St. Johnsbury Caledonian [electronic resource]. 1867- Q107019162 Unknown None known Contact us
2375-1959 St. Johnsbury Caledonian [electronic resource]. 1920- Unknown None known Contact us
2332-5429 St. Landry clarion 1890-1921 N/A None known Contact us
2377-9349 The St. Landry whig 1844- Q107019621 Unknown None known Contact us
0271-2849 St. Louis law review. 1915-1936 Q104018332 None* 1915-1936+ Contact us
1930-9600 St. Louis post-dispatch. 1879- Q3495288 1948 None known Contact us
2157-1368 The St. Louis Republic. Q85802905 N/A 1900-1906 Contact us
1941-3041 The St. Lucie County tribune. -1920 Q100282786 N/A None known Contact us
2471-898X St. Mary's gazette 1863- Q107019163 Unknown None known Contact us
0360-6481 St. Vladimir's Seminary quarterly. 1952-1968 Q107019247 Unknown None known Contact us
0585-0118 Städel-jahrbuch. 1921- Q107019116 Unknown None known Contact us
0020-8027 Staff papers / 1950-1998 Q27718245 Unknown None known Contact us
0340-4803 Stahl und Eisen. 1881- Q20182275 Unknown None known Contact us
0038-9153 Stain technology. 1926- Q113440339 1959 1926-1928 Contact us
1122-3731 La stampa. [electronic resource] 1894- Unknown None known Contact us
1122-1763 La stampa. [electronic resource] 1959- Q923353 Unknown None known Contact us
0827-6609 The standard. 1955- Unknown None known Contact us
0277-500X Standard corporation descriptions. 1941-1999 Unknown None known Contact us
8755-3546 Standard methods for the examination of water and wastewater : including bottom sediments and sludges / 1960- Q107019118 Unknown None known Contact us
0097-2991 Standardization. 1949- Q107019117 None* 1949-1952+ Contact us
0038-9730 Standpunte. 1945-1986 Q107019119 Unknown None known Contact us
1949-0038 Stanford intramural law review. 1948- Unknown None known Contact us
0038-9765 Stanford law review. 1948- Q7598765 None None known Contact us
0081-4350 Stanford University publications. 1959- Q107019120 Unknown None known Contact us
0099-5738 Stanford University publications. 1920-1953 Unknown None known Contact us
0097-4242 Stanford University publications. 1921-1954 Unknown None known Contact us
0038-982X Stanovništvo. 1963- Q27716455 Unknown None known Contact us
0832-2759 Stanstead journal. 1962- Q107019121 Unknown None known Contact us
2327-6843 The star [electronic resource]. 1892-1946 Q107019614 Unknown None known Contact us
2376-2616 The star [electronic resource]. -1875 N/A None known Contact us
2330-8435 The star of the north -1866 Q100283608 N/A* 1850-||-1866+ Contact us
0038-9056 Starch = Stärke. 1949- Q15761775 Unknown None known Contact us
0350-0241 Starinar. 1884- Q50434977 Unknown None known Contact us
1044-3657 Starkville daily news. 1960- Unknown None known Contact us
0894-8542 The Stars and stripes, the national tribune. 1963- Unknown None known Contact us
0570-0507 State administration report. 1957- Unknown None known Contact us
0364-3042 State and local history news. 1941-1949 Q101988222 None* None known Contact us
2329-8960 State and local taxation : annual conference under the auspices of the National Tax Association : addresses and proceedings. 1912-1913 N/A None known Contact us
2329-8898 State and local taxation : international conference under the auspices of the International Tax Association : addresses and proceedings. 1909-1911 N/A None known Contact us
2329-8839 State and local taxation : national conference under the auspices of the National Tax Association : addresses and proceedings. 1908- Unknown None known Contact us
0095-6570 State-approved schools of practical and vocational nursing. 1959- Q107019122 Unknown None known Contact us
0547-7743 State approved schools of professional nursing. 1957-1966 Unknown None known Contact us
2474-459X The state chronicle [electronic resource]. 1883- Q107019615 Unknown None known Contact us
2475-1723 The state chronicle [electronic resource]. 1891- Unknown None known Contact us
0886-0726 State Geological Survey of Kansas : [reports]. 1937- Q107019123 Unknown None known Contact us
0039-0097 State government. 1930-1986 Q27713360 Unknown None known Contact us
0039-0119 State government news. 1958- Unknown None known Contact us
0747-7732 State hospitals bulletin. -1897 N/A None known Contact us
0147-0641 State legislatures. Q26842321 All 2013-present Contact us
2577-3429 The state-line herald -1912 N/A None known Contact us
0419-4403 State of the Nation's Capital : a report to the Congress from the Board of Commissioners of the District of Columbia. 1958-1962 Q107019124 Unknown None known Contact us
2470-9085 The state rights Democrat -1900 N/A None known Contact us
1080-4838 State University of Iowa studies in natural history. 1948-1964 Q107019125 Unknown None known Contact us
2372-2819 The States and Union 1868- Q100283802 N/A* 1868-1871+ Contact us
2577-2317 The statesman [electronic resource]. -1906 N/A None known Contact us
0972-0219 The statesman. 1922- Unknown None known Contact us
2637-837X The statesman & blue hen's chicken 1854- Q107019617 Unknown None known Contact us
0081-4601 The Statesman's year-book. 1864- Q107019616 Unknown None known Contact us
0039-0380 Statistica. 1941- Q27717886 Unknown None known Contact us
0075-1871 Statistica annuale del commercio con l'estero. 1954- Q107019126 Unknown None known Contact us
0039-0402 Statistica Neerlandica 1955- Q15763602 Unknown None known Contact us
0590-4862 Statistical abstract / Cyprus. 1956- Q107019127 Unknown None known Contact us
0095-6961 Statistical abstract of Utah. 1947- Q107019128 Unknown None known Contact us
0081-4768 A Statistical analysis of the world's merchant fleets. 1957- Q107017806 Unknown None known Contact us
0026-1513 Statistical bulletin - Metropolitan Life. 1920- Q27713504 Unknown None known Contact us
0034-5504 Statistical bulletin - Reserve Bank of Australia. 1960- Q107019129 Unknown None known Contact us
0424-1185 Statistical digest of East Pakistan. 1963- Q107019130 Unknown None known Contact us
0496-9464 Statistical outline of India. 1953- Unknown None known Contact us
0441-473X Statistical pocket book of Hungary / 1958-1991 Q107019131 Unknown None known Contact us
0438-752X Statistical report. 1963- Unknown None known Contact us
0039-050X Statistical reporter. 1944-1981 Q27717486 Unknown None known Contact us
0069-8458 Statistical standards and studies / 1963- Q107019132 Unknown None known Contact us
0005-514X Statistical summary. 1937-1971 Q107019133 Unknown None known Contact us
0068-9432 Statistical year book - Canadian Petroleum Association. 1955- Q107019135 Unknown None known Contact us
0435-8899 Statistical year book - Central Bureau of Statistics. 1961- Q107019136 Unknown None known Contact us
0844-6768 The Statistical year-book of Canada for ... / 1890-1905 N/A None known Contact us
0857-9067 Statistical year book, Thailand. 1916- Q107019134 Unknown None known Contact us
0237-1901 Statistical yearbook / Hungarian Central Statistical Office. 1959-1991 Unknown None known Contact us
0082-8459 Statistical yearbook = Annuaire statistique. 1948- Unknown None known Contact us
0204-4838 Statisticheski godishnik na Narodna Republika Bŭlgarii︠a︡ / 1957-1990 Unknown None known Contact us
0039-0526 The Statistician. 1950- Q15759186 Unknown None known Contact us
0474-5590 Statistics of energy. Statistiques de l'énergie. 1957- Q107019137 Unknown None known Contact us
0160-9920 Statistics of income. 1957- Q107019138 Unknown None known Contact us
0497-9575 Statistics of road traffic accidents in Europe / 1956-1994 Unknown None known Contact us
0585-198X Statistics sources. 1962- Q107019140 Unknown None known Contact us
0084-4365 Statistika spoljne trgovine SFR Jugoslavije. Statistics of foreign trade of the SFR Yugoslavia. 1961- Q107019141 Unknown None known Contact us
0072-7431 Statistikē epetēris tēs Hellados / 1931- Q107019142 Unknown None known Contact us
0242-598X Statistiques & études financières. 1956- Q107019143 Unknown None known Contact us
0474-6007 Statistiques pétrolières = Oil statistics. 1961-1969 Q107019144 Unknown None known Contact us
0257-9243 Statistische Erhebungen und Schätzungen über Landwirtschaft und Ernährung / 1960- Unknown None known Contact us
0081-5322 Statistisches Jahrbuch Berlin. 1952- Q107019145 Unknown None known Contact us
0323-4258 Statistisches Jahrbuch der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik / 1955-1990 Q107019146 Unknown None known Contact us
0081-5330 Statistisches Jahrbuch der Schweiz / 1891- Q107019147 Unknown None known Contact us
0256-2677 Statistisches Jahrbuch der Stadt Berlin. -1920 N/A None known Contact us
1863-3587 Statistisches Jahrbuch für das Deutsche Reich / 1880- Unknown None known Contact us
0081-5357 Statistisches Jahrbuch ... für die Bundesrepublik Deutschland. 1952- Unknown None known Contact us
0943-5743 Statistisches Jahrbuch für die Bundesrepublik Deutschland / Herausgeber, Statistisches Bundesamt, Wiesbaden. 1952-2011 Unknown None known Contact us
0081-5381 Statistisk årsbok för Sverige. 1914- Q107019155 Unknown None known Contact us
0029-3636 Statistisk månedshefte = Monthly bulletin of statistics. 1960- Q107019157 Unknown None known Contact us
0039-7261 Statistisk tidskrift. Statistical review. 1860-1984 Q79020670 Unknown None known Contact us
0039-0682 Statistiske undersogelser. 1958- Q107019156 Unknown None known Contact us
0039-0690 Statisztikai szemle. Revue statistique. 1923- Q16522813 Unknown None known Contact us
0083-0933 Statutes and decisions pertaining to the Federal Trade Commission. 1930-1951 Q107019158 Unknown None known Contact us
0823-3489 Statutes of Alberta. 1906- Unknown None known Contact us
0709-1338 Statutes of Newfoundland. 1950-1975 Unknown None known Contact us
0708-3386 The statutes of Nova Scotia. 1852- Q107019618 Unknown None known Contact us
0843-8994 Statutes of Ontario Lois de l'Ontario. 1868- Unknown None known Contact us
0709-146X Statutes of the Province of Alberta : passed in the ... session of the ... Legislative Assembly. 1906-1980 Unknown None known Contact us
0225-9494 Statutes of the province of British Columbia. 1872- Unknown None known Contact us
0709-227X Statutes of the Province of Ontario. 1868-1987 Unknown None known Contact us
0229-8600 Statutes of the Province of Saskatchewan. 1906-1983 Unknown None known Contact us
0318-4455 Statuts de la Province de Québec : passés dans la ... année du règne de ... = Statutes of the Province of Québec : passed in the ... year of the reign of ... 1867-1968 Unknown None known Contact us
0039-0844 Steamboat bill : journal of the Steamship Historical Society of America. 1958- Unknown None known Contact us
0039-1158 Stendhal club. 1958-1995 Q107019159 Unknown None known Contact us
0039-1220 Stereo review. 1958-1999 Q68671588 Unknown None known Contact us
0039-1239 Stern. 1948- Q158322 Unknown None known Contact us
0039-128X Steroids. 1963- Q15716675 Unknown None known Contact us
0585-3591 Stockholm studies in psychology. 1958- Q107019164 Unknown None known Contact us
0039-1867 Stores. 1947- Q107019165 Unknown None known Contact us
0039-1972 Storm data. 1959- Q16856118 Unknown None known Contact us
1045-0831 Story. 1931-2000 Q7620375 1933* None known Contact us
0585-3923 The Straits times annual. 1905- Q498921 Unknown None known Contact us
2044-6187 The strand magazine. 1891-1950 Q1126800 1929* 1891-1928+ Contact us
1935-9004 The Stranger 1813-1814 Q3522886 N/A None known Contact us
0131-8934 Strany i narody Vostoka. 1959- Q107019166 Unknown None known Contact us
0039-2308 Strength and health 1932-1986 Q107019167 Unknown None known Contact us
0039-2480 Strojnis̆ki vestnik. 1954- Q15757110 Unknown None known Contact us
2576-974X The Stroller's weekly and Douglas Island news 1921- Q107019622 Unknown None known Contact us
0039-2502 The Strolling astronomer. 1947- Q116539543 Unknown None known Contact us
0039-257X Structure. 1958- Q107019169 Unknown None known Contact us
0081-6000 The structure of glass : proceedings of a Conference on the Structure of Glass. 1958- Q107019623 Unknown None known Contact us
0166-6983 Structure reports. 1928-1964 Unknown None known Contact us
0081-6027 The Structurist. 1961- Q107019624 Unknown None known Contact us
0081-6035 Struktur und Eigenschaften der Materie in Einzeldarstellungen. 1934-1965 Q107019170 Unknown None known Contact us
2044-6209 The Student, or, The Oxford and Cambridge monthly miscellany. 1750-1751 N/A None known Contact us
0495-2715 Student papers in anthropology; an occasional publication. 1954- Q107019171 Unknown None known Contact us
0078-1444 Student publication of the School of Design. 1951- Q107019172 Unknown None known Contact us
0085-6819 Studi americani. 1955-1984 Q107019179 Unknown None known Contact us
0394-123X Studî della Scuola papirologica. 1915- Unknown None known Contact us
0392-5110 Studi di filologia italiana : bulletino dell' Accademia della Crusca. 1927- Q15761129 Unknown None known Contact us
0039-291X Studi di sociologia. 1963- Q27718893 Unknown None known Contact us
0585-4849 Studi donizettiani. 1962-1988 Q107019186 Unknown None known Contact us
0393-4136 Studi e materiali di storia delle religioni / pubblicati da C. Formichi, R. Pettazzoni, G. Tucci. 1925-1969 Q107019187 Unknown None known Contact us
0085-6827 Studi e saggi linguistici. 1961- Q45198441 Unknown None known Contact us
1015-1311 Studi e testi. 1900- Q107019238 Unknown None known Contact us
0039-2944 Studi francesi. 1957- Q15758082 Unknown None known Contact us
0562-2603 Studi gregoriani. 1947- Q107019239 Unknown None known Contact us
0039-2987 Studi italiani di filologia classica. 1893- Q15760671 Unknown None known Contact us
0394-3569 Studi linguistici italiani. 1960- Q15752103 Unknown None known Contact us
0391-8467 Studi medievali. 1928- Q2358432 Unknown None known Contact us
0562-2646 Studi parmensi. 1951- Q107019243 Unknown None known Contact us
0039-2995 Studi romani. 1953- Q15750503 Unknown None known Contact us
0081-6248 Studi secenteschi. 1961- Q96333957 Unknown None known Contact us
0585-4997 Studi sul Boccaccio. 1963- Q107019244 Unknown None known Contact us
0390-4385 Studi urbanistici. 1960- Q107019245 Unknown None known Contact us
0039-3088 Studi urbinati di storia, filosofia e letteratura. 1938- Q107019246 Unknown None known Contact us
0870-0028 Studia / 1958- Q27716503 Unknown None known Contact us
0081-6345 Studia Caucasica. 1963- Q107019173 Unknown None known Contact us
0039-3134 Studia demograficzne. 1963- Q27718298 Unknown None known Contact us
0085-6835 Studia Fennica. 1933-1990 Q107019174 Unknown None known Contact us
0039-3150 Studia forestalia Suecica. 1963- Q107019175 Unknown None known Contact us
0081-6469 Studia grammatica. 1962- Q107019176 Unknown None known Contact us
0081-6477 Studia hibernica. 1961- Q7628020 Unknown None known Contact us
0585-5217 Studia historica Gandensia. 1963- Q27718840 Unknown None known Contact us
0562-2786 Studia i materiały do historii wojskowości. 1958- Q9347364 Unknown None known Contact us
0081-6566 Studia i materialy do teorii i historii architektury i urbanistyki. 1956- Q107019177 Unknown None known Contact us
0081-6574 Studia i materialy z dziejów nauki polskiej. 1957- Q107019178 Unknown None known Contact us
0585-5292 Studia islamica. 1953- Q7628021 Unknown None known Contact us
0039-3207 Studia liturgica. 1962- Q15760387 None* None known Contact us
0039-3215 Studia logica. 1953- Q7628029 Unknown None known Contact us
0039-3223 Studia mathematica. 1929- Q2303786 Unknown None known Contact us
0039-3231 Studia mediewistyczne. 1958- Q96732884 Unknown None known Contact us
0562-2891 Studia mongolica Instituti Linguae et Litterarum Comiteti Scientiarum et Educationis Altae Reipublicae Populi Mongoli. 1959- Q107019180 Unknown None known Contact us
0039-3266 Studia musicologica. 1961- Q15749314 Unknown None known Contact us
0039-3274 Studia neophilologica. 1928- Q15765333 Unknown None known Contact us
0562-2980 Studia orientalia / edited by the Centre of Oriental Studies of the Franciscain Custody of the Holy Land. 1956-1957 Q107019181 Unknown None known Contact us
0585-5403 Studia orientalia Christiana. 1958- Q91777015 Unknown None known Contact us
0300-1067 Studia phonologica = Onsei kagaku kenkyū. 1961- Q107019182 Unknown None known Contact us
0081-685X Studia psychologiczne. 1956- Q96733043 Unknown None known Contact us
0418-4572 Studia Romanica. 1962- Q107019183 Unknown None known Contact us
0081-6914 Studia Semitica Neerlandica. 1955- Q96333976 Unknown None known Contact us
0039-3371 Studia socjologiczne. 1961- Q15716598 Unknown None known Contact us
0039-338X Studia theologica. 1947- Q15762748 Unknown None known Contact us
0039-3401 Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai. 1962-1974 Unknown None known Contact us
0039-3428 Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai. 1962-1974 Unknown None known Contact us
0578-5448 Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai. 1959-1961 Unknown None known Contact us
0039-3444 Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai. 1962-1974 Unknown None known Contact us
0081-7031 Studia wczesnośredniowieczne. 1952- Q107019185 Unknown None known Contact us
0081-7090 Studia z filologii polskiej i słowiańskiej / 1955- Q9347373 Unknown None known Contact us
0303-4224 Studien und Mitteilungen zur Geschichte des Benediktiner-Ordens und seiner Zweige. 1926- Q15760020 Unknown None known Contact us
0169-8125 Studien und Texte zur Geistesgeschichte des Mittelalters. 1950- Q96333964 Unknown None known Contact us
0585-5896 Studien zum Deutschtum im Osten. 1962- Q107019188 Unknown None known Contact us
0562-3251 Studien zur bayerischen Verfassungs- und Sozialgeschichte. 1962- Q107019189 Unknown None known Contact us
0081-7244 Studien zur englischen Philologie. 1897- Q107019190 Unknown None known Contact us
0585-6027 Studien zur frankfurter Geschichte. 1962- Q107019191 Unknown None known Contact us
0562-3316 Studien zur Geschichte der österreichisch-ungarischen Monarchie. 1963- Q107019192 Unknown None known Contact us
0585-606X Studien zur Geschichte Preussens. 1958- Q107019193 Unknown None known Contact us
0585-6086 Studien zur italienisch-deutschen Musikgeschichte. 1963-1979 Q107019194 Unknown None known Contact us
0562-3359 Studien zur Kölner Kirchengeschichte / 1952- Q107019195 Unknown None known Contact us
0930-9578 Studien zur Musikwissenschaft. 1913- Q19229663 Unknown None known Contact us
0893-9594 Studies and notes in philology and literature. 1892-1907 N/A None known Contact us
0074-6711 Studies and reports. 1946- Unknown None known Contact us
1020-9549 Studies and reviews / 1957- Unknown None known Contact us
0888-9961 Studies from the Department of Pathology, University of Pennsylvania. 1929- Q107019196 None None known Contact us
0563-2838 Studies in American English. 1956- Q107019197 Unknown None known Contact us
0081-7554 Studies in ancient oriental civilization. 1931- Q107019198 Unknown None known Contact us
0039-3541 Studies in art education. 1959- Q15757243 Unknown None known Contact us
0081-7600 Studies in bibliography. 1949- Q15761037 None* 1949-recent+ Contact us
0039-3568 Studies in bibliography and booklore. 1953- Q55397537 Unknown None known Contact us
0081-7651 Studies in business economics. 1945-1970 Q107019200 Unknown None known Contact us
1080-9155 Studies in child welfare. 1934-1944 Q107019201 Unknown None known Contact us
2162-5409 Studies in classical philology / 1887-1899 N/A None known Contact us
0039-3630 Studies in conservation . Études de conservation. 1952- Q15764603 Unknown None known Contact us
0585-6655 Studies in coordinate indexing. 1953- Q107019202 Unknown None known Contact us
2158-7957 Studies in English. 1911-1948 Q107019203 Unknown None known Contact us
0039-3657 Studies in English literature, 1500-1900. 1961- Q7389701 Unknown None known Contact us
0081-7902 Studies in ethnomusicology. 1961- Q107019204 Unknown None known Contact us
0039-3665 Studies in family planning. 1963- Q15716428 Unknown None known Contact us
0585-6760 Studies in history, economics, and public law. 1891-1954 Q107019205 1932* 1891-1954 Contact us
1527-0874 Studies in intelligence. 1955- Q7628067 Unknown None known Contact us
0081-8151 Studies in librarianship. 1961-1973 Q107019220 Unknown None known Contact us
0081-816X Studies in linguistics. 1942- Q107019221 Unknown None known Contact us
0081-8208 Studies in mathematics 1962-1989 Q15763204 Unknown None known Contact us
0585-6892 Studies in mathematics. 1959- Q107019222 Unknown None known Contact us
0166-0616 Studies in mycology. 1972- Q2087787 All 1972-||-present Contact us
0081-8356 Studies in personnel policy. 1937-1970 Q107019225 Unknown None known Contact us
0039-3738 Studies in philology. 1906- Q15755905 Unknown None known Contact us
0039-3746 Studies in philosophy and education. 1960- Q15764981 Unknown None known Contact us
0585-6965 Studies in philosophy and the history of philosophy. 1961- Q107019227 Unknown None known Contact us
1048-6968 Studies in public health / 1913- Q107019228 Unknown None known Contact us
0039-3762 Studies in romanticism. 1961- Q7628078 None None known Contact us
0039-3789 Studies in short fiction. 1963- Q101908286 Unknown None known Contact us
0418-5838 Studies in social work. 1956- Q107019229 Unknown None known Contact us
1080-5435 Studies in sociology, economics, politics and history / 1899-1916 N/A None known Contact us
0039-3797 Studies in Soviet thought. 1961-1992 Q27716499 Unknown None known Contact us
0888-837X Studies in surgical pathological physiology from the laboratory of surgical research. 1915- Q107019230 Unknown None known Contact us
1048-695X Studies in the biological sciences / 1918- Q107019231 Unknown None known Contact us
0081-8658 Studies in the Renaissance. 1954-1974 Q27715349 Unknown None known Contact us
0585-7325 Studies of broadcasting. 1963- Q107019232 Unknown None known Contact us
0081-8798 Studies of northern peoples. 1961-1969 Q107019233 Unknown None known Contact us
0096-4328 Studies of the Institutum Divi Thomae. 1937- Q27723280 Unknown None known Contact us
0081-881X Studies on Asia. 1960-1974 Q107019234 Unknown None known Contact us
0585-7449 Studies on the left. 1959-1967 Q7628094 Unknown None known Contact us
0039-386X Studies on the Soviet Union. 1957-1971 Q107019237 Unknown None known Contact us
0435-2866 Studies on Voltaire and the eighteenth century / 1956-2000 Q15754099 Unknown None known Contact us
0515-1694 Studii de gramaticǎ. 1956- Q107019240 Unknown None known Contact us
0039-3940 Studii și cercetări de fizică. 1950- Q107019241 Unknown None known Contact us
0039-4068 Studii și cercetări matematice. 1950-1998 Q15750646 Unknown None known Contact us
0039-4114 The studio : an illustrated magazine of fine and applied art. 1893-1964 Q15109451 Unknown None known Contact us
0963-5270 The Studio yearbook of decorative art. 1906- Q107019625 N/A* 1906-1925+ Contact us
0039-4149 Studium generale. 1947-1971 Q56292865 Unknown None known Contact us
2637-7799 STWE review. 1958-1960 Q107019248 Unknown None known Contact us
2376-0761 STWP review. 1960-1966 Q107019249 Unknown None known Contact us
0000-0159 Subject guide to Books in print. 1957- Q102337244 None* None known Contact us
0041-7947 Subject headings used in the dictionary catalogs of the Library of Congress / 1943-1966 Q107019250 Unknown None known Contact us
0745-2489 Success. 1981- Q7394944 None* 1903-||-1923 Contact us
0364-9318 Successful methods. 1919-1926 Q107019251 N/A* 1919-1926+ Contact us
0585-8364 Suchasnist'. 1961- Q12158998 Unknown None known Contact us
2577-543X Süd Dakota nachrichten -1900 N/A None known Contact us
2577-5464 Süd=Dakota nachrichten und herold 1900-1901 N/A None known Contact us
0299-0288 Sud-ouest. 1944- Unknown None known Contact us
0340-692X Süddeutsche Juristen-Zeitung. 1946-1950 Unknown None known Contact us
0562-5173 Sudetenland. 1959- Q107019253 Unknown None known Contact us
2191-3889 Sudhoffs Archiv für Geschichte der Medizin. 1929-1933 Q27959850 None* Predecessor Contact us
0365-2610 Sudhoffs Archiv für Geschichte der Medizin und der Naturwissenschaften. 1934-1965 Q27720660 None* Predecessor Contact us
0081-9085 Südostdeutsches Archiv. 1958- Q107019254 Unknown None known Contact us
0081-914X Südosteuropa-Jahrbuch. 1957- Q107019255 Unknown None known Contact us
0501-2023 Suez Canal report / 1959-1983 Q107019256 Unknown None known Contact us
2332-970X The Suffrage daily news 1914- Q107019626 Unknown None known Contact us
0361-0063 Sugar. 1941-1958 Q107019258 None* 1944-1945+ Contact us
2374-1856 Sugar planter 1856- Q100284268 Unknown None known Contact us
0039-4742 Sugar y azúcar. 1958-2001 Q107019260 Unknown None known Contact us
0585-8860 Suid-Afrikaanse tydskrif vir landbouwetenskap = South African journal of agricultural science. 1958-1968 Unknown None known Contact us
2577-5391 The Sully County watchman -1894 N/A None known Contact us
0562-5718 Sum. 1963-1965 Q107019261 Unknown None known Contact us
0081-9271 Sumer. 1945- Q102036549 Unknown None known Contact us
0585-9158 Summa musicae Medii Aevi. 1957- Q107019262 Unknown None known Contact us
0538-8341 Summary of information relating to the submission to the competent authorities of conventions and recommendations adopted by the International Labor Conference (article 19 of the constitution). 1950- Q107019263 Unknown None known Contact us
0039-5005 Summary of labor arbitration awards / 1959- Q107019264 Unknown None known Contact us
0066-0868 Summary of proceedings / Annual conference, American Theological Library Association. 1948- Unknown None known Contact us
1548-4122 Summary of proceedings / Conference of Theological Librarians. 1947- Unknown None known Contact us
0517-0060 Summary of proceedings : officers, committees / 1959-1963 Unknown None known Contact us
0093-5204 Summary of the transactions of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia. 1846- Q107019265 Unknown None known Contact us
0081-9352 Summer employment directory of the United States. 1962- Q107019266 Unknown None known Contact us
2333-1488 The Sumpter miner 1899-1905 Q100284400 N/A None known Contact us
2151-5409 The Sun [electronic resource]. 1905-1908 N/A None known Contact us
2166-1820 The Sun [electronic resource]. 1916-1920 N/A None known Contact us
2376-0222 The sun [electronic resource]. 1883- Q107019627 Unknown None known Contact us
2574-5611 The sun [electronic resource]. 1897- Q100284429 Unknown None known Contact us
1930-8965 The sun. 1837- Q47287 1947* None known Contact us
1940-7831 The sun. Q1983260 1930* 1859-1920+ Contact us
2330-3824 The Sun and New York press 1916- Q107019628 Unknown None known Contact us
0890-0930 The Sun-reporter. 1943- Q65068112 Unknown None known Contact us
2332-9785 Sun River sun 1884-1885 N/A None known Contact us
2044-6217 The Sunday at home : a family magazine for Sabbath reading 1854- Q107019630 Unknown None known Contact us
1943-8974 The Sunday chat. 1901- Unknown None known Contact us
2639-5207 The Sunday critic 1883- Q107019631 Unknown None known Contact us
1360-2772 Sunday life. 1956- Unknown None known Contact us
1322-5243 The Sunday mail. 1923- Unknown None known Contact us
0956-8077 Sunday mirror. 1963- Unknown None known Contact us
2639-5223 The Sunday mirror [electronic resource]. 1880- Q107019632 Unknown None known Contact us
0734-6077 The Sunday school helper 1870- Q107019633 Unknown None known Contact us
0039-5331 The Sunday times [electronic resource]. 1902- Unknown None known Contact us
1442-9527 The Sunday times. 1902- Q2414495 Unknown None known Contact us
0039-5404 Sunset. 1898- Q7641196 1929 1898-1928 Contact us
0355-0214 Suomalais-ugrilaisen seuran aikakauskirja = Journal de la Société finno-ougrienne. 1886- Q15766058 Unknown None known Contact us
0066-2011 Suomalaisen Tiedeakatemian toimituksia. Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae. Ser. B. 1909-1996 Q107019267 Unknown None known Contact us
0081-9395 Suomen aikakauslehti-indeksi = Index to Finnish periodicals. 1961- Q107019268 Unknown None known Contact us
0355-1822 Suomen muinaismuistoyhdistyksen aikakauskirja = Finska fornminnesföreningens tidskrift. 1874- Q15750685 Unknown None known Contact us
0355-1806 Suomen museo. 1894- Q107019269 Unknown None known Contact us
0355-0257 Suomi. 1841- Q107019270 Unknown None known Contact us
0585-9719 The Superior student : the newsletter of the Inter-university Committee on the Superior Student. 1958-1965 Q107019635 Unknown None known Contact us
2576-568X The Superior times 1870- Q107019636 Unknown None known Contact us
0039-5834 Supervision 1939- Q107019271 Unknown None known Contact us
0039-5919 Supervisory management. 1955- Q27710066 Unknown None known Contact us
1466-6162 Supplement to the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. 1934- Q96733493 Unknown None known Contact us
2045-4112 Supplementary paper 1923-1957 Unknown None known Contact us
1940-0969 Supplementary papers of the American School of Classical Studies in Rome. 1905-1908 N/A None known Contact us
0309-7013 Supplementary volume. 1918- Q29043739 Unknown None known Contact us
0167-9732 Supplements to Novum Testamentum. 1958- Q96326189 Unknown None known Contact us
0083-5889 Supplements to Vetus testamentum. 1953- Q96334809 Unknown None known Contact us
0920-8399 Supplementum epigraphicum graecum. 1923- Q1221870 Unknown None known Contact us
0039-5935 Supply house times. 1958- Q107019272 Unknown None known Contact us
0733-3978 Supreme Court reporter. 1883- Q59297205 See record* 1880-1926 Contact us
0081-9557 The Supreme Court review. 1960- Q7644866 Unknown None known Contact us
1885-9763 Sur [electronic resource]. 1931-1993 Unknown None known Contact us
0562-6579 Surabu kenkyū = Slavic studies. 1957- Q107019273 Unknown None known Contact us
0039-6036 Surfer. 1960- Q44525 Unknown None known Contact us
0035-8835 The surgeon. 1955- Q15752473 Unknown None known Contact us
0039-6060 Surgery. 1937- Q15731526 Unknown None known Contact us
0039-6087 Surgery, gynecology & obstetrics. Q26841962 1964* 1905-1927+ Contact us
0039-6109 The Surgical clinics of North America. 1917- Q15765820 1929 1921-1928+ Contact us
0585-9972 Le Surréalisme, même. 1956-1959 Unknown None known Contact us
0039-6192 Survey. 1961-1989 Q27716564 Unknown None known Contact us
0196-8777 Survey graphic. 1933- Q7647061 1936* 1933-||-1948+ Contact us
0039-6206 Survey of anesthesiology. 1957- Q96733575 1961* None known Contact us
0081-9697 Survey of biological progress. 1949-1962 Q107019274 Unknown None known Contact us
0491-6263 Survey of compounds which have been tested for carcinogenic activity. 1941- Q107019275 Unknown None known Contact us
0039-6222 Survey of current business / 1921- Q16933547 Unknown None known Contact us
1945-5593 Survey of current business. 1936-1942 Unknown None known Contact us
0308-6798 Survey of international affairs. 1925-1977 Q107019280 Unknown None known Contact us
0039-6249 Survey of Japanese finance and industry. 1949- Q107019281 Unknown None known Contact us
0317-4948 Survey of libraries / 1950-1959 Q107019283 Unknown None known Contact us
0081-9751 Survey of London. 1900- Q3505497 1957* 1900-2008 Contact us
0071-5077 Survey of markets and business year book. 1958-1974 Q107019284 Unknown None known Contact us
0500-1471 Survey of state legislation relating to higher education. 1957-1964 Unknown None known Contact us
0039-6338 Survival. 1959- Q7647172 Unknown None known Contact us
0143-8204 Sussex archaeological collections relating to the history and antiquities of the county. 1848- Q15764602 Unknown None known Contact us
0586-0296 Suvremena lingvistika. 1962- Q15764253 Unknown None known Contact us
0586-0318 Svādhyāya. 1963- Q107019285 Unknown None known Contact us
0586-0350 Svĕdectiví; c̆tvrtletník pro politiku a kulturu. 1956- Unknown None known Contact us
0039-6443 Svensk bokförteckning. The Swedish national bibliography. 1953- Q107019287 Unknown None known Contact us
0039-6591 Svensk juristtidning. 1916- Q10684816 Unknown None known Contact us
0039-663X Svensk litteraturtidskrift. 1938- Q49101175 Unknown None known Contact us
0349-4543 Svenska akademiens handlingar ifrån år ... 1801- Q107019286 Unknown None known Contact us
1101-2412 Svenska dagbladet. 1884- Q1504847 Unknown None known Contact us
0347-1837 Svenska landsmål och svenskt folkliv = Archives des traditions populaires suédoisis = Swedish dialects and folk traditions. 1904- Q10685456 Unknown None known Contact us
0347-7223 Sveriges statskalender för året ... 1877- Q10686251 Unknown None known Contact us
0039-7199 Swarajya. 1956- Q107019288 Unknown None known Contact us
0039-7296 The Swedish economy. 1961- Q80454242 Unknown None known Contact us
0280-4344 Swedish export directory = Annuaire de l'Exportation Suédoise. 1946- Unknown None known Contact us
0039-7490 Swiss review of world affairs. 1951-1997 Q107019290 Unknown None known Contact us
0082-0512 The Sydney law review. 1953- Q7660010 Unknown None known Contact us
0312-6315 The Sydney morning herald. 1842- Q390216 Unknown None known Contact us
0039-7679 Symbolae osloenses. 1925- Q10686866 Unknown None known Contact us
0332-561X Symbolae Osloenses. 1925-1990 Q107019291 Unknown None known Contact us
0082-0660 Symbolon. 1960- Q107019292 Unknown None known Contact us
0074-8447 Symposia of the International Society for Cell Biology. 1962- Q107019293 Unknown None known Contact us
0084-5612 Symposia of the Zoological Society of London. 1960- Q61986622 Unknown None known Contact us
0547-7581 Symposia studies series. 1959- Q107019294 Unknown None known Contact us
0074-1809 Symposium. 1953- Q96733708 Unknown None known Contact us
0082-0784 Symposium (International) on Combustion : [papers]. 1948-1998 Q15766629 Unknown None known Contact us
0068-1954 The Symposium of the British Ecological Society. 1960- Q107019637 Unknown None known Contact us
0081-1394 A Symposium of the Society for General Microbiology. 1949-1966 Unknown None known Contact us
0562-942X Symposium on Air Force Human Engineering, Personnel and Training Research : [papers]. 1955- Q107019295 Unknown None known Contact us
1062-2896 Symposium on Combustion and Flame, and Explosion Phenomena. 1949- Q96733712 Unknown None known Contact us
0082-0849 Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics. 1956- Q107019296 Unknown None known Contact us
0277-4267 Symposium on Salt : [papers]. 1963- Q107019297 Unknown None known Contact us
1060-1945 Synopsis of the report of the superintendent of the United States Naval Observatory for the fiscal year ending ... 1906-1911 N/A None known Contact us
0039-7857 Synthese. 1936- Q2031994 Unknown None known Contact us
0082-1136 Synthetic methods of organic chemistry = Synthetische Methoden der organischen Chemie. 1951-1981 Q107019298 Unknown None known Contact us
0082-1144 Synthetic organic chemicals. 1939-1995 Unknown None known Contact us
0039-7938 Syracuse law review. 1949- Q7663034 Unknown None known Contact us
0039-7946 Syria. 1920- Q3509007 Unknown None known Contact us
0039-7989 Systematic zoology. 1952-1991 Q27713573 None None known Contact us
0586-3872 Szondiana. 1953- Unknown None known Contact us
0380-9102 A T A magazine. 1935- Unknown None known Contact us
0310-5806 T square. 1932- Q107019807 Unknown None known Contact us
0082-5433 Tʻung pao. Tʻoung pao. International journal of Chinese studies. 1890- Q1809405 Unknown None known Contact us
0039-8691 Taal en tongval. 1949- Q15767643 Unknown None known Contact us
0378-6471 Taehan Ankwa Hakhoe chapchi 1961- Q96328408 Unknown None known Contact us
1865-2263 Der Tagesspiegel. 1945- Q10189 Unknown None known Contact us
2375-3331 Der tägliche Demokrat -1918 N/A None known Contact us
2372-305X Tägliches Cincinnatier volksblatt 1885- Q65077673 Unknown None known Contact us
0417-2175 Tagung der sektionmediävistik der Deutschen Historiker-Gesellschaft vom ... 1961-1962 Q107019300 Unknown None known Contact us
2423-6764 Tahqīqāt-i salāmat dar jāmiʻah = Journal of health research in community. 1394- Q50817564 Unknown None known Contact us
0039-8969 Tahqiqaté eqtesadi : quarterly journal of economic research / 1962- Q107019301 Unknown None known Contact us
0492-1445 Taiwan jiao yu -1953 Q107019302 Unknown None known Contact us
0885-6567 The Talbotton new era. 1900- Unknown None known Contact us
0738-5153 Tallahassee Democrat. 1949- Unknown None known Contact us
0082-1543 Talon. 1963-1968 Q107019303 Unknown None known Contact us
2578-4129 Tama County Republican 1867-1872 N/A None known Contact us
1042-3761 The Tampa tribune. 1958- Q7768079 Unknown None known Contact us
2375-4524 The Taney County republican 1895- Q107019638 Unknown None known Contact us
0039-9485 Tanzania notes and records. 1936- Q27715334 Unknown None known Contact us
1937-481X The Taos news. 1959- Q7768113 Unknown None known Contact us
0039-9620 Tar heel nurse. 1939- Q27713579 Unknown None known Contact us
0334-3650 Tarbiẕ / תרביץ 1929- Q4796551 Unknown None known Contact us
2373-2512 Tarboro' press -1851 Q100284903 N/A None known Contact us
2372-4897 The Tarboro' southerner 1867- Q107019639 Unknown None known Contact us
2373-3438 The Tarborough southerner 1875- Q107019640 N/A* 1875-1876+ Contact us
1015-1818 Tarih dergisi. 1949- Q96734130 Unknown None known Contact us
2008-9058 Tasvīr-i salāmat = Depiction of health. 1389- Q50808270 Unknown None known Contact us
1420-6471 Tätigkeitsberichte der Natursforschenden Gesellschaft Baselland. 1901- Unknown None known Contact us
2044-6233 The Tatler. 1830-1832 N/A None known Contact us
0040-0025 The Tax executive. 1949- Q107019641 Unknown None known Contact us
1945-984X Tax facts & figures. 1941- Unknown None known Contact us
0040-0114 Tax Foundation's tax review. 1957- Q107019305 Unknown None known Contact us
0040-0041 Tax law review. 1945- Q15765670 Unknown None known Contact us
0040-005X The tax lawyer : bulletin of the Section of Taxation, American Bar Association. 1947- Q15763962 All* None known Contact us
8755-2221 The tax magazine. 1930-1938 Q107019642 Unknown None known Contact us
0145-367X Tax review. 1940- Q107019306 Unknown None known Contact us
0494-8343 Taxation in Australia : official publication of the Taxation Institute of Australia. 1963- Q15763801 Unknown None known Contact us
0700-1665 Taxation statistics. Statistique fiscale. 1946-1994 Unknown None known Contact us
0040-0181 Taxes; the tax magazine. 1923- Q107019304 Unknown None known Contact us
2642-679X The Teacher. 1872- Q107019643 Unknown None known Contact us
0885-3835 Teacher supply and demand in the United States. 1948- Unknown None known Contact us
0161-4681 Teachers College record. 1970- Q15757783 1961 1900-1929 Contact us
0276-2633 Teaching. 1914-1932 Q107019307 Unknown None known Contact us
2578-8434 Teaching aids news letter. 1961- Q107019308 Unknown None known Contact us
0497-0101 Teangadóir. 1953-1973 Q107019309 Unknown None known Contact us
0131-6885 Teatr. 1937- Q107019310 Unknown None known Contact us
0131-6893 Teātris un dzīve. 1956-1990 Q107019311 Unknown None known Contact us
0494-8815 Teatro en México. 1958- Q107019312 Unknown None known Contact us
0497-0225 Teatro mexicano. 1959- Q107019313 Unknown None known Contact us
0040-0823 Tebiwa. 1957- Q107019314 Unknown None known Contact us
0096-4557 Technical Association papers. 1920- Q107019315 Unknown None known Contact us
0494-8939 Technical book review. 1954-1962 Q107019316 None* None known Contact us
0040-0890 Technical book review index. 1935-1988 Q107019317 None* 1935-1961+ Contact us
0097-5710 Technical bulletin [electronic resource] / Agricultural Experiment Station, South Dakota State College of Agriculture and Mechanical Arts. 1939- Unknown None known Contact us
0097-3017 Technical bulletin [electronic resource] / the University of Minnesota, Agricultural Experiment Station. 1921- Unknown None known Contact us
0082-9811 Technical bulletin / United States Department of Agriculture. 1927- Q83640114 Unknown None known Contact us
0083-4718 Technical bulletin. 1945-1977 Unknown None known Contact us
0096-7602 Technical memorandum. 1920-1958 Q107019318 Unknown None known Contact us
0097-2177 Technical note. 1920-1958 None* 1920-1958+ Contact us
0081-2862 Technical paper / South Pacific Commission. 1949- Unknown None known Contact us
0424-1037 Technical Papers. 1958-1965 Unknown None known Contact us
0097-2657 Technical publication. 1951- Q107019319 Unknown None known Contact us
0070-9301 Technical report. 1963-1970 Unknown None known Contact us
0428-5395 Technical series. 1953- Unknown None known Contact us
0096-9346 Technical studies in the field of the fine arts. 1932-1942 Q107019320 None None known Contact us
2637-787X The technical writer. 1957- Q107019644 Unknown None known Contact us
2637-7772 Technical writing review. 1954-1957 Q107019321 Unknown None known Contact us
0040-117X Technikgeschichte : Beiträge zur Geschichte der Technik und Industrie / 1933- Q27716405 Unknown None known Contact us
0895-0261 Technique series / 1938-1940 Unknown None known Contact us
0040-165X Technology and culture. 1959- Q7692591 Unknown None known Contact us
0011-3999 Technology and culture. 1954- Q107017879 Unknown None known Contact us
0040-8816 Technology reports of the Tôhoku University. 1920-1988 Q107019322 Unknown None known Contact us
0040-1706 Technometrics. 1959- Q7692636 None None known Contact us
0040-1889 Técnica pecuaria en México. 1963- Q96334247 Unknown None known Contact us
0208-1121 Teegin gerl = Svet v stepi. 1928- Unknown None known Contact us
0040-2001 'Teen. 1957- Unknown None known Contact us
0040-2176 Tehnika. 1946- Q50426258 Unknown None known Contact us
0082-5514 Teka Komisji Historii Sztuki. 1959- Q107019323 Unknown None known Contact us
0351-3386 Tekstilec : glasilo slovenskih tekstilcev. 1958- Q50478463 Unknown None known Contact us
0040-2389 Tekstilna industrija. 1954- Q96334262 Unknown None known Contact us
0040-2419 Tel quel. 1960- Q1331414 Unknown None known Contact us
0735-0899 Tele-tech. 1952-1953 Q107019326 Unknown None known Contact us
0163-9854 Telecommunications reports. 1934- Q108280033 Unknown None known Contact us
2575-095X Telegraf 1892- Q107019325 Unknown None known Contact us
2050-5477 Telegraph-Engineers and Electricians, Journal of the Society of Q96725594 N/A* 1883-||-1888+ Contact us
2050-263X Telegraph Engineers and of Electricians, Journal of the Society of Q96725590 N/A* 1881-1882+ Contact us
1041-293X The telegraph-herald. 1935- Unknown None known Contact us
0040-263X Telephone engineer & management. 1941- Q108279408 Unknown None known Contact us
0361-9605 The Telescope. 1933- Q107019645 Unknown None known Contact us
0492-6110 Teleteknik. 1957- Q107019327 Unknown None known Contact us
2381-1994 The teller 1876- Q100306556 N/A* 1876-||-1908+ Contact us
0040-2826 Tellus. 1949- Q28807245 Unknown None known Contact us
0091-9322 Temperature; its measurement and control in science and industry. 1941- Q107019328 Unknown None known Contact us
1751-9063 Temple bar. 1861- Q107019329 N/A 1860-1906+ Contact us
0899-8086 Temple law review. 1988- Q15763378 All* 2007-present+ Contact us
1150-1073 Le temps. 1861-1942 Q107017955 Unknown None known Contact us
0040-3075 Les temps modernes. 1945- Q1234182 Unknown None known Contact us
0040-3180 Tennessee archaeologist. 1944- Q107019330 Unknown None known Contact us
0040-3253 Tennessee Folklore Society bulletin. 1937- Q27716644 Unknown None known Contact us
2333-9012 Tennessee historical magazine / 1915-1937 Q107019331 Unknown None known Contact us
0040-3261 Tennessee historical quarterly. 1942- Q15749948 Unknown None known Contact us
0040-3288 Tennessee law review. 1922- Q15765676 Unknown None known Contact us
2473-3296 Tennessee staatszeitung 1866- Q107019345 Unknown None known Contact us
0497-2384 Tennessee studies in literature. 1956- Q27716438 Unknown None known Contact us
0040-3407 Tennessee teacher. 1934- Q107019346 Unknown None known Contact us
0328-1396 Teología : revista de la Facultad de Teología de la Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina. 1962- Unknown None known Contact us
0049-3449 Teología y vida. 1960- Q50432750 Unknown None known Contact us
0040-361X Teorii︠a︡ veroi︠a︡tnosteĭ i ee primenenii︠a︡. 1956- Q96735844 Unknown None known Contact us
0363-3705 Tequesta : the journal of the Historical Association of Southern Florida. 1941- Q27716437 Unknown None known Contact us
0040-3733 Terra. 1962- Q107019348 Unknown None known Contact us
0040-3741 Terra. 1913- Q27719381 Unknown None known Contact us
0040-3830 La Terre de chez nous. 1929- Unknown None known Contact us
2025-5276 La terre française : hebdomadaire de l'agriculture et de l'artisanat rural. 1940- Q107017946 Unknown None known Contact us
0096-8013 Terrestrial magnetism. 1896-1898 Q102076611 None* 1896-1928 Contact us
0563-1793 Terzo programma. 1961- Q107019349 Unknown None known Contact us
0361-025X Tests in print. 1961- Q107019350 Unknown None known Contact us
2381-3008 The Teton peak-chronicle 1904- Q107019647 Unknown None known Contact us
0040-4020 Tetrahedron. 1957- Q1948400 Unknown None known Contact us
0040-4039 Tetrahedron letters; the international organ for the rapid publication of preliminary communications in organic chemistry. 1959- Q903432 Unknown None known Contact us
0387-3366 Tetsugaku zasshi. 1892- Q107019352 Unknown None known Contact us
0863-5781 Teuthonista. 1924-1934 Q27924003 Unknown None known Contact us
0563-2153 Ṭevaʻ va-arets. 1959- Unknown None known Contact us
0040-4209 Texas business review. 1927- Q108279413 None 1927-2011 Contact us
2687-9883 Texas law reporter. 1882-1885 N/A None known Contact us
0040-4411 Texas law review. 1922- Q7707801 1934 2015-present+ Contact us
0040-4446 Texas library journal. 1950- Q112166093 Unknown None known Contact us
0040-4519 The Texas observer. 1954- Q15853817 None 1954-1961 Contact us
0040-4659 Texas quarterly. 1958-1978 Q107019353 Unknown None known Contact us
0040-4675 Texas reports on biology and medicine. 1943-1982 Q26808291 Unknown None known Contact us
2380-5382 The Texas review. 1916-1924 Q30224310 N/A* 1915-1924+ Contact us
0096-7165 Texas State journal of medicine. 1905-1966 Q27718208 None 1905-1963 Contact us
0364-8656 Texas studies in English. 1957- Q107019354 Unknown None known Contact us
0040-4691 Texas studies in literature and language. 1959- Q15759543 Unknown None known Contact us
0040-5329 Text + Kritik. 1963- Q1716919 None* None known Contact us
0888-2029 Textbooks in print. 1956-1968 Q106877038 None* None known Contact us
0082-3589 Texte zur Kirchen- und Theologiegeschichte. 1883-1982 Q16742529 None* None known Contact us
0829-6952 The textile industries / 1950-1951 Q106877715 None* None known Contact us
0829-7134 The Textile industries of Canada / 1929-1949 Q106877716 None* None known Contact us
0083-7407 Textile Museum journal. 1962- Q15767520 None None known Contact us
0096-5928 Textile research : publication of United States Institute for Textile Research. 1932-1945 Q96734875 None* None known Contact us
0040-5213 Textile world. 1921- Q96334331 None* 1921-1961+ Contact us
1016-1783 Texts adopted = Textes adoptés. 1949-1974 Q106877040 None* None known Contact us
0398-7817 Thalès recueil des travaux de l'Institut d'Histoire des Sciences et des Techniques de l'Université de Paris 1935-1968 Q106877041 None* None known Contact us
2050-5531 The Proceedings of the Institution of Electrical Engineers 1953-1953 Q96728846 None* None known Contact us
0040-5418 Theater der Zeit. 1946- Q1748486 None* None known Contact us
0749-8829 Theatre magazine. 1901-1931 Q64887211 None 1900-1928 Contact us
0040-5523 Theatre notebook. 1945- Q15758905 None* None known Contact us
0563-4059 Théâtre populaire. 1953-1964 Q106877137 None* None known Contact us
0082-3856 Theatre world. 1945- Q7777465 None None known Contact us
0307-8388 Themelios. 1962- Q15709521 None* 1962-||-present Contact us
0040-5639 Theological studies. 1940- Q3523724 1950 1940-recent Contact us
0040-5671 Theologische Literaturzeitung. 1876- Q2418977 None* 1876-1995+ Contact us
0040-5698 Theologische Rundschau. 1897- Q2418983 None* 1897-1917 Contact us
0323-6285 Theologisches Literaturblatt. 1880- Q106118416 None* 1880-1943+ Contact us
0040-571X Theology. Q7782237 None* 1920-1928 Contact us
0040-5728 Theology digest. 1953-2010 Q7782238 None* None known Contact us
0040-5744 Theoretica chimica acta. 1962-1997 Q27715084 None* None known Contact us
0040-5825 Theoria. 1935- Q7782382 None* None known Contact us
0495-4548 Theoria. 1952- Q15759280 None* 2003-present Contact us
0040-5817 Theoria : a journal of studies. 1947- Q15759281 None* None known Contact us
0040-5841 Theory into practice. 1962- Q15764579 None* Predecessor Contact us
0882-5114 Theses and dissertations. 1960- Q106877714 None* 1943-1992+ Contact us
2044-6438 The thistle, or, Anglo-Caledonian journal. 1836- Q106877717 N/A None known Contact us
2577-3925 The Thlinget 1908-1912 N/A None known Contact us
0040-6325 The Thomist. 1939- Q15762870 None None known Contact us
0362-2835 Thoreau Society booklet. 1942- Q106118417 None None known Contact us
0040-6406 The Thoreau Society bulletin. 1941- Q106118418 None 1941-2012 Contact us
0040-6457 Thought. Q7796973 1950* 1926-1962 Contact us
0040-6562 Threshold. 1957-1989 Q106877740 None* None known Contact us
0340-5338 Thrombosis et diathesis haemorrhagica. 1957- Q27713598 None* None known Contact us
0020-6652 Thunderbird international business review. 1959- Q15752051 All* None known Contact us
1420-3634 Thurgauer Jahrbuch. 1927- Q87647463 None* None known Contact us
0563-4970 Thurn und Taxis-Studien. 1961- Q106118419 None* None known Contact us
1735-4374 Ṭibb-i junūb = Iranian south medical journal. 1376-1997 Q6067352 N/A* 2003-present Contact us
0029-2001 Tidsskrift for den Norske lægeforening : tidsskrift for praktisk medicin, ny række. 1890- Q6296176 None* None known Contact us
0909-2528 Tidsskrift for mathematik 1865-1889 N/A None known Contact us
0040-716X Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning. 1960- Q19392471 None* 2017-present Contact us
0121-9987 El tiempo. [electronic resource] 1957- Q1324658 None* None known Contact us
0026-9263 Tierärztliche Umschau. 1946- Q15761716 None* None known Contact us
0035-4309 Tiers-monde. 1960- Q21015279 None* None known Contact us
2327-3232 The Tiffin tribune [electronic resource]. -1859 N/A None known Contact us
2327-4808 The Tiffin tribune [electronic resource]. 1868-1887 N/A None known Contact us
2327-3259 The Tiffin weekly tribune -1868 N/A None known Contact us
0898-1035 The Tiger's eye. 1947- Q106330657 1947 None known Contact us
0921-3260 Tijdschrift der Vereeniging voor Noord-Nederlands Muziekgeschiedenis. 1882-1959 Q27970799 Unknown None known Contact us
0042-3874 Tijdschrift van de Vereniging voor Nederlandse Muziekgeschiedenis. 1882-1994 Q27970800 Unknown None known Contact us
0040-7496 Tijdschrift voor entomologie. 1857- Q4051483 Unknown None known Contact us
0040-750X Tijdschrift voor philosophie. 1939- Q25927189 Unknown None known Contact us
1370-575X Tijdschrift voor philosophie. 1939- Q27796523 Unknown None known Contact us
0905-2224 Tillaeg (supplement). 1934- Q107019724 Unknown None known Contact us
0040-781X Time. 1923- Q43297 1934* 1922-recent+ Contact us
2375-4257 The times [electronic resource]. 1882-1897 Q106877631 N/A 1881-1922 Contact us
0140-0460 The times [electronic resource]. 1788- Q221986 Unknown None known Contact us
1941-2959 The times. 1890-1903 N/A None known Contact us
2163-484X The times and democrat. 1881- Q107019648 Unknown None known Contact us
0743-3573 Times and register. N/A* 1889-1895+ Contact us
0746-4606 Times-chronicle. 1894- Q107019725 Unknown None known Contact us
2163-7997 The times-herald [electronic resource]. -1929 Q107019649 Unknown None known Contact us
0040-7895 The Times literary supplement. Q1768060 1954* 1902-1903+ Contact us
0163-9064 The times-news. 1927- Q107019650 Unknown None known Contact us
2577-7904 The Tipton advertiser 1856- Q107019651 Unknown None known Contact us
0040-8158 Tish. 1961- Q107019726 Unknown None known Contact us
0082-4526 Titles in series : a handbook for librarians and students. 1954- Q107019727 Unknown None known Contact us
0575-6715 Titles of dissertations approved for the Ph. D., M. Sc., M. Litt. degrees in the University of Cambridge during the academical year. 1958- Q107019728 Unknown None known Contact us
0185-0989 Tlalocan. 1943- Q27880333 1943* 1943-present Contact us
0082-4410 T.L.S. : essays and reviews from the Times literary supplement. 1962- Q107019729 Unknown None known Contact us
2044-6454 To-day : monthly magazine of scientific socialism 1883-1889 N/A None known Contact us
0040-8514 Today's health. 1950-1976 Q27716844 1950* Predecessor Contact us
0040-8573 Today's speech. 1953- Q15734669 Unknown None known Contact us
0090-3434 Today's VD control problem. 1954-1975 Q107019730 Unknown None known Contact us
0495-7199 Tōhōgaku. 1951- Q27716489 Unknown None known Contact us
0563-6566 Tohoku Daigaku Bungakubu kenkyū nenpō. 1950-2000 Q107019731 Unknown None known Contact us
0040-8719 Tohoku journal of agricultural research. 1950- Q107019732 Unknown None known Contact us
0040-8727 The Tohoku journal of experimental medicine. 1920- Q15766613 Unknown None known Contact us
0082-4690 Tokyo astronomical bulletin. 1927-1988 Q107019733 Unknown None known Contact us
0563-8186 Tōkyō Joshi Daigaku Fuzoku Hikaku Bunka Kenkyūjo kiyō = Publications of the Institute for Comparative Studies of Culture affiliated to Tokyo Woman's Christian College. 1955- Q107019734 Unknown None known Contact us
2578-4153 The Toledo chronicle 1873- Q107019652 Unknown None known Contact us
2157-801X Tombstone daily epitaph. 1887-1890 Q100285166 N/A None known Contact us
2158-2653 The Tombstone epitaph [electronic resource]. 1880-1882 N/A None known Contact us
2158-4826 Tombstone weekly epitaph 1882- Q100285168 Unknown None known Contact us
0495-8330 Tomorrow. 1952-1966 Q107019735 Unknown None known Contact us
2474-6193 Tonopah bonanza 1901-1909 Q100252046 N/A None known Contact us
2472-1794 Tonopah daily bonanza 1906- Q100285176 Unknown None known Contact us
0040-9243 Tooling & production. 1960- Unknown None known Contact us
0049-4127 Topic. 1961- Q7824858 Unknown None known Contact us
0008-0004 Topologie et géométrie différentielle. 1959- Q107017855 Unknown None known Contact us
0040-9383 Topology. Q3532121 None 1962-2011 Contact us
0040-9588 La torre : revista general de la Universidad de Puerto Rico. 1953- Q15762065 Unknown None known Contact us
0096-3844 Torreya. 1901-1945 Q6150911 Unknown None known Contact us
0495-9280 Toshi keikaku = Planning review. 1952- Q107019736 Unknown None known Contact us
0040-9936 The town. 1837-1842 N/A None known Contact us
0888-9996 Town and country. 1899- Q107019737 Unknown None known Contact us
0040-9960 Town and country planning : the quarterly review of the Town and Country Planning Association. 1932- Q15753132 Unknown None known Contact us
0040-9952 Town & country. Q647071 1935 1911-||-1932 Contact us
0041-0020 The town planning review. 1910- Q15755693 Unknown None known Contact us
0041-0101 Toxicon. 1962- Q7830412 Unknown None known Contact us
0564-0202 Tōyō bunka. 1950- Q107019738 Unknown None known Contact us
0386-9067 Tōyō gakuhō. 1911- Q113476070 Unknown None known Contact us
0386-9059 Tōyōshi kenkyū / -1935 Q15760348 Unknown None known Contact us
0041-0241 Trabajos de estadística y de investigación operativa. 1963- Q96334494 Unknown None known Contact us
0541-8658 Trabajos y conferencias / 1952- Q107019740 Unknown None known Contact us
1045-5191 Trade cases / 1939- Q107019741 Unknown None known Contact us
0041-056X Trademark reporter 1911- Unknown None known Contact us
2044-6489 The Tradesman, or, Commercial magazine. 1808- Unknown None known Contact us
0564-0687 Traduction Automatique. 1960- Q107019742 Unknown None known Contact us
0041-0683 Traffic engineering & control. 1960- Q15758567 Unknown None known Contact us
0041-0691 Traffic management. 1962-1996 Q107019743 Unknown None known Contact us
0041-073X The Traffic world. 1913-2009 Unknown None known Contact us
2044-6497 The train : a first-class magazine 1856-1858 N/A None known Contact us
0893-3251 The trained nurse and hospital review. 1893-1950 Q27720900 Unknown None known Contact us
0041-0918 The Training school bulletin. 1913-1974 Q27713629 Unknown None known Contact us
0041-0934 Trains. 1954- Q453819 1945* None known Contact us
0700-673X Transactions [electronic resource] / Women's Canadian Historical Society of Ottawa. 1901- Unknown None known Contact us
0533-6562 Transactions / Gulf-Coast Association of Geological Societies. 1953- Q96705172 Unknown None known Contact us
1478-4009 Transactions / Institute of British Geographers. 1935-1939 Q96738259 Unknown None known Contact us
2576-7763 Transactions / the Society of Automobile Engineers. 1906- Unknown None known Contact us
0019-2252 Transactions. 1908- Q15749448 Unknown None known Contact us
0570-6122 Transactions. 1955- Unknown None known Contact us
0888-4366 Transactions - American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air- Conditioning Engineers. 1895-1968 Q107019744 Unknown None known Contact us
1478-4017 Transactions and papers / 1946-1964 Q96738260 Unknown None known Contact us
0065-9711 Transactions and proceedings of the American Philological Association. 1897-1972 Q27716485 Unknown None known Contact us
0374-6607 Transactions and proceedings of the Botanical Society of Edinburgh. 1841- Q53952900 Unknown None known Contact us
1539-3682 Transactions and proceedings of the Modern Language Association of America. 1887- Q96738261 Unknown None known Contact us
0267-2790 Transactions. Medico-Chirurgical Society of Edinburgh Q66487412 None* 1824-||-1924 Contact us
0372-0187 Transactions - Newcomen Society for the Study of the History of Engineering and Technology. 1921- Q15752990 Unknown None known Contact us
0096-3852 Transactions of the Academy of Science of Saint Louis. 1856-1978 Q10987448 Unknown None known Contact us
0886-1226 Transactions of the Albany Institute. 1830-1892 N/A None known Contact us
2152-6141 Transactions of the American Art-Union, for the year ... 1844-1850 N/A None known Contact us
0065-7204 Transactions of the American Association of Genito-Urinary Surgeons. 1906- Q27713631 Unknown None known Contact us
0096-7394 Transactions of the American Ceramic Society containing the papers and discussions of the ... annual meeting. 1900-1917 N/A None known Contact us
1059-8685 Transactions of the American Climatological Association for the year ... 1884- Q26841975 Unknown None known Contact us
0065-7778 Transactions of the American Clinical and Climatological Association. 1933- Q24056174 Unknown None known Contact us
0096-4786 Transactions of the American Electrochemical Society. -1931 Q96738273 Unknown None known Contact us
0002-8320 Transactions of the American Entomological Society. 1867-1877 Q15759271 None 1867-1950+ Contact us
1945-516X Transactions of the American Entomological Society and proceedings of the Entomological Section of the Academy of Natural Sciences. 1878-1889 Q104092231 N/A None known Contact us
0002-8487 Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 1900- Q15756303 Unknown None known Contact us
0065-8375 Transactions of the American Foundrymen's Society. 1948- Q26839444 Unknown None known Contact us
0065-8480 Transactions of the American Gynecological Society for the year ... 1877-1979 Q27722008 Unknown None known Contact us
0096-7408 Transactions of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers. 1908- Q107019745 None* 1908-1928 Contact us
0096-3860 Transactions of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers. -1951 Q28016128 Unknown None known Contact us
0097-2452 Transactions of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers. 1952-1962 Q96738274 Unknown None known Contact us
0097-2185 Transactions of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers. 1952-1963 Q96738275 Unknown None known Contact us
0002-9947 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society. Q2379946 1944 1900-recent Contact us
0003-0023 Transactions of the American Microscopical Society. 1896-1994 Q21384989 Unknown None known Contact us
0003-018X Transactions of the American Nuclear Society. 1958- Q26839524 Unknown None known Contact us
0065-9533 Transactions of the American Ophthalmological Society. 1864- Q26842158 Unknown None known Contact us
0271-4442 Transactions of the American Philological Association. 1870-1896 Q96738276 N/A None known Contact us
0065-9746 Transactions of the American Philosophical Society. 1771- Q28807280 Unknown None known Contact us
0096-476X Transactions of the American Society for Steel Treating. 1920-1933 Q107019746 Unknown None known Contact us
0097-6822 Transactions of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. 1880-1958 Q15765875 Unknown None known Contact us
1059-5538 Transactions of the American Surgical Association. 1883-1934 Q107019747 Unknown None known Contact us
1933-0545 Transactions of the ... annual meetings of the Kansas Academy of Science. 1883-1901 Q60182944 N/A None known Contact us
0893-1992 Transactions of the ... annual session. 1870- Unknown None known Contact us
1356-014X Transactions of the Anthropological Society of London. 1863- Q96738277 Unknown None known Contact us
1541-4132 Transactions of the Anthropological Society of Washington. 1882-1885 N/A None known Contact us
2152-615X Transactions of the Apollo Association for the Promotion of the Fine Arts in the United States at the ... annual meeting. 1839- Q107019748 Unknown None known Contact us
0287-6035 Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan. 1874- Q111514866 Unknown None known Contact us
0066-9458 Transactions of the Association of American Physicians. 1886-1993 Q29960592 Unknown None known Contact us
0097-3890 Transactions of the Astronomical Observatory of Yale University. 1887- Q107019749 Unknown None known Contact us
0371-5469 Transactions of the British Ceramic Society; incorporating British ceramic abstracts. 1939- Q103993978 None* None known Contact us
0068-6611 Transactions of the Cambridge Bibliographical Society. 1949- Q15764240 Unknown None known Contact us
0384-823X Transactions of the Canadian Institute. 1889-1913 Q51408814 N/A None known Contact us
0093-2949 Transactions of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia. 1875-1938 Q19856910 Unknown None known Contact us
0069-8989 Transactions of the Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences. 1866- Q21386281 Unknown None known Contact us
0309-7986 Transactions of the Cumberland & Westmorland Antiquarian & Archeological Society. Q43759647 None* 1874-recent Contact us
0096-4743 Transactions of the Electrochemical Society. 1931- Q96738285 Unknown None known Contact us
1368-0366 Transactions of the Ethnological Society of London. 1861-1869 Q30224306 N/A None known Contact us
0071-3686 Transactions of the Faculty of Actuaries. 1902-1998 Q96738286 Unknown None known Contact us
2042-5295 Transactions of the Geological Society of London 1811-1856 Q15987266 N/A None known Contact us
0371-7208 Transactions of the Geological Society of South Africa. 1896-1986 Q96334507 Unknown None known Contact us
2398-5755 Transactions of the Glasgow Archaeological Society. 1859- Q107019751 Unknown None known Contact us
2026-6707 Transactions of the Gold Coast & Togoland Historical Society. 1952-1956 Q54959081 Unknown None known Contact us
1479-1234 Transactions of the Grotius Society. 1919-1944 Unknown None known Contact us
0855-3246 Transactions of the Historical Society of Ghana. 1957- Q107019752 Unknown None known Contact us
0959-3632 The transactions of the Honourable Society of Cymmrodorion. 1893- Q7833734 Unknown None known Contact us
0363-3152 Transactions of the Huguenot Society of South Carolina. 1889- Q107019753 Unknown None known Contact us
0096-5952 Transactions of the Illuminating Engineering Society. 1906- Q107019754 Unknown None known Contact us
0251-107X Transactions of the International Astronomical Union. 1922- Q96738299 Unknown None known Contact us
0074-3054 Transactions of the International Conference on Endodontics. 1958- Q27713643 Unknown None known Contact us
2168-0639 Transactions of the IRE Professional Group on Antennas and Propagation. 1952-1955 Q96334527 None* None known Contact us
0277-6243 Transactions of the I.R.E. Professional Group on Communications Systems. 1953-1955 Q96334532 Unknown None known Contact us
0096-2422 Transactions of the IRE Professional Group on Component Parts. 1954-1955 Q96334533 Unknown None known Contact us
0197-6370 Transactions of the I.R.E. Professional Group on Electron Devices. 1952-1954 Q96334534 None* None known Contact us
0273-1959 Transactions of the I.R.E. Professional Group on Industrial Electronics. 1953- Q96334535 Unknown None known Contact us
2168-071X Transactions of the IRE Professional Group on Medical Electronics. 1953- Q96334537 Unknown None known Contact us
0276-1173 Transactions of the IRE Professional Group on Microwave Theory and Techniques. 1953- Q96334538 None* None known Contact us
0277-6278 Transactions of the IRE Professional Group on Nuclear Science. 1954- Q96738295 None* None known Contact us
0277-626X Transactions of the I.R.E Professional Group on Ultrasonics Engineering. 1954- Q96334542 None* None known Contact us
2150-1394 Transactions of the IRE Professional Group on Vehicular Communications / 1952-1954 Q96334543 Unknown None known Contact us
1884-0485 Transactions of the Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences. 1959- Q96738305 Unknown None known Contact us
0549-3811 Transactions of the Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences. 1959- Q15760128 Unknown None known Contact us
1347-3840 Transactions of the Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences, Space Technology Japan 1959- Q96738307 Unknown None known Contact us
0022-8443 Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science. 1903- Q7833735 Unknown None known Contact us
1933-0537 Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science. 1872-1880 Q29043922 N/A None known Contact us
0790-634X Transactions of the Kilkenny Archaeological Society. 1853-1855 N/A None known Contact us
0075-9708 Transactions of the Linnaean Society of New York. 1882- Q51421087 Unknown None known Contact us
0951-449X Transactions of the Medico-Legal Society for the year ... 1904-1933 Q107019755 Unknown None known Contact us
1539-3674 Transactions of the Modern Language Association of America. 1886- Q96738323 Unknown None known Contact us
0886-1730 Transactions of the Moravian Historical Society. 1858-2000 Q107019756 Unknown None known Contact us
0077-8605 Transactions of the New Orleans Academy of Ophthalmology. 1956- Q27713656 Unknown None known Contact us
1059-8677 Transactions of the New York Odontological Society. 1875-1911 N/A None known Contact us
1044-6443 Transactions of the New York State Medical Association for the year ... 1885-1899 N/A None known Contact us
0097-6830 Transactions of the ... North American Wildlife Conference. -1959 Q107019757 Unknown None known Contact us
0266-2337 Transactions of the Odontological Society of Great Britain. 1861-1907 N/A None known Contact us
0735-4649 Transactions of the Oneida Historical Society at Utica. 1881-1903 N/A None known Contact us
0078-5334 Transactions of the ophthalmological societies of the United Kingdom. 1881-1986 Q27713651 Unknown None known Contact us
1475-4878 Transactions of the Optical Society. 1900- Q96738326 Unknown None known Contact us
0306-0926 Transactions of the Oriental Ceramic Society. 1923- Q15817954 Unknown None known Contact us
0079-1636 Transactions of the Philological Society. Q7833737 None* 1854-||-1946+ Contact us
0573-3634 Transactions of the ... Prague Conference on Information Theory, Statistical Decision Functions, Random Processes. 1956- Q107019758 Unknown None known Contact us
0950-4737 Transactions of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. 1824-1834 Q96738329 N/A None known Contact us
0080-4312 Transactions of the Royal Canadian Institute. 1915-1969 Q33112750 Unknown None known Contact us
0035-8894 The Transactions of the Royal Entomological Society of London. 1933-1975 Q21385808 Unknown None known Contact us
0372-1108 Transactions of the Royal Geological Society of Cornwall. 1818- Q107019759 Unknown None known Contact us
0080-4401 Transactions of the Royal Historical Society. 1872- Q15745398 Unknown None known Contact us
0372-1426 Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia, Incorporated. 1938- Q15767111 Unknown None known Contact us
0035-9203 Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. 1920- Q15766916 Unknown None known Contact us
0266-7614 Transactions of the Sanitary Institute of Great Britain. 1879-1888 Q96738330 N/A* 1880-1893+ Contact us
2049-7873 Transactions of the Society, Instituted at London, for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures, and Commerce. 1783- Q29994999 Unknown None known Contact us
0038-0032 Transactions of the Society of Rheology. 1957- Q6295875 Unknown None known Contact us
0891-3633 Transactions of the Southern Surgical Association. 1916- Q27721597 Unknown None known Contact us
0096-3879 Transactions of the Utah Academy of Sciences. 1918-1921 N/A None known Contact us
0083-5056 Transactions of the Vacuum Metallurgy Conference. 1960-1969 Q107019760 Unknown None known Contact us
0893-3987 Transactions of the Vermont State Medical Society. 1887-1914 N/A None known Contact us
0357-1823 Transactions of the Westermarck Society. 1947-1989 Q107019761 Unknown None known Contact us
0084-0505 Transactions of the Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts, and Letters. 1872- Q88941028 Unknown None known Contact us
0084-5620 Transactions of the Zoological Society of London. 1835- Q21385283 None* 1833-||-1927 Contact us
0048-3206 Transactions - Pennsylvania Academy of Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology. 1948-1990 Q27713652 Unknown None known Contact us
0037-9794 Transactions - Society of Actuaries. 1949- Q107019762 Unknown None known Contact us
0010-1087 Transactions & studies of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia. 1938- Q27713671 Unknown None known Contact us
0962-9688 Transactions - The Jewish Historical Society of England. 1894- Unknown None known Contact us
2047-2331 Transactions - The Jewish Historical Society of England. 1894- Q116295877 Unknown None known Contact us
0041-1078 The Transatlantic review. 1959- Q7833785 1960 None known Contact us
0564-1020 The Transatlantic review. 1924- Unknown None known Contact us
0564-1063 Transformation : arts, communication, environment. 1950-1952 Q107019763 Unknown None known Contact us
0041-1132 Transfusion. 1958-1967 Q15758500 Unknown None known Contact us
0041-1191 Transition. 1961- Q1614015 Unknown None known Contact us
0065-9282 Translations of mathematical monographs. 1962- Q107019764 Unknown None known Contact us
0041-1396 Transport and communications bulletin for Asia and the Far East. 1961-1974 Q107019765 Unknown None known Contact us
1316-1229 Tratados públicos y acuerdos internacionales de Venezuela / 1924- Unknown None known Contact us
0041-1868 Le travail humain (En ligne) 1933- Q15763668 Unknown None known Contact us
0373-6555 Travaux de l'Institut de recherches sahariennes. 1942-1968 Q107019766 Unknown None known Contact us
0768-424X Travaux de l'Institut français d'études andines. 1949- Q107019767 Unknown None known Contact us
0082-6057 Travaux de linguistique et de littérature. 1963-1987 Q107019768 Unknown None known Contact us
0554-5927 Travaux du Centre d'archéologie méditerranéenne de l'Académie polonaise des sciences. 1959- Unknown None known Contact us
0041-1930 Travaux et jours. 1961- Q107019777 Unknown None known Contact us
0371-5574 Travaux et mémoires du Bureau international des poids et mesures / 1881-1966 Q107019778 Unknown None known Contact us
0564-1675 Traveller in India. 1957- Q107019779 Unknown None known Contact us
0041-2155 Treasury bulletin. 1939- Q107019780 Unknown None known Contact us
0083-0186 Treaties and other international acts series. 1946- Q107019781 Unknown None known Contact us
0083-0194 Treaties in force a list of treaties and other international acts of the United States in force on ... 1941- Q107019782 Unknown None known Contact us
0041-2198 Tree-ring research. 1934- Q15766151 None 1934-2000+ Contact us
1536-1098 Tree-ring research. 2001-2014 All 2001-2011+ Contact us
0041-2228 Trees magazine. 1937- Q107019783 Unknown None known Contact us
0041-2309 Trend. 1942- Q107019784 Unknown None known Contact us
0479-9364 Trends in economics; papers. 1955- Q107019785 Unknown None known Contact us
0041-3097 Tri-quarterly. 1958- Q7839818 Unknown None known Contact us
2163-7814 Tri-weekly Astorian 1873-1874 N/A None known Contact us
2470-2609 The tri-weekly citizen 1863- Q107019660 Unknown None known Contact us
2333-276X The tri-weekly herald 1865- Q107019661 N/A* 1865+ Contact us
2381-3156 Tri-weekly journal [electronic resource]. Q100294125 None 1840-||-1870 Contact us
2373-2296 The tri-weekly standard 1866-1868 N/A None known Contact us
2331-0308 Tri-weekly Whig 1859- Q107019790 Unknown None known Contact us
0496-1889 Triad. 1960- Q107019788 Unknown None known Contact us
0047-2972 Trial judges' journal : a quarterly newsletter of the National Conference of State Trial Judges. 1962-1971 Q27716959 Unknown None known Contact us
0041-2597 Triangle; the Sandoz journal of medical science. 1952- Q27713675 Unknown None known Contact us
2326-9391 The tribune [electronic resource]. -1902 N/A None known Contact us
2471-0504 The tribune [electronic resource]. 1874- Unknown None known Contact us
1277-2380 Tribüne. 1962- Q1799197 Unknown None known Contact us
2577-2562 The tribune independent of Michigan 1933-1935 Q107019654 Unknown None known Contact us
0082-6413 Tribus. 1951- Q107019789 Unknown None known Contact us
0041-3011 El trimestre económico 1934- Q5823610 Unknown None known Contact us
1557-122X Trimonthly report / 1958-1959 Q96738507 Unknown None known Contact us
0496-2826 Trobar : a magazine of the new poetry. 1960-1964 Q107019791 Unknown None known Contact us
0085-7394 Tromso museums skrifter. 1925- Q21385305 Unknown None known Contact us
2469-7176 Tropical housing & planning monthly bulletin. 1955- Q107019792 Unknown None known Contact us
1025-1189 Trud : ezhednevnai͡a gazeta Vseros. t͡sentr. soveta professionalʹnykh soi͡uzov. 1921- Q1195809 Unknown None known Contact us
0568-5133 Trudy. 1958- Q107019793 Unknown None known Contact us
0131-3940 Trudy Astrofizicheskogo instituta / 1961- Q107019794 Unknown None known Contact us
0516-0995 Trudy Instituta ėtnografii im. N.N. Miklukho-Maklai︠a︡. 1947- Q107019795 Unknown None known Contact us
0568-5788 Trudy Instituta i︠a︡zykoznanii︠a︡. 1952-1960 Q107019796 Unknown None known Contact us
0568-4773 Trudy Instituta matematiki i mekhaniki / 1961- Q107019797 Unknown None known Contact us
0371-8247 Trudy Kazanskoĭ gorodskoĭ astronomicheskoĭ observatorii. 1893- Q107019798 Unknown None known Contact us
0451-923X Trudy Kievskoĭ astronomicheskoĭ observatoriï = Trudy Kyïvsʹkoï astronomichnoï observatoriï / 1956- Q107019799 Unknown None known Contact us
0580-0226 Trudy Moskovskogo matematicheskogo obshchestva. 1952- Q107019800 Unknown None known Contact us
0496-9065 Trudy po russkoĭ i slavi︠a︡nskoĭ filologii. 1958- Q107019801 Unknown None known Contact us
0582-9828 Trudy Shemakhinskoĭ astrofizicheskoĭ observatorii. 1959-1964 Q107019802 Unknown None known Contact us
2372-6970 True American [electronic resource]. 1855- Q107019803 Unknown None known Contact us
0036-3251 True Latter-Day Saints' herald 1860- Q107019804 Unknown None known Contact us
2574-5964 Trumpet and Universalist magazine. 1828-1842 N/A None known Contact us
2574-5972 Trumpet and Universalist magazine and star of Bethlehem. 1842- Unknown None known Contact us
0575-9978 Trusteed pension plans financial statistics. 1959-1986 Q107019806 Unknown None known Contact us
0041-3682 Trusts and estates. 1939- Q7848225 Unknown None known Contact us
0041-3712 The truth seeker : devoted to science, morals, free thought, free enquiry and the diffusion of liberal sentments [sic]. 1873- Q107019662 Unknown None known Contact us
0369-1497 Tschermaks Mineralogische und Petrographische Mitteilungen. 1948-1968 Q15979749 Unknown None known Contact us
0041-3879 Tubercle. 1919- Q27713684 Unknown None known Contact us
0494-1373 Tüberküloz ve toraks. 1953- Q26842612 Unknown None known Contact us
0041-3941 Tufts dental outlook. 1928-1971 Q27713689 Unknown None known Contact us
0886-800X The Tulane drama review. 1957-1967 Q96737904 1957* None known Contact us
0041-3992 Tulane law review. 1929- Q7851931 1929* Predecessor Contact us
0082-6758 Tulane studies in English. 1949-1983 Q107019808 Unknown None known Contact us
2330-7234 Tulsa daily world -1919 N/A None known Contact us
0300-8916 Tumori : a journal of experimental and clinical oncology 1911- Q15757838 None* 1911-||-1922 Contact us
0049-4801 Tundra times. 1962-1997 Q7852905 Unknown None known Contact us
0564-5042 Türk arkeoloji dergisi. 1956- Q96192069 Unknown None known Contact us
0564-5050 Türk dili araştırmaları yıllığı. 1953- Q15766666 Unknown None known Contact us
0082-6898 Türk etnoğrafya dergisi. 1956-1997 Q107019809 Unknown None known Contact us
0041-4239 Türk kültürü. 1963- Q107019811 Unknown None known Contact us
1300-2333 Türk yurdu. 1909- Q107019812 Unknown None known Contact us
0041-4301 The Turkish journal of pediatrics. 1958- Q15757837 Unknown None known Contact us
0041-4328 Türkiye bibliyografyasi. 1934-1991 Q107019810 Unknown None known Contact us
2473-0459 Turner County herald 1883- Q107019813 Unknown None known Contact us
0039-8543 TV guide. 1953- Q849887 Unknown None known Contact us
0039-8551 TV hebdo. 1960- Unknown None known Contact us
0041-4573 The Twainian. 1939- Q107019663 Unknown None known Contact us
0041-4603 The Twentieth century. 1951-1972 Q107019664 Unknown None known Contact us
0041-462X Twentieth century literature. 1955- Q15763338 None None known Contact us
2044-6500 Twice a week : an illustrated London journal of entertaining literature and useful information. 1862- Q107019814 Unknown None known Contact us
2331-6381 The twice=a=week herald -1906 N/A None known Contact us
1075-1254 Twice a year. 1938-1948 Q107019816 Unknown None known Contact us
0564-5743 Two cities. 1959-1964 Q107019817 Unknown None known Contact us
0041-4719 The two worlds. 1887- Unknown None known Contact us
0041-4751 Tydskrif vir geesteswetenskappe. 1961- Q60330984 Unknown None known Contact us
1682-4490 Tydskrif vir hedendaagse Romeins-Hollandse Reg. 1937- Q106453223 Unknown None known Contact us
0041-476X Tydskrif vir letterkunde. 1951- Q43768615 Unknown None known Contact us
0362-8434 U. S. Army register. 1802- Q107019910 Unknown None known Contact us
0497-2910 U.B.C. legal notes. 1949-1952 Unknown None known Contact us
0500-8743 U.C.L.A. intramural law review. 1952-1953 Unknown None known Contact us
0041-5650 UCLA law review. 1953- Q7864035 Unknown None known Contact us
0041-574X The Uganda journal. 1934- Q68087506 Unknown None known Contact us
0503-0846 Uganda Museum occasional paper. 1956- Q107019818 Unknown None known Contact us
0926-9568 Uitgaven van het Nederlands Historisch-Archaeologisch Instituut te İstanbul = Publications de l'Institut historique archéologique néerlandais de Stamboul. 1956-2001 Q107019819 Unknown None known Contact us
0503-096X Ukiyoe. 1962- Q107019820 Unknown None known Contact us
0041-6029 The Ukrainian review 1954-1999 Q27716559 Unknown None known Contact us
0372-4123 Ukraïnsʹkyĭ botanichnyĭ z͡hurnal. Ukrainian botanical review. 1924- Q6155261 Unknown None known Contact us
0041-6045 Ukrainskiĭ khimicheskiĭ zhurnal. 1948- Q12164243 Unknown None known Contact us
0041-6053 Ukrainskiĭ matematicheskiĭ zhurnal. 1949- Q12164148 Unknown None known Contact us
0082-7347 Ulster folklife. 1955- Q27716590 Unknown None known Contact us
0082-7355 Ulster journal of archaeology. 1853- Q55027468 Unknown None known Contact us
0041-6193 The Ulster medical journal. 1932- Q7879986 Unknown None known Contact us
0041-624X Ultrasonics. 1963- Q2456507 Unknown None known Contact us
2251-8517 ʻUlūm-i kishāvarzī va manābiʻ-i ṭabīʻī. 1376-1998 Q50811108 Unknown None known Contact us
0097-112X ha-Umah. 1915- Q107017920 Unknown None known Contact us
0503-146X ha-Umah. 1962- Unknown None known Contact us
0049-5123 Umění : časopis Kabinetu theorie a dějin umění Československě akademie věd. 1953- Q42380841 Unknown None known Contact us
0503-1583 Umjetnost riječi; časopis za nauku o knjiz̆evnosti. 1957- Q107019821 Unknown None known Contact us
1937-1128 The una : a paper devoted to the elevation of woman. 1853-1855 Q7771265 N/A 1853-1855 Contact us
0041-6436 Unasylva / Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations. 1947- Q15716367 Unknown None known Contact us
0041-6533 Undersea technology. 1961-1972 Q96334692 Unknown None known Contact us
0041-6606 Underwater naturalist. 1962- Unknown None known Contact us
0041-526X Unesco chronicle. 1955-1980 Q107019822 Unknown None known Contact us
0082-7495 Unesco manuals for libraries. 1960- Unknown None known Contact us
0501-1094 The Unicorn review. 1962- Q107019665 Unknown None known Contact us
0896-9655 Uniform building code. 1958- Q107019823 Unknown None known Contact us
0082-7592 Uniform crime reports for the United States. 1930-1998 Q107019824 Unknown None known Contact us
0503-1982 Uniformed services almanac. 1958- Q107019825 Unknown None known Contact us
2639-538X The Union [electronic resource]. 1863- Q107019666 Unknown None known Contact us
2333-4517 The union [electronic resource]. 1877- Q107019667 Unknown None known Contact us
2333-1615 Union County star and Lewisburg chronicle 1859-1864 N/A None known Contact us
2470-7945 Union gazette 1862-1900 Q106117603 N/A* 1865-||-1909+ Contact us
0049-5301 Union research service. 1955-1975 Q107019827 Unknown None known Contact us
0362-1545 Union Seminary quarterly review. 1945- Q15716491 1959 1945-2016 Contact us
0362-904X The Union seminary review. 1913-1946 Q96731705 Unknown None known Contact us
0041-7033 The Union signal. 1883- Q107019668 Unknown None known Contact us
0747-3788 Union-sun & journal. 1915- Unknown None known Contact us
0191-1481 Union wages and hours: 1936- Q107019828 Unknown None known Contact us
0080-1461 Unique 3-in-1 research & development directory. 1963-1993 Q107019829 Unknown None known Contact us
0364-3506 The Unitarian Christian. 1950- Q99174756 None None known Contact us
0950-7558 United Kingdom balance of payments. 1947- Q96731725 Unknown None known Contact us
0041-7327 The United Mine Workers journal. 1891- Unknown None known Contact us
1020-7783 United Nations bulletin. 1948-1954 Q107019830 Unknown None known Contact us
0041-7351 United Nations documents index. 1950- Q107019838 Unknown None known Contact us
0082-8297 United Nations juridical yearbook. 1962- Q107019839 Unknown None known Contact us
0501-3895 United Nations legislative series [electronic resource] 1951-1985 Unknown None known Contact us
0503-4612 The United Nations review. 1943-1945 Q107019669 Unknown None known Contact us
0498-0085 The United Nations Special Fund. 1960- Q107019670 Unknown None known Contact us
0197-0038 United Nations studies. 1947-1962 Q107019840 Unknown None known Contact us
0270-7438 United Nations world. 1947- Unknown None known Contact us
2376-8835 The united opinion 1881- Q107019671 None* 1882-||-1922+ Contact us
0566-0750 The United States Air Force JAG bulletin. 1959-1964 Q107019672 Unknown None known Contact us
0272-6769 The United States and the United Nations report by the President to the Congress for the year .. 1947- Q107019673 Unknown None known Contact us
0004-2218 United States Armed Forces medical journal. 1950-1960 Q27718285 Unknown None known Contact us
0277-9080 United States army combat forces journal. 1950-1954 Q107019841 1950* None known Contact us
0271-3764 United States army training manual. 1922- Q107019842 Unknown None known Contact us
0886-4217 United States aviation reports. 1928- Q107019843 Unknown None known Contact us
0278-4637 United States Catholic intelligencer. 1831-1832 N/A None known Contact us
0362-8620 The United States daily. 1926-1933 Q107019674 Unknown None known Contact us
0892-9149 United States government manual. [electronic resource] 1935-1948 Q107019844 Unknown None known Contact us
0083-1174 United States government organization manual. 1949-1972 Q107019845 Unknown None known Contact us
0041-767X United States Government publications monthly catalog / 1940-1951 Q107019846 None* 1940-2004+ Contact us
0083-128X The United States in world affairs. 1932-1971 Q107019675 Unknown None known Contact us
0362-8442 United States investor. 1891- Q107019847 Unknown None known Contact us
1052-2409 United States law review. 1929-1940 Q108151621 None* None known Contact us
0096-2945 United States naval medical bulletin. 1907-1949 Q96334701 Unknown None known Contact us
0097-0336 United States Naval Observatory circular. 1949- Q107019849 Unknown None known Contact us
0041-8056 The United States review 1853-1855 N/A None known Contact us
0083-3401 United States statutes at large. 1937- Q909723 N/A* 1789-recent Contact us
0083-3487 United States treaties and other international agreements. 1952-1996 Q107019850 Unknown None known Contact us
2043-5118 Universal magazine, Jan. 1804-June 1814 Q21187338 N/A 1747-1815 Contact us
2044-6586 The Universal review 1888-1890 N/A None known Contact us
2044-6551 The universal review. 1859-1860 N/A None known Contact us
0738-5315 The Universalist expositor. 1831-1832 N/A None known Contact us
1945-4899 The Universalist miscellany. 1844-1849 N/A None known Contact us
1941-305X The Universalist preacher. 1829- Unknown None known Contact us
1077-9086 Universalist quarterly and general review. 1844-1891 N/A None known Contact us
2158-5377 The Universalist union. 1887- Unknown None known Contact us
0041-8420 Universidad de La Habana. 1934- Q50426260 Unknown None known Contact us
0120-1115 Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana. 1946-1980 Q107019851 Unknown None known Contact us
0564-240X Università degli studi di Trieste, Facoltà di lettere e filosofia, Istituto di filologia classica. 1955- Q107019852 Unknown None known Contact us
0041-9095 Universitas médica : publicación de la Facultad de Medicina de la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. 1958- Q73908673 Unknown None known Contact us
0083-4386 Universitatis Iagellonicae acta mathematica. 1959- Q17619395 Unknown None known Contact us
0502-6385 Universities and left review. 1957-1959 Q107019853 Unknown None known Contact us
0041-9257 University affairs. Affaires universitaires. 1959- Unknown None known Contact us
0041-9281 University College quarterly. 1960-1980 Q107019854 Unknown None known Contact us
1525-6979 The university journal of business. 1922-1927 Q29043908 None* 1922-1927+ Contact us
0700-5946 The University magazine. 1907- Q107019677 Unknown None known Contact us
2151-531X University Missourian. 1908-1916 N/A None known Contact us
0096-2953 University Museum bulletin. 1930- Q107019855 None* 1930-1958+ Contact us
0047-729X University of Birmingham historical journal. 1947-1970 Q15755835 Unknown None known Contact us
0068-1849 University of British Columbia law review. 1959- Q7895141 Unknown None known Contact us
0828-8569 University of British Columbia legal notes. 1953-1958 Q107019856 Unknown None known Contact us
0068-6352 University of California publications. 1950-1973 Q107019857 Unknown None known Contact us
0896-8837 University of California publications in classical archaeology. 1929-1963 Q107019858 Unknown None known Contact us
0147-2267 University of California publications in classical philology. 1904-1964 Q107019859 Unknown None known Contact us
0068-6425 University of California publications in education. 1893-1969 Q107019860 Unknown None known Contact us
0096-9311 University of California publications in engineering. 1907-1962 Q107019861 Unknown None known Contact us
1052-2557 University of California publications in English. 1929-1949 Q107019862 Unknown None known Contact us
0068-6417 University of California publications in entomology. 1906- Q21386267 Unknown None known Contact us
0068-6441 University of California publications in geography. 1913-1988 Q107019863 Unknown None known Contact us
0068-645X University of California publications in geological sciences. 1952- Q21386271 Unknown None known Contact us
0068-6468 University of California publications in history. 1911- Q107019864 1940* 1911-||-1963 Contact us
0068-6476 University of California publications in librarianship. 1951-1973 Q107019865 Unknown None known Contact us
0068-6484 University of California publications in linguistics. 1943- Q107019866 1963* 1951-||-1962 Contact us
0068-6492 University of California publications in modern philology. 1909-1998 Q107019867 Unknown None known Contact us
1049-7560 University of California publications in music. 1943- Q107019868 Unknown None known Contact us
0096-8951 University of California publications in public health. 1928-1962 Q107019870 Unknown None known Contact us
0068-6506 University of California publications in zoology. 1902- Q21386276 Unknown None known Contact us
0749-1883 University of California publications. 1904- Q107019869 Unknown None known Contact us
0410-1669 University of California publications. 1955- Unknown None known Contact us
0041-9494 The University of Chicago law review. 1933- Q7895257 Unknown None known Contact us
0041-9508 The University of Chicago magazine. 1908- Q54812243 None 1908-||-present+ Contact us
0009-6881 University of Cincinnati law review. 1927- Q15752012 1940 2011-present Contact us
0041-9516 University of Colorado law review. 1962- Q15754370 None* 2010-present Contact us
0069-6188 University of Colorado studies. 1948- Q107019871 Unknown None known Contact us
0069-6226 University of Colorado studies. 1949-1967 Unknown None known Contact us
0069-6234 University of Colorado studies. 1948- Unknown None known Contact us
0069-6242 University of Colorado studies. 1958- Unknown None known Contact us
0069-6250 University of Colorado studies. 1953-1965 Unknown None known Contact us
8755-2183 University of Detroit law journal. 1931-1966 Unknown None known Contact us
0041-963X The University of Illinois law forum. 1949- Q27716945 Unknown None known Contact us
0898-8307 University of Iowa studies in child welfare. 1920-1933 Q107019872 Unknown None known Contact us
0081-8283 University of Iowa studies in natural history. 1918-1948 Q107019873 Unknown None known Contact us
1079-9591 University of Iowa studies in psychology. 1897- Q107019874 None* 1897-||-1926 Contact us
0083-4025 University of Kansas law review. 1952- Q15759949 Unknown None known Contact us
0889-0420 University of Kansas paleontological contributions. 1947-1968 Q107019875 Unknown None known Contact us
0022-8850 The University of Kansas science bulletin. 1926-1996 Q21385501 Unknown None known Contact us
2529-7414 University of Malaya law review. 1959-1961 Unknown None known Contact us
0076-7719 University of Miami Hispanic-American studies. 1939- Q107019876 Unknown None known Contact us
0041-9818 University of Miami law review. 1957- Q15757995 None* 1957-present+ Contact us
0543-9574 University of Michigan comparative education dissertation series. 1963- Q107019877 Unknown None known Contact us
1052-2395 University of Michigan publications. 1911- Q107019878 Unknown None known Contact us
0278-310X The University of Mississippi studies in English. 1960-1995 Q107019679 Unknown None known Contact us
1049-1643 The University of Missouri bulletin. 1913-1916 N/A None known Contact us
0076-9703 The University of Missouri studies. 1926- Q107019680 Unknown None known Contact us
0893-1763 The University of Missouri studies. 1901-1904 N/A None known Contact us
0893-1771 The University of Missouri studies. 1909-1911 N/A None known Contact us
0893-178X The University of Missouri studies. 1911- Unknown None known Contact us
0893-1798 The University of Missouri studies. 1905-1918 N/A None known Contact us
0893-1801 University of Missouri studies. 1905- Q107019879 Unknown None known Contact us
0077-8141 University of New Brunswick law journal. Revue de droit de l'Université du Nouveau-Brunswick. 1947- Q15760528 None* 2012-present Contact us
0096-8978 University of New Mexico publications in anthropology. 1945-1965 Q107019880 Unknown None known Contact us
0097-4420 University of New Mexico publications in geology. 1945-1966 Q107019881 Unknown None known Contact us
0545-3100 University of New Mexico publications in history. 1950-1954 Q107019882 Unknown None known Contact us
0097-0476 University of New Mexico publications in meteoritics. 1946- Q107019883 Unknown None known Contact us
0041-9907 University of Pennsylvania law review. 1945- Q7896086 1964* 1908-||-present+ Contact us
0749-9833 University of Pennsylvania law review and American law register. 1908-1944 Q96731842 Unknown None known Contact us
0024-2233 The University of Pennsylvania library chronicle. 1933- Q27716059 Unknown None known Contact us
0041-9915 University of Pittsburgh law review. 1935- Q7896129 Unknown None known Contact us
0083-4041 The University of Queensland law journal. 1948- Q7896190 Unknown None known Contact us
0361-1272 The University of Rochester library bulletin. 1945- Q107019681 Unknown None known Contact us
2158-7973 The University of Texas studies in English. 1949-1956 Q107019682 Unknown None known Contact us
0042-0220 The University of Toronto law journal 1935- Q15749986 Unknown None known Contact us
0042-0247 University of Toronto quarterly. 1895- Q7896494 None* None known Contact us
0384-8973 University of Toronto studies : 1898-1949 Q27723287 Unknown None known Contact us
0372-4913 University of Toronto studies. 1900-1948 Q107019884 Unknown None known Contact us
0828-2226 University of Toronto studies. 1914-1923 N/A None known Contact us
0714-9247 University of Toronto studies. 1900- Unknown None known Contact us
0822-2126 University of Toronto studies. 1940- Unknown None known Contact us
0083-4955 University of Utah biological series. 1951- Q107019885 Unknown None known Contact us
0737-643X The University of Washington Arboretum bulletin. 1957-1986 Q51413311 Unknown None known Contact us
0042-0298 University of Washington business review. 1958-1971 Q107019886 Unknown None known Contact us
0085-7920 University of Washington publications in anthropology. 1925- Q107019887 Unknown None known Contact us
0083-7571 University of Washington publications in biology. 1932- Q74958508 Unknown None known Contact us
0193-1342 University of Washington publications in geology. 1916- Q107019897 Unknown None known Contact us
0193-2454 University of Washington publications in oceanography. 1932-1960 Q21385958 Unknown None known Contact us
0889-6046 University of Washington publications in oceanography. 1938- Q107019898 Unknown None known Contact us
0889-5945 University of Washington publications in oceanography. 1931-1939 Unknown None known Contact us
0042-0328 University of Western Australia law review. 1960- Q15750289 Unknown None known Contact us
0084-3199 University of Wyoming publications. 1935- Q27716524 Unknown None known Contact us
0703-3702 University quarterly review. 1890- Q107019899 Unknown None known Contact us
0566-2478 University review. 1954-1968 Unknown None known Contact us
0146-7719 University studies / Wichita State University. 1956-1977 Q107019900 Unknown None known Contact us
0042-0441 Unlisted drugs. 1949- Q107019901 Unknown None known Contact us
0042-0573 Unternehmensforschung. 1956-1971 Q107019902 Unknown None known Contact us
0042-059X Die Unternehmung Schweizerische Zeitschrift für betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis 1947- Q18620438 Unknown None known Contact us
0042-062X Die Unterrichtspraxis. 1068- Q15756907 Unknown None known Contact us
0566-2796 Untersuchungen zur österreichischen Literatur des 20. Jahrhunderts. 1963- Q107019903 Unknown None known Contact us
0566-280X Untersuchungen zur römischen Geschichte. 1961- Q107019904 Unknown None known Contact us
0042-0506 Unzer tsayṭ. 1941- Q1377762 Unknown None known Contact us
0194-2131 The Upper Arlington news. 1954- Unknown None known Contact us
1185-0590 The upper Canada law journal and municipal and local courts' gazette. 1855-1864 Q104972527 N/A None known Contact us
0042-0786 Ural-Altaische Jahrbücher. 1952-1992 Q107019905 Unknown None known Contact us
0042-0794 Urania. 1922- Q7899652 Unknown None known Contact us
0042-0824 Urban and rural planning thought. 1958-1978 Q96334729 Unknown None known Contact us
0042-0891 Urban land. 1944- Q7899942 None None known Contact us
2333-0139 Urbana union 1862- Q107019906 Unknown None known Contact us
0042-1022 Urbanistica : rivista dell'Istituto nazionale di urbanistica. 1949- Q91501464 Unknown None known Contact us
0042-1049 Urbe. 1962- Q107019907 Unknown None known Contact us
0042-1138 Urologia internationalis. 1955- Q26854025 Unknown None known Contact us
0391-5603 Urologia : rivista internazionale di cultura urologica 1934- Q27720025 Unknown None known Contact us
0500-2818 U.S. aeronautics and space activities. 1959-1969 Q107019908 Unknown None known Contact us
1041-0473 U.S. air services. Q7863040 None 1919-||-1943 Contact us
0501-7793 U.S. commodity exports and imports as related to output. 1962-1995 Q107019912 Unknown None known Contact us
0565-9523 U.S. Forest Service research note PSW. 1963-1968 Q107019913 Unknown None known Contact us
0099-667X U.S. Forest Service research note SE. 1963- Q107019914 Unknown None known Contact us
1531-4340 U.S. GAAP financial statements. 1962- Q107017795 Unknown None known Contact us
0364-4510 U.S. Geological Survey bulletin. 1983- Q106876320 None* 1883-2008 Contact us
0083-1107 U.S. Geological Survey circular. Q66777927 None* 1933-2007 Contact us
0093-9331 U.S. Government statistics. 1956- Q107019915 Unknown None known Contact us
0083-1344 U.S. industrial outlook. 1960- Q107019916 Unknown None known Contact us
0041-5537 U.S. news online Q848629 1952* 1948-1961+ Contact us
0083-0208 U.S. participation in the UN. 1948- Unknown None known Contact us
0565-1204 U.S. trade with Puerto Rico and U.S.possessions. 1942- Q107019919 Unknown None known Contact us
0042-1235 Us wurk. 1952- Q15759802 Unknown None known Contact us
0497-3801 USA tomorrow. 1954-1987 Q107019911 Unknown None known Contact us
0512-3054 The use of essential drugs : report of a WHO expert committee. 1950- Q15757365 Unknown None known Contact us
0083-4807 The Used book price guide / 1962-1977 Q107019683 Unknown None known Contact us
0038-5670 Uspekhi fizicheskikh nauk. 1918- Q1888743 Unknown None known Contact us
0036-021X Uspekhi khimii. 1932- Q3453517 Unknown None known Contact us
0036-0279 Uspekhi matematicheskikh nauk / 1936- Q15766395 Unknown None known Contact us
0497-3976 USSR. 1956-1964 Q107019918 Unknown None known Contact us
0041-5553 U.S.S.R. computational mathematics and mathematical physics. 1962- Q53952281 Unknown None known Contact us
0042-1448 Utah law review. 1949- Q15762034 Unknown None known Contact us
0569-3349 Utility Section newsletter : a periodic report to the members of the Section of Public Utility Law of the American Bar Association. 1960-1990 Q107019921 Unknown None known Contact us
0167-8175 Utrecht publications in general and comparative literature. 1962- Q107019922 Unknown None known Contact us
0566-4632 Utrechtse bijdragen tot de muziekwetenschap. 1958-1978 Q107019923 Unknown None known Contact us
0491-807X Utrikesfrågor. 1951- Q107019924 Unknown None known Contact us
1524-0517 UWM post. 1956- Unknown None known Contact us
0036-0252 V pomoshchʹ prepodavateli͡u russkogo i͡azyka v Amerike : a guide to teachers of the Russian language in America. 1947- Q102278574 Unknown None known Contact us
2637-5389 Valdez weekly prospector 1908- Q107019925 Unknown None known Contact us
2157-8214 The Valentine Democrat [electronic resource]. 1896-1898 N/A None known Contact us
2157-8230 Valentine Democrat. 1900-1930 Q100285709 Unknown None known Contact us
2331-9658 The Vancouver independent 1875- Q107019684 Unknown None known Contact us
0042-2533 Vanderbilt law review. 1947- Q7914442 1947 None known Contact us
0733-8899 Vanity fair. 1913- Q158283 1929* 1913-1928+ Contact us
0042-2738 Variety. 1905- Q471728 1947* 1905-1928 Contact us
0042-174X VDI-Forschungsheft. 1937-1991 Q96334775 Unknown None known Contact us
0042-1758 VDI Nachrichten. 1947- Q2505642 Unknown None known Contact us
0042-1766 VDI-Z; Zeitschrift des Vereins Deutscher Ingenieure für Maschinenbau und Metallbearbeitung. 1857- Q15724505 Unknown None known Contact us
0320-7951 Vedomosti Verkhovnogo Soveta Soi︠u︡za Sovetskikh Sot︠s︡ialisticheskikh Respublik. 1938-1989 Q107019926 Unknown None known Contact us
0277-9900 Vegetable outlook & situation. 1981- Q105299166 N/A* 1981-1983+ Contact us
0042-3084 The Vegetable situation. 1937-1980 Q105298741 N/A* 1937-1980+ Contact us
0042-3106 Vegetatio. 1948-1996 Q3884000 Unknown None known Contact us
0042-3254 Il Veltro. 1957- Q27716356 Unknown None known Contact us
0042-3327 Vending times. 1961- Q107019927 Unknown None known Contact us
0193-7057 The ventral New-York farmer. 1842-1844 N/A 1842-||-1844+ Contact us
0505-2149 Venture. 1954-1961 Q107019928 Unknown None known Contact us
0503-8685 Venture science fiction. 1957-1970 Q7920416 1957 None known Contact us
0042-3734 Verdi. 1960- Q107019931 Unknown None known Contact us
0323-3286 Verfügungen und Mitteilungen des Ministeriums für Volksbildung. 1953- Unknown None known Contact us
0272-3026 The Vergilian digest. 1956- Q107019685 Unknown None known Contact us
0506-7294 Vergilius. 1959- Q15753525 Unknown None known Contact us
0420-0195 Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft. 1899- Q67800783 Unknown None known Contact us
0368-0770 Verhandlungen der Internationalen Vereinigung für Theoretische und Angewandte Limnologie. 1923- Q27721025 Unknown None known Contact us
0080-7362 Verhandlungen der Schweizerischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft. 1893- Q63181660 Unknown None known Contact us
0084-5647 Verhandlungen der Zoologisch-Botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien. 1918-1977 Q15772734 Unknown None known Contact us
0042-3955 Veritas : revista de filosofia da PUCRS. 1955- Q50426265 None* 1995-present Contact us
2328-3556 Vermont daily transcript 1868- Q96333422 N/A* 1868-1869+ Contact us
2376-8851 The Vermont freeman 1842- Q96587345 N/A 1842+ Contact us
0042-4161 Vermont history. 1954- Q27716297 None* 2000-recent+ Contact us
0363-3225 Vermont legislative directory and state manual. 1867- None* 1886-||-1961 Contact us
1053-394X Vermont Patriot and State Gazette 1832-1861 Q96776721 N/A None known Contact us
2376-8932 Vermont telegraph -1843 Q96658178 N/A 1836-1843 Contact us
2333-7648 The Vermont transcript 1864- Q96334106 N/A* 1864-1868+ Contact us
1052-7419 Vermont watchman and State journal. 1819-1883 N/A None known Contact us
0521-9922 Veröffentlichungen. 1954- Q97070070 None* None known Contact us
0068-0893 Veröffentlichungen aus dem Übersee-Museum in Bremen 1950- Q100319567 None* None known Contact us
0524-0360 Veröffentlichungen aus den Beständen der Universitätsbibliothek. 1962- Q100437356 None* None known Contact us
0440-9574 Veröffentlichungen der Historischen Kommission für Pommern. 1961- Q100437512 None* None known Contact us
0521-9884 Veröffentlichungen der Kommission für Geschichtliche Landeskunde in Baden-Württemberg. 1958- Q100437781 None* None known Contact us
0404-0333 Veröffentlichungen der Niedersächsischen Archivverwaltung. 1953- Q100746486 None* None known Contact us
0558-7832 Veröffentlichungen der Niedersächsischen Archivverwaltung. 1955- Q100746820 None* None known Contact us
0078-2793 Veröffentlichungen der Stadtbibliothek Nürnberg. 1959-1964 Q100999394 None* None known Contact us
0438-9123 Veröffentlichungen des Archivs der Stadt Heilbronn. 1938- Q101539132 None* None known Contact us
0554-8578 Veröffentlichungen des Bezirksheimatmuseums Potsdam. 1962- Q102123583 None* None known Contact us
0254-9433 Veröffentlichungen des Geobotanischen Institutes der Eidg. Techn. Hochschule, Stiftung Rübel, in Zürich. 1961-1965 Q59697843 None* None known Contact us
0255-3007 Veröffentlichungen des Geobotanischen Institutes Rübel in Zürich. 1924-1959 Q96314887 None* None known Contact us
0418-3827 Veröffentlichungen des Instituts für Neue Musik und Musikerziehung Darmstadt. 1961- Q104008189 None* None known Contact us
0079-4376 Veröffentlichungen des Museums für Ur- und Frühgeschichte Potsdam. 1962-1991 Q104796182 None* None known Contact us
0075-8671 Veröffentlichungen des Museums für Völkerkunde zu Leipzig. 1907- Q107019934 Unknown None known Contact us
0342-2429 Versicherungsrecht : juristische Rundschau für die Individualversicherung. 1950- Q2518171 Unknown None known Contact us
0433-6992 Verträge der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. 1955- Q107019935 Unknown None known Contact us
1145-8739 Verve : an artistic and literary quarterly. 1937- Q107019936 Unknown None known Contact us
1145-8720 Verve : revue artistique et littéraire. 1937- Q16682455 Unknown None known Contact us
0506-7936 Verzeichnis der orientalischen Handschriften in Deutschland. 1961- Q107019937 Unknown None known Contact us
0506-7960 Verzeichnis deutscher wissenschaftlicher Zeitschriften. 1952- Q107019938 Unknown None known Contact us
0075-2959 Verzeichniss der im Jahre erschienenen Musikalien. 1858-1928 Q107017922 N/A None known Contact us
0537-8664 Vestnik / 1951-1960 Q107019939 Unknown None known Contact us
0002-3442 Vestnik Akademii nauk SSSR. 1931- Q27713777 Unknown None known Contact us
0042-4609 Vestnik dermatologiĭ i venerologiĭ. 1957- Q27713778 Unknown None known Contact us
0042-4617 Vestnik drevneĭ istorii. 1937- Q3224523 Unknown None known Contact us
0024-0850 Vestnik Leningradskogo universiteta. 1956-1985 Q107018999 Unknown None known Contact us
0027-1330 Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta. 1960- Q15766179 Unknown None known Contact us
0579-9384 Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta. 1960- Q96334791 Unknown None known Contact us
0579-9392 Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta. 1960- Q96334790 Unknown None known Contact us
0027-1365 Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta. 1960-1965 Q107019940 Unknown None known Contact us
0483-6774 Vestnik Russkogo studencheskogo khristianskogo dvizhenii︠a︡. 1950-1974 Q107019941 Unknown None known Contact us
0372-6827 Veterinaria. 1952- Q50478520 None* 2009-present Contact us
0505-401X Veterinaria italiana. 1954- Q27718006 Unknown None known Contact us
0049-6057 Die Veterinärmedizin. 1948- Q107017898 Unknown None known Contact us
0375-8427 Veterinární medicína. 1962- Q15752611 Unknown None known Contact us
0372-5480 Veterinarski arhiv. 1931- Q27724730 Unknown None known Contact us
0350-2457 Veterinarski glasnik. 1947- Q50434961 Unknown None known Contact us
0083-5870 The Veterinary annual. 1959-1996 Q107019686 Unknown None known Contact us
0097-6989 Veterinary extension quarterly. 1921- Q27721878 Unknown None known Contact us
0372-5545 Veterinary journal. 1900-1948 Q96737913 Unknown None known Contact us
0505-4052 Veterinary reviews and annotations. 1955-1961 Q107019942 Unknown None known Contact us
0506-8304 Veterinary scope. 1954-1981 Q107019943 Unknown None known Contact us
0003-3685 Veteriner Fakültesi dergisi / 1954- Q15759207 Unknown None known Contact us
0042-4935 Vetus Testamentum. 1951- Q7923855 Unknown None known Contact us
0563-9786 Via domitia. 1954-1983 Q107019944 Unknown None known Contact us
0042-5117 Victoria University of Wellington law review / 1957- Q15759980 Unknown None known Contact us
0042-5184 The Victorian naturalist. 1884- Q15708634 Unknown None known Contact us
0042-5192 The Victorian newsletter. Q27716418 None 1952-1992 Contact us
0042-5206 Victorian poetry. 1963- Q15764088 None None known Contact us
0042-5222 Victorian studies. 1957- Q7927331 None None known Contact us
0801-2083 Videnskabsselskabets skrifter. -1924 Q6130306 N/A None known Contact us
0042-5435 Vie des arts. 1956- Q3557875 Unknown None known Contact us
0399-1164 La Vie ouvrière. 1909- Q107017947 Unknown None known Contact us
0042-563X La Vie urbaine. 1919- Q107017948 Unknown None known Contact us
0042-5699 Vierteljahrschrift für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte. 1903- Q27714902 Unknown None known Contact us
0340-8728 Vierteljahrschrift für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte. 1911- Q2523717 Unknown None known Contact us
0042-5672 Vierteljahrsschrift der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Zürich. 1856- Q6161872 Unknown None known Contact us
0507-7230 Vierteljahrsschrift für wissenschaftliche Pädagogik. 1950- Q96732690 Unknown None known Contact us
0233-2051 Vierteljahrsschrift für Zahnheilkunde. 1921-1934 Q107019946 Unknown None known Contact us
1050-6764 View. 1940-1947 Q107019947 Unknown None known Contact us
0083-6230 Viewpoints in biology. 1962-1965 Q107019948 Unknown None known Contact us
0954-0881 The vigil 1798- Q107019687 Unknown None known Contact us
0042-6032 Vigiliae Christianae. 1947- Q7928932 Unknown None known Contact us
0332-608X Viking. 1937- Q12009773 Unknown None known Contact us
0042-6180 The Village voice. [electronic resource] 1955-2017 Q876158 Unknown None known Contact us
0042-6229 Villanova law review. 1956- Q15763782 Unknown None known Contact us
1072-3609 The Vincennes sun-commercial. 1931- Unknown None known Contact us
0042-627X Vindrosen. 1954-1973 Q12341119 Unknown None known Contact us
0042-6288 Vinduet. 1947- Q1779317 Unknown None known Contact us
2472-2979 The Vinita daily chieftain 1902- Q107019688 Unknown None known Contact us
2472-3096 The Vinita weekly chieftain 1902- Q107019689 Unknown None known Contact us
2576-9049 Vínland 1902-1908 N/A None known Contact us
2330-6149 The Vinton record 1866- Q107019690 Unknown None known Contact us
0376-0081 Virchows Archiv für pathologische Anatomie und Physiologie und für klinische Medizin. 1903-1967 Q27713804 Unknown None known Contact us
0507-1089 Virginia antiquary. 1954- Q107019949 Unknown None known Contact us
1946-6013 Virginia citizen. 1891-1917 Q100286017 N/A None known Contact us
0272-3352 The Virginia evangelical and literary magazine. 1818-1820 N/A None known Contact us
0049-6480 The Virginia gazette. 1775- Q107019691 Unknown None known Contact us
0042-6571 Virginia journal of international law. 1963- Q7934341 Unknown None known Contact us
1547-1357 The Virginia law register. 1896-1928 Q96737918 N/A None known Contact us
0042-6601 Virginia law review. 1913- Q7934365 None 1913-||-present Contact us
0042-6636 The Virginia magazine of history and biography. 1893- Q15755173 1964 1893-1928 Contact us
0893-9764 Virginia medical journal. 1856- Q107019950 Unknown None known Contact us
0092-8291 Virginia medical monthly. 1874- Q107019958 Unknown None known Contact us
0042-6644 Virginia medical monthly. 1918- Q26841797 Unknown None known Contact us
0042-675X The Virginia quarterly review. 1925- Q7934467 1929 1925-present Contact us
0889-6127 The Virginian-pilot. 1955- Q7772825 Unknown None known Contact us
0042-6822 Virology. 1955- Q7934867 1955 1995-recent Contact us
0507-1410 Vishveshvaranand Indological journal. 1963- Q107019959 Unknown None known Contact us
2472-6028 Vision : a journal of film comment. 1962- Q117450835 None* None known Contact us
2044-6616 The visions of Sir Heister Ryley : with other entertainments. 1710-1711 N/A None known Contact us
1184-888X The visitor. 1809-1992 Q107019692 Unknown None known Contact us
0372-6436 Visnyk. 1928- Q107019960 Unknown None known Contact us
0083-6656 Vistas in astronomy. 1955- Q115011340 None None known Contact us
0042-7152 Visual education. 1950-1980 Q107019961 Unknown None known Contact us
0042-7195 The Visva-Bharati quarterly. 1923- Q107019693 Unknown None known Contact us
0975-4474 Viśva-saṃskṛtama. 1963- Q107019962 Unknown None known Contact us
0375-4774 Vita humana. 1958-1964 Q96334828 Unknown None known Contact us
0042-7306 Vita Latina. 1957- Q59465509 Unknown None known Contact us
0042-7373 Vita veronese. 1948- Q107019965 Unknown None known Contact us
0083-1972 Vital and health statistics. 1963- Q27713809 Unknown None known Contact us
0042-7411 Vital notes on medical periodicals. 1952-1982 Q107019963 Unknown None known Contact us
0042-742X Vital speeches of the day. 1934- Q7936758 Unknown None known Contact us
0083-6710 Vital statistics of the United States. 1939- Q107019964 Unknown None known Contact us
0276-6302 Vital statistics of the United States. 1945- Unknown None known Contact us
0083-6729 Vitamins and hormones. 1943- Q15753296 1943* None known Contact us
0042-7543 Vivarium. 1963- Q2529004 Unknown None known Contact us
1240-3040 Vivre et penser recherches d'exégèse et d'histoire 1941-1944 Q107019966 Unknown None known Contact us
0132-3776 Vizantiĭskiĭ vremennik = Byzantina chronika. 1947- Q107019968 Unknown None known Contact us
0350-7165 Vjesnik Arheološkog muzeja u Zagrebu. 1958- Q120769273 Unknown None known Contact us
0350-8447 Vjesnik za arheologiju i historiju dalmatinsku = Bulletin d'archéologie et d'histoire dalmate. 1878- Q107019969 Unknown None known Contact us
0507-2026 Vneshni︠a︡i︠a︡ politika Sovetskogo Soi︠u︡za i mezhdunarodnye otnoshenii︠a︡; sbornik dokumentov. 1961-1985 Q107019970 Unknown None known Contact us
2164-5833 The vocational guidance magazine : organ of the National Vocational Guidance Association. 1924-1933 Q96737921 None* 1924-1933+ Contact us
2309-6322 Voennyĭ sbornik. 1858- Q50811377 Unknown None known Contact us
1149-9834 La vogue. 1886-1901 Q3213863 N/A None known Contact us
0042-8000 Vogue. Q154008 1929* 1892-||-1928+ Contact us
0750-3628 Vogue Paris. 1920- Q3562080 Unknown None known Contact us
2376-8967 The voice of freedom 1839- Q107019694 Unknown None known Contact us
0999-2189 La voix du nord. 1941- Q2567583 Unknown None known Contact us
0042-8450 Vojnosanitetski pregled : časopis lekara i farmaceuta jugoslovenske narodne armye. Military-medical and pharmaceutical review. Revue de medecine et pharmacie militaires. Zhurnal voennoĭ medit͡siny i farmat͡sii. 1944- Q25465444 Unknown None known Contact us
0042-8469 Vojnotehnički glasnik. 1953- Q24968995 Unknown None known Contact us
0042-8485 Vokrug svi͡eta. 1860- Q590171 Unknown None known Contact us
1802-9493 Volʹnai︠a︡ Sibirʹ = Volná Sibir̆. 1927-1930 Q107019972 Unknown None known Contact us
0042-8523 Volkskunde. 1940- Q15763000 Unknown None known Contact us
0042-8639 The Volta review. 1910- Q15761105 1936 1910-||-2013 Contact us
0701-3485 Volume 63. 1963-1967 Q107019971 Unknown None known Contact us
0141-0016 The ... volume of the Walpole Society. 1917- Q103814711 Unknown None known Contact us
0042-8736 Voprosy ėkonomiki / 1948- Q4125003 Unknown None known Contact us
0372-5758 Voprosy geografii. 1946- Q27719391 Unknown None known Contact us
0505-9844 Voprosy geografii Kazakhstana. 1956-1982 Q107019973 Unknown None known Contact us
0042-8779 Voprosy istorii / 1945- Q1248768 Unknown None known Contact us
0320-8907 Voprosy istorii KPSS. 1957-1991 Q27716518 Unknown None known Contact us
0507-3596 Voprosy kul'tury rechi. 1955- Q107019974 Unknown None known Contact us
0507-3855 Voprosy russkogo i︠a︡zykoznanii︠a︡. 1955-1960 Q107019975 Unknown None known Contact us
0507-388X Voprosy slavi︠a︡nskogo i︠a︡zykoznanii︠a︡. 1954-1963 Q107019976 Unknown None known Contact us
0507-4037 Voprosy teorii matematicheskikh mashin. 1958- Q107019977 Unknown None known Contact us
0176-0823 Vorträge und Aufsätze über Entwickelungsmechanik der Organismen. 1905-1924 N/A None known Contact us
0506-1164 Vox Guyanae tweemaandelijks tijdschrift voor wetenschap en cultuur 1954-1959 Unknown None known Contact us
0042-9007 Vox sanguinis. 1953- Q15708866 Unknown None known Contact us
2375-8740 La voz del pueblo 1889- Q107017949 Unknown None known Contact us
0923-6279 De Vrije Fries. 1837- Q20615086 Unknown None known Contact us
0320-8370 Vsesvit. 1925- Q3847384 Unknown None known Contact us
0507-5335 Vychislitelʹnai︠a︡ matematika. 1957-1961 Q107019978 Unknown None known Contact us
0507-5645 Vznik a počátky Slovanů. 1956- Q107019979 Unknown None known Contact us
2199-5486 Die Waffen nieder! Monatsschrift zur Förderung der Friedensbewegung 1892-1899 Q17766435 N/A None known Contact us
0507-7966 Waga gaikō no kinkyō / 1957-1986 Q107019980 Unknown None known Contact us
1043-5689 Wage and hour cases. 1942- Q107019981 Unknown None known Contact us
0704-383X Wage rates and hours of labour in Canada / 1945-1948 Q107019982 Unknown None known Contact us
0704-3821 Wages and hours of labour in Canada. 1921-1942 Q107019983 Unknown None known Contact us
0509-576X Wagner literary magazine. 1959-1964 Q107019984 Unknown None known Contact us
2379-1306 The Wahpeton times -1919 Q100286098 N/A None known Contact us
0049-6847 A Wake newslitter. 1962-1980 Q107017807 Unknown None known Contact us
0099-9660 The Wall Street journal. 1959- Q164746 1940 None known Contact us
0083-7075 Wall Street journal. 1955- Q107019988 Unknown None known Contact us
0043-0102 The Wall Street transcript. 1963- Q107019989 Unknown None known Contact us
0043-0129 Wallaces farmer. 1959- Q18394373 None 1900-1950 Contact us
2330-7374 Wallowa chieftain -1909 N/A* 1902-||-1909+ Contact us
2330-7463 Wallowa County chieftain 1909- Q107019985 None* 1909-1910+ Contact us
0737-0679 Walt Whitman quarterly review. 1983-2015 Q15760748 All* 1983-present Contact us
0043-017X Walt Whitman review. 1959-1982 Q100748990 None* None known Contact us
0096-5634 War medicine. Q27723276 None 1941-1945 Contact us
2166-8280 Warren sheaf. 1880- Q55667625 Unknown None known Contact us
2689-3606 Wartime newsletter of the Wildlife Society. -1945 Unknown None known Contact us
0043-0420 Washburn law journal. 1960- Q15753927 Unknown None known Contact us
0043-0463 Washington and Lee law review. 1939- Q7972539 1940 1939-present Contact us
1940-7424 The Washington bee. 1884-1922 N/A None known Contact us
0037-7775 Washington bulletin / 1961-1976 Q107019990 Unknown None known Contact us
2157-8087 Washington farmer 1914-1971 Q100286224 Unknown None known Contact us
1941-0662 The Washington herald. Q7971912 1935* 1906-1922 Contact us
0361-6223 The Washington historical quarterly. 1906-1935 Q61792056 None* 1906-1935 Contact us
0043-0609 Washington international arts letter. 1962- Q107019991 Unknown None known Contact us
0043-0617 Washington law review. 1962- Q15753931 Unknown None known Contact us
0190-8286 The Washington post. 1974- Q166032 1936* 1926-1935+ Contact us
2471-6502 Washington sentinel [electronic resource]. -1856 N/A None known Contact us
2169-6063 The Washington socialist N/A* 1914-1915+ Contact us
2379-7339 Washington standard 1860- Q107019992 Unknown None known Contact us
0191-1406 Washington star. 1852-1981 Q100294302 1939* 1852-1963 Contact us
2331-9453 Washington State journal and Adams County news 1906-1907 N/A None known Contact us
2471-6618 The Washington union 1857-1859 N/A None known Contact us
0043-0862 Washington University law quarterly. 1936- Q63339336 None* 1936-2005+ Contact us
2166-7993 Washington University law review. Q15763147 All* 2006-present+ Contact us
0508-1165 Washington University library studies. 1950- Q107019994 Unknown None known Contact us
0886-5221 Washington University studies. 1928- Q107019996 Unknown None known Contact us
2471-6669 The Washingtonian 1845- Q107019695 Unknown None known Contact us
0279-2117 The watch on the Rhine. 1919- Q107019696 Unknown None known Contact us
0083-7725 Water-borne commerce of the United States. 1953-1999 Q107019997 Unknown None known Contact us
0083-7660 Water pollution research: report of the Water Pollution Research Board, with the report of the Director of the Water Pollution Research Laboratory. 1957- Q107020000 Unknown None known Contact us
0571-0278 Water resources circular / 1955- Q107020001 Unknown None known Contact us
0501-2953 Water resources series / 1963- Q107020002 Unknown None known Contact us
0043-1125 Water & sewage works. 1946- Q27721604 Unknown None known Contact us
0083-1131 Water-supply and irrigation papers of the United States Geological Survey. 1896-1907 Q111312156 None* 1896-2001 Contact us
2574-5484 Waterbury Democrat [electronic resource]. -1903 N/A None known Contact us
2637-7438 Waterbury Democrat [electronic resource]. 1895-1897 N/A None known Contact us
2574-5433 Waterbury evening Democrat [electronic resource]. 1887- Q100286279 Unknown None known Contact us
2637-7454 Waterbury evening Democrat [electronic resource]. 1897-1900 N/A None known Contact us
0511-3792 Waterloo review. 1958-1961 Q107019999 Unknown None known Contact us
0161-634X Waterside site plant locations and expansions. 1961-1967 Q107020003 Unknown None known Contact us
2576-6171 Watertown leader 1909-1911 N/A None known Contact us
2576-5639 The Watertown news 1917-1919 N/A None known Contact us
2576-5604 Watertown republican 1860-1906 N/A None known Contact us
2576-6198 The Watertown weekly leader [electronic resource]. 1912-1917 N/A None known Contact us
2576-6155 Watertown weekly leader [electronic resource]. 1906-1908 N/A None known Contact us
0517-5755 al-Wathāʼiq al-ʻArabīyah. 1963- Q107017796 Unknown None known Contact us
2152-6796 Watson's art journal : a weekly record of music, art and literature. 1867- Q55174554 Unknown None known Contact us
8750-0701 Waurika news-democrat. 1911- Q100286317 Unknown None known Contact us
0043-1621 Wayne law review. 1954- Q15750291 Unknown None known Contact us
0043-1648 Wear Usure = Verschleiss. 1957- Q7978120 None* None known Contact us
0043-1656 Weather. 1946- Q15751747 None* None known Contact us
0096-719X Weeds. 1951- Q101069930 None None known Contact us
2473-7445 Weekly abstract of sanitary reports. 1887-1890 Q27721181 N/A* 1887-1890+ Contact us
2470-1815 The weekly American banner 1855- Q107019697 Unknown None known Contact us
2044-6721 The weekly amusement. 1763-1767 N/A None known Contact us
2165-9044 The weekly Arizona miner. 1877- Unknown None known Contact us
2165-9060 The weekly Arizona miner. 1868-1873 N/A None known Contact us
2166-207X The Weekly Arizonian. 1868-1871 N/A None known Contact us
2165-7807 The weekly Arizonian. 1859- Unknown None known Contact us
2375-1932 Weekly Caledonian 1919-1920 N/A None known Contact us
2375-4575 The weekly Caucasian [electronic resource]. 1866- Q107019698 Unknown None known Contact us
2472-3177 The weekly chieftain 1908- Q107019699 Unknown None known Contact us
2374-8672 Weekly Chillicothe crisis 1878- Q107020005 Unknown None known Contact us
2378-6825 The weekly chronicle 1883- Q100284844 None* 1883-1888 Contact us
2378-8658 The weekly clarion 1863- Q106117623 N/A* 1858-1888 Contact us
2169-723X Weekly Clarksville chronicle -1857 Q100289148 N/A* 1855-||-1890+ Contact us
2044-6640 The Weekly comedy. 1699- Q107019702 Unknown None known Contact us
2377-9462 The Weekly comet 1853- Q107019703 Unknown None known Contact us
2333-780X The weekly dawn 1893-1895 Q106877288 N/A 1893-||-1913 Contact us
2639-5428 Weekly Delaware State journal, statesman and blue hen's chicken 1855- Q106116010 Unknown None known Contact us
2331-3242 The weekly democratic statesman 1871-1883 N/A None known Contact us
2381-6589 The weekly echo 1868-1876 Q123587343 N/A* 1868-||-1876+ Contact us
2044-6756 The Weekly entertainer and west of England miscellany. 1820-1825 N/A None known Contact us
2332-6190 Weekly expositor 1882- Q107020006 Unknown None known Contact us
2577-1124 Weekly hawk-eye and telegraph 1855-1857 Q7739068 None* 1843-||-1865+ Contact us
2578-6830 Weekly health index / -1941 Q107020007 Unknown None known Contact us
2333-1860 The weekly herald [electronic resource]. 1865- Q107019704 N/A* 1865+ Contact us
2333-3014 The weekly herald [electronic resource]. 1876- Unknown None known Contact us
2577-5154 Weekly independent [electronic resource]. 1887- Q100293845 None 1869-||-1921 Contact us
2373-4876 The weekly intelligencer [electronic resource]. 1887-1901 Q100306580 None 1872-||-1922 Contact us
2474-4476 The weekly intelligencer [electronic resource]. 1864- Q107019705 Unknown None known Contact us
2379-6308 The weekly journal 1865- Q107019706 Unknown None known Contact us
2166-5915 Weekly journal-miner. 1908-1929 Unknown None known Contact us
2372-5354 The weekly Lancaster gazette 1852-1855 Q100305063 None 1847-1870 Contact us
2378-038X The weekly Louisianian 1872-1882 Q100286624 N/A None known Contact us
2157-2275 Weekly magazine and ladies' miscellany. 1817- Q106875706 N/A 1817-||-1824 Contact us
1016-3751 Weekly mail. 1949- Unknown None known Contact us
2044-6667 Weekly memorials for the ingenious : or, an account of books lately set forth in several languages, with other accounts relating to arts and sciences. 1682-1683 N/A None known Contact us
2470-329X The weekly miner -1881 Q106117376 None 1879-1889 Contact us
2576-9812 Weekly miners' express -1849 Q124934557 N/A 1847-1854 Contact us
2472-0232 The weekly Mississippian 1859- Q107019707 Unknown None known Contact us
2578-5540 Weekly mortality index / 1941-1952 Q107020010 Unknown None known Contact us
2373-2377 The weekly North-Carolina standard [electronic resource]. -1869 N/A None known Contact us
2373-1117 Weekly North Carolina standard [electronic resource]. 1850-1858 N/A None known Contact us
2577-7629 The weekly north Iowa times 1856-1867 Q55666318 None* 1856-1870 Contact us
2577-4166 The weekly Ottumwa courier 1857-1872 N/A None known Contact us
2469-9071 The weekly Panola star 1856- Q100292297 N/A 1856-||-1886 Contact us
0043-1885 Weekly people. 1900-1979 Unknown None known Contact us
2327-3216 The Weekly Perrysburg journal 1861- Q107019709 Unknown None known Contact us
2372-1022 Weekly Phoenix herald 1882-1896 N/A None known Contact us
2376-2632 The weekly Portage sentinel 1854- Q107019710 Unknown None known Contact us
2639-5533 Weekly post 1889- Q107020015 Unknown None known Contact us
2470-2420 The Weekly register [electronic resource]. 1843-1844 N/A None known Contact us
2156-3640 The weekly register [electronic resource] 1811-1814 N/A None known Contact us
2372-6695 The weekly register [electronic resource]. 1862- Q107019719 Unknown None known Contact us
2044-6705 The weekly register, or, Universal journal / 1732-1735 N/A None known Contact us
2331-9801 The weekly Republican [electronic resource]. 1891- Q107019720 Unknown None known Contact us
2332-4465 The weekly Republican [electronic resource]. 1911-1922 N/A None known Contact us
0252-9157 The weekly review. 1881- Unknown None known Contact us
2044-6713 The weekly review and dramatic critic. 1852-1853 N/A None known Contact us
2374-6041 The weekly standard [electronic resource]. 1869- Q107019721 Unknown None known Contact us
2372-3130 Weekly standard [electronic resource]. 1858- Q107020016 Unknown None known Contact us
2151-5468 The Weekly Tallahasseean. -1905 Q100286785 N/A None known Contact us
2378-0401 The weekly Thibodaux sentinel and journal of the 8th Senatorial District -1898 N/A None known Contact us
2639-6092 The weekly times [electronic resource]. 1886- Q107019722 Unknown None known Contact us
2333-0058 The Weekly times-record 1912-1922 N/A None known Contact us
2329-6437 The weekly tribune 1885- Q100297091 None 1885-||-1922+ Contact us
2326-8948 The weekly tribune and the Cape County herald 1914-1918 N/A None known Contact us
1946-6110 The weekly true Democrat. 1905-1912 N/A None known Contact us
2576-5582 Weekly Watertown leader 1908-1909 N/A None known Contact us
0043-1974 Weekly weather and crop bulletin / 1924- Q107020017 Unknown None known Contact us
0176-3962 Der Weg. 1919- Q116378216 N/A None known Contact us
0043-2024 Weg und Ziel. 1936- Q106118420 None* None known Contact us
0511-4225 Wegweiser zur Völkerkunde. 1951- Q106118421 None* None known Contact us
0043-2199 Weimarer Beiträge. 1955- Q2555705 None* None known Contact us
0043-2253 Welding design & fabrication. 1959-2006 Q96334909 None None known Contact us
0043-2296 Welding journal. 1937- Q15749427 None* 1934-||-present+ Contact us
0043-2342 Welfare in review. 1963-1972 Q27718126 None* None known Contact us
0083-7881 The Wellesley edition. 1950- Q15850574 None* None known Contact us
0173-8437 Die Welt. 1946- Q29872 None* None known Contact us
0949-7188 Welt am Sonntag. 1948- Q194565 None* None known Contact us
0043-2547 Die Welt des Orients. 1947- Q1217466 None* None known Contact us
0043-2571 Welt und Wort. 1946-1973 Q106118422 None* None known Contact us
0043-2652 Die Weltwirtschaft / 1950-2005 Q96334917 None* None known Contact us
0043-2636 Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv. 1913-2002 Q15762387 None* 1916-1928 Contact us
0043-2660 Die Weltwoche. 1933- Q870443 None* None known Contact us
1015-2687 Wen shi zhe xue bao. 1950- Q15761599 None* None known Contact us
2328-3882 The Wenatchee daily world 1905- Q7774235 None 1905-1910 Contact us
0043-2768 Werk. 1914-1976 Q106877743 None* None known Contact us
0083-8837 WESCON technical papers. 1957-1978 Q106877745 None None known Contact us
2475-4439 Wessington Springs herald 1883-1891 Q100286892 N/A None known Contact us
0043-2962 West Africa. 1917- Q7984242 None* None known Contact us
0083-8144 West Africa annual. 1962- Q106118423 None* None known Contact us
0312-6323 The West Australian. 1864- Q1810152 None* None known Contact us
0043-3144 The West Indian medical journal. 1951- Q15762776 None* None known Contact us
0372-7289 De West-Indische gids. 1919- Q55100468 None* 1919-1959+ Contact us
0960-6440 West of England medical journal. 1990- Q27709695 All* 1990-||-present+ Contact us
2376-6646 The West Tennessee star 1888- Q106118424 N/A 1888 Contact us
0043-3209 The West Virginia archeologist / 1949- Q106118425 None None known Contact us
2576-5728 West Virginia daily oil review -1902 Q100286920 N/A None known Contact us
0511-6678 West Virginia folklore. 1951- Q106877752 None None known Contact us
0043-325X West Virginia history. 2007- Q27716306 1948 1940-||-1997+ Contact us
0043-3284 West Virginia medical journal. 1906- Q15762774 None 1906-||-2000 Contact us
2576-6228 The West Virginian 1914- Q116667091 None None known Contact us
0083-7105 Westdeutsches Jahrbuch für Kunstgeschichte Wallraf-Richartz-Jahrbuch 1924-1943 Q106118426 None* None known Contact us
1065-1209 The Westerly sun. 1905- Q7774297 None None known Contact us
0043-3438 Westermanns Monatshefte. 1856-1986 Q1558923 None* None known Contact us
1328-3790 Western advocate. 1963- Q79532494 None* None known Contact us
2163-7083 Western appeal. 1885- Q7987454 N/A None known Contact us
0160-1121 Western birds. 1973- Q27727086 All* 1970-present Contact us
0510-2146 Western business review. 1957-1962 Q106118427 None None known Contact us
2376-0338 Western Carolina Democrat and French Broad hustler 1913- Q106118429 N/A None known Contact us
0043-373X Western folklore. 1947- Q7987841 1947* None known Contact us
0043-3845 The Western humanities review. 1949- Q15759139 1949* None known Contact us
0008-1264 Western journal of medicine. 1974-2002 Q7476269 All* 1974-2002+ Contact us
2163-6877 Western Kansas world. 1885- Q100286992 None 1885-1921 Contact us
0884-5700 The Western law monthly. 1859-1863 N/A None known Contact us
0315-5358 Western law review. 1961-1966 Q106877749 None* None known Contact us
0307-5214 Western mail. 1956- Q2670849 None* None known Contact us
2470-4342 The Western news 1890- Q106877719 None 1900-1910 Contact us
2157-8222 Western news-Democrat. 1898-1900 N/A None known Contact us
0043-4035 The Western Pennsylvania historical magazine. Q27716319 None* 1918-1988+ Contact us
1525-4755 Western Pennsylvania history. 1999- Q19883121 All* 1999-recent+ Contact us
0043-4078 The western political quarterly. 1948-1992 Q27716321 1952 None known Contact us
2166-5621 Western Reserve chronicle and weekly transcript of the times. 1854-1855 N/A None known Contact us
0008-7262 Western Reserve law review. 1949- Q15755529 None None known Contact us
0275-8202 The Western review. 1946- Q105339497 1947* None known Contact us
2472-2863 Western sentinel Q100287128 N/A 1857-||-1920 Contact us
0043-4191 The Western socialist. 1933-1980 Q7988305 None* 1938-||-1966+ Contact us
0043-4205 Western speech. 1937- Q96738645 None None known Contact us
2577-8099 Westliche blätter 1865- Q100287162 N/A 1865-||-1885 Contact us
2044-6799 The Westminister magazine. 1773- Q28873967 N/A 1773-||-1785 Contact us
2044-6853 The Westminster review. 1852-1914 N/A None known Contact us
2472-6818 Weston weekly leader 1878- Q106118431 None 1878-||-1921 Contact us
0112-0522 Te Whare kura 1960- Q106116795 None* None known Contact us
2333-8547 Wheeling daily intelligencer. 1852-1859 Q100287218 None 1852-||-1922 Contact us
0043-4809 Where. 1960-1979 Q106877753 None* None known Contact us
0043-4833 Whetstone : a literary quarterly. 1955- Q106877754 None None known Contact us
2470-2552 Whig Republican 1840- Q100287240 N/A 1840 Contact us
2471-7703 The Whig standard 1843-1844 N/A None known Contact us
0140-4229 Whitaker's cumulative book list. 1924-1986 Q106118433 None* None known Contact us
0000-0183 Whitaker's five-year cumulative book list. 1945- Q106116798 None* None known Contact us
2158-2599 White Cloud Kansas chief. 1857-1872 Q100287249 N/A None known Contact us
2375-8805 White Oaks golden era N/A* 1883-1884+ Contact us
2470-4458 The Whitefish pilot 1904- Q55667889 None 1908-1912 Contact us
0511-8824 Whitney review. 1961- Q106118434 None None known Contact us
0042-9694 WHO chronicle. 1959-1986 Q21157814 None* None known Contact us
0083-937X Who's who. 1849- Q2567271 1944* None known Contact us
0537-0140 Who's who. 1952- Q106877757 None* None known Contact us
0541-8127 Who's who. 1957- Q106877755 None* None known Contact us
0083-9450 Who's who in Canada. 1922-2001 Q106877765 None* None known Contact us
0510-4009 Who's who in Germany. 1956- Q106877899 None* None known Contact us
0083-9647 Who's who in music and musicians' international directory. 1935-1972 Q115690141 None None known Contact us
0510-4106 Who's who in science & research. 1961- Q106877900 None* None known Contact us
0511-9030 Who's who in Spain. 1963- Q106118436 None* None known Contact us
0083-9760 Who's who in the East. 1943- Q106877901 None None known Contact us
0083-9787 Who's who in the Midwest. 1949- Q106877902 None None known Contact us
0083-9817 Who's who in the West. 1949-1962 Q106877903 None None known Contact us
8755-5069 Wholesale prices of fresh fruits and vegetables, and auction prices of fresh fruits at New York City and Chicago, and F.O.B. prices at leading shipping points, by months / -1954 Q106118437 None* 1939-||-1953+ Contact us
0043-5082 Wiadomości archeologiczne. 1873- Q9372386 None* None known Contact us
2576-8980 Wiarus [electronic resource]. 1886-1893 N/A None known Contact us
2576-9022 Wiarus [electronic resource]. 1895-1919 N/A None known Contact us
2470-4504 The Wibaux pioneer 1907- Q106877721 N/A 1907-1914 Contact us
1046-3127 Wichita eagle 1883- Q7774724 1961* 1872-1904 Contact us
0083-9914 Wiener Beiträge zur englischen Philologie. 1895-1986 Q106118438 None* None known Contact us
0083-9981 Wiener Jahrbuch für Kunstgeschichte. 1922- Q96733357 None* None known Contact us
0043-5325 Wiener klinische Wochenschrift. 1888- Q15759796 None* 1888-||-1927 Contact us
0043-5333 The Wiener Library bulletin. 1946-1981 Q106877722 None* None known Contact us
0084-0041 Wiener slavistisches Jahrbuch. 1950- Q58495332 None* None known Contact us
0043-535X Wiener tierärztliche Monatsschrift. 1914- Q27713862 None* None known Contact us
0084-0068 Wiener völkerkundliche Mitteilungen. 1953- Q106118439 None* None known Contact us
0084-0076 Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde des Morgenlandes. 1887- Q27716331 None* 1887-1927 Contact us
0499-4175 Wildlife abstracts. 1954- Q106118440 None* None known Contact us
2689-3592 Wildlife news : official news organ of the Wildlife Society. 1941- Q106877904 None None known Contact us
0043-552X Wildlife Society newsletter. 1945- Q106877905 None None known Contact us
0043-5546 Wilhelm Roux' Archiv für Entwicklungsmechanik der Organismen. 1925- Q27721383 None* None known Contact us
2578-417X Will Maupin's weekly 1911-1912 N/A None known Contact us
0511-9618 Willdenowia. 1954- Q2675951 None* None known Contact us
0511-9626 Willdenowia. 1963-1977 Q116377810 None* None known Contact us
0043-5597 William and Mary College quarterly historical papers. 1892-1894 Q106116799 1946 1892-||-1928 Contact us
0043-5589 William and Mary law review. 1957- Q15767360 None None known Contact us
1056-3083 Williamsport sun-gazette. 1955- Q8021278 None None known Contact us
0000-0213 Willing's press guide. 1928-2018 Q99984163 None* None known Contact us
2333-0015 Williston graphic 1895-1919 Q100287377 N/A None known Contact us
2326-7666 Willmar tribune 1895- Q100287378 None 1895-1922 Contact us
0745-0044 Wilmette life. 1923- Q55666654 None None known Contact us
2639-6114 Wilmington argus 1880- Q100287381 N/A 1880 Contact us
2574-6685 Wilmington daily commercial 1866- Q100287384 N/A 1872-1876 Contact us
2474-2031 Wilmington daily gazette -1874 Q100291748 N/A* 1817-||-1874+ Contact us
2639-6157 Wilmington expositor 1831- Q100287390 N/A 1831-1832 Contact us
2379-0296 Wilmington journal 1844- Q100287393 N/A 1844-1876 Contact us
2639-6262 The Wilmington mercury 1798- Q100287395 N/A 1798 Contact us
2639-6289 The Wilmingtonian 1882- Q100287401 N/A 1882-1888+ Contact us
2638-1117 The Wilmingtonian, and Delaware register 1823-1825 Q114407672 N/A 1823-1827+ Contact us
0043-5651 Wilson library bulletin. 1939-1995 Q8023121 None* Predecessor Contact us
2333-4452 The Winchester appeal 1856- Q106118441 N/A* 1856+ Contact us
2333-2972 Winchester army bulletin 1863- Q100287434 N/A 1863+ Contact us
2331-9992 Winchester daily bulletin 1862- Q100287435 N/A 1862-1863+ Contact us
2332-2721 Winchester journal 1862- Q100287437 N/A 1862-||-1870 Contact us
1940-963X The Winchester news. 1908- Q100287438 N/A 1908-||-1912 Contact us
2333-4479 The Winchester weekly appeal 1856- Q106116800 N/A* 1856+ Contact us
0178-1154 Winckelmannsprogramm der Archäologischen Gesellschaft zu Berlin. 1920- Q2583395 None* None known Contact us
2473-4136 Windham County reformer 1876-1906 Q100287448 N/A 1879-||-1906 Contact us
1063-8075 The Windham journal. 1857- Q106877725 None None known Contact us
0043-5724 The Window. 1930- Q106877726 None* None known Contact us
2044-6861 The Windsor magazine. 1895- Q8024654 1933* 1895-1928 Contact us
0834-177X Windspeaker. 1986-2016 Q108279275 All* 1986-2016 Contact us
1087-5352 Winnetka talk. 1925- Q55666660 None None known Contact us
0828-1785 Winnipeg free press. 1932- Q645573 None* None known Contact us
0273-9941 The Winona daily news. 1954- Q8025883 None None known Contact us
0084-0394 Winter's tales. 1955-1982 Q106877908 None* None known Contact us
0738-3320 Winterthur newsletter. 1954-1987 Q106118442 None None known Contact us
0935-879X Wirkendes Wort. 1950- Q1315123 None* None known Contact us
0043-6143 Wirtschaft und Statistik. 1921- Q2585773 None* None known Contact us
0043-6275 Wirtschaftsdienst. 1949- Q8027036 None* 1916-||-present Contact us
0043-6305 Wirtschaftspolitische Chronik. 1952- Q106118443 None* None known Contact us
0512-1175 Wisconsin academy review. 1954- Q27717091 1973* None known Contact us
0043-6364 The Wisconsin archeologist. 1901- Q15756561 None 1901-1928 Contact us
1084-7863 Wisconsin Dells events. 1931- Q55671480 None None known Contact us
0744-6896 Wisconsin Farmers Union news. 1942- Q105828127 None* Predecessor Contact us
0043-6496 Wisconsin journal of education / 1856-1975 Q106877909 None 1856-||-1961 Contact us
0043-650X Wisconsin law review. Q8027220 None 1920-||-present Contact us
0043-6534 Wisconsin magazine of history. 1917- Q27716334 1949 1917-recent Contact us
0084-0610 Wisconsin project reports. 1963- Q106118445 None None known Contact us
0749-405X Wisconsin state journal. 1862- Q8027325 None None known Contact us
0146-4949 Wisconsin studies in contemporary literature. 1960-1967 Q96733402 1960* None known Contact us
0043-6798 Wissenschaft und Weltbild; Zeitschrift für grundfragen der forschung und weltanschauung. . 1948- Q106118446 None* None known Contact us
0509-0407 Wissenschaftliche Annalen. 1952- Q106877910 None* None known Contact us
0510-7008 Wissenschaftliche Beiträge zur Geschichte und Landeskunde Ostmitteleuropas. 1951- Q106116801 None* None known Contact us
0373-9953 Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Elektrotechnik. 1963- Q106116802 None* None known Contact us
0138-2853 Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Ernst Moritz Arndt Universität Greifswald. 1955-1990 Q27720514 None* None known Contact us
0138-1652 Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena. 1952- Q27716544 None* None known Contact us
0043-6836 Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität. 1951-1983 Q106877912 None* None known Contact us
0522-9855 Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. 1953-1982 Q27716522 None* None known Contact us
0863-0631 Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. 1952-1992 Q113295469 All* None known Contact us
0300-0540 Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Karl-Marx-Universität Leipzig. 1953-1990 Q27715326 None* None known Contact us
0541-8933 Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Technischen Hochschule Otto von Guericke. 1961- Q106118447 None* None known Contact us
0043-6925 Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Technischen Universität Dresden. 1961- Q96334952 None* None known Contact us
0072-7504 Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Universität Greifswald. 1952-1954 Q106877915 None* None known Contact us
0072-7512 Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Universität Greifswald. 1952-1954 Q106877914 None* None known Contact us
0374-4787 Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Universität Rostock. 1954-1975 Q113386028 None* None known Contact us
0438-4385 Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift. Gesellschafts- und Sprachwissenschaftliche Reihe. 1952- Q106877911 None* None known Contact us
0138-1504 Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift. 1952- Q81611769 None* None known Contact us
0512-3348 WMO [publications]. 1951- Q106118448 None* None known Contact us
2473-3296 Wochenblatt der Tennessee staatszeitung 1867- Q100284981 N/A 1866-1869 Contact us
0510-7199 Wolfram-Jahrbuch / 1952-1956 Q106116804 None* None known Contact us
0043-7336 Woman's day. 1937- Q4020711 1937 None known Contact us
2163-7288 Woman's enterprise 1921- Q100287518 N/A None known Contact us
1937-1403 Woman's journal and suffrage news. 1912-1916 N/A None known Contact us
1754-6338 The woman's signal a weekly record and review devoted to the interests of women in the home and in the wider world 1894-1899 N/A None known Contact us
0043-7468 Women lawyers' journal. 1911- Q27717025 None 1911-||-present Contact us
0512-1817 Women of Viet-Nam 1958-1999 Q27718429 None* None known Contact us
0043-7557 Women's league outlook. 1930- Q106116805 None None known Contact us
0043-7581 Women's wear daily. 1927-1976 Q3569766 1961 None known Contact us
2381-3040 Wood River times 1882- Q100287527 N/A 1882-1893 Contact us
0043-7662 Wood & wood products. 1952- Q106877916 None None known Contact us
0950-7639 The woodcut : an annual / 1927-1930 Q106877727 None* None known Contact us
2331-7760 The Woodstock age 1844- Q106116806 N/A None known Contact us
0279-6007 The Word in season. 1932- Q113527910 None None known Contact us
0043-7956 Word : journal of the Linguistic Circle of New York. 1945- Q7953955 None None known Contact us
0300-3221 Work, environment, health. 1962- Q27714016 None* None known Contact us
0509-2558 The work of WHO : annual report of the director-general to the World Health Assembly and to the United Nations. 1951- Q106877730 None* None known Contact us
0410-031X Work stoppages in California. 1953- Q106118449 None None known Contact us
0095-277X Workable program for urban renewal. 1954- Q106118450 None None known Contact us
0043-8057 Workbench. 1957- Q113644736 None None known Contact us
0043-809X Workers world. 1959-1990 Q8034825 None 2012-present Contact us
0084-1323 The Working press of the nation. 1945-2002 Q106118452 None None known Contact us
0361-4700 Workpapers of the Summer Institute of Linguistics, University of North Dakota. 1957- Q96733470 None None known Contact us
0072-9396 Works issued by the Hakluyt Society. 1847- Q106118453 None* 1847-||-1925 Contact us
0516-1304 Works of the Institute of Higher Nervous Activity. 1960-1964 Q106116807 None* None known Contact us
2151-142X The workshop : a monthly journal devoted to progress of the useful arts. 1868- Q96737928 N/A None known Contact us
1062-8495 The World. 1957- Q7775915 None None known Contact us
0960-8087 The world / by Adam Fitz-Adam. 1753-1756 N/A None known Contact us
0510-7903 World. 1953-1954 Q106877917 None None known Contact us
0043-8200 World affairs. 1932- Q3569946 None* 2008-recent+ Contact us
8755-0687 World affairs quarterly. 1955- Q106118454 None* None known Contact us
0043-8219 World agricultural economics and rural sociology abstracts. 1959- Q106877918 None* None known Contact us
0084-1366 World air transport statistics. 1957- Q106118455 None* None known Contact us
0084-1471 World cartography. 1951- Q106877919 None None known Contact us
0512-2732 World directory of dental schools. 1961- Q99984172 None* None known Contact us
0512-2740 World directory of mathematicians / 1958- Q106118456 None* None known Contact us
0512-2759 World directory of medical schools = Répertoire mondial des écoles de médecine. 1953- Q19604627 None* None known Contact us
0512-2791 World directory of veterinary schools. 1963-1971 Q106877921 None* None known Contact us
0277-1527 The world factbook. Q11191 N/A* 1981-present Contact us
0510-8632 World handbook of educational organization and statistics. 1951- Q106118515 None* None known Contact us
0250-3794 World health statistics annual. Annuaire de statistiques sanitaires mondiales 1962- Q106116808 None* None known Contact us
0049-8122 World medical journal. 1954- Q27713877 None* None known Contact us
0084-2087 World nuclear directory. 1961-1970 Q106118516 None* None known Contact us
0084-2117 The world of learning. 1947-2005 Q106877733 None* None known Contact us
0043-8774 The world of music. 1957- Q15761087 None* None known Contact us
0190-4345 World outlook. 1915-1920 N/A None known Contact us
0509-3171 World petroleum report. 1954-1976 Q106877922 None None known Contact us
0043-8871 World politics. 1948- Q8036060 1949 None known Contact us
0363-115X World report. 1946-1948 Q106877923 None* 1946-1948+ Contact us
0501-7262 World retail prices and taxes on gasoline, kerosine and motor lubricatinng oils; an annual inventory of information from United States Foreign Services Offices and other sources. 1960- Q106116809 None* None known Contact us
0084-2230 World review of nutrition and dietetics. 1959- Q15759074 None None known Contact us
2377-5785 World's cresset 1891- Q106118517 N/A 1903-1918 Contact us
0043-9339 World's poultry science journal. 1945- Q3452326 None* None known Contact us
0733-7752 The World's telephones. 1956-1993 Q106877732 None None known Contact us
0014-2255 World student news. 1947- Q112574377 None* None known Contact us
0512-3690 World survey of education. 1955-1971 Q106877925 None* None known Contact us
0043-9134 The world today. 1945- Q7776061 None* None known Contact us
0364-8583 The World tomorrow. 1918-1934 Q7776065 1933 1918-1924 Contact us
0512-3739 World trade annual. 1963- Q106877926 None None known Contact us
0512-3844 World wheat statistics. 1955-1987 Q106116811 None* None known Contact us
0893-326X World wide chamber of commerce directory. 1961-1988 Q106116812 None None known Contact us
0510-9485 World-wide graduate award directory. 1957- Q106118520 None None known Contact us
0043-9266 World wool digest. 1950-1975 Q106118521 None* None known Contact us
0510-9604 Worlds of tomorrow. 1963-1967 Q8036742 1963 None known Contact us
0043-9363 The Worldwide art catalogue bulletin. 1963-1987 Q105651105 None None known Contact us
0043-9401 The Wormwood review. 1960-1999 Q8036904 1961 None known Contact us
0043-941X Worship. 1951- Q15752279 None* 1951-1961+ Contact us
0043-9517 The Writer. 1887- Q7776323 1936* 1887-1928 Contact us
0043-9525 The Writer's digest. 1921- Q15846533 1962 None known Contact us
0084-2710 The Writer's handbook. 1936- Q106877735 1936* None known Contact us
0084-2729 The Writer's market. 1930- Q106877736 None 1961 Contact us
0084-2737 Writer's yearbook. 1930- Q106877927 1961 None known Contact us
0084-2664 Writers' and artists' year-book. 1906- Q104099204 None* 1913-||-1928 Contact us
0043-9584 Writing in Holland and Flanders. 1956-1982 Q106116813 None* None known Contact us
0364-2887 Writings on American history. 1904- Q106877928 1961* 1902-1960+ Contact us
0084-2753 Writings on British history. 1937-1986 Q106118522 None* None known Contact us
1000-3290 Wu li hsüeh pao = Acta physica Sinica. 1953- Q2200957 None* None known Contact us
0510-9833 Würzburger geographische Arbeiten. 1953- Q106118524 None* None known Contact us
2379-3082 Wyandot County Republican 1869-1903 N/A None known Contact us
2379-4968 Wyoming democrat 1867- Q106877929 None 1867-1869 Contact us
0512-6576 X. 1959-1962 Q8042693 1960* None known Contact us
2330-6165 The Xenia sentinel 1863- Q100287688 N/A 1863-1865 Contact us
0384-8337 Xin qing nian 1956- Q106118525 None* None known Contact us
0439-8017 Xue shu ji kan. -1952 Q106116814 None* None known Contact us
0012-4273 XVIIe siècle. 1949- Q15767598 None* None known Contact us
0320-7986 XX century and peace : organ of the Soviet Peace Committee. 1958- Q106116815 None* None known Contact us
0223-3010 XXe siècle. 1938- Q3570491 None* None known Contact us
0043-9940 Yachting. Q3662054 1964 1908-||-2008 Contact us
0792-3333 Yad Washem studies on the European Jewish catastrophe and resistance. 1957-1960 Q106116816 None* None known Contact us
1049-1635 Yale anthropological studies. 1941-1945 Q103825974 None* None known Contact us
0084-330X Yale classical studies / 1928- Q15754392 1932* None known Contact us
2638-9290 The Yale courant. 1865- Q106118526 N/A 1882-1917 Contact us
0044-006X Yale economic essays. 1961-1971 Q106118527 1964* None known Contact us
2375-1983 The Yale expositor 1894- Q100287698 None None known Contact us
0044-0078 Yale French studies. 1948- Q8047382 None* None known Contact us
0044-0086 The Yale journal of biology and medicine. 1928- Q15709982 None 1928-present Contact us
0044-0094 The Yale law journal. 1891- Q3571386 1929 1891-||-present Contact us
0044-0175 Yale library studies. 1926- Q27716348 1954* 1926-||-1948 Contact us
0044-0108 The Yale literary magazine. 1836- Q2599081 1932* 1836-||-recent Contact us
0044-0124 Yale review Q2599084 1929 1892-1929+ Contact us
0084-3539 Yale University Art Gallery bulletin. 1958- Q99005775 None None known Contact us
0513-4617 Yalkut moreshet. -1963 Q27716553 None* None known Contact us
0513-1898 YAN. 1953-1954 Q106877931 None* None known Contact us
0044-0191 Yankee. 1935- Q8048725 1937* None known Contact us
2473-120X Yankton daily press and Dakotaian 1875- Q100280531 N/A 1875 Contact us
2378-4946 The Yazoo City weekly Whig -1855 N/A None known Contact us
2378-492X The Yazoo City Whig 1844- Q111590022 N/A* 1844-1847+ Contact us
2378-3532 The Yazoo City Whig and political register [electronic resource]. -1840 N/A* 1839-1840+ Contact us
2378-3605 The Yazoo City Whig and political register [electronic resource]. N/A* 1842-1844+ Contact us
2378-4962 The Yazoo Democrat [electronic resource]. 1844- Q100287707 N/A 1844-||-1854 Contact us
2378-3575 The Yazoo Whig and political register 1840- Q100287705 N/A* 1840-1842+ Contact us
0075-8744 Year book. 1956- Q21050002 None None known Contact us
0069-066X Year book / Carnegie Institution of Washington. 1902- Q27722311 None None known Contact us
0078-3927 Year book Australia. 1907- Q111917484 None* 1908-2012 Contact us
0084-3652 The Year book of anesthesia. 1963-1991 Q111658940 None None known Contact us
0093-3619 The Year book of dermatology. 1960- Q96733901 None None known Contact us
0084-2508 The Year book of education. 1932-1964 Q106877734 1962* None known Contact us
0084-3776 The Year book of general surgery. 1933-1970 Q111731225 None None known Contact us
0084-3911 The Year book of obstetrics and gynecology. 1933-1996 Q111731233 None None known Contact us
0084-392X The Year book of ophthalmology. 1958- Q96733934 None None known Contact us
0190-3713 The Year book of orthopedics, traumatic and plastic surgery. 1963-1968 Q111731264 None None known Contact us
0084-3946 The Year book of pathology and clinical pathology. 1947-1994 Q111731295 None None known Contact us
0084-3954 The Year book of pediatrics. 1933- Q96733947 None None known Contact us
0084-3989 The Year book of radiology. 1932-1974 Q111731337 None None known Contact us
0275-1569 Year book ... of the American Society of Bookplate Collectors and Designers. 1923- Q106116817 None 1923-1931 Contact us
0074-4387 The year book of the International Council of Scientific Unions. 1954-1998 Q106116818 None* None known Contact us
0375-5193 The Year book of the National Institute of Sciences of India. 1960-1969 Q106118528 None* None known Contact us
0080-4673 Year-book of the Royal Society of London. 1897- Q106877937 None* 1897-1928 Contact us
0084-4071 The Year book of urology. 1933- Q63883083 None None known Contact us
0513-207X The Year book of veterinary medicine. 1963-1966 Q106877737 None None known Contact us
0084-4144 The year's work in English studies. 1920- Q15752108 None* 1919-1926 Contact us
0084-4152 The year's work in modern language studies. 1930- Q7776566 None* None known Contact us
0074-445X Yearbook / International Court of Justice. 1947-2013 Q106876510 None* None known Contact us
1042-9018 Yearbook / Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development of the National Education Association. 1946-2000 Q112074806 None* None known Contact us
0886-6880 Yearbook / Claremont Reading Conference. 1961- Q112074814 None None known Contact us
1044-1328 Yearbook / Department of Supervision and Curriculum Development of the National Education Association of the United States. 1944-1945 Q112074821 None* None known Contact us
0550-1423 Yearbook / New Helvetic Society. 1963- Q112116888 None* None known Contact us
0503-3438 Yearbook / United Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Association. 1904-1974 Q112116927 None None known Contact us
0073-9685 Yearbook. 1939-1969 Q112116942 None None known Contact us
0077-4103 Yearbook. 1926- Q111653099 1929* 1926-1928 Contact us
0066-9075 Yearbook - Association for Childhood Education International. 1932-1977 Q106118529 None None known Contact us
0066-9628 Yearbook - Association of Pacific Coast Geographers. 1935- Q8050941 None* None known Contact us
0084-3628 Yearbook of agriculture / United States, Department of Agriculture. 1927-1978 Q106877933 None* None known Contact us
0084-3644 Yearbook of American churches. 1933-1972 Q106877934 None* Predecessor Contact us
1524-4555 Yearbook of anthropology. 1955- Q96733889 1955 None known Contact us
0084-3660 Yearbook of astronomy. 1962- Q106118530 None None known Contact us
0513-5060 Yearbook of Chinese archaeology. 1956- Q106118531 None None known Contact us
0084-3695 Yearbook of comparative and general literature. 1952- Q15752112 1962 None known Contact us
0084-375X Yearbook of fishery statistics. Annuaire statistique des pêches. Anuario estadístico de pesca. 1947-1986 Q106116820 None* None known Contact us
0256-7407 Yearbook of food and agricultural statistics = Annuaire de statistiques agricoles et alimentaires = Anuario de estadísticas agrícolas y alimentarias. -1958 Q106116821 None* None known Contact us
0084-3857 Yearbook of labour statistics = Annuaire des statistiques du travail = Anuario de estadísticas del trabajo / 1936-2006 Q106116822 None* None known Contact us
0513-5095 Yearbook of liturgical studies. 1960-1967 Q106877936 None None known Contact us
0078-1088 Yearbook of Nordic statistics = Nordisk statistisk årsbok. 1962-1996 Q106116823 None* None known Contact us
0828-1610 The Yearbook of the Bermudas, the Bahamas, British Guiana, British Honduras and the British West Indies. 1927-1935 Q106118532 None* None known Contact us
0584-8679 Yearbook of the Committee on Freedom of Speech of the Speech Association of America. 1962- Q96732288 None None known Contact us
0082-8289 Yearbook of the International Law Commission. 1949- Q106118533 None None known Contact us
2471-4380 Yearbook of the National Association of Secondary School Principals. 1917-1925 Q96733970 N/A* 1917-1925+ Contact us
2330-5657 The ... Yearbook of the National Council on Measurement in Education. 1961-1963 Q106116824 None* None known Contact us
2330-5673 The ... Yearbook of the National Council on Measurements Used in Education. -1960 Q106116873 None* None known Contact us
0082-8521 Yearbook of the United Nations. 1947- Q106877938 1960 None known Contact us
0512-7580 Yearbook of youth organisations = Annuaire des organisations de jeunesse. 1954- Q106116875 None* None known Contact us
0251-6519 Yearbook on human rights for ... 1946- Q110990465 None None known Contact us
0278-7687 Yeats annual. 1982- Q102394573 All 2013-present Contact us
2312-0061 Yediot Bahaqirat Eretz-Israel Weatiqoteha / ידיעות בחקירת ארץ-ישראל ועתיקותיה 1962-1967 Q106118534 None* None known Contact us
2044-690X The yellow book. 1894-1897 Q926352 N/A 1894-1897 Contact us
2329-5619 The Yellowstone journal -1901 N/A None known Contact us
2329-6402 Yellowstone monitor 1905- Q100287723 None 1908-1915 Contact us
0253-2360 Yi shi za zhi. 1947- Q111034894 None* None known Contact us
0084-4209 Yivo annual of Jewish social science. 1946-1983 Q106118535 1946* None known Contact us
0084-4217 Yiṿo bleṭer : ḥoydesh-shrifṭ fun Yidishn ṿisnshafṭlekhn insṭiṭuṭ. 1931- Q106116877 1947* None known Contact us
0513-563X Yokohama Kokuritsu Daigaku jimbun kīyo. The Humanities (Journal of the Yokohama National University). Section II, Languages and literature. 1952- Q106116885 None* None known Contact us
0513-5621 Yokohama Kokuritsu Daigaku jinbun kiyō. The humanities. Section I, Philosophy and social sciences (Journal of the Yokohama National University). 1952-1997 Q106116886 None* None known Contact us
0044-0531 Yokohama medical bulletin. 1950- Q27713879 None* None known Contact us
0513-5710 Yonago acta medica. 1954- Q15765174 None* None known Contact us
0513-5796 Yonsei medical journal. 1960- Q8055114 None* None known Contact us
1050-267X The York dispatch. 1886- Q7776717 None None known Contact us
0084-4276 Yorkshire Archaeological Journal. Q15765806 None* 1869-1926 Contact us
0307-4943 Yorkshire bulletin of economic and social research. 1949-1970 Q106877939 None* None known Contact us
0963-2255 Yorkshire evening post. 1890- Q2545362 None* None known Contact us
0963-1496 The Yorkshire post. 1959- Q1571030 None* None known Contact us
0513-3440 You shi xue bao. 1958-1961 Q106877941 None* None known Contact us
0513-630X You shi xue zhi. 1962- Q106116887 None* None known Contact us
0513-6113 Young socialist. 1957-1970 Q106877940 None* 1957-1972 Contact us
0049-8394 Your church. 1955-2010 Q98821824 None None known Contact us
0732-3581 Your public lands. 1981-1986 Q113457732 N/A* 1981-1986+ Contact us
0573-9594 Your school and staffing. 1955- Q106118536 None 1955-1957 Contact us
0513-6377 Yūgen. 1958-1962 Q106877942 1959 None known Contact us
0513-6741 The Yuva newsletter. 1962- Q106118537 None* None known Contact us
0044-1481 Z otchłani wieków. 1926- Q9383729 None* None known Contact us
0044-1597 Zagadnienia drgań nieliniowych. 1960- Q106116888 None* None known Contact us
0372-7963 Zahnärztliche Rundschau. 1892-1968 Q27713963 None* None known Contact us
0379-0622 Zambezia. Q8065667 All 1969-2003+ Contact us
0044-1791 Zapiski historyczne. 1955- Q9386958 None* None known Contact us
0510-3746 Zapisy / 1952- Q106877943 None None known Contact us
0044-1821 Zaragoza. 1955-1977 Q27716385 None* None known Contact us
0044-183X Zaranie śląskie. 1907- Q8066610 None* None known Contact us
0501-0373 Zbirnyk "Ukraïns'koĭ literaturnoĭ hazety". 1957- Q106116891 None* None known Contact us
0350-848X Zbornik Filozofske fakultete / 1950- Q109588266 None* None known Contact us
0543-1220 Zbornik Matice srpske za književnost i jezik. 1954- Q106118538 None* None known Contact us
0350-2058 Zbornik pravnog fakulteta u Zagrebu. 1948- Q96335114 None* 2006-present Contact us
0350-7599 Zbornik radova / Geografski institut "Jovan Cvijić." 1962- Q50434955 None* None known Contact us
0584-9888 Zbornik radova. 1952- Q16619689 None* None known Contact us
0584-9063 Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta u Splitu. 1963- Q96734153 None* None known Contact us
0514-6143 Zbornik za filologiju i lingvistiku = Archivum philologicum et linguisticum / 1957-1983 Q109690108 None* None known Contact us
0454-3149 Zbornik...Kongresa Jugoslovanskih Folkloristov. 1953- Q106118539 None* None known Contact us
0044-2011 Zdrowie publiczne / 1934- Q27713975 None* None known Contact us
0514-6216 Zede : Journal of Ethiopian Engineers and Architects 1963- Q106877945 None* None known Contact us
0044-2070 Die Zeit. 1946- Q157142 None* None known Contact us
0072-4254 Zeitschrift der Gesellschaft für Schleswig-Holsteinische Geschichte. 1898- Q186613 None* None known Contact us
0323-4045 Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte. 1880- Q186616 None* None known Contact us
0323-4142 Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte. 1911- Q15749659 None* None known Contact us
0323-4096 Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte. 1880- Q15763693 None* None known Contact us
0012-1169 Zeitschrift des Deutschen Palästina-Vereins. 1878-1945 Q65041336 None* None known Contact us
0044-2135 Zeitschrift des Deutschen Vereins für Kunstwissenschaft. 1963- Q96335121 None* None known Contact us
1016-3468 Zeitschrift des Österreichischen Ingenieur- und Architekten-Vereines. 1865-1938 Q110229041 None* None known Contact us
0083-5587 Zeitschrift des Vereins für hamburgische Geschichte. 1841- Q186624 None* None known Contact us
0044-216X Zeitschrift für ägyptische Sprache und Altertumskunde. 1863- Q186830 None* None known Contact us
0044-2240 Zeitschrift für angewandte Entomologie : zugleich Organ of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Angewandte Entomologie. 1914-1985 Q21385944 None* None known Contact us
0044-2267 Zeitschrift für angewandte mathematik und mechanik. Q13360905 None* 1921-1928 Contact us
0044-2275 Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik. Journal of applied mathematics and physics. Journal de mathématiques et de physique appliquées. 1950- Q8068623 None* None known Contact us
0044-2283 Zeitschrift für angewandte Physik. 1948-1972 Q84038352 None* None known Contact us
0948-5503 Zeitschrift für angewandte Psychologie. 1916- Q106877948 None* None known Contact us
0044-2305 Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik. 1953- Q15750134 None* None known Contact us
0863-1786 Zeitschrift für anorganische Chemie. 1892-1915 Q29043780 N/A* 1892-1915 Contact us
0044-2313 Zeitschrift für anorganische und allgemeine Chemie. 1915-1943 Q186776 None* 1915-1928+ Contact us
0084-5299 Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und vorderasiatische Archäologie. 1939- Q186636 None* None known Contact us
0372-8331 Zeitschrift für Astrophysik. 1930- Q3575110 None* None known Contact us
0044-2348 Zeitschrift für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht. 1929- Q186774 None* None known Contact us
0932-321X Zeitschrift für ausländisches und internationales Privatrecht / 1927-1961 Q106877949 None* None known Contact us
0044-2380 Zeitschrift für Bibliothekswesen und Bibliographie 1954- Q186647 None* None known Contact us
0514-6364 Zeitschrift für Bibliothekswesen und Bibliographie. 1963- Q110622062 None* None known Contact us
0084-5302 Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie. 1897- Q186781 None* None known Contact us
0044-2402 Zeitschrift für Chemie. 1961-1990 Q53971995 None* None known Contact us
0932-1314 Zeitschrift für deutsche Mundarten / 1906-1924 Q27924013 N/A None known Contact us
0044-2496 Zeitschrift für deutsche Philologie. 1869- Q167664 None* None known Contact us
1619-6627 Zeitschrift für deutsches Alterthum. 1841-1875 N/A None known Contact us
0044-2518 Zeitschrift für deutsches Alterthum und deutsche Litteratur. 1876- Q186796 None* None known Contact us
0044-2526 Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft. 1881- Q186800 None* 1881-||-1928+ Contact us
0932-1934 Zeitschrift für die Chemische Industrie. 1887- Q106118540 N/A None known Contact us
0303-4194 Zeitschrift für die gesamte Neurologie und Psychiatrie. 1910-1945 Q96335131 None* None known Contact us
0044-2550 Zeitschrift für die gesamte Staatswissenschaft. 1844- Q186803 None* None known Contact us
0084-5310 Zeitschrift für die gesamte Strafrechtswissenschaft. 1881- Q186804 None* None known Contact us
0044-2615 Zeitschrift für die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft und die Kunde des Urchristentums. 1900- Q186801 None* None known Contact us
2193-9128 Zeitschrift für die religiösen Interessen des Judenthums 1844-1844 Q55174615 N/A None known Contact us
2367-1491 Zeitschrift für Elektrochemie : organ der Deutschen Elektrochemischen Gesellschaft. 1895-1903 N/A None known Contact us
0044-2666 Zeitschrift für Ethnologie. 1869- Q186656 None* None known Contact us
0044-2674 Zeitschrift für evangelische Ethik. 1957- Q15724473 None* None known Contact us
0044-2712 Zeitschrift für experimentelle und angewandte Psychologie. 1953- Q27713893 None* None known Contact us
0044-2771 Zeitschrift für Gastroenterologie 1963- Q15763287 None* None known Contact us
0044-2798 Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie. Annals of Geomorphology = Annales de Géomorphologie. 1960-2006 Q15757649 None* None known Contact us
0044-2798 Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie. 1960- Q96734228 None* None known Contact us
0044-2828 Zeitschrift für Geschichtswissenschaft. 1953- Q186678 None* None known Contact us
0513-9066 Zeitschrift für Heilpädagogik. 1950- Q108553436 None* None known Contact us
0932-1322 Zeitschrift für hochdeutsche Mundarten. 1900-1905 Q27924014 N/A None known Contact us
0372-901X Zeitschrift für induktive Abstammungs- und Vererbungslehre. -1957 Q27720233 None* 1908-1928 Contact us
0372-8420 Zeitschrift für Instrumentenkunde. 1881-1967 Q106118541 None* 1881-1928 Contact us
0044-2895 Zeitschrift für katholische Theologie. 1877- Q186814 None* 1877-||-1927 Contact us
0044-2925 Zeitschrift für Kirchengeschichte. 1877- Q186695 None* 1876-1925 Contact us
0301-1585 Zeitschrift für Krebsforschung. 1903- Q27709891 None* 1904-1927 Contact us
0044-295X Zeitschrift für Kreislaufforschung. 1927- Q27713914 None* None known Contact us
0044-2976 Zeitschrift für Kulturaustausch. 1962-2005 Q1791628 None* None known Contact us
0721-958X Zeitschrift für Kunstwissenschaft. -1962 Q106877950 None* None known Contact us
0044-3034 Zeitschrift für Luftrecht und Weltraumrechtsfragen. 1960-1975 Q106118543 None* None known Contact us
0044-3050 Zeitschrift für mathematische Logik und Grundlagen der Mathematik. 1955-1992 Q108637599 None* None known Contact us
0044-3069 Zeitschrift für medizinische Labortechnik. 1960- Q27713918 None* None known Contact us
0044-3107 Zeitschrift für mikroskopisch-anatomische Forschung. 1924- Q27713921 None* 1924-1928 Contact us
0044-314X Zeitschrift für Morphologie und Anthropologie. 1899-2002 Q27713922 None* 1899-1927+ Contact us
0372-9389 Zeitschrift für Morphologie und Ökologie der Tiere. 1924- Q47086385 None* 1924-1928 Contact us
0932-3988 Zeitschrift für Mundartforschung. 1935-1968 Q27924000 None* None known Contact us
0514-6445 Zeitschrift für Mundartforschung. 1936- Q108738066 None* None known Contact us
0044-3158 Zeitschrift für Nationalökonomie. 1929- Q8068626 None* None known Contact us
0044-3166 Zeitschrift für Naturforschung. 1947-1971 Q60674947 None* None known Contact us
0340-4811 Zeitschrift für Naturforschung. 1946-1986 Q60674952 All* None known Contact us
0044-2747 Zeitschrift für neufranzösische Sprache und Literatur mit besonderer Berücksichtigung des Unterrichts im Französischen auf den deutschen Schulen 1879-1888 Q15755461 None* None known Contact us
0044-3247 Zeitschrift für Pädagogik. 1955- Q186732 None* None known Contact us
1010-0652 Zeitschrift für pädagogische Psychologie, und Jugendkunde. 1899-1944 Q186734 None* 1899-1928 Contact us
0044-3255 Zeitschrift für Parasitenkunde. 1934-1986 Q27713931 None* None known Contact us
0372-9702 Zeitschrift für Pflanzenernährung, Düngung und Bodenkunde. 1935- Q108800558 None* None known Contact us
0372-851X Zeitschrift für Pflanzenernährung und Düngung. 1922-1926 Q108800523 N/A 1922-1926 Contact us
0938-9350 Zeitschrift für Pflanzenkrankheiten. 1891- Q51421154 N/A* 1891-1921+ Contact us
0044-3271 Zeitschrift für Pflanzenkrankheiten (Pflanzenpathologie) und Pflanzenschutz. 1929- Q106118544 None* Predecessor Contact us
0372-9729 Zeitschrift für Pflanzenkrankheiten u. Pflanzenschutz. -1928 Q106116897 N/A* 1928+ Contact us
0372-8528 Zeitschrift für Pflanzenkrankheiten und Gallenkunde. 1922- Q106118547 N/A* 1922-1925+ Contact us
0044-3301 Zeitschrift für philosophische Forschung. 1946- Q186821 None* None known Contact us
0044-331X Zeitschrift für Phonetik, Sprachwissenschaft und Kommunikationsforschung. 1961-1992 Q24192047 None* None known Contact us
0942-9352 Zeitschrift für physikalische Chemie. 1954- Q186723 None* None known Contact us
0044-3360 Zeitschrift für Politik. 1907- Q186722 None* 1907-1928 Contact us
0044-3409 Zeitschrift für Psychologie mit Zeitschrift für angewandte Psychologie. 1963- Q15751052 None* None known Contact us
0323-8342 Zeitschrift für Psychologie : Organ der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie. 1940- Q109273378 None* Predecessor Contact us
0233-240X Zeitschrift für Psychologie und Physiologie der Sinnesorgane. 1906- Q106877951 None* 1907-1928+ Contact us
0233-2353 Zeitschrift für Psychologie und Physiologie der Sinnesorgane. 1906-1940 Q109273671 None* 1906-1928+ Contact us
0375-5355 Zeitschrift für Psychosomatische Medizin. 1954-1966 Q27720231 None* None known Contact us
0044-3441 Zeitschrift für Religions- und Geistesgeschichte. 1948- Q15756235 None* None known Contact us
0049-8661 Zeitschrift für romanische Philologie. 1877- Q186828 None* 1877-1928+ Contact us
0044-3476 Zeitschrift für schweizerische Archæologie und Kunstgeschichte = Revue suisse d'art et d'archéologie = Rivista svizzera d'arte e d'archeologia. 1939- Q25380061 None* None known Contact us
1421-007X Zeitschrift für schweizerische Geschichte. Revue d'histoire suisse. Revista storica svizzera. 1921- Q106877952 None* None known Contact us
0044-3484 Zeitschrift für schweizerische Kirchengeschichte. Revue d'histoire ecclésiastique suisse. 1907- Q15763469 None* None known Contact us
0044-3492 Zeitschrift für slavische Philologie. 1924- Q186829 None* None known Contact us
0044-3506 Zeitschrift für Slawistik. 1956- Q15753620 None* None known Contact us
1619-6104 Zeitschrift für Social- und Wirthschaftsgeschichte. 1893-1900 Q21270769 N/A None known Contact us
0342-3514 Zeitschrift für Strafvollzug und Straffälligenhilfe. 1950- Q106118550 None* None known Contact us
0373-0093 Zeitschrift für technische Physik. 1920-1943 Q84086213 None* 1920-1928 Contact us
0044-3549 Zeitschrift für Theologie und Kirche. 1891- Q186747 None* 1891-1927 Contact us
0373-0069 Zeitschrift für Tierernährung und Futtermittelkunde : Organ des Forschungsdienstes in Verbindung mit dem Verband der Deutschen Landwirtschaftlichen Untersuchungsanstalten. 1938- Q96734308 None* None known Contact us
0044-3573 Zeitschrift für Tierpsychologie / 1937-1985 Q18029979 None* None known Contact us
0044-3581 Zeitschrift für Tierzüchtung und Züchtungsbiologie : Organ der Reichsarbeitsgemeinschaft Tierzucht im Forschungsdienst. 1938-1985 Q27713942 None* None known Contact us
0937-2229 Zeitschrift für vergleichende Sprachforschung auf dem Gebiete der indogermanischen Sprachen. 1877-1967 Q106118551 None* 1877-1928+ Contact us
0937-2679 Zeitschrift für vergleichende Sprachforschung auf dem Gebiete des deutschen, griechischen und lateinischen. 1852-1874 N/A* 1852-1874+ Contact us
0044-3697 Zeitschrift für Versuchstierkunde. Journal of experimental animal science. 1961-1990 Q27713951 None* None known Contact us
0931-9719 Zeitschrift für Veterinärkunde. 1889- Q106116899 None* 1902-1919 Contact us
0044-3700 Zeitschrift für Volkskunde / 1929- Q1692645 None* None known Contact us
0044-3719 Zeitschrift für Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie und verwandte Gebiete. 1962-1985 Q96335170 None* None known Contact us
0044-3751 Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsgeographie. 1957- Q27718525 None* None known Contact us
0373-031X Zeitschrift für wissenschaftliche Mikroskopie und mikroskopische Technik. 1884-1971 Q27713953 None* 1884-1928 Contact us
0139-570X Zemědělská ekonomika. 1955- Q8068928 None* 2002-present Contact us
0514-6658 Zemljište i biljka; Casopis za pedologiju ishranu bilja zemljisnu mikrobiologiju i dubriva. 1952- Q96734337 None* None known Contact us
0932-1853 Zentralblatt für Anthropologie. 1904- Q106118553 N/A* 1904-1912+ Contact us
0044-4081 Zentralblatt für Bibliothekswesen. 1904- Q27721886 None* 1904-1928 Contact us
0044-409X Zentralblatt für Chirurgie 1903- Q48755292 None* None known Contact us
0323-8199 Zentralblatt für die gesamte Zahn-, Mund-, und Kieferheilkunde. 1936-1945 Q106703235 None* None known Contact us
0044-4235 Zentralblatt für Mathematik und Ihre Grenzgebiete. 1931- Q190269 None* None known Contact us
0514-7123 Zentralblatt für Mineralogie. 1958- Q106703255 None* None known Contact us
0044-4294 Zentralblatt für Veterinärmedizin. 1953-1962 Q21056407 None* None known Contact us
0514-7336 Zephyrus. 1950- Q15765193 None* 1950-present Contact us
0044-4391 Zeszyty historyczne. 1962- Q27716390 None* None known Contact us
0044-4405 Zeszyty naukowe Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego. 1958- Q96734371 None* None known Contact us
0083-4378 Zeszyty naukowe Uniweresytetu Jagiellońskiego. 1960- Q106116903 None* None known Contact us
0083-4300 Zeszyty naukowe Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego. Acta scientiarum litterarumque. Schedae archeologicae. 1960- Q96333985 All 1991-present Contact us
0083-4300 Zeszyty naukowe Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego. Acta scientiarum litterarumque. Schedae archeologicae. 1960- Q106644601 None* None known Contact us
0083-4327 Zeszyty naukowe Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego. 1963- Q17619380 None* None known Contact us
0083-4335 Zeszyty naukowe Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego. 1963-1991 Q106892619 None* None known Contact us
0083-436X Zeszyty naukowe Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego. 1959- Q106892632 None* None known Contact us
0083-4343 Zeszyty naukowe Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego. 1960- Q96329278 None* None known Contact us
0083-4424 Zeszyty naukowe Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego. 1962- Q106877968 None* None known Contact us
0083-4351 Zeszyty naukowe Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego. Universitas Jagellonica Cracoviensis acta scientiarum litterarumque. Schedae historicae. 1955- Q17619382 None* None known Contact us
0474-8581 Zeszyty oświęcimskie. 1957- Q106877969 None* None known Contact us
1610-4188 Zetemata. 1951- Q196849 None* None known Contact us
0350-5774 Zgodovinski časopis = Istoricheskiĭ zhurnal = Historical review / 1947- Q12806662 None* None known Contact us
0528-9688 Zhènglùn zhōukān 1956- Q106116905 None* None known Contact us
0578-1981 Zhong wen qi kan lun wen fen lei suo yin = Classified index to Chinese periodicals. 1960- Q106116906 None* None known Contact us
0001-3935 Zhong yang yan jiu yuan min zu xue yan jiu suo ji kan. 1956-2001 Q106116907 None* None known Contact us
1002-9532 Zhongguo qing nian. 1948- Q10874212 None* None known Contact us
0578-1876 Zhongguo tu shu guan xue hui hui bao. 1954-2005 Q106116909 None* None known Contact us
0529-5777 Zhonghua min'guo nian jian. -1951 Q106116914 None* None known Contact us
0258-8374 Zhuan ji wen xue = Biographical literature. 1962- Q107141503 None* None known Contact us
0038-5646 Zhurnal ėksperimental'noĭ i teoreticheskoĭ fiziki. 1931- Q23973 None* None known Contact us
0036-0244 Zhurnal fizicheskoĭ khimii. 1930- Q4524128 None* None known Contact us
0132-862X Zhurnal Moskovskoĭ patriarkhii. 1931- Q106118554 None* None known Contact us
0044-460X Zhurnal obshcheĭ khimii. 1931- Q4181939 None* None known Contact us
2071-7075 Zhurnal Russkogo botanicheskogo obshchestva = Journal de la Société botanique de Russie. 1916-1931 Q47164184 None* 1916-1931+ Contact us
0044-4642 Zhurnal tekhnicheskoĭ fiziki. 1931- Q18325103 None* None known Contact us
0044-4669 Zhurnal vychislitel'noĭ matematiki i matematicheskoĭ fiziki. 1961- Q4129923 None* None known Contact us
0044-4677 Zhurnal vyssheĭ nervnoĭ dei︠a︡tel'nosti imeni I.P. Pavlova. 1951- Q15763092 None* None known Contact us
0065-0692 Zikhronot ha-Aḳademyah la-lashon ha-ʻIvrit. 1955- Q101498099 None* None known Contact us
0792-528X Zion: Me'asef ha-Hevra ha-erets-yisre'elit le-Historyah ve-Etnografyah / ציון: מאסף החברה הא״י להיסטוריה ואתנוגרפיה 1926-1933 Q101210348 None* None known Contact us
0098-9282 Zion's herald. -2006 Q99578960 None 1823-||-1906 Contact us
0744-6187 Zion's landmarks. 1867- Q105675060 None 1869-||-2012 Contact us
2008-8264 Zīstʹshināsī-i giyāhī-i Īrān = Iranian journal of plant biology. 1388-2010 Q50808272 N/A* 2010-present Contact us
0514-7727 Živa antika. Antiquité vivante. 1951- Q15767157 None* None known Contact us
0044-4855 Život i škola. 1952- Q96734464 None* None known Contact us
0044-4936 Zodiac. 1958-1973 Q106877971 None* None known Contact us
0084-5566 Zoning digest. 1949-1973 Q96335231 None None known Contact us
0898-1051 Zoölogical bulletin. 1897-1899 Q51425194 N/A None known Contact us
0044-5185 Zoologische Jahrbücher. 1911-1993 Q108459911 None* 1910-1928+ Contact us
0044-5177 Zoologische Jahrbücher. 1889-1993 Q21385974 None* 1888-1927+ Contact us
0024-0672 Zoologische mededeelingen / 1915- Q2358748 None* None known Contact us
0084-5655 The Zoology of Iceland. 1937- Q106877739 None* None known Contact us
0514-4132 Źródła do dziejów sztuki polskiej. 1951- Q107782706 None* None known Contact us
0302-8941 Zubní lékařství. 1900-1935 Q107782569 None* None known Contact us
0039-7105 Zvezda. 1924- Q2369087 None* 1925-1928 Contact us
0254-4407 Zwingliana : Mitteilungen zur Geschichte Zwinglis der Reformation. 1897- Q15766417 None* 1897-recent Contact us
0591-2385 Zygon. Q8075881 All 1966-present Contact us
1016-832X ˜Leœ maître phonétique organe de l'Association Phonétique Internationale 1886-1970 Q116921464 Unknown None known Contact us
0820-4160 ˜Leœ patriote 1876-1876 N/A None known Contact us
2398-4872 ˜Theœ charity organisation review 1885-1921 Q55174718 N/A* 1897-1921 Contact us
2565-5558 ˜Theœ Irish jurist 1849-1867 N/A None known Contact us
2050-5523 ˜Theœ Journal of the Institution of Electrical Engineers 1947-1947 Q96724480 Unknown None known Contact us
2050-5493 ˜Theœ Journal of the Institution of Electrical Engineers 1946-1947 Q96724491 Unknown None known Contact us
0369-8920 ˜Theœ proceedings of the Institution of Electrical Engineers 1949-1954 Q96728834 Unknown None known Contact us
0369-8939 ˜Theœ proceedings of the Institution of Electrical Engineers 1949-1954 Q96728842 Unknown None known Contact us
0369-8947 ˜Theœ proceedings of the Institution of Electrical Engineers 1949-1954 Q96728851 Unknown None known Contact us
0369-8882 ˜Theœ proceedings of the Institution of Electrical Engineers 1955-1962 Q96728864 Unknown None known Contact us
2050-5515 ˜Theœ proceedings of the Institution of Electrical Engineers 1950-1950 Q96728838 Unknown None known Contact us
2050-5507 ˜Theœ Proceedings of the Institution of Electrical Engineers 1952-1952 Q96728855 Unknown None known Contact us
0369-8912 ˜Theœ Proceedings of the Institution of Electrical Engineers 1951-1954 Q96728860 Unknown None known Contact us
0369-8890 ˜Theœ Proceedings of the Institution of Electrical Engineers 1955-1962 Q96728830 Unknown None known Contact us
0369-8904 ˜Theœ proceedings of the Institution of Electrical Engineers 1955-1962 Q96728876 Unknown None known Contact us
0027-2892 מאזנים : ירחון לספרות. 1929- Q6856756 Unknown None known Contact us
0286-3154 ながれ [[ナガレ]] Q108827142 All* 1969-2008 Contact us
0044-9237 アジア研究 [[アジアケンキュウ]] 1954- Q51298181 Unknown None known Contact us
0002-2942 アジア経済 [[アジアケイザイ]] 1960- Q15755559 Unknown None known Contact us
0012-5180 ドクメンテーション研究 [[ドクメンテーションケンキュウ]] 1958-1986 Q101423129 Unknown None known Contact us
0006-386X ビタミン [[ビタミン]] 1948- Q101423186 Unknown None known Contact us
0425-4929 フランス語フランス文学研究 [[フランスゴフランスブンガクケンキュウ]] 1962- Q96699949 Unknown None known Contact us
0031-4064 ペドロジスト [[ペドロジスト]] 1957- Q15756394 Unknown None known Contact us
0578-2376 中世文学 [[チュウセイブンガク]] 1956- Q101423249 Unknown None known Contact us
1002-0039 中华文史论丛/#/中華文史論叢 [[ZHONGHUA WENSHI LUNCONG]] 1962- Q63717570 Unknown None known Contact us
0578-1485 中國金融 = China finance 1950- Q101423326 Unknown None known Contact us
1012-4195 中央研究院历史语言研究所集刊/#/中央研究院歷史語言研究所集刊 [[Chung Yang Yen Chiu Yuan Li Shih Yu Yen Yen Chiu So Chi K'An]] -1928 Q15751408 N/A None known Contact us
0018-7216 人文地理 [[ジンブンチリ]] 1948- Q15813183 Unknown None known Contact us
0448-9365 人民教育/#/人民教育 [[RENMIN JIAOYU]] 1950- Q101423779 Unknown None known Contact us
0447-6573 人民音乐 / 1950- Q101423797 Unknown None known Contact us
0021-5074 人類遺伝学雑誌 [[ジンルイイデンガクザッシ]] 1956- Q26842206 Unknown None known Contact us
0484-6710 体育学研究 [[タイイクガクケンキュウ]] 1955- Q96733952 Unknown None known Contact us
0004-2889 佛教藝術 = Ars Buddhica. 1948- Q4796302 None* None known Contact us
0037-3826 信州医学雑誌 [[シンシュウイガクザッシ]] 1952- Q15755367 Unknown None known Contact us
1001-7623 内蒙古师范大学学报(哲学社会科学汉文版)/#/內蒙古師範大學學報(哲學社會科學漢文版) [[Nei Meng Ku Shih Fan Ta Hsueh Hsueh Pao (Che^ Hsueh She Hui K'O Hsueh Han Wen Pan )]] 1958- Unknown None known Contact us
0525-1931 分析化学 [[ブンセキカガク]] 1952- Q15763049 Unknown None known Contact us
0578-0659 剧本/#/劇本 [[Chu Pen]] 1952- Unknown None known Contact us
0453-073X 化学と生物 [[カガクトセイブツ]] 1962- Q96720688 Unknown None known Contact us
0375-9253 化学工学 [[カガクコウガク]] -1953 Q96700320 Unknown None known Contact us
0479-8023 北京大学学报(自然科学版)/#/北京大學學報(自然科學版) [[Pei Ching Ta Hsueh Hsueh Pao (Tzu Jan K'O Hsueh Pan )]] 1955- Q15745361 Unknown None known Contact us
1002-0209 北京师范大学学报(社会科学版)/#/北京師範大學學報(社會科學版) [[bei jing shi fan da xue xue bao (she hui ke xue ban )]] 1956-1999 Q63654372 Unknown None known Contact us
1343-2826 北関東医学 [[キタカントウイガク]] 1951- Q15766147 Unknown None known Contact us
0019-1736 医科器械学雑誌 [[イカキカイガクザッシ]] 1923- Q96709423 Unknown None known Contact us
0085-7289 南極資料 [[ナンキョクシリョウ]] 1957- Q113476266 Unknown None known Contact us
0019-4344 印度學佛教學研究 [[インドガクブッキョウガクケンキュウ]] 1952- Q15816820 Unknown None known Contact us
0457-6241 历史教学/#/歷史教學 [[li shi jiao xue]] 1951-2006 Q63717531 Unknown None known Contact us
0459-1909 历史研究/#/歷史研究 [[LISHI YANJIU]] 1954- Q10368781 Unknown None known Contact us
0438-0479 厦门大学学报(自然科学版)/#/廈門大學學報(自然科學版) [[Hsia Men Ta Hsueh Hsueh Pao (Tzu Jan K'O Hsueh Pan )]] 1956- Q27714395 Unknown None known Contact us
0577-5833 哲学研究/#/哲學研究 [[ZHEXUE YANJIU]] 1955- Q60993170 Unknown None known Contact us
0040-9650 図書館学会年報 [[トショカンガッカイネンポウ]] 1954-1999 Unknown None known Contact us
0040-9669 図書館界 [[トショカンカイ]] 1947- Unknown None known Contact us
0251-4796 国立中央图书馆馆刊/#/國立中央圖書館館刊 [[guo li zhong yang tu shu guan guan kan]] 1947-1995 Q98173613 Unknown None known Contact us
0454-2215 国際政治 [コクサイセイジ] 1957- Q107017926 Unknown None known Contact us
0452-8832 國際問题研究/#/國際問題研究 [[Kuo Chi Wen T'I Yen Chiu]] 1959- Q63717768 Unknown None known Contact us
0385-1621 土質工学会論文報告集 [[ドシツコウガッカイロンブンホウコクシュウ]] 1960-1995 Unknown None known Contact us
0009-4897 地図 [[チズ]] 1963- Q107020020 Unknown None known Contact us
0022-135X 地学雑誌 [[チガクザッシ]] 1889- Q53952307 Unknown None known Contact us
0366-6611 地球科学 [[チキュウカガク]] 1950- Q107020021 Unknown None known Contact us
0016-7630 地質学雑誌 [[チシツガクザッシ]] 1893- Q15757357 Unknown None known Contact us
0001-5717 地质学报 = Acta geologica Sinica 1952- Q98503798 Unknown None known Contact us
0038-1586 塑性と加工 [[ソセイトカコウ]] 1960- Q96724560 Unknown None known Contact us
2187-0314 塩技術研究 [[シオギジュツケンキュウ]] 1947-1950 Unknown None known Contact us
0427-7104 复旦学报(自然科学版)/#/復旦學報(自然科學版) [[Fu Tan Hsueh Pao (Tzu Jan K'O Hsueh Pan )]] 1955- Q27714057 Unknown None known Contact us
1000-0429 外语教学与研究/#/外語教學與研究 [[Wai Yu Chiao Hsueh Yu Yen Chiu]] 1959- Q15752499 Unknown None known Contact us
0366-9998 大日本窯業協会雑誌 [[ダイニホンヨウギョウキョウカイザッシ]] 1892-1946 Q117848848 Unknown None known Contact us
0474-7909 大阪経大論集 [[オオサカケイダイロンシュウ]] -1950 Q113475080 Unknown None known Contact us
0546-0921 天気 [[テンキ]] 1954- Q107020022 Unknown None known Contact us
0570-4480 安全工学 [[アンセンコウガク]] 1962- Unknown None known Contact us
0007-5124 実験動物 = Bulletin of the experimental animals [[ジッケンドウブツ]] 1957-1995 Q27710834 Unknown None known Contact us
1001-9839 山东大学学报(哲学社会科学版)/#/山東大學學報(哲學社會科學版) [[Shan Tung Ta Hsueh Hsueh Pao (Che^ Hsueh She Hui K'O Hsueh Pan )]] 1951- Q63718536 Unknown None known Contact us
0044-0183 山階鳥類研究所研究報告 [[ヤマシナチョウルイケンキュウジョケンキュウホウコク]] 1952- Q53953418 Unknown None known Contact us
0021-4825 岩石鉱物鉱床学会誌 [[ガンセキコウブツコウショウガッカイシ]] 1941-1987 Q18118035 Unknown None known Contact us
0439-755X 心理学报 1956- Q15817400 Unknown None known Contact us
0021-5236 心理学研究 [[シンリガクケンキュウ]] 1923- Q15751842 Unknown None known Contact us
0369-8009 応用物理 [[オウヨウブツリ]] 1932- Q7116288 Unknown None known Contact us
0021-7298 情報管理 [[ジョウホウカンリ]] 1963- Q47487058 Unknown None known Contact us
0387-3161 教育学研究 [[キョウイクガクケンキュウ]] 1932- Q88531284 Unknown None known Contact us
0387-3145 教育社会学研究 [[キョウイクシャカイガクケンキュウ]] 1959- Q96736252 Unknown None known Contact us
0039-470X 数学 [[スウガク]] 1947- Q107019257 Unknown None known Contact us
0037-1033 整形外科と災害外科 [[セイケイゲカトサイガイゲカ]] 1951- Q96722819 Unknown None known Contact us
0511-4713 文史/#/文史 [[wen shi]] 1962- Q63717549 Unknown None known Contact us
0511-4721 文史哲/#/文史哲 [[Wen Shih Che^]] 1951- Q13414894 Unknown None known Contact us
0257-5914 文学遗产/#/文學遺產 [[WENXUE YICHAN]] 1955- Q11079692 Unknown None known Contact us
0511-4772 文物/#/文物 [[Wen wu]] 1959- Q15814324 Unknown None known Contact us
0073-375X 新亞學報/#/新亞學報 [[Xīn yà xuébào]] 1955- Q107020018 Unknown None known Contact us
0441-3679 新体育/#/新體育 [[Hsin T'I Yu]] 1950- Q107020023 Unknown None known Contact us
0029-0424 日大医学雑誌 [[ニチダイイガクザッシ]] 1937- Q15753382 Unknown None known Contact us
0285-4848 日本の神学 [[ニホンノシンガク]] 1962- Q96737960 Unknown None known Contact us
0029-022X 日本ゴム協会誌 [[ニホンゴムキョウカイシ]] 1928- Q96719353 Unknown None known Contact us
0011-1848 日本作物学会紀事 [[ニホンサクブツガッカイキジ]] 1927- Q15755601 Unknown None known Contact us
0021-5384 日本内科学会雑誌 [[ニッポンナイカガッカイザッシ]] 1913- Q27711563 Unknown None known Contact us
0369-5662 日本写真学会誌 [[ニッポンシャシンガッカイシ]] 1934- Q107020025 Unknown None known Contact us
0369-4208 日本化学会誌 [[ニホンカガクカイシ]] -1947 Q117714973 Unknown None known Contact us
0369-5387 日本化學雜誌 [[ニッポンカマナブザッシ]] 1948-1971 Q96719375 Unknown None known Contact us
0029-0610 日本土壌肥料学雑誌 [[ニホンドジョウヒリョウガクザッシ]] 1934- Q27720796 Unknown None known Contact us
0369-5646 日本塩学会誌 [[ニホンエンガッカイシ]] 1950-1965 Unknown None known Contact us
0388-0036 日本學士院紀要 [[ニホンガクシインキヨウ]] 1948- Q96738301 Unknown None known Contact us
0021-4914 日本応用動物昆虫学会誌 [[ニホンオウヨウドウブツコンチュウガッカイシ]] 1957- Q15760268 Unknown None known Contact us
0369-4305 日本放射線技術学会雑誌 [[ニホンホウシャッセンギジュツガッカイザッシ]] 1944- Q26842850 Unknown None known Contact us
0031-9473 日本植物病理学会報 [[ニホンショクブツビョウリガッカイホウ]] -1918 Q27714401 N/A None known Contact us
0021-5392 日本水産学会誌 [[ニホンスイサンガッカイシ]] -1932 Q116378135 Unknown None known Contact us
0446-6586 日本消化器病学会雑誌 [[ニホンショウカキビョウガッカイザッシ]] 1902- Q26842051 Unknown None known Contact us
0546-0794 日本火災学会論文集 [[ニホンカサイガッカイロンブンシュウ]] 1951- Q96329310 Unknown None known Contact us
0029-0181 日本物理学会誌 [[ニホンブツリガッカイシ]] 1946- Unknown None known Contact us
0021-5007 日本生態学会誌 [[ニホンセイタイガッカイシ]] 1954- Q96325988 Unknown None known Contact us
0067-8716 日本生物地理学会会報 [[ニホンセイブツチリガッカイカイホウ]] 1929- Q21386250 Unknown None known Contact us
0021-4930 日本細菌学雑誌 [[ニホンサイキンガクザッシ]] 1944- Q26842176 Unknown None known Contact us
0369-4585 日本結晶学会誌 [[ニホンケッショウガッカイシ]] 1959- Q96719263 Unknown None known Contact us
0030-6622 日本耳鼻咽喉科学会会報 [[ニホンジビインコウカガッカイカイホウ]] 1947- Q27711681 Unknown None known Contact us
0447-5933 日本草地学会誌 [[ニホンソウチガッカイシ]] 1961- Q129337851 Unknown None known Contact us
0021-5082 日本衛生学雑誌 [[ニホンエイセイガクザッシ]] 1946- Q26842454 Unknown None known Contact us
0389-4037 日本語教育 [[ニホンゴキョウイク]] 1962- Q15817653 Unknown None known Contact us
0369-4607 日本金屬學會誌. A [[ニホンキンゾクガッカイシ.A]] 1950- Q96736781 Unknown None known Contact us
0369-4615 日本金屬學會誌.B [[ニホンキンゾクガッカイシB]] 1950- Q96736783 Unknown None known Contact us
0369-4232 日本音響学会誌 [[ニホンオンキョウガッカイシ]] 1939- Q117866034 Unknown None known Contact us
0029-0394 日本食品工業学会誌 [[ニッポンショクヒンコウギョウガッカイシ]] 1962-1994 Q116274441 Unknown None known Contact us
0578-0608 曲艺/#/曲藝 [[qu yi]] 1957- Q107020026 Unknown None known Contact us
0037-9980 有機合成化学協会誌 [[ユウキゴウセイカガクキョウカイシ]] 1943- Q3186948 Unknown None known Contact us
0021-4795 木材学会誌 [[モクザイガッカイシ]] 1955- Q27719473 Unknown None known Contact us
0040-9022 東京女子医科大学雑誌 [[トウキョウジョシイカダイガクザッシ]] 1931- Q15762582 Unknown None known Contact us
0387-2777 東北地理 [[トウホクチリ]] 1948-1991 Q96702536 Unknown None known Contact us
0563-8682 東南アジア研究 [[トウナンアジアケンキュウ]] 1963- Q15762305 Unknown None known Contact us
0039-3851 東洋音楽研究 [[トウヨウオンガクケンキュウ]] 1936- Q107019739 Unknown None known Contact us
0388-8614 林業経済 [[リンギョウケイザイ]] 1948- Q107020027 Unknown None known Contact us
0021-5376 栄養と食糧 [[エイヨウトショクリョウ]] 1949-1982 Q96319661 Unknown None known Contact us
0021-5147 栄養学雑誌 [[エイヨウガクザッシ]] 1941- Q96736043 Unknown None known Contact us
0577-7496 植物学报(英文版)/#/植物學報(英文版) [[Zhíwùxué Bào]] 1952- Q15760521 Unknown None known Contact us
0030-6150 歯科医学 [[シカイガク]] 1930- Q27711674 Unknown None known Contact us
0440-8039 比較文学 [[ヒカクブンガク]] 1958- Q107020028 Unknown None known Contact us
0021-5023 民族學研究 [[ミンゾクガクケンキュウ]] 1935- Q107017957 Unknown None known Contact us
0368-9395 民族衛生 [[ミンゾクエイセイ]] 1931-2017 Q27718180 Unknown None known Contact us
0371-4217 水産増殖 [[スイサンゾウショク]] 1953- Q27723614 Unknown None known Contact us
1005-6378 河北大学学报(哲学社会科学版)/#/河北大學學報(哲學社會科學版) [[HEBEI DAXUE XUEBAO(ZHEXUE SHEHUI KEXUE BAN)]] 1960- Q15756980 Unknown None known Contact us
0513-398X 油化学 [[ユカガク]] 1956-1995 Q96716571 Unknown None known Contact us
0372-7742 油脂化学協会誌 [[ユシカガクキョウカイシ]] 1952-1955 Q96720049 Unknown None known Contact us
0387-2890 法哲学年報 [[ホウテツガクネンポウ]] 1953- Q11555076 Unknown None known Contact us
1023-7461 法学丛刊/#/法學叢刊 [[fa xue cong kan]] -1956 Q107020029 Unknown None known Contact us
0437-6161 法社会学 [[ホウシャカイガク]] 1951- Q15757758 Unknown None known Contact us
1001-5035 浙江师范大学学报(社会科学版)/#/浙江師範大學學報(社會科學版) [[Che^ Chiang Shih Fan Ta Hsueh Hsueh Pao (She Hui K'O Hsueh Pan )]] 1960- Unknown None known Contact us
0038-0830 測地学会誌 [[ソクチガクカイシ]] 1954- Q96326322 Unknown None known Contact us
0021-4787 溶接学会誌 [[ヨウセツガクカイシ]] 1943- Q96335101 Unknown None known Contact us
0453-4360 火山 [[カザン]] 1932- Q107020030 Unknown None known Contact us
0371-5345 炭素 [[タンソ]] 1949- Q96734025 Unknown None known Contact us
0369-3775 燃料協会誌 [[ネンリョウキョウカイシ]] 1922-1991 Q96325559 Unknown None known Contact us
0582-4052 生物物理 [[セイブツブツリ]] 1961- Q96730143 Unknown None known Contact us
0037-105X 生産研究 [[セイサンケンキュウ]] 1949- Q107020031 Unknown None known Contact us
0370-8446 産婦人科の進歩 [[サンフジンカノシンポ]] 1949- Q27719749 Unknown None known Contact us
0370-9868 石油技術協会誌 [[セキユギジュツキョウカイシ]] 1933- Q96724610 Unknown None known Contact us
0559-331X 石膏と石灰 [[セッコウトセッカイ]] 1953-1994 Unknown None known Contact us
0021-5414 社会学評論 [[シャカイガクヒョウロン]] 1950- Q96709546 Unknown None known Contact us
0038-0113 社会経済史学 [[シャカイケイザイシガク]] 1931- Q15752064 Unknown None known Contact us
1000-5285 福建师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)/#/福建師範大學學報(哲學社會科學版) [[Fu Chien Shih Fan Ta Hsueh Hsueh Pao (Che^ Hsueh She Hui K'O Hsueh Pan )]] 1956- Q63718499 Unknown None known Contact us
0387-3315 私法 [[シホウ]] 1949- Unknown None known Contact us
0009-0255 窯業協会誌 [[ヨウギョウキョウカイシ]] 1950-1987 Q96724237 Unknown None known Contact us
0372-7769 窯業協会雑誌 [[ヨウギョウキョウカイザッシ]] 1947- Q117849276 Unknown None known Contact us
0418-2642 第四紀研究 [[ダイヨンキケンキュウ]] 1957- Q96330534 Unknown None known Contact us
0532-8799 粉体および粉末冶金 [[フンタイオヨビフンマツヤキン]] 1947- Q96328015 Unknown None known Contact us
0021-437X 糖尿病 [[トウニョウビョウ]] 1958- Q96329909 Unknown None known Contact us
0022-815X 紙パ技協誌 [[カミパギキョウシ]] 1955- Q96330388 Unknown None known Contact us
0371-1838 素粒子論研究 [[ソリュウシロンケンキュウ]] 1949- Unknown None known Contact us
0453-4786 経済学史学会年報 [[ケイザイガクシガッカイネンポウ]] 1963- Unknown None known Contact us
0022-9768 経済学論集 [[ケイザイガクロンシュウ]] 1947- Q107017924 Unknown None known Contact us
0037-9875 繊維学会誌 [[センイガッカイシ]] -1944 Q96333595 Unknown None known Contact us
0520-0962 美学 [[ビガク]] -1950 Q56348869 Unknown None known Contact us
0461-6855 美术研究/#/美術研究 [[MEISHU YANJIU]] 1957- Q63715803 Unknown None known Contact us
0453-2899 考古/#/考古 [[KAOGU]] 1959- Q3819709 Unknown None known Contact us
0009-918X 臨床神経学 [[リンショウシンケイガク]] 1960- Q15753493 Unknown None known Contact us
0447-7235 自動制御 [[ジドウセイギョ]] 1954-1961 Unknown None known Contact us
0366-6190 茶業研究報告 [[チャギョウケンキュウホウコク]] 1953- Q96700226 Unknown None known Contact us
0372-7629 薬剤学 [[ヤクザイガク]] 1941- Q107020032 Unknown None known Contact us
0424-7086 衛生動物 [[エイセイドウブツ]] 1950- Q15766885 Unknown None known Contact us
1000-2731 西北大学学报(哲学社会科学版)/#/西北大學學報(哲學社會科學版) [[Hsi Pei Ta Hsueh Hsueh Pao (Che^ Hsueh She Hui K'O Hsueh Pan )]] 1957- Q63718553 Unknown None known Contact us
0453-4662 計測と制御 [[ケイソクトセイギョ]] 1962- Unknown None known Contact us
0583-0230 诗刊/#/詩刊 [[SHIKAN]] 1957- Q107020033 Unknown None known Contact us
0042-3580 貝類学雑誌Venus : the Japanese journal of malacology [[カイルイガク ザッシVenus : the Japanese journal of malacology]] 1943-2000 Q21385938 Unknown None known Contact us
0073-0912 財団法人服部植物研究所報告 [[ザイダンホウジンハットリショクブツケンキュウジョホウコク]] 1947- Q13548569 Unknown None known Contact us
0451-5994 軽金属 [[ケイキンゾク]] 1951- Q96330468 Unknown None known Contact us
0021-8588 農業気象 [[ノウギョウキショウ]] 1943- Q96326694 Unknown None known Contact us
0369-5174 農産加工技術研究会誌 [[ノウサンカコウギジュツケンキュウカイシ]] -1961 Q96710326 Unknown None known Contact us
0387-3412 近世文藝 [[キンセイブンゲイ]] 1954- Q107017925 Unknown None known Contact us
0021-1575 鉄と鋼 [[テツトハガネ]] 1915- Q15746383 Unknown None known Contact us
0454-1146 鉱物学雜誌 [[コウブツガクザッシ]] 1952-2000 Q59348542 Unknown None known Contact us
1002-2058 陕西教育(理论版)/#/陝西教育(理論版) [[Shan Hsi Chiao Yu (Li Lun Pan )]] 1958- Unknown None known Contact us
0417-0326 電子顕微鏡 [[デンシケンビキョウ]] -1959 Unknown None known Contact us
0366-9440 電気化学 [[デンキカガク]] 1933-1961 Q96705079 Unknown None known Contact us
0366-9297 電気化学および工業物理化学 [[デンキカガクオヨビコウギョウブツリカガク]] 1961- Q116379285 Unknown None known Contact us
0367-5866 非破壊検査 [[ヒハカイケンサ]] 1952- Unknown None known Contact us
0911-0402 音声研究 [[オンセイケンキュウ]] 1926- Q15752017 Unknown None known Contact us
0015-6426 食品衛生学雑誌 [[ショクヒンエイセイガクザッシ]] 1960- Q26867048 Unknown None known Contact us
0454-1138 高分子 [[コウブンシ]] -1952 Q96330685 Unknown None known Contact us
0021-5090 魚類学雑誌 [[ギョルイガクザッシ]] 1950- Q21385442 Unknown None known Contact us
1225-1933 국어학 1962- Q96717132 Unknown None known Contact us
1225-3820 대동문화연구 1963- Q96704574 Unknown None known Contact us
1229-4446 사총 1955- Q96726901 Unknown None known Contact us
1598-222X 서울대학교 법학 1959- Q101424405 Unknown None known Contact us
1229-6201 인문과학 1957- Q101424344 Unknown None known Contact us
1229-6694 행정논총 1962- Q96722917 Unknown None known Contact us
1225-3561 호남문화연구 1963- Q101422366 Unknown None known Contact us
0304-128X 화학공학 1963- Q96330751 Unknown None known Contact us

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